The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, August 30, 1888, Image 8

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CfIRtERSVILLE REAL ESTATE COMPANYandsells gRTERSYILLE (Fry R r 9F er i Y M Farming and Mineral Lands and Water Powers Throughout North Georgia, Special attention paid to advertising and securing customers for all properties placed in oui han I>. PROPERTY liberally advertised free of COST TO OWNER.='4- 4 . 1 , _ • tllp Qonth Suecial attention paid to abstracting titles to real es:ate in any Comity in North Geo - 0, ,r MM* for *. Pontic,. v . - Office, temporarily-: Northeast Comer of court House.-S* Address —iv - r/ —n ~s —r 4-v t y i A. M. WILLINGHAM, Manager. ROUND ABOUT IN BARTOW, j Various Happenings in the Sever al Neighborhoods Noted Carefully and Tersely for Courant- Amei ican Readers by Our Übiq uitous Reporters. ADAIRSVILLE. \A c are pleased to see back with us Mi. 1). AY. Loudermilk, who has been out West for some time. Mr. Geo. Lumpkin is himself again alter being sick so long. Mrs. Charlie Snow, of Dalton, is! the guest of Mrs. Thos. Johnson. Miss Dell Lumpkin, of Rogers, is with her sister, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. M. Aycock has returned from Cal houn where she has been visiting the bedside of a stricken relative. Mr. Robert McCollum paid his respects to Hall’s Station last week. Mr. E. .1. Slaughter and family have returned from the Indian Territory; with them came Messrs. B. and R. Hays, the former from Arkansas. The many friends of the Rev. Mr. Ta tum are pleased to see him andhisfamily among us once more, after an absence of so many years in the “Land of Flowers.” Misses Estelle and Inez Johnson are visiting relatives in Prior s, Ga. Mrs. J. M. Yeach spends the summer with relatives in LaFayette. Mrs. G. M. Boyd is ou a visit to friends 11J WlllllOUU. Mesdames AY. 1). Hardin and Phillip Crockett are enjoying the attractions at Lookout Mountain. Mr. Julian Hunt and sister, of Fair mount, have been with Mr. J. M. A each. Messrs. Oglesby Bros., who have been running an extensive saw mill near here, will move to Alabama some time in Octo ber. Among the arrivals in the past week we notice Mr. Christian, of the Couuant- A me kican, who we meet with great pleas ure, only regretting the proper courtesies were not shown him through limited time and the modest manner in which he moved among us. Mr. Christian was here in the interest of his paper, which deserves a full public patronage and the support of every one in the county. Those that had their sins hid under a half bushel measure, and the oppressive conscience of taking watermelons, have all these coverings jerked off by the pro tracted meetings now held at Snow- Spring. Parties anywhere in the State who make wry faces at their neighbor and want vengeance can have their tights here with a warrantee attached that neither party will be hurt much, only the great finger of one hand masticated. Another fracas occurred in a shoe shop the other day, and it was the same old story, both ate each other’s finger. Redmond. EMERSON. Misses Maggie and Leila McCaudless, of Cartersville, were over a few days ago en joying the Emerson breeze. Avery quiet wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. R. AY. B. C. Farr’s last Sunday. The contracting parties were Miss Lucie Farr and Mr. Tull, Rev. Air. Anderson officiating. All their friends were agreeably surprised to hear of the happy union. It would pay the Emerson Land Com pany to build houses to rent. There is not a vacant house in town. Let us all go to work together and build the town up, and not draw back and pull against one another. AYe are glad to learn that Harry Aloore, who has been exceedingly ill for some time, is recovering. Will Henderson was in town Saturday looking uncommonly sweet. \Ye are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Hood. He has *beeu an invalid for several years. Last Friday a small party from our little village left here bright and early on a picnic excursion to [Cooper's lion Works. It was a bright sunny day and a good time was anticipated About 10 o'clock they arrived at the works, all be ing in high spirits, for seeing such a ro mantic old place who could be otherwise? About 1 o’clock dinner was spread, which was greatly enjoyed by all. After dinner tlfe party divided, some visiting the old homestead, some boating, and # some| after providing their friends with a walk ing-stick, climbed the rugged mountains to their very summit. The day was greatly enjoyed by all, except one, and about 5 o’clock we decided we had home ward better get. A\ e*fhank the captain very much lor his kindness in canning us. Harry Duckett is spending a few days at home. AYe are sorry to learn that Mr. C. S. Park’s baby is quite sick. Hope it will soon be convalescing. Yerily, and of a truth is history re peating itself, even of ancient bible times, for now in this nineteenth century we seem to have prophets as of old, whose prophecies here in Bartow county yea, in Emerson have proven them to be pos sessed of prophetic wisdom. A short time since “Bill Arp,” in one of his articles on political and social matters, as now ex isting between the North and the South, remarked in substance that as Northern capital was seeking investment in the South, and multitudes of the sons, (poor benedicts), of the cold blizzard, North were hastening to the more genial climes of the “Sunny South,” her beautiful daughters in their great sympathy for the lonesome condition ot these Northern sons would in the abundance of their great hearts receive them as their own, and thus so cement the Southern blood with that of the North that all the appa rent hard-feeling now existing would quickly pass away, and our brethren of fku Nnetb Ifnol ftlitt IK indoor! one union indissoluble and inseparable. This prophecy is already being fulfilled here in Emerson, in evidence of which witness the following: Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Prof, and Mrs. AY. R. B. C. Farr, Mr. Bert Tull and Miss Lucy Farr, at 11 o'clock a. in., Sunday, August 26th, 1888, the Rev. Father Anderson officiat ing Mr. Bert TuM is the only son of Mr. AY. H. Tull, of Minnesota, who is largely interested in the manufacturing interests at Emerson. AYe w ould like to know if “Arp,” when lie made that prophecy really believed what he w rote and that it would come to pass so soon end so near home. 4 - Sigma. HALL’S MILL. Mr. Grice, the photographer of Adairs ville, and myself arrived at the Barnsley flower garden last Saturday at 9:30 and found comparatively few on the grounds. But we had not been there more than fifteen minutes before the Kingston crowd arrived tor the purpose of picnicking and spending the day. AYe first sent up and asked Miss Addie Baltzelles permission to come in which was granted. AYe then entered and quenched our thirst at the beautiful spring, after which we coupled off and w alked quietly through the shady groves and beautiful flower garden with admi ration, and occasionally hearing Ed Mortons’ expression “I'll be dogged if ain’t pretty,” and “I wish I had a tree like that in my yard.” It was his first trip there since lie was quite a small boy. It will do anybody good just to go there and spend even one day, but when 1 go there 1 never tire of walking around and looking. About twelve the young ladies spread dinner in abundance and of the very best quality, and for an hour and a half was one of the happiest events of our past life. Some time after this we cut a nice lot of watermelons just out of the spring. After this we took another ramble to settle our dinner, we then borrowed Miss Ad (He’s croquet set/ and knocked balls for some time. Then' Mr. Grice, the photographer, got us together and took a photograph of the crowd, which will be highly appreciated by us all. I was told that there were three matches made on the ground that day, which is worth a great deal. The’e was one couple that must have been pretty badly smitten, they were so .carried away they did not get any din ner until we finished, and when we got ready to have the pictures taken we* could not find anything of them, so they missed it. I never saw a more civilized and better behaved crowd in my life. AYe lingered uu|il the sun was fast sink ing in the wdst, when we turned our faces homewarl. AYe feel very grateful to Miss Baltzelle lor permitting is the privilege of ep nd- ing the day on her beautiful premises, last Saturday, and return to her our sincere thanks. “W. C. AY.,” I am glad to know you have such nice times. Would be glad to have you among us. I remember seeing you at our house when you w'ere quite small, • Bon Bail, fixe LOG. Crops look revived since the rain. Mr. R. E. Adair informs us that he has closed his school at the pauper farm. AYe expect to hear of some others closing pietty soon. Mr. John Garmon and son,ol AYalesca, passed through our village this week. The meeting closed out at the Baptist church last Sunday with about thirty additions. Rev. A\ r . T. Hamby is at Best's Chapel this week conducting a series of meetings. Prof. Erwin has full charge of the school in the absence of Rev. W. T. Hamby, and the boys say his ever w ake ful eye is hard to dodge. Three cheers for our Johnnie. Miss Lola Butler lias just returned from a flying visit to friends around old Sonora. Mrs. Dr. J. M. Lowry, of Dalton, at tended the camp meeting services. Among those attending our camp meeting were: Dr. J. M. Lowry, of 1 kilton; Rev. \V. F. Bobinson, of Rome; J. O. A. Hickman, of Tunnel Hill; John R. Speck, of Spring Place; Joe J. Jones and Dr. W . H. Felton, of Cartersville. The meeting was one of more than usual interest, and .,ni. nnu UIBtUUIOC fUJin 171’. Felton. Jew. FORD. The barbecue at Ligon Saturday was a grand success. The day was beauti ful, and the ground was covered with staid mammas and their lovely daught ers. The grandest sight, one that capti vated the crowd, was dinner. The gen tlemen had procured a quantity of meat and it was prepared very nice, while the ladies came with well-filled baskets. Everybody got a good square meal, and we regret that we were not there to par ticipate in the pleasures of the day. Mies Ella Dodd is visiting Miss Bla lock, of Folsom. AYe hope she will have a pleasant visit and safe return home. Messrs. Dean Owens, Herschel and Preston Griffin, spent Sunday in King ston. Mr. J. D. Craddock and lady have been visiting- relatives at Rockmart. Miss Lula Owens left Sunday for Adairsville to spend several days. Mr. K. says not stay too long, Miss Lula, but hurry back. Mr. AVillie Reynolds is visiting your city this week. Misses Ida Hanleiter and JuliaGullatt, afte.- a very pleasant visit, returned to their homes in Atlanta last week. Mrs. Mary Reynolds, of Rockmart, has been visiting her soil, Mr. J. F. Reynolds. Mr. Will AYoodruff left Monday for Griffin, to visit his mother and sisters. Rev. E. Hurling will preach at the Bap tist church Sunday. Miss Mnllie Morris and father go to Nannie Friday to attend the Oostanaula Association. Slim Jim. A Druggist’s Testimony. The Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen —I used your Specific a few years ago with a very obstinate and malignant case of Scrofula, and effected a radical and complete cure.' It was the case of a little colored girl, the daughter of a good customer of mine. The wife had died, and also several other .children with Scrofula or Consumption. This was the fast living child, and she had the worst case of Scrofula 1 ever saw. {-tie had a great many lumps and holes in different places about her face and neck, that she looked deformed. He had tried a great many remedies, and had lost all hope, when 1 insisted upon his trying Swift s Specific. He consented at last, if I would credit him until he could make a crop, which 1 did. Before he had used a half dozen bottles he reported the child well. Ten months after, when I left the place, there had been no reap pearance of the disease. Three years have passed now, aud no return; 1 be lieve it a permanent cure. I am using S. S. S. on another chronic case of Scrof ula, and it is grow ing better every day. R. E. Nowlix, Druggist. Martin, Tenn., May 26, 1888. Treatise on Blood and*\Skin Diseases mailed free. Thb Swift Specific Cos., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. 13 ECEIYER’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF an order of the Superior court of Bartow county directed to me as receiver of the estate of James M. Denman, late of said county, deceased, I will sell before the court house door in said county, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, lo wit: First: Lot of land number two hundred and twelve (212), in the Cth district and 3d section of said county. Second: The northwest fourth or forty acres in the northwest corner of lot of land number two hundred and eleven (.211), in the same dis trict and section. Third: The southwest fourth or forty acres In the southwest corner of said lot of land number two hundred and eleven (211), in the.6th district and 3d section of said county. Fourth: Two undivided sevenths of the north halves of lots ol land numbers one hundred and seventy-nine (179), and two hundred and six (206), in the lith district and 3d section ot said county. Fifth: The remainder or reversion af'er the ex piration of the life estate of Catharine F Den man, tenant in dower, in the south halves of lots of land numbers one hundred and seventy-nine 1 179) and two hundred and six (206), in the 6th district and 3d section of said county. Said lands will be sold for distribution under the decree of the court, made, or to be made, in tlie case of A. F. Wofford, adm’r, etc., of James M. Denman, dec’d, vs. Thos. H. Baker and oth ers in Bartow Superior court, and will be sold in separate parcels in the order named, and as de scribed. Said sale being made subject to con firmation by the Superior court of said county. Terms cash, payable ou the confirmation of the j sale. Ang. 28th. 1888. It W Murphy, Bee, estate of James M Denman. ; 4 AMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEOR- Yal GIA — Bartow County. —By virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of Bartow j county, Georgia, will be sold before the court house door in Cartersville, said county, within | the legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday in Oc ; tober, 1888, the following property, to-wit: One dwelling house and lot, containing one ! acre, more or less, in the city of Cartersville. Ga . 1 bounded west by W. & A. It. It. and street, south by Leake street, east by Gilmer street, and north by Mrs. M. J. Smith’s lot, and known as lots I Nos. sixty-two (62) and sixty-three (63), original | survey of Cartersville. The dwelling is a frame 1 building, containing fivp rooms, good well and 1 stable. Also, lots of land, unimproved, numbers one hundred and ninety-two (192), ninet.v-seven (97) and ninety-eight (98), in the 22nd district and 2nd section of Cherokee county, Ga , except the 1 t.tIAW/inl r/% w o n. o<l lo j- tLr ouiato of 4\ T . E. Dodge, deceased. Also, the undivided one-fourth interest in lot •No. one hundred and thirty-nine (139), in the 6th district and 20th section of Gilmer county, Geor gia, known as the Leake gold mine property. This a fine opening for a good investment in gold property. Sold as *he property of the es tate of B. G. Poole, deceased, for division and paying debts of said estate. Terms cash. Any or ail of the above property can be sold at private sale before sale day. This 27th Au gu t, 1888. HENRY P. FORD. Adm’r with the will annexed of B. G. Pool, dec’d. $7 75 p EAR IRAN'S SALE. GEORGIA V3T Bartow County —By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of satd county, will be sold before the coprt house door in Carters ville, Bartow county, Ga., within the legal sale hours, ou the first Tuesday in October, 1888, to the highest bidder, at public outcry, the follow ing property, to-wit: All that part of lot of land number three hun dred and eight (308), lying the Western & Atlantic railroad, containing thirty-five (35) acres, more or less. Also, all part of lot of land number three hundred and seven (307), lying north of the Western & Atlantic railroad, and between the fence as it now stands on said lot and the west line of lot number three hun dred and eight (30 s), containing 7 acres, more or lees. All said land lying in the 4tli district and 3rd section of Bartow county, Ga., and sold as the property of the estate of Lois E. Jones, An nie L. Jones, Lucy W. Jones, Willis B. Jones, Fannie E. Jones and Hattie H. Jones, minors, for the purpose of division. No improvements on said land —all wood land. Terms cash. This 27th August, 1888. J. J. JONES, Guardian. #6 45 Road notice. Georgia bar i tow County.— Thomas Amos, W. D. Brau ner, and others have made applications for a second-class public road, beginning at Mr. Jack sons, in the 827th district, and running by Gaines’ mill and intersecting the Adairsville road near Mrs. Adams, in the 6th district, which has been marked out by the commissioners and a report I thereof made on oath by them. All persons are notified that said new' road will, on and after the I first Tuesday in October next, by the Commis sioners of Roads and Revenue of said county, be finally granted if no new cause be shown to the contrary. This August 28th, 1888. #3 33 J. C. MILAM, 8-30-30d Clerk Corns. Roads and Revenues. A DMIXLSTRATOR’S SALE.—GEOR XIL GIA — Bartow County: —Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Bartow county, Georgia, will be Hold at public outcry before the court hou*e door of said county on the first Tuesday in October. 1888, within the legal hours of sale, the following pioperty, to-wit: The undi vided one-half interest in the one story brick store house and lot formerly known as the A. A. Skin ner & Cos. store. Said store fronting 25 feet, mare or less, on Main street on the north, and lot running back south 200 feet, more or less. Sold as the property of estate of A. A. Skin ner, late of said county, deceased, for division. Terms one-half cash, balance in six months with interest at eight per cent, per annum. JNO. H. WIKLE, i $4 35 Adm’r estate A. A. Skinner, dec’d. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received up to 11 o’clock a. ra. September 22nd, 1888, for building - the taber nacle at Pine Log camp ground, Bartow county, af which time and place the bids will be con sidered. Contractors will please file bids for all work and material combined, and also for work with material furnished. Plans and specifica tions can be had on applicaiion to the under , signed. The committee reserves the right to re ject anv or all bids. August*27th, 1888. V, . T. HAMBY, B. A. BARTON, et al, Chairman. Committee. 8-81-31 <r Charter Notice, Notice is hereby given that application will be made under the general law of this State o a charter for the Fairmount Valley Railroad Com pany, whose purposes are to build and operate a, railroad from Cartersville, in Bartow county, < oosawattee, or Carters Quarter, in Murray’ County, with privilege - of extending the same northward to the Tenuessee line. August 22d, ISBB C. H. SMITH, H. M SMITH, 4w G. H. AUBREY. ? f— ■ Big €1 has given univer >a.l natisfaalibn in the 5 DAYS/'flß eure of Gontgrhcea anti * Lne< *- 1 Prescribe it and RJgaf . ieol safe in aecemmend- Mmß Mrdonlybyrtw j n g to all sufferers. pnzsatChaioiiq9^^ la j a stonkr, m.b., riatl Decatur, II!, PRICE, 81.00. I .1 R. Wikle & Cos., Agents. feblO lj TJIOII SALE. —BY YIRTFE OF AN < >U- P der issued front the Superior court of Bar tow 7 county, Georgia, under section 4003 of the Code of 1882, will be sold for the purpose of par tition and division between the tenants in com mon. Mrs. Mary C. Jones, Mrs. \ irginia N. Rich ardson, Julius I*. Jones, Evans E. Jones. Rich ard H. Jones, Estelle F. Jones and Percy J. Jones, before the court house door in Cartersville, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in November, 1888, the following real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in the town of Stilesboro, in Bartow county, and known as the Mosely & Reed lots, containing eleven (11) acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of the Dr. Steven’s estate, J. R. Henderson and Dr. Beasiey. Said lot having upon it a .rood, com fortable five room frame residence, with suitable tenant houses, smoke house and stable.; all in good repair. Also tract No. 1, containing two hundred and thirty-five (235) acres, more or less, and compris ing all of lots numbers one thousand one hun dred and forty-four (1144), one thousand one hundred and forty-five (H 45) and one thousand two hundred and fourteen (1214), and 30 acres of one thousand two hundred and thirteen (1213), and 35 acres of one thousand two hundred and thirty-five (1235., and 10 acres of one thousand two hundred and thirty-six (1236), and 35 acres of one thousand two hundred and eighty-six (1286), and 5 acres of 11 in the 18th district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga. All of said fractional parts of said lots lying north and west of Euharlee creek, the center of the creek being the line. Upon this tract is located ad .posit of 6 or 7 acres of good brown hematite iron ore. This tract contains 86 acres of wood land, and 155 acres in cultivation, 68 acres being first bottom and 87 acres of second bottom, and all well watered by Euharlee creek on north and east sides. Also, Tract No. 2, containing 280 acres, more or less, and comprising all of lots Nos. one thousand one hundred and forty-six (1146), one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine (1159), one thousand two hundred and sixteen (1216), one thousand two hundred and thirty-three (1233), one thou sand two hundred and thirtv-four (1234), one thousand two hundred and eighty-seven (1287), one thousand two hundred and eighty-eight (1288). 80 acres of this tract is woodland, and the remainder in cultivation, a portion being very fine bottom land, the balance first-class up land. On this tract is located a good four room frame dwelling, a lasting well, and a large gin house; also, about 5 acres of good iron ore. Also, Tract No. 3, containing 260 acres more or less, comprising lots Nos. one thousand one hundred and sixty (1160), one thousand two hundred and seventeen (1217), one thousand tw o hundred and piiihtuon f 1918), nn thousand two him >-ed and thirty-two (1232), and one thousand two hun dred and eighty-nine (1289). 100 acres of this tract is in cultivation, a portion being fine bot tom and the remainder good upland. The re mainder of the tract is woodland. On thiH tract are located several comfortable tenant houses, with stables, one new Darn and plenty of good water. All of said above lands are located in the 17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county, Ga., except 5 acres in Polk, as above described, and better known as the Dickerson plantation, on Euharlee creek, two miles from Taylorsville on the E. & VV. R. R., and 14 miles west of Carters ville. The said Dickerson plantat ion has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the finest bodies of land in Bartow county or Cherokee Georgia. The late William Peek, of Polk county, uni versally conceded to be one of the best judges of farming lands in the State, and who was never known to purchase an acre of poor land, bought said plantation at public outcry for the sum of $17,500.00. The above property will be sold on the follow ing terms: ime third cash, the balance in twj equal payments due in one and two years, with interest from date at 8 per cent, per annum. On 1 hundred dollar notes w ill be required on t* de ferred payments and bond for title given. Title < perfect to all of said property. Parties w ho wish to examine said tracts b jfcr • the day of sale can have the boundaries pointed out by consulting Mr. Tom Williams, a tenant on the place. August, 29th, 1888. B. F. SMITH, C. P. SEWELL, B. T. LEAKE, Com missioners. Bartow sheriff'ssales.—will be sold before the court house door in Cai tersville, Bartow County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in October, 1888, between the legal hours of sale" to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit : All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the city of Caitersville, Bartow county, bounded on July 20th. 1886, as follows: On the east by Wolford street, on the north by an alley, on the west by Alex King’s estate, and oil the south by lot of Andy Bohannon ; said lot containing one acre, more or less. Levied on and will be sold as the property of J. W. Brow der to satisfy one Bartow Superior court mort gage fi. fa. in favor of W. J. Reeves, (J. King and B. G. Boaz vs. J. W. Browder. Property in pos session of May Browder and Andy Bohannon. $3 36 Iso, at the same time and place, the frame office and lot in the city of Cartersville, Bartow 7 county, Georgia, now occupied by Dr. Thomas H. Baber, fronting on public square on the east twenty (26) feet, more or less, and running back west two hundred (2(o) feet to Erwin street. Bounded south l>,y St. James hotel, north by J. M. Neel’s office and vacant lot of Thos. H. Baker. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Thomas H. Baker, the defendant, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court ft. fa. in favor of J. t . Glass, administrator, &e., vs. Thomas H. Bauer, surviving partner of J. D. Head & Cos. Property pointed out by Thos. H. Baker. Also, at the same time and place, one house and lot in tlie town of Kingston, Bartow county, Georgia, number not known, but known as the Cloud House and lot, said lot containing one half acre of land, more or less. Bounded on the east by Mrs. Me r a rev. on *he south by Rail road street, on the west by John McKelvy and on the north by an alley. Sana uouse and lot is about seventy-five yards northeast of tlie V\ est ern and Atlantic Ra.lroad depot. Levied on and will be sold as the proj e t.v of Mrs. M. E. Cloud, to satisfy one State amt county tax li. fa. for the year 1887. Levy made and returned to me by W. S. Barron, L. C. Also, at the same time and plain, ten acres of land lying on the frouth end of lot No. five lmn drea and twenty-two (522), and ten acres of land lying on the north end of lot of land No. five hundred and fifty-eight (558), all lying and being in the 17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county, Ga. Levied on and will be sold as tin* property of Marl berry Wallace and Rachel Wal lace to satisfy one Bartow Superior court mort gage fi. fa. in favor of b. B. Hamilton vs. Marl berry Wallace and Rachel Wallace. Property in possession of Steve Stovall and Will Harris. $3 33 A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff, .T W.WTLT MMS. nornn-S'iprit LWXEOI TRIX’S SALE. —BY YIRTFE i 1 of an order from the court of ordinary of Bartow county, Ga., will be sold before the court house door in Cartersville on the first Tuesday in October, 1888, between the legal sale hours, one house and lot on Erwin st reet, in the city of Cartersville; lot containing four acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: <ti the south by Dr. Lindsay Johnson’s lot, on th ■ west by J. T. Norris’ land, on the north by Baker A Hall’s lot, and on the east by Erwin st ee . Two story house with seven rooms, with a good well of water, and some out buildings. Sold as the property of M. C. Jackson, deceased. Sold liar distribution. Terms of sale cash. This August 27th, 1888. E M I L Y JACKS ON, $4 23 Executrix of Milton C. Jackson, del'd. ANN'Oi NCEAJENTS OF CANDIDA is. FOlt ORDINARY. We are authorized to annouiin* the y .1. A. HOWARD as a candidate for re-e]> Ordinary for Bartow county. Election - Wednesday in .January, 1881). FOR ORDINARY. To the p ople of Bartow county: I heivh\ nounce myself a candidate for Ordinary f H r t>\v county, and respectfully a-k your mu and influence. Election first Monday in . ;iu: ry next. This August 27th, lsss. G W. HENDRICKS. FOR RE PRESENT ATI VE. We are authorized to announce the name of A M. FOUTE as a candidate for re-election to • • House of Representatives, at the ensuing election on the first Wednesday in October next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I respectfully announce myself as a candid.m* for Tax Receiver of Bartow county at the ensu ing January election, and ask the support of my fellow-citizens, with a promise to do my full duty if elected. Albert Smith. FOR TAX RECEIVER. The name of Thomas P. Wofford is hereby presented by many friends as a candidate for Cie office of Tax Receiver o‘ Bartow county at the ensuing January election. The support of his fellow-citizens is respectfully solicited, with The assurance of faithful and efficient service in thw capacity selected. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself as candidate for TANARUS; \ Receiver at the coming election in January issa, and ask the support of the voters of Bartow county for the same. B. L. Durham. FOR SHERIFF. To the voters of Bartow county: At the - ’ci tation of many of my Mends T have consented to match the race for Sheriff of this county at the election in January next. Mr. John Mf. Coughlin will run as my deputy. If elected I pledge to the people of Bartow county an honest, humane, faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of the office. Very truly, John T. Layton. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. We are authorized to announce the name ot Mr. H. W. Cobb as a candidate for re election as Treasurer of Bartow county. Election to take place on the first Wednesday in January. FOR CLERK. We are authorized to announce the name of F. M. Durham as a candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Superior court for Bartow county. Election first Wednesday in January 18s‘). A NNOUNCEMENT. To the voters o' Bartow comity: 1 hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Sheriff of said county, with A. M. Franklin and James H. Wil liams as Deputies. I respectfully soli'it your votes, and if elected I promise a faithful and im partial discharge of the duties of the office. This 11th July, 1888. J. W. Williams. FOR SHERIFF. AVe are authorized to announce the name of Mr. Wesley W. Roberts as a candidate for Sheriff of Bartow county, with Mr. H. R. (•‘Rob”) Maxwell, of Pine Log district, as his deputy, at the ensuing January election. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bartow county at rhe ensuing election, and respectfully ask my friends and the people generallv to give me their support, as I need the office and can and w ill faithfully till it if elected. F. M.‘DELLJYGEB. FOR TAX COLLECTOiI. We are authorized to announce the name of J, L. MILHOLLIN as a candidate for Tax Collec tor of Bartow county. The election to occur on the first Wednesday in January next. FOR TAX COLLECTOR, We are authorized to announce the name of J. F. LINN as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Bartow County, Ga. FOR TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce the name of NAT DUNNAHOO as a candidate for re-elec ion to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Bar tow County, Ga. Cleveland and Victory.' THE DEMOCRATIC"!STANDARD UN FURLED TO THE BREEZE. And ihe Contest of 1888 Opened WITH 1 HE CON n | ITU rI ON KAITLING IN TH E FltOM HANKS. The triumphs of the Constitution in reporting the campaign of 1884 are well remembered! It was the first Southern paper to announce Cleve land's election and majority, and Atlanta had celebrated that event before other Southern cities knew of it! The Constitution led all Southern papers in ISB4. Our arrangements for reporting TH E CA M P A 1G y OF 1 SBB are fuller than ever'before. e iiave established correspondedrs in Boston, New York, Cim iii - uti, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco—and mem bers of the Constitution staff will make frequent trips thiough the doubtful States. Through special and exclusive arrangements with the Bostdn Herald. New York World, Chi cago News and St. Louis Globe-Democrat, th* progress of the campaign will be detailed in the Constitution ... in no other Southern newspaper. Special letter - v. ill be printed weekly 4 from the six leading correspondents of the country. The Constitution stands, as it has always stood, high in the confidence of democratic lead ers, and their views will be expressed through i r * columns. We pledge o.ur readers the great campaign in 3&>S will We Reported With a Fullness and accuracy never before attempted by a South ern newspaper. Subscribe now for the cam pa mm ! The daily will be furnished for SI.OO per monCi, or $2.30 foi three months and $5.00 for snt months. 1h- weekly, 1c pa.ers. and full of ' campaign, ha cents for six months or 81. "0 a year. * This offer of fifty cents for the weekly Constitu tion for six months, ought to put every Georgian who can read on our list. Twelve pages eveey w 'elt for six months for fifty cents. Subscribe ak once. Send fifty cents and get file full campaign news. Address THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, (la Do You Waut A Good MHk Cow ? I have s wen goo 1 < ows with young calves, df in line condition, which l will sell at reasons-l* pris es. Call on me at Fine L-g if you . u’ ~ood co . cheap. B. A. BA iVu.N, t-i ..I —