The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, August 23, 1888, Image 7

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A SURPRISED ARTIST. Hi, Fond Uttl* WitV S*ts Out to Astmiinli Him ,in<l Siic<‘H(*(lk, /onus Dane in Detroit Free PresH. “Xow, George, ut ar," said a fond lit tip Newark wife to nor husband of a year the other dav. “this is your birthday, isn't it? \on see I didn't forget, if you did. and lyV been working dreatlfully ardfu* four months tr get, up a sur print'for you, and lan g*oin*? to give you somethin*? that's all my own work. She threw back a silken scarf as she spoke ami George saw before him a large oil paim in*? in a*frame tliat he knew ho would have to pay at least S2d for when the bill came in. “Now, my dear,” she said gleefully, aren't you surprised? Didn't know I old paint, did you? 1 couldn’t four mouths ago, but I painted every bit of that picture myself.” “You did?” said George; “well, l am mrprised. How perfectly natural those cows are.” •Tows! Why George; those are horses.” “Oh, so they are; I wasn’t looking riosely. I was s > taken up with the natural look this old stump lias.” “That stump! Why, my dearhusband, that's a^nan.” “Of course it is. I see it plain enough now, and 1 suppose that is his little dog running along by his side. Looks won derfully like our little Lido.” “George, it isn’t a dog; it's a little bo v! ‘ Why, l—l —the picture isn’t in a good Night, is it? Let's move it around a little. There, that's better. You havesueceeded wonderfully with that mountain in the distance.” “George, where are your eyes? That isn't a mountain —it’s a haystack.” “So it is. What am I thinking of? Tvc been looking ail the time at that I wett.v rustic bridge.” ‘ There's no bridge in the picture. You must mean that rail fence.” ‘ No, surely not. What is the matter with this light? 1 see now it is a fence, and there's a white cow lvingdown on —” “George Jenkins, that w hite cow lying down is a lady in a white dress sitting on a fallen log. You're making tun of the picture and—” “No, no, my dear, I —I—” “Now, now dearie, 1—I—” “You'rehorrid, you just are! I'll never paint another picture as long as I live. I never will.” Wit! the South Furnish .Supplies, Fruits him! Vegetables for the West? Savannah News. In the lust few years, says the New Or leans Picayune, the South has proven that it can place early vegetables and fruits in the Northern cities cheaper than it can be done by the gardeners of the North and West. The climate gives the South and advantag' that she can never lose while the sun shines by day or the moon hy night. The South has proved this year that v t an;. Nt .:ei nl o:* metraordinary To*'! her horticulturists can glut the WosT rn and X irth>Tn markets while the Vo teni ganL-ne*s are nil mg plants in tin : r hot beds a id cold frames. The pos s’ailities of tin 1 South in horticultural productions are and always must lie enormous. The frequent failure of the fruit crop r. tin North aid West, the pear blight m 1 insect ciie n; s have discouraged 1 any fruit glowers, and droughts and unseasonable frosts have greatly dam an 1 the truck farmers. V' South hes many strong points. ’ ' it will not do to go “solid" on any oi, of these, as : r his been doing on Ton and polities. When the South as properly, developed its vast and and grass and forage resources it will i e to place hay in Western markets cd in New Y*m and Poston cheaper the ;ar:.: -of !dgh la tit tides can •V. and can place Southern grass fed in Northern markets when Xortii f::?*mers unimft do if at nil. Ami the Son i!; w ill be able to sell Southern mules and horses in Kentucky and Missouri . Southern .beef all over the North. ■ .per than they can be produced on Ni : 1 i.eni farms. -e. advantages, which the South 'old .“ecure];.* to the end of time, • cause flow of a mlgl ants the Norrii an I West to these^Stat 's. of r ! ;em formers. horticulturists st. rk breed' rs. ‘.ho wii! help to develop t *' vast end varied resources of the Southern States. V:d the Sou*;: has another advantage, v. bio! , 'm time, she will employ actively. Si. i i-,111 make cheaper pork on cow peas and sweet potatoes, the hogs gathering their own feed, than the \\ est can make <M\ corn: and hogs are much more b.-adhy >n the South than in the West. Ti Soutliern States, their swamps, marshes and river bottoms, their forests and farms, are the true home of the hog. and the climate of these States in au tumn is admirably adapted to making p * rapidly, and at low cost. TANARUS; . Westw n people; in time may have to cor e South for large supplies of pork, hr* f. corn. hay. butter, and jnte and r . os well, as early vegetables and early fruits, and cotton, sugar, tobacco and rice. The undeveViped and possible resources of the South in soil, forests and mine- have more intrinsic value than the wealth of the North at the present time Tie Northern people, in striking the chaw- from cob# -d slaves, at the same time released and relieved a white coni' petitor that will vet make the South richer than tlie North, and will prove tfhat “there’s a divinity that shapes our ends.” BRIGHT BITS. 'J'i.H plain, when you read in th-> puperfe their vioux. That too ranch btoux Hus jrot into the Sioux, But if we would give the poor Indian his dioux He would he of more usioux And drink less of bioux. —Chicago Tribune. Maw, how I perspire!" “Dear me, Clara, don't let me hear you use that vulgar expression again." Do you want me to say sweat?” “No, you wretched vulgarian; you must say you are ‘be dewed with heat.’ The first thing you know people will say we haven’t got no style about us.” “I find, madam,” said a young physi cian, “that your husband is suffering from overwork.’ “And will he have to give up his place under the government?” she asked, anxiously. “What's that? Is he a government official?'’ “Yes, sir.’’ “11—m! I’ll diagnose his case again. He probably needs exercise.” —New York Sun. He was doing very nicely in the parlor when a solemn voice came through the open window from the porch, “That young man makes me very tired.” “Don't be alarmed, Mr. Sampson, said the girl, as he hastily started ii]>, “It is only Polly, our parrot.” “I understand it's the parrot." he replied, “but I would like to know who taught her to speak.” Young Mr. Wabash —“May I have the pleasure of acting as your escort to sup per, Miss Breezy?” Miss Breezy (scan ning her card) —“Oh, thanks, awfully; I see Mr. Porcine’s name is down for the first valse in that direction. But you may have the second, Mr. Wabash.”— New York Sun. Grocer—“ How is it, Mr. Swart man, that you are so particular to pay cash nowadays? You used to run a weekly bill.” Customer—“l know I did. and you would always give me a cigar when I squared up on Saturday night.” Gro cer —“Yes.” Customer —“Well, it was smoking that cigar that impelled me to pay cash.” Bobby’s mother had invited a few friends to tea, and Bobby was conse quently instructed to be on his best be havior. The conversation having be come animated at the table our young friend was forgotten. A few moments af terward his mother asked the servant for a plate. “You can have mine, mam ma; there ain’t nothin’ on it,” said poor little Bobby.—Judge. “Is the editor-in-chief in?” asked a gen tleman, as he sauntered into the city re porter’s room at 8 o’clock in the morn ing. “No, sir," replied the janitor kind ly, “he does not come down so early. Is there anything* I can do for you?” “Per haps so. Are you connected with the poetiea 1 department of the paper?” “I am sir.” “Oh, what do you?” “1 empty the waste baskets, sir." —Milwaukee Sen tinel. HuniiicutN Rheumatic Cure En dorsed by th<‘ rviedieal Profession. A GREAT BLOOD PURIFIEIt. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4. 1887. H R C. Cos.: Gentlemen—l love used five bottles of your H. li. 0., and clu erful'y recom mend i' as the best blood purifier and tonic I Lave ever used .-ince takiiur your cm el have gained twenty pounds in weight. Yours truly, \Ym. Tuunek. AN ATLANTA PHYSICI VN SPEAKS. Atlanta, Ga., Oct 2d, I^B7. H. R C Cos : Gentlemen —f have used your Bhou mutic Cure in several of tlm worst type, nn i lam glad to say it had the deshed effect in every case. ! take great p.easure in recommending your medi i-ie to He se who are sufferirg f'*om rlieuma tism and its attendant cunplivationo, an 1 if tri and I am-confident < d' its efficacy. Respectfull\ . V O Box 02 J. \. Nelms, M. D A ( U E IN EVEUY CASE. II R. r (.’ Gi-ntletnen —I pronounce your R'rn i m-ttic Lure a success beyond question. 1 have tried the great remedy in three, eas s. and find a cure in every case. I pronounce if good. Very respect fully, Dr. \Y . L. Clay. 4M2 Walnut St , Louisville, Ivv. from THE At THOK OF FNCLE REMUS. Atlanta, Ga., March 3. 1888. H. R. C. Cos.: - Gen’lenum—l take pleasure in’s tying that your Hunnicutt’s Rheum-tic Cm* • is the be-t I luve ever sen. My mother, who ha-1 been suffering with rm umatism for thirty years, was entire y relieved by a few bottles Your? truly, Joel ('handler Harris. A Pr.OMLXKNT ATLANTA LAWYE RS testimony. Atlanta, Ga.. D c. 28, 1887. Hunnicutt Rheumatic < ure Go : Gents —I h *ve taken your Hunnicutt."s Rheumatic C'ire for intlammatopy Rheuma tism with great l)enefit It is, in my opinion, tite best medicine for rbeuma tism 1 ever took. Jno. D. Cunningham. Ex-Judge U. 8. Court of Ala A U S. MARSHAL TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE. Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 4, 1888. Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Go : Gentlemen—lt affords me pleasure to ■add my testimony to that of the many who indorse your Hunnicutt s Rheumatic Cure 1 had been a constant sufferer from rheumatism for years, when ’ determined to try vour cure, and to my surprise and delight one bottle was all { f an 1 neces sary t. relieve me of all symptoms of rheumatism,and I Jemn if but justice not only to those who < rigirated this cure, but to all others who may he suffering from the same cause, *o sav this much in confirmation of what is claimed for this medicine. Yours respectfully, John \Y. Xeums Grice —81 per bottle Bix botttes 8”. Prepared only at Laboratory of Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Go., A* lan fa, Ga. sale by all Druggists Send for book of valuable information nd testimonials of well known citizens. When nature fukers and requires help, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. IL M -Lean's Sir -ngtheniug Cordial and I Pood Purifier, fl .00 per bottle. A PERFECT COMBINATION Of harmless vegetable remedies, that will restore the whole syste m to healthy action, is absolutely needed to cure any disease “for the disease that affects one organ weakens all.” Paine’s Celery Compound is THIS PERFECT COMBINATION. Read the proofs I “I have suffered terribly from nervousness and kidney trouble. I Ixraifht two bottles of Paine’s Celery Compound, and oh, how it did help me ! I have so much faith in your medi cine, for I know what it did for me.” Ontario Centre, N. Y. Mks. J. J. Watson. PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND ** For five years I suffered with malaria and nervousness. I tried Paine’s Celery Com pound. and I can truthfully say that live lx>t completely cured me. I cheerfully recom mend it, for I know it to be a trood medicine.” , . „ Chas. L. Stearns, Letter Carrier, Station B, Brooklyn, N. Y. CURES ALL NERVOUS DISEASES Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Bilious ness, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Piles, Liver Complaint, Kidney Trouble, Female Com plaints, and all diseases arising from Im pure Blood. sl, six for $•. See that each bottle bears the Celery Trade Mark. Wells, Richardson & Cos., Props., Burlington, Vi For the Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. ifROYAL P3BUSI mly - im Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. .More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of lowest- short weight alum or phosphate powder. Sold only in cans Royal Baking Powder Cos., ;un-9-11 rn 10t> Wall St.. V. T. A Dr: HEN!U£ Y?3~ ~ t 0F Pi u hi A Most Effective Combination. This well known Tonic and Nervine is gaining great reputation as a cure for Debility, Dyspep sia, and M'iitVor-i disorders. It relieves all languid and debilitated condition* of the sys tem ; strengthens the intellect, and bodily functions; builds up worn out Nerves : aids digestion ; re stores impaired or lost Vitality, and brings back youthful strength and vigor. It is pleasant to the taste, and use * regularly braces the System against the depressing .nfluence of Malaria. Drive —$1 .OO wev Bottle of 24 ounces. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. STOUT FIGHT Rj The Origin a ! Wsn s. C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’i gl 3M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Fst’d I J, in the U. S. Court defeats j. H. Zesiin, Proper A, Q. iimnons Liv k i'Lsc' er Regulator, Est'd by Zeilin IS6B. IrX A. S. L. M. has for 47 years v cured Indigestion, BiliocsnKsrq C s't'\ Dyspepsia,Sick Headacuk,Los 7 !\/ Appetitj:, Souk Stoma* 1, Etc. % 9v \ Dev. T I>. Reams, Past ..M. E. ?. O“1 Church, Adams, Tenn., ~ lies : “J. V 4, think 1 should have been dead but E* | lor your Genuine M. A. Sim- A mors Liver Medicine. I have P : Ffoxfo sometimes had to substitute If a 73} cine, but it don’t answer the | / ►,*a,va j purpose ” l *Dr. J. 7L Graves, Editor The Memphig, Tenn. stnes: a i received a package of your .Liver ft 'A\ Medicine, and have used half of it. py \ It works like a -charm, x *.va r.t no |M 'J better Liver Iteipiiator and M-c \ tainly no more of Zeilin’s mixture; BLYS Catarrh Cream Bikn Cicaasss thciffhCTES? "anal Passages. .# ,s^A!l Allays'Pais. aaa[%y FE yr 7aN am 2. at?, o', a, Ml Hsals Vv Bestoyos ths ‘^4^ Smsss of -anf. Smoll. TRY the fiUREISAY-FRVfiR CAT Aid Id H s a dis* as'*' of the mucuous membrane, genempy origrinatim? i*i the nasal passages and nminiain insrits strong-hold in the hmi i. i- rom this p*>int it sends forth a poisouon 4 vims in to : k*‘ and thromvh the diuo-ti* en-.avans. x*D*np:ni.a n.e blood and produ "iiya' other Troublesome daiiyerous symptom's . A particle 1s applied into e tch noArn and is aarre*‘ tbl. Pri-,*.* r>:.! eeuts at drmrgrFts: by nia and, rerlitered, <.O cents. ELY .il.kb, l-l'. GreenwiehSt.. New York. Mi'llNESs PRO F ESS lUXAL (’AKIn. 'V. A. Kirkpatrick. K. C. Pkxtlasd, KIRKPATRICK & PENTLAND, Real Estate Agents, CAI! T E RSVILIi E, GEO KGI A. 4 % | Parties wishing to hay or sell lteal Estate Ir. Cartersville or neighborhood will find it to their interest to call on or correspond with us. Our personal attention is also jriven to the renting of property. C. EL Aubrey Cos., Headquarters tor Mineral and Farming Lands and City Property. Agents for Laud Department Florida Southern Railway. 3,000,000 acres Flor ida Lands from ST.2.'* to S:;.nu per acre. W. C. Edwards, E, E, UNDERTAKER AMi EMBALMER. "Repository in new store room on West Main Sreet, Cartersville, Ga. jan27-ly J. M. ETESL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special ateentio i given to litigation m real es tate in the administration of estates of deceased persons, and in cases in equity. Office on Public Square, north of St. .Tames Hotel. 24febl.v ~~ DR, I G. GREENE, having located in Cartersville for the purpose of practicing medicine and surgery, offers his pro fessional services to the public. Calls promptly answered. Office up-stairs overCourant-Amefican office; residence on the corner of Market and Stonewall streets. j.inl3-6m Douglas Wikle, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Office in the Court House. Practices in all the courts of the Cherokee cir cuit. Special attention Riven to the collection of claims and the abstracting; of titles. A. M. FOTTTS, Attorney-At-Law, Cartersville, Ga. Office np-stairs, corner Main and Erwin sts. Special attention given to Collections and Com mercial Law. - Joh.u TANARUS, Owen, Heel Estate & Life & Fire Insurance AS-BI7T, The interest of patrons carefully considere.d msreasonable. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOB, SAILS. I will sell my house and lot in Cartersville, lo cated on Cassville street. Good dwelling and outhouses, lot containing five ami a, half acres. Fruits of all kinds on the place. A most conven ient residence. Also one lot containing; one acre on which there is a 3 room house. TERMS REASONABLE. J. T. OWEN. G. 11. AUDREY. Oil AS Mr E WEN Aubrey <£ MoEwea, Dealers in Coal and Insurance Agents. The public patronage respectfully solicited. Money to Loan on desirable security. .] une l is. ’NT, BARTOW HOUSE, 2Efs. S. C. MAJORS, Prop. Tormss. S**X X *<3l* 1 >a 3'. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. * Tho house is desirably located being! ecnvenient to the railroad and business of idle town. Special rotes to regular boarders. Bartow Powder Works. CLARKE ROBINSON. PrSMleior, j MANTI'ACTrUEIi nt DYNAMITE PURE ITRO-GLYCERINE. Having had 12 year- experience, is prepared to anil will iiirmsh explosives that will give entire satisfaction. When ifesired will furnish for extra iienv.. or dangerous work the necessary skilled assist a nee. Address BOX L Cartersville, Ga., Or, VOL. DUNNING, Agent, 2aug:-'.;n. V\ S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. SHOW CASES Bi* CASES .. l M m_ /■-. . ir Tsri? fixtWs. 'g-at work. i ?> .;!{ Id ST - kl Wants. Ask for ?r.’:W>fcle-6, A; .res* -&RRY SHOW GASS CO,, Nash- Die, Tern, TTTTnnitT-r~mrnr-'inji in mi i 'I ii"i iimww—*■■ IV rUITJ! R jyn oO.M> agents WANTED to l* Av. s L K " j* (J sell rhe best ldographlew of tile democratic candidates. The only athentic editibn published. B KMT LY ILI .IST RATED, sjdi ndid portraits of $ *1 p Mrgind Mr.-, dev •• him! and Mr. i harm an. fa U Many other por iri>: san l illustrations. Sketiph of the . harming Bride of the White House. Everybody should have a copy *f this popular T U 11 D Hi* IS vork. Altou- >M> ],:i; cs. Only |tl U |(j ™ SN.hU. Send hc for full outfit, special terms, etc , to agents. Address Standard Publish lttfr Cos., Atlanta. Ga. BAKER & HALL, The most extensive dealers in North Georgia in General Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. Can supply anything’ from a Knitting Needle to a 100-hcrse power Engine. Sash, Doers End Blinds. Engines, Saw Mills, Blacksmith Tools. * Buns, Pistols, Powder, Shot. Etc. We assure tlie farmers that they need not go elsewhere for anything they want in our line, for we have everything they need in t heir business at .prices that can not be beaten. In fact wo are headquarters for Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, and Machinery for this section. StSI/ES 0. yS3 1 &***!/Ape. We do a General Banking Business ami HfflLLj P3fSK6rS> and solicit deposit**, Loans made com mensurate with security. BAKER A HALL, West Main Street, C T33R.S VIIjTjiB- OA. I mil II * w.e— /ys£ Dr. SALMON'S # HOG CHOLERA SPECIFICI P . Jr CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER. 3 POWDER.—CONDITION POWDER, and r PREVENT & CURE HOG CHOLERA. .if in - WECAN CURE CATTLE MURRAIN, TEXAS FEVER, Ac. ;jf CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. / l CURE SHEEP ROT, TAPE WORM, &c. f manufactured by the VETERINARY MEDICINE CO. x NASHVILLE, TENN. For sale by J. A. Stover, Cartersville, J. P. Cassville, Shelton & 1 hilders, Pine Log, J. G. B. Erwin, Erwin, W. 11. C. Lloyd, Fail-mount, ,Jno. B. Boyd, Sonora, J. M. Anderson, Poison, Dr. Thos. -Johnson, Adairsville. BARTOW FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS! Erwin Street, near Transfer Yard, CARTEESVILLE, GEO P GIA . MANUFACTURERS OF 17 Mr* TMPC! lIMTY BAIT I? I> C I li rl u 1 ft b Aft l) DU i L jdi Ab! Railroad Castings. House Fronts, Tram Whi e’s, Pulleys, Han.. ers, and Boxes, Shaft ings, Cane Mills, (2 and 3 rollers, of modern design), Brass C shiu.q of any design, Iron S f airways and Ra lines, Mill Castings, tor water power or steam, Graveyard iencing. Agent, for Med art's Pulleys, Hangers and ShaAii g, and d* alers in dec md.Hand Egines and B dlers Sneend attention giyen to repairing of Engines and Boil *rs, C-yimh rs bored and refitted, Stone Castings, Grates and Fenders. Work of every kind done <>n shor notice Write f*r ;u’i< e-. P S Girt Iron, Brass and Lead bought iroy\ 22 ly IhMMHM! MMpH 1 p w g gmm rm 3 %Jsr £l W M lid ltd CS i%§ M iu.Jj l-i C\ as Parties in want of Lumber of ;ir.y kind will find it to t heir intei to set? us be fore buying, ns we keep tin* only regular LUMBER YARD in Hie city. We carry in stock a large assortment of Framing of,- and/ sand lengths, Dry Flooring and ceiling, We.o herbonrding ami Moeldir...-. of a; -y ja; fern. We have just received (Mrs of all heart -feneing and will carry a supply o. it in sroek in future. Lumber Yard and Plaining Mills, .-or. Leake and Skinner Sts. GALLOWAY & FREEMAN. w***iwb -Ju k •/ ■ m - * 1 - najinr-rTt-r < > ; r \ ■ >y.- - . uuc* m (REE b!) CBIFH.N, Fire Insurance Agency. Represents. Leading l Comranies. *’• MM Office over PostolHce, Cartersville, Ga. CIWCIWWA TI JULY 4 f ifo ; .M, r A OCT. 27a "vu ■ ; , ft * * . • %.1 ■ k '* - ***** GRAND JUBILEE celebrating the Settlement of tie Northwestern Territory. EINSU K. PASSED PI SPLAY. ?€K ©URg'iol" RAtisS FHO W ALt""POINTS. THE GOWE.T BUGGY is still being handled bv us. Being made of first-class material and a home institution, the reputation of which has long ago been made, we make a specialty of it. However, we keep a full line of other work, which we fully guarantee. W> also handle the celebrated TENNESSEE WAGON Leather and Gum Belting. Plows, Harrows. Corn Shellers and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery* Wagon and Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, etc., in great profusion at VERY LOWEST PRICES. IfK* kgsj