The news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1901, March 05, 1901, Image 7

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PURELY LOCAL. Manhattan shirts in new designs at Vaughan’s. Rev. Thad. Pickett was in town Friday of last week. ludge A. W. Fite was a visitor in Atlanta Saturday. Torchon laces and allovers, all cheap at Vaughan’s. fcSattenburg designs any braids a lso Duchess braids at Vaughan’s. Monev back if you want it at Vaughan’s. See their new cloth ing- The wheat crop of Bartow coun ... promising indeed. There have been severa 1 cases of the chicken pox in the community. Captain Bob Anderson is now with the Blue Ridge Ochre Com pany. Gus Fite, Jr., is up from college and will remain until the fall ses sion. One hundred dollars given for any misrepresentation or false statement in Vaughan s ads. Mr. Thomas Roberts is just re covering from a severe spell of grippe. That big lump of geniality, Mr. Chas. N. Patterson, is with the home folks for awhile. Ladies see at once Vaughan’s, new opening in wash goods and laces you dont find them elsewhere. Mr. Gene Chunn has returned to Atlanta to resume his position with Jacob’s Pharmacy. Miss Mary Chapman has return ed from Prattville, Ala., where she has been visiting a brother. Before buying a suit for self or boy see the new line of high art clothing, perfect fitting, at Vaughan’s. Mr. Lee Trammell came up from Madison on business Monday, re turning on the afternoon train. Miss Fannie Nix, of Batesville, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. VV. T. Puckett, on Market street. Remember the name of the best field roller on earth, McColm clod crusher and soil pulverizer. N. N. Granger, agent. Miss Lula Dunahoo has been spending several days in Stilesboro this week, the guest of friends and relatives. Carhart overalls are pronounced the very best by all railroad men. They are sold by Vaughan. New line iust in. Mr. Horry F. Bradley, of the well known dry goods firm of Bradley, Griffin & Cos., was a vis itor in Atlanta Monday. Rev. Thos. A. Owens left Mon day for Texas, where he goes to visit a son. He may, however, take up his residence there. The finest and greatest selection of men and boys clothing are found at Vaughan’s, mens suits 5.00, 8.50, 10.00, $15.00. The Maxwell brothers will re build their home in Pine Log, which was destroyed by fire a week or so ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sayre Calhoun came up from Atlanta Saturday and spent Sunday with Capt. J. J. Calhoun and family. Carhart overalls absolutely the best and longest wearer at Vaughan’s. Mrs. Dr. J. VV. Bradley and son, of Adairsville, have been spending a few days with Miss Laura Rob erts. You can buy clothing anywhere but you get your money’s worth at Vaughan’s. Miss Laura Roberts was able to be at her post at Crouch’s Mon day, after a two weeks’ spell with the grippe. 2 5c secures the newest and some of the best values in neck wear at Vaughan’s. Miss Julia-Smith, after a few v “ks’ stay in Rome with grand parents, have returned home, much to the delight of her many friends and admirers. Miss Octavia Smith, who has been with her grandparents in Rome, Maj. and Mrs. W. F. Ayer, for a few months, returned Satur day. See clothing at Vaughans. A suit bought there give you the best value to be had. Mr. John Bradley, long time in Atlanta fire department, is now in the railway mail service, was in town to see the homefolks last week. New straw hats at Vaughan’s 2 5 c and 50 cents secured a hat that surprises you. Mr. J. M. Swofford, who went to Texas a few months ago, has re turned to old Bartow. His health was greatly improved while he was absent. Mr. Garnet Greene, who is now managing the Canton store of Hall & Greene, has been in town for a tew days, attending the bed side of his father, Dr. J. G.Greene. Read the ad of J. W. Vaughan & Cos. It is dependable, every word guaranteed. Mrs. Mary D. Freeman with her children have gone to Atlanta, where she will reside with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Abbott. Mr. Joe F. Allison, of Gordon county, was a welcomed visitor in in the city Monday, looking after important business matters. A few old soldiers living in the county, who fought under him, will be sorry to learr, of the criti cal illness of General “Tige” An derson in Anniston. Fine Embroideries, quality and designs you dont find elsewhere, at Vaughans. Mr. James Lackey, an old citi zen of Cartersville, has been re-in stated on the Atlanta police force and is now stationed at Grant Park. Mr. Charles Fain, of Bradley, Griffin & Cos., had as company Monday his father and sister, Judge and Miss Nannie Fain, of Dallas. Miss Leo Shockley wishes to in form her customers and the public generally that she has received a handsome stock of the latest in millinery, hats, etc., for the sea son. 4-5-im Mr. Geo. H. Aubrey dropped in upon his family Friday after a good business trip through the northeast in the interest of the Charleston exposition. He is look ing the picture of good health. Captain Steele, who has been at the head of Rome’s police depart ment, has resigned, to take charge of a $40,000 cotton mill ai LaFay ette. Captain Steele is a practi cal mill man and is a great believer in small cotton mills. The Children’s League of the Episcopal church held a bazaar in the Gilreath building on West Main street, Saturday, realizing something over SSO. Everyone participating, from managers to patrons, enjoyed the day immense ly- Commissioner Murphey bound over an Acworth negro by the name of Tom Grogan for changing one dollar bill to ten dollar bills last week. The negro, knowing there was yet some good in the “lost cause” used figures of its currency to paste over the filthy article of the present “empire.” He should have been hung. DO YOU WANT AN EASTER SUIT? IF SO, SEE T_HA_T GREAT STOCK OF CLOTHING AT BRADLEY, GRIFFIN & CO. The largest stock ever shown in Cartersville, at the lowest prices ever known to clothing buyers; We expect to increase our Clothing business by carry ing a larger stock and reducing the profits. We want every man and boy who thinks of buying a suit to call and see our line. It Will Pay You and Pay You Well. BRADLEY, GRIFFIN & COMPANY. cartersville, ca. ~| m Dr. J. G. Greene was taken very sudden one night last week, and his condition at times has been quite critical. He was reported much better yesterday morning, however. In constipation Ilerbine affords a natural, healtbiul remedy, acting promptly. A few small doses will us ually be found to regulate the ex-b crerory functions so that they are a. to operate without any aid whatever PriceSOcts. Young Bros. Dr. W. E. Thompson, who has been residing near Cass Station for the past few years, has sold his farm to Mr. R. B. Hitchcock, of Taylorsville. Dr. Thompson pos sibly may locate in Atlanta but does not give possession until the end of the year. Mr. Hitchcock is a most progressive citizen, re cently removed from Polk, and bought the Thompson farm for an investment, and will remain at Taylorsville. THE WEEKLY NEWS CRTERSVII.LE, GA. Little Lucy Hendricks, the young daughter of Judge G. W. Hendricks, has been quite ill for a couple of weeks, with little im provement yesterday. Mrs. Roy Satterfield is up from Atlanta attending the bedside of her father, Mr. M. H. Gilreath, who has been quite ill, but who is now reported some better. Mrs. Satterfield's many frends always accord her a hearty welcome. Everybody was smiling yester nay. The bright weather in timated that all would have an other go at the luscious Elberta. Few saw frost, and the thermome ter behaved quite nicely the night before, never going below 40. A great many people are won dering whether the same aggress ive interest will be taken in collect ing the ex-county commissioners’ overdrawn salaries as is being taken in building courthouses and “fixing” this legal advertising bus iness. Don’t all sweat at once. Mrs. Lula T. Lyon has been at her countiy place for a few days looking after some business mat ters. She is now residing in At lanta, taking up literary work. She has just written a story for the Sunny South, which is being wide ly read and highly complimented. Mrs. Minnie Clark, widow of Brakeman Clark, who was injured at Emerson a few months ago while passing from one car to an other, and from which he died, has entered suit for $20,000 against the W. &A. railroad C. T. Lad son, of Atlanta, is her attorney. Mr. Upshaw, the advertising man of Bradley, Griffin & Cos., is a wonder worker when it gets to displaying goods and decorating windows and store. His handi work is on exhibition now and pos sibly no store in North Georgia show such beautiful decoration as that of Bradley, Griffin & Co’s. All should see it to properly ap preciate it. Don’t use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Slve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a certain care for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin d’seases. Hall & Green notice. We take this method of notifying all who are in debted to us, to call at once and close up the old account. All that are not closed in 30 days will cer tainly be put out for im mediate collection. Matthews, Milner & Cos. For whooping cough, asthma, bron chitis or consumption, no medicine equals Ballard s Horehound Syrup Price 25 and 50cts, Young Bros. The Mason Music Cos. will supply any and ev erything in the musical line, from a jaw harp up to the finest Grand Piano made, lowest prices, easy terms. Consent their Cartersville office in Bank Slock. When you need a soothing and heal" 1 igr antiseptic application for any pur -0 >se, use the original DeWitt’s Witch and zel Salve, a well known cure for p les and skin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits. Hall <£ Green . Oow is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The oniy harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take ane can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung dis eases. It will preuent consumption Hall & Green. EASTER FIXINGS FOR MEN AND BOYS. This is the dressy season of the year—Easter time. We have made unusual preparations for this spring. We can fit you with Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds or Serg es, whose quality please you most. Our clothes have that square military effect WHICH SURPRISES THE MAN FAMILIAR WITH CUSTOM TAILORING. —— Our assortment of Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Under wear and Suspenders is as brilliant and facinating as any one could wish. OUR PRICES compared to other stores, are sometimes the same for a better grade, some times a little under for the same grade, Generally Considerably Less. See tlie Goods we are Showing. SCHF.UF.R’S FEAR BLOODSHED IN COFFEE Trouble Brewing Between Big Pine Company and Its Neighbors. W aycross, Ga., March 25. The Southern Pine company aud residents of Coffee county are at war over the ownership of timber lauds around Nich olls, and the feeling has reached the danger mark. During the past month no less than 25 saws have been ruined at the big mill, seven of them being de stroyed Saturday. One man employed by the company has been notified tnat he must leave at once or suffer the con sequences. He sayg that he expects to be assassinated at any time, but does not propose to be frightened off. People in that part of the county are so intensely bitter against the Southern Pine company that bloodshed is feared by the more law abiding element. It seems that the company is having tim ber cut on lauds claimed by others, and, in order to get even, holes have been bored in the trees and railroad spikes, plow points, iron pipes, etc., have been driven in, then the holes being plugged up with wood. When the saw strikes these pieces of iron it is ruined. There is great danger of employes of the mill being fatally injured by the bursting of the saws, aud unless the trouble is settled soon it is liable to reach dangerous proportions. Dispenser Player Sentenced. Columbia, S. C., March 25.—F. M. Player, dispenser at K'.ugstree, lias been found guilty of breach of trust with fraudulent intent. Judge Watts sen tenced him three aud a half years in the penitentiary. This is the first convic tion of the kind since the dispensary started. Player is a white man of con siderable political influence. Last Christ mas he claimed that robbers rode up to his dispensary aud robbed the safe of over 12,000, which, by law, should have been turned over to the county treasu rer. His bond had expired the day be fore and other suspicious circumstances led to an investigation which ended in conviction. May Reject Carnegie Gift. Nf.w York, March 25. A special from Newcastle, Pa., says: Owing to the attitudes of labor unions, the city council will in all probability reject the $50,000 offer of Andrew Carnegie for a public library for this place. Help is needed at once when a per son’s life is in danger. A neglebted cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough care quickly cures, coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat ard lung troubles. Hall & Green. _ Remember that the Un ion Supply Cos., at Car tersville, Ga., will furnish you with all styles and grades of Sewing Ma chines to better advan tage than any other house in America. Johnston Trged For Third Term. Birmingham, Ala., March 25. — G. B. Burkhalter, a prominent contractor in this city and former member of the leg islature, a good friend of Captain Jo seph F. Johnston, ex-governor of Ala bama, is authority for the statement that Captain Johnston is receiving a number of letters from various parts of the state requesting that he allow the use of his name in connection with a third term in the chief executive’s chair a# tU ataW When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can’t live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests whao you eat, so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the odly preparation that digests all kind of food. Hall & Green N. A. BRADLEY, BLACKSMITH. WEST MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, - CA. Good work, prompt attentirn to every wish of every customer guaranteed. PROMPT PAYING TIME CUS TOM SOLICITED. i -2-iy -ONE™ MINUTE COUCH CURE cures quickly. That i what It wa made for. Prompt, safe, sure, quid relief., quick cure. Pleasant to tako Children like it and adults like it Mothers buy it for their children. Prepared by E. O. DeWltt A 00., maker* ol Be Win,’® Little Early Blaen, the famo* little pill*. tt*r,T. ar and Grukn* FARM LOANS, 6% PER ANNUM. Cheap Land FOR SALE. G. H. AUBREY. Baokrnpt Petition for Discharge In the District Court of the United States For the Northern District of Georgia (Northwest ern division ) In the matter ot B. C. Smith, bankrupt: In bankruptcy. No. 5. A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by the above named bank rupt, and the .ourt having duly ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had April 13th, 1901. at 10 o’clock, a m at the United States r District court room, at Atlanta, Ga., notice is hsreby giv en to all creditors and other persons in interest to app lar at the time and place named, and shoi cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. Thb 26th day of March, 1901 W.C. CARTER, Clerk. By JOHN C.PRINfUP, Dept C’erk. Citation tor Administration. Estate Dorothy Abernathy. GEORGIA, Bartow Countv. To whom it may concern: Mary Abernathy having in proper form, applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Do rothy Abernathy, late ot said county deceased This is to cite ail and singular the crditers and next of kin of Dorothy Abernathy, to be and ap pear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if anv thev can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Joe M Moon, county administrator, on Dorothy Aber nathy’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 3rd day of April, iqoi. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Citation for Administration. ' Estate John Elliott, (col ) GEORGIA, Bartow Countv. To whom it may concern: Joe P. Bowdoin, as a creditor having in proper form, applied to me for permanent ’etters of administration on the estate of John Elliott, colored, late ol said county, deceased, this is to cite all and si gular the creditors and next ot kin of John Elliott to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Joe M. x"oon. as county administrator, on John Mhott’s es'ate. Witness mv hand and official signature this 3rd day of April, iqoi |G W HENDRICKS, Ordinary Citation tor Dismission. Estate Caleb Gilreath, GEORGIA, Bartow Countv: Whereas. W. A Jackson, executor of Caleb A. Gilreath. represents to the Court in his peti tion, duly hied and entered on record, that he has fullv administered Caleb A. Gilreath’s estate. This i-. therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindied and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not lie discharged from his admimstiation, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July next. This April 3rd, 1901. G. W. HENDRICKS. Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. Estate James Barton. GEORGIA, Bartow Cdunty. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, at the court house, said county, be tween legal sale hours the following land, te-wit East half of lot 118, in the 6th district and 3rd section of said countv, except eight acres which were sold by lames Barton in his lifetime. Terms cash April 3rd, 1901. S.G H. BARTON, Administrator James Barton. Citation for Dismission. Estate J. D. Bowdoin. GEORGIA, Bartow County. Whereas, E. C. Bowdoin. administratrix of J . D Bowdoin, represents to the court in her peti tion duly filed, that she has fully administered J. D. Bowdoin s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can. whv said administration, and receive letters of dism ssion on the first Mon day in July next. This Arril 3 1901. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA. Bartow County, Whereas, Geo M. JackonandE L. Jackson, executors of the will of '/. W. Jackson, represents to the court in their petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that they have fully administer ed Z. W, Jackson's estate. This is therefore! to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said execu tors should not be discharged from their executor ship and receive letters of dismission on the ftrst. Monday in June, 1901. March 4th. 1901. G W HENDRICKS, Ordinary. There is a variety of Bicycles at our factories which will be closed out at special prices this month. Enquire at Car tersville office of Union Supply Cos. 0e attache tfepperl in 30 minutes by Pe \UV— '<■*? .iu * a■*