The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 01, 1888, Image 3
S ', n ,e of Sam Folio’s Saying* at Durham, North < a rollita. The biggest question we have to deal with in thecMildren. If the children ques tion don’t interest yon it is because you are * ither an old baehelor or an old hot;, and I don’t think there is inueh dif!Vrene\ j am by wijisky selling as I am by a louse. Mv most principal objection is the way he nets his living. The shape of Durham, morally, is the shape of a batter cake. God help you to grow up as you grow out. Somebody said the Methodists had to ,-ut 'own their steeple about twenty feet. Ho-kon they thought they went about as far in that direction as they owned. I hate to see a bog in a fine house. The meanest fellow is one that will pack i preacher in an ice box and cuss him because lie won’t sweat. You swap your religion off for a fine house and you’ve made the worst bargain any poor tool ever made. God pity a fellow so poor that he hasn't got anything but money. Heaven is a |dace where you can live without locking up everything and sleep ing with your breeches under your head. You might take an auger and bore into some men and you wouldn’t bore a half inch before you struck a pure dog. Reckon this is the reason so many women love dogs. { thank God fort lie disposition to sti*k t o the bottom dog. If you want to find Sam Jones, scratch under the bottom dog and if you don't find me, then I'm gone to dinner. I'll be a bull in the china shop before this thing’s over, and you may prepare yourself for it. Hold your gi ip. We’ll get there, Eli. I expeet some of the dudes will want to fight me tomorrow. I can whip a cow pen full of'em. Thank God, it's no harm to kill a dude. Murder is taking the life of a human being. Show me a minister that approvt s I dan ingand I'll show you a minister that j shouldn't preside over a litter of imps for me. You've got merchants here that you ran take nickels and scatter ’em a hun dred yards apart and toll them into hell. There ain’t half of you that can pray as high as you can spit. Some ofyou had as soon set in to make af’hinamanas to prepare the way for the Lord. When you put a No. 3 shoe on a No. 7 last you'll squeeze the last or bust the shoe. Foolishness is the stuff to rub on fool.-, and if takes a heap of stuff to go round, too. They Should Learn to Work. New York News, t >nr of theeoinmon errors of rich parents is the failure to teach their children how to earn their own living, so-that, should their fortunes melt away, they would not be compelled to live on charity. It is by no means an uncommon thing to see men and women, who have been reared in luxury, living in poverty, serving as waiters or ia some capacity where they can earn the necessaries of life. These | <‘i>oiis have been “educated,” as gen erally understood, but they well illustrate the need of practical instruction. Possess ing only book learning, when thrown on their own resources, they are helpless. It :s gratifying to see a tendency in some quarters towards a different course. A rich lady in this city, whose daughters •speak various languages, and have been otherwise educated in the conventional way. recently placed them in the kitchen to receive practical instruction in cooking and housework. Fortunately they sub mitted with good grace and will soon make bread, broil steak and do other such work. In another family the girls are learning dressmaking. The late (herlesf rocker, the California millionaire stated that he compelled all his sons to lea’ii some practical way of earning their own living in case the time should come when they might have to do so. It is best for the children of all parents, Hch and poor, that they should* have suci! an education. Many parents regret, when it is too late, that they did not follow this course. In connection with this matter it is well to bear in mind the great benefit that would flow from a little more practical instructions in schools. The step taken in that direction by the partial addition of manual training should be followed up by still more radi cal reforms. Tbereis need of less “higher im-t ruction” and more practical training. The man who refuses or neglects to pay his debts when lie has the money is a a willful obstructionist to the prosperity of his community to the extent of his liabilities The pro mp t pay ine ntof cl ebts l'.eeps the money in circulation and keeps up confidence. If a man hasn't got the money he can't pay, but if those who have it would pay, lie would ‘probably soon get it. A Mother's Affliction. Fa l'Merhville, Tex., June 22, 1888. The Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, (Ja., Gentlemen: The mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous nore on her face for about twenty years, huring the past few years it troubled liy very much by continued pain and itching Nho used your S. S. S. and the sore has disappeared and is apparently well. Should it break out again will advise V< M! Very truly, Pendleton, Nearly & Riley, Druggists. Treatise on Blood and-Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Cos., Drawer 3, Atlanta, (la. Dr, C. McLane/s Celebrated LIVER PILLS WILL CURE A few doses taken at the right time will often save a severe spell of sickness. Price only 25 cents at any drug store. Be sure and see that Dr. C. McLANE’S CELE-! BRATED LIVER PILLS, FLEM-I ING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., is] on the box. None other is Genuine. I Use IVORY POLISH for the Teeth, Perfumes the Breath- j ForTße Blood a positive: cvretokscroti/la RKE.UMATISM.SCAXO HEAD or Tint R BOILS PIMPLtS QIDoRCHROXIC SORtS of AuKlHdSawo An. DISEASLSARISING FROfl AN IMPURR STATt ot The BLOOD slPerßoTTle: 6 for $5 IS TRE best of eabjk hEYER TAILS To CURE t. i.m.c. ’3 UfFAVUBLt CURE • • • foR NEURAJ-GIA.- • • -Sold IYERYYYHe^ Pi MashyiuxToch: THE LADIES ARE GEN'ERALLY THE BEST JUDGES OF TOILET ARTICLES. Henw it is nothing strange that their verdict has been rendered in favor of the pleasant and fragrant I > K-IJJC T A-LAVE The most efficient preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth Ask your neighbor about it. Read what Dr A. W. Calhoun, the celebrated specialist, says about Delectn lave: “It affords me pleasure to bear testimony 1o its virtue, and to state that its curative proper ties are beyond question. “1 recommend it to the public.” Delectalave will whiten the teeth, harden and beautify the cum*, purify the breath, prevent the formation of tarta , aid ig. preserving the feet, cure tender and bleeding gums. Ask for Delectalave and Have Nothing Else. Sold by Druggists at 50 cents. /■SA G. CANDLER & CO., Wholesale Prnuuist, Gen. Agts., Atlanta, Ga. , DR. HENLEY’S F A IVSost Effective Combination. This well known Tonic and Nervine is gaining great reputation as a cure for Debility, Dyspep sia, and NUKVO US disorders. It relieves all languid and debilitated conditions of the sys tem ; strengthens the intellect, and bodily functions; builds up worn out Nerves : aids digestion ; re stores impaired or lost Vitality, and brings back youthful strength and vigor. It is pleasant to the taste, and use.' regularly braces the System against the depressing influence of Malaria. Price—sl.oo per Bottle of 24 ounces. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ITHUT FIGHT JjJ The Original Wins, C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’i M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Est’d § I IS4O, in the U. S. Court defeats J. I feSSI H. Zeilin,Prop’r A. Q,Simmons Liv f s J er Regulator, Lst’d by Zeiiin IS6S. gkHjfa M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years P cured Ixdigestion, Biliousness, I t-jL Dyspepsia,Sick Headache,Lost Appetite, Sour Stomach, Etc. nf 5, Rev. T R. Reams, Pastor Al. K. \ O u\Church, Adams, Tenn., writes: “1 \ v Ithink I should have been dead but % * I for your Genuine M. A. Sim icons Liver Medicine. I have sometimes had to substitute wM orr ) “Zeilin’s stuff” for your Aledi- I iCauor "• f cine, but it don’t, answer the 1 Lkno 5 / purpose ” I PYoflel Dr. J. Ix. Graves, Editor The \p r Memphis, Tenn. savs: T f I received a package of vour Liver A \\\ Medicine, and have use ’ liaif of it. l y It works like a charm. I want no Jpl ''l better Liver Regulator and cenj l i tainly no mors ot Zeilin’s jnixture? That Question is Settled. Rob’t P. Bradford & Cos. North Georgia Headquarters for Farm and Family Supplies. The good* in stock, as well as heavy Invoices on tne road have all been bought at spot cash prices and we are able to defy competition).' All country Produce bought at the highest market prices. A careful inspection of our stock is cordially invited. ROB’T F. BRADFORD & CO. THE HOWARD BANK. CARTERSVXLLE, GA. Does a General Banking Business. Deposits Received, Subject to Check- Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made in all parts TJ. S. Discounts Desirable paper. All Accommodations Consistent with Safety EXTENDED TO ITS CUSTOMERS. ” GERALD GRIFFIN, Fire Insurance Agency. Represents Leading Companies. Office over, Cartersville, Ga. West End Institute. 1 lie fall session will open on Monday, August 6th,1888. Associate Principals, NDs. J. W. Harris, Sr. Prof. L. B. Robeson. *L. B. ROBESON, A. M. Professor of Latin, Greek, Higher Mathematics and Book-Keeping. mrs. j. w. Harris, sr. Teacher oi Academic and Preparatory Department. MISS MARY SOFGE. lastinmeutal and Vocal Music, German and Calisthenics. MISS MARION C. D.\RST— Art Department. Primary and preparatory, per month - $1 50 Intermediate, * “ - 2 00 Collegiate and high school, “ “ - - - 300 Incidental fee, “ “ - - - 15 French and German, each, “ “ - 150 BARTOW LEAKE, File, Life end tamp! Dwell inns, mercantile buildings and stocks, saw, planing, corn and flour mills insured at reasonable rates. Gin houses and contents insured in any portion of the county. Best of companies repre sented. Office West Main street, 3 doors West of the old N. Gilreatli orner. 7-2<>-C.m LUMBER! LUMBER! Parties in want of Lumber of any kind will find it to their interest to see us be fore buying, as we keep the only regular l jUMBER YAR I) in the city. We carry in stock a large assortment of F-osuing of all sizes and lengths, Dry Flooring and ceiling. WenCierltoarding and Mouldings, of any patern. We h ivejust received cars of.all heart Fencing and will carry a supply of it in stock in luturo. Lumber Yard and Plaining Mills, cor. Leake and Skinner Sts. GALLOWAY & FREEMAN. Only $2 For The Gourant-flinerican ‘ Monthly iragazlnD. Many pnppose DEMOREST’S BIOTTTIIIiY f° be a fashion magazine. This is a great mistake. *) It undoubtedly contains the finest '"Fashion Db- F^liil - /V" tfji) i \ u 1 partment of any magazine published, but this is r|?.-j the case from the fact’that great enterprise and ex perience are shown, se that each departim nt is i V ' innfiFffin tT f I e< -l ua * 10 a magazine in itself. In Dejiorest’s you 1 get a dozen magazines in one, and secure amuse l ment and instruction for the whole family. It con <jbJjfe tu*"r(* ' .1 including Artistic, Scientific, andllouseholdmatters, LjLr. ..Aglp 7 ' *1 ~ v \ j and is illustrated with original Steel Engravings, ** Ay v(/ _ r TwopouaßaYtAft y\Vi Photogravures, Water-Colors, and line Woodcuts, Imaking it the Model Magazine t>f America. Each copy contains a Pattern Order entitling the holder to the selection of Any Pattern illustrated in any number of the Magazine, and in any of THE sizes manufactured, each valued at from 20 cents to aO cents, or over *3.00 worth of patterns per year, free. Yearly subscription, $2.00. a trial will convince yon that yon can get ten times the value of the money paid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order), 20 cents. Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOKEST, New York. The above combination is a splendid chance to get our paper aad Demorest’s Monthly at * reduced rate. Send your subscriptions to this office. Board, (including fuel, lights and washing) per month, ------ 12 50 Music, per month, 4 00 Use of piano, for practice, per month. - 100 Art—Oil painting or cra.von, per month, - 400 BAKER & HALL, The most extensive dealers in North Georuin in General Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. Can supply anything from a Knitting- Needle to a 100-horse power Engine. Sash, Doors end Blinds. Engiues, Saw Mills, Blacksmith tools, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Etc. fTHE GQWE.T BUGSY N, is still being handled bv us. Being 1 home institution, the reputation of l 1 which has long ago been made, we jNnuTV| we fully guarantee. We also Unmii S TENNESSEE WAGON "5^ the fnnnem that they need not go, eisf\vherfefbt-aiiytiiing the/ want we have everything th§y need in their l his in ess fit prices that can In fact we are headquarters for Hardwi re, Agricultural hilplfe . , chinery for this section. Br* ottnt tt\ t\ edo a General Banking Business and AiyLia & HALL, BANKERS, and solicit deposits, Loans made com mensurate with securny. BAKER & HALL, West Main Street, RBVIXjIjEr, GrA„ Dr. SALMON'S # HOG CHOLERA SPECIFICI f! Jr CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER. M POWDER.-CONDITION POWDER. I W f PREVENT & CURE HOG CHOLERA. nf . DESTROY <fe PREVENT HOG LICE & WORMS. WE CAN \ CURE CATTLE MURRAIN,TEXAS FEVER, &C. I CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. / l CURE SHEEP ROT, TAPE WORM, &c. / X MANUFACTURED BY the VETERIN ARY MEDICINE CO. J NASHVILLE^^ For sale by t. A. Stover, Cartersvillc, J. P. Hawks, Cassville, Shelton & Childers, Pine Log, J. G. B. Erwin, Erwin, W. 11. (J. Lloyd, Fairuiount, -Jno. B. Boyd, Sonora, .1. M. Anderson, Poison, Dr. Thos. Johnson, Adairsville. BARTOW FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Erwin Street, near Transfer Yard, CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA, MANUFACTURERS OF AND BOILERS.:*- Railroad Castings. House Fronts, Tram Wheels, Pulleys, Hangers, and Boxes, Shaft ings, Cane Mills, (2 and 3 rollers, of modern design), Brass Castings, of any design, Iron Stairways and Railings, Mill Castings, lor water power or steam, Graveyard teocing. Agent for Medart s Pulleys, Hangers and Shaftir gs, and dealers in Second. Hand Egines and Boilers Speeial attention giyen to repairing of Engines and Boilers, Clyinders bored and refitted, Stone Castings, Grates and Fenders. Work of every kind done on short notice. Write for prices. P S Old Iron, Brass and Lead bought may 22 ly G. M. MONTGOMERY. J. G. M. MONTGOMERY. GEO. M. MOHTGOMERY&CO., jpSTATE GENTS CARTERSVILLE, GA. Buy and Sell City Property, Farm and Mineral Lands! We have some desinble F-rma and a food line of City Property, iiiclncliug dwellings, Store Houses and Unimproved Lots. Corresjpondence {^Solicited. OUR :-BTOC KO 5? GROCERIES Is Complete in Every Respect. •cr~. =zz> Fixe Tobacco and Cigars A Specialty. All Goods Delivered Free of' Charge. S. L. & W. J. VMDiVERE JOHN T. NORRIS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. lU' P S T A I R S .) First 3Door Sovitb. of Howard’s Bank Leather and Gum Belting. Plows, Harrows, Corn Shellers and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery- Wagon and Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, etc., in great profusion at VERY LOWEST PRICES.