Newspaper Page Text
O Xt
hm. , lU j,w ant] certain cure for Eczema, Scald
, Tetter, Itch, Sr. Anthony's Fire, Pimples,
s.ilt Khenni, Erysipelas, Heat, Milk
• J rhiifen, Dandruff, ami all affections of
J’/, 1 ,,, . Cures all diseases of the Feet caused
l,\ H* it and Perspiration.
v proprietors, ... ATHENS, GA.
; ode by M. F. Word and J. R. Wikle &
rartersville, Ga.
Manufacturers, • Attention!
I- j ,1 Okiuined, By the Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of rartersville, That any party or
, - ... who shall in future invest in property in
, ;t v for the purpose of conducting any man
• , r-inK enterprise, and shall actually operate
iris-, shall tie exempt from all city taxes
u ui sue h property and all machinery and im
provements thereon of every character, for the
| Hnl of five years from the purchase of such
property. Approved Nov. 1, INKS.
Pl t , :i , ~P—j. P —j. A. < rawford. Chairman, A. M. Will
irurham, Moses Scbeuer.
< • 1;. —G. W. Waldrup, Chairman, A. L. Bar
ron. Vp . A. Bradley.
-A. Collins, Chairman, A. L. Barron, L.
B. Matthew*.
Ke-Bef —E. B. Matthews, Chairman, G. W. Wal
(irtip, A. Collins.
p u bli< building's—W. A. Bradley, Chairman, A.
Collins. L. B. Matthews.
Oniimtnee —A. E. Matron, Chairman, A. M. Will
iagham, Moses Scheuer.
Joe M. Moon. J. C..Wofford,
Clerk. Mayor.
VioME Brevities.
H. J. McCormick, County Surveyor,
P. (j Stilesboro, Ga.
Si ' F T Watkins’ announcement for
justice of the peace.
The hens must have formed an egg
trust. Twenty cents a dozen.
A great many of our people attended
the Rome exposition this week.
A number of visitors have been in this
city this week, with a view to investment.
(Jen. I*. M. B. Young is back among us
after a summer sojourn in the North Car
olina mountains.
Cartersville should have a public school
system. This is the first step to be
taken in the road to prosperity.
The contract for building Gordon
county’s new court house lias been let to
Win. Dowling, of Chattanooga, at $14,-
Mr J. W. Duncan, one of Cedartown’s energetic and valuable citizens,
gave tliis office a brief call a few days
Dr. Conley, of North Carolina, las
bought the Jackson property on Erwin
street, and will locate here about the
first of next year.
Rev. Sam Jones lectured at Anniston
lust Friday night, and is now holding a
swies of meetings in Nashville that lure
attended by the usual great crowds of
Frank Anderson, one of the cleverest of
Cartersville’s clever boys, has gone to
Atlanta, where lie will probably take a
“sit" in one of the printing offices.
There is a change of hours of ser
vices at the .Methodist church. Com
mencing October Ist, Sunday school will
be held at 9:30 am. Preaching at 11 a.
in. and 7p. m.
llev P. H. Brewster-, of Cross Plains, Ala.,
called to see us Monday. He conducted
the Cartersville Sentinel, which existed
about fifteen years ago and has numer
ous old friends in the community.
We need more houses. People are try
ing to rent every day. If a syndicate
wei4 formed and a hundred cottages
built a little out, where land is still cheap,
it would be a handsome paying invest
“(liristian Union —Its Importance and
How it May be Maintained." Rev, M .
H. ( opor will preach on the above sub
ject b the Baptist church in this city
next pnnday morning. Services com
mence at 10:45 ociock.
Tlakfld saying that “a person cannot
eat bin cake and ha ve it " will have a for
cible skniticance if the wheat trust eon
tijiucsjas nobody but bank presidents,
IW t v\ editors and other wealthy men
can a filed to have cake at all.
The nfant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
.1. A. To wick died in this city Tuesday
inorninj of infantile rheumatism, or
memngtis, its suffering from which was
intense. In their affliction of grief the
parents lave much sympathy.
Mr- Hbrston, one of Franklin coun
ty’s mst deserving and thorough
going yqng men, was in town last week.
Mr. Haiijton is a candidate for gallery
keeper i the next legislature, and is
meeting 4tli much success in his race.
It shou| be a source of gratification to
the Arp family that into the distin
guished rklm should go the prize at the
Home iai (25 in gold) for the finest
baby on Inhibition. The grandson of
Colonel \llliam, the son of Mr. Hines
Smith, wait he winner.
Elssnyhel in these columns is sug
gested a i-ket for the city’s municipal
, officers forhe next year. This is an im
-1 portant. crils in the city’s history, and
ft the matteiof a wise, safe municipal
1 board is onthat should not go without
m proper consbration.
BertilTemple, one of Tennessee’s
■ most charing and beautiful young
■ ladies, after! most delightful visit to
■the family ! ('apt. If. G. Mays, on
■ Market strel eft for her home near
® Nashville onast Tuesday morning, to
regret of k* many friends here.
1 he price of eggs now is as high ns the
moral status of the community. It is a
good time to ring in the antiquated
couplet which runs—
" Somebody stole my old blue hen ;
I wish they’d ’ve let her been.
She laid thred every day
And Sunday she laid ten,”
General Young addressed the cavalry i
veterans at Rome Saturday, and was
the hero of the occasion, according to !
report The General has a commanding
figure and soldierly bearing, and is a live
talker, and his presence never fails to
enthuse the patriotic survivor of the j
lost cause.
The men who attend the Methodist
church and any others who favor such a
movement are invited to meet at the j
Methodist church on Friday night at 7
o clock to organize a men’s meeting for
men and boys only. Place of meeting,
time of meeting and order of services to
be determined upon Friday night.
Cotton is coming in at a lively rate.
Our buyers are paying a good price, and
the planters of the adjoining counties
will find it to their interest to bring their
cotton to this market. They will find
our merchants as well prepared to fur
nish them supplies of all kinds as those
of any other city, and a more clever set
of merchants cannot be found.
Few towns can boast of as large a
number of meat markets as can Carters
ville. She has nine, and the meat one
gets is not of the character which the
soldier who had been fed on the poor
“jerked” stuff of the sixties had in mind
when he said —“I can take a chunk in
each hand and climb a brick wall with it”
—but temptingly tender and toothsome.
The business of Messrs. S. L. & W. J.
Vandivere has grown to such lively pro
portions as to require the attentions of
an additional salesman. This they have
seenred in the person of Mr. Jule Tra
wick, ayoung man of affable manner and
good business capabilities. Mr. Trawick
has lived for quite a time at Wildwood,
Fla., but will now locate, with his family,
in Carters ville.
Messrs Geo W Satterfield & Son, whose
new advertisement appeared in our last
week’s issue, offer superior inducements
to the buyer of dry goods. Mr Geo W
Satterfield has just returned from New
York, where he selected with care an
extensive and attractive stock of goods
for the fall and winter trade. Give them
a call and be convinced they can serve
your wants in price as well as quality of
A good week’s work was done at the
furnace grounds last week. A large
amount of grading has been done, both
on the furnace site and the side-track;
which will soon be ready for the cross-ties
and iron. Engineer Pratt says he lias
never seen a place naturally bet’e;-
adapted to the purpose. The grounds
are located just beyond the cemetery and
between the AY. Ac A. Railroad and the
Cassville road.
Bishop Beckwith will preach in Cedar
town on next Sunday, and the East &
West railroad authorities contemplate
running a train from this place to Cedar
town and return on that day. Those
desiring to go can secure cheap round
trip tickets by applying to Mr. Cobb,
the agent. Application must be made
by two o’clock Saturday, so that the
authorites may know whether they can
afford to run the train.
We hope some power will prevent the
laying out of alleys instead of streets in
the new sections of the city. Our streets
are all too narrow. Our streets should
all be double their present width. In lay
ing out new city lots, it is a very costly
“saving” to cut it up with alleys and
call them streets. \V ho wants to build a
$1<U)00 houseon a 30 or 40 feet street?
With an increase of population our pres
ent streets must necessarily be widened.
lie polite to the stranger, sensibly re
marks an exchange. If he stops you on
the street and asks you where a certain
street is, tell him. Go with him, if you
have time, and show him. If heasksyou
what that building is,” tell him the truth
about it. Don’t tell him that you own
it or that you own anything. Be good
to him. lie is away from home. A man
away from home appreciates politeness
in the man who lives in the town. Don t
laugh at the stranger. You ha ve not al
ways been smart yourself.
A week ago last Saturday night, two
colored bucks, Cole Moody and George
Shell, aged about IG, out at Meehanics
ville, got into a desperate combat be
cause the latter went with the former’s
girl. Shell received a powerful gash in
his throat around under the ear. The
blood came with such a violent gush as
to greatly alarm the witnesses to the
encounter and the aid of a physician
was sought, who lufd great difficulty in
arresting the flow and preventing death
at once. Moody was arrested and com
mitted to jail. We fear there is a small
grove of gallows-timber sprouting here
There are certain odds and ends of
cleaning and straightening up that
should not be neglected at this season. A
little paint here and there to brighten up
the shop, the business place or the home
is never amiss. A little whitewash ap
plied where painting is impracticable
serves a good purpose. In the shorten
ing days of winter daylight will be
greatly retarded by dirty windows. 4he
panes cleaned, and lights put in, all
leaky places in roofs stopped all these
serve to banish discomfort. All things
of frequent need had bettei be put
hand v about the house than be searched
for with a lantern on a chill nitfht when
the thermometer is down neai zeio.
Cartersville has twice, recently.escaped
what might have been, under conditions
favorable for a spread ot the flames, re
ally serious conflagrations. A fortnight
ago at the hour of one in the morning a
rough wood structure where was stored
a quantity of lime to be used in the con
struction of the Dobbins building, caught
fire from the slacking of the lime under a
leak in the roof, and was rapidly con
sumed. A switchman of the W. A A. ob
served the flames in their incipieney and
blew ominous calls from an engine that
drew a crowd which had a goodly task in
saving the contiguous buildings, includ
ing tlie valuable block of business build
ings fronting Main street, despite the
fact that a rain was falling. Last week,
through the carelessness of a negro boy
left in charge while the regular occupants
were away, the dwelling houseof Esquire
Aaron Collins, now rented by Captain
Posted, took fire at an early hour in the
morning, and a quick alarm was given
and a determined crowd soon stayed the
flames, which unchecked in their incipi
ency. might have devoured much valua
ble residence property. Circumstances
were favorable in both these instances,
but who would attempt to gainsay the
fact that the city stands constantly in
danger of a destructive conflagration ?
Now that waterworks are assme 1 to the
city, let 11s without delay take steps in
the important direction of securing
needed protection against fire.
Hiiniiiciitt’s Rheumatic Cure
Endorsed by the Medical
A great blood purifier.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4, 1887.
H R. C. Cos.:
Gentlemen —I have used five bottles
of your H. R. C., and cheerfully recom
mend it as the best blood purifier and
tonic I have ever used since taking
yourcuiel have gained twenty pounds
in weight. Yours truly,
AVm. Turner.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct 20, 1887.
H. R. C Cos.:
Gentlemen —I have used your Rheu
matic Cure in several cases of the worst
type, and lam glad to say it had the
desired effect in every case. I take great
pleasure in recommending your medicine
to those who are suffering l>om rlieuma
tism and its attendant complications, and
if tri and I am confident of its efficacy.
Respectful! v,
P. O Box 02 J. A.:, M. D.
H. R. C Cos.:
Gentlemen —I pronounce your Rheu
matic Cure a success beyond question. I
have tried the great remedy in three
cases, and find a cure in every case. I
pronounce it good. Very respectfully,
Dr. W.L. Clay.
432 Walnut St , Louisville, Ky.
Atlanta, Ga., March 3, 1888.
H. R. C. Cos.:
Gentlemen— I take pleasure in saying
that your Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure is
the best I have ever seen. My mother,
who had been suffering with rheumatism
for thirty years, was entire y relieved by
a few bottles Yours truly,
Joel Chandler Harris
Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 28, 1887.
Hunnicutt Rheumatic (Jure Cos.:
Gents —I h ive taken your Hunnicutt’s
Rheumatic Cu re for In fi ammatory Rheuma
tisni with great benefit It is, in my
opinion, the best medicine for rbeuma
tism I ever took.
Jno. D. Cunningham,
Ex-Judge U. S. Court of Ala
Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 4, 1888.
Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.:
Gentlemen —It affords me pleasure to
add my testimony to that of the many
who indorse your Hunnicutt s Rheumatic
Cure I had been a constant sufferer from
rheumatism for years, when 1 determined
to try your cure, and to my surprise and
delight one bottle was all I found neces
sary to relieve me of all symptoms of
rheumatism, and I deem it but justice not
only to those who originated this cure,
but to all others who may he suffering
from the same cause, to say this much in
confirmation of what is claimed for this
medicine. Yours respectfully,
John W. Nelms.
Price —$1 per bottle Bix bottles $5.
Prepared only at Laboratory of Hunnicutt
Rheumatic Cure Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
(tggTFor sale by all Druggists
Send for book of valuable information
and testimonials of well known citizens.
Sick headache, wind on the stomach,
biliousness, nausea, are promptly and
agreeably banished by Dr. 4. 11. McLean s
Little Liver and Kidney .Fillets. 25c. a
vial. G-8-3m
If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled
with a hacking cough, use Dr. -I !L
McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. 9G-3m
Get ready for the fall boom that is sure to
come by putting your property into the hands
of live, hustling - real estate men that have “no
hies on ’em.”
Cartersville Real Estate Cos.,
A. M. Willingham, Manager.
Y’ou can procure the best sewing ma
chines at reduced prices by going to
Wikle & Co.’s at once. oc 5-2 t
Bargains can be had in every depart
ment of Wikle & Co’s book store this
month. ocs-2t
Your *]<l Huggy.
Y on can maKe your old buggy
carriage look new by the use of one can
of Detroit Carriage Paint. Only 75c. t
Wikle’s drug store near the railroad.
Those in want of coal, should see Jones
A Monfort for best coal and lowest
prices. Supply always on hand. 9 13-4 t
Writing tablets of all sizes and quali
ty of paper —all prices from 2c. to 50c.,
at Wikle & Co.'s book sore. oc 5-2 t
Gm house insurance can be had by
applying to Bartow Leake, Insurance
Agent, box 8, Cartersville, Ga.
Twenty-five barrels new giass at the
ten cent store also large lot new tin and
notions. It
The people have spoken, and the verdict is that the place for everybody buy Fall and Winter Dry Goods is at the
popular Dry Goods Emporium of
The Leaders of Low Prices.
Our mammoth stock for the fall and winter trade is now rolling in, and already we have on exhibition the grandest display of
Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings, Flanneis, Hosiery,
is full of attractions, embracing the latest styles and all qualities.
A Regular Grounds well in Boots, Shoes and Hats.
But we haye not time now to enumerate. The people have long since learned that there is busihess in our advertisement*. We
are filling up every department to its utmost capacity, and will soon speak more definitely of our various attraction-.
Our buyers ha ve struck a regular bonanza in bargains, and we can easily lay Atlanta, Rome and Chattanooga n the shade
when it comes to prices.
Keep your eye on this space, and listen for our racket during the fall campaign.
The Leaders of Low Prices.
125,000 Acres Timber Land!
Irul F^tntn. Con], Insurance.
util LdU iu iu| uuui| A- LU LLjLIAJ LUU I
3,000,000 Acres Florida Land. 5,000 Acres Iron Manganese.
augJO-f m.
During the next thirty days valuable
reading matter can be had for less than
half price at Wikle’s book store. ocs-2t
Just received, 500 gents’ and ladies’
Campaign (bandana) handkerchiefs, at
Seheuer Bros.
A well known citizen of Lancaster, Pa.,
Mr. L. B. Keifer, writes: Having a
sprained leg of almost thirty days stand
ing, and after trying half a dozen adver
tised preparations in the market with
out satisfactory results, I was advised
to try Salvation Oil, did so, and in less
than three days my leg was all right
again. It*did the work.
The agency for the Atlanta Constitu
tion is at Wikle & Co.’s book store. 3t
The Weekly Constitution receives sub
scriptions through Wikle’s book store.
Call and learn of the inducements. 5-3 t
I. allies
In delicate health, and all who suffer
from habitual <• mstipation, will find the
pleasant California liquid fruit remedy,
Svrup of Figs, more easily taken and
more beneficial in effect than any other
remedy. It aets promptly, yet gently on
the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, and Stom
ach, and does not sicken or debilitate.
Fetid Breath.
A bottle of Delectalave may save you a
month’s suffering. If your gums are
sore, heal them with Delectalave. Use
Delectalave on your tooth-brush, and
rinse out your mouth and between your
teeth with it, to remove the food particles
and prevent fermentation, which causes
a fetid breath- For sale by all Diuggists
Tell me not, in mournful numbers
That this life is but a dream,
While Pomp Johnson feetls so cheaply,
And even hash is what it seems.
In the classic language of Shakespeare,
Pomp is a boss feeder.
The Rolling Mill — (sub-rosa) —It’s groins to
be built—no mistake —Cartersville is bound to
be Ole steel making centre of the South. Don’t
get too much excited, though, to put your prop
erty in our hands to sell.
Cartersville Real Estate Cos.,
A. M. Willingham, Manager.
The new “Triumphant Songs” sent by
mail for 35 cents per enpy. Wikle & Cos.,
Cartersville, Ga. oc 5-2 t
Dry Goods! Dry Goods!
H. B. Parks & Cos.
-vißome, GaJv-
Dress Goods, Silks,
Millinery, Flannels, Jeans, Boots, Shoes and Clothing.
We are glad to announce F> •*. tr v 1 of N >rfch 0- * n’gia aud A abam i that we
are showing the largest stock if Dry Goods, Ac., ever brought to this part of the
S'ate. Our stock abou ids with real and wonderful bargains throughout.
We buy goods iu large quantities, thereby securing the lowest possible prices
of the manufacturers, &c., which enable us often t> sell mmv lines of goods at
prices that our competitors call ‘’New York cost ’ Examine these prices :
3,000 yards Pacific Wool Cashmere, in all colors, only 10c.
2,-'>oo New York Fancy Worsted, in all colors, 15c, worth 20c.
2 Cases Fine Double Width Wool Serge Suiting, only 15c. worth 25c.
2 Cases 38 in. Fine All Wool Henrietta Serge, 374 c. will not l>e matched for
less than 50c, out of our house.
1 Case 38 inch All Wool Henrietta, iu ten shades, 55c, regular price, 05c.
Silks, Plushes, Velvets and Woolen Dress Goods,
In All the Latest Styles, with Trimmiugs to Match.
O ur stock of Flats, Bou iets, Tips, Plumes and Ribbons are simply beautiful and
the price very low.
Jeans, Cassimeres, &c. 21$
Good Eastern Doeskin Jeans at 12| and* 15c. Heavy 9 oum?e Kentucky Wool
Jeans, 25 and 36c. Our best Longstaple Texas All Wool Joans at 30c, 374 c and
424 c. This Texas Jeans is the best and cheapest fine Jems in Georgia. All Wool
Red Flannel at 124 c, 18c, 20c, 25c and upward.
Boots, Shoos c Clothing'.
Men’s heavy every day Boots, all sizes. $1.75 and $2.00. Dig job.
Men’s fine Sunday Shoes, all sizes. $1.50, $1.75 and $2 00. Bargains.
Women’s every day Shoes, 903. SI.OO end $1.25 Wir ran ted solid.
Ladies’ Button Slices, $1.25, $1.50 ana $1.75. Low in pi ice, high in grade.
Largest stock Solid Brogans, SI.OO, $1.15. $1.25 and $1.40. Look at them.
Clothing, Cloaks and Plush Wraps !
We are certainly headquarters for these goods. Don’t buy them till you see
our stock.
Make our store vour headquarters while in Rome and visiting tire Exposition.
DOCK CUN YDS, of Bartow County, is with us and he will be glad to
-ee and wait upon any of his friends or serve them in any way. Give him a call,
or if you can’t do this, send an order and it will have prompt attention.
Send for Samples and Prices.
H. B. PARKS & CO.,
yESsT" Agents for Butterick’s Patterns.
Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, All Sizes.
Gold watch charm, set with large to- I
paz. Finder will confer a favor and re
ceive a reward by returning to
G. H. Aubrey.
Parents Criminally Liable.
More than half of all deaths occur be
fore six years of age. An arrnv of inno
cent, lovely children are swept needlessly
away each year. Parents are criminally
responsible for this. The death rate of
children in England is less than half this.
Acker’s English Baby Soother has done
more to bring this about than all other
causes combined. You cannot afford to
be without it. Sold by J. R. Wikle &
Cos. eo w
City Tax.
The city tax books will be open from
September 17th to October 17th. The
city tax is one half of one per cent.
tl oct 1 City Tax Collector.
Wanted at Once—Small farm near in, for ash
customer. Cartersville Real Estate Cos..
A. M. Willingham, Manager.
For Sale,
Good milch cow with young calf. Satis
faction guaranteed. Apply to
913-tf W. C. Baker.
Ten Thousand Pamphlets —Descriptive of
Cartersville and magnificent resources, wil
soon be issued and senf abroad by the Cnrters
ville Real Estate Company, A. M. Willingham,
manager. List your property with the company
at once and secure the first and best customers.
Children Cry For It.
The pleasant taste and agreeable aro
ma of Delectalave make its use attrac
tive to children at well as. to adults.
Early impress the child with the impor
tance of good teeth. Spare it the suffer
ing of decayed teeth by proper care and
attention. Keep its mouth clean and n
a healthy state by using Delectalave.
For sale by all Druggists.
See Jones & Monfort about coal, wood
and kindling. 9 13-4 t.
A good supply of wood and coal will be
j kept constantly on hand by Jones &
' Mon fort. 9 13-4 t
j Get your property ready for the coming boom,
i Advertising is what booms. We propose to pro
j duce the purchasers if you will furnish ti.
| property. Cartersville Real Estate Cos..
A. M. Whim-ham, Manager.
The Caitersville Real Estate Company, A. M
! Willingham manager, propose to do a rushing
business. Property placed into that company’s
i hands may be safely claimed as sold. They pro
; pose to boom the interests of their customers as
' well as their own.