The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, October 25, 1888, Image 5

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SKIN-CURA, O ISFS. CRAWFORD'S ECZEMA WASH A quick and certain cure for Eczema, Smi i Head, Tett*, . Itch, St. Anthony’s Fin , p’impi, t, Pnetalee, Silt Hhemn, Eryslpolas, Heat, Milk <iru*ts. Chafes, Dandruff, and al! ahVctions of the scalp. Cures all diseases of the Feet caused by Heat and Perspiration. JOHN Clt.% WFOKIi & CO., Stile I’ropnetors, - ATHENS, GA. * For sale by M. F. Word and ,1. R. Wikle & Cnrtersville, Ga. TAXES FREE. JManuiacturers, - ! CITY OKDLNAMCE. ID; (T OnbAiNKD, Ry the Mayor and Aldermen of the Ci.y of Cartersville, That any party or parties who shall in future invest in property in said city for the purpose of conducting any tnan nfiut tiring enterprise, and shall actually operate the same, shall be exempt from all city taxes upon snch property and all machinery and im provements thereon of every character, for the term of five years from the purchase of such property. Appro/ed Nov. 1, 1888. CITY GOVERN MINT—STANDING COM MITTEES. Finance—J. A. Crawford, Chairman, A. *M. Will ingham, Moses Scheuer. Cemetery—(J. W. Waldrup, Chairman, A. L. Bar ron, \V. A. Bradley. Streets—A. Collins, Chairman, A. U. Barron, L. B. Matthews. Relief—L. B Matthews, Chairman, G. W. Wal ornp, A. Collins. Public buildings—W. A. Bradley, Chairman, A. Collins, L. B. Matthews. Ordinance—A. L. Barron, Chairman, A. M. Will ingham, Moses Scheuer. .loe M. Moon. J. C. Wofford, Clerk. Mayor. Home Brevities. Register and vote. I lave you registered ? Lay in your winter fuel. The city tax collector is right after de linquent tax payers. Mrs Lev. and. S. Hillhouse is visiting relatives at Calhoun, Ga. The ties that hind the live merchant to the trading public—advertise. Miss Ettiene Sawtell, of Griffin, Ga., is visiting the family of E. Christian. You can now get The Courant-Ymeri can at one dollar a year—in advance. Mrs. D B. Freeman has been spending the past week in Atlanta and Calhoun. Mr. E. Strickland will soon go to work improving his beautiful lot on Kernodle street. Walter Cason, of the Courant-Amkri can force, is taking in the Cincinnati Ex position. The Courant-American will enter its ‘’devil” and do its best to make the spell ing b<>e a success. There is a great demand for dwelling houses in Cartersville. A line field for investment is offered. The meetings for men and boys only, held at the Methodist churches on Friday nights, are doing well. Mr. Calhoun Marshall, of Abbeville, S. (’., is visiting the family of Capt. John J. Calhoun, in this city. Cartersville has considerable musical talent, and the singing at our various churches is very good. Don’t, forget to see to it that your name is pr< j.erly registered, if you wish to vote in the coming elections. Public schools would bring Cartersville more prominently to the front than any thing else she could establish just now. The pastor of the Methodist church assures us that there will be but one ser mon at that church next Sunday morn ing. Tell your neighbor, who wants to bor row your paper every week, that he can now get The ( orrant-Ameiucax a whole year for one dollar. The song service at the Methodist church every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, is wed attended and greatly en joyed by all who attend. A large force of workman are pushing the work ahead on 1 faker A Hail s brick block. It will be the largest business house in North Georgia. Mr. W. G. Markham, of Tallapoosa, is sending a Jew days in the city, and is greatly impressed with the wonderful natural advantages of Cartersville. I*t every citizen make it Iris business to give new-comers and prospectors a cordial welcome. Show them around, and help them get satisfactorily located. The many friends of Miss Lulu White are rejoiced that she is back home again from the long visit to her cousin, Miss Addie Henderson, near Murfreesboro, Tenn. S, G. McCan, formerly of Cedartown, has located in our city, and may be found at John Taylor’s barber shop, lie is one of the finest tonsorial artists in the country. The ladies of the Episcopal church are requested to meet Tuesday afternoon, at .A o’clock, at the residence of Mrs J. A. Baker. Important church matters to be attended to. Mr. Harry Barrymore, the polite and clever business manager of Weston Bros’. Company, spent yesterday in the city ar ranging for the appearance of that line company on the 30th. A severe tyjie of matrimonial fever has broken out in this city, and the number of victims is increasing rapidly, and we want neighboring cities to quarantine against us, so our sweet girls can marry H 9 H gig vP •, \. at home. Massrs Pratt, Martin and Ware, who are in charge of the furnace company's affairs, are live men. They are pushing the work along at a rapid rate. The grading for the side tracks'is nearly done, as well as the extensive furnace grounds. * I v. Fletcher Walton, assistant preach er n the Spring Place circuit, filled the pmpit of the Methodist church in this , city last Sunday evening. He is a young ’ preacher of promise, and a faithful worker for the cause of religion.—Dalton j Argus. The Farmers’ Alliance of Floyd coun ty, have selected H. B. Parks & Cos., of Rome, the leading dry goods merchants of North Georgia, as the house from which they will buy all of their dry * goods, boots, shoes, clothing, Ac. See i change of their K ad” in another column j of this issue. Mr G. W. Barber, the efficient general manager of the Emerson Land Cos., is home again, after an extensive swing round the circle in the interest of Emer son He talked up the resources of Bar tow county in several Northern States, where he is well acquainted, and his visit rrill produce fruit. Some of our wide-awake citizens are moving in the matter of organizing a building and loan association, and will probably have the enterprise shaped up in a few days. This is a step in the right direction. These associations have done much towards building up other cities, and will be a good thing for Cartersville. The sweet potato crop is. a big one again this year. Our people are giving more attention to the preservation of this crop, and last year’s crop lasted until this year’s came in. This is a nyist valuable vegetable, and should be raised in even greater quantities. There is no more healthy and nutritious food for man or beast. Mrs. N. R. Hood, formerly a resident of Cartersville, and for the last several years living at Hoodtowu, S. C., died at that place on the 15th of this month. Her husband, J. P. Hood, had already proceeded her to the grave. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and had many relations and friends in this section A Good woman has gone to her reward. Mr. H. A. Chapman, the clever editor of the Calhoun Times, was in the city Tuesday to arrange for the printing of liis paper until lie can procure anew out fit—the late fire leaving him without a single article necessary for printing a paper. He is a live, stirring fellow, and it will taks something worse than a fire to keep such a man down. While the debris was still smoking he was planning for replacing his lost machinery. May the Times rise Phienix-like, and shine brighter than ever. Tourists to Yellowstone Park next sea son might encounter a Northwestern blizzard. If they are wise men they will take a supply of the famous Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Fine Short Wraps for $3.50 —at Scheuer Bros’. Fine cloth —finest tricots —all shades at 45cts. —at Scheuer Bros’. Job Printing. We have just received a large supply of printers’ stationery of all kinds, direct from the manufacturers, and are prepar ed to turn out all kinds of work in our line at short iiotice, in the best styles and at prices as low as can be had in Atlanta, Chattanooga, or New York. Send us your orders, and we guarantee satisfaction. Oysters and fish —fresh and fine —kept constantly on hand at Maffett’s. tf. All wool French Serges—beautiful col ors at 45cts.—fully worth 65 —at Scheuer Bros’. A Biirw Opportunity. For the next few weeks The Courant- American will print a large number of extras to be placed in the hands of our agents for free distribution overthi# and adjoining counties, to advertise our new serial and the reduction in subscription price. This will afford an extraordinary op portunity for advertisers, and every business man in the city should avail himself of it. Liberal advertising on the part of our merchants will increase the amount of trade that comes to Cartersville. Advertise now. Fine Silk Plush Jackets at 812 —worth 820—at Scheuer Bros’. Ten fine Plush Wraps at $9 — worth $15 —at Scheuer Bros’. Another Charming Serial. The Courant-American, finding the splendid--serial that we have been run ning a very popular feature, we have procured Alexander Dumas' great story, entitled “The Fisherman of Naples,” and the first chapters will appear in this paper Nov. Bth. Tell your friends of this fact, and help us swell the subscription list of your county paper. Handsome Cloth Jackets for s3—at Scheuer Bros’. Editors Courant-American : Why can't Cartersville, as well as At lanta and other towns, have a spelling bee for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers? She has done nothing so far, and certainly should. We have some good spellers here, and the “bee” would not only help the poor sufferers from yellow fever, but would also be a splendid entertainment. Let us hear from some one else on the subject. “C.” Fine Silk Bouele Newmarkets for $4 at Scheuer Bros'. £royal jplai Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength aud wholesomenes. More economical than the ordinary kinds, an J cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or nhosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Go., 106 Wall St., N. Y. The Weston Brothers. The New Orleans Picayune, noticing the Weston Brother’s performance in that cj,ty, which company appears at the Noble street theatre on Thursday next, says: “The Weston Brothers have been seen here before, and last season they made many friends, who last night joined with the regular habitues of the theatre in giving them a royal welcome. To say that the house was crowded but faintly expresses the exact condition. It was packed, and that, too, with a very pretty and intelligent audience.” The play, “The Way of the World,” is a rather sensational comedy-drama, with an exciting and complex plot, which serves the Weston Brothers well, as it affords them an opportunity to introduce their numerous specialties. As musicians, the Westons’ rank high in the profession, and last night their skill as displayed in rendering numerous.selections on various instruments, was recognized by the audi ence. The company throughout is well bal anced and sufficiently strong for the ‘re quirements of the play. Largest and most beautiful line of Black Dress Goods at Scheuer Bros’. “Pay Up.” All parties owing us can find their ac counts, notes or mortgages at Howard's Bank until 3rd Nov., 1888- After that time they will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Pattillo A Dobbins. Fresh Broadcloths in all shades 54 inches wide at sl.4o—worth fully 82 —at Scheuer Bros’. The choicest foreign and domestic fruits always on hand at Maffett’s. tf. Himnicutt’s Rheumatic* Cure Endorsed by the Medical Profession. a great blood purifier. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4,1887. H R. C. Cos.: Gentlemen —I have used five bottles of your IT. R. C., and cheerfully recom mend it as the best blood purifier and tonic I have ever used Since taking vourcuiel have gained twenty pounds in weight. Yours truly, Wm. Turner. AN ATLANTA PHYSICIAN SPEAKS. Atlanta, Ga., Oct 26, 1887. H. R.C Cos.: Gentlemen —I have used your Rheu matic Cure in several cases of the worst type, and lam glad to say it had the desired effect in every case. I take groat pleasure in recommending your medicine to those who are suffering Porn rheuma tism and its attendant complication®, and if tri and I am confident of its efficacy. Respectfullv, P. 0 Box G 2 J. A. Nelms, M. D. A CURE IN EVERY CASE. H. R.C Cos.: Gentlemen —I pronounce your Rheu matic Cure a success beyond question. 1 have tried the great remedy in three cases, and find a cure in every case. 1 pronounce it good. Very respectfully, Dr. YV L. Clay. 432 Walnut St , Louisville, I(* . FROM THE AUTHOR OF UNCLE KEMUB. Atlanta, Ga., March 3, 1888. H. R. C. Cos.: Gentlemen—l take plea*-lire in swing that your Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure is the best I hive ever seen. My mother, who had been suffering with rheumatism for thirty years, was entire v u lieve-i by a lbw bottles Yours trulv, Joel Chandler Harris. A PROMINENT ATLANTA LAWYERS TESTIMONY. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 28, 1887. Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.: Gents —I have taken your Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure for Inflammatory Rheuma tism with great benefit. It is, iu ill}’’ opinion, the best medicine for rbeuma tism I ever took. Jno. D. Cunningham, Ex-Judge U. S. Court of Ala A U. S. MARSHAL TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE. Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 4, 1888. Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.: Gentlemen —It affords me pleasure to add my testimony to that of the many who indorse your Hunnicutt's Rheumatic Cure I had been a constant sufferer from rheumatism for years, when S determined to try your cure, and to my surprise and delight one bottle was all I found neces sary to relieve me of all symptoms of rheumatism, and I deem it but justice not only to those who originated f his cure, but to all others who may be suffering from the same cause, to say this much iu confirmation of what is claimed for this medicine. Yours respectfully, John W. Nelms. Price—sl per bottle Six bottles $5. Prepared only at Laboratory of Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos., Atlanta, Ga. EUTPor sale by all Druggists. Send for book of valuable information and testimonials of v ell known citizens. SCHEUER BROS. Greatest Array of Bargains in the History of Onr Business.-4- <■ ' The Big Rush of Last Week a Testimony of Oar Success. We have surely outdone ourselves with attractive styles and still more attractive prices, No wonder people say Sclieuer Bros/ styles nd prices are unmatchablo, | \ T li\ I ITt II I I I and .price is unsurpassable. It contains everything that fashion die J —* JL X- A —w. J —* states, Broad Cloths, Henriettas. Sehastopols, Arm tires, La Toscas, White Corks, Habit Cloths, Alhembra Flannels, plain and plaid Tricos, etc., in every imaginable shade. It fairly glistens with the richest ft IT'jjj Hls European nove‘Ues. It you warn tine, medium,or low priced trim-U y 1 ag|jilislv B Hlliisllillli U lillif ■■ll I liBVII II we wills'itistv your wants. Here we are absolutely rulers. Such a thing as competition is not r\rk Tt-Q * f be thought of. It is an acknowledged fact that we are doing the cloakV/IvCWVo • . VylUCtlXiij • V/lUu/IXO • trade of Cartersville. TTC II C* Hl3 MFATTC Our Plush Modjcskns, Plush Short Wraps and Plush Jackets are simply laautiful, and I L< U vJT jHI I \ IVJL JlLi IN 1 O.the prices are extremely low. Our stock of JACKETS, XEWNAEKETS WRAPS and C IRC IT LABS is larger than ever and our prices ot be matched anywhere. 250 Misses Garments at halt their value. FULL to Overflowing. 120,000 Acres Timber Land! 3,000,000 Acres Florida Land. 5,000 Acres Iron I* Manganese AUBREY & M C EWEN, Reffl* EstHte, *Conl, Insurance, Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, All Sizes. COAL PROPERTY aus3o-4m. The City Exchange Restaurant and barber shop will be prepared to accom modate visitors. Pomp Johnson is pre paring to do his part of taking care ol i he crowds. Call at MafTett’s for fresh fish. tf. Klctric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the si me song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cute all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, w ill remove impure blood.— Will drive MaLna from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. —For cure of Headache, Consumption and Indigestion try Electric Bitters— Entire sat'sfaeuon guaranteed, or money refunded. —Price 50 ets. and $1 00 per bo tie at Wikle’s Drug Store. 5 Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such eases Dr. J. 11. M'-Lean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been the con taut favorite family remedy. 9t>-3m FENCE POSTS WANTED. Wanted at once One Thousand Fence Posts —post oak or chestnut—delivered in Cartersville. Apply to Aaron Collins. Consumption Cured. An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for t rie speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a posi tive and radical cure for Nervous Debili ty and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffer ing fellows. Actuated by this motive and a dersire to relieve human suffering, 1 will send free of charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Powder’s Block, Rochester, N. Y. oftll-ly e o w n r m Select oysters all the time at Maf fett's, tf. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT OUR HAT DEPARTMENT OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT -SCHEUER BROS.- Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. H. B. PARKS A COMPANY, ni- LEADERS IN 6- DRY ROODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing*. LARGEST STOCK, BEST GOODS AXi) LOWEST PRICES IX XOItTII GEORGIA Buy your goods where you can find all yo i want for your family. No house i the South is better prepare! to till your ti lis more couple "cly and satisfactorily tha ours. We keep everything for clothing men, women and children from the crown their heads to the soles of their feet. Great Bargains in Dress Goods ’ 175 Cashmere Suits (12 yds.) with trimmings, buttons and thread, for $2.15. 75 lovely Wool Serire Suits, double width (10 yds.) with trimmings, buttons, threr and linings, for the small sura of $3 25, 2,000 yards beautiful Wool Henrietta Suitings, in all the new colors, at 25, 35, 4 and 50c. This is the best and cheapest line of Dress Goods in Georgia. Silks, Plushesand Velvets. 35 lovely Silk and Plush Suits, $35.00, $50,00, $50.00 and $75.00 each. Fit for a queen to wear, • —Millinery, Hats, Bonnets. We are headquarters for 1 it ;st styles in Ladies’ Hats and Millinery. Store is the Great Trading llouse^gJa^T AND HEADQUARTERS FOR TIIE ALLIANCES OF FLOYD 0311111. Here you cfin find everything you wmt in Dry Goods, 13 lots, Shoes, Hats, Clothi; g, Cl ks, Milliner}*, &c„ and at rock oottom prices. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! 0 The largest, prettiest and cl.e ipest stock of Cloaks an Wraps in the State, Flannels, Gassimeres, Jeans and Woolen Goods in all grades and at !ow< s* possible prices. It will pay yo ito come fifty m le. ‘o Inv your winter bill of dry go ids, &c., of H. B. PARKS & CO., Bronci Street, Rome, Ga. 20sep3m. TtSSr 6 Agents for Butterick’s Patterns. La tics In delicate health, and all who suffer from habitual constipation, will find the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, more easily taken and more beneficial in effect than any other remedy. It acts promptly, yet gently on the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, and Stom ach does not sicken or debilitate. Fetid Kreatli. A bottle of Delectalave may save you a month’s suffering. If your gums are sore, heal them with Delectalave. Use Deiectilave on your tooth-brush, and rinse out your mouth and between your teeth with it, to remove the food particles and prevent fermentation, which causes a fetid breath- For sale by all Diugg ists Tell me not, in mournful numbers That this life is but a dream. While Pomp Johnson feeds so cheaply, And even hash is what it seems. In the classic language of Shakespeare, Pomp is a boss feeder. The First Symptoms of Death. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fever ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. N > matter how it become poisoned it must be puri fied to avoid death Acker’s English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under positive guarantee by J. R. Wikie & Cos. e o ay AT TJnliGard of Ericas. Children Cry For It. j The pleasant taste and agreeable a: i ma of Delectalave make its use attr; S five to children at well as to adult i Early impress the child with the iinp< ! tanee of good teeth. Spare it the sufl j ing of decayed teeth by proper care a attention. Keep its mouth clean and i a healthy state by using Delectalav j For sale by all Druggists. Parents Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur fore six years of age. An armv of in cent, lovely chilJren are swept needles away each year. Parents are criming responsible for this. The death rate ■ children in England is less than half t’ Acker’s English Baby Soother lias d< more to bring this about than all ot: * i causes combined. You c irlnot afford ; .be without it. Sold by J. R. Wikie Cos. eov | Extra fine Silk Plush Modjeska Wr. at $15 —sold in Atlanta at $20 — : Scheuer Bros’. i Sick headache, wind on the stoma ‘ biliousness, nausea, are promptly : agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLen Little Liver and Kidney Piliets. 25 vial. G-8- Don't forget thnt T. C. Burton is n a; j ufacturing hand made harness a: and pa; | ing highest cash price for hides. Tepai -ing a specialty. Main street, i