The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, September 20, 1888, Image 5
sKIN-CURA, O (B .WFOKD’S eczeka wash uid certain care for Eeseimi, Scald | .itch. St. Anthony’s Eire, IMm pies, AM . it Khenm. Erysipelas, Heat, Milk Tftf DnudniC’, and all affecthinfl of raves all'list ov, s of the Keet caused |tt " . ~,] Perspiration. • ; 1111 V CHAW FOHD & <50., • tors, ... ATHKNfI, GA, , sale by M. F. Word and J. K. Wikle tersville, an. ~taxe§ Free. Manufacturers, ■ Attention! < ity ohiusasuf. A i>i:n, Fly the Mayor and Aldermen ! of Onrtersvflle, That any party or "• ; i ~ siml! In future invest in property in !■ r thepurposeof conducMnpr any tnan eviterprise, and shall actually operate '' ill he exempt from all city taxes property and all machinery and im . thereon of every character, for the years from the purchase of such Approved Nov. 1, 1888. ,’pVKKSMt NT —STAN 11 IN G COM BI ITT KEN. i a. < rawfoni. Chairman, A. M. Will- Moses Scbener. , \V Waldmp, Chairman, A. L. Bar- On Bradley, foliins, Chairman, A. L. Barron, L. Matthews, Chairman, G. W. Wal sr'nr f foliins. li r ,— '.V. \. Bradley, Chairman, A. Y i. |t. Mat thewa. A. h. Herron, Chairman, A. M. Will- V‘„ Moses Scheuer. , \[ OON . J. 0. VVOFFOTtT), ‘ Clerk. Mayor. ii ime Brevities. K McCormick, Comity Surveyor, kui Stilophoro, Ga. K. t strangers in the city, i: ter Las taken a jump. Make more of if. \\.|. c,clous have seemingly disap peni‘ i! from the markets. I • p,ob Williams had one of his cut off tit the broom factory the ether tlay. C itti ravine merchants should 'place j| lt ■ yertisements at <. nee. The people are looking for it. Ker up with the procession by liber al], patronizing the advertising columns oft be county paper. i -viUe Lodge No. 63, F. A. M. , -will Ip , '*‘-r meet, at seven o’clock instead of half past seven. 5..". rel of our county correspondents’ j ( .p, . me in last week too late for our. ) ;i .f They should reach this office by Tuesday’s mail. The l-cns ought to feel encouraged to ! !, irid hump themselves. Eggs are briny: _■ twefity cents per dozfen and Hie s occ in the market. Ir. Kd Camp, electrician and nervanic hi ii Consumption, heart and other cl• diseases cured; consultation free. ( ii residence Nelson Gbreath.' , Tin; will be a picnic at Rowland jin: ,■ church on the 20th inst. Every lL vdeome. Come and bring baskets. N'- V'j and speeches by all speakers. ib‘\ Dr. Johnson, of Canada, arrived Tm- My evening, and our people will have tin* pleasure of hearing him again daring the remaining days of the meet inir. < an is beginning to come in freely. T!i- planters of the surrounding com - ti; u , find by testing the matter that this > the ’place to sell their cotton and viy their supplies. Tie tabernacle meeting has already drawn its usual quota of visitors from neighboring points. Next Sunday, it is heliewd, the railroads will bring in an immense crowd. The protracted meeting at Smith's (TupC,, near Gum Spring, commences next Saturday. It will be in charge of the pa'tor, Rev. Mr. McGee. Everybody is invited to attend. Col. J. R. Conyers is having his law office conveniently and attractive fitted up and arranged. He has added a large revolving book case that holds several Jiundred law volumes. 1C v. .1. M. White informs ns that the qmc •.•••/,- conference for the Kingston dreiM M. E. Church, will beheld at Bran d<>n's elinveh on the second Saturday ||d Sunday in October. * forget to bring your mineral Tinmens for the State Fair to Col. It. " V irphy. It will cost Bartow comity 1:1 ' -to make a display that, will be "" ‘.ousands of dollars to her. 1 city council are giving attention ~l ‘ -Meets ami sidewalks in numerous pi,, - where work is needed. Carters- Vi: • despite some negligence, presents 11 iy and inviting look to the vis iter. 1 artersville city court is in session. I r > ;>iness is more voluminous than a account of cases brought over ! " l iner terms, win n litigautsamong ! > asked for extension of time for j ’ J. H. Crabb, of Gedartown, i ,! '" through Cartersville the other (| ’ si his return from -Calhoun, where • m to receive four new prisoners '" r ‘ points atiary. sent up from Gor -o,‘ county. c- maud lor dwellings increases. 1 ' ■■ numbers, of people t rying to M ‘*renting property. Why don t pie go to building'? Vie know M 1 Miter paying investment than *!:"• lSi iaiuses for rent. W*' t artersville Steel and Furnace I ■' > s nil airs are moving along sat | ' Contracts .are now being I .■ different parts of the mate- I " a k on the side tracks will ■ tiCu ij i , , |[ ° ‘ "emu a day or two. The Middle Cherokee Baptist Associa tion meets at Taylorsville to-morrow. It will b> worth a great deal to our farmers to attend the State Fair. It is held bv the State Agriculture Society, and is p’. e-eminetly a farmers’movement, It will put new life and hope and cour age into tlie heart of a farmer to attend it. - Mr. \Y. W. Ginn asks of his fellow citi zens the office of tax collector, at the coming election. He is well qualified for the discharge of the duties of the office. He has been tried and not found wanting in this line of work. See his card in an other column. The Coukant-Americax will duplicate prices and styles of job work done in any city in this country Remember we can and will do your work as cheaply as Atlanta or Chattanooga. Let us all patronize each other and keep all the money we can at home. We learn that, a difficulty occurred Monday night last at old man Schley’s place, just across the line in Paulding, between two men, and one of them was cut seriously with a knife. The names of the combatants we could not learn. 14 Why don’t the city council publish their regular proceedings, so that tax payers can know what’s being done—like they do in other towns and cities?” This question was put to us the other day by a but we could not answer it . Pomp Johnson’s restaurant ha* been a popular resort for the hungry during the week. His table is usually filled with a good variety well prepared. He will begin this week and keep regularly during the season celery and fresh oys ters. The latter lie will be prepared to serve in any style. Mr. A. G B. Vandivere, the mail eon tract'T, has fitted up a nice two horse hack, to make daily trips between Carters-ville and Erwin. This will be a great conven ience to the people along the line, and it should: be encouraged with a liberal patronage. See card with schedu e and rates in another column. ( apt. R. R. Hargis announces his can didacy for the Legislature in this week’s Come n r-Am e rican , and states his posit! n on some leading questions. Captain Dick has a host o‘ friends in the county, and will make a lively race, and if elected will do liis best to protect the interests of the peojde in the matter of legislation. Mr. Crosby, of New York, a business man who has traveled the Union over, happening in Cartersville and taking notes of her advantages, is syi agreeably impressed that he expresses an intention to settle here and invest, provided suita ble iilans mature. He has authorized friends to look out for him a home, with a view to locating at once with his family. Mr. J. T. Bell, of the St. Janies Hotel, offers to deliyer a series of lectures the coming winter, *t the opera house, as fol lows: The North and South contrasted— a trip through the Yellowstone—ten thousand miles by rail, stage and mus tang —the world's great battles and the physical and political changes thereof the world's great commanders, their ante cedants, etc., etc. That popular train on the \Y. & A., known as the Rome Express, will cease to be run after October Ist. President William,son is not willing to continue the train under the agreement with the old management of the Rome road, and Superintendent Anderson, of the W. & A., it seems is not willing to accede to terms offered by Mr. Williamson. A great many Romans and others to whom this train was a great conven ience will greatly regret its discontin uance. Mr. S. L. Vandivere received a very painful injury last Friday while attemp ting to stop a runaway horse. The animal was attached to their delivery wagon, and becoming frightened broke loose while Mr. A. B. G. Vandivere was unhitching it. In running to catch the reins Sanford stepped on a stone that rolled and he jell violently to the ground. His left arm was sprained and the bone slightly crushed in the shoulder joint. It will necessarily trouble him some time, but we are glad to see him able* to be out again. One of the neatest pieces of work of the kind to be seen in Cartersville (or any other town, for that matter), is the new job of painting and paper hanging just completed for J. R. Wikle & Cos., at their stand, corner Main street and the railroad. In the selection in colors ideas ing harmony is secured and every touch evinces modern taste. Mr. A. Iv. For ester, who is always up with the times in his line, is the executor. The people of (’artersville are highly favored in hav ing so skilled and progressive a work man in painting, paper hanging and kin dred branches as Mr. Forester. Tne sagacious purchaser of dry goods tests variously the inducements offered in different quarters and upon a final computation acts with intelligence and usually to profit. H. B. Park & Cos., of Home, are broad in their policy towards customers, handle an immense stock, em bodying a pdeasing variety, in which can be found all novelties for the season and goods in each special line that in quality the purchaser can always depend on. They are each season widening their field, and with that liberality and push that should characterize all thrifty Ponses, they are reaching out for the trade of neighboring counties, including Bartow. It will pay to read their ad vertisement and call on them when in Nearly all our streets are too narrow, and there should be an eye to opening them up wider, in all future improve ments. We have seen Main street blockaded with vehicles within the past week. Property owners will enhance the value of their property by mutual agree ments to take iii fences in the residence parts of the city, and widen the streets. It looks badly, and prevents a good show of nice property to have such nar row street*. For Sale. Good milch cow wit h young calf. Satis faction guaranteed. Apply to 913-tf W. G. Bare it. See Jones & Monfort about coal, wood and kindling. 9 13—It. On accouut of holiday, our store will be closed Saturday, Sept. 15, until G p. ni. Scheuer Bros. Cartersville Alliance. At a meeting of the Cartersville Far mers’ Alliance, which convened on Sat urday. Sept. 15th, 1888, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, There has been formed what is termed a “bagging trust’* for the pur pose of raising or fixing the price of ban ging at exorbitant figures and thus taking advantage of the necessities of the fanners of tie* South; which combi nation, in the last analysis, is simply a species of robbery; and. Whereas, the last means of thwarting this outrage is for a, combination on the part of the cotton planters to resist to their utmost this mbbery; and, Whereas, There is an effort being made to get a substitute for jute bagging; therefore, Be it resolved, by the Cartersville Far mers’ Alliance, That we will not buy any jute bagging during this season, mid re quest every farmer of Bartow county, whether an Alliance man or not, to join us in this effort to crush this piece of rob bery. J. C. Tr.MLKVf Sec. Wai:nek's Log C a i -1 x Remedies. —“Sarsapu r i 1 - JljlpanjV la,” “Cough and Cowsump- Remedy;’*—Hopsand Bu e h u —“E x traeiy'— SfepygbH air To,. ver K&StfZft’m Pills Planters.-’ (!>„. rous-Eled rical), —“Rose (’ream," for Ca tarrh. They are, like Warner's “Tippe canoe,” the simple, effective remedies of the old Log Cabin days. A good supply of wood and coal will be kept constantly on hand by Jones A Monfort. 9 13-It On account of holiday, our store will be closed Saturday, Sept. 15, until Gp. m. Scheuer Bros. Those in want of coal, should see Jones & Mon fort for best coal and lowest prices. Supply always on hand. 9 13-4 t On account of holiday, our store will be closed Saturday, Sept. 15, until G p. in. Suheuer Bros. Hunnicutt’s Rlicmimtic Cure Endorsed by the Medical Profession. a great blood purifier. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4,1887. H R. C. Cos.: Gentlemen —I have used five bottles of your H. R. G. t and cbeerfuby recom mend it as the best blood purifier and tonic I have ever used tince taking yourcuiel have gained twenty pounds in weight., Wm. Tui nek. AN ATLANTA PHYSICIAN SPEAKS. Atlanta, Ga., Oct .0,1887. H.R C Cos.: Gentlemen —I have used your Rheu matic Cure in several cases of the* worst type, and lam glad to say it had the desired effect in every case. I take great pleasure in recommending your medicine to those who are suffering f p oro rlieuma tism and its attendant complication®, and if tri and I am confident of its efficacy. Respectfully, P O Box 62 J. A. Nei ms, M. D. A CTJi.E IN EVERY CASE. H. R. C Cos.: Gentlemen —I pronoimce your Rheu matic Cure a success beyond question. I have tried the great remedy in three cases, and find a oure in every ease. I pronounce it good. Very respectfully, Dr. W. L. Clay. 432 Walnut St , Louisville, Ky. FROM THE AUTHOR OF 1 UNCLE REMUS. Atlanta, Ga., March 3, 1888. H. R. C. Cos.: Gentlemen— I take pleasure in saying that your Hunnieutt’s Rheumatic Cure is the best I have ever seen. My mother, who had been suffering with rheumatism for thirty years, was entire y relieved by a few bottles Yours truly, Joel Chandler Harris A PROMINENT ATLANTA LAWYER’S TESTIMONY. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 28,1887. Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.: Gents—l have taken your Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure for Inflammatory Rheuma tism with ereat benefit. It is, in my opinion, the best medicine for rbeuma tism I ever took. Jno. D. Cunningham, Ex-Judge U. S. Court of Ala A D. S. MARSHAL TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE. Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 4, 1888. Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.: Gentlemen —It affords me pleasure to add my testimony to that of the many who indorse your Hunnicutt's Rheumatic Cure I had been a constant sufferer from rheumatism for years, when 1 determined to try your cure, and to my surprise and delight one bottle was , ail T found neces sary to relieve me of all symptoms of rheumatism, and I deem it but justice not only to those who originated this cure, but to all others who may be suffering from the same cause, *o say this much in confirmation of what is claimed for this medicine. Yours respectfully, John W. Nelms. Price—sl per bottle Six bottles $5. Prepared only at Laboratory of Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos., Atlanta, Ga. ?2f“F<>r sale by all Druggists Send for book of valuable information and testimonials of well known citizens. Hurrah for Cleveland and Thurman 1 Bandana handkerchiefs at 50 and 25 cents at Seheuer Bros. A Xj Xj GOODS— =AT COST!= A Golden Opportunity The Leaders of Low - Prices. 125,000 Acres Timber Lend! AUBREY & MLEWEN, j 1 1 * .-.ti jj ,1m * uuii.j mm 3,090,000 Acres Florida Land, 5,000 Acres Iron f Manganese. COAL PROPERTY! aug3o-im. Are you restless at night and harassed by a bad cough? Use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm, it will secure you sound sleep, and effect a prompt and radical cure. (5-8-3 in Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been the con stant favorite family remedy. 1) 0-3 m Wanted—Farming Lands, City Property, Min eral Lands, etc. We want them bod and that at once. Cartersville Real Estate Cos., A. M. Willingham, Manager. On account of holiday, our store \\ ill be closed Saturday, Sept. 15, until b p. in. Scheufr Bros. Just received, 500 gents’ and ladies’ campaign (bandana) handkerchiefs, at Seheuer Bros. Tell mo not, in mournlul numbers That this life is but a dren^>, While Pomp Johnson feeds so cheaply, And even hash is what it seems. In the classic language of Shakespeare, Pomp is a boss feeder. TiiE Rolling Mill—isub-rosa) —ft’s going to be built —no mistake—Cartersville is bound to be the steel making centre of the South. Don’t get too much excited, though, to put your prop erty in our hands to sell. Cartersville Real Estate Cos., A. M. Willingham, Manager. The Cartersville Real Estate Company, A. M Willingham manager, propose to do a rushing business. Property placed into that company’s hands may be safely claimed as sold. They p; o pose to boom the" interests of their customers as well as their own. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as-to need no sped-d men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tlie Liver and Kidneys, will remove impure blood. — Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. —For cure of Headache, Consumption and Indigestion try Electric B’ttyers— Entire sat-sfaction guaranteed; or money refunded.—-Price 50 cts. and $1 00 per bo’tie at Wikle’s Drug Store. 5 Sick h end arch e, wind on the stomach, biliousness, nausea, are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. 25c. a \Vial. ’ 6-8-3 m v ~ ~ ~f\ wjj . Ga.K LARGEST STOCK, FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES VXD LOWEST PRICES. Millinery, Flannels, Jeans, Beets, Slices and Clothing. We are glad to announce to the trade of North Georgia Lid Alabama that ere showing the largest stock < f Dry Goods, Ac., ever brought to this part of ti e S'ate. Our stock abou ids with real and wonderful bargains throughout. We bu? goods in large quantities, t!ierei>y securing the 1 we-.t ]>ossil)le prices of the manufacturers, &c., which enable us often to sell m tuy line-; of goods at prices that our competitors call “New York cost ’ Examine, these prices : 3,000 yards Pacific Wool Cashmere, in rdl g< lor-*, only 10*. 2,n00 New York Fancy Worsted, in ail colors, 15c, worth 20c. 2 Cases Fine Double Width Wool Serge Suiting only 15c. worth 25x 2 Cases 38 in. Fine All Wool Henrietta Serge, 37R\ will not be matched f r less than 50c, out < f our house. 1 Case 38 inch All Wool Henrietta, in ten shades, 55c, regular prio *, 65c. Silts, Plushes, Velvets and Woolen Dress Goods, In'All the Latest Styles, with Trimmings to Match. - ’ '**v**kMr%* MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Our sfcoc’v of Hats, Bo i iets, Tips, Plumes and Ribbons are simply beautiful and the piice v ery low. Jeans, Cassimeres, &c. $$ G*od Pi as tern Doeskin Jeans at 121 and 15c. Heavy 9 ounice Kentucky Wool Jemjß, 25 and 36c. Our best Longstaple Texas All \YL,oI Jeans at 3Cc, 37Ac and 42? r c. This Texas Jeans is the best and cheapest fine Jeans in Georgia. Alf Wool Red Flannel at 12ic, 18c, 20c, 25c and upward. Boots, Shoes i Clothing'. Men’s heavy every diy Boots, all sizes, $1.75 and $2.00. Big job. Men’s fine Sunday Shoes, all sizes. $1 50, $1.75 and $2.00. Baigaim--. Women’s every day Shoes. 90c. SI.OO ond $1.25. Warranted solid. Ladies Button Shoes, $1.25, $1.50 hug $1.75. Low in piice. high in grad *. Largest stock Solid Brogans, SI.OO, $1.15, $1.25 and $1.40, Look at them Clothing, Cloaks and Plush Wraps !J| We are certainly healquarters for these goods. D m’t buy them till you see our stock. Make our store vonr lieadquarters while in Rome and visiting the Exposition. DOCK CUN YUS, of Bartow County, is with us and he will be glad to -ee and wait upon any of his friends or serve them in auy wav. (five him a call, or if you can’t do this, send an order and it will have prompt atteutkr. Send for Samples and Prices. H. B. PARKS & CO., 2<)sep3m. USSr*Agents for Butterick’s Patterns. Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, A1 1 Sizes. ' City lax. The city tax books will be open from September 17th to October 17th. The city tax is one half of one per cent. J. I). Wilkerson, tl oct 1 City Tax Collector. Get .your property ready for the coniine; boom, advertising is what booms. We propose to pro duce the purchasers if you will furnish the property. Cartersville Real Estate Cos.. A. M. Willingham, Manager. Notice. Gin house insurance can be had by applying to Bartow Leake, Insurance Agent, box 8, Cartersville, Ga. Ten Thousand Pamphlets —Descriptive of Cartersville and her magnificent resources, vvji soon be issued and sent abroad by the Carters' villo Real Estate Company, A. M. Willingham, manager. List your property with the company at once and secure the first and best customers. Clultlreu Cry For It. The pleasant taste and agreeable aro ma of Delectalave make its use attrac tive to children at well as to adults. Early impress the child with the impor tance of good teeth. Spare it the suffer ing of decayed teeth by proper care and attention. f Keep its month clean and in n healthy state, by using Delectalave. For sale by {^Druggists. i Get rc&d.v for the fall Doom that is sure to come by put Mug your property into the hands of live, hustling real estate men that have “no flies on ’em.” Cartersville Real Estate Cos., A. M. Willingham, Manager. Wanted at Once—Small farm near in,for cash Cartersville Real Estate Cos.. A. M. Willingham. Maimgei. Your Mlcl Uuggy. You can maxe your old buggy carriage look new by the use of one can of Detroit Carriage Paint. Only ?sc, at Wikle’s drug store near the railroad. The City Exchange Restaurant and barber shop will be prepared to accom modate the visitors to the great Gib r naele meeting. Pomp Johnson is pre paring to do his part of taking care of the crowds. Parents Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur le fore six years of age. An erne/ of ini o eent, lovely ohil dren are swept need I y away tacii year. Pijynts are crim’na'ly responsible for this. The death, rate of children in England is le-s than half this. Acker’s English B ibv Sootier ha- done more to bring this about than all other causes combined.. Ymi cannot afford to be without it. Sold by J. li. Wikle & (’o. e o w