The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, December 26, 1901, Image 4

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THe News and Courani. I. B. KM&KA Aft.) v Editor* nd 4 l > übll*hr. H. A. CHAPMAN,) A. M. WILLISIIRiI, Corre.ponding Editor. SUItSOKIFTION KATES. One Year.... .$1 00 Six Months 50 Three Months 2P THURSDAY. DEC. 20, 1901. —a.— i.... THE COI NI KY PRESS. Editor Pleasant A. Stovall, one of the brightest and one of the cleverest gentlemen in Georgia, correctly takes the position that ‘he country editor is the salt of .he earth and that the country newspapers of the state are doing a great work for Georgia. He says: “The country editor is the salt of the eaath, the saving of the state. He is generally leader in his own community, and besides looking after his own affairs is ex pected to help out every public enterprise and to pour a balm on every private grievance. The vil lage gazette is looked upon as pub lic property. During the last two years there has been great im provement in the appearance of Georgia papers. There are many papers in Georgia worthy of special mention. The weekly newspaper, as a rule, is managed with more business sense than was once the case. They have a prosperous look; the editors attend to details more closely. They have ceased to print long editorial creeds in the interest of this man or that man. They are no longer personal or gans; but work for the public good, and are managed more along the lines of public enter prises,* ADVERTISING STILL GItOWH. Long ago, says the Cleveland header, the prediction was 'often heard that a reaction, sweeping and effective, would soon set in against the bulk of newspapers made huge by advertising. It was asserted that the business of giv ing publicity to business affairs was being overdone. Efforts were made to show how much money merchants might save if they all ceased to ad\ertise, and when the trust torming craze was at its height one of the argu ments used by promoters of great combinations was that they would be able to do away with most, if not all of the cost of advertising which had been done by the com panies to be united in greater cor porations. Hardly a glance at the leading Ms2ursntm*m IMoisk^’S “All well—all happy—lot of fun”. That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnum’s Circus ever since live keepers began dosing th< monkeys with Scott’s Emul sion. Consumption was earn mg of£ two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. One day a keeper accident ally broke a bottle of ScottV Emulsion near the monkey cage and the monkeys eagerlv lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it’s cheaper to buy Scott’s Emul sion than new monkeys—and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten 'ed with it can you take the hint? This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott’s Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York. 50c and sl. all druggista newspapers and magazines is re quired to show how utterly futile attempts to check the growth of advertising have been. Year by year, month by month, the business widens and strengthens. More money and ingenuity are lavished upon advertising today than were ever before devoted to that phase of business Even the great industrial trusts have not been able to do without it. PUBLIC SCHOOL MONEY- Where the Funds Come From to Pav the Teachers. Atlanta Journal. Comptroller General Wright this morning made up a table of re sources from which the public scuool fund for the year 1902 will be received. The schools, accord ing to the statement, and it is offi cial, will receive from the state next year, $1,538,955- 1 7. an in crease of $33,000 over the fund of last year. The statement was given to .State School Commissioner G. R. Glenn shortly after it was com pleted, and he began work at once apportioning the amount each county will receive. The money will be divided out according to the number of children of the school age, The statement by Comptroller Wright is as follows: Direct levy made 1901 $ 800,000.00 Poll tax, including in solvent polls 255,727.41 Half rental W. & A. railroad 210,006.00 Liquor tax 151,490.68 Net hire of convicts 82,019.00 N-1 fees from inspect ion of oil 6,589.36 Net fees from inspect ion of fertilizers .. . 25,947.27 Show tax 5.07945 Dividend from Georgia railroad stock 2,046.00 Lease on oyster lands 50.00 Total $i,53 8 .955-i7 Commissioner Glenn will have the apportionment sliest made out bv tomorrow morning. The appro priation of SBOO,OOO was made by the legislature in 1900, and the other* sources have been paying money into the school fund for several years. gjjfl Best Coueh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use IS ’*• In time. Sold by druggists. Btfl a* |W The Children’.* Friend. You’ll have a cold thi- winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. For croup, coughs, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never fails. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless. C. B. George, Winchester. Ky., writes “Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she coaid hardly speak We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her immediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup. Christmas Holiday Kates via Seaboard Air Line Railway. During Christmas Holidays the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL WAY will sell round trip tickets between all of its stations and to points in the Carolinas, Virginia and to Washington, D. C., at rate of one and one-third fares; tickets on srle December 23, 24, 25, 30,31, 1901 and January Ist, 1902, good returning until January 3d, 1902. For students of schools and col leges tickets on sale December 16 to 22d, good returning until Jan uary Bth, 1902. For further information apply to or address any agent of the line. Public Sale. 1 will sell on Friday, December 27th at public outcry, at my home, the old Bates farm, ou Pumpkin vine creek. 500 bushels corn. 4000 buudles fodder. 2 good horses. 1 cow and calf. 3 yearlings. Besides a lot of household goods. Also a lot of farming tools. Terms made known on day of safe. S. M. Roberts. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Cheap Kates to the West. Th<> Western A Atlantic Railroad and the Nashville, Chattanooga and Si. Lou is R lilway will sell homeseekers round tri 1 tickets to a.l points in Oklahoma an 1 IndiatiTerritory on the following da >-s : Octooer loth, November sih an! 19th. December 3d and 17th. Tick \®t good twenty-one days from date ! of sale. Stopover privileges will be al I '' wed fifteen days going, at any po nt in Arkansas, Texas. Oklahoma an I Indian Territory. For rates and lull iatormnth on or wr.te to SOU N L EDMONDSON, i S. N. P. A.. Atlanta. Ga. For Mayor- To the voters of Cartersville, Ga.: With a desire to represent you as mayor of your city, I now offer myself a candidate for that position. I am no stranger in your midst nor am Ia stranger to the management of the affairs of your city. Everything that I own is within the incorporate limits of Cartersville. What is your inter est is mine, and, if elected, all I can promise is to do what is best for the advancement of both and all concerned. Respectfully, G. H. Gilrkath. For Alderman- I heareby announce myself a candidate for alderman from the fourth ward, and ask the support of the voters of Cartersville. The position is not new to me and I am satisfied that I can serve the best interests of the people. It may be possible that I cannot be present at the election, but ear nestly hope to be remembered by the voters. W. Henry Milner. Attractive Women. All women sensibly desire to be attractive. Beauty is the stamp of health because it is the outward manifestation of inner purity A healthy woman is always attract ive, bright and happy. When ev ery drop of blood in the veins is pure a beauteous flush is on the cheek. But when the blood is im pure, moroseness, bad temper and a sallow complexion tells the tale of sickness, all tco plainly. And women today know the'e is no beauty without health. Wine of Cardui crowns women with beauty and attractiveness by mak : ‘£ strong and healthy those r n-: which make her a woman. Wine of Cardui, and in an. your f. iends will know OLD SOLDIER’S EXPER IENCE. M. M. Austin, acivil*war veteran, of Winchester, Ind.,writes: “Mv wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health.” They always do. Try them. Only 25c at Young Bros, drug store All persons indebted to me must settle their notes and accounts at once. F. V. Turk, Stilesbcro. Ga imo To Get Kill of a Troublesome Corn First soak it in warm water to soften it, then pare it -down as closely as possible without draw ing the blood and apply Chamber lain’s Pain Balm twice daily; rub bing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. Asa gen eral liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Hall & Greene Druggists. Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You’ll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c. H. T. Mclutyre, St. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a dis ordered stomach, says, “Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more good than anything I have ever taken.” For sale by Hall & Greene, Druggists. slou Reward, uloO. The renders of this paper will be glad to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catariah being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous snrlaees ol the system, thereby destioving the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength bv building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors hav< so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars fo anv case that it fails to cure. Send for listoi testimonials. Address F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Pains in the Back Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to neglect, so important is a heaithy action of these organs. They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, and some times by gloomy foreboding and de spondency. “I had pains in my brek, could not sleep and when I got up in the morning felt worse than the night before. I began tak ing Hood’s Sarsaparilla and now I can sleep and get up reeling rested and able to do my work. I attribute my cure entirely to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” Mrs. J. N. Perry, care H. S. Copeland, Pike Road, Ala. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Cure kidney and liver troubles, reliove tho buck, and build up the whole system. For Alderman. I hereby announce mj name for al derman from the Third Ward and ask the support of my friends .t the elec tion 011 second Wednesday in January, 1902, and if I am elected will promise to look to the best interests of the city. Respectfully, TOM JL). WATKINS. We are requested to announce the name of H. M. LANDERS as a candi date lor alderman from the First Ward at the ensiling election to be held on the second Wednesday in January, 1902. I hereby announce myself a candi date for alderman from the First Ward at the city election. Janurr Htb, 1902, and respectfully osk the support of the voters of Cartersville. JOHN R. TRIPPE. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. Geo. S. Cobb for selec tion as alderman of the Fourth Ward. I am a candidate for Alderman from fhe second word, and if elected will endeavor to serve the city faithfully and for her best interests. JOHN C. HILBURN. Report of the Condition of tub First National BanK Of Cartersville, at Cartersville. in the State of Georgia. at the close of business. Dec. 10th, 1001. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $115,931.61 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 477.77 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500.00 Premiums ou U. S. Ronds 000-00 Stocks, securities, etc 2,4*3.47 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures 5.000 00 Other Real Estate Uwued 5,470.00 Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) 26,319.20 Due from approved re3erve;acents 19,219.25 Internal-Revunue stamps..' 35.00 Checks and other cash items 4,623.91 Notes ot other National Hanks 1,175.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 51.44 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz. Specie $ 11.212 <*> Legal tender notes 9,03 t 00 20,242 00 Redemption fund with U. S, Treasurer (other than 5 per cent.) redemption fund 625 00 Total $215,163.55 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Surplus Fund 3,000.00 Undivided profits less expenses and tax es paid 6.883.78 National Bank Notes outstanding 12.500.00 Due to other National Banks 1,45>9 Dividends unpaid si.<o Individual deposits subject to check 141,229 93 Cashier's checks outstanding, 90.00 • _____ _____ Total $215,163.55 State of Georgia, County of Bartow, 83: I, J. H. Vivion, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear nhat the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. .7. 11. VIVION. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this INth day ot Dec. 1901 , SAMUEL F. MILAM, Notary- Public for Bartow- County, Georgia, Couhkci -Attest: J A. STOVER, I J.K. VVIKLE, >• Directors. L. S. MUNFORD, j mm % * lonian We want your trade, I ~(d only for H| ,r onee, hut I*l i all time. B YOU I j—J 1 may not be figi j able to buy \ 4 anew suit j P but a tew 41 sss make neat as anybody if you buy your HATS, SHOES AND SHIRTS from our new ahd up to - date stock. We make a specialty of bright stylish NECKWEAR mmm CASTORIA. Sea?* the /p The Kind Yoa Hare Always Bough! i CHEERFUL CALL i TO /I Christmas BUyenl Beautiful Goods, I / Never So Good, I Never So Cheap] OUR FINE DISPLAY HOLIDAY GOODS IS OPENED AND READY. The Newest Novelties, the Best Selections, the Most Appropriate Presents for One and All at Fairest Prices. Do not fail to come in and see our Christmas attractions in Fancy Goods*Novelties Toilet Articles, Notions, etc. We claim for our holiday display general excellence in quality, great variety and very reasonable prices, making it beyond question or doubt the right place to get the right gifts at the right prices. j Whatever your wants may be, we can meet them with beautiful and appropriate selections. We solicit a comparison of goods and prices, knowing that our Holiday Stock will make friends, outshine rivals, please everybody and sell itsetf on its merits. RE7VTE7VYBER Fresh Christines Candies. FROM NUNNALLY'S.' n r. word. Druggist.