The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 01, 1888, Image 6

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Southern Enterprise. Manufacturer's! Record. A very remarkable illustration of the spirit which animates the South und of the enterprise of this sectinn has boon given in the manner in which “trusts” are handled. We believe that only two “trusts” of any special import ance organized to control business in terests centering exclusively in the South have ever been formed, and both of them have been practically defeated by the determination and enterprise of southern people, while of “trusts’’ organized in other sections we cannot recall the defeat of any single one of note. The American Cotton Oil Trust, tin offshoot of the great Standard Oil Com pany, was organized to monopblize the cotton-seed oil business. Before the pub lic was aware of what was being done, this “trust” had secured the control of almost every first class cotton oil mill in the South, and its monopoly seemed complete. Like the Standard Oil Com pany in Pennsylvania, the American Cotton Oil Trust was bent upon an ab solute control of every branch of the trade, and, backed by tiie vast wealth of its parent, it looked to many as though it was useless to fight it. The South, however, did not so regard the matter, and just when its control seemed most absolute and a fight against it most hopeless, a young Carolinian, who had made a wide reputation as an engineer, planned and organized in connection with his friends a $5,000,000 company to build independent oil mills. Within a few months from its formation this com pany had eight of the best cotton oil mills ever built in full operation, located at points where they could best compete with the mills of the “trust.” The mo nopoly was broken and the South was saved from the danger of having this great industry controlled by one com pany, which could force prices of seed down and of oil up at its own good pleasure. Millions of dollars were saved to the planters by this successful fight against the first great “trust’’ which threatened Southern prosperity. The jute bagging trust was so skillfully planned and so ably managed that not until the cotton crop was beginning to move was its existence realized. Its or ganizers felt safe. They knew that the cotton must be bagged promptly and sent to market, and+hey boasted of what they were going to do in the way of ad vancing prices. To attempt to fight this “trust” by bringing out a substitute for jute bagging in time for the present crop was apparently worse than useless. It would only lead to delay in shipping cotton and to still higher prices for bag ging. Planters were advised to submit with the best grace possible this year in hopes that before another season rolled around a remedy for the evil would have been found. This advice, however, was not taken. Instead of that the whole South was bent upon defeatingthe“trust” at the very start, ami many have been the devices brought out to accomplish it. Practically the “trust” is dead. Substi tutes even better than jute have been found. As already known to our readers the Lane Mills, of New Orleans, and the Acme Manufacturing Company, have* produced bagging, one from low grade cotton and one from pine straw, which meet all the requirements and which are destined to supplant jute bagging. Night and day the milis will run to meet the demand for this bagging, and thus from what seemed a curse has sprung the blessing of two new industries in the South which will add several million dol lars a year to Southern prosperity. In these facts can be seen thespirit of energy and enterprise which is building up the South and plantingnew industries every where, overcoming obstacles that would appall others and pressing steadily for ward, undaunted by difficulties. The South is at work and its people are des perately in earnest, so “trusts” had bet ter shun this section. The Expansion of Cotton 3lanufat*tuiug' in the South. New Orleans Picayune. The N, Y. Chronicle, a well known and influential trade publication, has recently issued a report on the cotton trade and crop ol 1887-fs. Alter giving the crop figures and movement, the Chronicle passes to the consideration of the manu facturing industry in the United States, and admits that the past year has been one of the best in the history of the cot ton trade. The demand for cotton goods has been large and continuous, and the year closed as it began, with stocks de pleted, confidence unimpaired and the demand steadily increasing. While the trade on the whole has been prosperous, Southern mills have experi enced a season of unprecedented success. Spindles have increased fully 10 per cent, and are now augmenting rapidly. A complete census taken by the Chronicle on 230 mills with 1,177,991 spindles, against 219 mills and 1,096,G62 spindles last year. Since the census of 1880 the number of spindles in the South has doubled. Seventeen additional mills are now almost complete, and forty more are building, while it is reported that the old mills are about to add 203,000 new spindles. The amount of cotton consumed shows an even greater increase than thenutuber of spindles employed, being now over 12 per cent larger than last year. Thenum ber of bales consumed was 443,373, against 393,460 last season. This tendency of the manufacturer to draw nearer to the raw material has been | growing from year to year, and was j never so apparent as at the present time. With an abundance of reliablelabor, and with the raw cotton at their doors, the Southern mills have prospered and new ones are rising up on every hand. Should this rate of insrease be kept up, the man ufacture of cotton cloth will soon be as important an industry in the South as is the production of the raw material it self. Consumption Cured. An old physician.retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for trie speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a posi tive and radical cure for Nervous Debili ty and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it. known to his suffer ing feffows. Actuated by this motive and a dersire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 140 Powder’s Block, Rochester, N. Y. octll-ly e o w n r in Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been the con taut favorite family remedy. 96-3 m Terrible Forewarnings. Cough in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chiliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker’s English Cough Reme dy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by J. R. Wikle & Cos. eow Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. SI.OO per bottle. 9 6-3 in ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physi cians in the United States, anrl has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teeth ing, its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the clrid it rests the mother. Price 25c. a bottle. tf Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kings New Lile Pills, Bueklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great populaiity purely on their merits J. R. Wikle & t’o., Druggists. 1 Our Candidate for President. He will be nominated by the conven tion and will be elected by the people, be cause he will come the nearest to tilling their ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Elec trie Bitters has been given the highest place, because no oilier medicine has so well tilled the ideal of a tonic and alter ative. The people have indorsed Elec tric Bitters and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly re commended. Also cures Headache and Constipation. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money relunded. Price 50c and $1 at \N ikle & Cos. s Drug Store. 4 If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even in the most cheerful society, aud melancholy, on the jolliest occasions. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. SI.OO per bottle. 9G-3m Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson, says: “My experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so thoroughly purifies the blood or adds to health, vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir. ’ This great Remedy is under a positive guarantee by J. li. Wilde A Cos. When you are constipated, with loss of appetite, headache, take one of I)r. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pellets. They are pleasant to take ami will cure you. 25 cents a vial. 9 0-3 in Croupy suffocations,might coughs and all the common affections of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. 9 6*3m Syrup of Fijfs Is Nature’s own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Billious or Costive; to dispel Head aches, Colds, and Fevers; to cure Habit ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Yyrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. Sold by ,T. It. Wikle & Cos., druggists. jan2o-iy Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per bottle. 9 6-3 m T I. N. C. Don't suffer any longer but use Tan ner's Infallible Neuralgia cure, the only infallible cure on earth for all forms of neuralgia and nervous headache Kail gum Boot Medicine Cos., Manufacturers, Nashville, Tenn. 5o cents per box. Sold qy all druggists. 8-30 tl oet Biinglug Gladness To millions, pleasing their palates and cleansing their systems,- arousing their Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs, and Bowels to a healthy activity. Such is the mission of the famous California liquid fruit rem edy California Syrup of Figs. PAINES CELERY COMPOUND • •* Tv' V* 3 . WTwrlH~< <.r, 'Hi ' ' - ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, andtheKIDNEYS This combined action gives it won derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. p. ltlF .„ f CELERY ' ■) COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COM PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, PEMALE WEAKNESS,RHEUMA TISM, NEURALGIA. AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why frightened overDisorderedKidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Why have sleepless nights ? Use Paine’s Celery Compound and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta ble remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Druggists. Price sx.oo. Six /or $5.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.,Proprietors, BURLINGTON, VT. [ N ESS A PROFESS ION AL C A RDS. W. C. SJdwar&s, 3T. D. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Repository in new storeroom on West Main Sreet, Cartersville. Ga. jan27-ly *F . STiEOISX,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special attention given to litigation m real es tate in the administration of estates of deceased persons, and in cases in equity. Office on Public Square, north of St. James Hotel. 24feb 1 y DR, J. G. GfttENE, haviniMkicated in Cartersville for the purpose of praetiemg medicine aid surgery, offers his pro fessional services to the public. Calls promptly answered. Office up-stairs over Courant-American office; residence on the corner of Market and Stonewall streets. j. nIJ-Gm DOUGLAS WIKLE ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, OfTifce in the Court House. Practices in all the courts of the Cherokee cir cuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims and the abstracting of titles. A. M. FOUTTE, Attorney-At-Law, < artersville, G. Office up-stairs, corner Main and Erwin sts. Special attention giveu to Collections and Com mercial Law. Joh.n T. Owen, Rea! Estate & Life & Fire Insurance The interest of patrons carefully considered unreasonable. LOANS NEGOTIATED TO BE SECURED BY First Mortgage on Plantations and Farms, Apply to JOE M. MoOS, AtCy. at Law, Cartersville, Georgia. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOifr SALE. I will sell my house and lot in Cartersville, lo cated on Cassville street. Good dwelling and outhouses, lot containing five and a half acres. Fruits of all kinds on the placet A most conven ient residence. Also one lot containing one acre on which there is a : room house. TEEMS REASONABLE. J. T. OWEN. New Hack Line! Between Gartersville f Erwin, 21 MILES AND RETURN DAILY. Having provided myself with a comfortable new hack and safe team, with careful driver, I am prepared to carry passengers between this city and Erwin, (la., and intermediate points, and solicit the patronage of the public. Fare: 5 cents a mile. Children half price. SCHEDULE. Leave Cartersvfile (> a. m. Arrive at Erwin 12 m. Leave Erwin 1:15 p. in. Arrive at Gartersville 7 p. in. Respectfully, A. G. B. VAUDIVEEE. TO PUBLISH KBS. Wanted —position by a competent newspuyy editor and manager of long experience and wfA first-class Please address “JourlfiP ist,” liox Atlanta, Ga. JONES & MONFORT. Coal and Wood. We are Headquarters tor Wood, Ccal ad Mug. A GOOD SUPPLY Always on hand. DRY GOODS! DRYGOODS! ■ r ■■ -.-ngna rrw=> Our Irresistible Bargains! ~► Inspect the (roods, compare the Prices and you must admit that We are offering the opportunity of the Season. R. H. GARWOOI West Main Street, Cartersvillo, Ga. NO! We Are Not Bragging When we say we are prepared to show the finest and best selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods end Groceries IX THE CITY. —OUR— CLOTHING DEPARTMENT IS IMMENSE. Also, a Beautiful Line < f \ | ILL INK RY Come and see us, and you will find that we are the champions of CHOICE, CHEAP GOODS. GEO. W. SATTERFIELD & SON EAST MAIN STREET. SULESBOEO TO IHE FRONT! W. E Pucket, Dealer in Gen eral Merchandise, Wishes to announce to his many friends and customers that he will be in the field for 1888 with ncreased facilities for handling- a big business. COTTON m COUNTRY TROCUOS, He handles nothing but the best goods at the cheapest prices and gives nothing but The best prices for otton and all kinds of country produce. Guanos and Fertilizers. 1 will handle the best grades of Guanos and will be enabled to give the farmers ol this section the very best terms. Thanking the people for their past patronage and hoping for a continuance of the same, I am, Yours to command, . W. E. PUCKETT, Merchant and Cotteri Buyer of Stilesboro. 2-1 y TS| * CURESWHWEALTELSEFAILS. * ii? Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use Cl KuJ in time, bold by druggists. I believe Piso’s Cure I for Consumption saved S rny life.—A. H. Dowell, | Editor Enquirer. Eden ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. p ■J The best Cough Medi cine is Piso’s Cure for 8 Consumption. Children S i take it without objection. || By all druggists. 2oc. 1 9M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use pSf in time. Sold by druggists. cl In A_cLdition To Our > COMPLETE LINE OF Cqnpv m!!! Qian p firnppr pc rfllluj aim oihp 0 H Uliu ho We Carry a Good Line of DRY GOODS, Boots, ©hoes Hats. WITH ITS OWN VOLITION Our Business Booms! Like the great town of Cartersville, it is carried on to success by merit a lore. Die Ml] Seorp Clpp Furniture tjouss Is as full of wealth as the mountains arouud Cartersville are of the rchest minerals. -“BOOM” io the word, and we propose to head the procession in our line. We feel that our effort to handle FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE at prices that DEFY COMPETITION have been appreciated by the people of this ad surrounding counties, and makes us more than ever determined to fill every pos sible want that might, arise. VVe are in the lead and propose to stay there, if b" w Prices, Energy and Fair Dealing will do it. Farmers, Mechanics, Professionals and Boomers, call in and look at the hat*- somest stock of FURNITURE in North Georgia. When we have feasted vour eyes upon the goods your pocket-book will ffy open with its own volition. PEACOCK & VEAL, The North Georgia Cheap Furniture Hoase CARTERSVILLE, GA. A / V # # ■ ■ Terms among the lowest in the Unioa. For the LIBERAL T H s A R R^s °V r e S “t. Staunton. > B V OLD VIROINfA SCHOOL, write tor a catalogue to WM. A. HAnKIS, rr