The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, October 02, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. X. St VHUCHHN’S^ Mammoth Fall Stock Now Complete. WE OPEN THE SEASON’S BUSINESS WITH THE °<IGRHNDEST ARRHY OF BHRGHINSt* * AND TH£ Largest Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Dress Goods, Closks, Ehsss and Notions Ewer Before Shown in the City of Cartersville. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING! ! z~\ \ * Our Clothing Department is immense-, being a new addition to our business. Ei*ry garment is new and fresh from the manufactory, consequently the latest styles. This stock embraces a full and complete line of Gents’ Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, Sack Suita, Youth*' and Children’ Suita, from the finest to the cheapest, in endless variety. To introduce this department, we will offer some treteendou* bflffains. Note these prices: 50 “ “ Fancy “ |1.25 “ |1,75 - -- 50 “ “ Cassimere, 11.50 “ “ $2.25. ~ Full line Mens’ fine Pants, $2.50 to $8.50 per pair. <t ———— —— 1 lot Mens’ black Corkscrew Suits, $2.50, worth $5.00. . 1 lot Mens’ Cassimore Suits, $5.00, worth SB.OO. Pf. 1 lot Mens’ Cassimere Suits. $7.00, worth SIO.OO. —.—~ 1 lot Mens’ Cheviot Suits, $8.50, worth $12.50. 1 lot Mens’ line Cassimere Suits, SIO.OO, worth $14.00 | Full and complete line Mens’ Suits, $2.50 to SBO.OO, per suit, in all atylea * The most complete line of Hoys’, Youths’and Children’s Clothing in the city, at all prices. All styles, all prices. Don’t fall to see and price our Clothlfig. Fine goods, nobby styles, best workmanship, tits guaranteed. M PORTER & VAUGHAN’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Leads the town in Style, Quality and Low Prices, being made by the finest clothing manufacturer in the United States. We claim to have the best Fitting Goods in North Georgia. Every Department in our House is full to Overflowing. We acknowledge no Superiors and few Equals. Temptihg Bargains in every line now being offered at Porter A: Vaughan’s. Rubber Goods! Rubber Goods! i rt ■ Don’t fail to see this department. Complete line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Childrens' Gossamers in all styles and prices. Full line Mens’ and Boys Rubber Coats, in all sizes and grades. loill line Ladies’, Gents’ and Misses’ Rubber Shoes. We can please every one in these lines. Prtr & VAiflii’s Store Is fast becoming the people s trading resort. The people appreciate our low prices. We ex tend thanks to the trading public for the large and liberal trade bestowed on us. This season we offer stiH greater inducements. P- II ftt • We wou,d "fit we WH,lt y° nr trade, we are in the Dry Goods Business to stay; our Goods me 10 XUS people 0± AILUJW WU.. bought to sell. We manage our business on business principles and cash basis. Flannels and Blankets. The cold weather will soon bring these goods into big demand. We are prepared for n big rush in these lines and were fortunate enough to secure some tremendous bargains. An immense assortment of Blankets and b lannels await you at our store, at prices that will please all. Note a few of our prices: All Wool plain red Flannel, 10c per yard. All Wool extra heavy red twill Flannel, 20 cents per yard. Fine quality extra eeavy red twill Flannel, 25 c per yard, worth 30c. Extra fine quality, very wide, red twill Flannel, 3ac per yard, worth aOe. Finest quality red twill Flannels, very heavy, 50c per yard, worth 7 o c. Full line white Flannels, in plain twilled and Shaker ■ l danneis at lces ' 10-4 white Blankets. 75 cents pair. 10-4 white Blankets SI.OO, worth Our Leader 10-4 white Blankets, $4.00 pair, worth $5.50. A Great Bargain 10-1 white Blankets, $5.00 pair, worth $6.50 Elegant California white Blankets, $7.00 pair, worth $9.00. Finest California Blankets, SIO.OO pair, worth $12.50. Don’t fail to examine our Blankets and Flannels. W e guarantee to save you 20 per cent, in these under any prices. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Our line of these goods is complete. Note our prices. Match them if you can. Ladies’ regular made hose absolutely guaranteed fast nair^'h! ed, 25c a pair worth 35c: ladies’ (inequality black and colored hose, 20c a pair, la extra ftfie 40 cauge absolutely fast black hose, 4oc pair, worth 7ac. Our ape- Hal—misses’ fi*t hfack regular made ribbed hose; ribbed 35c; finest quality misses’ ribbed hose,4oc per pair, worth 60c, full line ladies n >bel THE GOURANT-AMERICAN. Silks! Silks! Silks! Don’t fail to examine our line of Dress Silks, all the new shades, all the new weaves. OUR LINE OF DRESS SILKS is the handsomest ever before shown in this city—new and handsome trimmings to match. Armure Silks, Foille Silks, Gros Grain Silks, Striped and Plaid Silks, Plain Surahs and China Silks. See our line of Tinsel Silks, the newest and most stylish silks in the market. OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT is full of all the novelties, em bracing a full line, Fancy Silks, Plushes and Velvets. Beautiful line of Tinsel Gimps, Cut Steel Trimmings, Qouave Sets, Vandyke Prints, Buckles, etc. Everything bought to match our elegant line of Dress Goods. U nderwear! U nderwear! Our Underwear Department is a great specialty this season, comprising all qualities for Ladies, Gents and Children. * Men’s Heavy Gray Flannel Shirts and Drawers, 50c, worth 75c. all wool Fine quality Shirts and Drawers, fl.oo, wortli $1.25. “ Extra Fine quality Shirts and Drawers, SI.OO, wortli $1.25. “““ “ 1.25, worth 1.75. u u “ “ “ “ 1.50, worth 2.00. u “ “ “ “ “ 2.00 worth 3.00. Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Undervests, 26c, worth 40c. u u “ 45c, worth 65c. . “ all wool Jersey “ 75c, worth 1.25. “ “ 1.00, worth 1.50. Children’s, Misses, Boys and Youth’s Underwear, 25c to 1.25. Our Underwear embraces all styles and colors, such as White, Scrlet, Gray, Light Blud, Old Gold, Black and Natural. See our line Ladies’ Knit Shirts—fine goods, low prices. To those in need of Underwear, we would simply say examine our line before buying and we will surely please you; all sizes in underwear from the tiniest babe to Urgent men. -"lirWe Extend a Cordial Invitation to all to inspect our Stock, where Low Prices and Polite attention to all ■t'revails.'tsF^*' —• + St + yAUGHKN,^ = -liliV GOODS, CLOTHING, JHUJSS GOODS, CLOAKS AND HU PI I CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1800. hose at all prices; men’s seamiest balbrigan hose, 12ic a pair; full line men’s fast black, fancy and hand knit hose at popular prices. Ths most complete line ladies and gents kid gloves in the city, full line ladieq’ moyquitairo kids, undressed kids, plain kids in lace and button, in black, gray, tans and brown colors. Ladies’ Jersey gloves, all colors, 20c per pair; ladies’Jersey gloves in all styles and qualities; men’s and boy’s gloves in endless variety. HATS! HATS! HATS! Our lines of gents’, boys’ and children’s hats aud caps are all new and the latest styles; 10 dozen gents’ fine crush bats 75c, worth $1.50; 1 lot gents’ black wool hats, 25c each; big line men’s and boys’ crush hats, 50c each; big line boys’ hats2sc each; nobbiest line gents’ stiff and crush hats in fine goods shown in the city. Com plete line men’s and boy’s caps at popular prices. Don’t fail to examine this line. Weean please all and fit all in quality, style and price. * CLOAKS, WRAPS AND JACKETS. This department last season was a great success with us, consequently we have purchased an unusual stock for this season. The new styles this season are simpiy beautiful. For nobby styles and nice dress effects, Jackets, Reefers, and short wraps are the thing. Our line embraces everything new aud stylish. We are ab solutely headquarters for Cloaks of all kinds.. Ladies short wraps and Jackets in endless variety. Ladies’ Newmarkets in all qualities for severe weather. Misses and Children’s wraps in all styles and sizes, our line embraces every thing from a Jacket at SI.OO to an elegant $30.00 garment We claim the largest stock of Cloaks in North Georgia, perfect fitting, stylish goods, popular prices GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. This department is full and complete, consisting of a fine line clothing in all Our Mammoth Shoe Stock--Always In the Lead. It is an acknowledged lact that we carry the largest and best stock of Shoes in North Georgia. Every pair bought direct from the factory and sold under a positive guarantee. Remember we do not handle any second-hand, trashy shoes. Every pair fresh new goods and fully warranted. Our line of LADIES' SHOES, from the cheapest to the finest, is complete in every detail, made up in all styles and widths. Laities’ Shoes, all solid, 75 cents pair, worth SI.OO Dailies’ Glove Grain button Shoes, SI.OO per pair, worth $1.50. Ladies’ genuine Doug, button Shoes, $1.50, worth $2.00. Ladies’ hand-sewed Dong. Kill button Shoes, $2.50, worth SB.OO. Ladies’ genuine Dong. Kid button Shoes, custom-made, $2.00 pair, equal to any $2.50 goods in North Georgia Full Line Ladies Shoes from 75 cents to $5.00 per pair. Our great specialty this season in Shoes is Boy's, Misses’ and Children’s Goods. Here we claim to lie absolutely headquarters, four fine factories being represented in these lines. The prices are lower than ever known in this market. In Gents’ Shoes we carry every style and grade. Full line Mens’ Brogans at special low prices. Full line farmers’ Calf Shoes at bargain figures. Gents’ Calf Shoes in endless variety, all styles and qualities. Remember we guarantee absolutely every pair. We extend a cordial invitation to all to inspect our Shoe stock. We can and will save you money. Porter & Vaupfians Linen Department Leads the Town. Nothing like the assortment styles and qualities ever before shown in this market, we claim the cheapest aud handsomest line of linens in North Georgia, an inspection will convince all. Note these prices: Large size all Linen Towels, sc, worth 10c. Extra heavy all linen Huck Towels 10c worth 15c Fine all linen Damask Towels 12$c, worth 20c. 24x40 inch all linen Towels 25c, worth 50c. 24x40 inch Satin Damask knotted fringe Towels 37£c worth 75c Hemstitched satin Damask Towels 1.00, worth 2.00. Extra large all linen fringed napkins—fine quality, 1.00 per dozen. ° “ “ “ “ 1.50 per dozen, worth 2.50. “ quality largest size linen fringed napkins 2.50 per dozen, worth 4.00. All linen napkins 25c per dozen, worth 50c. Great Bargains in table linens, 25c to 1,50 per yd. 100 dozen Ladies Printed Border Handkerchiefs, only 1 cent each. Our handkerchief department is certainly complete in every particular from the cheapest to tb luesL. 50 doaan Ladies bordered handkerchiefs tie worth 10c. Beautiful line ladies plain white hemstlMied embroidered colored borders, and mourning handkerchiefs. Elegant line of gents’ handkerchiefs in ell qualities,. Ladies’ ine hand embroidered silk handkerchiefs SI.OO and upwards to the finest qualities. Thousands of handkerchiefs at every conceivable price, at Porter & Vaughan’s Dress Goods. Since opening our business, this department has been our great spec ialty. This season we have surpassed all previous efforts. In point of style, assortment, quality and low prices, this department is unequaled. Porter A Vaughan acknowledge no competition in Dress Goods. Our line comprises everything new and stylish. Our buyer spent three weeks in the great market of New York, purchasing our stock, conse quently we show the very latest weaves of Dress Goods, consisting of Broad-cloths, Serges, Henriettas, Flannels, Ottomans, Biarity-cioth, Silk Warp Henriettas, Hebastopools j full line Fancy Plaids and Stripes in all grades and styles. Note these prices, compare them where you will, match them if you can: 30 inch Dress Flannels—all shades, 25c yd, worth 35c. 30 inch Dress Flannels, Plaids and Stripes, 30c yd, worth 10c. 34 inch Henriettas—all shades, 15c yd, worth 22ic. * 38 inch Henriettas—all shades, 25e yd, worth 35c. 40 inch Henriettas all wool—all shades, 45c, worth 00c. 40 inch Flannels, all wool—all shades, 40c, worth 50c. 42 inch Serges—all the new shades, 05c, worth 85c. 52 inch Broadcloth all shades, SI.OO yd, worth $1.25. ’j 40 inch Silk Warp Henriettas in ail qualities. Full and complete line Dress Goods 10c per yd. Our Black Dress Goods In style, quality and low prices, lead the town, 10c to $2.00 per yd. Htyk*s at popular prices Handsome line underwear in all graded. Elegant line of 1 ress and Flannel shuts, full line Hosiery in black, brown and colors: finest and best assortment of Handkerchiefs. Beautiful line neckwear in Windsors 4 inch hand feck Scarfs ring scarfs, dude bows and ties, all the new shades, lowest prices Fine line Suspenders at all prices including the celebrated “Guyot” make. Every thing complete in this department. J very Don’t fail to see our line of Hats—Big Bargains. NOVELTIES AND FANCY GOODS. We are this season displaying more novelties and fancy goods than any house in r, ' y - ° r beautiful line ladies neckwear, in the latest am* most s y wheff'B. Nobby line ladies’ purses and chatelaine bags in all qualities. Com. plete line infants hand made knit sacks; bootees legging caps and hoods; beautiful line ladies and misses knit howls, bonnets, fascinators, toboggans, etc; fine line ladies’ knit skirts in all shades at popular prices; lovely assortment fine chenile table cov ers; complete assortment embroidery silks, knitting silks, wash silks etc in nd shades; hundreds of fancy articles at Porter & Vaughan’s, all at lowest prices 100 pieces heavy all wool jeans 25c. per yard; all grades of jeans at lower prices than ever; full line cassimere in new styles. J wer pr Porter* Vaughan are offering tremendous bargains in gents, boys and childrens overcoats, including all syles and grades from the cheapest to the finest Boys overcoats a specialty. IUCSU DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Our domestic department is complete consisting of a new%nd beautiful line calicoes in new patterns; new style-in ginghams and outing cloths at popular prices; full line tickings seaislands, sheatings, pillow casings, demins cheviots, etc. Bar gams in heavy shirtings, sheetings and cotton checks. ’ NO. 18. PORTER j VAUGHAN’S Dross Goods Department is positively the most complete in North Georgia, Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. Prtr & Villa Are determined to do the leading Dry Goods business of North Georgia. Our immense as sortment of goods, polite attention to all classes of trade, together with our low prices, does the work.