The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, December 05, 1889, Image 7

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SHORT CROPS! {§f|| * <M,S< 1 1 7\)oV j, p*!J!, 1 J Y is + K < ace aiul Everybody is >••.*• booking out for the Best Bargains. jpS> North Georgia Gtieag Furniture House to the Rescue! TWO MONIHS AGO EVERYBODY FELT ASSURED THAT THERE merchants^ST"!! gathered , this Fal1 ' and consequently Ml the I merchants laid in heavy stocks — one of whom we are which.” rHF AP FI IRNTTHPu Iited funds atloat - th e NORTH GEORGIA SStody'gSJesfhd, saVe USE marked d ° W " a “ ib that BARGAINS IN FORNITORE. GEORGIA CHEaTfURMTURE HOUSE haf prepared "to rain'dmvn 1 Bar gains in Furniture for the disappointed people. As to the quality of our goods, why our reputation is made in that respect, and v C JuA C ha - v€ U? ng a £° deserted the foreign markets and now patronize the Noith Georgia Cheap Furniture House having come to the conclusion that it was only a delusive idea that fine goods could not be had at home. UNDERTAKING DEPHRTMENT. As usual pur Undertaking Department is filled with a fine and well-selected . tuck of Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. All orders in this line will be Driven prompt and careful attention. £ ] PEACOCK Proprietor North Georgia Cheap Furniture House. THe Howard bark 0F Gartersville. Buys and sells Exchange, available iu all parts of the world. Receives Deposits subject to check. Issues Certificates of Deposit, payable on demand; or at a specified time, on which interest is allowed. This Bank haying beer tried in the crucible anu having proven its claim upon the confidence of the public, solicits its patronage and promises a faithful dis charge of its duties to its customers. Desirable accounts solicited and all usual accommodations extended. aug22-ly W. H. HOWARD, Solo Owner. J. R. SVIKLE, President. .1. H. VIVION, Cashier. Directors : J. R. Wikle, J. C. WnfFord, J. H. Vivion, L. S. Mumford, W. C. Baker, Hiram Blaisdell, J. A. Stover. • THE • First national bank OF GARTER3VILLE. Oartersville, Ga., May Ist, 1889. This bank is now ready for transacting any legitimate Banking business upon the most liberal terms and principles consistent with absolute safety and protection to the interests of the Bank and its customers. We, therefore tender our services to the public and solicit patronage upon the foregoing sound basis, and will endeavor to make our business relations pleasant and satisfactory to all dealers and our institution a real benefit to this city and the surrounding country. Respectfully, novi4-tf J, H. VIVION, Cashier. Emerson Malleable Iron Company, EMERSON, BARTOW CO., GA. The Only Malleable Iron Works in the South. The extensive works of the company have been com pleted, and they are now ready for business. Gray and Malleable Castings Made to Order. Machine Work and Jobbing of all kinds done prompt ly, cheaply and as well as any other shop in the country. Estimates given on any kind of work, on application Address, Emerson Malleable Iron Cos., sep2s-3m EMERSON, CA. Gerald Griffin. • FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.* Represents Leading Companies. july 19-ly Cartersville Planing Mill, (UALLOWAY A FREEMAN OLD MILL.) Cor. Leake & Skinner Sts , CARTERSVILLE, GA. Lumber, Shingles, Flooring. Ceiling, Siding. FULL STOCK KEPT CONSTANTLY OX HAND Moulding and Turned Work of all the Latest Designs. — J rgf~ COTTOV GINNING. With the best of and ample facili- • = wUl>iv; prtSipt attention to this class of work, and solicit tto patronage of tjie public. _ _ MILNER & MILNER, Proprietors. PROFESSIONAL (AKf)S. J. M. Neel, Attorney-at-Law. OPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FT litigation in real estate, in tbo at?.- ministration of estates of deceased per sons, and in cases in equity. 19~ Office : On Public Square, nortli St. James Hotel. i'eb24-ly Douglas Wikle, Attorney-at-Law. PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS of the Cherokee Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of maims and the abstracting of titles. 19“ Office : In the Court House. J. 11. Mayfield, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Chronic Diseases a Specialty, OFFICE east side Public Square. Car tersvillo, Ga. aug22-6m The Booz Hotel, CEDARTOtVX, GEORGIA. rRECENTLY ENLARGED. AMPLE V accommodations for the traveling public. novl4-tf Public Hauling. EGBERT MOODY. OREPAREI) TO DO ALL KINDS X of Hauling—carefully, safely and guaranteed satisfaction. Movingpiano, $2.50 —heavy safes, etc., according to weight; baggage, 15c. flour, 15c.; guano, I.VjC.; household furniture, 25c. Call for Egbert Moody. juncl-ly # GOALU # Call on us for good coal. Full weights reasonable prices. Aubrey & IVXcEwen, AGENTS FOR CLEN MARY AND LEHIGH COAL. novl4-tf Real Estate! ALEX M. WILLINGHAM. I PARTIES HAVING REAL ESTATE . of any character for sale can do no better than by placing it in my hands. I will pay strict attention to FARMING LANDS, CITY PROPERTY, MINERAL PROPERTY. All property placed in my hands will be ADVERTISED FREE OF COST to OWI *r, and every effort made to bring about a sale. ALEX M. WILLINCHAM nov2l-tf ipcbMy SOUTHERN NEWS. JTKMH OF INTEREST FROM VA RIOUS POINTS IN TUB aOUTU. A CONDENSED ACCOVNT OF WH AT IS GOING ON OF IMPORTANCE IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. The first National bank of Sheffield, Alabama, has suspended, and a examiner wi.l lake charge. The shed of the Queen and Crescent railroad, one first-class passenger coach and six loaded box cars were burned at Vicksburg Monday. Loss $50,000. The citizens of Fayetteville, N. C., have written a letter to Secretary Tracy, thanking him for the services of the Ma rine band in the late celebration at Fay etteville. The Debnrdaleben Coal and Iron com pany, of Birmingham, Ala., has increased the pay of miners, at Blue creek mines, from 40 to 42$ cents per ton, commenc ing December Ist. The will of the late Mrs. Charles Crocker, of San Francisco, was filed for probate Tuesday. She bequeathed her entire estate, valued at about $11,000,- 000, to her four children. The committee which has been inves tigating the nllairs of the office of the late A. It. Woodson, city collector of Richmond, Va., have found a shortage iu bis accounts of about $45,000. A furnace company with a capital stock of SIIO,OOO, all held by locil capi talists, was organized at Birmingham on Friday. The company wiil build a one hundred ton furnace at once. Ihe Colored State Farmer’s Alliance, of South Carolina held a meeting in Co lumbia on November 29th. About three huudred delegates were present,and they discussed the subject of a state business exchange. A conflict between the States of Vir ginia and Maryland seems imminent in consequence of the proclamation of Governor Jackson throwing open the waters of Hog Island flits to oyster dredgers. The BeKa'b county (Ga.) Alliance has appointed a committee to draw up plans and specifications for a cotton bagging factory, a guano factory and cotton seed oil mill, and probably a canning factory, and report at the Jnuuaiy meeting. Bishop Keener, of the Southern Meth odist church, at Columbia, S. 0., ou Sat urday delivered an official utterance_Con demning the peculiar doctrine of “holi ness” which has many adherents in both Northern and Southern churches. J. G. ShannonhouSe & Cos., dealers in agricultural machinery, implement*, etc., at Charleston, S. C., made au assign ment Saiuruay. The liabilities are put down at $13,000, but the assets will mo:e thin cover the amount. Peter McLaren, of Canada, purchased on Friday the Doutha survey, contain ing 84,0<>0 acres, lying in Allengheuy couuty. Y rginia, from Philadelphia parties for $.'100,000. The property has cm it tine timber and valuable minerals. Sheffield, Ala., Celebrated Thanks giving Day by sending, by river route to St. Loui, three hundred tons of pig iron. The shipment was the first iron ever sent by river, it was the, viauul opening of the new route, and a matter of great consequence to Sheffield, and proportionately to the entire mineral district of Alabama. A dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., says: Miss Emtna Abbott sent for the secretary of the Ladies’ Hermitugo Asso ciation on Saturday, and after express ing her admiration of the character ot Andrew Jackson, and wishing the ladies success in their efforts to beautify and preserve the hermitage, she presented them with a check for SIOO. ALDERMEN BENT UP SEVERAL PROMINENT CITIZENS OF PITTS RURG, PA., WILL GO TO JAIL. Aldermen Callan, Dougherty and Manceso, and Detectives Ran ler, Doyle, Nagle and Binder, convicted of conspiracy to defraud in accepting bribes to settle illegal liquor selling cases, were sentenced Friday morning by Judge White, of the criminal court of Pittsburg, Pa. Callan got three years in the wotkhouse, and Doughty one year and Manrese six months in jail. B titder and his chief detective each got three years in the workhouse, Nagle one year and Bcudet six months in jail. The aldermen arc all quite prominent and wealthy, and always stood high in the community. The-ii method was to have the detectives entei suit against unlicensed liquor dealers and then settle the case for a consideration without reporting the matter to tbs court. A CELEBRATED CASE. TUB QUESTION OP I'IIE VALIDITY OP kj ASSIGNMENT SETTLED. The court of appeals at New York hat decided to be valid the celebrated as sgnm nt-of Reinsdopf & Cos., clothing merchants, who as.-igned in September, 1884, to J. W. Muck, with 1 abilities ol $1,283,000 and prefen met about $600,- 000. Eleven suits on behalf of one hundred ere liters were brought to set aside the assignment. The court de cided that the preferences which were attached were bona fi-le and cotrect in ' very particular. T e decision affects many litigations in various sta es where attaching creditors have attached large sums of money owing to debtors, a id a 1 rge amount of money locked up for five years past, will do* be distributed t mong the preferred creditors. A WIDOW S REWARD A dispatch from Wilkesbarre, Pa., gays; A few months ago, Chief of Police Wat kins, of P.rsons, while under the influ ence of liquor, was killed by being struck by an engine while sitting on the platform of the Delaware and Hudson railroad. His widow filed a claim in court f<>r SIO,OOO damages against John Fcbtimachcr, a very wealthy saloon keep pr, who had sold her hu-band liquor while ho was visibly affected by it. The 6as* was up before three arbitrators, who, on Wednesday afternoon, awqpded the widow $8,500- _ - MUST STAND TOGETHER. SO SAT TWO PROMINENT ALLIANCE OF FICIALS. A prominent Alliance official, one who has been active in establishing Alliance business exchangf s, in an article in the Rational / emomitt, makes this pointed assertion: '1 he producing classes must unite, market their own products, and buy their own supplies. In this way the chain that binds our far mers to the speclative class is broken. Credit is the weapon of the speculator, and the worst enemy to the fatmer and laborer. E iminute this and we have taken a long step toward freedom. Colonel W. J. Northern, in a strong at tide on “Discipline,” published in the Southern Culth ator for December, con tends that the very best success in the Alliance must lie found in the unity of action in all matters that are essential. The caution lam giving, is not to make the scope of action unnecessarily broad aud theu demand arbitrary obedience. Let us preserve the good of the order at all hazzaids; maintain the purposes of the organization ns set forth in our principles; insist upon unity wher ever and whenever these principles de mand it, but not exact an arbitrary obe dience to the will of the majority in some trivial matter of no general con cern. Discipline and unity are the safe guards of the order. Let the one b i wise and temperate, that the other may be helpful and efficient. ALABAMA JUTE. A NEW AND VALUABLE WEED DISCOVERED THAT DISCOUNTS JUTE. Ihe Birmingham Age llt raid reports tho discovery by Mr. F. J. Fuller of a valuable weed grow ing wild in Jefferson county, Ala., or rather an important use for it. He calls it “Alabama jute," anil he exhibited strips of tho covering or bark five feet in length, stronger by far than jute,and liner. Mr. Fuller said that the bark could be easily stripped from the stem, and wren passed through au ordinary cine mill, would come out al most clean. lie thought that the weed, growing wild, would yield a thousand pounds of fibre per acre, and th : s could be largely increased by cultivation. He was confident that he had discovered a substitute better than jute for cotton baggiug, and one which would add a new product to every southern farm and prove a great saving to cotton planters. Foreign cash ENGLISH CAPITALISTS BUYING ALL HEAVY DUCK MILLS. The Baltimore Sun of Sunday says: A great syndicate with headquarters in New York and doubtle-s with English capitalists in the scheme has undertak en to buy up all heavy duck mills of the country and to consolidate them under control of one great corporation. A capital of |1 i,000,(!00 is required for the accomplishment of ihe enterprise. The proposition is for the syndicate to buy all the mills at the a-sessed valuation, old owners to continue to operate the mills and to have the Option of taking stock in Ihe consolidated corporation, which wbll be managed by a board of di rectors with a president aud other of ficers. RETURNED THEIR CHARTER DISSATISFIED WITH THE ACTION OF THE ATLANTA, GA., KNIGHTS CONVENTION. A Canton, Ohio special, of Saturday, says: The expulsion of District Dele gate O'Malley, of Canton, from ihe At lanta Knights of Labor convention, has borne fruit. I anton local assembly of D. A. 93, which O’Malley reprigents, has w ithdrawn fTom the order, and returned its charter to District Secretary Lewis, to be forwarded io general headquarters. Delegate O’Malley said that this was she first assent )!y of teven orgai iztd in Canton, and it is the last or.e to go. it leaves that city without a Knight of La bor organization. SALES OF TOBACCO Sales of leaf tobacco at auction at the warehouses in the Danville, Va., market during- the month of Novembc r amounted to 8 820,884 pounds, more than double toe sales for November of last year. For the first two months of the present to bacco year, the increase of leaf tobacco sold over the mine period of last year is 3,175,875 pounds. RIVER OF BEER. An exp'osion in the 'arge brewery ol Charles Tefsat Newark, N. J., on Mon day damaged the establishment to the extent of more than SIOO,OOO and caused consternation throughout the neighbor hood. Simultaneously with the explo sion floods of beer gushed from the rear winnows and poured down the streets, flooding the houses below. As V s> 1 ft /A). I a ua. MOKE OF IT, G.ogfg tin the c urse of a heated a g in ut> —Yoa had no to t.y chat, si-. You. hayo insulted amm without re so j. Bovg-,—ln th: tc.b ■ I beg veu - lon. w I have no desire to insult a lunatic. Apd then they clinched. Coffee Drinkers. In Turkey, coffee drinking is univers J end continuous. The writer passed a greater part of four years in Constanti nople, where ho hid occasion to call upon the official! of the Sublime Porte so frequently that it would be difficu.t to enumerate these official visits; anl with few exceptions, when the visit was protracted to any length, black cof fee, pure iu quality and prepared with .the grounds, was regularly served in .'mall, delicate cups. All Turks, fr mi the highest to the lowest, indulge iu the beverage, a few swallows at auy time, throughout the day, and without any evil effects. In Athena, also, coffee is drank in quantities which surprise the uninitiated; but neither the sedentary habits of the Turk nor the quick, ener getic temper mu nt of the Greek seems to be affected by the perpetual imbiding of this beverage. Home. Within the past ten years the aspect of Rome has considerably changed. The 1 old narrow, winding streets are a thing of tho past, and are replaced by large, wide thoroughfares. Blocks of the old houses have been knocked down, and large modern palazzi have sprung up in their stead. The narrow Corso of old times will soon be no mere, as it is grad ually being widened by half its original width. A Now Idea. Cos ketions of tin portraits of eminent or notorious piopl.i are supeiseding ihose of coins or stamps, and prove much more interesting to the average mind. The illustrated magazines are rifled for these pictures, aod it takes no time at all for a dilligent collector to get quite a flue pictorial dictionary of the celebrities of the times. Thoroughly Built. Many of the brick houses erected in England two hundred years ago are so cemented togither that the walls have to be blown down with gunpowder when the site is wanted for something modern. Yon may sing of the beauty of springtime That glows on the cheek of the young. But I sing of a beauty that’s rarer Than any of which yon have sung. The beauty that’s seen in Ihe faces Of women whose summer is o’er, Tho autumn-lik6 beauty that charms ns Far more than the beauty of yore. But this beauty is seen too rarely. The faces of most women lose the beauty of youth too soon. Female disorders are like frosts which coma to nip the flowers which betoken good health, without, which there can be no real beauty. If our American women would fortify themselves against the approach of the terrible disorders so prevalent, among them, by using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion, their good looks would be retained to a “sweet old age." This remedy is a guaranteed cure for all the distressing weaknesses and derangements peculiar to women. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, one a dose. Cure head ache, constipation and indigestion. Let the motive be in the deed and not in the event. Be not one whose motive for action is the hope of reward. Deafucss Can’t He Cured by local application, as they can not -each tile diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafne s is causi and by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Kusiaeliian Tube. When this lube get inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, ami when it is entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflamatlonoin be taken out end this tube re stored lo its normal con ition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh, whicli is nothing but sn Inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hull’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J.CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. @fSold by Druggists, 75c. “Lacy Iliuton.” Hark I the sound of manv voices, Jubilant in gladdest song, And full many a heart rejoices As tho chorus floats along: “Hail the Queen of all Tobaccos'.” How tho nappy voices blond, “Finest and purost among her follows— Man’s staunch and true friedd." A *‘J.3O Paper for *1.73. Tub YoDth's < oMl’asioN gives so much for the small amount that 1t costs l! ts no wonder It is taken already In nearly Half a Million Families. With Its One paper and beautiful Illustrations, Its Weekly Illustrated hupp - ments and its Double Holiday Numbers, tc seems as if the publishers could not do enough to plea c. By Sending ft. f* now von may ob tain it free t > January, and for a full year fnimthal date to January, lt9l. Addres . Tub Youth's Companion, Boston. Mass. Crrgon. the Paindtea ot Farm ws. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant crops. Best fruit, grain, grass and stock coun try in the world. Full information free. Ad dress (Jrcg. Im’igra'tn Board, Portland, Or). The smoker’s delight—“Tansill’s Punch. Rheumatism According to recent investigations Is caused by ex cessive lactic acid in the blood. Tbis acid attacks the Bbroua tissues, particularly in the Joints, and causes the local manifestations of the dilease, pains and aches in the back and shoulders, and in the joints at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists. Thou sands of people have found In Hood’s Sarsaparilla a positive and permanent cure for rheumatism. This medicine, by Its purifying and vitalising ac tion, neutralises the acidity of the blood, and also strengthens the whole body. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 1; 111 for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Ka business If COLLEGE, NASHVILLE, TENN. s College, though yet in its infancy, ore than 000 former students occu positions, many of them ra* ig salaries ranging from 8000 to $ Ic ier annum. For circulars, address 11. XV. JENBfIXQS, Prlss. IIIHI and WHISKEY HAB jfgnjH lil I \sk ITS cured at heme w'.th- U mmL&r s*2;’ BRYANT & STRATTON Business College BBBbBK Best Cough Medicine- Recommended by Physicinris. Sil Cures where ail else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the b‘j E-U taste. ChiMßtn it without objection. By druggists. A Pleasing Sense Of health and strength renewed and of eass and oomfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectual ly cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale In 60c. and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Kujp doing, always doing. Wishing, dreatn ine, intending, mournii g, talking, sighing and pining are idle and proiitleas employ men Is. the Catarrh bbst Siiffiii REMEDYf&W"ts“| CHILORE6KESf||j BUFFERING FROM |EjL <<} C' M B COLD in HEAL jpg X SNUFFLES C A T A R R Hhw-fever A particle is applied into uaoti noitril and ia uKreeabi*. oonts *t Drugsirta; oy mail, regi-Hered. ct*. 6.LY HKOfHhRS, n6 Warren Street, New York. ~ s ,v,HT ” M SMITH’S BILE BEANS Act on the liver and bile; clear the complexion; oure biliousness, sick headache, costiveness, malaria and nil liver and stomach disorders. We are now making small size Bile Beans, especially adapted for children and women— very small und easy to tako. Prioe of either size 25c per bottle. A panel size PHOTO-GRAVURE of the above picture, “Kissing at i-Ji-70, mailed on receipt of 2c stamp. Address the makersof the great Anil-Bile Kemedy-“Hile Beans. J. F. SMITH & CO., St. Louis. Mo. [TMk WONOtRfUL^gSl JfyAcOMBINiNG SAnTICL£SyS. A \\ rniture ’As tid ies- on d.lWery, iriJiS/TfITA to limit. had rtaporOu- \vi*4J7l ySgsaeui rasa lavas. Kami ood OK LI TIB I. LLIIURG MFG. CO., 145 N. so, St . rui*u.. Pa. S. FREE. rtfC-'X SVIPLRB VORN oli -OTtVT couvumoH T® nme-A WtkUA ‘t, 7nT) ’boas ar* my portrait*, ud on (*' unt of tho fraudulent air pump*. 1 1 tu, ft*,, oflhrad for d**alf*pm*nt, J \ Ojuli say Ivlr FREE *hfttl X V M W Moara tb**orb*ng#a. / \n EALTH Cmr* of that A/. tirad” fealtttf and all>W :nsi* dIMMOOt ‘""J-- 1 ' ijVhf IliiOßlr )KM, HrilHaot EYES| M 4 psrfartly pur* COMPLEXION atrarad. Will *rxl a(M latter. AruiJ Adrertt.iaf fraud*. Nam* thl* papor, and adder in Km. Hi** K. Durr, Sox SS4, Ota non C, &*a Fraacuao, CaL Penntylranli Agricultural Work*, York, ?*. t’areihar’l (Standard Engines nnd Saw Hills. BV Fr*w. Bead for CaUlofuo. Portable, Buu it A /Tv II dCUATj, Tractloa and Automatic K> HTr TrrVilTi B fic*apeotai7. Wanaated equal• _ . | au periorto I tBDTOiadA Address A. lb FAEQtTIAB A SON, Turk, Pa. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT DR. LOBB B'J North Ftllernili t., Philadeh “to. Pa., for ths treatment of Blood Poisons, Skin F.ruptlons, Nervous Complaint., bright’* Disease, Strictures. Impotenoy and kindred disease*, no matter of how long standing or from what cause originating. day* medicines furnished by mail [nrr Send for Book on MI'KCIA I, Diseases. rltCEs 1 911 u Hi Brrek<ia4lar Rlflw, to SIB.OO. Potr.coeklnf R-toWor*, JHi-kel-pHlrd, SC.OO. p*nd -3. a tamp for WV-pair# CWl©tru*an<l are f*r "eat* nirriTH a ssmpli,bu w. THE PATEHT — 1 1 "" 1 ■ 11 — r— r ~ \m *r T"i j This Trade g jfimSssmV: Waterproof fisu br^LBL ->rq for lllmtri’gd l.'THl'JE'.g fr-i, A.J J '■ 0 Boynt f oOKbakglTvbefores|| athn of 47 vear* on this RIK aiu * rOHtHhLOVELL AKiISIX boU>n, Maas. ■ •iBAnuiTiAII abou Alt Ik. A N5*A 1004 INFORMATION lands, low prices, easy Ud and cHn-U. vjrt.ty ir e. A Mule Itock. Arkansas. ■Eate gffiwMeEft nnillßl HABIT. Only Certain and 11W p1 1 RH easy CPRE in the World. l)r. UriUlfl J. L. bTEPHENS, Lebanon, O I>\ 111 K. COl.lrMtl . Piii a iditJilia. Pa. ,>clio!*rfh'p and positions,l#.Wrriaioruiroal ir. ■ I prescribe and folly en* dorse Big ii as the only w la specific fur the certain euro £a/F\ TO ft of thla disease. JBljSeeanaiaed sot isTj Q. H.IKGKAII AM. M- D., jJJJB sattao Btrlatura- * Amsterdam, N. Y. £ .31 vr4 •oIT br the Wo have sold Big G fox fctl *!SkL*d<L many years, end it haa En&t Chemlau Of. von the test ©f satis vwlJßSßßfaction. _ „ ’OB* - R - DYCIPR AHOOj. t 1 Sold h -Dnigglata ! a. N. Vj Forty-nine,'B9.