The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, January 16, 1902, Image 1

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SEW SERIES—VOL- [-NO. 27. SUPERIOR EOIT OPENS MONDAY. Judge Fite, in His Charge Dwells at Length on Court House- H E SAYS IT WILL BE BUILT. And Asks People to Acaulesce In Movement— No Great Amount on Bus ness on Hand. The January term of Bartow- Superior Court opeued last Mon day. , , i The grand jury for the term is composed of the following citizens: James J. Conner, Henry M. Don ahoo, George A. Dempsey, Joseph H. Cole, Joseph T. Foster, Madi son L. Upshaw, James B. Crawford John N. McGuire, BayiisE. Lewis, Thomas }* Hendricks, James H. Henson, John H. Blackstock, Francis M. Daniel, David P. Brails don, Doctor W. Loudermilk, Rich ard B. Carnes, John C. Kerr, Zach ariab T. Nichols, William L. Good win, Fountain Whitaker, Tlios. J. Bright, Samuel F. Milam, Robert B. Smith. The jury organized by selecting James J. Conner as foreman and Robert B. Smith as clerk. In his charge to the jury, Judge Fite dwelt at length on the court house question. reviewed Jffie growth of sentiment and the move ment tor anew structure endors ing the publication in the News and Courant of the expressions of the grand juries from as tar back as 1891, which showed what good men iu counsel had thought of the necessity and the jurdiciousness of erecting in anew temple. In re gard to the county taxes, he said hey had been in ’B9l 50 cents on :he SIOO, then ran up to 55, 60 and >5 cents in other years and then md gone to as low as 40 cents last ■ear and the extra levy for the :ourt house of 50 cents made the :o al 90 cents. The tax this j’ear v iuw imbWTg' re re not issued. Floyd county, bth its bar rooms, had a higner ax than Bartow. White county, leveral years ago built a court louse and levied S2O on the SI,OOO. in injunction was filed, and was iot sustained, being turned down i.v tiie supreme court, and the uilding went on and was finished mil was paid for with the taxes loiiected. He said the foundation >fthe court house was finished "id was paid for, the contract for he other part of the work had >cen let, the building will be built. There is nothing now tnat can irevent it. The commissioners live a right to build it, the grand "ties for fifteen years have recom "ended it and it has got to where t would be a disgrace to stop it. I- believed if the commissioners "every particular acted legally here was no power to stop the '"ilding. He learned the com- nssioners had been condemned by ome for their action. He thought “<•7 fiad done the best thing, and wo hundred good rixefi 'of the ounty composing grand juries had Motioned the’movement. He had ca rd that he had been criticised, fs related an incident from Rev. ' r -Yarbrough's sermon where a 'ember had disliked Rev. Simon Richardson till he said he mi broken his jug , and he had 0 'hug against hitn. io per cent. ix - s had to be raised this year if '•m's were not issued. in e present court house he said as a disgrace to Bartow county, '■charged the jury in strong "s on the evil of pistol toting. Ifl - V "’ith a bottle of whisky in c' *hp pocket aiu} a pistol in the l!tr vva s ready for any kind of •’“inent. The grand jury ought ' -now from a minor arraigned "j, "he got his weapon, as no one >a,< l loan, or famish a pistol | a minor without violating the Jae court ran aground early in ,l ler noOu Monday, Cases had t 0 occupy'’ the time, for „., c *- Vs out most of them were a/ 6 ' without trial.' The court Ur ued to .resume yesterday • .n.ijr the grand jury, though, * uifcd continuously' in session. ' 'in Cure for Chiibla.ii>'> Oot -pj in t° your shoes Allen's hi'hw^ Se ’ a P ovV der. It cures ve-f ains ’ F.'ostbiUs, Damp, ; Swollen feet. At all , exists and Shoe Stores, 25c. to CET CROSSES OF HONOR. Veterans Will Receive These Tokens of Honorable Service- AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Night, January 19—Lee’s Birthday—Judge Akin and Maj. Smith Will Speak. The Southern Cross of Honor will be bestowed on a number of veterans next Sunday night, the igth instant, which is Lee’s birth day. The local chapter of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy will bestow the crosses and have invited the Cassville chapter to porticipate in the exercises. Avery interesting programme has been arranged for the occasion. TT| e , s congregations of all the churches are invited to be present. Members of P. M. B. Young Camp and all veterans are expected to attend in a body. Addresses will be made by Maj. Charles if. Smith and Judge John W. Akin. Devotional services will be held by Rev. George W. Yarbrough. Music for the occasion will be arranged by Miss Mary Munford. * 'Ladies of the Daughters of the Confederacy will pin the crosses on the veterans. " The following are the names of veterans who are entitled to receive crosses and they are requested to fee present or send proxy to receive their crosses: J. T. Bailey, Cos. F. First Regi ment. Ga. Calvary. J. H. Brock, Cos. G. 56th Regi ment, Ga. Vols. George S. Cobb. Cos. B. Phillip’s Legion. Ga, Vols. A. M. Farrar. Cos. G. 38th Regi ment, Ga. Vols. J. D. Goodwin, Cos. E. Ist Regi ment. Ga. Vols. ■M> fclwwifle*, Go.- F. 2d Regi ment, Ga. Vols. J. E Hall. Cos. B. 31st Regiment, Ga. Vols. C. W. Harris, Cos. I. Phillip’s Region. P. V. Hollinshed, Cos I. 22d Regi ment, Ga. Vols. R. R. Hargis, Cos. B. Phillip's Region. Jas. R. Kenney, Cos. B. Phillip’s Region. W. M. Roveless, Cos. B. Rueas Battalion. J. T. Mounteastle, Cos. H. 4th Regiment, Ga. Reserves. A. P. Neel, Bryan’s Battery Mc- Glaughlin’s Battalion, Va. G. W. Watson, Cos. N. 38th Regiment, Ga. Vols. John Posted, Engineer Army Northern Virginia. . P. H. Rarev, P W. Murpbey, Jan es O. Rigon, W. B. Brooksher. BRYAN NONCOMMITTAL- Savs He Can Not Name the Dem ocratic Candidate in 1904, Cleveland,Qliio January s—As5 —As the guest of Mayor Tom L. Johnson, Hon. W. J. Bryan spent today and will remain in this city until tomorrow morning, when he goes to Wooster Ohio, to speak at a Jack son day banquet tomarrow night. Concerning the democratic plat form, Mr. Bryan said he thought it too early to forecast such a docu ment. but believed the party would stand by what it has fought for in the past two cam paigns and that the money plank will be included in the platform. Regarding his own candidacy lor the presidency, Mr. Bryan said that he was not a candidate for anything. Asked if he considered Mayor Tom L. Johnson the logical candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidency in 1904, Mr. Bryan said: There is nobody in the United States who is at present qualified to name the democratic candidate It would hardly' be prop er for me to assume the right to dis cuss any pai ticular candidate at present. This-is because lam not prepared to discuss the relative merits of men who might be asso ciated with the democratic nomina tion. As far as Mr Johnson is con cerned, every well informed man in the country' knows of Mr Johnson and of his work; hut when you crme to discuss presidential pos ..pbillities, that is another question CARTERSVILLE, GA., THURSDAY. JANUARY 1G; 11)02. II CITY'S NEW OFFICIALS. The Election Last Week Spirited, but Good Nature Prevailed• BODY ORGANIZED LAST NIGHT- A Change in Police Officers and Clerks—Other Under Officials Re-Elected, The election for mayor and four aldermen, held Wednesday of last week, was a rather spirited contest but was devoid of bitterness, and good feeling prevailed. The following is the vole: FOR MAYOR. F, M. Ford 228. G. H. Gilreath 168 FOR ALDERMEN. First Ward — J. R. Trippe 224 H. M. Landers 169 Second Ward— A. M. Puckett 216 John Hilburn 100 W. H. Barron 79 Third Ward Paul Gilreath 148 T. D. Watkins 123 J. E. Hall . 120 Fourth Ward W. H. Milner 258 G. S. Cobb 134 The newly elecieci body met Monday night to caucus before organization. The following officials were se lected and at a meeting last night were elected and sworn in for the ensuing year: Clerk of Council—G. W. \7al drup. Treasurer— H. E. Cary. Day Marshal—J, A. Henderson. Night Marshal—W. C. Goode. Superintendent of Water Works —J. E. Wikle. Water Works Engineer—N. R. New ho use. Sexton at Cemetery—Aaron liazlewood. Street Overseer—J. C. Caldwell. Anew rule regarding marshals and their duties was adopted The day marshal goes on at 12 o’clock in the day and the night marshal goes on at 12 o’clock at night. .The clerk was given new and additional duties, that of tax col lector. which duties formerly were assigned to the marshal. TRIBUTE TO MRS. CALHOUN. Resolutions of Woman’s Foreign Mi-.£i many Society- Death has invaded our midst and taken from us our much loved sister, Mrs. Annie Turpin Cal houn. The Foreign Missionary Society of Cartersville has lost One of its most faithful and useful members. Her beautiful life-, her sweet Chris tian spirit and every grace that made her a consecrated worker for th Rord will ever prove an in spiration to us all. Resolved, Ist, That while we sadly miss her, we bow in bumble submission to Him that doeth all things well, fully assured that • God’s vvh v k ai aiwavs right, ’ A nd love is o’er ihein all, Though tar above our sight.” 2d. Our church has lost one of its most loyal and faithful mem bers, our commuuity a true and noble Christian character. “Ohm more iu heaven! Another thought to brighten cloudy da vs. Another theme lor thankfulness and praise. One other link on high our souls to raitie To home and heaven 2d. That we tender our heart? felt sympathy to .her children and relatives, and pray that God will sustain and comfort them and help them to feel, “Thy will, not mine be done." And that they may strive to so live, that their departure will be as triumphant as hers a ,and “At tny leet none missing may thev uather With the saints who do thy will in' heaven. That these resolutions be record ed on the minutes of the society, and a copv be furnished the fam- j ily, and also the Wesleyan Advo- i cate. Mrs. C. A. Alldav, Mrs. John W. Akin, Mrs. D. B. Freeman. Committee, j -* ■ : a jes s i? c:. x=t x . Scars the *‘.B fO'J I; iVf AliM’S 08LgW Biguntr-e THE H Til! HOUSE Work Progressing Nicely on the New Structure. FOUNDATION IS COMPLETED. Contract Has Been Made for the Mam Part of the Building:— Brick Contract Given Out. Work on the new court house for Bartow county is proceeding smoothly The foundation has been completed and accepted by the commissioners and paid for. Messrs. Majors and Boyd, who did the brick and stone work,have done a careful and a substantial piece of work. The commissioners have given the contract for the main part of the building and work will be pushed with the least possible delay. The o|>en weather of spring w’ill see things pushed at a lively rate. The Cartersyille Brick and Tile Gom p iiiv have been given the contract for furnishing the brick, 80,000,000, and will move their yard to the river just above the Etowah mill, where they have a fine clay, and will fill the order at once. The moving of the big oolitic stones from the cars to the court house site has attracted much at tention. A traction engine has been used for drawing the stones, some of which weigh 14,000 pounds. They are for the eight massive col umns on the two fronts of the budd ing. Attention Veterans I A meeting of P. M. B. Young Camp, No. 820, U. C. V., will be held at the court house at 10:30 o’clock Saturday, 18th instant, to arrange for attending in a body the exercises incident to the distribu tion of crosses of honor, Sunday night. All members urged to be present. T. J. Lyon, Commander. Geo. S. Cobb, Adjutant. OK ACCOUNT OF TAKING STOCK OUR MIIC T i O N i ’’ . . t * • is Postpones! Until v_yti JLj I > kJ GONE TO DALTON. Mr C M Milam Accepts New Pos ition With W & A Mr. C. M. Milam, of this city, has been appointed head clerk iff thefreight department of the W. & A. Railroad, at Dalton, and left'Sa’ urday to assume the duties of his new position. This is R ie .place held by Mr. John Satterfield, wRo has been prompted to the position of traveling passenger agent. That Mr. Milam will fill his position ac ceptably totherailroad and the pub lic goes without saying. He has been assistant agent at the depot here since November 1, 1881, a place he has filled with faithfulness, and wonderful business acumen. Mr. Milam will not move his fam ily to Dalton for awhile, but will eventually make that his home. Their many friends here will re gret the departure of him and his estimable wife. There lias-been liv ing in Cartersville few"men more universally esteemed than he, and his usefulness in many ways is well recognized. He has been chancel lor commander of the order of Knights of Pythias for eight years and has been the life, the heart and sinew, so to Speak, of that .pop ular order. He has been a mem ber of and chairman of the board of stewards ol the Methodist church for a number of years, where his course reflected his zeal no less than his Christian character We commend him to the people of Dal ton with the full ardor of a con scientious regard as one worthy their confidenceand good will,- DIED IN ROME. Rema i '- ,c of lyr-j. WMiams Brought to i'l is Clt/ lor Interment. The reaiaius of Mrs. Ellen T. Williams were brought to this city last Saturday and interred at Oak Hill. Mrs. Williams died in Rome Friday. She was 60 years of age. She was a sister of the late Col. Robert H. Jones and Mr. R. L. Jones, of this city and years ago. with her husband, resided in this c.ty. Her husband passed aw iy i. i8 77- She left one son, Mr. Robe ' Williams, of 4<_me. OH) SERIES—2I ST YEAR WON A GILMER BRIDE. One of Bartow’s Bachelors Tak69 a Life Partner. Tfie last issue of the Eilijay Sentinel this notice of a recLiit marriage: Op Monday, D'ye. 30th, 1901, Mr. “Okie’’ Hannah, of Bartow county, 4nd Mi.-s Rvdia Statuev, ot Gilmer, county, were, after ; sprue procrastination, happily married at . Cassville, Ga. The groom is a well respected farmer of Bartow county, and the bride is the daughter of Fk C. Sta nley, a farmer of Gilmer county. The groom has been a c'vil and peaceable bachelor for a number ot years, waiting and v ..Idling the coming of a “better half.” The bride left Gfilmer about the first of October to visit her brother in Bartow, and after spending a sho.rt time, there she formed an ac quaintance with Mr. Hannah, who, by Lis winning ways and conver sation, won hei affections. He be ing tired of single life, came with a swelling heart to lay his plans and pleadings before her for con sideration, which was amicably done in his favor. They were expecting to be joined in the holy bonds on Sun day, but owing to the inclemency of the weather they were forced to wait until Monday, when, by the kind assistance of friends and neighbors,,they weie prepared, and the procession started for Cass ville, where they met Esq Hawkes, who immediately made them hap py by the pronunciation, “Man and wife.” May their lives be crowned with happiness and success, so that when they have reached a ripe old age they can look back and say that marriage is not a failure. Jake. Notice- The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of Cartersville will be held in the Bank building in Cartersville, Ga., on Tuesday January 21, 1902, at 11 o’clock a. m. H. E. Cary, Cashier. .j , fitf.HfcS WlltSt Mi RS£ FAILS. O StJ Efbsi Couth fprsp. Tastes (rood. Use Ppj 1 ■ i '>’■ rtnik.-isr . jE'jJ