The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, February 27, 1890, Image 4

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Tlie Couranl-Hmerican. 4AKTKKMILLK, Hi. Freeman & Willingham. Filtered at tln* IWofliee at t'arU rs\ file, Ga,, hi tu*o‘t clan limit matter. FEISUUAUY 27, IK9O. OItITi'AKI r:s, Tltl HI Tt>OF ItKSPtil TANARUS, The Conrant-Americaii, in its effort to (rive all the imhvi, will endeavor to ice that deaths which may occur will not escape proper notice in these columns. Regular olntuarv notices, tributes of re aped, etc., furnished us tor publication will be charged for at halt tin usu rates. A barber who could speak twenty different languages died in India napolis a few days ago. The sta tistics are not in on the number of victims of his dialects that have gone before. While we in this part of the exemplary grape pat It are enjoy ing the odors of pear and (tench blooms a shiver comes along with the information that snow in How land Flat, ld California, lies about seventy-five feet deep. Munchausen's adventures were written by Rudolf Eric Has pc, and n is well the country Knows this, for some of Ingall’s speeches are of a character that would give ground ior a suspicion that it might have been among his productions. Thirty-five years seems a long time to wait for a political triumph. The democrats of lowa have struggled valiantly for that period and have at last been rewarded for their patience and steadfast persist ence by the election of a governor, and a worthy official will prove Governor Holes. It is understood that Mr. Randall, who was too sick to la* in his place, suggested that Mr. Crisp lead the party hosts in the sectional struggle over the rules in the house. The ( lobe-Ilemoerat, which is a repub lican paper, says: “He is one of the brightest, most resourceful and most audacious of the democratic members of the popular branch of congress.” A Kansas paper in an article on “jays” says: “At the top of the heap and ruling this roost of Kan sas jays sits Ingalls, the venomous vivisector of vexatious Virginians, the vicious ventilator of vulpine, vandalic voting.” The writer might have continued in his alliterative strain and added more truthfully, “the vindictive, vituperative, vo racious and venal vamper of vile vernacular.” Publishers of leading New York papers who reduced the prices of single copies for a supposed advan tage are now vigorously struggling to increase them again, admitting that at the reduced price they do not got tin* value of the white pa per. Confessedly, the best policy is to maintain a price as low as possi ble to cover expense of production, as in no other manner irt it possible to sustain a paper. The Atlanta Journal, with its ac customed courage, condemns in words of no uncertain meaning the auction sale of seats for the Jetter son-Florence performance, showing that though it was claimed by Mr. DeGive that the proceeding was to head off speculators, people paid higher than ever for seats, and most of the money coining from the ad vances goes out of Atlanta, the .Jef ferson-Florence combination get ting 85 per cent, of the proceeds, the other 15 per cent, going to Mr. De- Give himself. Chicago virtually won the world’s fair on Monday by the house voting the site to that city. The tight was between Chici go, St. Louis, New York and Washington. Southern members generally favored either New York or St. Louis. Chicago is the metropolis of the buoyant, bounding west and is noted for tin activity and push of its citizens. When the slight bias engendered by the reflection that it is a possi ble republican victory wears awa.v our people will generally admit that the selection is a good one. Rev. T. I)e Witt Talmage preach ed a special memorial sermon on Henry W. Grady at the Brooklyn tabernacle last Sunday, lie paid a glowing tribute to the manhood and ability of the youngs aitherner, and affirmed Lis Christian charac ter. Referring to his New Englau 1 dinner speech, he said “it would go (town to tile generations with Web ster’s speech at Bunker Hill, Wil liam Wirt’s speech at the arraign ment of Aaron Burr, Edmund Burk’s speech on Warren Hastings, Robert Emmet's speech for his own vindication.” There is danger in impure Mood. There is safety in taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, the great blood puritier. loti doses one dollar. I 'File new |Histagc stumps made their appearance on the 22nd and it was quite a nice idea for them to tiegin their career of usefulness on tie* birthday of the father of his country, whose bust will adorn the 2-centers, the most |Hipular de nomination. The two cent stamp, which has been of a sickly green color, has Im>cii changed to a car mine. The size is reduced by about one-eighth in height, and by less than that in width, the shape lc -coming more nearly square. The (if Ijffi mi-iL* {j j r11 within the shield is retained, hut in place of tin* single figure of de nomination, directly beneath the portrait, there are two numerals, one at each side, near the bottom, and there is considerably more of ornamentation. The engraving is a little ladder, and the stronger contrasts of light and shade, and the more "artistic disposition of the heavy shadows, give to tin* new de sign a vivacity which makes the old stamp flat in comparison. A conspicuous feature of the new stamps, in all of the denominations, is tin-heavier shading of the nar io v margin outside of the sliii Id, firmly outlining the stamp, and giv ing it the appearance of a bevelled edge. A charming little entertainment was the illustrated lecture at the i Baptist church last Tuesday even-1 ing, presenting scenes and imi- 1 dents In the infancy, boyhood and ministry of < 'hrist. Mr. K. < t. Mitch ell, general secretary of the Rome Y. M. F. A., managed the scenery and Dr. Headdeu made one of tlit* mis' delightful lectures ever listen ed to in the church. It was re gretted that the inclement weatht r prevented a large attendance. Administrator's Sale. GKOROIA, liartow County. By virtue of ivn tinier from the Court of Ordl* na y of Bartow county, will lie Hold on the firHt Tuesday in April, IMH), 111 the court hous# flour in Haiti county, I at ween the legal wile hour*, one undivided hull interest in honne and lot in the city of CartJTHviile. Georgia, Maid county, on which James Bell rcHided at the time of lilh death, bounded oh follow*: On tin? north by J. C. Spil-rgs’ lot, on the Mouth by the lot of Mr* Mar* i’ll"! Carry, on the went, by TenneMHee street find on the east by laud owned b.v ItobertH Jt CollinM. commencing at the corner of Ten nessee street and Mrs. Margaret Curry’s lot and running east two hundred feel, thence north fifty feat, tie nee went two hundred feat, thence south fifty f t. contain ing one-fourth acre more or less. Sold as the property of the estate of JamcH Bell, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs anti creditors. Terms of Hale cash February 2d, Imm. F. M. OCKHAM, Administrator of James Bell, deceased. Lotter* of Dismission. OKOH<IA* Bartow County. Whereas, John A, Goodson, administrator of Monroe Goodson. rep esents to the court in his p -t it lon, duly fie I and entered on record, that lie has fully administered Monroe Goodson’s es tate, This Is therefore to cite ail persons con enrnad, kindred ana creditors, to show cause, if anv t hey can, why said administrator should not be discharged from Ids administration, and re ceive letters of dismission on tiie first Monday in June, IMH). G. W. li KM)KICKS, Ordinary. Sheriff s Sale of Uuretnrned Wild Laud. GEORGIA, Bartow Gounty. Wl 1 be Hold before the court houe door In Car terHville, Bartow county, Ga., within the legal nale hours on the first Tuesday in June. IH9O, the following lot of land, to wit : Lot No. 17H, in the sth district and Brti section of Bartow county, containing Bill ucr s more or less. Levi, don and will l>e sold us unreturned wild laud for its taxes for the year IXM) Fi fti Issued by .1. F. Linn, tax collector of said county, and sold as required by law. Tills Ufith February, IMH). feb27-SH)d W \V. HOB K RTS, Sheri IT. Executor's Sale. (iKOUGIA, Bartow County. Office of Ordinary, Cartersville, Ga.. February 24, IN9O —By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, will be Hold on the first Tuesday In April. IMH), at the court house door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of land in said county whereon Mary Porter resided at the time of her death, containing sixty-five acres more or lists, as fol lows; Lot No. and twenty-five acres more or less on the south side of lot No. tittl all lying and lining in the 17th district- and .’trdisecl ion of said Terms of sale cash. Solo for paymeht of debts of said deceased and for distribution among the heirs of deceased. W. I*. WHITESIDES. Executor. Twelve Mouths' Support. (JKOUGIA, Hartow County. Ordinary’** Office, Cartersville, Oa., Feb. Uflth. 1890.—T0 ail whom It may concern: Theapprain er appointed by the Court to net apart a twelve months’ support to liurnie Lowe and meven mi nor children out; of the estate of tierdeceaeed hue band, Ned Lowe, have made their leport an re i]uired by law and the name in now of tile In my ‘•files and all \ -ersoiis are hereby notified that if no good cause in shown to the contrary the same wlll be made the judgment of the court ou the first Monday In April, 1896. G. W. H KNPRICKS. Ordinary. n I TTmrnikT T®** no shoes unless I.A illilllM W- *•lHulas* name and Va* V A ivAfl price arc stumped on the bottom. Jf the dealer eaniiMt supply you. send direct to factory, enclosing advertised price. W r WT L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, M * h\ v Faced Grain and Creed, moor Waterproof. Best in the world. Examine his •5.00 GENE INK 11ANI)-SEWE1) SHOE. 84.00 11 VND-SEWED WEFT SHOE. *5.50 POFICE AND FARMERS’ SHOE. • i.ftO EX I'KA X A me: ('ll F SHOE. 84.25 A 84 WORKINGMEN'S SHOES. 8-4.00 and 81.75 HOYS’ SCHOOL SHOES. All made In Congress. Button and Face. $3 & $2 SHOES ladjls. • 1.75 SHOE FOB MISSES. Beet Material. Beat Style. Best Fitting. W. F. Douglas, Brockton, Maas. Sold by J. P. JOrtcS. janh - in. Geo. \Y. Waldrup & Cos. have a full line of Farmers Supplies which they will sell on time on liberal terms. LESSONS IN ART. \NIMHKR OF OCR PROPLE having expressed a hope that Mr. tV. V. Sharp Mould nmtiirt? to giva art Ichhoiih in our i-ity, and having, one and anotner, tqxiken to him at different times, he takes thin method of getting at an tindi iKtanding vvitli tiieni. He doc* not i are to go into tlie work unions there i><- a suiii- i- ot iiitereMlel to guarailt-<- the formation of a r-gular elans, in which academic methods and course may he gone through w ith, in a thorough artistic wav. Tlie terms would be made as follows: fit) for a course of twenty lessons one payable monthly in advance, one to run over two months and a half. The studio-easels to be at the disposal of students, lit; would or gHiii/a*, t.s,, .i . lass for outdoor work from nature that most delightful of all art was?!: to g-- out sketching twice o. thrice a month, instruction in which class would is- gratis to pupiisof regular class. I ait those really interested address M r. Sharp or call upon him, at the “South land” w ithin a week or ten days. He w ill delay contracting for commissions that would occupy hissummer time un til then. _ ( hmiicul ami Analytical Laliratory. GI ST. J. BIDTIvL, Ph. I). 4 hcniiit for the Walker Iron ud < mil < 0., Labratory, 4 I 4 Elm Street, I*. . ttox 6*o. I HATTANOOUA, TI.NX. / IHKMH .U. Analyses of all kinds \ made promptly and accurately. Vvill take samples directly from mines or cars reasonable terms. Analyses of Iron and Manganese Ores, Fu-nace Slags, Limestone and Iron a pe alty. ferms for contract work or single analysislurnisiieil on application. Refers to I lade Coal Company and A. (. Clarke, Cartersville. Both tlie method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, 'cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Byrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In 500 and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Nr. NEW YORK, N ’t. City Marshal's Sales. Will be mild before the court house door In the city of Cartersville, Bartow county, Ga., on the firm Tueeda.v In March. 1890, within the legal ho are of sale the following property, to satisfy fl fan Issued for city taxes for the year Ihmb: One house and lot on Erwin st.,, bounded north by lot of Mrs. Lang, east by Erwin st„ Mouth by <’, H. Smith’s lot and west by lot of Haynes Milner, containing one half acre, more or less, now occupied by John Taylor. Levied on as the property of Thos. If. Baker tosattsfy a tax fi.fa. in avor of city of Cartersville against said Thos. 11 Baker. Alo at the same time and place on-' frame budding, two rooms wi h hall on south side, Bunted on lot belonging to city, fronting east on public square, bounded on north by Church street, now occupied by J. A. Baker and W. I. Heyward, as law offices. Levied on oh the prop erty of J. A. Baker to satisfy a tax fi.fa. in favor of city of Carters vllle against said J. A. Baker. A Iso at same time and place two houses and lots in the city of Cartersville bounded north by Main street, east by lot of T. \V. White and Bridge street, west by Cues vllle street. contain ing 2 aeres more or less, and the two tenement houses situuted thereon. Levied on as the prop erty of J. W Harris, Jr., to satisfy a tax fl. fa. in favor of city of Carte rsville against said J. W. Harris, Jr. • Also at the same time and place one vacant lot in city of Cartersville, fronting west on Erwin street, bounded north by property of Humphrey W. Cobb, east by Collins street and south prop erty of Mrs Laramore, containing one acre more los-j. Levied on as the property of (’has. H. ! Smith to satisfy a tax ft. fa. in favor of the city j of Cartersville against said Chas H. Smith, j Also at same time and place one house and lot in city ot Cartersville, on Cass vllle street, boun j tied north by vacant lot of Harris Best.east by lands of Andy Bohannon and James B. Conyers, south by Ja.-. B Conyers lot and fronting west on Ca sville street, containing one halt acre more or less. Now occupied by Hr. J. M. Young. Lev ied on as the property ofT. W. Milner to satisfy a tax ti. fa. in favor ofclty of Cartersville against said T. \V. Mdner. Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in city of Cartersville, fronting west, on Tetme see street, north by lands of A. M. Frank lin. east by lands of J. T. Norris, south by prop erty of Mrs. Lucy Bell, containing one half acre more or less, now occupied by Edward Ford. Levied on as the property of Edward Ford to satisfy a tax ft. ia. in favor ofclty of Cartersville against said Edward Ford. Also at the -aim* time and place one house and lot In city of Cart rsv He. fronting, west on Wof ford street, bounded north by land of C. A. Stan ley, east by lands of Bil liard Henderson and Monroe Hi ey, south by property of Moses Hop kins, containing one half acre more or hsa, now occupied b.v Mary Peacock. Levied on as the property of C. A. Stanley to satisfy a tax rt. fa. in favor of city of Cartersville against said C. A. Stanley. Also at the same time and place, one vacant lot in city of Cartersville bounded north by prop erty of Jos. C W afford, east by property of Robert Pai-rott. southland b longing to Mller Collins estate and west by an alley, containing one iourth acre more less. Levied on as the property of Fannie Ga lies to satisfy a tax fl. fa in favor of city of Cartersville against sad Fan nie Gaines. Also at the same time ami place, one house and lot in the city of Cartersville. fronting south on Kernodle street, bounded north and west by lands of D. W. K. Peacock, east bv land ol Mrs. G H. Aubrey, containing one half acre more or less. Lcv ed on as the property of Elam Chris tian to satisfy a tax ft fa. in favor of the city of Cartersville against said Elam Christian. Also at the same time snd place, one house and lot in Cartersville, fronting south on the Wolf Pen road, bounded west by Doctor William Delay, north by property of George Kay, and east by property of Elbert Smith, containing one-h If acre more or less. Levied on as the property of Madison Green tosatimy a tax fl. fa in favor of city of Cartersville against said Green. J. D. WILKERNON. Marshal MM EMORY Mind wandering cured. Books learned in ' readivg. Testimonials from all parts or the globe. Prospectus post V&BK,' jent on application to Prof. A. Loisetu, 237 Fifth Ave. New York, 4 Beauty v la deal red and admired by all. Amon( the thing, which may beat be dune to enhance personal jMn beauty is the daily use <i 4. Ayer’a Hair Vigor. No matter what (he color of ’ SvkJß ration gives it a iua- Ub an<l pliancy that MgStf (jA-aVJ add, greatly to ita HfflniaA charm. Should the hair be thin, liarah, dry, or turning gray, Ayer’a Hair Vigor will restore the V color, bring nut a a "*-~ new growth, and render the old soft and shiny. For keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there is no better preparation In the market. “ I am free to confess that a trial of Ayer’s Ilair Vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article. Its use has not only caused the hair of my wife and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus tache a respectable length and appear ance.”—R. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "My hair was coining out (without any assistance from my wife, either). I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, and I now have as Une a head of hair as any one could wish for.” —R. T. Schmittou, Dickson, Tenn. “ I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and re gard it as the best hair preparation I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has used it for a lone time with most satisfactory re sults."—Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill, Mo. “ My hair was becoming harsh and dry, but after using half a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I cannot express the joy and gratitude I feel."—Mabel C. llardy, Delavan, 111. • Ayer’s Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY •ir. J. C. Ayer Sc Cos., Lowell, Matt. Bold by Druggists and Perfumers, ' A continual coughing is very annoy ing to persons sitting near you in any kind of a gathering; besides, it is of great damage to tlie throat and lungs, and is exceedingly dangerous at this season of the year. One-half bottle of Reggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup will relieve any ordinary cough, and this remedy more than the inferior grades that are thrown on the market to sell at enormous profits. M. F. Word, drug gist. mch7-ly Baby One Solid Rash Minister cured of an extremely itchy and painful skin disease, with brain-like tienern.l health affected. Used Cuticiira Remedies. Kelief firHt day. Worked wonderfully. Completely Cured. Cured by Cuticura. Our oldest child, now nix years of age, when an Infant six months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skiu disease. All ordinary remedies failing, we called our family ph.i Biclan, who attempted to cure it ;l>ut it spread with almost incredible rapidity, until the lower portion of the little fellow s person, irom the middle of his back down to bis knees, was one solid r sh. ugly, Dftln ful, blotched and malicious. We had no rest at night, no peace by day Finally, we were advised to try tne Cuticura Remedies. The effect was simply marvelous. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought, leaving the little fel low’s person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my op nion, your valuable remedies saved liis|life, andtodoy he isa strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no repetition of the disease haring ever occurred. GEO. B. SMITH, Att’y at Law aud ex-Pro* Att’y, Ashland, O. Boy Covered with Scabs. My boy, aged nine years, has been troubled all his life with a very bad humor, which appeared all over his body in small red blotches, with a dry white scab on them, Last year he was worse than ever, being covered with scabs fro in the top of hiH head to his feet, and continually growing worse, although he had been treated h.v two phy sicians, As a last resort, 1 determined to try the Cuticura Remedies, and am happy to say they did all that l could wish. Using them according to directions, the humor rapidly disappeared, leaving the skin fair and smooth, and performing a thorough cure. The Cuticura Remedies are all you claim for them. They are worth their weight in gold. GEORGE F. LEAVITT, No. Andover. Mass. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Remedies, internally, and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Keautifier. externally, speedily, permanently, and economically cure in early life itching, burn ing, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous, and hereditary humors with lo>-s of hair, thus avoiding years of torture and disfiguration. Parents, remember this: cures in childhood are permanent. Sold everywhere Price, Cuticura, 60c.; Soap, 25c,; Resolvent. sl. Prepared by the Potter Drub and Chemical (Vjrporatiox, Boston, Mass. Ss Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases," 04 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. Q Any* Q Skin and Scalp preserved and beautified DAD I 0 by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely Pure -m HOW MV SIDE ACHES. A hlng Sides and Back Hip Kidney, y/rSU aD(i ’terim* Pains, Rheumatic, Sciatic. Neuralgic, Sharp, and Shooting Pains, II V TI relieved in one minute by the Cuti ur Anti-Pain Plaster. 26 cts. WHAT SCOTPS CONSUMPTION --- 11 * SCROFULA EMULSION ?2S2SS ms niinre colds kunEo Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hvpophos plntes and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT Sl BOWNE. Chemists, N.Y. Dissolution Notice. rpiTE copartnership heretofore exist -1 ins under the firm name of W. C. Edwards A Cos., has been dissolved by mutual consent. Those owing the late linn will please come forward and set tle at once. The business will be con tinued at the old stand uv W. c\ Ed wards. AV. C. EDAVARDS. X. TI MLIN. Cartersville, Ga., Feb. sth, ISBO. febO-lm Bartow Sheriffs Sales. O ROBOT A--Barton County, Will be hoIJ. before th to art house door, in \ tl • to vn or Grtv avl’l**, Bartow county. Oa., between the usual bourn ul sale, on ihe first | Ttiendav in April n it, the following p ojKrty, to-* It: Lot of land No. lit* in the 17th district and 3rd h'm Hoii of Bartow county Georgia, W'U Ih* * old its the |>r|*erty of Harty McGregor to. satisfy one elate and county tax fi, fa, fa 18*9 against h kid Marty Me'begor. I>*vy made and retoruel by S. J I*. Yarboroajrti. L. G. Also fit the saute time aud place lot of land No. 27 hi tbe 4th district and 3rd section ,f B.*. tow Georgia, Levied on and wiil be Hold an the property of Jo** Norther to satisfy one state nnd county tax fi, fa, for the year Ixhj. against sdd Joe Nort bey. Levy made and returned bv J, T. Broughton, L. C. Also at the * arne time and place one house and lot in the city of Gartersviile, <}a.. containing one a-* e more or less and bounded east by str*t, north by Main street. Month by property of John i . N >rrU, we*t by property of J A Baker, levied on and will be Hold a* the propertv of J. A. Baker to satisfy state ami county tax fl. fa, for 18HJ, against J, A. Baker, aud one lax . fa. in -tivor of state anil county for 1889 against J, A. Baker, for M s. .1. it. B.iker. Proper ty pointed out by said J. A. Baker. Levies mule and returned to me by J. G. Broughton. L. C, *.*o at the same time and place the frame planing mill and !ot,“on ail fi same 1h locate.!, c filing % acre more or ie*N, situate] on the west side of Krwln street in the city of <’ari -*rs vi.le, Bartow county, Ga.. bounded south by E. & W. It It., ea-t by Erwin at re. t, north and west by Gartersvill.* Land G >ui| any. Also all the m i all e**y, shafting, puLeys, in said building, nduding one 25 horse power engine and boiler, Morris make, 1 resaw, Egan make, 1 scroll saw, Fr *nk A (Jo., make, 1 p a ier, Frank A Go. make. All levied ou and will be sold as the property of vV. A. Williams. Jr., to satis y one Bartow supe rior court mortgage fi.f., in favor <>t Wright n nd Hndsputh vs. said W. A. Williams, Jr. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. and in possesion of defendant. Also at the same time and place lots of land Nos. 490 and 4ft 1 Iving and being in the 17! h dis trict, and 8. and 8e t on of la-tow county. G* orgia ea h c mtalning forty acre* more or less Levied on aud will be sold as the property of William N.chots, Sr., to satisfy one Barlow county court fi. fa. in favor of O orgia Chemical oiks vs. William Nichols, Sr., property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. I>evy iuadeoy J. W. Wil liams, forir or deouty sheriff. Property in pos sess! n of defendant nt time of levy. As- at the sain*- time and p ace one vacant Vt on the north side of Main street in the city of Gartersviile, Bartow conntv, Ga., known as the James Miner lot, bounded west by George II GUrwath’s lot east bv Mrs. W. B. Wallace. North by HHlhouse and H. G.Mays, south by Main street, containing one acre more or I<*h* levied on and will be sold ns the property of J. A. Baker to satisfy two justice court fi. fa.a from 822nd district G. M. One in favor of Peacock & Veal vs. .1. A Baker. One in favor of J. T. Bell vs. J. A. i. iker. Property pointed out by defendant and levies made and returned to me by F, H, Frank lin, L G. Also at the same time aud place lot of land No. 93 J la the 17th distrlc; and 3rd section of Bar tow county Georgia, containing 40 acres more or less. Levied on and w ill be sold as the property of John. Moore to satisfy one fi. fa. from Floyd C iuntv city court in favor of W. J. Satterfield, surviving partner of J. H. and W. J. SaitcrfKd vs. said John Moore. Property in possession of said defendant and pointed out by said defend ant. Also at the same time and place lot of land No. 246 in the 22nd district and 2nd section of Bar tow county, Ga. Levied on and will be sold as tiie property of Mrs. Adaline Mead to satisfy one state and county tax fi. fa. for 1889, against said Adaline Head. la*vy made and returned to me by W. L. Byars, L. G. Also at the same time and place lot of land No. 576 in the 21st district and 2nd section of Bar tow county, Georgia. Levied on and will be sold as the property of W. H. Bullock heirs to satisfy one state and county tax fi. fa. for lsxtt vs. W. L. Goodwin, agent for W. H. Bullock heirs. Levy made and returned to me by J. G. Broughton, LC. Also at the same time and place lot ofland No. 541 in the 4th district and 3rd section of Bartow county Ga., containing forty acres more or less. Levied on and will be sold ns the property of Phillip Simpson to satisfy one state and county tax fi fa. for 1889 against W. L. Goodwin, agent for Phillip Simpson Levy made and returned to me by J. G. Broughton, L. C. Also at the same time and place lot of land Numbers 591,684, 565 and 566, in the 4th district aud 3rd section of Bartow county Georgia. Is vied on and will besold as the property of Mis. L. G. Ladd to satiety one state and county tax fi. fa. for the year 1889, against said Mrs.' L. G. Ladd. Also at the same time and place one hundred and thirty acres of southern portion or side of lot No. 98, being all of said lot except thirty acres belonging to Mr. Payne. Also fifteen acres more or less in north-east corner of lot No. 83, said fliteen acres being described as follows: Be ginning at north nst corner of said lot No. S3, running west 40 poles, thence south 7 i poles, thence east 36 poles, thence north to point of beginning 76 poles, being In all 115 acres more or less, and being same land which was assigned to Nancy Bussell, widow of John Russell, deceased, as Dower. All lying and being in sth district and 3rd section of said state and county of Bar tow. Levied on and will besold as the property of estate of Edwin M. Price, dec’sd, to satisfy one Bartow superior court mortgage fi. fa. in favor of New England Mortgage Security Com pany vs. J. P. Hawks, administrator of Edwin M. Price, dec’sd. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. Also at the same time and place lots of land Numbers 181, 105, KM, 146 and 147 in the 22nd dis trict and 2nd section of Bartow county, Georgia. Levied on and will lie sold as the property of W. P. Ward, N. R., to satisfy one state and county tax fl. fa. for lsß9 against W. P. Ward. L. 8. Munford, agent. Also at the same time and place Tots of land Numbers 1046, 1115, 1186 and 1183 in the 4th dis trict and 3rd section of Bartow county, Georgia, levied on and will lie sold as the property of the Georgia Graphite Company to satisfy one stale und county tax fl. fa. for 1889, against G. M. Jones, President Georgia Graphite Company. Property in possession of defendant. Also at the same time and plac? twenty (20) acres off west side of lot No. 596 in the 4th district and 3rd section of Bartow county, Georgia, boun ded east by lands of Robert Pritchett and Peter Murray’s estate, on the north by the land of the estate of J. A. Howard, south by lauds of Mrs. E. B. Leake and west by lands of J. 8 and T. W. Leake to satisfy one state and county tax fl. fa. for the year 1889. against said J. 8. and T. W. Leake. Property in possession of defendants. W. W. ROBERTS, Sheriff, H. R. MAXWELL. Deputy Sheriff, Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Bartow County. By virtue of an order from the court of ordi nary of Bartow county, Georgia, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in April, 1890, at the court house door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of land in said county whereon Mary A. S.-hooter resided at the time of her deal h, which includes what is known as the Eliza M.vnat t place, containing three hundred and ten acres more or less, being the whole lots of land Nos. three hundred and twenty-two and three hundred a id twenty-three (322 and 328) in the twenty-sec ond (22) district and second (2nd)section, in said county, except ten acres which were sold from oue of said lots, prior to April Ist, 1872, and which ten acres lie near the Tennessee road. The said 310 acres lying and being in said coun ty, and on the Tennessee road, near Pine Log church, in said county. Sold for the purpose of paying debts and for distribution. Terms of sale, two thousand dollars cash, bal ance note due in twelve months, well secured, with interest. February 25th, 1890. BENJ. P. SCHOOLER, Administrator Estate Mary A. Schooler, l)ec’d. Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA, Bartow County. whom it may concern: A. I). Gilbert, guar- JL dlan for Lela A. Gilbert and William H. Gil bert, minors of W. H. Gilbert, deceased, has ap plied to meiu due form for leave to sell certain all the real estate belonging to said mino.s and said application will be heard on the firs Mon day in April, IS9O, and if no good csuse is shown to the contrary the ord- r for sale will be granted as prayed for. This 25th February, 1890. G. W. HENDKP’KS, Ordinary. Application for Guardianship. j GEORGIA, Bartow County. Ordinary’s Office. Portersville. Ga.. February 24. 1890.—Bunco Moody having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and proper ty of Ella .Martin, a minor under fourteen years of age, resident of said county, this is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held the first Monday in April, 1890, and show cause if any they can, why Bunco Moody should not be entrusted with the guard iouship of the person and property of Ella Mar tin, G. W. HENDRICKS. Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Bartow County. To whom it may concern : A. M. Willingham, having, in proper ft>rm, applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Didama Jane's, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Didama James to be and appear at mv office within the time allowed by law, and show cause. If any they can. why permanent administration should uo* be granted to A. M. Willingham on Didama James' estate. Witness ray hand and official signature, this 25th day of February. 1890. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Interesting Reading FOR TIIH Trading pcbeig. THE NEW YORK RACKET STORE Will move from Gartersviile by March ist, conse quently everything in every department will go AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Best line of Shoes In Gartersviile. Best lino of Clothing. Best line of Dress Goods. Largest Assortment of Itibbons. Largest Stock of Hats. Complete line of Gents’ Furnishing Goods. And Everything Else Kept in a First-C ass Business. Yours submitted, THE NEW YORK RACKET STORE. tHg Howard bark 0F Gartersville. Buys and sells Exchange, available in all parts of the world. Receives Deposits subject to check. Issues Certificates of Deposit, payable on demand; or at a specified time, os which interest Is allowed. rhls Bank having boor tried In tho crucible and having proven Its claim upoi the confidence of the public, solicits its patronage and promises a faithful tils' charge of its duties to its customers. Desirable accounts solicited and all usual accommodations extended. aug22-ly W. H. HOWARD, Sole Owner. J. R. WIKI.E, President. J. H. VIVION, Cashier. Diheotoks : J. R. Wikle, J. C. Wofford, J. H. Vivlon, L. S. Mumford, W. C. Baker, Hiram BUiisaell, J. A. Stover. • THE • First national bank OF GARTERSVILLE. CABTERSVIM.E, Oa., May Ist, IRSa. This bank is now ready for transacting any lkoitimath Banking business upon tho most liboral terms and principles consistent will) absolute safety and protection to the interests of the Bank and its customers. We, therefore tender our'services to tho public and solicit patronage upon tl< foregoing sound basis, and will endeavor to make our business relations pleasant and satisfactory to all dealers and our institution a real benefit to this city and the surrounding country. Respectfully, novl4tf J. H. VIVION, Cashier. Gerald Griffin. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.* Represents Leading Companies. July 19-ly J ohn T. IN orris. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Office: Upstairs, First Door Below Howard Bank. novl4 Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Bartow County. By virtue uf an or ler from the Court of Ortii dar.v of Bartow county will be sold on the first 1 ueeday in March, IMi I. ct the court house door in raid county, between th. mile hours the lot of lan lln Mild county wher. on Ann Jackson resided at the time of her death in the tow i of Kinmton. mild county, containing: one-half acre more or lese. bounded as follows: On the east b.\ Shaw street, on the south by Isaiah Pox’s lot ? n JSS V* v (1 * Nog*-**’ land, on the no. th by Gillam Alley and Alf.ed Cork's lot. Sold for paying debts of deceased and for distribution among the heirs o/ said deceased. i S; ®£YIdSBS, Administrator, Ac. January 29th, 1890. Administrators Sale. C"* EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.— By virtue of J an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, w ill be sold on the first To* sday in March. 1890. at the courthouse door in said county, between the legal salt- hours, the tract of land In said county, wvereon G, F. Vaughan re sided at the time ofhis death, containing 115 acres more or less to-wit: Lot of bind No. 9!M) except five acres off the north part of said lot, sold to T . SchoAeM. Also No. 829 and 826. all of sa'd lois of land lying and being in the 4t' district and 3rd section of said county. Sold for paying i ebts and distribution among the heirs ot said dt ceased. Terms of sale ash. JOHN V. STEGALL, Adm’r $4.5® G. F. VAUGHAN, Deceased.