The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, January 03, 1901, Image 2

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MAN BINES WITH FRIENDS. Events 'Must Determine Whether He Shall Run Again- A SPEECH AT THE BANQUET A Iherence to the Principle* of the -Democratic Lsadar Expressed In Every Speech Made*. Lincoln. Neb., Dec. 26. —The one sentiment which animated the 500 democrats who surrounded the banquet board of the Jeffersonian Club at the Lincoln Hotel tonight was loyalty to Mr. Bryan. It ex pressed itself in every speech made .v the dozen or more who respond ed to toasts and reached its climax when J. W. Kerns, late democratic candidate for governor of Indiana, declared in clarion tones: “Speaking for the democracy of Indiana, and, I believe,for the rank and file of the democracy every where, I want to say to all men who are interesting themselves in party organization or reorganiza tion that any attempt in any quar ter at any time to belittle the splen did and heroic service rendered by that magnificent leader and grand t.ibuue of the people, William Jen nings Bryn, in the campaigns of 1896 aud 1900 or to cast stigma or reproach upon him in any degree, however slight, will meet with quick and stern rebuke from the pillions of democrats who followed his banner' in those memorable con lests. Wiiiie the rank and file of the great democratic party has Honored other leaders, it loves William J. Bryan and will tolerate SlO action which contemplates his humiliation Or looks to his retire ment from the field of active pol itics.” STRUCK THK KISYNOTIv. Mr. Kerns’ speech struck the keynote of gathering. He was accorded a wild ovation at its close, ,-.nd his direct thrusts at ex-Pres ident Cleveland twice brought the banqueters up standing. Mr. Bryan was the last speaker on the long list. His reception was even more cordial than at pre vious gatherings of the kind in Ne braska. and his remarks were punc tuated by strong outbursts of af ectionate demonstration, not con fined alone to flag-swinging and cheering. MR. BRYAN’S SPEECH. He spoke in part as follows: “At this banquet, surrounded by neighbors who have been my po litical friends for ten years, I may be pardoned for saying a word of i personal nature. Five times you have voted for me for public office —twice for congress, once for the* United State? senate and twice for the presidency —and no candidate ever received more loyal support than yon have given. “Whether I shall ever be a can didate for office again is a question which must be determined by events. No one can speak with certainty of the future, for one’s destiny is not known until his life’s work is complete. I shall be content if it ;s my lot to aid in the triumph of Sorofuia THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAB NT, Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption. The parent who is tainted by cither will see in the child the same disease manifesting itself in the form of swollen yQbrfei,zT glands of the neck and • I throat, catarrh, weak fflaSQ eyes, offensive sores and abscesses and of- -jL /Vi2L tentimes white swell -ng sure signs o* , Scrofula. There may f// L-fi/r'q be no external signs for f along time, for the disease develops slowly in some cases, but oison is in the blood atid will break out at the first favor able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast ing, destructive disease by first purifying and building up the blood and stimulating and invigorating the whole system. J. M Seals, 115 Public Square. Nashville. Tenn., says : “ Ten years ago ray daughter fell and cut her forehead. From this wound the glands on the side of her face became swollen and bursted. Some of the best doctors here and elsewhere attended her without any benefit. We decided to try S. S. S., and a few bottles cured her en tirely. ” makes new and pure hTs blood to nourish and rffx strengthen the body, h&JIs L-jjs and is a positive and sa f e cure f or Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly ami effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child has inherited some bipod taint, take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write out physicians about your case. We make no charge whatever for medical advice, hk THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. WHY m HATHAWAY CURES. Ta' for His Marvelous Success— His New, Free Book. I :,r - Katliaway's method v . \. [ ofP. ,ittr.u>tllioe>[M jri ff "A' -A lin -/.:, 't t* the result of ft; i] ! twenty y. ar* of e.xperi flf | cnce In the most exten ■’ •* -•?' j sive prattle# of any [ 7 Im< huift In ids tine In • ; the v. oihl. lie whs grad p'..; 1 j u.Mcii from one of tlie *' i-i I host meekal colit'ires In the lountry Hi.d perfect —' ClErVx ed hb medical and surgi * I cal education by exten- _;■> * I live hospital practice. - profesMui.a.l career he made discov - v hi. h placed him at the head of his profes ;..n as a specialist in tieating wiiut are generally mx private diseases of men anu women. Oris system of treatment he has more and more '(■riected each year until today his cures are so .v, r.iible as to be the marvel of the medical rofession. i'pjoyiny the largest practice of any specialist 1 the world he still maintains a system of nomi j;l tees tvhlUi makes it possible lor all to obtain is services. Dr. Hathaway treats and cores boss of Vitality, aricocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning in its dif •rent stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, Nerv usness, all manner of Urinary Complaints, icers. Sores and Skin Diseases, Brigtits Disease :id all forms of Kidney Troubles. His treatment or undertoned men restores lost vitality and ,iakes the patient a strong, well, vigorous man. Dr. Hathaway's success in the treatment ol aricocele and Stricture without the aid of knife r cautery Is phenomenal. The patient Is treated y this method at his own home without pain or oss of time from business. This Is positively the mly treatment which cures without an operation. Dr. Hathaway calls the particular attention of •uflerersfrom Varicocele and Stricture to pages 27. 28. 29. 30 and 31 of his new book, entitled, •Manliness, Vigor, Health,” a copy ot which will oe sent free on application. Write today for free book and symptom blank, mentioning your complaint. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Ur. Hathaway A Cos., T2H South Broad Street, Atlanta, Oa MENTION THIS PA PICK WHEN WKlffEg, principles while others enjoy the honor* and bear the responsibili ties of office, * '‘The holding of public position should be an incident and not the; aim of the citizens; it should be hot an end, but the means for the ac complishment of a purpose. “The presidency seemed desir able because it would have enabled me to gi\e effective aid to certain reforms which I believe to be ne cessary to the public welfare, but even a second defeat does not les sen my interest in those reforms, and time may prove that my work is to advocate rather than to ex ecute. ‘‘The Commoner will give me an opportunity to participate in public discussions and I am sure that an editorial position will fur nish as much intellectual enjoy ment as I could have found in the white house and in addition thereto give me more time for home pleas ures. PRINCIPLES STILL LIVE. “The principles lor which we contended in the last campaign still live, and we who believe in them must continue to fight for. them. An election does not change principles, it only determines what principles shall be, for the time be ing, applied. “The believers in tariff reform did not abandon their faith when the high t iriff doctrine was in dorsed at the polls, neither did pro tectionists when their cause suf fered loss. The advocates of the gold standard continued the fight for monometalism for twenty-five years in spite of the platform decla rations of all parties in favor of a double standard. Shall we who believe in bimetallism lose courage because our opponents have pro fited by an increased volume of money, thus admitting the econo mic principle for which we have been contending? “The defenders of trusts did not lose heart when all parties de nounced combinations in restraint of trade. Shall we give up the fight because monopoly has tri umphed by stealth? “Shall we now advocate an im perial policy because our oppo nents have won a victory by deny ing that they are imperialists? A olonial system involves a sur eft der of our theory of government and the people will understand this as soon as the system is put into operation. If we were to con sult our immediate convenience and comfort we would never op pose wrong of any kind, for all warfare involves a temporary sac rifice, but this is our government and must be transmitted unim paired to posterity. We have no choice, theretore, but to stand steadfast, come what may. SHALL ULTIMATELY WIN. “If we are successful in revers ing present tendencies and in car rying the government back to its old foundations we shall rejoice in the victory and profit by the re forms secured. I am confident that we shall ultimately win, but j if the trend toward plutocracy can ! not be checked it is still better I that we should be defeated in a ! righteous undertaking than that vve should join hands with those who are ignoring the inalienable rights of man.” Mr. Kern’s speech was principal ly directed toward Mr. Cleveland. “The democratic party,” he said •‘is today holding no parley with deserters. Its eais are closed against words of advice gratuitous ly offer and bv alleged democrats,who voted ti.e republican ticket, or by those in the great struggle of 1900 who withheld both vote and voice Irom the cause of the people, and could see in that mighty contest only a painful and distressing sit uation.’ ” “During the next four years the | best thought and most conscien tious efforts of democratic >eader ship should be exerted to bring about haimony within our ranks and a perfect union of all the forces opposed ,to the revolutionary scheme of the party in power.” He spoke in praise of Olney.Hill, Cock ran, John Dewitt Warner, Pattison, McClure, Gorman, Wat terson and other gold democrats for their course in the late cam paign and “their patriotic protests against the advance of the hosts of imperialism. “It is in no spirit of bitterness, however, I add that there were a few men, once p ominent in demo cratic ranks, who, in the midst of all the stormy scenes of this mighty contest, remained unmoved and silent, except that now and then they took occasion to fhrnish aid and comfort to the enemy by mak ing public denial that they were in sympathy with the cause of the people or to express their regrets that such ‘painful and distressing’ issues were before the people. For the sake of the future welfare of the party I shall not attempt any harsh criticism of the course of these gentlemen, but I will not fqfbcAr paying here and every where that they peed not be sur prised if spy gratuitous counsel which they may seek to thrust upon the millions of loyal demo crats who fought the good and kept the faith shall fall upon reluctant ears,” THE SAME RANK AND FILE. The speaker asserted that the rank and file of the party* in 1900 w'as the same rank and file voting 1 for bimetallism and tariff reform in 1884, 1888 and 1892, “It is the rank and file,’’ he con tinued, “which, tired of the dom ination of a few men, in 1896 lit erally took possession of the demo cratic party and made it in every sense a party of the people. This rank and file, ever steadfast, asks no ‘chance’ save the chance to vote its sentiments and to follow demo cratic leadership, which never re gards a republican victory as ne cessary to the establishment of true democratic principles.” David Overmever, of Kansas, reiterated these sentiments. He said all talk of reorganization was idle; although twice defeated un der his leadership the party was today as loyal to him as though victory had twice crowned him. Ladies’ Home Journal- A glimpse of the luxury with which rich Americans surround themselves is given in the January issue of The Ladies’ Home Jour nal, under the title “Housekeep ing in a Millionaire’s Family.” If this issue of the Journal is a fair sample of what that popular maga zine intends to give its readers in the new century its already wide field of usefulness will be greatly enhanced. One of the striking features of the January Journal, “The Baltimore Belle Who Made the Most Brilliant Match of Any Girl in America,” recalls the fact that a Yankee “Oueen” once sat on a Vice-Regal throne in Ireland. There is a little play for amateurs, “The ‘Little Women’ Play,” adap ted from Miss Alcott’s story. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps brings more humor into the domestic com plications of “The Successors of Mary the F'irst.” Charles Major tells a thrilling “Blue River Bear Story,” and Clifford Howard con tributes another chapter of “The Story of a Young Man.” “A Win ter Service at Church,” by W. L. j Tavlor, and A. B. Frost’s “Town i Meeting” are page pictorial feat ures that will be received with great favor. Ivdward Bok has an | article on “The Two Centuries and This Magazine,” giving a short review of the history of the Jour nal. There are also many other features that will prove useful and helpful to home-makers. By the Curtis Publishing Company,’Phil adelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy'. , always keep on hand fPakKite , There is no kind of pain or ache, internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will not relieve. 1 1 LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE ! BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS &. SON. A R pi The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of— and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. {-GC/crUM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants aud Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORiA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Hate Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CINTAUR COMPANY, ?T MURRAY STUCKT. NEW YORR CITY. • Nerve Influence Is the subtle force which controls the different organs of the body. It them ‘strong or weak., healthy or diseased, according as the braia and nerves are strong and vigorous or weak and diseased. Weak nerves cause headache, nervousness, neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble and many other forms of chronic weakness. Make the nerves strong, the brain clear and active and the body will be healthy and vigorous. • “When I first began the use of Pr. Miles’ Nervine I was suffering greatly with nervousness and a dizziness in my head. I was so weak that I could not be out in the sun during the heat of the day at all, my kidneys were badly t roubled and I had a breaking out all over my body. In a few weeks the nervous troubles were all gone, then the kidney trouble was cured and Anally the eruptions all disappeared.” Josiah E. Hamer, Tatum, S. C. Dr. Miles’ Nervine soothes and rests the tired brain, strengthens the nerves and supplies the nerve influence that is so necessary to build up health of body and vigor of mind. Try it. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind. The Cudahys- Springfield Republican. The kidnapping of the Cudahy boy in Omaha calls attention to a remarkable family of Irishmen. Years ago there was an Irish la borer employed at the Plankinton plant in Milwaukee. His name was Cudahy, and he had four sons, Michael, John, Patrick and Ed ward. Today the four boys repre sent $15,000,000 of business capi tal; they employ 6000 men, own meat-packing plants at Omaha, Milwaukee, Sioux City, Louisville, Nashville, Wichita and Los Ange les, operate car lines of their own and oossess vast oil properties on the Pacific coast. They are all powerful men in physique, and each is possessed of exceptional powers in business and finance. Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, back ache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run down feeling Rut there’s no need to feel lik“ that. Listen to J. W. Garden. Tda ville, Tnd. He says: “Electric Bit ters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don’t rare whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat any thing and have anew lease on life.’ Only 50 cents, at Young Bros.’Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. lfed Hot From the Gun, Was the hall that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil wa . It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Rucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruption, Best Pile cure on earth. 25ctsabo* Cure guar anteed. Sold uy Young Bros. castohia. Bear* the _/) Kind You Have Alwajfs Bought Our Greatest Specialist. For 20. years Dr J. Newton Hathaway lias so successfully treated chronic dis eases that lie is ackno ledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment tor Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knits or cautery, cures in 00 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of Loss of Vital Forces, Ner vous Disorders, Kidney and Urinary Complaints, Paralysis, Blood Poisoning Rheumatism, Catarrh and Diseases pe culiar to women, he is equally success ill Dr. Hathawav’s practice is more than double that of an v other specialist. Cases pronounced hope’ess bv other chvsicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge foi eonsultion or device, either at his of fice or hv mail. J. NIS \V TON HATHAWAY, M D., 22% South Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. 3in-19d When yoij contemplate the purchase of a piano or Organ, it will pay you to bear in mind that the most satisfactory figures and terms, on any grade of in strument. direct from the best factories can be had by calling 011 W. H, Wikle at office of the Mason Mu sic Cos., Cartersville. Ga. ■Write for the free booklet: “ Me~ru Rhyme* for Thinly Times.” Hires Root beer time \s here ifiut- E. HIRES CO., Pniladctpk u Pa. v -rsr Hires Condensed Milk. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens Seut 18th, 19u0. One of the leading Schools for Young Ladies in the south. Magnificent buildings, all modern improvements. Campus fen acres. Grand mountain scenerv in val lot of Virginia, famed for health. Eu ropean and American teachers Full course. Superior advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Students from thirty- states Por catalogue address M ATTIK I . HARRIS. President, Ro.mcke, Va. •W’Jlfi. Pity Government. b M. I*ord, Mayor, il. JL. ( ary, 1 ffasurtr, <*. 'A WaltlruD, (’Jerk J.c. Ch * i ™‘. j. £ Water— W. H. Milner • A Mi nion. .1. E. Zachery Ch a11 ’ J rns^ K zisr- cb *- { J. i’llbjie Building.-.j. p Chairman. T. H. Jones. J. a. Mon/oit’”' 1-n-e Department-.—W. H v, chairman, Zm-barv, Burton. ’ er Sanitary.—J, A 'Moufort, Chairman Cobb, Amlerson. ,an > Doctors J. B. & fl. B. Bresffß PHYSICIANS # SURGEONS, Office West Market Street CarterwvHle, .... Geor*!*. Office Phone No. fcO; Residence Phr.,, c No. 43. Ir. V. B. Greene can b e Tounrt at the office at night. lou,ld Farm Loans Negotiated miLNER & miLNER, Attorneys at Law, CARTERS VILLE, GA Commercial and Corporation Practie and Collections. Offices with Judge T. W. Milner over Bank ot (JartersviTle. DR. WILLIfIM L CASON DENTIST- Office: Over Young Bros.’ Drug Store, CARTERSVILLE. CA. _ DR. CLARK H. GRIFFInT DENTIST. —OFFICE: — Up Stairs. Opposite Word’s lirng Store, CARTE RSYILLE,GA. Anyone sending a sketch and description maY jpfckly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention in probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Cos. receive special notice , without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.argest cm dilution of any scientific Journal. Terms, f.S a. year; four months, sl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN S Cos. 36,Bro#dwa >- New York Branch Office. 625 V St.. Washington. P. C. ‘ PARKER’S " j ~ hair balsam f v . ClflUiaei and beautifies the hair. I j Promote* a luxuriant prowth. wev Pails to Restore Gray? Fr&AF—ZzQfF- ( Jlair to its Youthful Ccler I ;l v r'V~-a/i ‘' Cuic:i ucaip diseases & hair fallii / bJ gCc. and Si .00 at Prug-fristi J THE REST Sewing machines OF ALL KINDS. Needles, Shuttles, Repairs, etc. Bicycles and Appliances UNIONSUPPLYCO. In Store o‘‘ Mason Music Cos., noar th® Book Store. Cartersville. Ga. MASON MUSIC GO. CARTERSVILLE, CA. Pianos and Organs Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, Banjos, etc., Sheet Music —and— EVERYTHING MUSICAL Instruments Sold er. Exchanged on easy terms Lowest prices. j.- ~A , v , Bv subscribing for the *a.uu orlll BEST magazine lor OP Children pleasure Little Men and Women. FOR Fully Illustrated. Sam #l.oo a Year plesFree. __t Address, Little 3len and Women Cos. TROY, N. Y. you DATTMT anvthina: you invent or improve; CAVEAT.YFfACNE-iWARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or pow for free examination and advice. . BOOK ON PATENTS . “ C.A. SNO W & CO- : Patent Lawyers. WASH! NQTON. P-G-