The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, December 26, 1889, Image 2

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The Talk of the Town! *M. r. WORD'S** #GRAND + HOLIDAY + DISPL-HY* i. ' OF NEW AND DESIRABLE PRESENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG, RICH AND POOR. GREAT OPPORTUNITY. GREAT VARIETY. GREAT BARGAINS FOR ALL. SS?LMf™™ JSS"- S" 011 as Dressin Cases ' Manicilre Se,s ' Wl)r!l Boxes, Writing Desks, Shell Boxes, Shaving Cases. 01 '* U ° m 2 UP T '° Sl - 7j - An Actual Faott-CUT GLASS (BOLOGNE BOTTLES. ° Vase Lamps—They are Elegant-$3.50 to $6.50. 011 Paintings, $2.00; Chromes, SLOO.-New and Pretty. Piano and Banquet Lamps. Swinging Lamps, Big Stock, Low Prfces Just think of an Album for 10c, or yon can get one for $5.00. Cups and Saucers, Shaving and Hand Mugs, Child’s Tea Sets Vases from lOc. a pair, to— Pay your Money and Take your Choice. Tin Horns Musical Tons t„ r ... wants to see you. Go and look and you will be pleased. He will | \A/r\ p l-v> Q Whistling Toys. have a pleasant I VVUnU o WEST MAIN STREET DRUG STORE. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA, Bartow County. To th Superior Court of said county: The pe tition of Thomas W. Milner, W. C. Baker, H. H. Hall, J. W. Harris, Jr., W. I. Heyward, of the county of Bartow. Ga., S. M. Carter, of Murray county, Ga., John H. Parker, W. J. Walsh, Charles Seymour, Dr. W. J. Copeland, of Tennes see, and Henry E. Colton, of North Carolina, who petition for themselves, their associates and successors, shows that they desire to obtain a charter and organize a corporation to be known and Incorporated as The East Tennessee and Georgia Construction Company The principal office and place of business and residence of said, corporation shall be in the city of t artersville, in said county of Bartow, but your petitioners de sire for said corporation the authority and priv ilege of transacting business in all parts of the state of Georgia and other states, wherever it may be to the beet Interest of said corporation so to do, and also the right to establish branch es, offices, aad to appoint such agents, attorneys and representatives as may be necessary to car ry on the business of a*d corporation. They desire when incorporated to have full power and authority to make contracts with any party, parties, corporation or corpora tions foreign or domestic, to locate, construct, build, equip and manage, for them, and and all kinds of railroads— that have been charteied —and to do any and all other acts that are or nmv be incident to the locating; constructing, building, equiping and managing a chartered railroad by a construction company. They desire when Incorporated to have full power and authority to hold by gift, grant or purchase any and all kinds of real estate, per sonal property and chooses in action. To have full power aud authority to sell and convey any and all of its property or to lease the same. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and profit to the stockholders thereof. The capital stock of said corporation shall be Five Hundred Dollars—ten per cent, has been paid in —with the right and power to increase the same to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars—said stock to be divided Into shares of one hundred dollars each and when issued shall be non assessable, and that the stockholders shall not be Liable for the debts of said corporation They desire the authority to take in payment for subscriptions to the stock of said company—any and all k nds of real and personal property and work to be valued as the by-laws of the corpora lion shall specify. j! 66 ! 1 * 6 the right and authority to “ ak * Bn ' h |? Tlaw ? for "aid corporation ft, b £ dwm ? d „ P r °P er and to entered the same by such fines, penalties and for fei.ures as may oe agreed upon by a majority ol SttZStStt"- p ™ Tld,, d all * u ch rules and by w,th ,h >• Of thin tolled? t i® a,<w nnd mo the rlKht l?.ffe rand . mend *aid rules and by-law* at ° rrow “oney and to secure th payment of the same by note, bond and mort oth-r Pvid nces of Indebtedness It„V,.TL . Dd us ® a c ,°™ mon Beal In He corpor ate name toeneand be sued, to nlend and h;. wttLarid'to l d h Tocontr at and & contracted "2 ,aß ,d to do such other acts not heretofore to^i^ 1 o„t n .h m^ t ® and d ’ M are ÜBual and proper poratTon ® tnt ® reßt and design of said cor sSSSHSES**** Oeorirla n.-to. VJ?*? WAHD - Prfl ’ Attfy. ■HTpm m n,7k^?m ty cr Ente ed Mlnuteß 4th, lisa ne k 8 offiw Superior Court. Dec. „ . Fbask F. DihhjlM. — Deputy Clerk Superior Court. NiTOßsi-I]? D . EB l ORs AND CRED the estate of / A P Ho*a"rd lmß B * a,n,,t notified to presen, . dß J* aßed . are hereby prodded bv l w 'an to tbß , nnder9, * n * B d. 88 estate are requwted J L Pßrßoaß . Indebted to .aid "”<■ “cßfjirssar /"OFFICE OF ORDINARY BARTOW ■ahsTeae^Hmnirn I*, 1 * , d G T’ oct ' 24th - 18S9 - Aycoct represent th adml[ll8 trator of J. 0. dily cm *22? 'a” h ‘ e Petlrtoa fully - that be baa ts therefore to aU and creditore. to ,hfw P 1 f C °anT,'T i ' belr ® Shd*' HE.N'DRICKS. Ordlnane ?s'toe£ E au 0 DEBTOrs and CftEDI TVjyaKSU 1 A feat. $5769.00* IN GQLiB *55769.00 AND VALUABLE PRESENTS TO BE CIVEN AWAY. THE WEEKLY ACE-HERALD GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. 139 Splendid Gifts, Worth, $5709.00 to be Distributed March 13, jlß9o. among the subscribers of The Weekly Aoe-Hrbald. All who subscribe ana pay One Dollar for one year, between November 1, 1889, ajnd March 13,1800, and all old subscribers who renew for one year, will participate In this GRAND DISTRIBUTION OF PRESENTS. These splendid presents cost you absolutely* not one cent, as they ars gitam away to our Weekly subscribers, that they may share with us in ottr profits. ®.V ® member of the AOS HERALD FAMILY, which takes only One Dollar, yon get the Best \\ eekly Newspaper in the World for one year and may get. A PRESENT OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS IN COLD or one of the other 138 splendid glfte to be distributed. Will you hesitate to subscribe for the mam moth twelve-patfe \\ oeltly Age-Herald, get the boat and cheai>eßt paper, and at the same time share in our splendid gifts? These present* will all be distributed, and why not, come in wlthyour dollar and participate? Then subscribe without delay, and get your neighbors who are not subscribers to Join you. You will get the beet newspaper for the farm and household. Us Agricultural Department leads all the agricultural publications of the South, practical, comprehensive teacblugs jcjjjf.jerergetic.agents are Wanted Mammoth I welve Page Weekly Ags-Herald. NV rite for bpecimen Copies, AfUnU* Outfit Blanks etc., and begin work at once, Address THE ACE-HERALD COMPANY, ‘ ' - Birmingham, Ala. Executor’s Sale. (T EOItOIA, BARTOW COUNTY.— EXECU- IT TOR’S SALE. —By virtue of nu order from the court of ordinary of Bartow county, Geor gia. will bo sold before the court house door In Cartersville, said county, within the legal sale hours on the first Tuesday in January, 180 ft. to the highest bidder at public outcry the follow ing property to-wit: All that store property on the north side of West Main Street, in the city of Cartersville, Georgia, known ns the Hood property, in the following lots: Ist. The lot commencing in the alley ten (10) feet west of the Jus. H. Gilreath buildings aud running west (49Vs) forty nine and one half feet, more or less, upon which lot is situated a frame building cou tainlng two store rooms, occupied now by E. Moody and J. M. Todd. This lot runs back north 160 feet, more or less, to a fence. 2nd. The frame store house and lot lying Immediately west of No. 1, fronting on Main street, 27 feet and 2 inches, more or less, and running back north even width 166 feet, more or less. On this lot is situated a one-story frame store house. 3rd. The frame store house and lot lying imme diately west of the last above described (No. 2) fronting 22 feet and four (4) Inches on Main street and running back north 165 feet, more or less, end bounded west by brick shop of W. A. Bradley, this lot running to said shop. All the foregoing offer a rare opportunity for a good in vestment. All sold as the property of the es tates of John P. Hood and his wife, Nancy R. Hood, both deceased, and late of the county ol ork and state of South Carolina, for the pur pose of division in accordance with the last wills of said Jno. P. and Nancy R. Hood, copies oi which filed in the Ordinary’s office of safdcouuty of Bartow, aud the other requirements of the laws of Georgia complied with. Terms of sale: One-third cash, one-third in one year and one third in two years, with interest from day ol sale at 8 per cent, on deferred payments. Bonds for titl given or deed given and mortgage taken to secure deferred payments, as the undersigned may elect at time of sale. SAMUEL S. PLEXICO, Adm’r debonis non cum testa mento annexo of John P. Hood, deceased. SAMEL S. PLEXICO, Executor of Nancy R Hood, deceased. 27th November, 1889. OFFICE OF ORDINARY BARTOWCOUNTY Cartersville, Ga., November 28, 1889 —To ali WBom It may concern ; The apprniserfnppol-itefi SJft’JSKLS’W *K ar * a months’ sup! 22” Sloan and her six minor children i b ® eß,at ? other deceased husband, Robert l2?tv. baT ® ,n ? dß thelr "Port a* required by law and the same Is now of file in ray office and all F™” 8 Bre hereby notified that if no good cauil , Th ßh °" n to Die contrary, the same will be made the judgment of the court on the first Monday in January. IS9O, u, w, HENDRIC K^Qrdteaff BEGGB’ CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sales are positively mar velous, which can be accounted for in no other way except that it Is without doubt the best on the market. Ask for and be get th ® genuine. We keep it. m. f. WSFS>, druggist. _Biay7-iy Notice of stockholders’ Meeting. The First National Bank OF CARTERSVIiiHS. CARTER6VILL.E, Ga., December 3rd, 1889. IS hereby GIVEN C that the regular Annual meeting of the shareholders of The First National Bank ot Cartersville, Ga., for the elec tion ol a Board of Directors for said Dank and for transacting any other business that may be brought before said meeting, will be held at their Bank ing Office in Cartersville, Ga., on the second Tuesday in January next be tween the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 4cl 2 e o I L P - M ‘ J - u - VIVION, deco-30d Cashier. JOHN TAYLOR, At 8L James Hotel, Oldest Barber in Georgia I THE 48ti YEAR OF HIS CAREER. TT'EEPS a first class shop in wlT2r2 V ?K y re ®P cct —a pleasant retreat, w here the rude gaze of the world will not be upon patrons. He solicits patron ?Jf?i 0t °> n l y flr , st claBS people, and roughs will uot be tolerated m his shop. Gen tlemen who wish to be shaved as often to.ti™??® a . week wLU be furnished with individual mugs and brushes, free of to “f,? 6 ' Re sular pat Tons will be shaved tor 10 cents; transients 15 cents. novH-tiljan Money to Loan. f~APPLY TO C. H. AUBREY. Office: Up-stairs below P. Q. novM A GOOD COEGH SYRUP. Titer* is nothing parents should be to careful about as selecting a cough syrup. Chery Cough syrup costs uo more than the cheap and inferior nos trums thrown on the market. Tho best is none too good, be sure and get Beggs’ ; Oierry Cough syrup. We keep It On i hand at all times. M F. Word, Drug-! **■*’ - mayr-ly I GRERT B7RRG7RINS IN HOLIDHY GOODS. Right Now We are Ready for Business With the most complete assortment of CHRiSTjnfIS AND HOLIDAY SIFTS! To meet all requirements Onr Elegant Holiday Stock is a Popular Stock in all respects. We offer a great variety of appropriate presents for ladies, gentlemen and children, such as Dressing Cases, Jewel Cases, Work Boxes, Folios, Manicure Sets, Cuff & Collar Boxes, Vases, Tea Setts. Our magnificent line of Baskets is a vision of Beau ty and the greatest hit of the season, Our stock of Lamps is complete. An elegant hand decorated V ase Lamp with beautiful tinted shades and duplex burners for $4; sells elsewhere for $6 —see them. Combs, Brushes, Fine Toilet Soaps and Perfumes and Toilet Articles, a Specialty. e would also beg you not to forget that our stock ot Drugs, Chemicals, Points, Oils and Varnishes is the most complete in North Georgia—and at rock bottom prices. Our dictionary knows no such word as “Trouble,” so don t hesitate to come and come again, for we are ahvay s glad to welcome visitors, show goods and make clobe prices to all buyers. Don’t forget the place , J- R. VIKLE S GO, to Railroad w u qaktersville, ga. Grand Closing Out SAIvB! OVER $20,000 * Worth of Goods that must be Sold In Six Weeks. VE must get out of this house in six weeks, and having no other house to move into, forces us to SACRIFICE Our immense stock of goods, consisting of Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Plushes, Ladies’ Fine Cloaks and Jackets. SHOES A GREAT SPECIALTY. SOLD WITH A GUARANTY. Shirts and Merino Underwear, Blankets, Table! Linen, Towels, Napkins, Doylies, Ginghams, Domes-! tics, Jeans, cassimeres, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery! corsets, Handkerchiefs, Lace curtains, curtain Poles! Trunks and Valises. I Clothing—Great Specialty! Men’s suits, $3.50 and upward. Men’s black diagonal suits. Best black diagonal suits, $5.00 and upward. Boys’ suits, $1.39 and upward. Best cotton checks, 4fc per yard. Best sheeting, 6c per yard. Best shirting, 4fc per yard. Bleaching, 4|c and upward. MILLINERY. Just received, a second shipment of Millinery Go(Xj that will be sold during this grand closing out sale. I come everybody ! and make your selection before the stock is broken. It must be sold in Slj WEEKS. Tumble to yourself, and buy goods wheil you can get them at your own price. Respectfully Submitted, NEW YORK RACKET STOR Jeans, 15c and upward. j Calico, 5c per yard. I Gingham. and upward. I Unlandried shirts, 39c. I Ladies’ rubber shoes, 25c per Gents’ rubber shoes, 40c per P! Ladies’ gossimers, SI.OO. J Gents’ rubber coats, $1.75. I