The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, December 18, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. X. WITH THE PEOPLE. THE Y6RR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED RND NINETY. Now rapidly drawing to a close, has been one of unusual prosperity to our whole community. We have been blessed with abundant crops, and our induntrial interests have advanced. Every thing shows that this has been one of the most prosperous years our county and city has ever enjoyed. The Christmas holidays are upon us and it should be a season of rejoicing and gladness. Show >,our gratitude by remembering friends and loved ones. Give each a memento of the year 18IK) YOUNG 6a MAYS, the Druggists, Stand at the head of the list with the most complete assortment of Holiday Goods ever ofiered to the people of Bartow councy and the city of Cartersville. Our stock is cheap, tasty and elegant. DOLLS! DOLLS!! DOLLS!!! DOLLS! DOLLS!! DOLLS!!! | Presents for the baby! Presents for the little folks! Presents for the young folks! Presents for the old folks. Presents for everybody! LEATHER GOODS, SILVER GOODS. PLUSII GOODS, NATUARAL WOOD GOODS. i( Dressing cases, Manicure sets, Shaving mugs, Shaving cases, Collar and cuff boxes, Glass boxes, Whisk broom holders, LAMPS — See our beautiful Lamps. Lamps for the kitchen, Lamps for the library, Lamps for the parlor, Lamps to give light and Lamps to look at. HT’We have the goods and are going to sell them. Come and look at our stock. No trouble but a pleasure to show thenLJSJ T JKT 37. 1 7\ /T 7 V O WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Y I V X Yl/ IdD f Near Railroad Crossing, CARTERS VILLE, - -- -- -- - - -- Georqia.- —■— ■ m—mmmmMmmmmmmmmmm—mmmmm—mmmm Post Ofllce Statistics. According to the report of the First Assistant Postmaster General there are in the United States of postoffices of all kinds a total of 62,401. This is an increase of 3,402 oyer last year. Missouri has 2,389, only six states in the Union having a larger number, namely, Illinois. New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Post offices by states and territories are as follows: Alabama I.SM Montana 34R Alaska Ter 17 Nebraska 1.1U7 Ariiona 17b Nevada 148 Arkansas 1.447 New Hampshire . 543 California 1.355 New Jersey S3I Colorado 7B New Mexico 256 Connecticut 495 New York 3,405 Delaware 157 North Carolina ... 2,>1l Diet.ofColumbla.. 13 North Dakota Florida 835 Ohio. 3,073 ueorid* 1.878 Oregon 653 jdaho 260 Pennsylvania 4,670 Illinois 2,400 Rhode Island 13S Indiana 2,050 South Carolina ... 1,096 Indian Ter 347 South Dakota 674 j owa 1.75! 'Tennessee ... 2,273 Kansas 1.638 Texas 2,248 Kentucky, 2,214 Utah 2j3 Louisiana .. .. 846 Vermont M* Maine 1.004 Virginia 2,70. Maryland ........ 1.0.’0 Washington, .... 99- Massachusetts.... 855 West Virginia, — 1J..6 Michigan 1,857 Wisconsin 1,640 Minnesota 1.272 Wyoming 226 Mississippi 1.278 Missouri 2,389 Total, 62,401 Nashville, Tknnt., April 8, ’9O. Radam’s Microbe Killer Cos., Nashville, Tenn.: Gentlemen— My wife has been suffering for several years with an ovarian tumor; has been treated by our best physicians and has been tapped twice. In july last the doctors said they would have to use heroic measures and perform an operation which was very dan gerous. Having heard of the Mi crobe Killer we would not consent to the operation until we had given it a trial. I procured a jug at once and after two days my wife began to improve and she has improved very rapidly ever since. She has been reduced in size nearly three inches, seems strong and well, and is able to do her own work, it is something she has not done for five years. We consider it a most wonderful medicine and believe it will do all you claim for it. Respectfully, H. P. Polk. IT SAVED MY LIFE. After suffering for twelve years from contagious lilood Poison, and trying the best physicians attaina ble and all the patent medicines procurable, and steadily continuing to grow worse, I gave up all hopes of recovery, and the physicians pro nouncedthe case incurable. Hoping against hope I tried S,S. S. Him proved from the first bottle, and af t >r taking twelve was cured, sound a id well, and for two years have had no return or symptom of the vile disease. As I owe my life to 8 S S. I send this testimony for publication, H. M. Register, * Huntley, N. C. Gained Eighteen Founds. I consider S. S. 8. the best tonic in the market. 4 took it for broken down health and gained eighteen pounds in three weeks. My appe tite and strength came hack to me and made anew man of me. Wm. Oarlock, Bellviile, O. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, ua. Large sales indicate the merits of all good articles. Dealers sell more of Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup than of all other remedies for the cure of baby disorders. THE G OLJKANT -AM EE I GAN. A New Tall for His Cow. Several wetflts ago a cow owned by a well known gentleman employed in the lower shops of Altoona, Pa., met with a mishap. The animal was turned out of the stable for exercise, but in a short time she was attacked by several dogs. They succeeded in getting hold of her tail, and almost tore-it out of the socket, only a short stub remaining. The ani mal was seriously disfigured, and the owner conceived a novel idea of fixing her up. He visited a slaughter house near by and secnxed anew tail and started for his home, happy ov-r his scheme to save his pet an ; ,al from un favorable comment. He secured the necessary tools and set to work. The stub and new piece were carefully worked out into a good job of dovetailing. He placed the ends to gether and they fitted like a charm. The joint was wrapped and tied with a heavy string. All worked well for a few days, but the other morning he took the animal out for a stroll, met a crowd of friends and stopped to explain his patent. His achievement was simply wonderful wo his hearers. But a moment later his labor and idea were a thing of the past. A large horsefly made its appearance and perched upon the animal’s back. The stub commenced to work and the new end was thrown in the direction of the pest. Then it became detached and landed around the neck of the inventor. He pleaded with his friends to keep the matter quiet, but it b aked out, and now he is the subject of considerable fun at the hands of his fellow Workmen. —Ex-, chango. A Dry Season in Kansas. Ex-State Senator Jool Moody, of Linn county, located in Kansas In 1557, and has rtutely been out of the state since. Speaking of drought, he says that in 1800 Kansas had a drought by the side of which this year was good. It quit rain ing in September, 1859, and did not commence again until the following September. The winds were so hot as to cook eggs before the hens could lay them, and not a thing was raised in Kansas. The next season was exactly the ltverse, and produced abundantly everything that was put into the ground. He thinks the season of 1800 corresponds to that of 1860, and that 1891 will sur pass in plenty any year that preceded it. Mr. Moody advises farmers to dam ev ery draw that can be used for reservoir purposes, and save the water from run ning away in the streams. —St. Joseph News. Opuleut Beggary. Two beggars, named Jakultowski and Wasilewics, who for years have aolicitod alms before the doors of the Kief cathe dral, have just retired and set up at rentiers. Jakabowski possesses a houst worth 20,000 roubles (£2,000) and a snip of 66,000 roubles (£6,600) lodged at tht reichsbank. Wasilewies has invested all his earnings in property, and own* two houses of the value of 75,000 rouble* (£7,500) each, which he lets.—Oor. New York Post, Georgia, "the land of wonders,” the state which has more cariosities than all the others combined, the home of Lulu Hearst, the “magnetic girl,” and hun dreds of other freaks, now claims a ne gro, Charles Hardin, of Athens, who brags that he has not elosed his eyes in sleep for over four years. Jesse F. Carpenter, of Cazenovia, has purchased a fine residence site in Wash ington, D. C., paying $95,000, which is 6aid to be the largest sum ever paid for a single lot in that city. Mr. Carpenter bought with the purpose of building and making Washington his winter home. CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DEC EMBER IS. 1800. THE EDITOR’S PRIZE. Mr. A. K. Hawkes has gained a na tional reputation as a practical optician, and his celebrated spectacles and patent spring eye-glasses are known through out the United States. We are writing this article with a pair of his New Crys talized Lenses, and they seem to us as transparent as light itself, and with them the finest print is as dear hs in youth. —Editor, Christian Adyocate. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed by Youno A Mays, Druggists, Carters ville, Ga. CRITICISING A YOUNG LADY. “She would be a pretty girl but for om thing.” “What’s that?” asked Charley. George—“ Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches.” Charley—“Oh, that’s easily enough disposed of. Used to be the same way myself, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time.” George—“ What was it?” Charley—“ Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I tel. you, it’s the boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad tliai you could hear him holler clear acrost the county every time he moved. Hi tried it, and you know what an athlete old gent he is now. If somebody wouh give Miss Daisy a pointer, she woulc thank them,afterwards. All the drug stores sell it.” lil jau COLD WAVES Are predicted with reliable accuracy, and people liable to the pains and aches of rheumatism dread every chango to damp or stormy weather. Although Hood’s Sarsaparilla is not claimed to he a positive specific for rheumatism, the remarkable cures it has effected show that it may be taken for this complaint with reasonable certainty of benefit. Its action in neutralizing the acidity ot the blood, which is the cause of rheuma tism, constitutes the secret of the suc cess of Hood s Sarsaparilla. If you suffer lrom rheumatism, give Hood’s Sarsaparilla a fair trial; It will do you good. til jan 15 V\*hy wtll you cough when ShflohV Eure will give immediate relief. Price IPcta 60ots and 41. For sale by R. C. Miot. 2 CURRY’S LIVSB COMPOUND. Nature’s own remedy for all liver kidney, stomach and blood diseases mamlfhrtured by David W. Curry,wholf ale druggist, ftothe, Ga. For sale by Young <£ Maya and M.-F. Word. far®-ly DISTINGUISHED MEN. Governor John Ireland, of Texas; Simon P. Hughes, of Arkansas; 8. D. McEnery, Governor of Louisiana; E. B. Turner, Judge U. S. Court; Ex-Gov. Hubbard, Minister to Japan; Marion Martin, ex-Lieut. Governor of Texas; W. R. Miller, ex Gov. of Arkansas; E. A. Perry, Governor of Florida; W. D. Bloxliam, ex-Gov. of Florida; John B. Gordon, ex-Gov. of Georgia; Alex Gregg, Bishop of the Episcopal church and Chancellor of the University of the South, and hundreds of other distin guished men of the United States in all professions and in every department of science have had their sight restored b\ the use of llawkes’ Crvsfalized Lenses. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed by Young A Mays, Druggists, Cartersville, Ga. ABYICR TO MOTHER*. Mrs. WrMtow's Soothing Strut, for children teething, i? the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During tlve process of teething, Its value is Inoa'cuUble. It relievos the child from pain, eyres dys jntory and dyarahaea, griping in th* bowels, and wind colic By giving health to child it rests fho mothan Price 250. a bottle. auglSMy Writing desks, Writing tablets, Albums, Pressed glass bottles, Cut glass bottles, Bottles filled Golden Rod Cologne, DYSPEPSIA and indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if yoa need.a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy. For shattered con stitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash,Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of ail medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest (flood purifier in tile world. For sale by all druggists. til jan LURRY’S DIAKKHIEi AND DYSEN TERY SPECIFIC. A sure and'speedy cure for diarrhoea, yßenters, cholera morbus, flux.gripin olio and all ajjied. affections. In diar iiojaof children teething it is lnvalua lo. Only 25 cents a bottle. Prepared y David W. Curry, wholesalo druggist, tome, Ga. Sold by Young A Mays aud F- Word. giayfli-ly. A sure Liver medicine, strengthening, invigorating. w:w;g. ■ ——■ ' ~ HAT IT COSTS Must he carefully considered by tin great majority of people, in buying even necessities of life. Hood’s Sarsaparilla commends itself with special force to the great middle classes, because it •ombines positive economy with great nedicinal power. It is the only medi cine of which can truly bo said “100 Doses One Dollar,” and a bottle taken according to direction s will average to last a month. Positive aud unsolicited testimony from every section confirms every claim made for the wonderful efficacy of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. HOUSE TO RENT. Desirable location. Apply to M. 11. Gilreatl), at Porter A Vaugan's. 2t The summer girl while climbing the mountains or bathing in the sands of the seashore, should carry witli her a box of Old Saul’s Catarrh Cure. ]t is in valuable for cold in the head. NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. Teachers of county public schools will be examined on Saturday Dec. 20th, at Sam Jones College, Cartersville, 8 o’clock a. ni., one day only. Assis tants wanted. Rout. C. Saxon, Cos. School Com’r. English Spavin Liniment removes al. hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, sweenuy, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollsu throats, cough, etc. Bare $56 by use of one bottle. Warrant ed. Sold by M. F. Word, druggist, Car kersTlihx nprl4-ly PROGRESS. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy he pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken acceptable to the stomaeh aud healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing three qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. til jan Shiloh's Catarrh Remedv a positiVk core for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Can ker-mouth. For sale by K. C. Miot. 2 A friend induced me to try Salvation Oil for my rheumatic foot, I used it and the rheumatism is entirely go.i*-. John D. Andkbson, Baltimore, Md. Shiloh's Cough and Consamptioi enre is sold by us on guarantee. D cures Consumption. For sale hv R. C Idiot. 1 ATTENTION 1 To Camp Bartow Confederate Veter ans: The members arc earnestly re quested to be present at the next regular meeting, to be held at the court house on Saturday, December 13, 1890. Busi ness of importance. R Vases from 5 cents to $lO a pair, Cicar stands, Smoking sets, Puff boxes, Moustache enps and saucers, Cups, saucers and plates. Fine Family Horse. Good in harness or under saddle ; 6 yrs. old ; sold for no fault; a bargain. Jin J. T. Norris. GotoM. F. Word’s now while this pretty weather lasts and make your se lections for Christmas presents. Dr. J. H. Mayfield lias recently adtl the treatment of Ruptures to his practh under the Mirck system. Satisfactm. guaranteed or no ciiurgcs will be much mayW-ly There is now being opened the largest and most complete line of holiday goods on line o’l W. AA. R. R. Word’s drug store. A Nasal Injector free with every Ixit tie of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pric. 50 uents. For sule by R. C'. Miot. 1 For Sale. I have four (4) mules, which I will sell cheap, for cash, or on time, with good security. Apply either to myself or John P. Ander son. Thos. J. Lyon. iloU-tf Purely V egetable Remedy, exempt of mineral poisons, bad odors and taste, acting on the liver, kidneys and system, curing Headache, Rheumatism, Bladder and Liver troubles, w. w. C. is the nonpareil of all home prescriptions. MERIT Wo desli-8 to say to our citizens, th for years we have been selling l)r. King' New Discovery for consumption, Di King’s Now Life Pil's, Rucklen’s vruic Salve and Electric Bitter-*, and ha>. t never handled remedies that sell as wel. or that have given such universal satis faction. Wo do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and wo stand leari.i lo refund the purchase price, if satis fTctory results do not follow their use These remedies have won their greai popularity purely on their merits. J It. WikleA Cos., druggists. mch7-ly A WOMAN’S DISCOVERY “Another wonderful discovery ha* been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its eluteher upon her and for seven years she with stood Us severe tests, but lior vital or gans wore undermined and death seem ed imminent. For three mouths sin coughed inoossantly and could nol sleep. She bought of 1* a bottle of Dr King’s New Discsvery for consumption tnd was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle lias been miraculously cured Her name is Mr*. Luther Lutz.” Tiiui writes W. C. Hamrick A Cos., of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at J. R. Wfkle A Co.’s drug store. inch7-ly SAVED FROM CONSUMPTION. Several physicians predicted that Mt. Asa B. Rowley, druggists, of Chicago, would soon have consumption caused by ana ggravated case of catarrh. Cus tomers finally induced him to try Clarke’s Extract of Flaxfpapilonjoatarrh cure. He says: “The result was unpre cedented. I commenced to get well after the first application and am now after a few weeks, entirely cured.” It will do the same for you. Price SI.OO. Try Clarke’s flax soap for the skin and you will use no other. 25 cents. Ail of tßlarko’s flax remodies are for sale by J, R. Wiklo A Cos., druggists, meh7-ly CASTORIA Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. “ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children." Dn. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. M Castoria is the best remedy for children of which lam acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves/' Do. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. Th. Centaur Company, T 7 Murray Street, New York City. The CUy Exchange? Restaurant has opened up at the Jones’ build in#, on Main street. A good table is al ways spread. Fish, oysters, celery, etc. Ft is patronized bv the best people, city and country. Hot coffee always on hand. Pomp Johnson, the proprietor, wilt be glad to wait upon you. <J4-3t Homestead Notice. J. F. Veal ha applied for ademption of per- Honulit-v. and Hefting apart and valuation of honiwdead, and I will drum upon the sunn* at 10 o’clock a in., on the 31st day of December. lso, at my office, G. W. H ENf>KICKS, decl I 2t Ordhmrv. United Stater *~*ernal Revenue Sale. Deputy i. oulector'h Office. Cartermvillk, Ga., December*), 1890. On Saturday December 20th, 1890. at II o’clock a in., I w ill sell before the court hmsue door in ParterHville, <Ja., the following property aeiz and for violation of the United Srates Internal reve nue laws to-wit: One bay horse about years j old, a one-horse wagon and harness*, one 10 yal- j lop containing about 2 Rations corn whisky, two one gallon jugs contu ninpr corn whisky, two empty 10 gallon kegs. J. A. CItVWFOUD. v Deputy Collector. Notice of Seizure. United States Internal Revenue, Deputy Collec tor’s office. District of Georgia. Cartersville, Dec. 17. 1890.—Not ice to hereby Iven of the following \ seizure made by me for violations of United States internal revenue law to-wit: One pair o{ red and white spotted oxen, four or five years ; old, one covered ox wagon and about six gallons corn whisky. Seized near Cartersville, Ga ,as the property of Perry Padgett, of Gilmer coun ty, Ga. Parties having any iipj*re*M in the above described property must, maker claim j and givt- bond as required bv law within thirty days or the same will be sold and the net pro- 1 cmis deposited to the* credit of the see rotary of the treasury United States. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Deputy Collector, What is Castoria. “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." _ __ R. A. Archer, M. D., 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians in the children’s depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital Ann Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pm., Citation to Perfect Service. GEORGIA Bartow County: The Cartersville I.and Cos Petition for inj’tn, A. VK, No. 4t The Cartersville Steel * To Jnl.v Term. 1890. Furnace Cos. In Sap. Court said Cos. The defendants. R. M Mulford, Stewart T. Martin, c. I King. J It. Hill. N, Smithson. Soule Redo inid IV A. Pratt are hereby notified and re.iaired personally rby attorney to be aud lll,near ai the next superior court to be held in uml for said county oil the 2nd Monday in Janu arv M ,, s , then and there to answer the piaintiirs demand in an action for Petition for injunet.lon. Ac’ and in default thereof the court will proceed as’to justice shall appertain Witness the Honorable TUotnas Vt Milner, indue of said court, this Bth day of October, 1-90. r Vf f>f lift AM. Clerk. Citation to Perfect Service. GEORGIA Bartow County: n. u,i Bennett.! Libel for Divorce in Sup. Oonet. v 8 , Bartow County, Ga, .John Bennett.’ No. 56 July Term. 1890. To John Bennett, Defendant in above elate* You’are hereby commanded to be and appear Ut the I,ext term ofßurtow superior court, to be held in and for said connty on the eecond Mna i.,v in January. 1891, then and there to answer Ihe plaintiff's compla'nt. as in default thereof . id court will proceed as to justice .hall upte-r W itness the Honorable Thomas W, Mil ' judge of said court, this 30th July. 1890. nerju y M DUitHAM rlerk B _ 8 C twice am ior2m’a h ' • itonTT’S* ■ , NO. 27,