The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, October 18, 1888, Image 7
" ht> t or han't-American. I In- ,\<• i4- of .Fruit. 1 write this tor the benefit of the Laiety at I®' £ e ' , . l ,j) i c tor, may 1 have an orange or (;. in iT sour r rn nU- t D * , i(U do we hear this question r , r / cuts that have been refused by , rse or put off “till the doctor the little face looking up eagerly ,-s ft aring lest we, too, may deny i'' > ~ slut th yso much desire. I 1- rV . iant it in some form. The sys , uires an acid, and while the ~ is agreeable to most patients, . (r ],) not require it and do not risk for j ~ h fruit has its own peculiar acid. J t])l . ;v ve two or more. Others have tions that render them adapted to cMl ; : ,r casts. The grateful acid of the Ji übaib leaf, or stem rather, arrises not ,v ;rom the malic acid, but from the j, a -'ixalate of potash which it also con {- 1(S ft is the only fruit that contains , , b u oxalate of potash. I never yet w ;i patient who would not take a little r [ubmb and say it tasted good to them, , !; j ;r never injures them. The lemon, the range, and all the species Of the nu , citrus, owe.their refreshing acidity , dn ,-itric acid which they contain in abundance The apple, the pear, and the , um contain mal e ncid* there are tJ , n e< when nothing <s more grateful to a krertd patient than u nice, juicy apple thoroughly baked. I never refuse a pa {;,;llt t hiked apple when he begs for it. Ti,e cherry, while it also contains malic . lC id, also contains another that makes the i ilp bard to digest, and curdles in the A.* unach when it is mixed with the acid there, and the reaction or the g igtric juice is always notoriously acid, all th t may have been said to the con trary a<>tvvithst mdiug. Gooseberries and currents hive two acids, a mixture of malic and citric. They, as a rule, are not the fruit for the sick. However, if I could get no other kind, they could have the gooseberries, stemmed. The grape has two acids, the malic and tartaric. Tltes ■ make a combination that agrees with most stomachs, however ill the pa* tu nt 11. iy he. Some grapes have a third a id tint renders them hard, with but a sm‘.ill 'imount of fluid, and should never tu Ldvcn a patient with typhoid feve*. The m ng), while a line fruit where it not good for the sick north of Mason and Dixon 1 ne, <*n account of a Main esse tial oil it contains. This in va -as the fruit goes north, or is kept I : The most valuable fruit of all, one that is good in any sickness, is the tama rind. lb is wonderful f uit contains three acids, the citric, the malic and a h: p]>y oinbination of tartaric. When a j atiejj t is burning iu> with fever, calling i r water continuaily, there is perhaps nothing more grateful to the hot. parched mouth than a cool drink made from the tamarind. It cools the throat and mouth, Ibsens the desire for fluid-*, quiets the pntient and never injure s them There is known to be over one hundred acids to day; many of them are found in our touts, and some in our sweetest meets. Honey, for instance, contains formic acid. Far ytars it was impossible to tel from what the bee extracted formic acid. It, is now known to be a secretion from the gland in the jaw of tire bee mixed with the lmney to preserve it and to help ♦•,te as well. Time and space wi 1 r.ot a imit of my giving* metre, but the acids f fruit should be known and re membered, Thomas L, Arnold, M, D, Help Hu* Democratic Cause. Tim Democratic Committee wants >■ "iiey to defray the legitimate expenses oi tin* present campaign. They have no l dari:‘{ protected barons" to whom they | can apply for funds. They have appeal ed to the people in whose interest this -'■eat ■ nmpaign against war taxes has 1 horn 1 gun, to come up and help them. The New York (Iraphichas done much tdeeady for Democratic success. It is ceadv to do more. It realizes that syni pathv and good words are of wonderful mb— nit sympathy and good words " ‘tif wdl not pay the expenses of docu impaign speakers, travelling ex- Bkj I ' !;s 'and a thousand other things that ’essarv to success in the conduct (r a grea.t campaign. Money is abso -1 ''ly necessary, and a good deal of it. A hundred thousand subscribers to 1 lie \\ eekly Graphic" at .$2.50 per year, I 'd i, >w. will put $125,000 in the coffers '■thf National Democratic* Committee! Hov, ! Very easily—‘‘The Graphic" man ; -Oiient will promptly turn over to the ' ■ ' uer of the National Democratic * (i i!nittee one-half of every yearly sub s,,,‘iption it receives, and will have the r ‘ iino vledgmeut of the same sent by the ‘Mitioimi Committee direct to each Hibseriher. i- v i v Democrat in the country is in '"■■'■d in the success of this campaign c.d every Democrat in the land should ' ' 1 helping hand in the great contest. f ' 's a patriotic way in which to aid '. *• election of Cleveland and Thur- ,l,; ui and at the same time to secure at 1 ’ i rate price the most interesting “ and best conducted illustrated Deino- C.itn- newspaper in the country. ■Ti* < artoons by Thomas Nast, the k r .> ;i* caricaturist, are alone worth the ft- d' f of the paper. 1 ( ;' r promptly, and subscribe by next Address all communications with ‘ s uhscription to American Graphic Company,' 59 and 41 Park Place, N. Y. A!,( trARTERs National Democratic 10 \Y. 29th St., New October 2. 1888. l q' |, ; oi Graphic Company: ‘ ‘ men —\Ye will receive any money srmt by you to our committee ns indica ted in your circular, and will send re ceipts as you may direct. Calvin S. Brick, Chairman Campaign Committee. Dr. Norman Kerr, an eminent physi cian of England, believing the state ments of temperance people to be ex travagant, that CO,OOO people die an nually irom the effects of strong drink, began ns early as 1870 a personal inqui ry, in connection with several medical men and experts, expecting to quickly disprove the same. According to their deductions the latest estimate of deaths of adults annually caused through in temperance is: In Great Britain, 120,- 000; in France, 142,000; in the Knifed States, 80,000; or nearly a half million each year in three counties aggregating a population of 122,000.000. Direct From the Front. Knoxville, Tbnn„ July 2, 1888, The Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga, — Gentlemen : I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S, S, S, is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison, Physicians treated me with no good results, I took half a dozen different kinds of blood medicine, but without receiving any permanent, re lief! I was induced to try S, S, S, I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success, I had been so often deceived, But improvement c um*, and I continued its use until perfectly well, I have since married and have a healthy familjq No irace of the disease is seen, Swift s Specific done ali this for me, aud I am grateful, Yours truly, J, S, St I?auk it, 418 Dale Avenue. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Cos„ Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga, Q Terrible Forewamlngs. Cough in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chiliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker’s English Cough Reme dy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by J. R. Wikle & Cos. eow Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. #I.OO per bottle. 0 0-3 m All VICE TO MOTHERS. M rk. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physi cians in the Knifed States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teeth ing, its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrlnea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the chad it rests the mother. Price 25c. a oottle. IT Mei i t XV in s. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kings New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that, s 11 as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great populaiity purely on their merits J. R. Wikle & Cos , Druggists. 1 Our Camthlate for President He will be nominated by the conven tion and will be elected by the people, be cause he will come the nearest to tilling their ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Elec trie Bitteis iias been given the highest place, because no other medicine has so well filled the ideal of a tonic and alter ative. The people have indorsed Elec tric Bilters and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly re commend! and. Also cures Headache and Constipation, satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 at W ikle & Cos. s Drug Store. 4 If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even in the most cheerful society, and melancholy, on the jolliest occasions. Dr. J. H. McLean s Diver and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. SI.OO per bottle. 9 (1-4 m Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wbeatcrol’t Nelson, says: “My experience in the English army ns well as in America, convinces me that nothing so thoroughly purifies the blood or adds to health, vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir. ’ This great Remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by J U. Wikle & Cos. When you are constipated, with loss of appetite, headache, take one of Dr. J. ID McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Pellets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. 9 0-4 m Croupy suffocations, night coughs and all the common affections of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lang Balm. 9(-4m Wanted —Farming Lands, City Property, Min eral Lands, etc. We want them bad and that at once. * Cartersville Real Estate Cos., A. M. Willingham, Manager. Syrup of Figs Is Nature’s own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Billions or Costive; to dispel Head aches, Colds, and Fevers; to cure Habit ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Wrap Company, San Francisco, Cal. Sold by 4. It. Wikle & Cos., druggists. jan2U-iy Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and i o-ives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per I bottle. 9 6-3 m - C TT 3=3 IE3 BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE HEAKTRIKN, LIVER INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA, COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE BY USING THE GENUINE DR.C.&IcLAKE’SSai CELEBRATED ■BBL3YER FILLS! . PREPARED ONLY BY FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa, OSSewareof Counterfeits made in St. Louis.“©| ftiCßfe Blood A POSITIVE. CURE ToRSCROmA RHEUM ATISM.SC AID HEAD or Tetter BOILS PIMPLtj OLD OR CHRONIC SORts or AuKMdSawo All DISEASES ARISING FROM an IMPURE STATE wtreBIOOD 15 TK£ 3EST oM EABJH ffrHiopiAHPlir e 01NTMEMT FEVE.RTAUA To CURT T. I.N.C. *5 TREORIY iKfaiubll cure. • • • For NEUR.AJ.GIA.- • • -Sold Everywhere*. Til CURES WHERE ALrttsTfAILS ►fed Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. CJse 153 in time. Sold by druggists. KTi J I believe Piso’s Cure || K for Consumption saved mv life.—A. H. Dowell, I Si Editor Enquirer. Eden- Ij H ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. I The best Cougli Modi- ra cine is Piso’s Cure for || Consumption. Children if take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c*. fclj fed Host Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Uso LaGrange Female College, i i . LAGRANGE, GEORGIA. Thorough teachers, modern methods,complete courses, best books, reasonable rates. Music advantages unsur passed. Voice culture a specialty, book-keeping and sight-singing free. Send for catalogue giving particulars. GROWTH.— 1885-6. 1886-7. 188*7-8 Enrolled 104 146 179 Boarders 40 62 84 Music Pupils 68 72 127 RUFUS W. SMITH, Pres. EULER B. SMITH. Sea sytes can’t be relieved by so-called worm lozen gers which only tickle the palate. The time-tried tested cure is B. A. Fahnestpck’s Vermifuge. As you value the life of your child, don’t wait until spasms and incurable sickness seize it, but get this reliable remedy at once; it never fails. A GREAT YEAR In the historv of the United States is now upon us. Every person of intelligence desires to keep pace with the course of its events. There is no better way to do so than to subscribe for The Macon Telegraph. Its news facilities are unsurpassed by any paper in the South, in addition to the fuLlest Associ ated Press dispatches, it has special correspond ence by wire and letter from all important points in Georgia and the neighboring States. During the present session of. Congress Wash ington will be the most imp rtant and most in teresting news centre in the country. The Washington C of the Telegraph is the very best that can be had. Its regular correspondent furnishes the latest news and gossip in full dispatches. Frequent special letters trom Hon. Amos J. Cummings, member of Congress trom New York. Frank G. Carpenter, and W. A. Croffut; three of the best known newspaper writers at the capital, dis cuss the livest and most important issues of the day. The Telegraph is a Democratic Tariff Reform paper. It is thoroughly in line Avith the policy )i President Cleveland and the Dem ‘ratio party In the coming national campai i the "Ylegraph will not only give all the nev.but will discuss all public* issues from tlie stand point of genuine Democratic faith. Subscribe h i mce. Daily, one year, ... - - OO Daily, six months, .... 400 Daily, three months, - - - - “00 Daily, one month, Weekly, one year, OO Terms: Cash in advance. / Mr ess THF uLEGRAPH, Macc”. Georgia. r SINK'S ,v PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. C. Edwards, F. D. 'V a" IN DEBT A KEIt AND EMIULMER. Repository in new store room on West Main Sreet, Cartersville, Ga. jan27-ly J. M. STEEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special attention given to litigation in real es tate in the administration of estates of deceased persons, and in eases in equity. Office on Public Square, north of St. James Hotel. 24febly DR, J. 0. GREENE, having located in Cartersville for the purpose of practicing medicine and surgery, offers his pro fessional services to the public. Calls promptly answered. Office up-stairs over Courant-Americau office; residence on the coiner of Market and Stonewall streets. junlO-tim DOUGLAS WIKLE ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Office in the Court House. Practices in all the courts of the Cherokee cir cuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims aud the abstracting of titles. A. M. FOTTTE, Attorney-At-Law, Cartersville, Ga. Office up-stairs, corner Main and Erwin sts. Special attention given to Collections and Com mercial Law. Joh.n T. Owen, Real Estate & Life & Fire Insurance AG-E2TT, The interest of patrons carefully considere.d ms reasonable. LOANS NEGOTIATED TO BE SECURED BY First Mortgage on Plantations and Farms, Apply to JOE HI. MOON, Att’y. at Law, Cartersville, Georgia. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOE, SALE. T will sell my house and lot in Cartersville, lo cated on Cassville street. Good dwelling and outhouses, lot containing five and a half acres. Fruits of all kinds on the place. A most conven ient residence. Also one lot containing one acre on which there is a 3 room house. TERMS REASONABLE. J. T. OWEN. Bartow Powder Works. CLARKE roeinson, Proprietor. —MANUFACTURER OF— DYNAMITE PUREMTfiMLKEPJE. Having had 12 years experience, is prepared to and will furnish explosives that will give entire satisfaction. When desired will furnish for extra heavy or dangerous work the necessary skilled assistance. Address BOX 1, Cartersville, Ga., Or, VOL. DUNNING, Agent, 2ang3m. If! S. St.. Atlanta. Ga. New Had Line! Between Cartersville f Erwin. 21 MILES AND .RETURN DAILY. Having provided myself with a comfortable | new hack and safe team, with careful driver, L I am prepared to carry passengers between this city and Erwin, (la., and intermediate points, ami solicit the patronage of the public. Fare: 5 cents a mile. Children half price. SCH V BULK. Leave Cartersville i: a. m. ■V rrive at Erwin 12 m. Leave Erwin l:ir> p. m. Arrive at Cartersville 7 p. m. Respectfully, A. G. B, VANDIVERE. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm heretofore existing in Cartersville, Ga., under the name and style of Yandivere & Wahlrup, is this day dissolved by mutual consent —A. D. Yandivere retiring from tlie business. As we desire to close up the outstanding busi ness of the old firm at once, all parties indebted to us will please call at the old stand and make immediate-settlements. A. I). Yandivere, G. W. W aldrcp. Cartersville, Ga., Sep. 5, 1888. NEW FIRM. The undersigned have associated themselves together under the firm name of Waldrop & Mil ler, and will continue the business heretofore con ducted by Yandivere & Waldrop, at the same stand. We respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old Arm. G. W. Waldrtjp, W. M. Miller. Pliotog-raplis! Photographs! I have engaged Mr. F. H. Simpson to assist ine for this season. Mr. Simpson has had 30 years experience and was the first to work the new process in the United States. Call and examine work. Am prepared to compete with anybody n work and prices. A. M. TOMLINSON. ' HOTEL FOR KENT. The Emerson Land Company offer their beau tiful new hob 1 of 38 rooms free of rent for one year to any suitable party who will furnish same. New house, New and growing town. Address, A. Longmore, Sec’y, Emerson, Bartow County, Ga,. npO SELL— Flexible sand stone, brown hema JL Tite ore; also combination roof paint, me talic, golden sienna, brown umber, ochre, dry and mixed paint. Address L. Scofield it Sou th College street, Chattanooga, Tenn 7-28-31 m BAKER & HALL, The most extensive dealers in North Georgia in General Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, B ! !GGIES 3 wagons, harness, etc. Can supply anything from a Knitting Needle to a 100-hcrse power Engine. Sash, Doors end Blinds. Engines, Saw Mills, Blacksmith Fools, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Etc. S/<T?\i THE GOWEB BUGGY 'Nk Ty is still being handled bv ns. Being !*■ made of first-class material and a jk | $ ■'h° rae institution, the reputation of I • IV" \/ ' "’hich has long ago been made, we l] we fully guarantee. We also handle / | 1 TENNESSEE WAGON We assure the farmers that they need not go elsewhere for anything they want in our line, for we have everything they need in their business at prices that can not bo beaten. In fact wo are headquarters for Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, and Machinery for this section. B„ ~ _ _____ T We do a General Banking Business and AKER & HALL, BANKERS, and solicit dewt- ts ; I nans mada com mensurate with security. BAKER & HA EL, Best M tin Street, ga. Dr. SALMON'S # HOG CHOLERA SPECIFIC! W - M CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER. | POWDER.—CONDITION POWDER. Jf 'NJ r PREVENT & CURE HOG CHOLERA. ♦ DESTROY&PREVENT HOG LICE & WORMS. | WE CAN ; CURE CATTLE MURRAIN,TEXAS FEVER, &C. J CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. / l CURE SHEEP ROT, TAPE WORM, &c. / MANUFACTURED BY THE VETERINARY MEDICINE CO- ;,.Jj NASHVILLE, TENN. For sale by T. A. Stover, Cartersvillo, J. P. Hawks, Fassville, Shelton k Childers, Pine Log, .T.*G. B. Erwin, Erwin, W. H. C. Lloyd, Fairmount, Jan. B. Boyd. Sonora, ,T. M. Anderson, Folson, l)r. Tlios. Johnson, Adairsville. BARTOW FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS’ Erwin Street, near Transfer Yard, CAKTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. MANUFACTURERS OF -•sENGIKES AMD BOILERS.*- Railroad Castings. House Fronts, Tram Wheels, Pulleys, Hangers, and Boxes, Shaft ings, Cane Mills, (2 and 3 rollers, of modern design), Brass C stings, of any design, Iron Stairways and Ra tings, Mill Castings, for water power or steam, Graveyard fencing. Agent for Medart s Pulleys, Hangers and Shaftirgs, and dealers in Second. Hand Egines and B >ih rs Speeial attention giyen to repairing of Engines and Boilers, Clyinders bored and refitted, Stone Castings, Grates and Fenders. Work of every kind done on short notice Write for prices. P S Old Iron, Brass and Lead bought. maj 22 ly G. M. MONTGOMERY. J. G. M. MONTGOMERY. GEO. M .MORTGOMERYSCO, jESTATE ZT GENTS CARTERSVILLE, GA. Buy and Sell City Property, Farm and Mineral Lands'! We h i ve some desir ible F inns nod a line c f City Property, including 'velliugs , Store Houses and Unimproved Li>ts. Correspondence i cited- OXJ R S T OCK-:-OF GROCERIES Is Complete in Every Respect. > Fine Tobacco and Cigars A Specialty. All Goods Delivered Free of fflurgp. S. L. & W. J, VMDIVERE. JOHN T. NORRIS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. IIJPSTAIRS.) First Uoor South, of Howard’s Bank. Leather and uum Belting. Plows, Harrows, Corn Shelters and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery- Wagon and*Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, etc., in great profusion at VERY LOWEST PRICES.