Newspaper Page Text
Hog-nml-Homlny Clmlh|*it*r* Versus Ku
ti*rpriMm? Agt-lc ilf uri*t*.
Farm. Field and Stockman.
As ha* been proven timen without num
ber, any kind of farming will pay in the
hands of some men. Bruins, if the brain s
be organized exactly right, that each sea
son’s operations will show that the move
ments a**e in the hands of a master, will
make any kind of farming pay. Then,
again, if a man makes up his mind to
keep his family on hog and hominy, pay
ing nothing out to the grocer except
what the wife pays in the form of eggs
from hens that are never feel, but glean
their living in the Helds nod in scratching
for grubs, and expends the merest pit
tance for anything that can rank as lux
uries; such a man, if he grows anything
to sell for cash, ought certainly, after
paying his taxes and hired help, be able
to place something in the savings bank.
Scrub stock will pay in the hands of such
a man. Why should it not? It is the
expenses on a modern farm, requiring
such disposition of grains and grasses as
will, without a shadow-of doubt, pay a
profit; that modern buildings may be
erected aud maintained; that the family
may be clothed and fed asthrifty tanners
in general clothe and feed their family;
that something more than a lumber
wagon and a pair of hard-worked horses
or mules be at hand to take the family
to church or to town, as occasion may
It has been said of some men that they
would make money if cast away on a
naked rock. Such tendency to thrift, or
on the other hand, the persistent deter
mination hinted at above to pay out
nothing for comforts and improvements,
and the most meager possible sums for
the bare necessaries of life, will enable a
man to show to his neighbor farmers that
he can support his family and pay his
taxes, though feeding no stock upon his
premises other than the merest scrubs.
Many a man managing in this manner
has been able to hold his land, (such a
mail seldom adds to his possessions by
buying the land that joins him), until
enterprising men come in about him,
raising the value of his acres, and with
scarce any merit on his part, he never
theless gets ahead in the world. A man
practicing such a system cannot be said
to have earned much, but merely to have
stayed by his land, bought at an early
day at a, nominal price, till through ad
vancing enterprise and the onward drift
of circumstances, he may appear to have
made something*, not by improving his
farm stock, not in fact by improving any
thing; not by ditching or by under-drain
ing; for during the years his children that
have grown to manhood and woman
hood, are witnesses to the fact that dur
ing all the years of their growth, the
teams have plowed around all the wet
places on the farm. So farming in the
hands of such a man pays in the manner
hinted at, but on a like plan a railroad
would pay though ironed with the old
fashioned flat rail and the cars drawn by
a pair of horses, but the public has no
use for railroad service of this sort. There
is no law against hauling cars with horses,
neither against farming upon a plan that
utterly ignores all improvement, botli as
to tillage and live stock.
But what would be the outcome to the
modern farmer, taking an advanced posi
tion as he now does in matters of educa
tion and all affairs of public interest,
should lie, year after year, plow around
the wet places on his farm, make no move
toward seeding down a liberal portion of
his land to grass, and placing thereon
cattle that are wanted in the leading
markets at six cents a pound, instead of
such as go slow at three cents. If gain
is made from year to year upon the farm
it is generally conceded that wheat grow
ing does not contribute to this gain, but
that we must look to self-tending live
stoek. to pasture that furnish the grass
ready for the grazing beast, and to beasts
that grow apace and mature early, for
modern practice is bringing out the fact
that rapid growth, early maturity and
prompt fattening, alone pay any profit
worth the name.
A Fashionable Choir.
Atlanta Journal.
It’s a difficult matter now-a-days to
tell what the words to any hymn are, es
pecially when it is sung- by a fashionable
A Journal reporter attended church
yesterday, for reporters sometimes stray
into such places, and while there he took
some notes of one of the hymns. He
didn’t understand blit three or four words,
but here is what the singers said —at least
it sounded so to the reporter:
‘-Oh—ho—sauch—par, te toe—joy. Yah
—de lai —glor’e—to-r-de—wo—op whoop.
Tal—be — sail chi—wooewaupee, forera —
whoop ha—woooeee. To be para lis ta,
oh, Lord, have mercy—have mercy upon
us. Lord, let Thy mercy be upon us.
Onne —a —ya —truss warre—re—re—ra—
ra wooepeewali.”
Didn’t it sound that way to you?
Hart Tolrt Them all the Same.
Sweet Innocence —“Ma, is it wrong to
kiss a man you are not engaged to?”
Ma—“ Certainly, my dear, very wrong.”
“There now, that’s just what I told
“Told whom?”
“Why, Dick and Jack and Tom and
Charlie and Arthur and Will and Bob
and A1 and Sam and John and Gus
and ”
But ma had fainted.
I>;in Dougherty’* Unselfish Patriotism.
From His Hartford Speech.
It is, perhaps, right and proper that I
should at the outset, even at a sacrifice
of personal delicacy, tell you exactly who
I am. lam an American. Every fibre
of my body, every pulsation of my heart,
is devoted to this, my native la id. I
have taken an active if not a conspicuous
part in many Presidential elections, ami is my proud boast that I never was
a candidate for any office nor an appli
cant for an appointment. I am one of
t hose who glory in belonging to the rank
and file, and I have worked that the
brows of others might be decorated with
iv. “This won’t go for two cents,” said a
postal clerk in a country office, returning
to an old negro a letter which had passed
through the delivery window. *'\\ hat’s
de matterwid it?” “Too heavy.” “Jes’
’bout like I ’spec ted. Dat letter wuz writ
by my son, an' I tole him he wuz er writin*
too heabya ban’; but he kept’ on er
bearin’ down on his pen. 111 take it
back, sail, an’ git him to write it wider
pencil.” : •
tsucklen's Armen Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pfiy required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centr
per box. For sale by J. R. Wikle & Cos.
Read the following: Mr. C A. Morris,
Newark, Ark., says: ‘TVas down with
Abscess <f Lungs, and lriends and phy
sicians pronounced me an Incurable Con
sumptive. Began taking Dr. Kings New
Discovery for Consumption, am now on
my third bottle, and able to oversee the
work on my farm, it is the finest medi
cine ever made.” 5
Exposure to rongh weather, getting
wet, living in damp localities, are favora
ble to the contraction of diseases of the
kidneys and bladder. Asa preventive,
and for the cure of all kidney and liver
trouble, use that valuable remedy, Dr. J.
11. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm
SI.OO per bottle. 0-8-3 m
Calender anu Weather Fore
casts for 1889, by Rev. Irl R. Hicks, with
explanations of the “Great -Jovian
Period,” mailed to any address, on
receipt of a two cent postage stamp.
Write plainly your Name, Post Oflie and
State. The Bit. J. H. McLean Medicine
Cos., St. Louis, Mo.
Dyspepsia, Despair, Death.
These are the actual steps which follow
indigestion. Acker’s English Dyspepsia
Tablets will both check and cure this most
fearful of diseases. Guaranteed by J. it.
Wikle & Cos. eow
In eases of Fever and Ague, the blood
is as effectually, though not so danger
ously poisoned by the effluvium of the
atmosphere as it could be by the dead
liest poison. I)r. J. H. McLean’s Chills
and Fever Cure will eradicate this ’poi
son from the system. 50 cents a
bottle. 96-3rn
Now is the Time
to use Hodges’ Sarsaparilla with lodide
of Potash, the great purifier for the
blood. A certain cure for rheumatism,
scrofulous affections and all diseases pe
culiar to females. Renovates and invig
orates the system. Physicians recom
mend it. Take no other. Rangum Root
Medicine Cos., Manufacturers, Nashville,
Tenn. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. 8-30 tl oc
Are you restless at night and harassed
by a bad cough? Use Dr. J. H. McLean’s
Tar Wine Lung Balm, it will secure you
amid sleep, and effect a prompt and
dical cure. 6-8-3 m
Attention, K. K. L.
For sprains, bruises, rheumatism,
cramps, inflammation, swelling, cuts,
burns, etc., in man, and snlint, ringbone,
windgall, epizootic, scratches, etc., in
horses, Rangum Root Liniment is a sure
cure. The “King of Liniments” is the
universal verdict. Never fails to cure
any ailment that can be reached by an
external medical examination. 50 cents
per bottle. For sale by all druggists.
8-30 tl oc
k. in o.
Don’t waste time and money and un
dergo needless torture with the knife
when Ethiopian Pile Ointment will afford
instant relief and certain cure in every
case of blind, bleeding, itching, internal
and external piles. Rangum Root Medi
cine Go., Manufacturers, Nashville, Tenn.,
50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. 8-30 tl oc
East&West Railroad of Alabama.
belied vile in Effect.
No. I—West.
Leave Cartersville 9.50 a m
“ Rockniart 11.00 “
Cedartown 12.10 p m
“ Cross Plains 1.40 ,k
“ Dukes 2.5(5 “
Arrive Pell City 5.30 “
No. :s—West,
Leave Cartersville 3.30 p m
“ Rock mart 5.15
“ Cedartown u. 30 *
“ Cross Plains (s,2u
“ Dukes 10.00 “
Arrive Ragland li.SO “
No, 2—East,
Leave Pell City 8.00 a m
“ Dukes 11.05 “
“ Cross Plains 12.17 pin
“ . Cedartown 2.03 “
“ IlSckmart 3.07 **
Arrive Cartersville..... 4.35
No. 4—East,
Leave Ragland 12.01 a m
“ Dukes 149
“ Cross Plains 3.35 **
“ Cedartown o’-jo “
“ Rockrriart 7.27 ••
Arrive Cartersville 9.94 *<
No. s—West.
Leave Cartersville Transfer 4.45 a m
“ Rockniart 7.17 •*
“ Cedartown 930
“ Cross Plains !..!..112Y4 p m
“ • Dukes 143 .
Arrive Pell City L.SJo “
No. (s—East,
Leave Pell City 4.00 a m
“ Dukes 7.49
“ Cross Plains 9.33 “
“ Cedartown 12.25* p m
“ Rockmaro 157 **
Arrive Cartersvi>e .......... 3.58 "
Connection at Cartersville with W. A.; lloek-
with Ga. Division E. T. V. & Ga.; Cedar
tv. M'n with C. R. & C.; Cross Plains with Ala. Di
toion E. T. V. & Ga ; Dukes with A. & C.; and
visPell City with T. & C. and Ga. Pacific It.’y,
J. J. Calhoun G. P. A.
Mid-Summer Sale
SilS-SUMWEB OFFER. Kirwt-Cl.-tss Pianos and
Orr nst" soldi ii Jutie, July,
A. u-••!*! a. '*i Septertther Hpol
Pri-.-es. Pa *, ahle,
r.' Axes CASK DOTVJi.
O kOANs. *io CASH
att>( .te halance next Novembei
is. v lthmu Interest or advance
hi ertce. All our Pianos aiul Or*
.- luelde<( in this sale, our
• oe.. ji>est our Rest. ex*
eepUous. Your choice front ten
leading makers anti over 300
style** Prices.
8 —
New Makers, New Instruments, New
Styles, New Prices. Great Improvements
in our Lower Priced Instruments.
Large purchases enable us to offer Re
duced Prices. Here are samples.
'A / 5 f 3Strings. Beautiful Rosewood
W £m U Case, Full Rich Tone. Guar
anteed perfect and du table. Maker’s Price,
/cA i % Size, 3 Strings, Full Iron
t W Frame, Ivory Keys, Rich
Rosewood Case. First-class every way.
Equals Pianos usually sold at SBOO and $350.
Maker's Price, s7o*'.
Witlt Pianos a Top Stool,
Handsome C\er, loHfcructar,
Music Book jsiiC Freight Paid.
■jV* M A HOP! B Five Octaves, 2 sets
C* C§* UnuAn. of CM Octave Reeds,
all 5 Slops. Solid Walnut Case. High
w Sil V 1 Top.L*nip stands, Music Pocket,
Fult Sweet Tone. Maker's Price, $l5O.
■4*. w n rsf* hM Four Full Sets Reeds,
Skg jL. UnUhh. 10 Genuine Stops,
Snj | Rich Case. Beautiful Parlor Or-
M gan. Thousands sold. All pur
chasers delighted. Maker's Price, ?200.
With Eaclt Organ a Fine Stool,
ait Instructor, Music Book atrd
All Kreigfit Paid.
*******4 mm>!<**w—— <■ -•*.****•• •**• mi iihmmmm
Order and test in your own Home.
No money required until Instrument
is satisfactory. We pay Freight both
ways if no sale. The fairest way to deal.
Our Instruments are good and cheap, and
a trial always gives a satisfied purchaser.
Send for Mid-Summer Sale Cir
REMEMBER. Lowest Prices: Easiest
Terms: Best Instruments: Fine Stools and Cov
ers: Alt Freight Paid; 15 Days' Trial; Six
Years' Guarantee; Square Dealing; One Pt ice
Only: Money Saved: All!
“The highest authority known as to thd
use of the English language.”
With or without Denison’s Patent Index.
The Standard of the Leading
Publishers, Magazines, and News
The Dictionary of the Scholar for Spelling,
Pronunciation, and Accuracy in
Sena for large Circular to the Publishers,
Treatment bv Inhalation
1629 Arch Street, F’h.ilo.d.'a, Pa.
For Consumption, Asthma, Rronchitis, Dyspep
sia, Catarrh. H l.y Fever. Headache, Debility,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and all Chronic and
Nervous Disorders.
“The Compound Oxygen Treatment,” Pis.
Starkey & Palen, No. 1529 Arch Street. Philadel
phia, have been using for the last seventeen
years, is a scientific adjust ment of the elements
of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized, and the
compound is so condensed and made portable
that it is sent all over the world.
I)rs. Starkey & Palen have the liberty to
refer to the following named well-known persons
who have tried their Treatment:
Hon. Win. I). Kelley, member of Congress, Phila.
Rev. Victor L. Conrad, editor Lutheran Ob
server, Philadelphia.
Rev. Charles W. Cushing, D. D., Rochester, N Y.
Hon. Wm. Penn Nixon, editor Inter-Ocean, Chi
cago, 111.
W. H. Worthington, editor New South, Birming
ham, Ala.
Judge H. P. Vrooinan, Quenemo, Kan.
Mrs Mary A. Livermore, Melrose, Mass,
Judge R. S Voorhees. New York City.
Mr. E. C. Knight. Philadelphia.
Mr. Frank Siddaii. merchant, Philadelphia.
Hon. W. W. Schuyler, Easton, Pa.
Edward L. Wilson, 833 Broadway, N. Y., editor
Phila. Photo.
Fideliam Lyon, Waimea, Hawaii, Sandwich I.
Alexander Ritchie, Inverness, Scotland,
Mrs. Manuel V. Ortega, Fresnillo, Zacatecas,
Mrs. Emma Cooper, Utilla, Spanish Honduras,
C. A.
J. Cobb, Ex-Vice Consul, Casabianca, Morocco.
M. V. Ash brook, Red Bluff, Cal.
James Moore, Sup't Police, Blandford, Dorset
shire, England.
Jacob Ward. IJowral, New South Wales.
And thousands of others in every part of the
United States.
“Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Action and
Results,” is the title of anew brochure of two
hundred pages, published by Drs. Starkey A
Palen, which gives to all inquirers full informa
tion as to this remarkable curative agent aud a
record of several hundred surprising cures in a
wide range of chronic cases—many of them
after being abandoned to die b.v other physi
cians. Will be mailed free to any address on
application. Read the brochure!
No. 1521) Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa,
This is to warn any party or parties aot to
hunt, fish, or otherwise trespass, on the lands
known as the Scott farm, near Adairsville. Ev
ery requirement of law has been met with in
posting this property. Any violation of the
name will be promptly prosecuted.
A. M. Capers.
Adairsville, Ga„ Sep. 2nd.
Tax Collector’s Notice.
i will be at the following named places on the
davs mentioned below for the purpose of col
lecting State and county tax for the year 188*.
Hate per cent, eight dollars and six cents (#5.66)
on the thousand:
Sixth District, Oct. 10, 59, Nov. 12,
Adairsville. Oet 15, 3p. Nov 13,
Onssvillc, Oct 11, 31, Nov 16,
Kingston, Oct 1(5, Nov 1, 15,
Euharlee, Oct. 17, Nov 2: 19,
Pine Log, Oct 12, Nov 5, 26,
Wolf Pen, Oct 22, Nov 6. 28,
Stamp Creek, Oct 23. Nov 7, 29,
Aliatoona, Oct 24, Nov 8. 23,
Cartersville, Oct 26, Nov 9, Dec 4,5, 6,7, 11. 12,
Salacoa, Oct 13. Nov 27,
Iron Hill. Oct 18, Nov 29,
Taylorsville, Oct 19, Nov 21,
Emerson. Oct 25, Nov 30,
Stilesboro, Nov 22,
Hall’s Mills, Nov 14.
As 1 have put the time off as late as I possi
bly could, 1 hope every tax payer will pay up
promptly, as fi fas will be issued after tiie dates
have expired.
All legal voters whose names are not on the
tax books should come and have their names
registered. J. F. LINX.
Tax Collector Bartow county (la.
Sept. 22d, 1888.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next session of the General Assembly
of Georgia for the passage of a bill, of which the
following is the caption:
To be entitled an acr to amend the charter of
the city of Cartersville so as to authorise and/
empower the Mayor and Aldermen of the rit f v </
Cartersville to levy and collect a special tax <j\
all the taxable property in said city, not to
efied one-half (Vs) of one per cent for the purpose
of defraying the expenses of water supply and
fire protection for said city.
.T. C. AVofeord.
Jxo. H. AA’IKLE,
W. C. Baker,
H. H. Hall,
1). AV. K. Be acock,
J. T. Norris,
Cartersville, Ua., Oct. 3rd 188S.
Not ice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next session of the General Asembly
of Georgia lor the passage of the following act
To be entitled an act to amend the charter of
the city of Cartersville, so as to authorize the.
Mayor and Council to establish a system of
public schools, and to provide revenue for the
support of the same, and to authorize the county
school commissioners of Bartow county t* pay
over to the corporate authorities of said city
for the use of said public schools such part of,
the State school fund as may be their just pro
rata share thereof, and for other purposes there/
in mentioned. /
.7xo. H. Wikle,
W. C. Baker,
H. H. Hall,
I). W. K. Peacock,
J. T. Norris.
Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 3, 1888.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next General Assembly of Georgia
for the passage of an Act of which the following
is the caption;•
To be entitled an Let to alter and amend the
charter of the city of Cartersville, approved
August 27th, 1872, and the acts amendatory
Uiereo , so as to authorise and empower the
Mayor and Aldermen of saiu city to .assess, levy
a;id collect annually an a,d valorum tax not to
excedd one per cent., (instead of one-half of one
per cent., as now provided), for the general pur
poses and expenses of said city. To prescribe
the mode of assessing the taxable property in
said city, and to confer additional powers on the
Mayor and Aldermen of said city in regard to
the levying and collecting of special taxes or
licenses in said city and for other purposes men
tioned therein.
J. C. Wofford,
W. (’. Baker.
H. H. Hall,
D. W. K. Peacock,
,Ixo. H. Wikle,
,1. T. Norris.j
'Cartersville, Ga., October 3d, 1888.
V.-'' sory.—GEOßGlA—Bartow county. Where
as, It. I. Rattle, administrator of Sarah Forten
bur.v, represents to the court in his petition
duly filed and entered on record that he has
fully administered Sarah Fortenbury’s estate.
This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned,
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from liis administration and receive
letters of dismission on the first: Monday in Jan
uary, 1889. This 2d day of October, 1888.
J. A. Howard, Ordinary.
V_7 sor.\ .—GEORGIA —Bartow county. Where
as, R. 1. Battle, administrator of Samuel Ward,
represents to the court in his petition duly filed
and entered on record that he has fully admin
istered Samuel Ward’s estate. This is therefore
to cite all persone concerned, heirs ffnd creditors,
to show cause, if any they can. why said admin
istrator should not be discharged from his ad
ministration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in January, 1889. This 2d day
of October, 188s. J. A. Howard, Ordinaty.
V - Countv. Notice is hereby given to ail per
sons concerned that on the day of 1884,
Caleb Tompkins, late of said county, departed
this life intestate, and no person has applied for
administration on the estate of said Caleb
Tompkins in said Stare, that on the application
of Lydia A. Lyman, executrix, etc., a creditor,
administration will be vested in the clerk of the
Kfiperiour court on his own bond, or some
oilier hf and proper person, on the first Monday
to November, ISSN, unless valid objection is made
tg his appointment. This 28th September, IsBS.
J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
lion Level*. Ste*t Bearing*, Brass
wmsm TarS Beam anil Beam Bui,
mmmisk SS€>€3 and
PMliMi-lilC'JiilSPlM JONES he pays the freight—for freo
IffiOHuMii' MpUtfaiM Price Li*t mention this paper and
g-- 4.Ujliflgp j A. V.
Dissolution of Copartnership.
The copartnership heretofore existing under
the firm name of Kuns & Eaves is this day dis
solved, the undersigned retiring. 1 hereby
warn all parties against allowing further credit
to said firm.
oclS-4t J. E. Kuns.
Cartersville, Ga., Oct loth, 1888.
County. To nil whom it may concern:
Nancy Newborn, (formerly Nancy Yaucy) and I< is
siah Yanc.y, executrix of Levi Yancy, deceased,
have in due form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
aid deceased, and said application will be heard
on the first Monday in November, 188 s . This Ist
■October. 1888. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
Photographs! Photographs!
I have engaged Mr. F. H. Simpson to assist me
for this season. Mr. Simpson has had 30 years
experience, and was the first to work the new
process in the United States. Call and examine
work. Am prepared to compete with anybody
n work and prices. A. M. TOMLINSON.
M Rig C has given snivel*
ca!-e sal satisfaction in the
to 6 cure of Gonorrhoea and
not Gleet. I prescribe it and
feel safe in recoinmend-
Mr<l only by toe j ug to all sufferers.
Comical j. STONER. M.D.,
* Sold by Druggists.
,[ R. Wikle tfc Co M Agents. febUFlv
be sold before the court house door In Car
ters vble, Bartow County, Georgia, on the fir*-'
Tuesday hi Novi-Hiber,lsss,bpt ween the Segal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder, the following
described property, to-wit:
'‘.Pour hundred (4(H) acres, more or less, of
lafcd, in the*sth district and 3d gectiop of Bar
tow county, Ga.. lieing parts of lots numbers
two-hundreu and thirty (239), two hundred and
thirty-eight (23M, two hundred and seventy
three ;273). two hundred and seventy-four (274 i.
and two hundred and sixty-seven (2f). described
in deed from 1.. S. Mnmfofd to Martha E. Bish
op,' recorded in book "of deeds, pages 234-35
clerk's otlfce Superior court said county, which
is here referred to, covering the entire interest
and title to said land, except 1 lie minerals there
in and thereou. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of the defendant, 1). F. Bishop, to
satisfy one ft. fa issued from the city court of
Cartersville, Bartow county, Ga., in favor of R.
A. Clayton, assignee of J. 4. Howard A Son vs.
D. T. Bishop. Said property in possession of D.
F. Bishop at his death, in summer of isv7, now
in possession of his widow. Property pointed
out by plaintiff.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number 141, lying and being in the sth District
and 3rd section of Bartow county Georgia con
taining one hundred and forty eight acres more
or less, levied on as the property of W. H. Linn one
of the defendants in this fi fa. Property, pointed
out b.y \V. H. Linn, levied .on and w 11 be sold as
the property of IV. H. Linn to satisfy one Bar
tow Superior court ti (a in favor oi John Harper,
vs, G. H Gilreath and VV. H. Linn.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land,
number 146, in the 17th district and 3rd section
of Bartow county, Georgia. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of K. B. Tripp, to satisfy
one Justice Court ti fa. from sslst District G. M .
in favor of W, M. Moore and J. H. Sims for the
use of officers < . '10.119, vs H. B. Trippe. Pcop
perty pointed out By defendant.
Also, at the same rime and place, seventy eiglit
(7N) acres more or less of lot of land number two
hundred aud iiiteen (215 it being the southern
portion of said number two hundred and fourteen
(214) also one hundred (100) acres more or less,
it being the western portion of lot number two
hundred and nineteen (219) all lying in the sth
district and 3rd section of Bartow comity, Geor
gia. Levied on and will be sold ns the property
of J. AV. Headers* ni, deceased, in the hands ot
Nancy Henderson as his administratrix to be ad
ministered, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court
ft fa in favor of Sin.•bur Mettbnderson, vs. Nancy
Henderson administratrix of Jno. \\\ Henderson,
deceataL property pointed out b.y 1. D. Header
sou arid in possession of A'aney Henderson ad
ministratrix, etc.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number one hundred and forty-six (146) in the
17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county,
TTeorgia, ns the property of the defendant It. i“.
Tripp. Property pointed out by defendant, to
satisfy one Justice Court fi fa. issued from the
851st District G. M. for the use of officers.of court,
vs, R. B. Tripp
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
numbers one thousand two hundred and uioefy
seven (1297), one thousand one hundred and fifty
(1150) and one thousand and cighry-five ilOsr>i
all lving in and being in the 21st district and 2nd
section of Bartow county, each lot containing
forty (40) acres more or less, also, lot of land
number one thousand two hundred and sixt.v-one
(1261) lying in the 4th district and 3rd section
of said county containing forty (40) acres more
or less. Levied on and will be sold as the prop
erty of Jno. T. Moore, to satisfy one Bartow Su
■perior court (i fa in favor of the New England
.Mortgage Security Cos., vs. John T Moore. The
defendant, .John T. Moore, waives written notice
of levy. Property pointed out by plaintiff's
Att’.v, G. fT. Aubrey.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
nrinbers two hundred and * five (205) two
hundred and six (296) two hundred
'and fifteen (215) two hundred and sixteen
(216) and two hundred and thirty-six (236). lying
all in fhe 16th district and 3rd section of Bartow
county, Georgia. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of A. F. AVoolle.v, one of Gie defen
dants, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court h fa
in favor of Thomas A. Loveless, vs, John F.
Harden. A. F. Woolley and Berrys & Cos, proper
ty in possession of defendant A. F. Woolley and
pointed out by C. D. McCutchen attorney for
plain ti if.
A. M. FRANKLIN. Sheriff.
J W. AVI LLIAMS, Deputy Sheriff
1 By virtue of an order of the Superior court
of Bartow county directed to me as receiver of
the estate of James M. Denman, late of said
county, deceased. I will sell before the court
house door in said county, on the first Tuesday
in November next, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder, the following prop
erty, to-wit:
First: Lot of land number two hundred and
twelve (212), in the 6th district and 3d setion of
said county.
Second: The northwest fourth or forty acres
in the northwest corner of lot of land number
two hundred and eleven (211), in the same dis
trict and section.
Third: The southwest fourth or forty acres
in the southwest corner ot said lot of land num
ber two hundred and eleven (211). in the 6th dis
trict and 3d section of said county.
Fourth: Two undivided sevenths of the nortli
halves of lots of land numbers one hundred and
seventy-nine (179), and two hundred and six
(2961, in the 6th district, and 3d section ot said
Fifth: The remainder or reversion after the
expiration of the life est ate of Catharine F. Den
man, tenant in dower, in the south halves of lots
of land numbers one hundred and seventy-nine
(179) and two hundred and six (206), in the 6th
district and 3d section of said county.
Said lands will be sold for distribution under
the decree of the court, made, or to be made, in
the case of A. P. AY offord, adni’r, etc., of Janies
M. Denman, dec’d, vs. Thos. H. Baker and oth
ers in Bartow Superior court, and will be sold in
separate parcels in the order named, and as de
scribed. Said sal** being made subject to con
firmation by the Superior court of said county.
Terms cash, payable on the confirmation of the
sale. Oct. 2d. 1888. R. \V. MURPHY,
Ree. estate of James M. Denman.
I Under and by virtue of an older and judg
ment of the court of ordinary of Bartow coun
ty, Georgia, granted at the regular May term,
1888, of said court, will be sold before tin court,
house door in Cartersville, Georgia, vit bin the
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No
vember, IvSB,l v SB, the following lots and parts of
lots of land to-wif :
Lots of land numbers five hundred and ninety
(590). six hundred and thirty-three (633), six
hundred and sixty-three t(><>:!) and six hundred
and sixty-four (664), located in the 21st district
and 2d section of Bartow county. Georgia, each
of said lots of land containing forty acres, mo re
or less. Known as tin* Island Mill plantation of
Ira W. Waldrip, deceased. Said plantation is
situated in the southeast portion of Bartow
oouuty, Ga., on the Etowah river, eigli; miles
from the city of Cartersville, Ga.. ar.d six miles
from Acworih, Ga., a nd has thereon a. good corn
mill, cotton gin and press, two ordinary frame
dwellings and outhouses. Said mill, gin and
press are all in good running order and the
lands are of two grad-s, to-wit", good river bot
tom and uplands, all of which is situated in the
mineral belt of Bartow county, Ga.
And also the undivided one-half interest in lot
of land number seven hundred and eighteen, lo
cated in the 21st district and 2d section of Bar
tow county, Georgia, said lot containing forty
acres, more or less. The other undivided half in
terest in said last named lot of land number
seven hundred and eighteen is owned by Emsley
Stegall. Said lot is situated about three
fourths of a rule northeast of Emerson, or Ste
gall's Station, in the mineral belt of Bartow
county, Ga., and is unimproved wild land, The
title is good. The terms of said sale are cash,
and for the bene At of the creditors of said es
tate. This October 2d, 18 S 8
James C. Waudkip,
Executor of Ira W. Waldrip, deceased.
.xjL G 1A — Bartow County: —Agreeably to an
order of the court of ordinary of Bartow county,
Georgia, will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door of said county on the first
Tuesday in November, I.SsS, within the legal hours
of sale, the following property, to-vvit: The undi
vided one-half interest in the one story brick store
house and lot formerly known as the A. A. Skin
ner & Cos. store. Said store fronting 2*) feet,
more or less, on Main street on the north, and
lot running back south 200 feet, more or less.
Sold as the property of estate of A. A. Skin
ner, late of said county, deceased, for division.
Terms one-half cash, balance in six months with
interest at eight per cent, per annum.
$4 35 Adm’r estate A. A. Skinner, dec’d.
\j County. To all whom it may concern;
Thomas M. Drummond, executor of Pinkney G.
Dummond, deceased, has in due form applied
for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate
of said deceased, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday in November, ISBB.
This 28th Sept., 1888. J. A. HOWARD,
_l>i tors. —All persons having demands aganst
the estate of Mrs. Adelaide N. Roberts, late of
said county, deceased, are hereby notified To
render in their*demands to the undersigned, ac- !
cording to law, and all persons indebted to sa4d ,
estate required to make immediate payment. 1
This sth September, 1888.
9-6-6 w Adm’r Mrs. N> A Roberts piec’d
X? der issued from the Superior court,)of Bar-,
tow county. Georgia, under section 4093 of the
• 'ode of 1882. will be sold for (lie purpose of pe
tition and division between the tenants in <,.
mon, Mrs. Mary C. Jones. Mrs. Virginia N. i: *
ardson. Julius P. Jones. Evans E. Jone-i ip, t,-
ard H. Jones. Estelle F. Jones and Percy J j otlf ...
before the court house door in Cartersville, <;
within the legal hours of sale, on the first Time
day in November, 18ss, the following real es* v
A certain tract or parcel of land in the town
of Stilesboro, in Bartow county, and known as
the Mosely & Reed lots, containing eleven m
acres, more or less, and adjoining the mud- ~*
the Dr. Steven’s estate, J, R. Henderson and j, r
Beastey. Said lot having upon it a good, coin
fortable five room trarne residence, with suitahh
tenant houses, s moke house and stable; nil i*
good repair.
Also tract No. T containing two hundred
thirty-five <235) ac r cs. more or less, and compris
ing all of lots numbers one thousand one hun
dred aud forty-four (1144). one thousand one
hundred and forty-ftv# (1(45) aud one thousand
two hundred and fourteen (1214 t. and 30 acres of
one thousand two hundred and thirteen (121
and 35 acres of one thousand two hundred and
thirty-five (1235), and 10 acres of one thousand
two hundred and thirty-six (12314), and 35 acre
of one thousand two hundred and eighty-six
(1286), and 5 acres of 11 in the 18th district am:
3rd section of Polk county, Ga. All of said
fractional parts of said lots lying north an*;
west of Euharlee creek, the center of the creek
being the line. Upon this tract i- located a de
posit of 6 or 7 acres of good hrowu heim. r,
irou ore. This tract contains 8 * acres of
land, and 155 acres in cultivation. 6* acres Being
first bottom and 87 acres of second bottom, .. ~]
all well watered by Euharlee creek on north m
east sides. Also.
Tract No. 2, containing 280 acres, more o h-s,
and comprising all of lots Nos. m tin.a- .; u i
one huudysl and forty-six (1146), one thousand
one hundred and fifty-nine (1159), one tin n- ,
two hundred and sixteen (1216), one tlum-am:
two hundred and thirty-three (1233), one thou
sand two hundred and thirt'-four (1234). u
thousand two hundred and eighty-seven (12*7 ■
one thousand two hundred and eighty-eig;i
(1288). 80 acres of this tract is woodland,
the remainder in cultivati in, a portion being
very fine bottom land, the balance first-class up
land. On this tract is located a good four ro<>
fra me dwelling, a lasting well, and a large .
house; also, about 5 acres of good iron
Tract No. 3. containing 2( 0 acres more
comprising lots Nos. one thousand one huudr-.
and sixty (1169), one thousand two hundred :mi
seventeen (1217), one thousand two hundred ami
eighteen (12181, one thousand two huu red and
thirty-two (1232), and one thousand two hun
dred and eighty-nine (1289 . 199 acres o!
tract is in cultivation, a portion being fine
tom aud the remainder good upland. The re
mainder of the tract is woodland. On de
tract are located several comfortable ten
houses, with stables, one new t arn and ph-ntv
good water
All of said above lands are 100 ted in the
district and 3rd section ol Bartow conn ;
except 5 acres in Polk, tin above described, and
better known as Hie Dickerson jJantarion, on
Euharlee creek, two miles bom Taylorsville o>,
the E. a AY'. 11. lb, ami 14 miles west of co. ..
ville. The said Dickerson plantation In, !
enjoyed the reputation of being o* e of the fin.-*
bodies of laud in Bartow county or Cherub--
The late AA’illiam Peek, of Polk county, uni
versally conceded to be one of the best .in :_* - m
farming lands in the State, and who was never
known to purchase an acre of poor land,
said plantation at public ojutery for the sum >4
The above property will be sold on the follow
ing terms: me third cash, the balaui in ■
equal payments due in one a.r.d two years, with
interest from date at 8 per cent, per annual. * 1
hundred dollar notes w ill be required on *h* dr
ferretl payments and bond for title given. Titles
perfect to all of said property.
Parties who wish to examine said tracts before
the day of sale can have the ! oundaries pointed
out by consulting Mr. Tom AY illiams, a t. •. in*
on the place. August, 29th, IS*S.
Commissi mere.
Xl. C. YVofford, et als vs. Camilla AY’offord a
administratrix ot James Wofford, deceased, et
ais, in equity in Bartow Superior court. In
obedience to and as directed l:y the final decree
of the Superior court of Bartow county rendered
in the above state. 1 ease, will be sold at publl
outcry before the court house door in ( '.vrters
ville, Ga., on the Ist Tu s lay in November lssv
within the legaj hours of sal; 1 , one hundred and
thirty acres, more or less, of lor of land mini • i
two hundred and ninety-eight, (298) in th * fifth
distri *t and third section of Bartow county,
Ga., about forty acres of same more or 1* --
cleared and in cultivation, the balance well tim
bered, the same being all that part of said hr
on which Janies Wofford lived,and which is men
tioned in item two of his will. Terms of sale.
Oue-lialf cash, the balance at 12 months time
Purchaser’s note taken for balance ben ring in
terest from date of sale until paid at eight per
cent, per annum. Bond for titles given to pur
chaser. Titles perfect.
Camilla YVofford.
Adm’rx. estate of James Wofford, dec’d.
VjT the Superior court of said county—Einmi*
S Cole vs. James M. Cole. Open court July
term, 1888. It appearing to the court from the
entry of the sheriff on this Libel for Dlvoree and
process, that the defendant cannot be found in
this county, and it further appearing to th.
court that the defendant resides out of this
State, it is therefore ordered that service of Tin-
Libel and process be perfected on said defendnn'
by publication once a month for four months, h
the public gazette in w hich the sheriff's -nles of
said county are advertised, as provided h.v
statute, and that this Libel for Divorce be, ami
the same is hereby made returnable to the l*-xt
term of this court. This July 19th, 1888.
J C. Fai. J. S. C. 0. C.
A true extract from the minutes of Bartow
Superior court. F. M. Durham, Cle:l; s. C.
Lj Weaver vs. Peter Weaver, Bartow Su
perioj- court. It appearing from the -henST
return that the defendant is not to be found in
the county, and it further appearing that the de
fendant is a non-resident of this State, it is or
dered that the defendant do appear and make
his defense in this court at the next ten <>f this
court, and it is also ordered that service i •* per
fected on the defendant by the publication oft! i
order in the Courant-Amcricon, a gazette pub
lished in this eonnt.v, as required by th- rtiuut.-
in such cases provided. Auc u-t 4 1 it. ]s-s
J. C. FAIN. J. S. C. C
A true extract from !L ■ minutes of Barlo v su
perior tourt. F. M. I RHAM,
O < OUNTV. Cleo J. He-.lep * - David W. •"b
Bartow Superior conn, Judy term, 18**s. Li' -l for
divorce; rule to perfect service.
It appearing to the court by the return of tie
sheriff, that the defendant does mt rc-mle in '
county, and it further appearing that h** • ~
not reside in this State, it is on motion of rounci!
ordered that said defendant appear and answer
at the next term of this court, else that • he 1 • -*
be considered in default and the plaintiff allow*-;,
to proceed. And it is further ordered that ■ hi
rule be published in the Cournnt-Anie/ic r. t
Cartersville, Ga., once ; mouth for four month’*
This publication shall be process and service <>l
same on defendant. July jn, 18*8.
A true extract from minutes of said court.
F. M. Durham, Clerk.
A J Superior court, July term, 18Sh LouD ’
Roberts vs. David Roberts. It appearing to th*'
court by the return of t)>e sheriff in the above
stated case that the defendant does not res id - ”
said county, and it further appearing that he -
without the jurisdiction of this court, it is there
fore ordered by the court that servic * he i m I '-
fected on the defendant by the p üblication of this
order once a month for four months before ■ ■
next term of this court in the Courn; Vimaa
can, a newspaper published in liar to w * >uut,\
Georgia. Granted this Sept. 10th. 18 SV
h. W. Murphey, J. C. F >in.
Plaintiff’s Attorney. J. S. C. (’• *'•
A true extract from the minutes.
F. M. Durham, Clerk.
\JT Whereas, B. A. Ise, administrator of b<j
ward Culiiana, deceased, represents in hi** l‘;“ t!
tion duly filed and entered on record, that he ha
fully administered Edward Culiianas i-’
This is therefore to cite ail persons comerneu.
h£irs and creditors, to show cause, if au..v thej
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in Decem
ber next. Aug. 14th, 1888. J. A. HOW AI'.D,
$5 00 Ordinary
\J GEORGIA— Bartov County. To all "hum
it may concern : The commissioners appointed
to set apart a twelve month’s support for the
two minor children of Mrs. A. N. Roberts, oe
coasod, out of the estate of said deceased, have
made their report, and the same is now on no
in my office, and if no good cause is shown to
the contrary the same will be allowed and made
the judgment of the court on the first Monday
in November. 1888. This Sept. 2'dh, 188s
J. A. HOWARD. Ordinary-