The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, February 02, 1899, Image 5

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A Heaithy Man Until the Crip Broke Down Hf Health —HoocT's Sarsapariiia Cave Him Appetite and Sleep. uUp to the time when I had the grip 1 WM a strong, healthy man. After that I had no appetite and waa not able to rest well at night. 1 decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and purchased a sup ply. It has done me a vsiat amount of good. I have a good appetite and can sleep well.” Joseph M-. Warplaw, Rome, Georgia. “I have found Hood’s Sarsaparilla in valuable for purifying the blood and loss of appetite. It cures all eruptions and makes me feel better in every way.” J. A. Croel, Brunswick, Georgia. Wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt Bheum, Ulcere, Sores, Dyspepsia, and other diseases, prove the great curative, blood purifying and enriching powers of Hood’s \7rm The best —in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hood’s ; take no substitute. ijTTji c pni cure liver nis; eas >' nouu o riuo take, easy to operate. 960. LOCAL NEWS JERIEF. Mr. W. F. Maffett, of Rome, apent Sunday with his family here. Mr. G. A. Patillo is out again after a two weeks tussle with the grip, Mr, W. J. Neel, of Rome, spent Tuesday in the city on legal busi ness, Mr. Harris Best came over from Rome Sunday to spend the day with his family. Mr. W. S. Witham, president of the Bank of Cartersville, was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. L. Bolt was out for the •first time Tuesday, after a week’s spell of the grip. Mrs. Nat Garner, of Atlanta, spent last Sunday in Cartersville, the guest ol Mrs. J. A. Stover. Robert Edwards, of Marietta, has been with his parents in Carters ville for a week, being indisposed. Mr. Lee Burrough continues quite sick with an attack of the grip. His friends hope for an early recovery. Mr. Asa G. Candler, of Atlanta, was in Cartersville yesterday, the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. W. Har ris, Sr. Miss Lula Merrell, of Cedartown, is in the city and will spend a week or so with her sister, Mrs. J. A, Monfort. Mrs. J. H. Vivion lias been quite sick for several days, but is im proving, and her friends hope for her early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wardlaw, came over from Rome, and spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. T. E. Collins. The friends of Mrs. A. B. Cunyus will regret that she has been quite si<*k for several days, and hope for her speedy recovery. The Shelman hotel is enjoying a popular run of custom just now and travelers continue to speak of its a capital place to stop. Mr. Robert Gilreath has returned from a pleasant visit of several weeks to his sister, Mrs. J. Gordon Cassells, in Savannah. Mr. S. W. Roberts was in town Tuesday for the first time in several weeks. He has been confined at home with rheumatism. Rev. J. F. Mixon, the presiding elder of the Rome district, with his wife, will be the guests of Rev. and Mrs. B. P. Allen for a week. Mr. B. G. Boaz Jr., cashier of the Bank of Calhoun, at Calhoun, spent last Sunday in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chapmaa. A few loads of sand or gravel would improve the street crossings and make them fairly passable. This work should be done at once. Mr. G. S. Cobb was recommend ed by the grand jury to succeed Judge R. W. Murphey as notary public for the Cartersville district. Citizen John W. Jones wears a broader smile and steps more elas tic the last few days. All on ac count of that bouncing boy at his house. Mr. Abda J. Collins returned a few ago from St. Augustine, -la., where, with his wife, he has been spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Masters. Mr. 8. L. Vandivere has moved his family to Atlanta, and is located at 202 Luekie street. This excellent family *v ill be missed from the com munity. Their home here is now occupied by Marshal J. A. Hender- s ° n and family. fhe city council should see that t!lft streets of Cartersville are put oi condition to stand the winter r aios before another season such as '-9 2re now having comes upon us. Ile coming spring and summer 'bould see the beginning of paved streets. Mr. Norvell Stover and his friend Mr. Davis, came up last Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs J. A. Stover. The government thermometer at Word’s drug store registered seven teen degrees above zero on Tuesday night. The highest for the day was forty two, making the fall in temperature twenty-five degrees. It was one of the coldest nights of the winter. Mrs. Annie Graham returned Tuesday evening from Hopkins ville, Kv., where she assisted in the music at the big meetings held there by her father. She will leave Sunday for Chattanooga, where Mr. Jones will conduct a meeting next week. *Judge Hendricks 'requests to state that he is prepared to pay the indigent and widows pensions, and all who are entitled are requested to call and get the amount coming to them. Mr. A. B. Cunyus has been quite sick at his rooms at Terrance Place for several days. The Denton case which has con sumed, the past week in the supe rior court, went to the jury Tuesday evening, and a verdict was return ed yesterday in favor of the rail road. The plaintiff send for $20,- 000. The snow on Friday night was a phase of the weather not anticipa ted and many were surprised at the immaculate earth covering visible on Saturday morning. The ground was covered only a few inches and the snow was not very long in melting away. Don’t forget the fact that the Cou rant American’s facilities are un surpassed by any establishment in North Georgia for the turning out of neat job printing, promptly and at city prices. We keep a good as sortment of stationery on hand and can fill your orders on any variety of printing satisfactorily. The Schubert Symphony Com pany will appear at the opera house on Tuesday, February 21 under the auspicesof the Knights of Pythias. This company comes highly recommended and will give a first class entertainment which will be greatly enjoyed by the music loving people of Carters ville. A case of quick adjustment of losses by an insurance company seldom finding a parallel is that of Mr. Thomas Taylor, who was burn ed out at Euharlee, on the 18th. He insured with Mr. G. H. Au brey in the Liverpool, London and Globe, and the money for his losses was here ready for him on the 28th, just ten days after the fire. Mr. T. J. Taylor, of Euharlee, was in town Monday adjusting the in surance on his store house, which was recently burned. He carried eight hundred dollars insurance on his store and stock, which about covered half his loss. The post office effects including forty six dollars in stamps were also burned. Mr. Taylor will rebuild at once. The Moderi* Way Commends itself to the well-inform ed, to do pleasantly and effectually what w T as formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches, and fe vers without unpleasant after ef fects, use the delightful liquid laxa tive remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Cos, A Fearless Judge- Canton Advance. Judge Fite, of the Cherokee cir cuit, has positive ideas on all vital questions affecting the people and he does not fear to express them on the bench as well as in private con versation with his friends. We quoted some of his expressions last week in regard to tax-dodging and how to bring out all hidden proper ty. Last Friday he instructed the Bartow county grand jury to return true bills of indictment against the express agent at Cartersville for jugs of whiskey shipped there for delivery. Judge Fite generally sends violators of the laws against the selling of whisky in the coun ties prohibiting its sale to the chaiu gang instead of allowing them to pay fines and i.i this way he has done much to break up the blind tigers, but the jug trade through the exp.ess has therefore become a great public nuisance Tonight If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart bum, or Constipation, take a dose of Hood’s Pills On retiring, and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and ? r ou will be bright, active and ready or any kind of work. This has been tie experience of others? it will be jours. HOOD’S PILLS are ''ld by ill medicine dealers. 26 cts. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIOS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co- only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Sy*>up Cos. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAN CISCO, OiL LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW YORK. If. T. We will send the Courant Amer ican and the Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal one year for only $1.60. A combination of good reading at small cost. Try it. Jewelry—Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Jewelry of our manufacture warran ted to give the wearer satisfaction o. money refunded. We manufacture a complete line in rolled gold plate, gold filled, gold front and solid gold. A complete line of jewelry of our manutacture is for sale by Fred Gres ham ol Cartersville, Ga. Call at the store and examine the line Prices low and goods first class. st. W.F, MAIN CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, For LaGrippe. Thomas Whitfield & Cos., 240 Wabash-av., corner Jackson-st., one of Chicago’s oldest and most promi nent druggists, recommend Chan berlain’s Cough Remedy for la grippe, as it not only gives a prompt and complete relief, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. For sale by Young Bros. Dr. Bull's COUGH SYRUP Will cure Tonsilitis and Bronchitis. A specific for incipient consumption. Doses small. Price 25 cts. at druggists. MEN AND ’WOMEN HELP't DR. HATHAWAY & CO. SPECIALISTS. (Regular Graduates.) Acknowledged to be the leading and. most Uccousful of all specialists and will give yon HELP, AND mHhl' Blent. Mary EgS® ff Yj YEARS of rariti fENT, the scorn of their fellows and the contempt of friends and companions, leads ns to GUARAN TEE to all patienta. If they can possibly b RE STORED. OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE TREATMENT will AFFORD a CURE. WOMEN 1 Don't you want to get cured of that WEAKNESS with a treatment that you can use at without Instruments. Our wonderful treat tient has cured others. Why not you ? Try It. CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin. Blood, leart, Liver and Kidneys. SYPHILIS—The most rapid, safe and effective emedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. SKIN DISEASES of all kinds cured where nany others have failed. UNNATURAL DISCHARGES promptly cured in a few days. Quick, sure and afe. Thk Includes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. TRUTH AND FACTB. We hare cured cases of Chronlo Diseases that hare failed to get cured at the hands of other specialists, physicians and medical Institutes. *(*UEME VlßEtt, that there It hope for YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE VALUABLE TIME Obtain our treatment at once. BEWARE of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and mo* ; scientific treatment at moder ate prioee—as ldw as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. Free consultation at the office or by mail. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis. A home treatment can be given in a majority of cases. Bend fd lymptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2, tor Women No. 8. for Bkin Disea'oe. Send 100 for 61-page Eel srence Book for Men and Women. All correspond ence answered promptly. Business strictly coni', dential. Entire treatment sent free from observ - Aon. Refer to our patients, banksandbusinessme t Thiresa or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO. fUH *J< Broad It.. Atlanta. G Mrs. Gwilliams—l heard you tell Mr. Smut to come around at lunch time tomorrow and you would have a hotscotch. What is a hotscotch, dear? Mr. Gwilliams—Cooked oatmeal, my dear.—Chicago Tribune. If you have a watch that has given you trouble, take it toGres ham, the white front jeweler, just across the street from Scheuers. tf. LONDON PRESS. Papers In That City Fear the Fili pinos’Attitude Means War, London, Jan. 28.—The paper here are impressed by the increas ing gravity of the position in the Philippines. They fear that the defiant, passionate attitude of the Filipinos renders war probable, if not imminent. The Times advises the United States to be prepared for a serious struggle. The Standard says that the pro clamation of a republic by the Malolos government is a gage of battle which the United States can hardly refuse to take up. The situation justifies a great deal of anxiety, as Gen. Otis’s forceis in no wise equal to the demands that must be made upon it if operations begin in earnest. The Standard compares the diffi culties in the Philippines with those Great Britain has frequently had to grapple with. It believes that the Americans will face them with something less than the first flush of enthusiasm, but with a steadfast determination to succeed. The Daily News is convinced that whatever happens, the task of pacification must be a long one. The Chronicle ridicules the new republic, which it says, if it is allow ed to run, will endure for about a month. The paper blames the United States for allowing the movement to gain such headway. It ascribes the growth of the move ment to politics in the Umteu States, which it deplores. ELECTRO SILICON Shines Surprisingly without Scratching. Sample sent if you say so. It's unlike all others. Box, post-paid, 15 cts. in stamps. It’s sold everywhere. The Electro-Silicon Cos., fl,h Diamond Brand. /ROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine- A krE, always reliable. ladies ask fliV Offglst for Chichester s English J>ia-A3\\ tnd Brand in lied and Cold metal xea, scaled with blue ribbon. Take \Sy > ot her. Refuse dangerous tt tstitu- ▼ ne and imitations. A t Druggist a, or send 4ft. stamps for particulars, testimonials and Relief for La<llem” in letter, by return •It 10,000 Testimonials. Name Paver. esterlkemitaslCo..Madison Plf PHILADA.. Pi 43h SBB lb M aD( I Whiskey Habits fe Q BL£ SMI ¥%Um cured at home with -4S T 1 feJS sWS oni Dain - of par -918 8 BO BUI ticnlars sent FREE B. M.WOOIXEY, M.I). Auanta, Office 104 N. Pryor St SGHEOERS SPECIAL SALE For the Month of February. In order to make room for the large stock of SPRING GOODS which will begin to arrive soon, we have made Great Reductions of prices in all the different departments of our stores If you are in need of a Dress Pattern, a Skirt or a Silk Waist, it will certainly pay you to give us a call. All our heavy underwear we offer at cost and some for less. We have a great many Odds and Ends in Shoes which you can have at your own reasonable price. In Men’s Clothing and Furnishing Goods we will give you better goods at a lower price than you will find them anywhere. SGHEXJERS V *l W ( , 4|jl | for dishes that can be thrown away after every \ ■ ißfc|.v 1 H ‘ meal, to avoid the tiresome task of dish-wash- I J I ing, cannot le granted. Would she have the | jw3foiby'ii next best thing? Let her wash the dishes— S 80 easil y it’ s almost a pleasure —with ij mmt Washing Powder. | M It cuts the grease, and a good rinsing will | ty/yjxyy leave the dishes delightfully clean. | E|f \ THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Boston. | 77-, N Philadelphia. & IYou’ll Never Know! i bow comfortable a side-bar buggy can be made unt'l' i you ride in one that has the Thomas Coil Springs. They make the buggy | ride easier, hang more evenly and look neater. You can easily and cheaply ' i replace any style of side-bar springs with i ' i j The 'THOMAS i COIL SPRINGS Mpj l to hast). ( , The best carriage makers in the country now use them on , 1 their best work. If your carriage maker or wheelwright / IPaF-/ 1 £*■ Y ' | won’t supply you, write for fall description and prices. / \ 1 | The Buffalo Spring A Gear Cos., Buffalo, New York. *•*—- —>B*l J JE<\ Gresham; JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, VILLE, CA.^ Fine Fni> cma ine. . —fi%to^ SELECTION Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, AND SILVERWARE. All work guaranteed. Eyes tested free of charge. GIVE HIM j\. CALL. n a BfimriTa PARKER’S A JtL jl ■ HAIR BALSATI Bears the /) I** Kind You Have Always Bought J 5 t-auer*. u> me cears u , BWBWBIIW..M > rr.. Sic nature / jv> //T/ /) . s? IpO’rg.r never fails to Besto-c uray ° f {v. t - cS?l r *? *d* ou^ l p l I V' °r