The news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1901, June 21, 1901, Image 12

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Round About in Bartow. KINGSTON Wll I.OUISF. LITER Ak V SOCIETY. As this society has just recently organized and we have not had a correspondent appointed until this week 1 suppose I had better tell you what we are doing. On Friday night May 17th the Willouise society gave an enter tainment in our handsome new school building. It was given for Ehe benefit of the school building •and an admission was 15, 20 and 25 cts was ch irged About $33.00 was realized. A handsome sterl ing silver medal given by Miss Belie Bavless for excellence in history was delivered to Miss Hat tie Lee Hargis. Several other prizes we given by Prof. Whiten berg. Miss Bertha Barrett receiv ed the prize for selling the largest rum her of tickets to the entertain ment. riot, and Mrs. Whitenberg have been elected teachers for our school again next term. We all love them very much and are glad to have them accept the school for another year. Miss Alice Kennedy left for Atlanta last Monday and will re main there about two months, the priest of her aunt. Mrs. F. M. Ware. Kingston base ball team went iver to Stilesboro this morning to play the Stilesboro team. Misses Bessie and Ethel Gaines have returned from Milledgeville where they have been attending school, accompanied by their Iriends, the Misses Greene. Mrs. J. N. McKelvey, Miss Su sie Mason and Miss Birdie Hyde are going over to Rome Tuesday to attend the Baptist Young Peo ple Union. Mr. Ed Harling and his bride of Atlanta came up Thursday morn ing to the reception at Mr. liar ling's mother and returned to At lanta where they will make their future home. Rev. C. A. Jameson and wife, Mr. J. D. Rollins and wife and -others attended the quarterly meet ing held at Mizpah. CORBIN. People are awfully behind with their work. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gav, of this place, are visiting friends at Liberty Hill. Measles are not so plentiful at this place as they have been. Wheat harvest is at hand. We have an idea that Kimball and his driver will be able to go on the hill Sunday. LIBERTY HILL. Rev llenty Havernalr filled his regular appointment at the school house last Sunday and the attendance was unusually large. Mr. |ohn W. Forrester is visit ing his grandchildren, Misses Leila and Carl and Mr. Ab John son, at their home at Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Loveless. Mr and Mrs. Jno. L. Padgett have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Frank James at Ladds Lime Kiln. Mr. Benson Honea, of Rogers, visited his daughter, Mrs. Charlie Erwin, one day this week. Mr. Geo. W. Ponder’s father, who has been on an extended vis it to this section, has gone to vis it another son at Pleasant Valley. Mr. Charlie Booker met with a \H u f yfl The popular idea expressed in the phrase, ’’ the art of self-defense," shows the opinion that the chief enemies a man has to defend himself from are visible and external. But the real danger of every man is from minute and often in -visible foes. In the air we breathe and the water we drink are countless minute organisms leagued against the health of the body. The one defense against these enemies is to keep the blood pure. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery thoroughly purifies the blood, removing poisonous substances and accretions. When the blood is pure the ** is no harborage for •the germs of disease which find a lodg ing only when the blood is Impure and corrupt. "I consider your ‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ one of the best medicines on the face of the earth,” write* Mr. Wm Floeter, of Redoak, Montgomery Cos.. lowa. "While in the south west, three years ago, I got poisoned with poi son ivy. The poison settles in my blood and the horrors I suffered cannot be told in words. I thought I would go craty I tried different kinds of medicine, tried different doctors but all the relief they could give me was to make my pocket-book lighter I then began taking Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical-Discovery Took four bottles without relief. Kept taking it I took ia all ten beetles and got entirely cured.” Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure eun ■stinaticn. slight accident this week; in re moving a log with hL plow, the mule became frightened and made a sudden jerk in which Mr. Book er was thrown against a tree and received a painful hurt in the shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Foster and son Horace visited the par ents of the former, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Foster a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Havernair visit ed Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Loveless last Sunday. Mr. J. H. Walker has brought Nis interesting family here to rus ticate through the summer season. We accord them a hearty welcome. Well, the Sunday school is go ing to have a picnic soon, but the lav has not yet been appointed. Of cours# we all anticipate a most delightful day at the well known Gillam Spring. COURT NOTICE. At the request of many farmers and fruit growers a. and others of the county, no court will be held in July, except for such business as may be transacted by the court without a jury, and all jurors, par ties and witnesses are excused 'till the Ist Monday in November next . when court will convene and he held as long as the business of the court may require, and all jurors drawn for the Ist, 2nd and 3rd weeks of the July court will be re quired to attend and serve the Ist, 2nd and 3rd weeks of the court in November, respectively. Very respectfully, A. W. Fite, J. S. C. C. C. Cartersville, Ga.. June 15, 1901. Wheat Sax of ev= ery description. J. B. Pyron & Son. 6-1 4-4 w Boys who ark away at school should have a sure remedy for sudden attacks of cramps, diar rhoea or dysentery, and an hour’s delay in cases of this kind often leads to serious results. Parents should supply their sons with Pain-Killer, which is simple, safe and sure. One dose rarely fails to bring relief from any bow el complaint. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Price 25c. and 50c. , BOCHEE. Wheat Cutting is in full blast now. Soon the sound will be heard ot the thresher will be heard and the chicken will flee the wrath to come. Mrs. Janies Pickard who is visit ing at this place, is very sick at this writing. We wish "for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Adron Adcock and daugh ter, ot Folson, passed through our burg, Saturday and Sunday. Misses Ada and Lena Goss two charming young ladies were the guests of the Misses Henderson Sunday. Guess what young man disap appointed his best girl by buying candy in her presence, and not di viding with her. Mr. James Gaines, Jr., Misses Mary and Ida Gaines, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Wil son Sunday evening. Mr. O. U. Glasgow, our famous old bachelor, says a cook would be nice these hot days. Look out girls! These hot days are making the 5 cent cotton hustle. The farmers should plant more corn and less cotton. What economy is there in raising cotton even at 10 cents per pound and paying 80 cents per bushel for corn, instead of de creasing the acreage of cotton it is increased to 2,111,000 acres more than that of last year in the United States my opinion is if there were more. “Hog and Hom iny'’ raised at home there would be better times in o'd Georgia. A RAGING, ROARING FLOOD Washed down a telegraph line which Chas.C. Ellis, of Lisbon,la. ,had to repair. “Standing waist deep in icy water,” he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oak land, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Pos itively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Young Bros. Price 50c and SI.OO. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ~r„, For whooping cough, asthma, bron chitis or consumption, no medicine equals Ballard s Horehound Syrup l > r*r*a and 'iVfa Vryincr Rrna THE WEEKLY NEWS, CARTERSVILLE, GA Look for tho Warning* Heart disease kills suddenly, bol ■ever without warning. The war** togs ®ay be faint and brief, or may be startling and extend ©*er many Tears, but they art none the less certain and posit Its. Too often the victim Is deceived by the thought! “it will pass away.” Alas, it never passes away voluntarily. Once in stall'd, heart disease nevyr gets bet ter of itself. If Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure is used in the early stages re eovery is absolutely certain In every cUae where its use is persisted In. “for many years I was a great suf ferer from heart disease before I Anally found relief. I was subject to fainting and sinking spells, fuU ness about the heart, and was unable to attend to my household duties. I tried nearly every remedy that was recommended to me and doctored with the leading physicians ef tMf section but obtained no fftlp until I began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. It has done me more good tha* all the medicine I eve - to dk.” Mhs. Anna Follow ay, Geneva, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Care is sold at all druggists o* a positiva guarantee* Write for free advice and booklet to Dr. Miits Medical Cos., Elkhart, lad. STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. “When a child I burned my foot frightfully,” writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, Va.,“which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve who'ly cured me after everything else failed.” Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and p iles. Sold by Young Bros at 25c Urile a s a woman eats sufficient nour ishing food, she can neither gain nor keep a good complexion Food, when digested, is the base of all health, all strength, and ail baauty, Herbine will help divest what you eat, and give you the clear, bright, beautiful skin fno health. Price 50 and 75 cts. Young Bros. rust’s COTTON ROOT and F| ENNYROYAL M ILLS Original P always reliable and Genuine always ask tor Dr F safe. Ladie-1 Root and Fenny | Rust’s Cotton , n j [ he * neve , r Female Fills, fail and Mailed to any ad- Never injure, _ _ on receipt ot #i! bold by YOUNG BROS. VIGOR E MEN. EASILY, QUICKLY AND PER MANENTLY RESTORED. MAGNETIC NERVENE. is s °ld v ith a written guarantee to Cure Insom- f ,a * Dizziness, Hysteria. Nervous Debility l.ost \ itality. Seminal Losses, Failing Memory— the result of Overwork, Worry, Sickness, Errors ot \ outli or Over-indulgence. Price#!; 6 boxes #v By mail in plain package to any address on receipt of price. Sold only by YOUNG BROS. PIGEON MILK INJECTION. Cures Gonorrhoea and Gleet in i to 4 days. Its action is magical. Prevents stricture. All com plete. To be carried in vest p icket. Sure preven tative. Sent by mail in plain package prepaid, on receipt of price. #[.oo per box; Tfor #2 50 Sold YOUNG BROS. JAPANESE PILE CURE. S£3 H-H-'H-K*' X ■ A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules ot Ointment and two Boxes ot Ointment. A never-failing cure tor Piles of every nature and degrees. It makes an operation with the knife, which is painful, and often results in death, unneccessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We pack a Written Guar antee in each #1 Box. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. and #1 a box, 6 for #j. Sent by mail. Samples free OINTMEMTS, 25 atid 50. CONSTIPATION Cured. Piles Prevent yUllO I ll M I lUn ed by Japanese Liver Pellets, the great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOI) PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take: especially adapted for children's use. 50 doses 25. Sold by YOUNG BROS.m OCDIMI A I weakness easily cured by IIwMIb Miles’ Nerve Plasters. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can’t live without food Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests whao you eat, so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the odly preparation that digests all kind of food llall & Green CASTOITTA. Bear* the /i The Kind You Lffl Always Bough "rr Points about Printing: W* hare on* f the most com plete )eb offices in North Georgia, and*are prepared to turn eut the best grades of printing at reasonable cost. • • • • e e • The smallest orders receive the same careful attection u the largest, and are especially so licited from those who hare net before dealt with us. Our facilities enable ns to fill all orders with the least pos sible delay, and the uniform fair treatment extended soon converts the occasional patron into a regular customer. It will be to your advantage to see as when in need of any thing ia ear linn. Th* Nows Prim flag Cos. 'Phene . Carters villa, Ga. LUMPKIN BROTHERS. KEEP COOL! BUY A PEERLESS ICELAND ICE CREAM FREEZER. The Quickest Freezer, the easiest operated the simplest, the best on earth Now is the time to buy Harvesting Machines and Twine. We sell the “McCORMICK” Everybody knows what the name “McCORMICK” on ma chinery means HOME GOLD CURE. An Intremous Treatment by Which Drunkards are Being: Cured Daily In Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses No Weakening? of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liqucr Habit It is now generally known and un derstood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely shatter ed by periodical or constant use of in toxicating liquors, requires an anti dote capable of neutralizing and eradi cating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now' cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful “HOME GOLD CUkE” which has been perfect ed alter many years of close study and treatment ef inebriates . The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show' the marvelous • transfor mation of thousands of drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men . Wives cure your husbands! Chil dren cure your fathers! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but a specific for this disease only, and is so skillful ly devised and prepaied that it is thor oughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made tem perate men by having the “CURE” ad- I ministered by loving friends and rela tives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe to-day that they discontinued drinking of their own freewill. Do not wait. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading “improvement.” Drive out the dis ease at once and for all time. The “HOME GOLD Cl RE” is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, this placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to SSO. Full directions ac company each package. Special advice by skilled physicians w hen requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Department 1 EDWIN B. GILES & CO., 2330 and 2332 Market|street, Philadelphia. Correspondence strictly confident ial. Notice. The Cartersville Wagon and Repair Company will open up about the first of Julv, on Erwin street. We will use nothing but first-class material in re priring and building. Call to see us, we will save you money. Joe Brcwn. John Tribble, John Agents. LUMPKIN BROS,, Cartersville, Ga. BUY YOUR GARDEN HOSE FROn US. We have hose that stands our water pressue. Hose that will last at LOWEST PRICES.' CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Ha?B Always Bought Bears the // Signature of /‘GcCCJuAt The Mason Music Cos. will supply any and ev erything in the musical line, from a jaw harp up to the finest Grand Piano made, lowest prices, easy terms. Consult their Cartersville office in Bank Block. OASTORIA. Bears the 0U avß Remember that the Un ion Supply Cos., at Car tersvilie, Ga., will furnish you with all styles and grades of Sewing Ma chines to better advan tage than any other house in America. • fMM R| El UIS MINUTE COUCH CURE cures quickly. That la what it we, made for. Prompt, safe, sure, quid relief, quick cure. Pleaiant to tako Children ilka it and adulta like it Mothera buy It for their children. _ Prepwred by B. O. DeWitt A Go., makers ot De Witt'a Little Karl y Klsart, the fa mam* Uttle pill*, Hall ar and Ghkknb. ail drugglstasell Dr. Miles' lain Pill.-* We have the Nicest Line of COOL SUMMER HAMMOCKS In the City. You need one, Don't you? Come in and look them over. "HIGHEST IN QUALITY.” Don’t Forget “Anchor Buggies” and Tennessee Wagons. You can’t afford to. Our aim this year is to give our custo mers the best and save them money on every single item bought here. YVe are doing it, too. Try us, you wi’l know it then. WANT COLUMN. “ Wanted,” “For Sale,” “For Rent,” “Los* Found,” “Help Wanted,” Situations Wanted, and advertisements of a similar nature will be is seited in this column at the rate of one cent p word for each insertion. Nothing less that 25 cents. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—Eleven pounds nice, dean feath ers. M RS. MA RY TRESCOTT, Leake street FOR SALE—A complete ginning outfit, two, gins, elevators 20 h p. engine, shafting, belt ing, etc., all complete. Also saw mill outfit with 18 h.p. engine, all complete for running and in good shape. THOS, LUMPKIN. FOR SALE.—No i Blacksmith eoal at 4-26-tt. A. C. WILLIAMS.^ FOR RENT—The residence wrere I reside -12-tt W. L. CASON, 1 WANTED.— A milk man,one with family pre ferred. Apply to S-24. W \V Ginn. _ FOR SALF.—Several second-hand portable en gines, THOMAS LUMPKIN. 6-u tf . In constipation Herbine affords a natural, healthiul remedy, acting promptly. A few small doses will us bually be found to regulate the ez trerory functions so that they are a. co operate without any aid whatever Pricesocts. Young Bros. LOCAL ADS.* GET THERE WITH BOTH FEET. Locals this size, sc. a line each in sertion. Like this, 6jc. a line. Like this. 7 1 =2C. a line. ' , Like this, lOcts- Summer Convention LOW RATES To the National gatherings named below and to various other Summer four ra tions and meetings will be In effect from all points on the QuEEN&CrESCENT ROUTE National Educational Association. Detroit, Mioh.. - - 7th-l* Grind Army of the Republic. Cleveland, Ohio. - Sept. 10th-l ’ Unirhts Templar Conclave, Louisville, K/., - Aug. 2 -h-31s Young People’s Society Christian Endeavor Ciuoinnnti, Ohio, - July 6t!l " w. j muopHY, w- 0. pi't>nsoN. otn'l mano'r, aan'v an* Q MCI WHAT >.