The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, October 16, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. X. " fii VHUGHHN'S STOREi IN THE LEAD OE ALL OTHERS, With an immense stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHOES. Place ihem on Sale at Prices Unmatchable in North Georgia. Ladies’ Wraps, Jackets and New Markets. Our clothing Department —— _ 1 las started off on a big scale. Our sales in this line ftre far ahead of our Expectation*. The ronson EVfiiiti k' ery garment Is new and freah and our prices are lower than e.vor before known. Don’t radio see We have just received our last shipment of Cloaks, which oomph ,o this line. OUR GREATEST SPECIALTY IS CLOAKS. Never before 110 okl stoc-k work off. Our prices speak for themsett, '■. We 1'- i; 'V 1 U ! w 01 garment- been dismayed in North Georgia. These are facts which arc proved beyond queation 1 . ‘ BARGAINS: on examination of our line. . . 100 pairs Mens* Jeans Pants, 50cts pair, worth *I.OO fremencous Bargains m our Cloak Department. so *• Fancy fi.2s Beautifi* line Ladies’ JackeUJHß),worth S3.<JO, Ladies’ fine all-wool Jackets $2.50, worth 1)13.50, 72 . * s * - -s^.cMKte3r&u ft Elegant line Ladies' short Wraps,in all the new styles, at $7.50, SO.OO, SIO.OO, $12.00, $15.00, SIB.OO, $20.00, $25.00 Special values in Mens’ fine Pants, Shoo to $8.60 pair. and SJO.Oa, worth IQ to 25 per cent, more, , ' j 1 lot Mens’ black Corkscrew suits, *2.50, worth $5.00. I lot Mens* Casa! more suits, laM'vj-orfi, iM.O& f t,. . , . , . , -vruf u , ni. , ..... " I lot Mens’ Cusslmere suits, $7.00, worth SIO.OO, 1 lot Mens* Cheviot suits, fX;M wotlh $1*2.1)1 l>io viiiiics mLa curs adh MARKh l S large assortment in alii the new styles. Out line of Childrens’ and Misses garments Is full and 1 lot Mens’ fine Casslmere suits, $ 10.00, worth $ 14.0n. complete in every detail. Beautiful line Mens’ Cassimere, Cheviot, Worsted, -Corkscrew, Diagonals and clay won ted suits in Macks -—-—"■ ■ ~~~~ ————i, ■ ...■ coats, Cut.a-ways and Prince Albert styles, from $lO to lib.' PORTER & VAUGHAN are absolutely headquarters for all grades andj Boys ’ Suits in aH sty,C8 > sizes and Qualities from $2 to sio a suit. . styles of CLOAKS. Visit our Cloak Department and we guarantee w. I T?!S3t*SSS i" -,w. ,„ to sjiow you tiie handsomest line m North Georgia. moS' ‘ ,l ' lcc>so,l clothlWK wUltt “ tonl,i, ‘y° u - tins h,,c. w, md tun !IV ,. GREAT BARGAINS Now being - offered in every depart ment at Porter & Vaughan’s. YYe extend a cordial invitation to all to inspect our stock. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. I’ORi lit A- \AI GIIAN’N RHOU DF PA UTMLVJ is constantly receiving new additions from first-class factories Our Shoe sales aro im mense. The people appreciate our low prices and first-class Goods. We are now offering special low prices in all grades of Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children. .Inst rr*srA-iul am vv and beautiful line Ladies’Parisian .Shoes —“Cans’” celebrated make. They are beauties—FlNE GOODS, LOW PRICES. I tidies’ Siuses ali solid, lace, 75c. pair, Ladies’ Glove-grain lace and button, all solid, shoes SI.OO pair, Ladles* pebble gicd, lace and button,all solid, $1.50, worth $2.00 Ladies’ Dongola kid button siioes, custom made $1.50, worth $2.00. Ladies Dongola kid iiuthMi siioes, custom made, $!.70, Worth $2,25, Ladies’ Dongola kid button shoes, “Our Leader,” $2.50, worth $:i.(K). Ladies* Dongola kid button burnt sowod shoes, $11,25 worth $4,00, Ladies’ Dongola kid button hand sewed shoos, $1.50, worth SO.OO. LADIES’SHOES IN PATH NT LEATHER TIPS AND VAMPS IN ALL STYLES AND WIDTHS. The most complete and cheapest line Misses’ Youths’ and Childrens’ Shoes in the city. See onr line Childrens’ School Shoes at SI.OO pair, the best shoe in Georgia for the money. Our stock of Mens’ Shoes embraces all stylos and qualities. We are; >le agents for Kds in Clapp’s line Shoes for men —the best shoe known to the trade for men. Grand bargains in Shoes for everybody at PORTER A VAUGHAN'S. ~ ■ I tore are bargains that speak for themselves. No need for comments. Heavy Cotton Checks only 4 l-2c per yd. Extra Heavy all-wool Jeans, U.h yd. 1,000 yds best Heavy yard-wide Trion Sheeting, fic yd. Men’s Black Wool Hats, 25c each. 30-inch Dress Flannels, all colors, 25c yd. worth 10c. 38-incli, Plaids and Stripes, Dress Flannels, 25c yd. All-Wool Heavy Red Twilled Flannel, 20c yd. Misses’ Fast Black Seamless Ribbed Hose. 15c pair. Men’s Brogan Shoes, White Oak Bottom, 81 pr, worth $1.25. Ladies’ Black All-Wool Walking Jackets, $2.50 each. 1,000 yds best Calicoes now patterns 0c yd, 10 1-4 White Blankets, 37 l-2c. Men’s Heavy Gray. Wool l ndershirts and Drawers, sqc. Jleavy Canton Flannel, extra value, 10c yd, worth 12>W. Ladies’ Seamless Hose, absolutely guaranteed, Fast Black, esc pr. -Men's Black Corkscrew Suits, Copt, Pants and Vest, only $2.50. 100 pairs Men’s Jean Pants, 50c pair, worth sl. Men’s Cassimere Suits, Coat, Pants and Vest, s~>, worth 50 pairs Men’s Cassimcrc Pants, $1 50 pr, worth 50 doz All Linen Towels, 20x80 inches, 5c each. Heavy All Linen lluck Towels, (21x11 inches, 25c, worth double. Men’s Seamless Balbriggan llosc, ldHc pr, worth 25c. 1 lot Men s Tine Crush 1 fats, a great bargain, 75c, \Vorth $1.50. 100 doz Ladies’ Printed Border Handkerchiefs, only lc each. * Pin k lull’s sue Is fast becoming the people’s trading resort. The people appreciate our low prices. We ex tend thanks to the trading public for the large and liberal trade bestowed on us. This season we offer still greater inducements. Flannels and Jllankets. The cold weather will soon bring those goods into big demand. We ar<> prepared for a big rush in these lines and were fortunate enough to secure some tremendous bargains. An immense assortment of Blankets and Flannels await you at our store, at prices that will please all. Note a few of our prices: All Wool plain red Flannel, 10c per yard. AH Wool extra heavy rod twill Flannel, 20 cents per yard. Fine quality extra eeavy red twill Flannel, 23 c per yard, worth 30c. Fxtra (inequality, very wide, red twill Flannel, 33c per yard, worth 50c. Finest quality red twill Flannels, very heavy, 50c per yard, worth 75 c. Full line white Flannels, in plain twilled and Shaker Flannels, at lowest prices. ltM white Blankets. 75 cents pair. 10-4 white Blanket* SI.OO, worth $1.50 Our Lender 1(M white Blankets, $4.00 pair, worth $5.50. A (treat Bargain 10-4 white Blankets, $5.00 pair, worth $0.50 Elegant California white Blankets, $7.00 pair, worth $9.00. Finest California Blankets, $10.60 pair, worth $12.50. Don’t fail to examine our Blankets and Flannels. We guarantee to save you 20 per cent, in these under any prices. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Our line of those goods is complete. Note our prices. Match them if you can. Ladies’ regular made hose absolutely guaranteed fast black or your money refund ed, 25c a pair worth 35c; ladies’ (Inequality black and colored hose, 20c a pair; la dies’ extra line 40 gauge absolutely last black hose, 4.ic + worth toe. Our spe cial—misses’-fast black regular made ribbed hose; our No. 220amly 2ac pair worth 33c; finest quality misses’ ribbed hose, 40c per pair, worth Wo; lull line ladies ribbed THU GOURANT-AMERICAN. Underwear! Underwear! Our Underwear Department is a great specialty -this season, comprising all qualities for Ladies, Gents and Children. Men’s Heavy Cray Flannel Shirts and Drawers, 50c, worth 75c. “ all wool Fine quality Shirts and Drawers, SI.OO, worth $1.25. “ “ Extra Fine quality Shirts and Drawers, SI.OO, worth $1.25. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 1.25, worth 1.75. “ “ “ “ ’ “ “ “ 1.50, worth 2.00. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 2.00 worth 3.00. Ladies’ Jersey Bibbed Undervests, 40c, worth 50c. * “ “ “ “ 45c, worth 65c. . “ all wool Jersey “ 75c, worth 1.25. “ “ “ 1.00, worth 1.50. Cliildrerfs, Misses, Boys and Youth’s Underwear, 25c to 1.25. Our Underwear embraces all styles and colors, such as White, Scarlet, Gray, Light Hind, Old Gold, Hlack and Natural. See our line Ladies’ Knit Shirts—fine goods, low prices. To those in need of Underwear, we would simply say examine our line before buying and we will surely please you; all sizes in underwear from the tiniest babe to largest men. OART-KRSVILLE. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, GOTO RE U HS. I<M). hose at all prices; men’s seamless balbrigan hose, 12£c a pair; full line men’s fast black, fancy and hand knit hose at popular prices. The most complete line ladies and gents kid gloves in the city, full line ladies’ mosquitaire kids, undressed kids, plain kids in lace and button, in hlack, gray, tans and brown colors. Ladies’jersey gloves, all colors, 20c per pair; ladies’jersey gloves in all styles and qualities; men’s and boy’s gloves in endless variety. hats: hats: hats: Our lines of gents’, boys’ and children’s hats and caps are all new and the latest styles; 10 dozen gents’ tine crush hats 75c, worth $1.50; 1 lot gents’ black wool hats, 25c each; big line men’s and boys’ crush hats, 50c each; big line boys’ hats2sc each; nobbiest line gents’ stiff and crush hats in fine geods shown in the city. Com plete line men’s and boy’s caps at popular prieqs. Don’t fail to examine this line. We can please all and fit all in quality, style and price. styles at popular prices. Handsome line underwear in all grades. Elegant line of Dress and Flannel shirts, full line Hosiery in black, brown and colors; finest and best assortment of Handkerchiefs. Beautiful line neckwear in Windsors, 4 inch hand Teck Scarfs, ring scarfs, dude bows and ties, all the new shades, lowest prices. Fine line Suspenders at all prices including the celebrated “Guyot” make. Every thing complete in this department. Don’t fail to see our line of Hats—Big Bargains. NOVELTIES AND FANCY GOODS. We are this season displaying more novelties and fancy goods than any house in the city. See our new and beautiful line ladies neckwear, in the latest and most stylish effects. Nobby line ladies’ purses and chatelaine bags in all qualities. Goin plete line infants hand made knit sacks; bootees leggitis, caps and hoods; beautiful LOW PRICES NOW BEING OFFERED DAILY AT® 1 + 31 * VAUGHAN,?- :iI!Y GOODS, CLOTHING, DItKSS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHOES Li liens, Linens, Linens. Uur Linen Department is known all over the country. We are headquarters for Linens. It N our “Pet Department.” The largest stock of Linens between Atlanta and Chattanooga can be foum. in our store. Large size all Linen Towels, sc. each. Extra quality all Linen Huck Towels, 10c. worth 20c. 20x44 inch all Linen lfuck Towels, 25c. Satin Damask knotted fringe Towels only 25e each. 20x40 inch hem-stitched Damask Towels sl, worth $2. ■ Extra large all-linen fringed napkins $1 dozen, tine quality, Extra large all-linen fringed napkins $1.50 dozen, worth $2.50, Extra quality largest size fringed napkins $2.50 dozen, worth $4.00 All-linen napkins 25c. dozen, worth 50c. Full and complete line TABLE LINENS in white unbleached and colors, 25c. to $1.50 per yard OUR HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT Is full of bargains. Examing for yourself. You will find our goods and prices just as advertised Ladies’ printed bordered Handkerchiefs only lc. each; Ladies’ bordered Handkerchief-’ fast colors, sc. worth 10c; Ladies’ bordered Linen Handkerchiefs 10c. each; Ladies’ fine sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs, 15c., worth 25c; Ladies’ white hem-stitehed Handkerchiefs, 74c. each: Ladies’ u hit/ hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, fine quality 124 c. Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs, endless variety, at all prices. Complete line Gents’ Handkerchiefs every grade, low prices. The handsomest line of Bilk Handkerchiefs in the city. Beautiful lire Ladies’ Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs at popular prices. Full line Black Silk Handkerchiefs Thousand’s of Handkerchiefs at Porter < Vaughan’s at prices never before heard of iii this city (j<xhls! (roods!! Here we claim supremacy. Our Dross Goods’ Department mu-t l>e seen to l>e appreciated. It would he impossible to do it justice in print.' Every thing new in Dress Goods can la: found at our store. The a-sort-' nient is immense; tlo sty lea are lovely; the prices are correct. • c ; , M please everyone In Dress Goods and Trimmings. All the new shades and weaves are represented in this stock. This season wo have surpassed all previous efforts. Thty are bought to sell; wo have marked them af prices that will touch your purse lfgldly. Note these prices: HH inch Dress Flannels—all colors, 25e yd. 3(1 inch Dress Flannels, Plaids and Stripes, only 25c yd. 34 inch Henriettas—all shades, 16c yd. HH inch Henriettas—all shades, 25c yd, worth 40c. 38 inch all wool Henriettas,4&v —a big bargain. 42 inch Merges in every new shade, (15c, worth 85c. 52 inch Broadcloth, fine (juallty, only SI.OO yd. Full and complete line Cheap Dress Goods. Beautiful Hue Novelty Dress Rohes In patterns. me ladies’ and misses knit hoods, bonnets, fascinators, tobo- m-. Me; fir, llnehnfie-’ „ k "' ™ irt r ln all shades at popular prices; lovely assortment fine oTmniTe'iable ov ers; complete assort, mm t embroidery silk,, knitting silks, wa-h silks, eh-., p. ;l |l shades; hundmE of fancy articles at Porter A Vaughan’s, all at lowest prices. *" *"•*- ’*•-- - *•* m rS IT ? T * V r^ n T ° fferin * tremendous bargains in gents, boys and child, ns overcoats a specialty. * aUd raUos fro,l ‘ thl * to the finest. Boys I * ten. tI. . nnr • ■■ ;; n- .i. . A Silks! Silks! Silks! wealds 1 ’ 1 fail 40 CXamlne ° Ur Hne ° f DreSS Silk “’ all th< ‘ n<> " shades, all tin- new ... LINE Ob DRE.HB SILKS is the handsomest ever before shown in this city—new and handsome trimmings to match. Armuro silks, Fofffe Sffks, Grain Silks, Striped and Plaid Silks, Plain Surahs and China Silks, see ° Ur l lwTmi 7r'£7,, k 7 the newest and most stylish silk- in the market, <>J H 'HUMMING DEPARTMENT is full of all the novelties, embracing a full line, r a ney Silks, Plushes and Velvets. Beautiful line* of <ift ips, Cut HteiJ Zouave Bet®, \ andyke Points, Buckles, etc. .Everything* bought to match our elegant line of Dress Goods. NO. IS. RUBBER GOODS. ! Cod ip tote line Metis’ Rubber > :,s-iri' all qualities. bull line La lie: ' and Misses tMssamers in £ll ,t\ es, Rubber' Slices for ladies, ’cuts and chiluren in ail o/xs. Ps® k Vailiai Are determined to do the leading Dn Goods husuic'ps'of North Georgia. Our immense as sortment of goods, po|lte atteiji<jn to all class is of trade, ti getlnT with our low price-, does the work.