The news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1901, March 27, 1901, Image 5

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Lfl Hlell Senorita ys?i that THIS IS BRANDED £> , : ON EVERY J Kibo Kid. /'-"""fi Light Sole. Medium High Heel. tXACT REPRODUCTION OF THIS STYLE SHOE. NEW CENTURY WASH FABRICS. With i h of tiowerbe. ' decked Jane come these fresh crisp productions of the new century’s daintiest designs. Summer sewing is best done during house-staying days of early spring and you will take pleas ure in choosing from these new lines while they are fresh and have the satisfaction of choosing while the bloom is on ecch piece of goods. 4 LUCES AND EMBROIDERIES. KfM’Xf, , , , . , out going to the trouble ot looking ail over the town. 1 hese goods were selected with care and cannot fail to please. We also have a beautiful line of Table Linens, Dovlies, Towels in beautiful pat terns. * Pai nfIDCCTC are the best on the markets. We have them in all shapes ■ UUlluL I O and three styles of straight fronts, which are very popular justnow. SWELL LINE OF PARASOLS. 2; £ something new and pretty, in all colors, with lace effects, stylish and handsome. OX BRAND PANTS. wear well. They are just what you want iu elegant roods at a low price. See them. IJNOPI?WPAS? Our ne unoerwear > s larger than usual, and these new good are *''* just what you will need during the summer mouths. Get them now f j General NnFjJ Favorite. "i'NbXM THAT this IS BRANDED ON EVERY Abo Kid. \ \ Medium <ow Heel. “XACT REPRODUCTION OF THIS STYLE SHOI MONARCHISTS PLOT NIPPED IN THE BUD The Brazilian Government Greatly Excited. WAR VESSELS GUARDED Through the Suicide of Huron De Urn-gal Some Sensational Kevela tions Were Hrought to Light—Blot to Assassinate President Salles. Rio de Janeiro, March 25. Great ex citement prevails here over the arrest of Admiral Custodo Jose Mello and others on account of the revelations of a monarchistic plot through the suicide of Baron De Burgal. Extraordinary precautions are being taken by the government to prevent any outbreak. Apprehension centers about the navy. The war vessels are being closely guarded, as it is believed that the officers are not quite trustworthy. Details of the plot which Baron de Burgal revealed to the authorities have been made known. It was the purpose of those concerned, it is declared, to give the signal of the outbreak by the assassination of President Campos Salle*. During the excitement that followed the monarchist adherents in the army and navy were to take possession of the city and hold the government offices. The affairs of state were to be entrusted to a triumvirate composed of Admiral Mello, Marshal Canturia and Counsellor Lafayette Pererina. ■ Admiral Alkes was quietly removed from this city, as it was feared his pres ence would cause disturbance. He was conveyed to Cobias island. Beared Mob Vengeance. Gshenwood, S. C., March 25. —Fear- ing the vengeance of a mob, tne author ities of this place sent Emanuel Hay good, the negro charged with attempt ing to assault Mrs. J. S. Hail of Rich mond county, Ga., to Augusta. The negro was believed to be equally unsafe in Augusta and he was carried to At lanta Saturday, and is now confined in the Tower. Haygood, who is only 19 years of age, already has a very notori ous career as a criminal. Output Alabama Coal Mines. Montgomery, Ala., March 25.—The output of the Alabama coal mines for the year 1900 was 9,400,000 tons, an in crease of nearly 1,000,000 tons over the previous year. The mines are being worked to their full capacities and new openings are being made and it is esti mated that the output for this year will reach 12,000,000 tons. The figures have been compiled by State Mine Inspector Hooper, who has completed his official report. EVERYTHING FOR * ... OjSS^^V.. > * WE.WANT. YOUR SFIRIUTG}- PURCHASES. DEMANDS ARE CONCEDED No Danger of a Strike In the Pitts burg District Now. Pittsburg, March 25.—Patrick Dolan, district president of the United Mine Workers’ association, announced today that after a conference lasting more than three weeks the operators conceded the demands made by the miners in the new wage scale and a fair settlement for the Pittsburg district has been effected. A call was issued Saturday for a con vention to be held Thursday next to con sider the advisability of striking, but all the convention will have to do now will be to ratify the scale assigned. The miners’ officials will take up the Beaver and Irwin district scales this week. Columbus Reporters Strike. Columbus, 0., March 25. —The entire local staff employed on the Press-Post went out on strike this morning. The proprietor had been given until 9 o’clock this morning to sign the scale of the newly formed Newswriters’ association, but failed to do so. It is understood that the management is making an effort to settle the dispute. Furnace Employes Threaten Strike. Youngstown, 0., March 25. —The furnace employes of the Mahoning and Shanango furnaces who have just been organized into unions, served notice on operators today that unless an increase of 10 per cent in wages was granted they would go on strike April 1. About 2,500 men are employed at the furnaces. Marseilles Strike Unchanged. Marseilles, March 25.—The strike situation has undergone little change. There have been no further disorders; more street cars are running today, pro tected by police. The strikers are quietly trying to influence workers to join them, and many factories are closed owing to want of engineers. Ht bHQT HIS WIFE DEAD Terrible Tragedy Occurs In Chicago Milliuery Store. Chicago, March 25.—Charles Latti mer went into his wife’s millinery store at 506 West Sixty-third street today, walked no behind Mrs. Lattimer, who was examining a hat preparatory to de livering it to a customer, and without a word shot her in the heart, killing her instantly. He then placed the weapon to his own head and fired, inflicting a fatal wound. No reason is known for the tragedy. Snowbound Trains Believed. Omaha, March 25. The Union Pacific railroad reports this morning that the four passenger trains that were snowbound most of the day yesterday and last night in the vicinity of Ogal lala, Neb., have been relieved and are making headway. Several snow plows last night cleared the tracks between North Platt and Julesburg. The storm has abared and danger of further block- I ade i" fn be ras*. “Say,' Jim, these OX f •<! UCHES is regular •-Life-savers! pa! pi KTT~ Hurry an’ finish the (ob; It the ropes on this end of the scaffold breaks too, it's ell :r ‘ 1• -j .................—. | C. L. COLLINS & CO. Accidentally Shot Himself. Washington. Ga., March 26. —While Hon. F. H. Colley, Archie Colley and Judge Henry B. Tompkins of Atlanta were snipe hunting yesterday afternoon Arch it l Colley’s gun was accidentally discharged, burying a dozen or more shot in Hon. F. H. Colley’s hand and side. One entered his eye, bat his phy sician thinks it will not necessarily de stroy the sight. Judge Wither-poon Dead. Columbia, S. C., March 25.—Former Circuit Judge Isaac Donem Witherspoon died at Yorkville, aged 60. Judge With erspoon was the leader in redeeming his county from radical rule in 1876. He was greatly beloved for his charity and good works. After being on the bench for 16 years, Judge Witherspoon retired four years ago. Salisbury Not Seriously 111. London, March 25. The report that Lord Salisbury is ill is somewhat exag gerated. He suffered from a slight cold in the head yesterday, but is better to day. The Portraits of Our Presidents With Biographical Sketches BY General Charles H. Grcsvenor Title page designed by Tiffany This inaugural year, when the public mind is aroused over Presidential questions, is a fitting time to issue General Grosvenor's book. Its sale is already tremendous, and wifi perhaps exceed that of Geneial Grant,s Personal Memoirs. Evert) patriotc American desires to read what General Grosvenor has to say of George Wash ington,Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jacksou, Abra ham Lincoln, Piesident McKinley and the other Chief Executives of the Nation. 'Everybody de sires to read what Ceueral Crosvenor.the staunch old Republican leader in Congress,wlllsay oi that staunch old Democrat, Andrew Jackson, the Father oi the Democratic Party. General Gros nenor has thrown into his sketch of Jackson all the fire and energy of his nature The biography of Thomas Jefferson m grand. The biography of Lincoln is as beautiful as a sunrise over the nill tops. Generai Grosvenor has personally known all the Presidents since the time of James Buch anan The General’s book will therefoie contain history which has never before been published, written from his own personal observation of these great men. General Grosvenor has served in Congress lor nearly twenty years, and he has served his countsy in War and Congress for nearly fortv years. The book contains twenty four large Photogravure Etchings as fine as Stee Plates, printed by hand, on heavy piate pai er, made epecialiy to order. These 24 Photograure Etchings aie in different tints, and are "ell worth $2 each. These Portraits are ade from the Paintings endorsed by the family and near relatives of the Presidents. Two years time and a fortune have been expended in securing these reproductions. The complete book is well worth SSO, but the price has been placed so low that the most humble American citizen can own it. The biographical sketches are printed in large open rype in swo colors; the work is so beautiful that when people see it they want It. The advance sale is already very large. President McKinley was the first subscriber. There is one edition known as the Pjfesident Edition de Grande Luxe initial ldters hand painted. Portraits hand col ored, title page hand illuminated, registered and numbered; subscription price, #250. Orders and applications for territory are coming in rapidly. A high cfa=s man or woman of good social stand ing can soon make a small fortune taking orders in this cdfcimunity. Send references and apply for terms quick, as the Territory will all be as signed soon. AddreesTHE CONTINENTAL PRESS, Corcoran Building, Orpo-siTF United Bttfs Treasury, WASH.NGTiN, D C THK WEEKLY NEWS CRTERSVILLE. GA. WP HA DP TO A <N<sPI?T thut uever in the history °f Cartersville has such an W L L/fAKE Iv/ /\OOL IV 1 elegant display of Dress Goods in all the latest de signs and colors been shown . * Pretty and 6tylish are gentle terms when used to describe the I RFI TC The ladies will find a beautiful line of latest style Belts, Broaches, iLnUILu UCU 10. side c om bs, Kid Hair Curlers and all other recessary articles to ,please their fancy. We have a pretty line of Curtain Swiss, Scrim, etc. 1 We Have Sol ved It. We never sacrifice qualily but buy in such large lots that we can affoi and to sell at very low prices. is the one who is sure to make a success of his season s labor. Our customers cannot but do so, for feed saving r Crop Making* Farm Machinery is the only kind we self 1 THE HOUSE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. beautiful line of Dress Goods which we ate placing before the public this season. What you find here is" up-to-date, and you should not fail to see these goods before making your selections for spring dresses. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Sflsg introduced in Cartersville by us has given universal satisfaction, and there is no cotter shoe made tor ladies. ■■l fj IjO CUfIC f° r men aret l' e bf* s t f° r 4 ' ie P r “iP ever shown in Cartersville- MRNNA Xrlllr They are not only made to sell, but are made to we;r, and uiniiitu w ’ lut every pair is guaranteed We nave a fall line of Children’s Shods of excellent quality, and the prices are right. • GENTS FURNISHINGS. ™ which canuot be excelled even in the larger cities. Latest patterns in Hats, plain and fancy Negligee Shirts. Fancy jbalf Hose in beautiful stripes and colors. Belts and every thing a man needs to dress well and look well. n ual l ty it IIANTITV. That is the problem which has long confronted us. You see there are so manv goods which may look all right but which are really inferior. Bros I •' _____ , ® ■ I VI ■ W V • I | ’I. V ■ I 11 r' fa i J_ i a I ■ 1a /. I k i j.j Long and vSsU: Shapely. J tha/this BRAN-OED L JjXon every Kibo Kid. Light's. Flexible Sole. High Vamp. EXACT REPRODUCTION OF THIS STYLE SHOE. Kid T*| Fashion's Tip. jJ Favorite. •I SEE J I THAT THIS IS BRANDED EVERY Medium Sole. y ff"~~ — Square Edge. \ Medium Low Heel. EXACT REPRODUCTION OF THIS STYLE SHOE - IT PAYS jPT to mm y,i /. the