Newspaper Page Text
. quick and certain cure for Eczema, Scald
, ,i l etter. Itch, St. Anthony’s Fire, Pimples,
Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Heat, .Milk
; .4, chafes, ißimh-uff, and all affections of
I', . ilp. Cures all diseases of the Feet’caused
in Hoot and Perspiration.
v ],, proprietors, - - - ATHENS, HA.
For snle by M. F. Word and J. R. VVikle &
r.irrersville, Ga.
''taxes free.
Manufacturers, - Attention !
i; E it Ordained, By the Mayor and Aldermen
o f |}, r nty of Carte sville, That any party or
. | r•;-> who shall in future invest in property in
. , city for the purpose of conducting any wan
qt .Vtnring enterprise, and shall actually operate
,1 . s me, shall be exempt from all city taxes
upon such property tynd all machinery and Im
provements thereon of every character, for the
trriii of five years from the purchase of such
property. Approved Nov. 1,18 KS.
Finance —J. A. Crawford, Chairman, A. M. Will
ingham, Moses Seheuer.
Cemetery—o. AV. Waldrup, Chairman, A. L, Bar
ron, W. A. Bradley.
—A. Collins, Chairman, A. L. Barron, L.
It Matthews.
Iteiiof —L. B. Matthews, Chairman, G. W. Wal
drup. A. Collins.
puhlie buildings—W. A. Bradley, Chnirnmn, A.
Collins, L. B. Matthews.
Ordinance —A. L. Barron, Chairman, A. M. Will
ingham, Moses Seheuer.
Joe M. Moon, J. C. Wofford,
Clerk. Mayor.
home Brevities.
IT. J. McCormick, County Surveyor,
I*. <). Stilesboro, Gn.
Advertise now.
Cotton H% m
The sweet potato crop is a huge one.
Oik* hundred more dwellings should be
built here at once.
Wednesday was as tine a day for an
election as we ever saw.
The average brother in black took a
full hand in the election yesterday.
The heavy frosts of the past few days
has done its work on tender vegetation.
Oar tire company is a live one, if it has
no apparatus. The way the boys can
sling buckets is a caution.
In union there is strength —let every
body pull together for Cartersville, and
a grand future awaits her.
It is rumored that the grand jury is
scenting ’round for blind tiger dens. If
tlmre is auy they will find them.
T he school book t rust is about as big
an outrage as the cotton bagging trust,
ami should be squelched by some means.
We know of several families who would
come to Cartersville at once if there
were houses to be had. Let the building
boom proceed.
Cartersville should have a splendidly
equipped one hundred room hotel for
the accommodation of winter visitors
from the North.
The male members of the Baptist
church are earnestly requested to attend
the prayer meeting at the church at-7
o’clock Friday night.
A number of (’artersville's bright girls
left for different colleges last week. Next
year they can stay at home and attend
one of the best colleges in the country.
Last Sunday was a day of great in
terest at the churches of this city. A
large number of members were received
as the result of the great tabernacle
A large number attended the baptizing
at the river last Sunday afternoon. A
number of candidates were immersed by
Lev. W. H. Cooper, the faithful pastor of
the Baptist church.
Parties interested in legal-advertising
of any kind shou’d remember that the
law regulates the prices and contemplates
cash payments—and the publisher’s rule
is not to complete any advertising until
paid for.
The city council has bought a lot in
the Southern part of the city for the loca
tion of the gas works. Mr. Blaisdell
writes that everything is lonely at the
other end, and this enterprise will doubt
less be the means of Tn-inging thousands
of Boston capital to Cartersville.
On account of the lateness of the hour
we have just time to advise the reader to
put on his specs and search out the ad
vertisement of It. \V\ Satterfield, on out
fourth page, and read it carefully. We
shall refer to his extensive institution
again next week.
Rev. W. H. Cooper, of this city, is
chairman of the committee appointed
by the Middle Cherokee Baptist Associa
tion to look utter the location of the
Male High School or college to be estab
lished by the association. Cartersville
is the very place for this institution.
Let’s have it.
The most important thing right now
is to hurry mi the waterworks and or
ganize a fire department. The city coun
cil should buy a first class engine at
once. A few hours work of the flames
would destroy property enough to pay
for a dozeu fire engines. Don’t wait till
the fire comes.
Capt. Maddox gave us a copy last
week of “The Dixie Land,” a paper pub
lished at Dallas, Texas, in the interest
°t ex-Confederate soldiers. One feature
Hie paper is a ft*v columns each issue
devoted to the “Roll Call,” where you
Ret the whereabouts of many old Con
federate veterans. Capt. Maddox will
furnish you the “Dixie Land” twelve
•Months for one dollar, a six-column,
eight-page, bi-monthly paper.
Last week’s issue of Frank Leslie’s Il
lustrated Weekly was accompanied by a
large and splendidly illustrated supple
ment, devoted to theuew enterprises and
country generally of Georgia and other
Southern States—mainly devoted to
Georgia Among other attractive fea
tures is a fine picture of the iron mines
near Cartersville.
Every merchant in Cartersville should
have an in the
Courant-Ameuican. Every man in the
county, whose trade is worth having
reads the county paper, and you have
an opportunity to talk to them through
our columns. In this day the business
man who ignores the importance of
printers ink, is apt to get left.
Married, at the residence of the bride’s
father. Mr. J. L. Luther, on the 2d inst.,
by Rev. A. H. Rice, Prof. J. M. Boyd
and Miss Mattie A, Luther. A large
company of friends witnessed the cere
mony, and many nice presents to the
bride evinced the high appreciation of
her many friends. The happy couple
left at once for a visit to the home of
Prof. Boyd’s mother.
Miss Darst, of Columbus, Ohio, who
has taken charge of the Art department
of West End Institute, was in the city last
Saturday, organizing her class and pre
paring to enter upon her duties on Satur
day next. She is a very fine artist and
brings certificates in all branches of the
art department from the Columbus art
school. Specimens of her work can be
seen at ihe residence of Mrs. J. W. Harris
Sr., on Main street. Persons desiring to
join the class can find her at West End
Academy on Saturday, Oct. 6th, from 9
to 3p. m. She teaches sketching from
nature, prospective drawing, sketching
from lite, casts, etc.
The Funds Raised for Completing the Sam
Jones Female College.
A meeting was held at the Methodist
church last Thursday evening to con
sider the question of hurrying on the
completion of our splendid female col
lege building.
J. H. Wikle presided, with G. 11. Au
brey at the secretary’s desk.
Rev. Sam .lones stated the object of
the meeting. He said the sum of
$3,500 was still needed to complete the
building, and he proposed to raise it at
once or drop the whole thing. He was
willing to add SSOO to his former sub
scription, or it those present would raise
2,500 lie would guarantee to raise
SI,OOO on the streets next morning, aud
then furnish the building complete when
finished. Most of those present had al
ready subscribed liberally, but they will
ingly gave more, and after a good deal
of fun the $2,500 was raised, and there
was general rejoicing all over the house.
The following morning Ram .Tones suc
ceeded in raising the other SI,OOO, aud
there is now nothing in the way of going
ahead with the work.
It was brought out that the work had
not been suspended for lack of money, as
the treasurer had three or four hundred
dollars in hand, but the delay was on ac
count of material not arriving prompt
ly. The contractors agreed to get to
work at once and push the building to
When Sam Jones is backed by such
public-spirited men as Baker & Hall,
Col. Tom Milner, and a host of others
we might name, it is an easy matter to
raise money for a worthy public enter
We hope the committee will now see to
it that the work is completed at the
earliest day possible. The building should
be ready and a faculty organized for the
spring term.
This will be one of the handsomest and
best adapted college buildings in Geor
gia, and we do not believe there is a bet
ter location for such an institution than
The college will be worth as much to
our city as the iron furnace or rolling
Hurrah for Cartersville!
A well known citizen of Lancaster, Fa.,
Mr. L. B. Keifer, writes: Having a
sprained log of almost thirty days stand
ing, and after trying half a dozen adver
tised preparations in the market with
out satisfactory results, I was advised
to try Salvation Oil, did so, aud in less
than three days my leg was all light
again. It did the work.
The agency for the Atlanta Constitu
tion is at Wikle & Co.’s book store. 3t
The Cartersville Real Estate Company, A. M
Willingham manager, propose to do a, rushing
business. Property placed into that company’s
hands may be safely claimed as sold. They pro
pose to boom the interests of their customers as
well as their own.
The Weekly Constitution receives sub
scriptions through Wikle’s book store.
Call and learn of the inducements. 5-3 t
In delicate health, and all who suffer
from haMtual constipation, will find the
pleasant California liquid fruit remedy,
Syrup of Figs, more easily taken and
more beneficial in effect than any other
remedy. It acts promptly, yet gently on
the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, and Stom
ach, and does not sicken or debilitate.
Fetid Breath.
A bottle of Delectalave may save you a
month’s suffering. Iffyour gums are
sore, heal them with Delectalave. Use
Delectalave on your tooth-brush, and
rinse out your mouth and between your
teetli wirh it, to remove the food particles
and prevent fermentation, which causes
a fetid breath- For sale by all Diuggists
TTuiiiiicutt’s* Rheumatic Cure
Eurternwl by the Medical
Atlanta, G a., Nov. 4.1887.
II TIT. Cos.:
Gentlemen—l have used five bottles
of your H. R. C., and chcerfuby recom
mend it, as the best blood purifier and
tonic I have ever used since taking
yourcuiel have gained twenty pounds
in weight. Yours truly,
Wm. Tui neu.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct 26,1887.
H. R. C C 6 :
Gentlemen —I have used your Rheu
matic Cure in several cases of the worst
type, and lam glad to say it had the
desired effect in every case. I take great
pleasure in recommending your medicine
to those who are suffering from rlieuma
tism and its attendant and
lftri and I am confident of its efficacy.
Respectful Iv,
P O Box 62, J. A.‘ Nelms, M. D.
H. R. C Cos.:
Gentlemen—l pronounce your Rheu
matic Cure a success beyond question. I
have tried the great remedy in three
cases, and find a cure in every case. I
pronounce it good. Very respectfully,
Dr. W'. L. Clay.
432 Walnut St , Louisville, Ky.
Atlanta, Ga., March 3, 1888.
H. K. C. Cos.:
Gentlemen—l take pleasure in saying
that your Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure is
the best I have ever sqen. My mother,
who had been suffering with rheumatism
for thirty years, was entire y relieved by
a few bottles Yours truly,
Joel Chandler Harris
Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 28,1887.
Hunnicutt. Rheumatic Cure Cos.:
Gents—l have taken your Hunnicutt’s
Rheumatic Cure for Inflammatory Rheuma
tism with great benefit It is, in my
opinion, the best medicine for rbeuma
tism I ever took.
Jno. D. Cunningham,
Ex-Judge U. 8. Court of Ala
Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 4, 1888.
Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos :
Gentlemen —It affords me pleasure to
add my testimony to that, of the many
who indorse your Hunnicutt s Rheumatic
Cure I had been a constantsufferer from
rheumatism for years, when 1 determined
to try your cure, and to my surprise and
delight one bottle was all I found neces
sary to relieve me of all symptoms of
rheumatism, and I deem it but justice not
only to those who originated this cure,
but to all others who may be suffering
from the same cause, f o say this much in
confirmation of what is claimed for this
medicine. Yours respectfully,
John W. Nelms.
Price—sl per bottle Bix bottles $5.
Prepared only at Laboratory of Hunnicutt
Rheumatic Cure Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
JST’For sale by all Druggists
Bend for book of valuable information
and testimonials of well known citizens.
Sick headache, wind on the stomach,
biliousness, nausea, are promptly and
agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean’s
Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. 25c. a
vial. 0-8-3 m
Now Is the Time
to use Hodge*’ Sarsaparilla with lodide
of Potash, the great purifier for the
blood. A certain cure ior rheumatism,
scrofulous affections and all diseases pe
culiar to females. Renovates and invig
orates the system. Physicians recom
mend it. Take no other. Rauguin Root
Medicine Cos., Manufacturers, Nashville,
Twin. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. 8-30 tl oc
If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled
with a hacking cough, use Dr. J H.
McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. 9G-3m
Get ready for the fall boom that is sure to
come by putting your property into the hands
of live, hustling real estate men that have “no
flies on ’em.”
Cartersville Real Estate Cos..
A. M. Willingham, Manager.
You can procure the best sewing ma
chines at reduced prices by going to
Wikle & Co.’s at once. oc 5-2 t
Bargains can be hud in every depart
ment of Wikle & Co’s book store this
month. ocs-2t
Your id iiuugy.
You can muxe your old buggy
carriage look new by the use of one can
of Detroit Carriage Paint, Only 75c, t
Wikle’s drug store near the railroad.
Those in want of coal, should see Jones
& Monfoft for best coal and lowest
prices. Supply always ou hand. 9 13-4 t
Writing tablets of all sizes aml quali
ty of paper—all juices from 2c. to s<)e.,
at Wikle & Co.’s book sore. ocs-2t
Gin house insurance can be had by
applying to Barto.v Leake, Insurance
Agent, box 8, Cartersville, Ga.
L et.
Gold watch charm, set with large to
paz. Finder will confer a favor and re
ceive a reward by returning to
G. H. Aubrey.
Tell me not, in mournful numbers
That this life is but a dream.
While Pomp Johnson feeds so cheaply,
And wen hash is it seems.
In the classic language of Shakespeare,
Pomp is a boss feeder.
The Rolling Mill —(Hub-rosa) —lt’s groing; to
be built —uo mistake—Cartersville is bound to
be the steel making centre of the South. Don’t
get too much excited, though, to put your prop
erty in our hands to sell.
Cartersville Real Estate Cos.,
A. M. Willingham, Manager.
The new “Triumphant Songs” sent by
mail for 35 cent*, per copy. Wikle &Cos ,
Cartersville, Ga. oc 5-2 t
Bringing Gladness
To millions, pleasing their palates and
cleansing their systems, arousing their
Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs,*iud Bowels to
a healthy activity. Such is the mission
of the famous California liquid fruit rem
edy* (’alifornia Syrup of Figs.
Twenty-five barrels new glass at the
ten cent store also large lot new tin and
notions. It
* , - -v.. t .. | . 0 ,
m 1 1
The people have spoken, and the verdict is that the place for everybody buy tlie'their Fall and Winter Dry Goods is at the
popular Drv Goods Emporium of
Tire Leaders of Low Prices.
Our mammoth stock for the fall and winter trade is now rolling in, and already we have on exhibition the grandest display of
Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings, Flannels, Hosiery,
• is full of attractions, embracing the latest styles and all qualities.
A Regular Groundswell in Boots, Shoes and Hats.
But we haye not time now to enumerate. The people have long since learned that there is busihess in our advertisements. We
are filling up every department to its utmost capacity, and will soon speak more definitely of our various attractions.
Our buyers have struck a regular bonanza in bargains, and we can easily lay Atlanta, Rome and Chattanooga m the shade
when it comes to prices.
Keep your eye on ttis space, and listen for our racket during the fall campaign.
The Leaders of Low Prices.
125,000 Acres Timber Land!
Ijenl Estate, Coni, Insurance,
3,000,000 Acres Florida Land. 5,000 Acres Iron ffManganese.
an g JO-4 m.
We Are Not Bragging
When we say we are prepared to show the finest
and best selected stock of
DryGootisand Groceries
Also, a llr-.uitiful Line of
Come and see us, and you will find that we are
the champions of
During the next thirty days valuable
readiig matter can be hadfor less than
half price at Wikle’s book store. ocs-2t
Syrup of Figs
Is Nature’s own true laxative. It is the
most easily taken, and the most effective
remedy known to Cleanse the System
when Billious or Costive; to dispel Head
aches, Colds, anil Fevers; to cure Habit
ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
%rup Company, San Francisco, Cal.
Sold bv J. R. Wikle & Cos., druggists.
Just received, 590 gents’ and ladies’
Campaign (bandaua) handkerchiefs, at
Seheuer Bros.
Dry Goods!Dry Goods!
H. B. Parks & Cos.
-vißome, (}aJr
Dress Goods,, Silks,
Millinery, Flannels, Jeans, Boots, Shoes and Clothing.
We are glad to announce to the trade of N >rtli Gwgia and Alabama that w
are showing the largest stock < f Dry Goods, Ac., ever hr*nigh; to this oart of t *
Suite. Our stock ala u ids with real and wonderful l a gains fchr mgliour.
We bur goods in large quantities, thereby Securing the lowest p issihle prices
of the manufacturers, &c., which enaNe us often to sell many lines of goods at
prices that our competitors call ‘‘New York cost ’ Ex unine these prices :
3,000 yards Pacific Wool Cashmere, in all colors, only 10 v
2,500 New York Fai cv Worsted, in all colors, 150, worth 20e.
2 <'ase Fine Double Width Wool Serge Suiting, only 15c. worth 25c.
2 Cases 38 in. Fine All Wcol Henrietta Serge, 3740. will not he matched f>r
less than 50c. out rf our house.
1 Case 38 inch All Wool Henrietta, in ten shades, 55c, regular price, 05c.
Silks, Plushes, Velvets and Woolen Dress floods,
In All the Latest. Styles, with Trimmings to Match.
Ourstoci of Hats, Bo i ieC, Tips, Plumes and Ribbons are simply beautiful au 1
the price very low.
% Jeans, Cassimeres, &c.
Good Eastern Doeskin Jeans at 12| and 15c, Heavy 9 oumcu Kentucky Wool
Jeans, 25 aud 36c. Our best Lon gala pie Texas All Wool Jeans at 30c, 37$c and
42|0. This Texas Jeans is the best and cheapest fine Jems m Georgia. All Wool
Red Flannel nt 12ic, 18c, 20c, 25c and upward.
Boots, Shoes $ Clothing 1 .
Men’s heavy every day Boots, all sizes, 51.75 aud $2.00. Rig job.
Men’s line Sunday Shoes, all sizes; $1 50, $1.75 aud $2 00. B o gains.
Women’s every day Shoes. 90c. SI.OO <> . 1 $1.25 W rr,.nted .olid.
Ladies Button Shoes, sl.2>, $1.50 aim $1.75 Low in p;icu. liigh in
Largest stock S,did Brogans, SI.OO, $1.15. $1.25 and $1.40. Look at them.’
Clothing, Cloaks and Plush Wraps !
We are certainly headquarters for these goods. Don’t lm.y them till acu see
our stock.
Make our store vonr headquarters while in Rome and visiting the Exnosition
DOCK CUN YUS, of Bartow County, is with us and lie will be glad to
-ee and wait upon any of his friends or serve them in auv wav. <iive him a call
or if you can’t do this, send an order and it will have prompt attention.
Send for Samples and Prices.
H. B. PARKS & CO.,
20sep3in . Agents for Butterick’s Patterns.
Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, All Sizes.
The City Exchange Restaurant and
barber shop will be prepared to accom
modate the visitors to the great taber
nacle meeting. Pomp Johnson iR pre
paring to do his part of taking care of
the crowds.
Parent.*Criminally Liable.
More than half of all deaths occur be
fore six years of age. An armv of inno
cent, lovely children are swept needlessly
away each year. Parents are criminal Ir
responsible for this. The death rate of
children in England is less than half this.
Acker’s English Baby Soother has done
more to bring this about than all other
causes combined. You cannot afford to
be without it. Sold by J. R. Wikle &
.Cos. eo w
City Tax.
The city tax books will be open from
September 17th to October 17th. The
city tax is one half of one per cent.
tl oct 1 City Tax Collector.
Wanted at Once— Small farm near fn.for ash
customer. Cartersville Real Estate Cos..
A. M. Willingham, Manager.
For Sale,
GoofPmileli cow with young calf. Satis
faction guaranteed. Apply to
913-tf W. C. Baker, j
Tkn Thousand Pamphlets— Descriptive of
Cartersville and her magnificent resources, will
soon be issued and sent abroad b.v the Carters
ville Real Estate Company, A. M. Willingham,
manager. List your property with the company
at once and secure the first and best customers.
Children Cry For It.
The pleasant taste and agreeable aro
ma of Delectalave make its use attrac
tive to children at well as to adults.
Early impress the child with the impor
tance of good teeth. Spare it the suffer
ing, of decayed teeth by proper care and
attention. Keep its mouth clean and in
a healthy state by using Delectalave.
For sale by all Druggists.
See Jones & Monfort about coal, wood
and kindling. 9 13-4 t.
A good supply of wood and coal will be
kept constantly ou hand by Jones &
Monfort. 913-4 t
1 Are you restless at night and harassed
by a bad cough? Use Dr. J. H. McLean's
Tar Wine Lung - Balin, it will secure you
sound sleep, and effect a prompt and
radical cure. G-8-3m
Get your property ready for the coming boom.
Advertiftittg is what booms. We propose to pro
duce the purchasers if you will furnish the
property. Cartersville Estate Cos..
A. M. Willingham, Manager.