The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, September 27, 1900, Image 2

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THE SICK ARE MADE WELL, And the Weak are Restored to Full V iff or nnd Strength at the Hands of the <>reat est Healer of Modern Timed. . w Have you any pain or ache or weakness? GFt TOU Hoe* your blood abowthatltcontain* im eee* puritie*? Are rou neiTous? Ho you lack “ snap and activity of mind and i ody? Are t" "" you easily tired? Have you lost limJi'&n? Is tliere any unnatural drain upon tlie system? i* every organ per forming it* proper func tion? In Other Words: Are You a Perfectly Strong, Active, Vigor ous, Healthy, Happy Man or Woman ? If noi, you should not de lay one day before you con sult a specialist, one to whomthehuman foody isan open book arid who under stand* every 1 base of weak new. and disease and to whom I lie proper treatment . for a cure i* as simple a* ii.a adding of a coluiu* of figure*. ... . Fofover2oyears,Pß. J. NKWTOJi he Leading H.vIrUA'iVAY l.s* been the leacUn* nscinlkl irejtiaUstofUnscountry Hlsprac cc a si. t/ruhiis been for year* lan er thai e atof all other specialistseombined. iiiscure*of al rta of diseased conditions hureheen ttio marvel o.' ll.emedical profession amltbe people geneially. ili> fume ha* spread into every town and every hamlet i boeoafflteted withallmannerofdiseasesliavesnugi ! isaerviee* in order that they might be made whop v the administering Of his wonderfulysb m of treat . ent. Wrecks of buiuanlty have corue to him fi • msultatlon and medicine*, whoa few months late* i.. ve returned to him In most vigorous health to giv< . „ himthelr tbnnk*. > Diseases Dg Hathaway treats all diseases Cured thow- peculiar to men and tboei ” peculiar to women, ns well a -0: tarrh. Rheumatism, Kidney Complaints. Eczema and ail forms of lingering and chronic disorders. w . . . Hr. Ruil.avayV success in tin Varicocele anti treatment ot Vurtcocele anr Stricture fctrleterewtthnutt-lieald of kl)lf< oirtorure. or cm(ter , tapbenomenal. Tb< i "Went I* treated by this method at bis own bomi '■ itbout pain or loss of time from business Thlsli i -sltively the only treatment which cures with out ar deration. Hr. Hathaway rail* the particular atten l* n of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture V gee 27,28,2M0 and 31 of hi* new book which will b> fc p. c „ sent free on application. V very base Every case tuken by Hr. Hathawa* Specially Is specially treated according to lb r , . nature,hH underhis genera I persona 1 rcateil. sunervlslon, and all remedies used b’ bin are prepared from the ptirestand lest drugs In I sown laboratories under his personal oversight, n”d all from special prescriptions of hlsown. . Hr. Hathaway makes no charge for consul l-OW tatlon or advice, either at his office or by - ... . mall, and when a case is taken the one low fee covers all coat of medicines and profs* s.ooal services. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Hr. Hathaway St Cos., *2H South Broad Street, Atlanta, On. MENTION THIS TATEK WHEN WRITING. Write for the free booklet: "Merry Rhyme* fur Thirsty lime*." Hires Rootbeer p time is here fH*. iHLcb E. HIRES CO., Philadalpk A. Pa. M er* e Hire* Condensed Milk. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNC LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens Sent. 18tf), 19tK). One of the Ididing .Schools for Young Ladies in the south. Magnificent buildings, all modern improvements. Campua ten a<-rea. Grand mountain scenery in val ley ot Virginia, famed for health. Kti ropean and American teachers. Full i.'iiiran. .Superior advantages in Art. M usio and Elocution. Students front thirty states. For catalogue address MATTIE l\ HARRIS. President, Roanoke, Va, -Bfi 20 t . BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR the gr*iuU‘*t suid f*#te#i-#*llmg l*ook ever published, Pulpit Echoes ■* LIVING TKUTIIB FOR 11EAIA ANII llF.AKT ataining Mr. MOUUY'N beet Sermons with i infilling stories, Incident*, Personal Experienoes.etc., ae told# 4 By 1). L . Moody ae{f. With a complete history of his lift by Hev. CN AB.F. ii .#BB* Pastor of Mr Moody s Chicago Church for five years . v, l an Introduction br Her. LYMAN ABBOTT. I>. II.! B tad new. 600 Uhutraled. 03*l.OOOYnor \ WCNTM WANTED Men and Women. £7* Sab* uitnaense —a harvest time for Agent*. Bend for terms to A I>. WOK I'lll.MiTON A CO* Hartford, Ooaa. An Uncertain niiease. There is no disease more uncertain in its lature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that he symptoms of no two cases agree. It is iherefore most difficult to make a eorreet liagnoms. _ No matter how severe, or under vhiM disguisedyspepsiuattacks you. Browns’ ron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in uH liseases of the stomach, blood and nerves, trow ns’ Iron Bitters is sold bv all dealers. wkUAii. 50 YEARS’ EX P E RIE NC E Trade: Marks Designs r fFTtv Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch And description my quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tion* strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securing^patents. Patents taken through Munn A Cos. receive tpecial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely tllimtrated weekly. I.n?et nr culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a ▼ear : four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MONN & Cos. 36,B "* d **> New York Branch Office. 636 Y St.. Washington. I'. C. Ml CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills i Oriflnil snd Only tiruuliir. ■r~^t- ,, v\bAFE. Always reliable Ladle*-. ak Dturrfrt *. 4( C-.WIJ tor CHIdHKSTKIt'S ICNtiLISH ia UKD anrt Gold metallic boxes pealed CV —f' l * l Take no other. Refuse ]•"} Ueiferoa* *uD*tituiion* and iroiia- I / frj ttoriM. Bur of jour Orurcxt or -port 4e. in S *uw;> for PertlculMrs, TceVimonUU \ Kc anrt “Relief for Lilets’* ** latter, by re- JL Lr tarn Mull. lO.Ooii K-tiraomal*. Sold by „ ' all DrugKistk Chleheitor i'heralenl fo., IlMlltoa tkis paper. MudUoti I'urk, Fill LA.. FA. .rataft&K Viwimvxv. * ,-.h<jtoh. Bcfcrctci—Awards a* ' World’s Expo* r tions anc thoiuat. • . graduates in positions. fostofFi ’1 .-*■ Course, including Tui* t on. Books oard in family, about SHO. f iIOETHAID, .irK-ViRITHii * TEUfttirßY, BFEfULTKS. ■ S lbe Kentucky University Diploma, under seal, f warded graduates. Literary Course free, if desired. Mo isratioa. Enter now. Graduates successful. / order to have your lettere reach as, addrete only WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. Nate. — Kentucky Vnivereity rciourera. |AOO,OUS, and L td nearly loots etudente in attendance last gear . \ Alunble to tYomen. Especially valuable to women is Browns' Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache iisnppears, strength takes the place ot * eaxnees, and the glow of health readily :omes to the pallid cheek when this won 1-rfnl remedy is taken. For sickly children T oT fr w . ork *'‘. ,nen il iias 110 equal. No home ‘ioula be without this famous remedy drown*’ Iron Hitters is *>ld bj all iealera THE CAME IS ONE OF DELAY. Although Affairs in China Are As suming New Shapes- GERMANY READY TO FIGHT- McKinley’s Tactics is to Show No Positive Hand. If Possible, Till After Election, (From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 21, 1900. Mr. McKinley’s fellow imperial ist, the emperor of Germany, not having a .slumping political cam paign on his hands, has notified his American imitator that he must fish, cut bait, or get out of the Chi nese boat. Mr. McKinley found this notification in the shape of the demand of the German emperor that the Chinese officials who in stigated the attacks on foreigners shall be punished before Germany will participate in negotiations with China, when he paid Wash ington one of his periodical visits this week, and with it was a com munication asking in diplomatic language what he was going to do about it. There was a hurrying and scurrying, and with the assis- j tauce of some assistant secretaries and those members of the cabinet who are not on the stump or taking things easy away from their offices a reply to Germany’s communica tion was concockted and sent off. It was not made public, but there is little doubt that it was a plea for delay enough to carry the mat ter beyond Jhe election. It is plain enough that Germany means to make war on China, and now that Count Waldersee, the German com mander-in-chief, is on the ground, the Kaiser wants to know whether Mr. McKinley is going to help him or not, and Mr. McKinley wants to find out whether he is go ing to be reelected before giving a positive reply. If reelected, he may consider that aa endorsement of imperialism and conclude to add a slice of China to his imperial do main. Boss Hanna and his crowd, in cluding Mr. McKinley, have lost no opportunity to humiliate Sen ator Foraker for several years past, but this week Mr. McKinley sent for Senator Foraker and begged him to put his shoulder to the Mc- Kinley wheel in Ohio. Nothing could tell the of Mr. McKin ley’s fright in plainer terms. Major Daniel O’Driscoll, who was previous to this administration an ardent republican, was one of the speakers at a meeting held un der the auspices of the Central Bryan and Steyenson Club, this week. He said: “Before the re publican party became the party of conquest and imperialism it stood for all that any patriotic American could wish for, but since it had at its head such men as President McKinley and Senator Hanna not only are the old men turning away but they are followed by the young men. A party that will not keep promises is not a party to tie to. Asa sample of these noil-kept promises we have but to point to the natives of Porto Rico. Do you wonder that those Porto Ricans sigh for the return of the Spanish rule? I don’t.” Democrats arouud the congress ional committee headquarters are delighted with that Chicago speech of Boss Hanna, in which he so far lost his head as to say: “I belive that there is not a trust in the en tire United States.” They believe that this assertion on the part of Hanna will be worth many thou sands of votes to Bryan and Ste venson and the democratic candi dates for congress, because it is so manifestly false that it will disgust intelligent men who have hereto fore voted the republican ticket. To say that there isn’t a trust in the United States when there isn’t a family in the country which doesn’t know and feel by the sur est test, increase in its living ex penses. of the existence of numer ous trusts, is as ridiculous as to say that black is white. The re publican platform recognized the existence of trusts, as did ihe let ters of acceptance of Mr. McKin ley and Mr. Roosevelt, but Hanna says there are no trusts. After making such an assertion, Mr. Hanna cannot expect the people to believe anything he says about other issues of the campaign. If Hanna can only be kept talking in that strain, the election of Bryan and Stevenson can be made unani mous. Mr. McKinley is being urged by many to try to muzzle Hanna. Representative Fitzpatrick, of Kentucky, who was in Washing ton this week, said of the political jL^cioo(|y[J M V WINE OF CARDUI <¥ K ha* brought permanent relief to a mi?- [ lion suffering women who were on their way to premature grave#. Mr*. Mitchell was fa*, declining in health, when Wine of Cardui performed a “w onderful cure" in her ease. She suffered with the ago aleeof falling of the VQtnb, leuoorrhcea and profuse menstruation. The weekly appearance of the menee*for two months I sapped her vitality until *b was a phye ical wreck. Her nervous system gave way. Then came the trial of Wine of Cardui and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell’s experience ought to conunend Wine of Cardui to suffering women in word* of burning dequeue*. WINKiRMI is within the reach of all. Women who try it are relieved. Ask vour druggist for a M bottle of Wine of Cardui, and do not take a substitute if tendered you. Mr*. Willie Mltrhell. South Gaston, If. C.: "Wine of Cardui and 'I bed ford's Black- Draught have performed a miraculous cure In my ense. 1 had been a great sufferer with failing of the womb and lenoortbiea. and mv menses came every week for two month* and were very p.’.in/ul. My bus band Induoed me to try Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught, and now the leucor rhoea has disappeared, and 1 am restored to perfect health.” In cases requiring special a*, 1 directions, address, giving JgaSA, j symptoms. “The Indies' Ad- I qSoB 3£@f / vtsory Department." The \ .-.Tjßßtt ”5? w- ( liattanooga Medicine Cos., 7 tBE * j Chattanooga, Tenn. # conditions in his state: “This talk that the republicans are going to carry Kentucky for Mr. McKin ley and the state ticket is most amusing. Why, there never was a time when the democrats of Ken tucky were in better fighting trim. We’ll give Bryan a regular old fashioned democratic majority, and we’ll elect Beckham governor, too.” Of the general outlook Mr. Fitzpatrick said: “Republicans admit to me in private conversa tion that Bryan is growing in strength every day. Very few republicans have I met who say that McKinley will carry Mary land or Delaware or West Virginia. Nearly all of the influential demo crats and independents who sup ported McKinley in 1896 are for Bryan this year on the paramount issue of imperialism and militarism. Just think of it, according to the present rates of expense for our army it will require $150,000,000 for its support for this fiscal year, and tnere is no reduction of the army in sight. If the policy of imperialism is to be continued, what will the army cost? Asa conservative man, I give it as my opinion that Bryan will be elected by as large a majority as Cleveland received in 1892.” Beware of Oitments that Con tain Mercury as mercury will surley destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is tan fold of the good you can possbly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Go . To ledo, 0 , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous srrfaces oi the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Ciue be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo,Ohio, by F. J . Cheny A Cos. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggist, price 75c.per bottle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. JONES IS HOPEFUL. He Finds Much to Encourage Him in the Eastern Situation. New York, Sept. 19.—Senator James K. Jones left for Chicago this evening. Before he left he said: “The situation in the east is very favorable for the election of Mr. Bryan. It has improved won derfully since I last was here. The situation in this state is excellent so far as the election of Mr Bryan and the state ticket is concerned. The situation in the states of Con necticut and New Jersey exceed the expections I had before this on my last visit, and I am hopeful that Mr. Bryan will carry those states. I am sure that he will carry West Virginia and Maryland, and I might say that Delaware can safely be placed in the democratic column.” Senator Jones does not expect to return to this city before election day. The sub-committee will have full charge of the campaign in the east. | ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND I'PfliivKlUev , There is no kind of pain or ache, internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will 'not relieve. | LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE ! 6EARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS Sl SON. TIE BOERS | DISBANDING. They Realize the Hopelessness of Their Cause THE JOHANNESBURG PLOT Holland’s Action as to Kruger Was Satisfactory to Great Britain. Will Sail on Cruiser. London, Sept. 20. —Lord Roberts cables from Neilspruit. on the Pre toria-Delegoa Bay railroad, not far from Komatipoort, the frontier sta tion under date of Wednesday, Sept. 19th, as follows: “Of the 3,000 Boers who retreat ed from Komatipoort before the British advance from Machadodorp 700 have entered Portuguese ter ritory, others have deserted in va rious directions and the balance are reported to have crossed the Komati river and to be occupying spurs ol the Lombobo mountain, south of the railway. “A general tumult seems to have occurred when they recognized the helplessness of their cause. Their long toms and field guns have been destroyed and nothing is left of the Boer army but a few marauding bands. Kelly-Ketiny is dealing with one of these, which occupies a position at Doornberg.” THE JOHANNESBURG PLOT. The war office has issued a lengthy report from Lord Roberts on the subject of the Johannesburg plot to overpower the garrison and murder British officers, and the de portation of foreigners. After reiterating the known facts of the plot Roberts says: “Consuls of America, Germany, France and Sweden, subjects of which nations were arrested, met and fully discussed the case with the British officials. The inter view was most satisfactory. The consuls entirely occurred. KRUGER’S JOURNEY. The Hague, Sept. 20. —In the upper chamber of the state-general today the minister of foreign affairs and premier, Dr. W. H. Deßeau fort, replying to an interpellation, said the government of the Nether lands and informed Great Britain that compensation would be de mahded for the expulsion from the Transvaal of employes of the Neth erlands railroad. Regarding the offer of a Nether lands warship to convey Mr. Kru ger from Lorenzo Marquez to Eu rope, Dr. Deßeaufort said the Netherlands government made the proposition when it learned that Mr. Kruger desired to visit Eu rope tor the benefit of his health. Simultaneously with making the offer, the government of the Neth erlands informed Great Britain of the action and the latter, in thank ing the Netherlands for the in formation, declared that the Brit ish government had no intention of interfering with Mr. Kruger’s journey. Regarding China, the premier de clared the Dutch commander had been notified to abstain from all military action. WILL SAIL ON A CRUISER. Perim, Sept. 20. —The Dutch cruiser Gelderland is going to Delegoa bay in order to take on board former President Kruger and convey him to Holland. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease in the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He says; “My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters,she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for female dis ease quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy. head ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working med icine is a godsend to weak, sickly, rundown people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Young Bros., Druggist. Ease and Disease- A Short Lesson on the Meaning Of a Fa miliar tVoro. Disease is the opposite of ease. Web ster defines disease as "lack of ease, un easiness, trouble, vexation, disquiet.” Jtisa condition due to some derange ment oi tiie physical organism. A vast majority of the "dis-ease” from which people suiter is due to impure blood. Disease of this kind is cured by Hood’s Sars parilla which parities, enriches and vitalizes the blood. Hood’s Sarsa. parilla cures scrofula, salt rheum, pim ples and all eruptions, rt tones the stomach and creates a good appetite, and it gives vigor and vitality to the whole body. It reverses the condition of things, giving health, comtort and easb’'in place of “disease.” THE WORK OF RELIEF Thoroughly Systematized Labor Be ng Done—The Situation. Houston, Tex., Sept. 19. —Gov. Joseph D. Sayers tonight wires the following signed statement to the Associated Press: The situation tonight in all parts of the stricken district, so far as known to me, are improved and will I believe, should we have fair weather, continue to improve. The method of distributing the benefactions of the people has be come systematized and has been re duced to the lowest possible ex pense, and in this I have had the hearty and voluntary assistance of the railway, express, telegraph and telephone company, all of whom have promptly and without charge transmitted supplies and messages besides contributing to the relief of the sufferers. Galveston is being managed by its own municipal au thorities, supplemented by the as sistance of committees composed o its best citizens, and also the aid of Gen. Scurry. lam also informed that the United States marshal, Dr. Grant, has rendered and is render ing most valuable aid. The state revenue agent, Mr. Jameson, has also been sent to Galveston and will assist in the pending work. Judge Taliaferro, of Houston, a gentleman of integrity and exper ience, has taken charge of Brazoria county and the mainland of Gal veston county, and I have already transmitted to him quite a sum of money to be used for supplying that particular district, besides have previously shipped to Ang leton, Alvin, and Velasco a very large quantity of flour and bacon. The county judge of Fort Bend county has charge of supplies for that county. He has already been furnished with a large shipment of flour and bacon. The sheriff of Walker county has been directed to organize the suffering eommun - ties in that county and so soon as I am notified of the perfection of the organization in Walker corntys supplies will be rapidly forwarded. Inpurcbasing provisions I l ave bought only goods at wholesale prices, their transportation from the place of purchase to that of destination being free of cost. I have supplied Galveston with sufficient money to pay reasonable wages to all laborers who will as sist in cleansing the city and re moving the vast am ->unt of debris that has accumulated. Piovisions and clothing have also been shipped th re to supply those who are needy. I have also made ample provision for the relief sufferers as they reach and pass through Houston from Galveston. As soon as I am able I shall give to the public an itemized statement of all the monies received by me. how they have been distributed, etc. The loss of life occassioned by the storm in Galveston and else where on the southern coast can not be less than 12,000, while the loss of property will aggregate $20,000,000. Notwithstanding this severe affliction, I have every con fidence that the stricken districts will rapidly revive and that Gal veston will from her present deso lation and sorrow arise with re newed strength and vigor. To the people of the United States, whose munificent generos ity has, without solicitation from me, contributed so much to the re lief of the storm sufferers, I. as governor of this st te, beg to ten der my most profound and most grateful acknowledgements assur ing them that their generous bene factions will be held in lasting re membrance by the people of this state. We have not been left to stand alone in our trouble, but messages of earnest sympathy, ac companied by large contributions and supplies, and also in personal assistance, through the Red Cross and other benevolent societies, have had the effect to relieve the situation of much of its saduess and misfortune. Jos. D. Sayers. ECZEMA, ITCHING HI MOHS. PIMPLES—CUBE ED BT B R. B. Bottle Free to Sufferer*. i><jen your skin itch and burn? Dis tressing eruptions on the skin so you reel ashamed to be seen in company? D scabs and scales form on the skin? uair or scalp? Have you eczema? skin sore and cracked? Rash form on the skin? Prickling pain in the skin? Boils? Pimples? Bone pains? Swol len joints? Falling hair? All rundown? Skin pale? Old sores? Eating sores? Ulcers? All of these are symptoms ot eczema and impurities anu poisons in the blood. Take B. B. B. (Bontanic Blood Balm) which make the bTood pure and rich. B. B. B. will cause the sores to heal, itching of eczema to stop forever, the skin to become clear and the breath sweet. B. B. B. is just the remedy you have been looking for Thoroughly tested tor 30 Years. Give it a trial. For sale by druggist at $1 per large bottle; six large b< ttles (full treat ment) $5. Complete directions with each bottle. So sufferers may test it a trial bottle given away. Write for it. Address BLOOM BALM CO , Atlanta, Ga , Describe Your trouble and free personally medical advice given. City Gov eminent. F M. Ford, Msvor. “• E- Gary, Treasurer. 'Vaklruu, Clerk J.c. ZHSrT\ 8 :!r s ' Chßirt “*". J. E Ceineteri'-J. a. Monfort fn J (L Wottord. J. P. A nderßon. tla!raa * n > Lights—W. i. Hiirroii pu; Wotlord. G. s. Cobh. ’ lrina!1 > J. c. Water—W. H. Miinr <>k ■ A Monfort, J. E. Zm-heVy "“ mia n. J. Ordinance.—J. R. Andercon rv man. G. S. Cobb. J. Zacharv ’ C haiN E, ZiK'linrv’ pi C. Woftord. VV H. Milner airnian > J. Public Building. --J p Chairman. T. R. Jones. J. a Monr** 00 ’ Fire Department.— VV. a Chairman, Zacharv, Burton I,ner > Sanitary.-~.J, A. Monfort 'ot,.; Cobb, Anderson. ’ ( - hair *nan, Doctors J.B. mb. Gieene PHYSICIANS f SURGEONS. Office West Market Street ' Carteretvilie, - - _ . r ■. ’ Georgia. Office Phone No. 20; Residence Ph No. 43. Or. A, B. Greene can I*, > 0Df ‘ at the office at night. e ffiund Farm Loans Negotiated miLNER & miLNER, ' Attorneys at Law CARTERSVILLE. GA Commercial and Corporation Practir.* and Collections. Offices with Judge T. W. Milner over Bank ot Cartersviiie. DR. WILLIAM L. CASON DENTIST. Office:/Over Young Bros.’ Drug store. CARTERSVILLE. CA. DR. CLARK H. CRIFFInT DENTIST. —OFFICE:— Up Stairs, Opposite Word’* lrnr More, CARTERSVILLE, GA. DR. GEO. COESTER, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Gas Works. Telephone 62. CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA Mares and Cows attended in deliyery. W.P.& L. W. BURT Chamberlin & Johnson Building ATLANTA, GA. Fillings SI.OO up. Extracting 50c. Sets ot Teeth $5 00 to $lO 00. Twenty-two csrff Gold Crowns $5.00 Gold Bridge- 0 1 per tooth All work guarantee to Correspondence solicited. THE BEST sewing maciiines OF ALL KINDS. Needles, Shuttles, Repairs, etc. Bicycles and Appliances UNION SUPPLY CO. In Store of Mason Music Cos., near the Book Store. Cartersville, Ga. MASON MUSIC CO. CARTERSVILLE, CA. Pianos and Organs Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, Banjos, etc., Sheet Music ant— EVERYTHING MUSICAL Instruments Sold or Exchanged[on easy terms Lowest prices. c- mi tv 41 Bv subscribing lor the SO.UU \> ortls BEST magazine for OF Children pleasure Little Men and Women. FOR Fully Illustrated. Sam -91.00 a Yeai plesFree ‘ Address, Little Men and Women Cos. TROY, N. y. Mil anything you invent or improve; JKu CAVEAT.IRADE-M ARK. COPYftIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch,or ptioio for free examination and advice. .. , s BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. ‘'C.A.SNOW&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON,