The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, October 04, 1888, Image 4

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F OR Ay- ' Ap ainst H>£. h PlS s -i
, . A . . , . ~ . „n t Ko .wnr.lti .-au afford to supply themselves more comfortably than ever because of the Terribly (Jilt Kates t v
The f.rmers of Rartow and surrounding country can afford to wrap their cotton in jute bagging this year, and all the peopic can anoru iu .uppiv j - 1 11 llC!> " lIK - ■
immense FALL and WINTER S1 OCIv ot
, vl . hnufi>ht Striking a depressed Eastern market with the cash, I was enabled to make several grand successes in Dry Goods, Notions, Clotliinjr. Boots. Shoes, Hats, and all goods in my line; and the people have already learned that !
H,ffull benefit of all Sv BABGAINS. My stock is the choicest to be found in this section, and will be sold at PRICES THAT STARTLE COMPETITION ! Appreciating the liberal patronage of the public I now propose to prove my gratitude by dvr _
B T ,cr AlT 3VEE DRESS GOODS, trom the cheapest grades to royal fabrics that would adorn queen. The latest novelties in h nnts. Ginghams, and standaid goods lh adj-made Clothing ot every grase, working >-•„
leveling subs No matter what you want, Ic in strike your fancy. All the latest novelties in Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Notions, &c. The boss stock ot Boots, Shoes and Hats.
In fact, we are now full up in every department. Uome and see, and price goods, and you will be convinced that you can save money by trading with _____ ___ __ —_
—/I J . 1 . J ( ) A iCfet,
The People’s Friend and Regulator of Prices,
Editors and Proprietors.
1 Year - -- - $l5O
t> Months
3 Months
' shack! 11 nun | 3 mos. | 6 mos | 1 year,
One inch, $ 2 501 $6 00 § 750 -$lO 00
Two Inches 250 750 10 00 15 |J>
Three inches, 5 00| 10 00 12 50 20 *0
Four inches, 000 12 id) 15 00 25 00
Fourth column. 7 00l 15 00 25 00 40 00
Half’column, 11 00 20 00 40 00 60 00
One column, 15 00| 65 00 0C 00| 100 00
Local notices ten cents per line for first inser
tion. For a longer time, lower rates.
Terse communications on matters of pubiic in
terest solicited.
The Rome Exposition is moving along
Goveknoii Gordon will dedicate the
new State capicol.
All the defeated candidates have our
sincere sympathy.
Cartersville’s magnificent female col
lege will be pushed to completion.
The M. a7b. (more alcohol and beer)
society of Atlanta, seem to have the
swing iu local politics.
It will take Brother Blaine the bal
ance of the campaign to explain his
opening campaign speeches.
Sam Small, the thiul party candidate
for the State Senate, created a lively
scare in Atlanta’s political camp.
Jesse A. Glenn didn’t get the Repub
lican nomination for Governor, but lie
came about as near “getting there Eli’
as if lie had.
The whole country rejoices at the ap
pearance of host, and all good people
breathe a prayer for tiie speedy relief ol
the yellow fever stricken sections.
The people of Macon are kicking like
forty against the indefinite postpone
ment of the State 1 air, and are talking
of holding the fair on their own hook.
The only politician of any note in this
country who ever argued for free trade
was James A. Garfield, whom the Repub
lican party loved so well that it made
him President.
The present session of Congress is al
ready the longest in American history—
and we may add that the present session
will also be remarkable for the small
amount of business it has transacted.
A company has been formed in Atlanta
for the publication of a fortnightly pe
riodical to be called “The American.”
l)r. James G. Armstrong will he editor in
chief and Major Charles \V. Hubner "ill
be the literary editor.
The St. Louis Globe Democrat is the
biggest thing in the way of a newspaper
that reaches this office. It is also the
livest and newsiest. We don't like its
politics, but there is not a more com
plete newspaper in America.
Judge W. M. Sessions, of Marietta, is
a candidate for judge of the Northern
circuit, ami is the best man offering for
the position. He is an upright, Christian
gentleman, and not a scheming politi
cian. The people should see to it that
these important positions are held by
just such men as Judge Sessions.
Tuesday broke the record in Jackson
ville. No death was announced up to
riooll _the first time this has been the
case since the second week of the epi
demic. Ninety-eight new cases were re
ported for the day. The relief fund has
reached $230,867, which the board de
clares to be enough to carry them safely
through the terrible epidemic.
A freight train on the Columbus and
Western road fell through a bridge over
Oat creek, near Goodwater, Sunday
morning, sixty feet to the bottom, killing
one white man and wounding a number
of others. Sixteen cars and an engine
were smashed. The trestle was a frame
structure, and could not support the
weight of the engine and train.
Business in a general way is steadily
improving. All leading lines are in better
sha]>eeaoh succeeding week. The demo
ralization caused by the wheat deal has
about blown over, and we have nearly
done with the fever scarce in the South.
The country is going to fairly bound for
ward once the election is out of the way;
everything indicates a rousing fall and
winter trade, from Maine to the Rio
Grande, from Sandy Hook to the Golden
The action of Gov, Gordon in suspend
ing the payment of state taxes in Rich
mond county until the legislature meets
and takes official action in the matter
will be approved by the people of Georgia.
Augusta has sustained a recent loss of
property, by reason of the floods, the
magnitude of which is, perhaps, unpre
cedented in that city. The people need
all the money they can rake together to
tide them over their losses, and no doubt
the legislature will agree with the gov
ernor that they should be relieved from
the payment of these taxes at this time.
A Hero of Today.
The Atlanta Constitution of recent date
has the following regarding Right Rev.
Edwin G. Weed, Episcopal Bishop of the
diocese of Florida:
How sublime is the devotion and hero
ism of Bishop Weed, of Florida, who
walks among his people in fever stricken
•When the lever came, the bishop was in
his old home at Augusta with his family.
He was hardly acclimated in Florida,
having been there only' a short time.
And yet, without hesitation, he left his
family and friends and his place of safety,
and went to minister to his people who
were sore oppressed. And there lie has
been ever since. No nurse is tenderer
than lie —no man more devoted—no citi
zen more assiduous in the tneeting of
every duty. His large wealth enables
him to be a benefactor in more ways than
one, and many a poor refugee now in
safety, blesses him for having opened the
All honor to this heroic bishop, who
honors the great Episcopal church by his
life and example! Such men are rare on
earth, but they throng in heaven.
Notice of *n>cal .Legislation
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next session of the General Assembly
of Georgia for the passage of a bill, of which the
following is the caption:
To be entitled an act to amend the charter of
the city of Cartersville so as to authorize and
empower the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of
Cartersville to levy and collect a special tax on
all the taxable property in said city, not to ex
ceed one-halt (!/) ot one per cent for the purpose
of defraying the expenses of water supply and
tire protection for said city.
J. C. Wofeobd.
Jxo. li. WiKLE,
W. C. Baker,
H. H. Hall,
D. W. K. Peacock,
J. T. Nokris.
Uartersville, Ga., Oct. 3rd 1888.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next session of the General Asembly
of Georgia lor the passage of the following act
To be entitled an act to amend the charter of
the city oi Uartersville, so as to authorize the
Mayor aud Council to establish a system of
public schools, and to provide revenue for the
support of the same, and to authorize the county
school commissioners of Bartow county t • pay
over to the corporate authorities of said city
for the use of said public schools such part of
the State school fund as may be their just pro
rata share thereof, and for other purposes there
in mentioned.
J. 0. Woffobd,
, Jno. H. Wikle,
VV. C. Baker,
H. H. Hall,
D. W. K. Peacock,
J. 'JL Nokris.
Uartersville, Ga., Oct. 3, 1888.
ries office, Bartow couht.v, Ga. —Whereas peti
tion has been filed in the Ordinary’s office, (and
notice has been given as required by Law,) pray
ing- that the question “For Fence or Stock Law”
be submitted to the lawful votersof the 851st. Hist..
G. M. in said county. Ordered that an election
be held ut the usual place of holding elections for
members to the General Assembly, in the said
851 st District G. M. on Saturday October 27th,
1888, on the question of "For Fence or Stock
Law” and that said election be held under the
same rules and regulations as one provided for
members of (he General Assembly and that re
turns be made as provided by statute And it is
further ordered that this order be published for
fifteen days in the Coukant-American a newspa
per published in said county and posted at the
election precinct in said district. Granted this
3rd October, 1888. J. A. HOWARD,
Ordinary, Bartow county. Ga._
GIA — Bartow County: —Agreeably to an
order of the court of ordinary of Bartow county,
Georgia, will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door of said county on the first
Tuesday in November, 1888, within the legal hours
of sale, the following property, to-wtt: The undi
vided one-half Interest in the one story brick store
house and lot formerly known as the A. A. Skin
ner fc Cos. store. Said store fronting 25 feet,
more or less, on Main street on the ncyth, and
lot running back south 200 feet, more or less.
Sold as the property of estate of A. A. Skin
ner, late of said county, deceased, for division.
Terms one-half cash, balance in six months with
interest- at eight per cent, per annum.
$ I 35 Ad mV estate A. A. Skinner, dee’d.
Thanking the people of Bartow county for
their support and help in the past, I respectfully
ask them to give me their support once more in
n.y candidacy for the office of Tax Collector.
This is a class of work that 1 can do, notwith
standing my physical condition, and I need the
office. My experience in this line of work justi
fies me in promising efficiency if elected.
I hereby announce myself as candidate for
Tax Collector of Bartow county at the ensuing
January election,and respectfully ask my friends
for the same, as 1 need the office, promising to do
my whole duty if elected. JOSEPH SHAW.
We are authorized to announce the name of J.
A. HOWARD as a candidate for re-election as
Ordinary for Bartow county. Election first
Wednesday in January, 1883.
To the people of Bartow county : I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Bar
tow county, and respeetiully a-k your support
and influence. Election first Wednesday in Janua!
ry next. This August 27th, 1888.
I respectfully announce myself as a candidate
for Tax Receiver of Bartow count'y at the ensu
ing January election, and ask the support of my
fellow-citizens, with a promise to do my full duty
if elected. Aldert Smith.
The name of Thomas P. Wofford is lierfeby
presented by many friends as a cand date for the
office of Tax Receiver o' Bartow county at the
ensuing January election The support of his
fellow-citizens is respectfully solicited, with the
assurance of faithful and efficient service in this
I hereby announce myself as candidate for Tax
Receiver at the coming election in January 188!),
and ask the support of the voters of Bartow
county for the same. B. L. Durham.
To the voters of Bartow county; At the solici
tation of many of my Mends I haye consented
to make the race for Sheriff of this county at the
election in January next. Mr. Johrt, W. Coughlin
will run as my deputy. If elected I pledge to the
people of Bartow county an honest, humane,
faithful and impartial discharge of,the duties oi
the office. Very truly,
John T. Layton.
We are authorized to announce the name of
Mr. H. W. Cobb as a candidate for re election as
Treasurer of Bartow county. Election to take
place on the first Wednesday in January.
We are authorized to announce the name ol
F. M. Durham as a candidate for re-election as
Clerk of tlie Superior court for Bartow county.
Election first Wednesday in January 1889.
To the voters of Bartow county : I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for Sheriff of said
county, with A. M. Franklin and James H. Wil
liams as Deputies. I respectfully solicit your
votes, and if elected I promise a faithful and im
partial discharge of the duties of the office. This
llth July, 1888. J. W. Williams.
We are authorized to announce the name
of Mr. Wesley W. Roberts as a candidate for
Sheriff of Bartow county, with Mr. H. R. (“Rob”)
Maxwell, of Pine Log district, as his deputy, at
the ensuing January election.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
Tax Collector of Bartow county at the ensuing
election, and respectfully ask my friends and the
people generally to give me their support, as I
need the office and can aud will faithfully fill it if
elected. F. M. Dellinger.
We are authorized to announce the name of J,
L. MILHOLLIN as a candidate for Tax Collec
tor of Bartow county. The election to occur on
the first Wednesday in January next.
We are authorized to announce the name of J.
F. LINN as a candidate for re-election to the
office of Tax Collector of Bartow County, Ga.
We are authorized to announce the name ol
NAT DUNNAHOO as a candidate for re-election
to the office o 4 ' Receiver of Tax Returns for Bar
tow County, Ga.
M Mmh Mints!
and Professor of the Latin Language and
Literature, Higher Mathematics and Natu
ral f ei nces.
Professor of Greek Language, French, Book-
Keeping, and a General Academic course.
Teacher of Primary and Intermediate courses.
Principal of Music Department.
Bates of Tuition as Follows:
Advanced and Classical Grades...s.3.oo per mouth
Intermediate 2.00 “ “
Primary I.sft “ “
Incidentals 15 “ “
Music 4.00 “ *•
Fzercisss Will bs Stall km st 20tb, 1883
Kj County. To all whom it may concern;
Thomas M. Drummond, executor-of Pinkney G.
Drummond, deceased, has in due form applied
for leave to sell the lauds belonging to t he estate
of said deceased, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday in November, 1888.
This 28th Sept,, 1888. J. A. HOWARD,
C; L.arv.
Postponed executor’s sale.—
Under and by virtue of an order and judg
ment of the court of ordinary of Bartow coun
ty, Georgia, granted at the regular May term,
1888, of said court, will be sold before the court
house door in Uartersville, Georgia, within the
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No
vember, 1888, the following lots and parts of
lots of land to-wit:
Lots ot land numbers five hundred and ninety
(590). six hundred and thirty-three (633), six
hundred and sixty-three (663) and six hundred
and sixty-four (664), located in the 21st dis'trict
and 2d section of Bartow county. Georgia, each
of said lots of laud containing forty acres, more
or less. Known as the Island Mill plantation of
Ira W. Waldrip, deceased. Said plantation is
situated in the southeast portion ot Bartow
,ounty, Ga., on the Etowah river, eight miles
from the city of Cartersville, Ga.. and six miles
from Acuorih, Gn., and has thereon a good corn
mill, cotton gin and press, two ordinary frame
dwellings and outhouses. Said mill, gin and
press are all in good running order and the
lands are of two grades, to-wit. good river bot
tom and uplands, all of which-is situated in the
mineral belt of Bartow county, Ga.
And also the undivided one-half interest in lot
of land number seven hundred and eighteen, lo
cated in the 2lst district and 2d section of Bar
tow county, Georgia, said lot containing forty
acres, more or less. The other undivided half in
terest in said last named lot of land number
seven hundred and eighteen is owned by Emsley
Stegall. Said lot is situated about three
fourths of a mile northeast of Emerson, or Ste
gall’s Station, in the mineral belt of Bartow
county, Ga., and is unimproved wild land. The
title is good. The terms of said sale are cash,
and for the benefit of the creditors of said es
tate. This October 2d, 1888.
James C. Waldrip,
Executor of Ira W. Waldrip, deceased.
Bartow Sieriff’SSales.—will
be sold before the court house door in Car
tersville, Bartow County, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in November,lßßß,between the legal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder, the following
described property, to-wit:
Four hundred (40 *) acres, more or less, of
land, in the sth district and 3d section of Bar
tow county, Ga.. being parts of lots numbers
two hundred and thirty (230), two hundred and
thirty-eight (238), two hundred and seventy
three (273). two hundred and seventy-four (274).
and two hundred and sixty-seven (267). described
in deed from L. S. Mumford to Martha E. Bish
op, recorded in book “Z” of deeds, pages 234-35
clerK’s office Superior court said county, which
is here referred to, covering the entire interest
and title to said land, except the minerals there
in and thereon. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of the defendant, D. F. Bishop, to
satisfy one fi. fa issued from tfife city court of
Cartersville, Bartow county, Ga., in favor of R.
A. Clayton, assignee of J. J. Howard & Son vs.
I). T. Bishop. Said property in possession of D.
F. Bishop at his death, in summer of 1887, now
in possession of his widow. Property pointed
out by plaintiff.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number 141, lying and being in the sth District
and 3rd section of Bartow county Georgia con
taining one hundred and forty eight acres mor' 1
or less, levied on as the property of W. H. Linno *
of the defend an f s in this fi fa. Property, poin tea
out by W. H. Linn, levied on ami will be sold as
the property of W. H. Linn to satisfy one Bar
tow Superior court fi fa in favor of J ohn Harper,
vs. G. JI Gilreath and W. H. Linn.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number 146, in the 17th district and 3rd section
of Bartow county, Georgia. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of B. B. Trippe to satis”/
one Justice Court fi fa from 851st District G. M..
in favor of W. M. Moore and J. H. Sims for the
nseof officers of court, vs. R. B. Trippe. Drop
pert/ pointed out by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, seventy eight
(78) acres more or less of lot of land number two
hundred and fourteen (214 it being the southern
portion of saidnumber two hundred and fourteen
(214) also one hundred (1001 acres more or less,
it being the western portion ol lot number two
hundred and nineteen (219) all lying in the sth
district and 3rd section of Bartow couuty, Geor
gia. Levied on and will be sold as the property
of J. W. Henderson, deceased, in the hands of
Yanc.v Henderson as his administratrix to be ad
ministered, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court
fi fa in favor of Sinclair MeHenderson, vs. Yanc.y
Henderson administratrix of Jno W. Henderson,
deceased, property pointed out by I. D. Hender
son and in possession of Yancy Henderson ad
ministratrix, etc.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number one hundred and forty-six (146) in the
17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county,
Georgia, as the property of the defendant It. B.
Tripp. Property pointed out by defendant, to
satisfy one .Justice Court fi fa issued from the
851st District G. M. for the use of officers of court,
vs, R. B. Tripp.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
numbers one thousand two hundred and ninety
seven (1297), one thousand one hundred and fifty
(1150) and one thousand and eighty-five (10S5|
all lying in and being in the 21st district and 2nd
section of Bartow county, each lot containing
forty (40) a.ores more or less, also, lot of land
number one* thousand two hundred and sixty-one
(1261) lying in the 4th district and 3rd section
of said county containing forty (40) acnamore
or less. Levied on and will be sold as the prop
erty of Jno. T. Moore, to satisfy one Bartow Su
perior court ft fa, in favor of the New England
Mortgage Security Cos., vs. John T Moore. The
defendeut, John T. Moore, waives written notice
of levy. Property pointed our, by plaintiff s
Att’y, G. H Aubrey.
Also, at the - ame time and plac?, lots of land
nrmbers two hundred aud five (205) two
hundred and six (20fi) two hundred
and flf e;n (215) two hundred ard sixteen
(216) and two hundred and thirty-six (236). lying
all in the 16th district and 3rd section of Bartow
county, Georgia. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of A. F. Woolley, one of ihe defen
dants, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court ft fa,
in favor of Thomas A. Loveless, vs, John F.
Harden. A. F. Woolley and Berrys and Cos. proper
ty in possession of defendant A. F. Woolley and
pointed out by C. D. McCutehen attorney for
A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff,
J W. WILLIAMS, Deputy Sheriff
Notice ol' Local Legislation
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next General Assembly of Georgia
for the passage of an Act of which the following
is the caption:
an act
To be entitled an act to alter and amend the
charter of the ciry of Cartersville, approved
August 27th, 1872, v and the acts amendatory
thereo ,so as to authorize and empower the
Mayor and Aldermen of said city to assess, levy
ami collect annually an ad valorum tax not to
exceed one per cent., (instead of one-half of one
per ceut., as now provided), for the general pur
poses and expenses of said city. To prescribe
the mode of assessing the taxable property in
said city, and to confer additional powers on the
Mayor and Aldermen of said city .iu regard to
the levying and collecting of special taxes or
licenses in said city and for other purposes men
tioned therein.
W. C. Baker.
H. H. Hall,
D. W. K. Peacock,
Jno. H. Wikle,
J. T. Norris.)
Cartersville, Ga., October 3d, 18x8.
The regular quarterly meeting of the stock
holders of the Cartersville Land Company will
be held at the office of Jno. T. Norris on Thurs
the 4th **; at 7
Our Business Booms!
Like the great town of Oartersville, it is carried on to success bj' merit aloue.
The Nortlj Georgia Clpp Furniture 1|
Is as full of wealth as the mountains around Cartersville are of the richest minerals,
io die word, and we propose to head the procession in our line.
We feel that our effort to handle
at prices that DEFY COMPETITION have been appreciated by the people of this and
surrounding counties, and makes us more than ever determined to till every pos
sible want that might arise. 'Y’e are in the lead and propose to stay there, if L 5
Prices, Energy and Fair Dealing will do it.
Farmers, Mechanics, Professionals and Boomers, call in and look at the hut
somest stock of FURNITURE in Norili Georgia. When we have feasted your
eyes upon the goods your pocket book wili fly ope i with its own volition.
The North Georgia Cheap Furniture Ho®
Does a General Banking Business.
Deposits Received, Subject to Check.
Exchange Bought and Sold.
Collections Made in all parts U. S.
Discounts Desirable paper.
All Accommodations Consistent with Safetj
That Question is Settled.
Rob’t P. Bradford & Cos. j
North Georgia Headquarters for I
Farm and Family Supplies!
The goods in stock, as well as heavy Invoices on tne road have ail been bought at spot cash > 1
and we are able to defy competition!. All country Produce bought at the highest market pri ' 1
careful inspection of our stock is cordially invited.
Parties in want of Lumber of any kind will find it to their interest to see ns
“lumber yard 5
# V
in the city. i\ e carry in stork a large assortment of Framing of a i ■
lengths, Dry Flooring and coiling, Weatherhoarding and Mouldings, of an;. B
We havejnst received curs of all heart Fencing and will carry a supply of h
in future. Lumber Yard and Plaining .Mills, cor. Leake and Skinner Sts.
r /