The news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1901, June 21, 1901, Image 6

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THE NEWS. THE NEWS PRINTING CO. JOHN T. NOKKIS, Shc. and Tkkas. ALEX. M WILLINGHAM Ed,to.. SUBSCRIPTION KATES : In advance, i treat, .... fi.oc “ 6 month*, ... so On time, t year “ 6 months 6s ADVRR rtSING HATH* V SKY LIBERAL AND Mads Known on Apflication. Bank Block Next Dour to Post office. t —■ l Official Organ Bartow County, June ax, 1901. THE PEACH INDUSTRY, The News is glad to note the increasing interest in the immedi ate vicinity of Carterstille an the growing of peaches. If those that seem interested will carry out their plans a great many trees will be planted out the com ing fall and winter. Those who have planted good sized orchards are just now much pleased with the prospects for marketing the coming crop of El bertas most profitably. The Car tersville territory has been rather backward in the business but be coming impressed with the good fortune of the growers in the upper portion of this and nearby coun- ties they are spurred up to go into the business quite heavily. The fear of inability of market ing the fruit and the lack of ex perience have deterred them in the past, but these are being gradually overcome The experience with a limited number of trees have given them some ideas and the fact that buyers for the fruit are matching this territory eagerly gives them confidence in their ability to dispose of the fruit when grown. A New York man spent several days around here last week, soliciting shipments. At Adairs ville for the past several sea son buyers have been on hand to purchase all fruit offered for sale. This will be case in Cartersville as soon as the volume of business warrants it. The more trees planted the bigger the market and more cash buyers will be in evi dence. It is hoped that the industry will grow and that the fear that the business will be overdone will not deter any. It is a market that is practically in its infancy, so large growers say, and the field for enlargement is simply wonder ful. MR. BECKER’S LETTER. Mr. Norbert Becker, president of the Cartersville Light and Power company, has issued a cir cular letter to the people of Car tersville that contains some state ments that should not go unrefut ed. The purpose #>f Mr. Becker’s circular is to defeat the electric light bonds tomorrow. In this circular Mr. Becker says that “Said company has at all times faithfully complied with the same; it has established and maintained the required number of lampposts and has furnished the light for the same until the time the eitv authoritie made default in the payment therefor, although, in order to meet the wishes of your city council, the company had, prior thereto, upon their applica tion greatly reduced the contract price for the gas consumed.” Mr. Becker seems to have forgot ten to state why the city “made default of payment.” The truth is, owing to the general complaint among the citizens and consumers of the gas furnished by Mr. Becker’s company, the city at its own expense made a test of the quality of the gas. Under the contract fifty candle power gas was to be furnished. The test showed that only fifteen to twenty candle power was being furnished. The city had the company super intendent to join with it in a fair test and the result showed the same candle power. Mr. Becker’s attention was called to this and he agreed to increase the candle power. Two months, so we are in formed by a prominent member of couocih, passed and no improve ment, though the bills for fifty can dle power were paid promptly. When the payment for the third month was demanded the city council, which had been testing the gas and finding that only 15 to 20 candle power had been furnished cut the bill down accordingly. The city had been paying for 50 candle power lights and had been receiving much less than half. That is why the bills were not paid as made out by the gas com pany. These statements are made by the councihnen and in fairness to them they are made public, in asmuch as the town has been flooded with the Becker circulars, in which it is so strongly put that the people would be doing a mon strous bad thing in sot allowing Mr. Becker to supply the town with 20 candle gas and paying him a 50 candle price therefor. As Parkhurst says the southern people do not love the negro, on social equality lines and do not hesitate to say so, while north ern people feel the same way hut are not fair enough to say so above their bregth. To show how the northern people care for them, an incident from Muncie, Ind., will show where a hundred or more employees of the Republic company quit work today because the company put a colored man to work in the department where 100 girls are employed packing nuts and bolts. The girls refused to work where the colored man was, and the white men joined the girls. The entire plant may be closed down three weeks in advance of the regular shutdown. If this had happened in the south, another “southern outrage” would have been recorded in box car letters in every newspaper of that section. The democrats of South Caroli na will determine whether Senator McLaurin is very much bigger than his party or not. The demo crats voting in the primary will be pledged to support the nominees and the principles of the party. This will place McLaurin in the independent column cr drive him to the republican party. The Atlanta Journal twelve page State University centennial edition was about as perfect a piece of work, both in class of matter and handsome present ation as ever went from a south ern press. It is greatly appreci ated, a subject of no end of favor able criticism. The crops of Georgia, especially in the middle and southern parts, are in a miserable poor condition according to competent Atlanta authority. While north Georgia crops are some better, they are by no means the best. Senator Clay thinks Congress man Maddox, of Georgia, is one of the ablest men in the house, a splendid debater and influential with other congressman.—Marietta Journal. Our constitution stays in Geor gia if Uncle Sam’s doesn’t follow the flag into Porto Rico. Look Here All you good people who have assumed the risk of carrying your money about your person or keep ing it at your homes during the past three years, and have refused to keep a bank account, because of that little troublesome and ex pensive two cent stamp that the in ternal revenue act required to be placed on every check ; let me call your attention to the fact that on and after July Ist, lQol, you can keep your money in the First Nation al.Bauk, Cartersville, Ga .where it will be absolutely safe, and may be checked out by you whenever wanted , without any stamps, cost or expense to you, whatever. So come right along and open your account with us, and we will do you good. If you want to be gip right now, or at any time be fore the first of July, we will be glad to serve you. Respectfully, J. H. Vivion, Cashier. Cartersville, Ga., June 20th, 1901. Many persons have had the experi ence of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who says. “For years I suffered torture from chronic indi gestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me.” It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia. and every form of stomach trouble, at once even in the worst cases and can’t help but do you good, Hall & Green. THE WEEKLY NjEWS, CARTERSVILLK, QA WHITE PRIMARY PLAN. Before plunging into complete negro disfranchisement the Ala bama press asks the constitution al convention to deal with the question with caution and wisdom. The Birmingham Age - Herald says: Georgia depends upon white primaries for the nomination of candidates, and then upon the prepayment of all taxes as a suf frage'condition for their election by whit men. Under this plan, says the Savannah News, “the state is not in much danger from illiteracy. The plan cost the peo ple something, but the cost is not a serious burden. It is certainly preferable to the loss of represen tation in congress and the elect> ral college.” The Georgia politicians are shrewd and far-sighted. They long have been. The danger thev see ahead is not by any means imag inary. Whenever the republican party is ready for the issue it will come, and representation will be based upon votes instead of popu lation. Whether this will be done by decisions in the supreme court or by congsess cannot be foreseen. Probably a decision by the court which consists of six republicans and three democrats will be utiliz ed as a basis for action by con- gress. The man who holds that the republicans will not do this very thing either does not under stand the courage of that party, or else he is willing to go ahead blindly. Now why should Alabama be thrown into such a political tangle to come out of it shorn of power in congress and in the electoral college, while Georgia and Ten nessee and Texas and Arkansas are tranquil and powerful? There is but one reason —thirteen black belt counties are over-nervous, and are demanding at the hands of the suffrage committee suffrage limitations that invite trouble — that make trouble from Washing ton possible, even probable. Neith er the “grandfather” nor the “un derstanding” clauses stand ap proved by the United States su preme court. The latter has been considered incidentally; the for mer has not been considered in that court at all. Both are open to attack there. Why put our selves once more at the mercy of the republican party ? The only answer is, the black belt demands more than a poll tax provision and white primaries. All experience in Louisiana, Mis sissippi, Georgia, South Carolina and TANARUS nnessee goes to show that the poll tax provision is sufficient alike to weed out corrupt practices and give a state a responsible if not an intelligent electorate. Three of the five states named have adopted other clauses only to find them inoperative. These three states —Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina —have secured the benefits of a poll tax provision, but they have needlessly incurred the dangers of a political mess over representation. If Alabama be wise in this day at Montgomery, she will join Georgia, Tennessee and Texas rather than Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina. So would the three states last named if they could, but they can not. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For fcilliousness, constipation and malaria For indigestion, 6ick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure and nervous prostrarien. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic legulations, take Lemon Elizir. 50c and $1 bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Moz.ey, Atlanta, Ga. Gratitude. Dr. H. Mozley—Dear Sir: Since using your l.emqn Elixir I have never had another attact of those fearful sick headaches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. MRS. ETTA W. JONES. Parkerburg, West Virginia. MozUy’s Lemon Elixir I suffered with indigestion and dys entery for two long years. I heard of Lemon Elixir: got it, taken seven bot tles and am now a well man. HARRY ADAMS. No. 1734 First Ave. Birmingham, Ala Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. Cured my husband, who was afflicted for years with ulcers on liis leg, and was cured after using two bottles; and cured a friend whom the doctors had given up to die. who had suffered for years with indigestion and nervous prostration. MRS. E. A. BEVILLE Woodstock, Ala. A Card. For nervous and sick neadacbes, Indi gestion, billiousDess and constipation (of which I have been a great sufferer) I have never found a medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and pe-manent relief of Dr. H, Mozley’s Lemon Elixir J. P. SAWTELL, Griffin, Ga. Publisher Morning Call. DeWitt’a Little bariy Risers, , Tb* Imbmu little pill*. THIS WILL INTEREST MANY. To quickly introd ace B. B. B. (Botanic Bicod Balm), the fa mous Southern blood cuie, into new homes, we will send, abso lutely free, 10,000 trial treatments. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) quickly cures old ulcers, scrofula, eczema, itching skin and blood humors, cancer, eating fcsteriug sores, boils, carbuncles, pimples or offensive eruptions, pains in bones or joints, rheumatism, ca tarrh, or any blood or skin troub le. Botanic Blood Balm (B .B. B.) heals every sore or pimple, makes the blood pure and rich and stops all aches and pains. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) throughly tested for 30 years in hospital and private practice, and has cured thausands of cases given up as hopeless. Sold at drug stores, $1 , per large bottle. For free treat jment write to Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. Describe troble jand free medical advice given. | Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) gives life, vigor and strength to the blood. The finest Blood Pu rifier made. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) gives a healthy Blood supply to the skin and entire system. Jackson Argus. Long years ago a well known clergyman, being anxious to in troduce anew series of hymn books into the church, requested the exhorter to make an announce ment to that effect immediately after the sermon. The exhorter promised to do so, and, after the sermon, arose, and desiring to call the members attention to another matter before mentioning the hymn books, said: “All those who have children they wish baptized will please send me their names.” The clergyman, who was very hard of hearing, assumed that the notice in reference to the hymn books had been given, arose and said: “And I should say for the ben efit of those who havn’t any that they may be obtained at the par sonage any day from 3 to 4 o'clock; the ordinary little ones at 5 cents each, and the special ones with red backs 25 cents.” SEVEN YEARS IN BED. “Will wonders ever cease?” in quire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but, “Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk,” she writes, “and in three months I felt like anew person.” Women suffer ing from Headache, Backache, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, Mel ancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing, Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed at Young Bros. Only 50c. Don’t use any of the counterfeits of DeWitf’s Witch Bazel galve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause ihjury. The original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a certain care for piles, eczema, cuts, scald*, burns, sores and skin d : seases Hall & Green A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. “Somethmir New Under The Sun.” All an d have tried to cure CA TARRH by the use ot powders, acid, gases, inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the mucuous membranes causihgtbem to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at la6t perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but perma nently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, and curing all inflammation It is the o ly remedy known to science that ac tually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as “ SNUF FLES the GUARANTEED CA TARRH CURE” and is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Do’lar, each package containing internal and exter nal medicine sufficient for a full month’s treatment and everj thing nec essary to its perfect use. “SNUFFLES” is the only perfect CATARRH CURE ever made and is now rec agnized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all infla mation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION —‘“SNUF FLES'’ will will save you if you use it st once. It is uo ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is pos itively guaranteed to cure CATARRH m any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don’t delay but send for it at once, and write full partilulars as to your condition, and you will re ceive special advice from the discover er of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of “SNUFFLERS’ the “GUARANTEED CATARRH CTRE.” Seut prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept l, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY., 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. One Minute Cough Cure, cures Till it %bat It *w n>*4* tar. 10 SU AND tOSL^ GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION Rome Fire Company’s. NORFOLK, VA. And the Seaside. UN... Special Train July Bth, 1901, via. m- UlEstEiq B Rflantic If j -A.2STD Seaboard Hir Liqe R’y. TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS. leave Rome 8:30 a, m. Arrive Norfolk 7 a. m, following Morning This train will be composed of elegant Vestibuled Day Coaches and Pullman’* finest Drawing Room Buffet Cars. Hotel rates at Atlantic Hotel, Virginia Beach sl.>o per day to those who go on this excursion. Special rates of s3.>o from Norfolk to Washington and Baltimore and return can be had by all parties hold ing one of these excursion tickets. For further information, Tickets, Pullman Reservations, etc. call on F. J. KANE. Secretary, Rome, Ga., or Ticket Agent, W. & A. R. R. W. E. CHRISTIAN, C. E. HARMAN, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Pass. Agt. ATLANTA, GEORGIA.