Newspaper Page Text
And Faming and Mineral Lands and Water Powers Throughout North Borgia.
Special attention paid to advertising and securing customers for all properties placed in our hands.
Ohi’ facilties for advertising real estate are unsurpassed by any real estate company in the South. Special attention paid to abstracting titles to real estate in any county in North Geo.- i.
Prospective investors will please make our office their headquarters while in the city, where they will be shown due attention.
temporarily: Northeast Corner of Court House. Address,
A. M. WILLIN GrHAM, Manager.
Various Happenings in the Sever*
, al Neighborhoods
Noted Carefully and Terhely for Courant-
American Reader* by Our Übiq
uitou* Reporter*.
Miss Lutntnie Jefferson has returned
home from a five weeks visit near Stiles
boro, looking greatly improved, if such
thing was possible.
Mrs. Narcissa Hill is visiting her son,
Mr. P. V. Hollinshead.
Mr. Webb Holland was up Sunday to
see his mother who is quite sick at Mr.
Jim Jefferson’s.
Miss Becky McGuire has been quite
sick again, but we are glad to say she is
now convalescing.
It was our good fortune to attend the
religious service last Tuesday evening,
25th ult., conducted by Miss Dessie Has
kins, from near Cleveland, Tenn. She
had the Methodist church at Emerson
densely packed and delivered, about,
if not the only gospel sermon ever
preached in that edifice. She abused no
one, took up no collection, but gave her
hearers only a thus saith the Lord and
all went away pleased, although she
scored certain classes that are common
in that, this, and all other communities.
Kev. Mr. Oslin, pastor, is conducting a
protrated meeting at Stegalls church.
Some interest is manifested and we hope
great good will result from this meeting.
The “Over the River Reading Club”
will be organized atCapt. Maddox’s next
Friday night the sth inst.
Mrs. Jesse Ginn, of Gadsden, Ala., fs
visiting at Mr. H. K. Bennett’s.
Mr. Singleton McOuire is having an
addition built to his house. That looks
rather suspicious, but we hope lie is too
sensible to commit you know
We hear that four of the Tabernacle
meeting converts were baptized in the
river near the wagon bridge last Sunday.
One of our belles raked out about one
hundred and twenty pounds of the fleecy
staple last Monday, commencing after
the dew dried off and quitting before 4
p. m. Good amateur cotton picking.
One day satisfied her.
Mr.Walt Satterfield, accompanied by
Miss Annie Woolbright, were over in our
burg Sunday. Miss Annie fully sustain
ed herself in friend making during her
stay in our midst, and we were loth to
part with her. She left last Tuesday for
a short visit to Chattanooga, and will
soon return going direct to her home in
Westminister. She will ever hold a
warm place in the hearts of many of our
people and her memory be cherishsd by
Jim Shaw and lady spent Saturday
and Sunday with us.
Pino weather for picking cotton, and
the people are making good use of it.
The Sabbath school after a three
months adjourn, met yesterday and
made lip a collection for new literature
so they could reorganize'next Sunday.
Prospects are favorable .for a better
school this time than when it closed.
Our superintendant says we will have
singing once a month. Come and join
in a good cause.
We are told the saw mill will soon
leave us. We are sorry as there hasn't
been as many houses built asthereshould
have been while the mill was so con
Our bailiff still can’t wiggle with his
cotton below the graveyard and has
called on his neighbors for help.
Mr. W. B. Vaughn has been very sick
but we are £lad to state is rapidly im
Prom the appearance of tilings it
seems that some of our boys are to going
exchange sisters. We wish them a happy
May the Cqurant-American flourish
and be one of the best papers out.
Billie Jones.
" Lives of statesmen all remind us
We can make a race sublime;
But, through some disastrous trouble.
Fail to “get there” every time.
Bev. B. B. Quillian preached here Sun
Miss Rowena Hoss, who has been vis
iting in Tennessee for the past eight
months, returned home Friday. Her
sister, Mrs. Wheeler, came with her and
is now with her father’s family.
Mr. R. B. Smith, one of Cassville’s
most popular merchants, visited Atlanta
within the week.
I assure you, “Bob Bail,” that the
kind feeling which you entertain for me
is reciprocated. I was indeed gratified
to have met you; and it did seem as if
we were friends of old.
Mrs. Carter Williams, of Cartersville,
spent several days with relatives here
during the week.
Howard Felton was in town Monday.
The latest: On being informed that
she wore a paper bustle, one of our boys
went back on his girl. This is no “oyster
Mr. William McKelvy is quite sick.
Miss Jennie Quillian is spending the
week in Rome.
J. H. Walker is beginning to shake
hands with “the boys.”
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Chattanooga,
are visiting relatives here.
A good many from here will attend the
Exposition at Rome.
Col. C. G. Quilliau, with his ever-smil
ing countenance, is missed from among
his many associates here. We learn that
'he “takes the rag off the bush” in Car
tersville, where he is attending school.
With his Chesterfield graces the colonel
is sure to win the admiration of the fair
er sex. W. C. W.
From England.
The Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
Gentlemen.—For over two years I have
been suffering from disfiguring and
chronic affection of the skin, which has
been a source of great annoyance, and
rendered me very miserable indeed. I
have tried every method, including visits
to a skin hospital, where I was treated
as an out-door patient for three months,
and many remedies, without being re
lieved in the slightest. Seeing one of
your advertisements, 1 began to give the
Swift’s Specific a thorough trial, in hopes
it would at least benefit my general
health, if it did not cure the skin disease.
I continued its use for four months, and
for several weeks I could not notice any
improvement, though, 1 seemed to teel
better in myself. This was the only en
couragement 1 had, and 1 continued it,
and am now delighted to inform you
that a short time afterwards the skin
cleared up, the blotches disappeared, and
at the time of this writing there is no
trace whatever. I have not only got rid
of the skin affection, but gained in flesh
and am altogether pleased with the re
sult. 1 shall be very pleased to answer
any letters that I may receive respecting
this, if anyone has any trouble of a
similar character and doubts the state
I am, gentlemen, gratefully yours, L.
Watts, 1, Westminster Chambers, Victo
ria Street, Westininstei, S. W. October
27th, 1887.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free. The Swift Specific Cos.
Drawer o, Atlanta, Ga.
X By virtue of an order of the Superior court
of Bartow county directed to me as receiver of
the estate of James M. Denman, late of said
county, deceased. I will sell before the court
house door in said county, on the first Tuesday
in November next, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder, the following prop
erty, to-wit:
First: Lot of land number two hundred and
twelve (212), in the 6th district and 3d setion of
said county.
Second: The northwest fourth or forty acit.-t
in the northwest corner of lot of land number
two hundred and eleven in the same dis
trict and section.
Third: The southwest fourth* or forty acres
in the southwest corner o- said lot of land num
ber two hundred and ebven (211). in the 6th dis
trict and .Id section of said county.
Fourth: Two undivided sevenths of the north
h alves of lots of land numbers one hundred and
sevenr.v-nine (179), and two hundred and six
(20t)). in the (ith district and .‘id section ot said
Fifth: The remainder or reversion alter the
expiration of the life estate of Catharine F. Den
man, tenant in dower, in the south halves of lots
of land numbers one hundred and seventy-nine
(17(*) and two hundred and six (206), in the 6th
district and 8d section of said county.
Said lands will be sold for distribution under
the deciee of the court, made, or to be made, in
the case of A. P. Wofford, adm’r, etc., of James*
it. penman, dec’d, vs. Thos. H. Baker and oth
ers in Bartow Superior court, and will be sola in
separate parcels in the order named, and as de
scribed. Said sale being made subject to con
firmation by the Superior court of said county.
TermS cash, payable on the continuation of the
sale. Oct. 2d, 1888. K. W. MURPHY,
Ree. estate of James M. Denman.
V> < orNTY. To all whom it may concern:
Nancy Newborn, (formerly Nancy Ya ncy) and Kis
siah Yancy, executrix of Levi Yancy, deceased.
Have in due form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate a*
said deceased, and said application will be heard
on the first Monday in November, 1888. Thi& Ist
October, 1888. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
Dry Goods Emporium-
The Handsomest and Freshest Stock
JsA trax *t D r e J Immense ! Well Assorted.!
The Leading Shoes in the Market in Great prolusion and All Styles. A Genuine Boom in Ladies’ Dress Goods,
New Dress Goods!
Novelty Dress Goods!
High Glass Dress Goods !
Good Values in Dress Goods!
With Trimmings to Match, such s was never before presented in this City.
Every description of Gents’ Furnishing poods. We are in the lead find expect to stay there by offering g*od goods at fair pric* s.
Having finished up and moved into my large, new and splendidly equipped store house, at the old stand, corner of Rail- vfriTlrfc
road and Main street, and haviiigVilled it with a splendid Fall and V\ inter S<o;k of
Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, Shoes
And seasonable goods generally—all carefully bought in the Eastern markets, af;r personal inspection, I take pleasure in *y
ing to friends and the trading public generally, that I am better than ever prepared to giye them p
1 have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in North Georgia, and the cities can’t beat me in prices. Thankful for past pat
ronage of the public, I respectfully ask a continuance of tne same. >/'
GRAATS (Alum Powder) *. .BBMBIWBW—
BOFOUB'S) when fresh..
AMAZON (Alum Powder) * ..
DAVIS’, and DAVIS’ 0.
New York. (Alum Powders. )jjc
Cleveland’s .
lewis’ ....nna
PEARL (Andrews & Cos.)
heckek’s mtmmm
ANDREWS A CO. “Rogal”*fßlW
Milwaukee, (Contains Alum).
BCaU’OliD’S, when not fresh £9 .
As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Royal Baking Powder.
‘‘l have tested a package of Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased in the
open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream
ot tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or
phosphates, or other injurious substances. E. G. Love, Ph.D.
“It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. The
Royal Bakiug Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powder
offered to the public. H. A. Mott, Ph. D.
“ The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and highest in strength of any
baking powder of which I have knowledge. Wm. McMubtrie, Ph.D.
The Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors at
the Vienna World’s Exposition, 1873 ; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876 ; at the
American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout the country.
No other article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni
versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists and Boards of
Health all over the world.
Note. —The above Diagram illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking
Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Scheuier.
A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in
each can calculated, the result being as indicated. This practical* test for worth by
Prof. Schedler only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Baking
Powder knows by practical experience, that, while it costs % few cents per pound
more than ordinary kinds, it is far more economical, besides affording the advant
age of better work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convince any
fair minded person of these facts.
* While the diagram show's some of the alum powders to be of a comparatively
high degree of strength, it is not to be taken as indicating that they have any value.
All alum matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dangerous
\ M
West End Institute.
The fiill bession will open on
Monday, August 6 th,IBBB.
Associate Principals,
Mrs. J. W. Harris, Sr. Prof. L. B. Robeson.
Professor of Latin, Greek, Higher Mathematics ami B > >k-Keepiog.
MRS. J. W. H \ RRXS, SR.
Teacher oi Academic and Preparatory Department.
Instmmental and Vocal Music. German an/1 ChHstLeiiies.
MISS MARION C. DARST—Art Department.
Primary and preparatory, per month - $ 1.50 Board, (including fuel, lights and washing i
Intermediate, • “ - 2 00 per month, '
Collegiate and high school, “ “ - - - 300 Music, per month, -
Incidental fee, “ “ - - - 15 ] Use of piano for practice, per month.
French and German, each, “ “ 1 50. | Art—Oil painting or era cn, per month, -
Fire Insurance Agency.
Represents Leading Companies.
Office over Postoffice, Cartersville, Ga.
File, Life and
Dwellings, mercantile buildings and stocks, saw, planing, corn and flour mills insured at rea'
rates. Gin houses and contents insured in any portion of the county. Best of
seated. Office West Main street, :l doors West of the old N. Gilreath > orner.
GEORGIA — Baht.w County. To all whom
it may concern: The commissioners appointed
to set apart a twelve month’s support for the
two minor children of Mrs. A. N. Roberts, de
ceased, out of the estate of said deceased, have
made their report, and the same is now on file
in nay office, and if no good cause is shown to
the contrary the same will be allowed and made
the judgment of the court on the first Monday
in November. 1888. This Sept. 28th, IsBB.
J. A. HOWAR”, Or din cry.
COUNTY. Notice is bei eby given to , al
eons concerned that on the- —day or -
Caleb Tompkins, late of said county, uepa >
tlris life intestate, and no person has appifi' l * t
administration on the estate of said■ ‘ ' 1
Tompkins in said State, ti at on the appfiy.
of Lydia A. Lyman, ex> lnix. etc., a y"'"
administration will be vested inJhe cler-v .
Superiour court on his owe bond, a 1 ' Y,
other fit and proper person, on the first ! u ;,.
in November, 1888, unless valid objection is p x
to his appointment. This Sen tee >
J. A. POWAKD, Ordn-fi