The news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1901, June 07, 1901, Image 6

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THE NEWS . THE NEWS PRINTING CO. JOHN T. NOKKIS, Sec. and Tkeas. ALEX. M. WILLINGHAM, E.ctor. l 8 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Id advance, i year, , li.oc “ 6 months, ... ;c On time, i year, .... i.s{ “ 6 months 6t Advrr tising Kates Very Liberal and Mad* Known on Application. Bank Block Next Door to Postoflice. — 1 Official Oigan Bartow County, 2!_ .!!■-!" - 1 ' " ■■ ■U'Jg Agents for The News. For the convenience ol our subscribers at the difletent post offices over the county, The News Is now operating agents, to whom sbscriptions can be paid. Those below have complete lists of our subscribers at the post offices named, where a subscription can be pa Conner H. Pittard Grassdale. John A.McKelvky Kingston. I. W. Anderson Adairsville J. E. Hammond Stilesboro. J. J. Murphey Folsom. T. J. Taylor Euharlee, Ga. Henry J. Pratt Cassville Ga. G.W. Covington Pine Log, Ga. HbnryT. Pratt Cass Station, Ga June 7, 1901 Points about Printing: W have *M f the most com plete Job offices In North Georgia, and£are prepared to turn out tho best grades of printing at reasonable cost. The smallest orders receive the same careful atteotioa as the largest, and are especially so licited from those who have net before dealt with us. Our facilities enable us to fill all orders with the least pos sible delay, and the uniform fair treatment extended soon concerts the occasional patron iato a regular customer. It will be to your advantage to sea as when la seed of any thing ia ear line. Tk* Prlatiag Cos. ‘Phone g CartersviUe, Ga. At a cabinet meeting Tuesday it was determined that an extra session of congress was unneces sary for the handling of our tariff affairs with the Philippines. Senator Morgan is the father of the scheme to change the constitu tion of Alabama so that a negro cannot hold office in the state un der its laws and new constitution. Col. Lon Livingston is of the opinion that an extra session of congress will be neccessary to un tangle insular affairs in regard to our new possessions. President McKinley, he thinks will want the assistance and co-operation of comgress in handling the affairs. Col. O. B. Stevens, commission er of agriculture, returned from a trip to the lower part of .the state Monday, reporting that the crops in that section were virtually ruin ed by the heavy rains, and the cotton is being eaten up by the lice. Governor McSweeney, of South Carolina declines to accept Sena tors Tillman and McLaurin’s res ignations. McLaurin says he is glad, but Tillman says he will compel the governor to accept his. McLaurin, on second sober thought, has decided, besides keeping his job it is no play busi ness to run into Tillman’s pitch fork. Since he is assured ot safe ty he has developed into a great jawsmith that would knock a prizfighter clean out of business. George F. Gober, superior court judge of Blue Ridge circuit, is on the road to being the “peach king” of America. In fact, he is so far advanced along the road that it will take but a year or two more of his present energy to put him there. His orchards are scat tered through a series of counties along a stretch of 50 miles and al most every month of the year he takes the title to anew orchard. Where he has not bought, he has planted and always clung a well defined plan. He is an enthusi astic lover of trees and the Elbert as in particular. Asa judge he has been fearless and as a fruit grower equally daring. —The Chicago Packer. BREAKFAST. MANKIND'S BANE. The scientists never get tired of telling us what a dangerous thing it is to live. They drum it into us upon all occasions that there are bacteria in the water and bugs in tlx* air; if we drink milk we swal low myriads of germs, and if we drink whisky we take into the system that which will destroy body and brain. Even the kisses of love and beauty are apt to be laden with all sorts’of little wrig glers, only awaiting the opportun ity to get into the system and set up some dire malady. 1 herelore, says science, we ought to sterilize everything —milk, kisses and ail, if we don’t want the bugs to catch us. And now comes along a scientist with still another theory. Happily he has no bugs with which to alarm us, but what he says is ominous of evil things to befall if we do mend our ways quickly and depart from paths we have been treadmg for lo! these many years. In short, he assure us that we have got to quit eating breakfast, it v.e want to escape apoplexy. Millions of persons of all aces, in all parts of world, have been eating the morn ing meal, without falling down with applexy; but it must be re membered they had not then been warned. Twenty-five years ago people did not have appendicitis; nobody had ever heard anything about it, consequently, nobody had ever heard anything about it, consequently, nobody had it. Now, however, every fashionable doctor must always have one or more cases of appendicitis on his visit ing list. Thus it may prove with the baleful breakfast habit. Hav ing been informed with respect to it, the number of those who fall victims to it may be expected to increase rapidly. The discoverer of the breakfast bane is a Pennsylvania man. It is his theory that the brain cannot rest as long as the stomach is at work. Thus when one eats lunch eon and a late dinner the stomach continued its duty of assimilating the food throughout the night, and the brain keeps pace with it in ac tivity. Then when morning comes if one gets up and sets the stomach anew task by eating breakfast, the brain is forced to continue its activity without having taken any time off for rest and recuperation. When this sort of thing is kept up for a length of time, the discoverer says, the inevitable result is ap poplexy. Therefore, leave off eat ing breakfast, he says and give the stomach and brain a chance to rest, if you would live long and be hap- py- The common belief heretofore has been that the brain rested, to a greater or less extent, during the houis of sleep. But, of couse, they know about those things in Pennsylvania, and since a Penn sylvania man has said otherwise it might be risking something to dis pute the proposition. It is not quite clear, however, why the dis coverer does not carry his theory further, and make it embrace luncheon, dinner and supper as well as breakfast. If it is good for the biain to rest through tiie forenoon, why would not it be bet ter to have it rest through the afternoon, evening and night also? What a delightful thing it would be to have a perfectly passive brain, and a stomach without crav ings! Could that condition not be acquired by cutting out the other meals as well as the breakfast? Dr. Tanner, the famous faster, says eating is pretty much a matter of habit, anyway, and that it is pos sible for the human species to hi bernate, just as the bear and the alligator do. A thought that obtrudes itself, by the way, in connection with this anti-breakfast “scientific” theory, is that the discoverer and promoter of it had been without his break fast at the time he envolved it, and that his breakfast at the time he envolved it, and that his brain was profoundly at rest. —Savannah News. Waukesha, Wis with its miner al springs, well kept drives and other natural advantages, is an ideal place to spend the warm summer months and the Wiscon sin Central R’y. is the direct route from Chicago. See that your tickets read that way. “Glimpses of Summer Resorts” and other illustrated booklets to be had by addressing Jas. C. Find, G. P. A. Milwaukee, Wis. Do not fail to register for the electric light bond election.. There are only a few more days in which to do so. Many of our farmers are talking of subsoiling during the au tumn and winter. Shallow plow ing has about finished the uplands of this section and subsoiling is the only practical way to bring the lands back to their former rich ness. Dry seasons are the best time to subsoil and it is'hbped that many will inaugurate the sys tem the coming season. THE WBEKLY NEWS, CARTERSVjLLE, GA. What About These Prices? 3 lbs. Cal. Apricots, 25c. 5 lbs. ev.ip. apples 25c. 4 lbs. nice bright country dried apples 25c. A few country dried peaches at . Remember these prices are abou> 1 50 per cent below regular retail prices for these goods. A few I seeded raisins and cleaned currants full pound ptekages. 2 for 25: What about a currant or raisin pudding for desert? Fresh dates 10c pound packages. nHeinz’s spiced cucumber pickles, 5 <c. gal. Just received a fre-h lot of hams, breakfast bacon, boneless hams, smoked side meat for your beans, ets., all of which is direct from the packers, thence fresh, sweet and nice. Try a sack of our Ten nessee best patent flour. If not equal to or better than any you have ever used, return and get your money. We keep the best head rice and Hudnut grits. Pos tum cereal and grape nuts, regular standbyers iu every family. Pos tum cereal and grape nuts becom ing more and more popular on ac count of their nutritive .qualities. Please bear in mind that we are up to-date grocers and what you get from us is first class in every re spect. MILLER 11. GILREATII, JR. A DEEP MYSTERY. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Heabache, Nervousness Sleeplessness’ Melancholy, Fain ting and Dizzy Spell when thous ands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. “I suffered for years with kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson. la., “and a lame back pained me so I could not dress myself, dut Elec tric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old. I now am able to do all my housework.” It overcomes Constipation, improves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at Young Bros’. Drug store. A Charleston special says: There are more people in Charles ton suffering from insanity than in any other city in the state of South Carolina. Insanity is on the increase and the city hospital is so crowded with imbeciles that many insane patients are turned away. The matter is serious, for the authorities cannot place in sane patients in the state insane asylum, owing to the crowed con dition of that institution. Many applicants have been refused and are being cared for by relatives. Physicians here state that the in sanity is due to the blind tigers, which sell illicit whiskey, doctored or adulterated. The state author ities are much exercised over the matter and persistent efforts will be made to break up the sale of illicit whiskey, which wil be a difficult matter, for more than one hundred are operated in Charles ton. The records of the probate court show' that during the past five months more insane people have been sent to the asylum than ever before in the same length of time. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For billiousneos, constipation and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure and nervous prostrarien. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic legulations, take Lemon Elizir. 50c and $1 bottle at druggists Prepared only by Dr. H. Moz.ey, Atlanta, Ga. Gratitude. I)r. H. Mosley—Dear Sir: Since using your Lemon Elixir I have never had another attact of those fearful sick headaches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. MRS. ETTA W. JONES. Parkerburg, West Virginia. Mozley’a Lemon Elixir. I suffered with indigestion and dys entery for two long years. 1 heard of Lemon Elixir; got it, taken seven bot tles and am now a well man. HARRY ADAMS. No. 1734 First Ave. Birmingham, Ala Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. Cured my husband, who was aillicted for years with ulcers on his leg, and was cured after using two bottles; and cured a friend whom the doctors had Riven up to die, who had suffered for years with indigestion and nervous prostration. MRS. E. A. SEVILLE. Woodstock, Ala. A Card. For nervous and sick neadaches, indi gestion, billiousness and constipation (of which I have been a great sufferer) 1 have never found a medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and pe-manent relief of Dr. H, Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. J. I‘. SAWTELL, Griffin, Ga. Publisher Morning Cali. For whooping coogß, asthma, bfitn chitis or consumption, no medicine equals Ballard s Horehound Syrup Price 25 and SOcts, Young Bros. THE PLATONIC LOVE LET TERS OF CH AS. DICKENS. For more than fifty years an En glishwoman (who is still living) has cherished a little sheaf of let ters written by Chas. Dickens. These charming letters show the novelist in anew part —that of the successful matchmaker. They tell they story of another man’s courtship and show how the writer spurred a faint hearf into winning a fair lady. They will be printed—for the first time —in The Saturday Even ing Post for June 13. The south is not moving to ex clude the negro from participation in politics because the men of the SDuth who make and control pub lic opinion “hate the negro.” Those same men have exc’uded, : n Mississippi, black and white ig norant alike, and this will be the final outcome in all the southern states. The point is that the ne gro is better appreciated for his good qualities in the south than he is anywhere else, and those that are sensible are appreciative of that fact and govern themselves accordingly.—Chattanooga Times- Ought, it would seem, to give exemption from the diseases which prey upon the residents of thickly populated cities. But there is no exemption from disease, and in the country, as in the city, one may see the cheeks grow hollow and the eyes grow dull while the frame wastes away with that terrible disease, con sumption. Weak lungs are made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery. It cures obstinate and stubborn coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs and other symptoms which, if neglected or unskillflilly treated, terminate fatally in consumption. The action of Golden Medical Discovery in the curing of wast ing diseases is entirely philosophic. Emaciation, and consequent loss of weight, are among the most striking symptoms of what are known as wast ing diseases. The body is not being ade quately nourished, and the cause of this lack of nourishment is not lack of food but lack of ability in the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutri tion to prepare the food for the assimila tion and nutrition of the body. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and the organs of digestion and nutrition, and so en ables the body to be nourished back to strength in the only way by which strength can come ; that is, by food per fectly digested and assimilated. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is a temperance medicine. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine or any other narcotic. Accept no substitute for " Discovery.” There is nothing "just as good " for you, though many things may pay the dealer a larger profit. OAUOHT GOLD . •The first day of this year,” writes Mrs. Kate Bchey, of 716 St. Paul Avenue. Milwaukee. Wis. " caught a heavy cold, which settled on my lungs and brought on a hemorrhage. From that time on unUl the first of April I bled from ny lungs five different times. I was so weak and undone I could only do the lightest work. The doctor told me I was going into consump tion. My breath was short and at times I could hardly get my breath at all. This is the state I was in when I began to take Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. After the first bottle I was much better, and I could walk two or three blocks without trouble. My breath was not so short and I was much improved, After taking four bottles 1 could work all ilay, and I never felt better in my life. I think your medi cine the best in the world and I recommend it to all who are troubled as I was.” WILL MAKE AFFIDAVIT . "I was sick for about three months, had chills, fever, and coughed a great deal,” writes Mr. W. L Brown, of McDearman, Jackson Cos., Tenn. "Most of my neighbors and friends thought I had consumption I was reduced in flesh, and was very weak—only weighed no pounds; my physician thought there was .little hope for my recovery. •My wife went to the store to get some anti febrin, quinine, etc., for me and a friend of mine (Mr. W. W. McDearman), who had been taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover}- recom mended this medicine for me. Finally I decided to use it, after my physician told me that it would be good for me. I sent and got one bottle, and before all was taken 1 weighed 149 pounds—a gain of 39 pounds. lam still taking the Golden Medical Discovery, have taken nearly two bottles, and now weigh 163 pounds, which is more than I ever weighed. lam still gaining strength and taking the • Discover}-.’ I wish to say that this is a recent recovery, that only two months ago I only weighed about no pounds. "I can and will make affidavit to this full statement any time. If you wish to use this as a testimonial do so, and I will answer all letters from inquiring sufferers.” Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing 1008 pages, and over 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 cents for the book in cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. There is a variety of Bicycles at our factories which will be closed out at special prices this month. Enquire at Car tersville office of Union Supply Cos. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Hall & Green. flratfarfce tlapfifd In 20 minutes by Da < Kiit* 1 Fadi Piw*- "Ore s <kar," A\ege table Prcparahoiifor As similating the Food andßeguta ting the Stomachs andßowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nabcotic. steppe oroidßr&\J4V£LPircjma Pumpkin ■Seta- ' <4lx. Senna * t JlankxlU Solti - I j4n/ se Sent * Pppermint - > Cartonato Seda • )%rmSttd - 1 . G IPHTT- . liinteeyroen J naver. J A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimite Signature of ndw Stork. At t rnonths oltt, , 35 Posl i s -]3 C;t:nts- EXACT COPrOF WRAPPEB. , Look for tho Warning* Heart disease kills suddenly, but ■ever without warning. The warn ings may be faint ana brief, or may be startling and extend over many years, but they are none the less certain and positive. Too oftea ths victim is deceived by the thought, “it will ijass away.” Alas, It never passes away voluntarily. Once in stalled, heart disease never gets bet ter of itself. If Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure is used in the early stages re covery is absolutely certain in every case where its use is persisted in. “For many years I was n great suf ferer from heart diseas* before I finally found relief. I was subject to fainting and sinking spells, full nsss about th* hsart, and was unabls to attend to my household duties. I tried nearly every remedy that was recommended to me and doctored with the leading physician* of thin section but obtained no help until I began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart .Cur*. It has done me more good than all the medicine I eve took.” Mrs. Anna Holloway, Geneva, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure is sold at all druggists on a positive euarantes. ■Write for free advice and booklet to fic Muss Medical Us, £lkhart lad. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. “Somethinst New Under Tbe Sun.” All doctors have tried to cure CA TARRH by tbe use ot powders, acid, gases, inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the mucuous membranes causiligfhem to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but perma nently cures CATARRH, by removing the eausp, stopping the discharges, and curing all inflammation It is tbe o 'ly remedy known to science that ac tually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as * 'SNUF FLES the GUARANTEED CA TARRH CURE” and is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing internal and exter nal medicine sufficient for a full month’s treatmept and everything nec essary to its perfect use. “SNUFFLES” is the only perfect CATARRH CURE ever made and is now recjgnized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all infla rnation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION —“SNUF FLES” will will save you if you use it vt once. It is no ordinary remedy, hut a complete treatment which is pos itively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don’t delay but send for it at once, and write full partilulars as to your condition, and you will re ceive special advice from the discover er of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond tbe regular price of “SNUFFLERS’ the "GUARANTEED CATARRH CTRE.” Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept t, EDWIN 11- GILES & COMPANY.. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia Many persons have had the experi ence of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who says. “For years I suffered torture from chronic indi gestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me,” It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble, at once even in the worst cases and can’t help but do you good. Kail & Green. For Infanta and Childr c. Ins Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / , \ Signature / % y 1 *' A/ 1 Use \j For Over Thirly Years CASTORIA THECItNTAUR COHY, NCVt YORK CITY Cures Blood and Skin Troubles Trial Treatment Free Is your blood pure? Are you sure of it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly? Does your skin itch or burn? Have pou pimples? Eruptions? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheumatism? Foul breath? Catarrh? Are you paler All run down? Then B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every sore and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep seated cases like ulcers, cancer, easing sores, painful swellings, and blood poison are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all e!se fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores $i per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Cos.. Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble. Free medical advice given until cured. Over 3,000 voluntary testimonials of cures by B. B. B. Unless a woman eats sufficient nour ishing food, she can neither gain nor kep a good complexion Food, when digested, is the base of all health, all strength, and all baauty, Herbine will help dipest what you eat, and give you the clear, bright, beautiful skin fno 1 rice 60 and 76 cts. Younr Bros. RUST’S COTTON ROOT AND PENNYROYAL |* ILLS Original always reliable and U Genuine Rooted ‘p Dr T safe ' tS Pen "y-| Rust’s Cotton . i l5n ;?)j! , I . he T never Female Pills. j al * an< * Mailed to any ad- Never injure,. e6s ’ _ on receipt ol i. bold by YOUNG BROS. VIGOR °i MEN. EASILY, QUICKLY AND PER MANENTLY RESTORED. MAGNETICNERVEHE. r S ia°F,t* ,lt iv a wriUe n guarantee to Cure Insom r'iiv Vie’ l, 122 !"**?' ffysteria. Nervous Debility th. r. '(ality. Seminal Losses, Failing Memory— ot Vniith n ver ' w ° r K worr Y, Sickness, Error* ot 1 outh or Over-indulgence Price si; 6 boxes PIGEON MILK INJECTION. C.uvef Oonorrhrea and Gleet in ito 4 days Its -r n ! a k>cal. Prevents stricture. Ail com tWtiui . earned in vest pjeket. Sure preven < en * ° v nial in p!ain Package prepaid, on receipt of price. #I.OO per box; rfor $2 50 Sold VOUNG BROS. JAPANESE PILE CURE. iltvw a i I1 iw5l?. n ?Pj et ? Treatment, consisting ot ■ p J I ORI Es, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes ot Ointment. A never-failing cure for ) lies of every nature and degrees, it makes an operation with the knife, which is painful, and often results in death,unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We peck a Written Guar antee in each Box. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. free a ox > 0 f° r $5- Sent by mail. Samples OINTMEMTS, 25. and 50. CONSTIPATION Lured, Piles Prevent un . rMI,UII ed by J apanese Liver DIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER Small, mud and pleasant to take; especially adapted ter children’s use. 50 doses 25. Sold by YOUNG BROS. CDI A! A I weakness easily cured by ■ 11ML D*. Miles' Nerve Plasters ' .. ■ .... . j OeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Gr* Pile*. Scalds. Burt*