The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, September 27, 1888, Image 2

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A Howling .shame. Springfield, Mo , Hornet. Rev. Ilurkhead, wliow wise hea<t con ceived the idea of estnblishingu religious palter in North Springfield, that would revolutionise the Christian world, mop the cold sweat of sm off tlie brow of in credulity, and make satan leap from the shores of confidence into the howling ocean of consternation, afteo one week has- temporarily suspended. To be serious about this matte*-, we want to take the public by the lower jaw, and hold it until we make it clearly under stood that it has not shown that degree of appreciation which it was expected to register. Rev. Burkbead had for years employed his head in cracking some theological nuts that had broken the hammers of all theologians who have gone before. Mr. Burkhead did it with his little hammer. He knocked off the hulls which since the Bible was first pro mulgated, have encircled a delicate and sweet kernel of spiritual truth. He has taken out this kernel, has offered it free ly to an ungrateful public palate, ‘and they contemptuously cast it aside. Only two subscribers according to Burk head's statement, willing even to nibble at it a little. This is all wrong, and shows how deep the public is sinking into the Texas mud of indifference toward the prophets whose divine mission is to lift up the fallen who have “stumped” the toes of their angel nature and have fallen with their noses of incredulity against the stump of spiritual neglect. Items of Interest. Mr. J. 11. Bi-own, of Ilorneilsville,N.Y., says: “For three years 1 suffered with blood poison, but 8. 8. 8. cured me com pletely.” Marriages between whites and Indians are prohibited in Arizona and North Car olina. In 1775 there were only 27 newspapers published in the United States. In 1885-15 the Swift Speeific Company ad vertised their great remedy in over 5,000 weirdies and 012 daily papers. The Metropolitan underground rail road in London carried, during 1887, over 82,000,000 passengers. 8. 8. 8. cured me of an epithelioma can cer on my right cheek. I know this cure was effected entirely by 8. 8. 8. —W. M. Stanfield, Hampton, (in. Paris was known as Lutetieuntil 1.184, when the great French capital was changed to that which it has borne ever since. We have used Swift’s Specific in our family for years, as an antidote for ma larial poison, and have never known it to fail in a single instance.—W. C. Fmlow, Americus, Go. Many people want to buy 8. S. 8. by the gallon. The company never sell it that way. They sell only in bottles and packages. BUSINESS A: PROFESSIOFAL CARDS. W. A. Kirkpatrick. It. C. Pentland. KIRKPATRICK & PENTLAND, Real Estate Agents, CARTERSVILLE, OEOKGIA. Parties wishing to buy or sell Ileal Estate in Cartersville or neighborhood will find it to their interest to call on or correspond with us. Our personal attention is also given to the renting of property. W. C. Edwards, F. D. UNDERTAKER AND EMIULMER. Repository in new store room on West Maiu Sreet, Cartersville, Ga. jan27-ly J. M„ SVIESXi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special ateention given to litigation in real es tate in the administration of estates of deceased persons, and in cases in equity. Office on Public Square, north of St. James Hotel. 24febl.v OR, J. G. GREENE, ha ving located in Cartersville for the purpose of practicing medicine and surgery, offers his pro fession:.! services to the public. Calls promptly answered. Office up-stairs overCourant-American office; residence on the corner of Market and Stonewall streets. janlS-flin ‘ DOUGLAS WIKLE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Office in the Court House. Practices in all the courts of the Cherokee cir cuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims and the abstracting of titles. Barlow Powder Works. CLARKE ROBINSON, Proprietor. —MANUFACTURER OF— DYNAMITE AND PURE NITRO GLYCERINE. Having had 12 years experience, is prepared to ami will furnish explosives that will give entire satisfaction. When desired will furnish for extra heavy or dangerous work the necessary skilled assistance. Address BOX 1, Cartersville, Ga., Or, VOL. DUNNING, Agent, 1(1 £. x '.ii ww., AilAUUki La, IS THE BEST For Young Infants it is a perfect substitute for mother’s milk, often saving life; for the Invalid or Dyspeptic it ifl of the greatest value. It is THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. ISO Meals for an Infant for 31.00. A Cabinet photo, of Mbs. Dabt’s Triplets—three beautiful children—sent to the mother of any baby born within a year. Also a valuable pamphlet on the Care of Infants and Invalids. Sold by WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON,VT. T“DR. HENLEY’S ” BblSiln, A Ulost Effective Combination. This well known Tonic and Nervine is gaining great reputation as a cure for Debility", Dyspep sia, and NERVOUS disorders. It relieves all languid and debilitated conditions of the sys tem ; strengthens the intellect, and bodily functions; builds up worn out Nerves ; aids digestion ; re stores impaired or lost Vitality, and brings back youthful strength and vigor. It is pleasant to the taste, and use ' regularly braces the System against the depressing influence of Malaria. Price—sl.oo per Bottle of 34 ounces. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 3 T- A T'lTircst THE BEST 'JUDGES V, gr-j ' - V\ ss s tj t‘ . 'W/..,../ OF TOILET ARTICLES. Hence it-is nothing strange that their verdict has been rendered in favor of.the pleasant and fra grant JL> K- -TA -LAV E The most efficient preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth Ask your neighbor about it. Read what Dr A. IV. Calhoun, the celebrated specialist, says about Delectalave: “It affords me pleasure to hear testimony to its virtue, and to state tho-t its curative pr per ties are beyond question. -‘I recommend it to the public.” Delectalave will whiten the harden and beautifv the gums, purify the breath, prevent, the formation of tarta-, aid in preserving: tire feet, cure tender and bleeding gums. Ask for DtTcc till avo anil Have Nothing 1 Else. Sold by Druggists at 50 cents. /ASA G. CANDLER &. CO., Wholesale Druggist, Gen. Agts., Atlanta, Ga. " STHAT FIGHT TO The Original Wins. fS C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’r ff M. A. Sim mons Liver M edicine, Esi’d * : IS4O, in the U. S. Court defeats J. & H.Zcilin, Prop’r A. Q. Simmons Liv er Hegniator, Sst’d by Zoilin IS6S. M. A. S. L. M. has fer 47 yeax-s s Iwfi cured Indigestion, Biliousness, 1 Dyspepsia,Sick Headache,Lost Jjgr Appetxte, Souk Stomach, Etc. P A Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor I\l. E. \ O Church, Adams, Tenn., writes: “I J think I should have been dead bn* JE | lor your Genwine M. A. Sim tK -—mons Liver Medicine. I have ■ sometimes had to substitute til errig I “Zeilin’s stuff” for ye ur Medi f!/-Cyfi,'s7 c >ne, hut it don’t "answer the 1/ £> ' I Purpose ” l tTSPUEI Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor A Baptist, Memphis, Tear., says: Ifl' received a package of your Liver fk A Medicine, and have used hrdf of it. jm ,| It works like a charm. I want rrn fm V better Liver Regulator and ceoj \ tainly no more of Zeilin’s mixture, NOTICE TO fIrHEEST We’ll fee Ready to Gin Your Cotton "We have purchased anew Gullutt Gin, the latest improved, and will he pre pared in time to gi;i for the paniic, as usual, and guarantee satisfaction. GALLOWAY & FREEMAN, u9-4t Successors to Galloway k Uiiu M Big G has given univer sal satisfaction in the JHu to 5 of Gonorrhoea and 'wal^atj-lctow. 10 * Gleet. I prescribe il and K2v feel safe in reoommend b/ !!*! lug it to all sufferers. \mC™ &—A. J. STGNEB, M.D., ‘s#f“ Dee.tur, 111. Trsds^^Bif^^Ur’a Sold by Druggists. Jlk M lkL A- Ju , t Amenta. iebx'J —lO "CT X3IO <— BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE HEARTBURN, UVER INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA, COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE BY USING THE GENUINE Dr.C.McLAL2’SBD —-CkiLEBRAT£—~ mamuvEß fills! PREPARED ONLY EY FLEMING BROS., Pituburgh, Pa, 4KF*Bewaxeof Counterfeits made in St Louis.**® '*§|p> THE^H^ntR. fORIE BW® A POSITIVE CURE FoRSCROTUXA RHEUMATISMSCAID HEAD or TtTTfLR BOILS PIMPLES QLDoRCHROKiC SOROS of NX KlK'dSav'o au WSEASES ARISI NS FROM an IMPURE SWC otTkeBLOOD PerBcTTlE 6 foR $5 .',;"GTJMRpQL' LIKIMEIfT. 15 THc BE3T o/( EABJH frHlttMKFltt h EYE 1\ PAILS To CURi P T. I. M. C. *ST/i£OKi.Y iKFAIDBLt CUiRE. • • • For KEUIW-GIA- • • -Sold Pr- Kash^ilUTeKk" msmmmfmmsw mm j*nt. Ur2c...--- - -* -*• '■ CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Taste s good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. I believo Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved my life. — A. 11. Dowell, Editor Enquirer Eden ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. PISO The best Cough Medi cine is Piso’s Cure tor Consumption. Chi ldren take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. crs; : CURLS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. LaGrange Female College, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA. Thorough teachers, modern methods,complete courses, best books, reasonable rates. Music advantages unsur passed. Voice culture a specialty, book-keeping and sight-singing free. Send fur catalogue giving particulars. GROWTH.— 1885-6. 1886--7. 1881-3 Enrolled 104 146 179 Boarders 40 62 84 Music Pupils 68 72 127 RUFUS W. SMITH, Pres. EULER B. SMITH, Sea MW WP Children suitonntr irorn these destructible para sytes can’t be relieved by so-c dlcd worm iozen gers which only tickle the pa! te. The time-tried tested cure is B. A. Fahnestock's Verrnifuoe. As you value the life of your child, don’t wait until spasms and. incurable sickness seize it, but get this reliable remedy at once; never fails. A GREAT YEAR 1 In the history of the United is now upon us. Every person of iutelligenwFdesires to keep pace with the course of its events. There is no better way to do so than to subscribe for The Macon Telegraph. Its news facilities are unsurpassed by any paper in the South. In addition to the fullest Associ ated Press dispatches, it has special correspond ence by wire and letter from all important points iu Georgia and the neighboring States. During the present session of Congress Wash ington will be the most imp rtant and most in terest ng news centre in the country. lhe Washington Correspondence of the Telegraph is the verv best that can be had. Its regular correspondent furnishes the latest news and gossip in nil! dispatches. special letters from Hon. Amos .1. Cummings, member of Congress trom New York. Frank G. Carpenter, and W. A. Croftut, three of the best known newspaper writers at the capital, dis cuss the livest and most important issues of the dav. The Telegraph is a Democratic Tariff Reform paper. It is thoroughly in lme with the policy >f President Cleveland and the Democratic party In the toming national campaign the S-legraph will not only give all the news, but will discuss all public issues from the stand point of genuine Democratic faith. Subscribe ft i *nce. Hally, one year, - 97 00 Hally, six months, - - - . 400 Daily, three mouths, - - - .200 Daily, one mc\nth, - • .7*5 VTyklgr, one yrr, - - - • 1 00 TOmis: Cash in advance. Addrew THE TELEGRAPH, DRY GOODS! DRYGOODS! as — Our Irresistible Bargains! Inspect the Goods, compare the Prices and you must admit that We are offering the opportunity of the Season. R; H. GARWOOD, West Main Street, Cartersville, Ga. NORTH GEORGIA and ALAB AMA -^EXPOSITIONS • TO BE HELD AT * Rome, Ga., October Ist to 6th Inclusive. * A grand combination of the rich counties of Cherokee Georgia and North Alabnmn, to give the world some idea of the untold wealth of this seetio IN MINERALS AND AGRICULTURE. A SSOO Premium for the county making the best general display. Libera) pi. mini >i every departmen. Send your address for premium list, circulars,'&c., to lyui.ta. . A. W. WALTON, Sec’y, Rome, Ga. 4 - " ■■ V \ VvS \W ifedr • \ '&'■(>%•&s w . .i p% f I DON’T BUY GROCERIES AT JONES & MON FORT.] EAST MAIN STREET DRY GOODS iv :nx) Grocery House! is the place to so for I BARGAINS Tn order to make room for an enormous fall otock we will sell for the next thirty days goods at greatly REDUCED PRICES! % , We }\%vio:\ i ml i large lot of Gents’ and Boys C. OTHING! 1 That must be closed out at once. JEANS PANTS in all Styles. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to secure GREAT BARGAINS. Yours truly, GEO. W, SATTERFIELD & SON. M7-lv STILESBORO_TD_THE FRONT! W. E Packet, Dealer in Gen eral Merchandise, Wishes to announce to his many friends and customers that he will be in the field for 1888 with increased facilities for handling a big business. COTTON AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, He handles nothing but the best goods at the cheapest prices and gives nothing but the best prices forgot ton and all kinds of country produce, I Guanos and Fertilizers. I will handle the best grades of Guanos and will be enabled to give the farmers of this section the very best terms. Thanking the people for their past patronage j and hoping for a continuance of the same, I am, Yours to command, W. E. PUCKETT, I Merenant and Cotto i Buyer of Stilesboro. V2S- ly IN ADDITION TO OUR COMPLETE LINE OF Faicj aai Stapls fames We carry a good line ot Dry Goods, Men and Ladies HATS. We keep the Gainesville Hand-Made Shoe, the best Shoe in Cartersville. All goods delivered free. JONES k MONFORT. S / v .#. SPECIAL —,N FARM MACHINERY! ENGINES, GULLATT GINS. McCormick Mowers, Thomas Rake* Sorghum Mills, One-horse Wheat Drills S2O to .?:!" Tw Drills. All guaranteed. @ECOISr33-lIA-JBfD OUTFIT. Gin. Condenser, Feeder and Engine, Cheap. See me when you want any kind of Farm Machine!. THOMAS LUMPKIN, Cartersville, Ga Office with B. F. Godfrey. . . -* WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTI.IB W&UB STAUNTON, VA. Opens Sept. 20, 1888. One of the most attractive ftjfciß for Young Ladies in the Union. All Departments Thorough. Bnildiags Elepan heat; Gaslight; Situation beautiful; Climate splendid; Pupils from ,I|! HI Terms among the lowest In the Union. For the LIBERAL TERMS of tlufiCELfc 0 ly OLD VIRGINIA SCHOOL, write for a catalogue to WM. A. HARRIS, PrlTt, Statin? [I DO ]