The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, September 20, 1888, Image 7
|'^' VI)VI( K TO PIANO RVYEKB. I | j|js ng<‘ of progress and enlight -1 nninic is coining to the front mope | and inorp‘‘very day* No home is com* 1: 1 ;' , without a piano or organ. The en | 'foment ol the field for selling has I tr(i many people to enter the trade, ' . ~n , lertftke to work off on the unsns- I public iiiHtruments without relia- of the fact that r t > can be made responsible for 1 their manufacture. \ [ ny who are not really inanufactu havc cheap infttrumentft made to , anp an imaginary manufacturers I placed upon them—when there is " v n0 mich manufacturer in existence. I,•<>. when they prove unsatisfactory l.p buyer can only “pocket his loss” I..consider it a “lesson in experience.” “stray” instruments are termed I I t.■ music dealers “stencil” pianos or , ,ns, and the reliable music publica- I. , of the country are warning the I, ; • against them. 1,-,,, “stencil” mode interferes with the I, ufimfite trade in this line, and often . in impositions upon the public. I eiiooves everybody to place theni . - where they will have some redress, an instrument is bought and , tV . < unsatisfactory. The-best way to ( j. p.js is buy from well known men of , , i;J cter, who represent only bonafide li.aiunficturcrs. Buy from dealers living or close to yoa permanently, so yon r:1 act) them or see them at any time, 1 let foreign travelling pursuasive . _ ills alone, and you will feel safe and I ■ao reason to regret being in haste , imprudent as many others have reason why people should never W ii stenciled piano, is, because they u :i't know what they are buying, unless tii ":ianufacturer's" name is on the in ind: meat, which holds them responsi |, | r any defeats The name or Stein v. kranich & Bach, Decker Bios.,' < !,i-k'-ring, and some few others, is a Liiv omrantee for it being every way a It.:st-class instrument. Nothing would induce such firms to put any name but their own on instruments manufactured ibv them. Only the very cheapest and pci haps irresponsible makers will put on 'any name a dealer may desire, which is [colled a “stenciled” instrument, and they are generally made of the very poor i‘C material, the principal object being iti get them cheap, and as the maker [cannot he held responsible, the case, or box, is the only part tolerably well put up “to make it sell.” Such a piano lias no soul, the action is hard and will soon rot tie or come to pieces, and the tone be woody, harsh and discordant. In <i word, what guarantee have you in buying a stencil piano? American Art Journal, Aug. 25. It would appear that an unscrupulous ig- ut of D. H. Baldwin & Cos., in Dalton, (la., has been trying to brand the well known Kranich A: Bach pianos as sten r# i, and the Baldwin piano as a legiti mate make. The tact is that I). 11. Bald win y Co.’s pianos are nothing more or Ic-s than stenciled instruments, the firm not having a piano factory of their own. TANARUS; * Kranich A: Bach piano has too solid n'utation to need any refutation of ti c lisultiiig charge of being a common s '' :.' "rd box. Their instruments fetch ooriy three times the wholesale price the k ther can ever hope to attain. !• oi: American' Art Journal. !' ir Sir: Knowing your fearlessness in exposing all matters smacking of fraud in the music trades I would call your at b'ution to the methods that are pursued h, v an agent of 1). H. Baldwin <se Cos., who iniN bei'ii here several times Dying to h : or rather force the “Baldwin piano” mi some of our citizens 1 have no tl( 1 b- H Baldwin A: Cos. are reliable puidemen, but what about that other ti mwt This very same agent has kindly iniormcd the people here that the “Kra ,:i(‘h A Bach” pianos are made by .J. P. [[ ; de. and I would not be surprised to [’'Om him that the “Baldwin piano” N mde by Kranich & Bach,” etc. Quite ft immher of Kranich & Bach’s pianos 1 nvr been sold here, every one of them r >ing unbounded satisfaction to the it‘ ‘lasers; hence I can see no reason F ; that fellow will have them made by •i-1 • I bile. It seems to me up-hill busi- Ilf ' s in trying to introduce one kind of b mo by perverting the truth concerning h'e superiority of another, and that is l!'* w * )a f this agent is doing in Dalton, die Messrs. Baldwin A: Cos. should so << •rn-ct and inform this certain agent hint he may hereafter know who makes hie ' Baldwin and who the Kranich & pianos.” As it stands at present ' s getting things fearfully mixed. [ ( 'i>ons doing business in a legitimate manly way have a perfect right to s, |t ‘ any community for their field of Derations, but what of the “rnlxers?” I am, yours truly, Henry Schoeller, ha!ton, Ga., Aug. 14, 1888. Musical Courier, of Aug. 22nd, ’BB, New York, says inquiries are pouring 1,1 ' a great rate, the first being from a hon, Ga., as follows: rs Musical Courier: I have recent* ly ’ n ouglit a Baldwin (D. 11. Baldwin) Dane. I understand that it is a “stencil” buio and that Baldwin lias no manufac- Ul ; -g establishment. lam anxious to ■ l,f A hie truth and have been told that | 11 ea n giye me the information I wish. 1 ) hi will kindly do so I shall be obliged. u ‘d like to know anything for or * the Baldwin piano. P fJ( ltfully, Miss Agnes Morris. ■ouvvins hatfe uo piano manufacturing establishment, and we are sure that the firm have never authorized any of their agents or salesmen to make a statement by which an eDquirercould be induced to believe that there is such a thing as a Bald win piano factory. The Baldwin piano ij a stencil piano. The next inquiry comes from the South also: Richmond, Va., August 18, ’BB. Editors Musical Courier: Will you kindly ascertain and inform a regular subscriber tn your paper whether there is such a pfano manufacturer as D. 11. Baldwin & Cos., Cincinnati, Ohio. They claim to be, and I would thank you for full informa tion. Yours, etc., Gokdonsvillk. The answer to the first inquiry answers the above also. Shipping Pig Iron North. New Orleans Timee-Deuiocrat. The first full cargo of Southern pig iron shipped to the North left Savannah a few days ago for the iron State of Pennsylvania. The cargo, which con sisted of 2072 tons, was shipped to Philadelphia, where it will be used in the many factories in arid around that city in making rails, machinery and the various other products into which iron enters as the principal constituent. Southern iron has been shipped for some years past north of the Ohio river in considerable quantities, and some of it has gone to Pennsylvania; but this is the first entire cargo of iron sent there, and it is, therefore, an important trade item. The Northern factories are profiting by the use of this cheap Southern pig and converting it into all classes of goods. Let us hope that the South will aw:ike*To~the opportunity afforded it here Our factories can get this pig iron at much lower rates than those in Penn sylvania can, and ought to monopolize the very good business that the latter are doing in the way of transforming the raw material into other products. The lime has come for the South to take another industrial step forward. Origi nally, it confined its manufactures to the roughest materials; but now that their success is assured, it should turn its attention to improving and elevating the character of its products; and one of the first steps it must make, is in utiliz ing the pig iron it now produces so abun dantly and so cheaply. We are pleased, of course, to learn of the shipment of this cargo from Savannah, but we would be even more pleased, if the,pig iron thus sent to Philadelphia had been worked over here into more valuable products, instead of in the “Quaker City.” A Lady’s Testimony. The Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen—One of my Indy customers, who was sorely afflicted with rheumatism and weak back for a long tim“, lias been completely cured by the use of Swift’s Specific. T. C. Lewis, 209 Texas St. Shreveport, Ln., June 15, 1888 The following certificate speaks for itself: Office of the Ruby Gold Gravel Min ing Cos. 320 Sansom St., San Francisco, Cal. November 12th, 18tT7. The Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga: Sirs—Having for the past four or five years been troubled with pimples and blotches on my face and body, and find ing no rrlie*’ in any of the chemically pre * pared soaps and medicines prescribed for me by physicians, I concluded to try your 8 S. S. remedy, and have found great ivlief in the same, f >ur bottles clear ing my skin entirely. I cheerfully recom mend your medicine to all who are in the position tiiat I have been in. You can use this fitter and my name as a testimo nial to the merits of the 8. S. S. remedy. Very truly yours, Alfred P. Robinson. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases maital free. The Swift Specific Cos. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Terrible Forewarnings. Cough in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, dullness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first Stages of con sumption. Acker’s English Cough Reme dy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by J. R. Wikle&Co. eow Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. #I.OO per bottle. 9 6-3 in Hotter Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson, says: “My experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so thoroughly purifies the blood or adds to health, vigor and life as Acker’s English Blood Elixir.” This great Remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by J. R. Wikle & Cos. Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per bottle. 9 6-3 m Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. Kind’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kings New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters,and have never handled remedies that, sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits J. R. Wikle & Cos , Druggists. 1 IS THE BEST For Young Infanta it is a perfect substitute for mother’s milk, often saving life; for th® Invalid or Dyspeptic it is of the greatest value. It is THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. ISO Meals for an Infant for 81.00. A Cabinet photo, of Mrs. Dart’s Triplets— three beautiful children—sent to the mother of any baby born within a year. Also a valuable pamphlet on the Care of Infants and Invalids. Sold by Druggists. 25c., 50c., SI .00. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., BURLINGTON,VT. r Dr HEZNijEu Y?S A A Most Effective Combination. This well known Tonic and Nervine is gaining great reputation as a cure for Debility, Dyspep sia, and NERVOUS disorders. It relieves all languid and debilitated conditions of the sys tem ; strengthens the intellect, and bodily functions; builds up worn out Nerves ; aids digestion ; re stores impaired or lost Vitality, and brings back youthful strength and vigor. It is pleasant to the taste, and use ' regularly braces the System against the depressing influence of Malaria. Price—Bl.oo per Bottle of 24 ounce*. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE LADIES are generally THE BEST JUDGES iflP^4 OF TOILET ARTICLES. Hence nothing strange that their verdict has been rendered in favor of the pleasant and Ira ftraut I > hZ-J. ,EC- r rA-LAYE The most efficient- preparation for cleansing and preserving tlie teeth Ask your neighbor Read what Dr A. XV. Calhoun, the celebrated specialist, says about Delectalave: “It affords me 'pleasure to bear testimony to its virtue, and to state that its curative proper ties are beyond question. “I recommend it to the public.” Delectalave will whiten the-teeth, harden and beautify the gums, purify the breath, prevent the formation of tarta , aid in preserving the feet, cure tender and bleeding - gums. Ask for Delectalave and Have Nothing’ Else. Sold by Druggists at 50 cents. G. CANDLER &. CO., Wholesale Druggist, Gen. Agts., Atlanta, Ga. SIGHT iial Wins. t. Louis, Prop’r er Medicine, Est’d ?ourt defeats J. Q. Simmons Liv -1 by Zeilin iS63. has for 47 years v, Biliousness, H eabaTch e ,I.ost Stomach, Etc. ms, Pastor M. E, I’enn., writes: “1 ive bgpn dead but nine M. A. Sim* Ifcdicine. I have ad to substitute f” for your Medi don’t answer the ■ayes, Editor The phis, Tenn. says: age of your Liver •ve used half of it. larm. I want no gulator and ceS f Zeilin’s mixture? "IOTTCE WFXEMEESr Well be Ready to Gin Your Cotton We have purchased anew Gnllatt Gin, the latest improved, and will he pre pared in time to gin for the public, as usual t and guarantee satisfaction. GALLOWAY & FREEMAN, s9 4t Successors to Galloway <fc Urin. S Big G has given univer- In sa i satisfaction in the AlijsSjT l T 0 5 bAYS.Tgg cure of Gonorrhoea and not iov 1 ~ . T , Fffis c:-.ui atrieuire. oleet. I prescribe it and ~TT . feel safe in recommend- MTd only by tba , „ -V. K uig it to all sufferers. mSk Ccinuati,S5 7 M A - ST ° n ' KR * M R Ohio. Lila Decatur, HI. TJsj w r, price, 91.00. ™ Sold by Druggists. J li. \\ ikie w Cos., Agents. teblO-ly BUSINESS. A PROFESSIONAL CARDri. W. A. Kirkpatrick. R. €. Pbrtlakd. KIRKPATRICK S PEHTLAND, Real Estate Agents, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Parties wishing to buy or sell Real Estate in Cartersville or neighborhood will find it to their interest to call on or correspond with us. Our personal attention is also given to the renting of property. W. C. Edwards, F. D. UNDERTAKER AND EMRALMER. Repository in new store room on West Main Sreet, Cartersville, Ga. jan27-ly J. M. ITFSXj, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special ateention given to litigation in real es tate in the administration of estates of deceased persons, and in cases in equity. Office on Public Square, north of St. James Hotel. 24febly DR, J. 0. GREENE, having located in Cartersville for the purpose of practicing medicine and surgery, offers his pro fessional services to the public. Calls promptly answered. Oifice up-stairs over Courant-American office; residence ou the corner of Market and Stonewall streets. junl3-6in ■ DOUGLAS WIKLE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Office in the Court House. Practices in all the courts of the Cherokee cir cuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims and the abstracting of titles. .A. M. FOTTTE, Attorney-At-Law, Cartersville, Ga. Office up-stairs, corner Main and Erwin sts. Special attention given to Collections and Com mercial Law. J oh.xi T. Owen, Real Estate & Life & Fire Insurance -AO-IEaSTT. The interest of patrons carefully considered unreasonable. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOB. SALE. I will sell my house and lot In Cartersville, lo cated tn-*Cassville street. Good dwelling and outhouses, lot containing five and a half acres. Fruits of all kinds on the place. A most conven ient residence. Also one lot containing one acre on which there is a 3 room house. TEEMS REASONABLE. re „ M( J. T. OWEN. Bartow Powder Works. CLARKE ROBINSON, Proprietor. —MANUFACTURER OF — DYNAMITE AND PURE HITRO-GLYCERISE. Having had 12 years experience, is prepared to and will furnish explosives that will give entire satisfaction. When desired will furnish for extra heavy or dangerous work the necessary skilled assistance. Address BOX 1, Cartersville, Ga., Or, VOL. DUNNING, Agent, 2aug3m. 16 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED. STANDARD AND SEST. /MONAUMDCtof' * UOOO in ,re Words pnd rmnrly 2000 more Illua trution.s than any American Dictionary. Among fho supplementary features* original with Unabridged and unequaled for concise and trustworthy information, are A Biographical Dictionary Containing nearly la,ooo names of Noteworthy Persons, with their national itv, station, profes sion or occupation, date of birth and death, (if deceased), etc., A Garetieer cf the World ■■■■Man m ifaamwwyi ■ ait- ajr. -mmmammmmrwm Of over 25,000 Tit les, locating ami briefly describ ing the Countries, Cities, Towns, and Natural Features of every part of the Globe, and The Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the names of Noted Fictitious Persons anl Places, such as are often referred to in literature and conversation. The latter is not found in any other Dictionary. websterisYhb standard Authority in the Gov’t Printing Office, and with the U. S, Supreme Court. It is recommended by the State Sup’ts of Schools of 36 States, and by leading College Pres’ts of V. S. and Canada. It is the only Dictionary that lias been selected in making State Purchases for Schools, and nearly all the School Books are based upon it. An invakiable companion in every School and at every Fireside. Specimen pages and testi monials sent prepaid on application. Published by G. &. C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. T IBEL FOR DIVORCE. FRANCIS XJ Weaver vs. Peter Weaver, Bartow Su perior Icourt. It appearing' from the sheriff’s return that the defendant is not to be found in the county, and it further appearing that the de fendant is a non-resident of this State, it is or dered that the defendant do appear and make his defense in this court at the next term of this court, and it is also ordered that service be per fected on the defendant by the publication of this ord£r in the Cos urant-American, a gazette pub lished in this •ountv, as required by the statute in such cases provided. August 4th, IfctfS. J. €. FAIN, J. 8. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bartow Su perior court. F. M. DURHAM, Clerk. BAKER & HALL, The moat extensive dealers in North Georgia iD General Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. Can supply anything from a Knitting Needle to a 100-hcrse power Engine. Sash, Doors End Blinds. Engines, Saw Mills, Blacksmith Tools, JJJ^Guns,'Pistols, Powder, Shot. Etc. THE GOWE* BUGGY being handled bv us. Being II /• made of first-class material and a \| | | home institution, the reputation of I trV. V pt-F L which has long ago ‘been made, we & make a sjiecialty of it. However, we II f keep a full line of other work, which f / B We £ uaranto *- We also j TENNESSEE WAGON \Ve assure the farmers that they need not go elsewhere for anything they w.,.. in our line, for we have everything they need in their business at prices that ca t not be beaten. In fact we are headquarters for Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, and Machinery for this section. Raker & hall, bankers. : -® with security. BAKER & HALL, West Main Street, O TdEITiILS VXIjTjiSS- O.A. Dr. SALMON'S # HOG CHOLERA SPECIFIC! Ip CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER. M POWDER.—CONDITION POWDER. 1 # f PREVENT & CURE HOG CHOLERA. \ktr~ r\ AMI DESTROY & PREVENT HOG LICE & WORMS, if WtUANi CURE CATTLE MURRAIN, TEXAS FEVER, &c. if I CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. I L CURE SHEEP ROT, TAPE WORM, &c. / manufactured by the VETERINARY MEDICINE COvJf NASHVILLE, TENN. For sale by T. A. Stover, Cartersvillo, J. P. Hawks, Cassville, Shelton & Childers. Pine Log, J. G. B. Erwin, Erwin, W. H. C. Lloyd, Fairmount, Jno. B. Boyd, Sonora, J. M. Anderson, Folson, l)r. Thos. Johnson, Adairsville. BARTOW FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS! Erwin Street, near Transfer Yard* CARTEESVILLE, GEORGIA. MANUFACTURERS OF AND BOILERS.^- Railroad Castings. House Fronts, Tram Wheels, Pulleys, Hangers, and Boxes, Shaft ings, Cane Mills, (2 and 3 rollers, of modern design), Brass C stint's, of any design. Iron Stairways and Railings, Mill Castings, tor water power or steam, Graveyard fencing. Agent for Medart's Pulleys, Hangers and Shaftings, and dealers in Second-Hand Egines and Boilers Special attention giyen to repairing of Engines and Boilers, Clyinders bored and refitted, Stone Castings, Grates and Fenders. Work of every kind done on short notice. Write for prices. P. S Old Iron, Brass and Lead bought. may 22 ly G. M. MONTGOMERY. J. G. M. MONTGOMERY. M. MONTGOMERY&CO,, j-tSTATE yT GENTS CARTERSVTLLE, GA. Buy and Sell City Property, Farm and Mineral Lands! We have some desirable Farina and a rrood line of City Property, iueludin Dwellings, Store Houses and Unimproved Lots. Correspondence Solicited. O UR-:-STOCK-:-OF GROCERIES Is Complete in Every Respect. Fine Tobacco and Cigars A Specialty. All Goods Delivered Free of (tee. w S. L. & W. J. VANDIVER E. JOHN T. NORRIS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. CCT P-STAIRS.) First Door South, of Howard's BaiL Leather and Gum Belting. Plows, Harrows, Corn Shellers and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery. Wagon and Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, etc., in great profusion at VERY LOWEST PRICES.