The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, October 27, 1898, Image 4

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TIGER DISC PLOWS--BEST MADE. A All * In 2 and 3 Horse —-4 | 1 Dlsc is Self-Snarpening.^ Sizes. \| XRllxi. fA X COVERS, TURNS AND WITH and WITHOUT TONGUE. evert. _ THING WITHIN RANGE Draft 25 Per Cent. Lighter (f /// \it /\\ ** Th Others ' }> OF DISC PLOW CAPAC. Car Load Just Received.^, TRY IT AND YOU WILL BUY IT. Hoosier Drills. For Speed and Workmanship They are the Leaders. See Us Before Placing . . ...... JI<N IGHT HMRDWHRE •• CO.fe. T HE GOURANT AMERICAN. D. 8. FiIKKMAN. H. A. OH A I’M • N FREEMAN & CHAPMAN, Editors and I'uuushers. OM) DOM'AII l* 10 If. Y 10 Alt OO TO H K It 27, 1898. The funny artist of the Atlanta Constitution got a snap shot at Mack Johnson, and had him rak ing cabbages in Monday’s edition. If he will catch Kirby Anderson riding a bare-back mule to the jus tice court ground he will have our representatives down pretty fine. Messrs. McL. Johnson and K. S. Anderson, Bartow’s representa tives in the lower branch of the legislature, left Monday morning for Atlanta to get in the push with the boys before the opening. Both of our representatives aie able young men, and we expect to hear from them early in the session. Li Hung Chang, if reports are true, has made himself solid in China by secretly marrying the Dowager Empress. If this is true, it accounts for the banishment of the emperor. Mr. Chang is a very smooth citizen and seems to know how to play at the game of hearts as well as that of politics. The New York World has re duced to figures the worth of Mrs. Howard Gould, whose husband lost five million dollars by wedding her. Here are the figures: Mrs. Gould’s weight is about 140 pounds avoirdupois, which equals 170,139 pounds Troy. A Troy pound of gold is worth $248,064. Mrs. Gould's weight in gold is $42,205.- 36. She is therefore worth 118 times her weight in gold, on a basis of $5,000,000. 1 Agere C&erry Pectoral promptly relieves the cough, stops the tickling in the throat, and in duces quiet and refreshing sleep. % Size Price. The republicans are getting frightened in New York. Chaun cey Depew tried to stir up the boys the other night in his speech by declaring: “If we lcs; the elec tion this fall, it means the 1 jss not only of the state, but of congress and of a United States senator from New York.” He might have gone further and declared also the loss of the president in 1900. The Georgia legislature met yes terday. If it will do Us duty, it will relieve the people of some of the burdensome taxation which has been heaped upon them by former legislatures. It is a very easy matter to make appropriations, but it is burdensome upon the peo ple to pay them. The legislature should address itself to reform all along the line. The Third Georgia Regiment wants to do something, they hard ly know what. It wanted to be mustered out and then it wanted to be mustered in. The boys have seen enough of Griffin, and want to go some where else. It is now said that they want to go to Cuba with Fitzlnigh Lee, There are several Cartersville boys in the Third, and we hope that they will get whatever they want. General Lee’s Seventh army corps will leave Savannah for the island of Cuba Nobember third, the troops will go to Manzanilla. I Following the movement of the I Seventh army corps, other troops will be sent to Cuba as rapidly as possible, and by the first of De cember, the date fixed for the final evacuation of the island by the Spaniards, the force of troops in Cuba will be quite a large one. The Courant American acknow ledges the receipt of a copy of the address delivered before tue Geor gia Bar Association by Judge John \Y. Akin, the retiring president, at its last meeting. It is an able paper and created a go id deal of comment at the timeof its deliver}-, as it deals with the aggressiveness and usurpation of power by the federal courts of the United States. In the last house of representa tives there was a majority of forty four members opposed to the dem ocratic party. In the house which assembled yesterday there are only twelve independents, populists and republicans. The democrats came very near cleaning up the ranch in the last election. WHEAT FERTILIZERS, IN SACKS AND BARRELS. O ra sssSeetl 9 Wheat, Rye and Oats, BRESSED*bUMBER. KINDS LATHS, LIME and CEMENT, Sash, Doors and Blinds. In fact, when wanting anything kindred to Hardware line, see us. It will pay you.^-^^^- THE FASHODA AFFAIR. A clear idea of the seat of the Fashoda contention between Fin gland and F'rance, now likely to result in war. is thus briefly given in the Chicago Record: “Shortly after Gen. Kitchener won his victory over the dervishes at Omdurman it was learned that Capt. Marcliand, the French ex plorer, was in Fashoda, to the south of Khartoum, which region he had entered from the French Congo, lying to the west. Kitch ener at once went to Fashoda and asked Capt. Marchatid to with draw, a request which the FTench officer refused to comply with ex cept on orders from Paris. He has as yet received 110 orders to that effect. F'ashoda before the revolt was a part of Egypt, and the British, now that they have de feated the dervishes, say that the territory, to which Egypt never relinquished claim, has been re stored to Egypt. “The French contention is tha*, as the British were driven out of t le Soudan by force of arms sev eral years ago, that territory be came subject to occupation by the first nation to appear there. For that reason the French government has refused to recall Marchand. “There can be 110 doubt that the British will continue to insist on the recall of the French explorer. The longer France refuses to make the recall the more ’ u ailiating ; will become final compliance with that demand.” The latest from Washington is that the republicans are relying on “the common sense of the situa tion" to win the congressional fight throughout the country. If, says the Springfield (Mass ) Republican that is the case, then young Bailey might as well begin his canvass for the speakership of the next house at once. Active solicitors w anted EVERY WHERE tor-The Story of the Phillippines” ly. Murat Hal stead, commissioned liv the govern ment a* official Historian to the War Department. The hook was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trendies at Manila, in the insurgents camp with Aguiuatdo, ■on the deek of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at Manila. Rouanza for agents Brimlul of origi nal pictures taken by government pho tographers on the sp*>t. Large book. Low prices. Rig profits. Freight paid. Credit given Dropali trashy unofficial war books. Outtit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec’v., Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. LEFT IN BAD HUMOR- Gen Ortega Said He Never Would Have Surrendered Porto Rico. San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 24. The members of the peninsularcab inet took the oath of allegiance to the United States yesterday with befitting solemnity. Tiny will issue a manifesto announcing their resol ution to avoid partisan politics and end party drife. About $12,000 has been collected as customs duties since Oct. 12, the day the United States formally took possession of Potto Rico. Gen, Ortega embarked yesterday on board the Spanish steamer Mon tevideo and was saluted from the shore. He made a speech declar ing that the island had been sur rendered by order of Madrid, adding that he would never had done so without such an order. The gener al sailed today and was saluted by the United States cruiser Newark. Rear Admiral Schley and his staff aie on board the Newark awaiting the arrival of Commander Snow, who is to take command the United States naval station at San Juan, before departing. The efficient work of the United States commission has won popu larity for its members among the people of San Juan and there have been a number of graceful farewells exchanged. A movement has been started to semi a Porto Rican commission to VV twhington in order to represent to the a rihorities there the needs of this island. Why seek cheapness, when you can get the best and largest assort ment of underwear in Cartersville at Yaughans.’ The Spaniards evidently desire to do America as much harm as possible, even after the war is over. They are trying all sorts of schemes to induce the Spanish soldiers in Cuba to remain on the island, knowing that they would do their best to keep things in a stew all the while. The most enticing offer yet made by Blanco is the promise of full pay and an honorable dis charge from the army tc>ilUSpan ish soldiers in Cuba whdKvill con sent to remain on therisland. It is not likely that be carried out very successfully, as the United States government will hardly permit it. Ertacste Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 26c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. MILBORN* WAGONS Are Latest Improvement of one Market. Our Trade Increases Each Tear. Great Im provement on Same This Season. (The Power/WBehind] the/ JTJrush I f' -——What is it—brain or brawn? ffl Do you clean by main >• —■ strength or do you use labor A y/(*~ savers ? Do you use the best labor 9 y/ aaver ? II > ou are undecided which V P%srSttfi Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. ? TREATS “My friends,” said a beautiful hostess, jWi “Instead of our usual tea, I’ve a treat that is simply bew'tching, As I hope you will shortly agree." Then she poured Parke’s Unmatchable Coffee, And they drank it with speechless delight; And every one said That she had a great head, And her judgment was certainly right. For she bought her Coffee and o':her Fine Groceries from the boys who keep the best. STANFORD BROTHERS. A Buggy or a Surrey can be made 50 per cent, more comfortable to ride in by haying tt hung with the Thomas Coil Springs. They gne the buggy a luxuriously easy and even motion under all conditi , I I Rolling or throwing are rendered impossible by “ PfllpSf The THOMAS 111 mm COIL SPRINGS durable; cost little; easily attached to any ] / tyf / old or new. Get them of your wheelwright or order re 3 \ direct. Write for circulars and prices. York- j The Buffalo Spring dk Gear Cos., Buffalo* w