The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 01, 1888, Image 8

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    Cartersville-REAL ESTATE COMP ANY and sells
• *
And Farming and Mineral Lands and Water Fevers Throughout North Georgia.
Special attention paid to advertising and securing customers for all properties placed in our hands.
liberally advertised free of COST TO OWNER.=£<—
Our facilties for advertising real estate are unsurpassed by any real estate company in the South. Special attention paid to abstracting titles to real estate in any county in North Georgia
Prospective investors will please make our office their headquarters while in the city, where they will be shown due attention.
lK2=*Office, temporarily : Northeast Corner of Court Hous Address,
Various Happenings in the Sever
al Neighborhoods
Noted Carefully and Tersely for Courant
American Rea<lerg by Our Übiq
uitous Reporters.
Mr. I*. V. Hollingshead who has been
so seriously ill, we are glad to say is able
to be up.
Mi'. McGuire’s addition to his residence
is nearing completion; then look out —
at the windows,
Mrs. Georgia Dobbs was up to see her
parents. Mr and Mrs. Jefferson last
It was our good fortune on last Sat
urday to be one of a select few who at
tended the fourteenth birthday dinner
of Miss Addie Chitwood at. her father's
residence in Emerson. To say that all
enjoyed themselves to their utmost
capacity gives no idea of the sumptuous
banquent and pleasure of the occasion,
May she live to celebrate many birth
days provided we are present to enjoy
the good eating.
A certain young lady in our vicinity
received a note from her fellow that
baffled the “school master.” The fellow
had to be sent for, to decipher it.
Sowing wheat is now the order of the
day with us.
Cotton picking about over, Sonic late
pickers will have to be gone over again,
Our reading club will meet at Mr. C. S.
Park’s residence in Parkdale next Fri
day night,
Mr. Jno. Martin, now of Chattanooga,
has been to see us.
The many friends of our young M. D.,
J. P Bowdoin, will be pleased to know
the evidence of his prosperity in the At
lanta Medical College, by his election in
that institute to thechair of valedictorian
for the fall session.
Mi*s. Sarah Veach, who has been the
guest of St. Louis for the summer, spends
some time with her sister, Mrs. J. M,
The railroad authorities have lengthen
ed the platform of the depot, neglecting
the interior, which commands the atten
tion of those without any taste, as being
in a bad way and is anything but a card
for the Kennesaw Route.
As good an almanac for the approach
ing Xmas is to see our good friend (who
is deprived of his eyesight) at George
Heeds store, who has a full stock of every
thing nice. Besides the latest imported
fireworks, some that will blow an “es
teemed contemporary” into the Kingdom
come, and then solace him with a box of
Angel food which the said lteed sells.
tVho does not remember Mr. A. T. Liv
ington? our good friend who use and to as
sociate among us, now numbered among
the dead. Mr. Livingston left us last
year, moving among his relatives in
Western North Carolina where he thought
thechangemight benefit a constitutional
disease, but this latitude had no effect
upon his system. He gradually grew
worse, suffering agonies until death re
lieved him at 4 o’clock, Oct. 6th, being
in his 70th year. We bow in recognition
over the loss of our reverend friend, who
childlike in disposition, moved among us
in a quiet way and left us rrith naught
against him. Adairsville offers a flower
that we may place it upon the resting
place of this gentleman and patriotic
citizen as our testimony of respect and
We don’t know whether this immediate
section is blest with a musical talent or
not,-but our town,is blowing her own
horn without any other’s mouthpiece.
Our mayorfrom the highest pinnacle gave
a certain signal, and such a meeting at
the town hall was never seen before. This
gathering of brains and money was to
see what this burg could do towards in
ducing the el. (t. Ryals school to stop
rightjhere. At this meeting stock bidding
went uncontrolled, generosity knew no
bounds until $6,,500 was down in black
and white, then the lateness of the;
hour prevented a futherance. The bal
ance will be made up this week. Besides
this cash subscription, we give as much
hind as the school wishes, dirt that would
fertilize any other soil outside of here.
We are more than anxious to have the
Ityals school, and with its co-operation
promise our full support. At the last
meeting of our citizens, the following
committee were appointed to confer with
the officers of the Middle Cherokee Asso
ciation which meets at Calhoun, Ga.,
Oct. 20th: Col. Jno. W. Gray, Rev. M.
I*. (Jain Messrs. E, B. Earle, I). B. Mull,
Dr. J. \V. Bradley, J AI. Given, B. F.
Bibb, J, P. Dyar, R. D. Combs and T. |E.
McCalluui. Redman.
Mrs. Bodwell is visiting friends in
H. V. Jones is quite sick, hope he will
soon be convalescing.
The Emerson hotel will be opened on
next Friday by Air. Markham, of Talla
Miss Ella Barber left last Monday for
her home in Milwaukee. She made many
friends while with us, and we hope to
have her return again and become one of
our citizens.
Capt. Byers has returned from a visit
to Columbus, 0. He reports that quite
a number of Ohians contemplate visiting
our section at an early date.
The maleable iron plant will commence
vvorh this week.
Mrs. J. I’. Stegall will leave this week
on a visit t>ofriends and relatives in East
Capt. John Chatelin is on a visit to his
home in Indiana.
Several young men and young ladies
of your town spent Sunday afternoon at
Mr. J. P. Stegalls, Sigma.
cash Station.
Rev, Mr. White preached here Sunday
evening to a good congregation. His
sermon was a good one, certainly. Text:
John 3:6. One of the very best sermons
that we ever heard was the oue that Bro.
White preached at Cassville Sunday
morning. His subject was the develop
ment of Christian character, and it was
undoubtedly the best sermon on that
subject that we ever listened to. We
shall all be very glad if Bro. White is re
turned to Kingston circuit.
Rev. 11. F. Taylor filled his appoint
ment at Cohutta, Whitfield county, Sun
Gus Quillian visited relatives at Cass
Lee Garwood was here also.
Rev. J, M. White spent Friday at Mr.
Last Thursday night your correspon
dent, in company with a select crowd,
went ’possum hunting. It would not
take the dogs long to “tree,” but they
would generally be a quarter of a mile
from us. The fun would be supreme
when the crowd started off in a go-as
you please race for the dogs down an
almost perpendicular descent, sometimes
it being several hundred yards to the
foot of a hill. Charley Wheeler, and
probably one other, were the only ones
who maintained then-equilibrium. ‘‘Col.”
Quillian would get astraddle a sapling
and go straight down into the darkness
below-, balancing himself with his short
legs. Others would tumble over logs,
ride bushes, pick themselves up in brush
heaps, and then finally get there all the
same. We spent the night in the busi
ness and canglit five opossums. I can
truthfully say that Charley Wheeler’s
dog is the best ’possum dog in this com
munity; that we all enjoyed ourselves
immensely; that we all had “invites” but
one poor fellow, and he “guessed it was
an oversight.”
Miss Carrie Hoss is spending the week
in Cartersville.
Mis. Wilson, who has been spending
some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
\V. X. McKelvy, has returned to Chat
I was at Cassville, as usual, Sunday
aud thought I would spot “Sam Sly”
and give him a fraternal shake of the
hand; but everybody I accosted seqmed
to know nothing about him. It seemed
as if there were others who were equally
as anxious as I to locate him; and after
a number had done their level best
searching diligently he couldn’t be
“spotted.” Curiosity is on tiptoe, and
several Gassvillians have told me that
there wasn’t a single person in town
that could tell anything whatever about
him, and they asked me to earnestly urge
him to disclose himself, and let au
anxious populace know who he is.
“Sam,” you can’t hold out at this long;
we are bound to have you; we are going
” \ NewHise, New Gnis ?an DU Siaiii; wilt New Ito.
-=Gnrißrßi f iliß’s Dry Coorfs Dipriinii—
The H andsomest and Freshest Stock
meyek brought to toavn.e
Attractive ! Immense ! W ell !
The Leading Shoes in the Market in Great prolusion and All Styles. A Genuine Boom in Ladies’ Dress Goods.
New Dress Goods!
Novelty Dress Goods!
High Class Dress Goods !
Good Values in Dress Goods!
With Trimmings to Match, such s was never before presented in this City.
Every description ofGents’ Furnishing Goods. A\ e are in the lead and expect to stay there by offering good goods at laii piices. TsSsk 4?
Having finished up and moved into my large, new and splendidly equipped store house, at the old stand, coinei ot Rail- /-w
road and Main street, and having filled it with a splendid Fall and \\ inter Stock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, Shoes If
And seasonable goods generally—allxvire'ully bought in the Eastern markets, after peisonal inspection, I take pleasuie in say
ing to friends and the trading public generally, that I am. better than ever prepaied to giye them '■)/
the most and best goods for the least money.
I have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in North Georgia, and the cities can’t beat me in prices. Thankful for past pat- 'ff’flfply
ronage of the public, I respectfully ask a continuance of tDe same.
to leave no stone unturned in our
search. Give up or shut up.
W. C. W.
Pretty weather this week and crops
are being gathered fast.
Bro, White filled his appointment here
Sunday, and preached a grand sermon
to a large congregation. Four new
members were received into the church
after preaching. The ' the sacrament of
the Lord’s supper was administered.
Rev. Mr. Allday and lady are at Dr.
Griffin’s. The doctor’s father, from Gor
don county, has been with him for sev
eral weeks.
Miss Lena Brookshire visited relatives
here during the past, week.
We have two Sunday Schools at Cass
ville. Roth are in good condition. We
wish them both success. We won't say
which one is graced by our presence each
Sunday morning.
A number of our boys are dead in love
with their sweethearts. Eugene loves a
certain girl so hard that lie even looks
There will be singing at the Baptist
church Sunday evening. “Sara Sly” will
be there, 1). V.
Our prayer meeting is well attended,
but not as well as it should be. Come
(flit and hear good talks from Brethren
Myers, Cliuun, Crawford and others.
And then there’s the singing; it is one of
the most enjoyablefeaiures.
We think it necessary to make a few
personal remarks. The question you
hear in Cassville every day is, “Who is
‘Sam Sly?’ ” He is talked about around
the fire side in the family circle, in the
stores and shops he is the topie of con
versation; crowds congregate on the
street corners and “cuss” and discuss
him, but all in vain; the more inquiries
there are the deeper the mystery gets. I
cau enlighten the anxious ones this
much: “Sam Sly” is a human being.
His father and mother were named Adam
and Eve.
“Redmond” has the gaudy style,
Rut “Jackie” isn’t to blame;
“Sam Sly” has no style at all,
Rut he “gets there” just the same.
Sam Sia,
Pretty cold weather for baptizing, but
IJev. C. E. Sugart put one under Sun
day, after which he preached to a good
The farmers are busy picking their*
fleecy staple and turning land.
We are sorry to say that Mrs. Ed
wards had a stroke of paralysis last
week, but is some better at this wFting.
We hope for her a speedy recovery.
Dame Rumor has it that we will have
two marriages this winter. I am told
that there are splendid indications of one
especially, vii: The girl’s father has been
borrowing a quilting frame to have a
quilting, and the young mail’s brother
was seen a few days ago driving up the
geese to be picked, and there are other
indications, but this is enough to con
vince us.
Your reporter had the pleasure of at
tending a party at Mr. Beasley’s Friday
night, gotten up by Misses Emma and
Kate, as the first anniversary^of their
father's marriage. We had a most de
lightful time after we got there, but got
lost on the way and wound around some
time before finding our way out.
Preaching next Sunday evening at
three o’clock by Rev. J. M. White.
Joe Barrett is doing splendid busi
ness this fall ginning. Bon Bail.
VIT dinary’s office, October 29th, 1888, At an
election held in and for the 851 st district, G. M.,
Bartowcounty, Ga., on Saturday, October 27th,
1888, upon the question of “For Fence” or “For
Stock Law” The following is the result of said
election, as certified to me bythe managers
thereof, to-wit:
For Stock Law received 88 votes.
For Fence “ 68 “
Majority for Stock Law, 20 votes.
And this is declared as the result as provided
by law, and said Stock Law will become of force
and effect in said district on and after May Ist,
1889, being six months after the publication of
this notice in the Cartersville Courant-Ameri
can. J. A, HOWARD, Ordinary.
XV GlA— Bartow County. By virtue of an
order Irom the court of ordinary of said county,
will be sold before the court house door in Car
tersville, said county, within the legal sale hours,
on the first Tuesday in December, 1888, the fol
lowing-property, to-wit: The southwest half of
lot of land number one hundred and fifty-nine
(159), and the southeast half of lot number one
hundred and sixty (160), all in the 16th district
and 3rd section of Bartow county, Ga., and con
taining in all one hundred and sixty (160)
acres, more or less. The \V. & A. R. R. runs
through tot No. one hundred and fifty-nine (159),
which is all cleared, and lot No. 160 is in woods.
Improvements, two room frame dwelling and
ordisojgy outbuildings. Sold as the property of
estatjp of Edmond Johnson, deceased, to pay
debtrfand for distribution. Terms of sale cash.
bkTofcer JVth, 1888. J, M, ANDERSON,
Administrator E. Johnson, dec’d.
be sold before the court, house door in Car
tersville, Bartow County, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in December, 1888, bet ween the legal horn s
of sale, to the highest bidder, the foTowing
described property, to-wit:
The one-seventh undivided interest of Evans
E. Jones in the land described below, and as his
property, to-wit: A certain tract of land in
Stilesboro, Ga., known as the Mosley Reed lots,
containing eleven acres, more or less, adjoining
the lands of I)r. Stevens, Dr. Beasley and J. K.
Henderson, and lots of land Nos. one thousand
one hundred and forty-four (1144), one thousand
one hundred and forty-five (1145), one thousand
two hundred and fourteen (1214), thirty acres of
one thousand two hundred and thirteen (1213),
thirty five acres of one thousand two hundred
and thirty-five (1235), ten acres of one thousand
two hundred and thirty-six (1236), thirty-five acres
of one thousand two hundred and eighty-six
(1286), all of said fractions north and west of
Euhariee creek, and lots one fhousand one hun
dred and forty-six (1146), one thousand one hun
dred and fifty-nine [1159], one thousand two hun
dred ana sixteen [1216], one thousand two hun
dred and thirty-three [1233], one thousand two
hundred and thirty-four [1234], one thousand
two hundred and eighty-seven [1287], one thou
sand two hundred and eighty-eight [l2Bß], one
thousand one hundred and sixty [ll6o], one
thousand two hundred and seventeen [1217], one
thousand two hundred and eighteen [l2lSj, one
thousand two hundred and thirty two [1232],
and one thousand two hundred and eighty-nine
[1289], all lying in the 17th district and third
section of Bartow county, and five acres of nuin
ber eleven [ll], in the 18th district and 3d sec
tion of Polk county, da., the one-seventh undi
vided interest in all said land. Levied on and
-will be sold as the property of E. E.. Jones to
satisfy one Polk county Superior court fi. fa. in
favor of Newton Cochran vs. E. E. Jones, Also
one Bartow Superior court fi, fa. in favor of W.
J. Neel. Receiver of J. M. Dorsey & Cos., vs. E. E.
Jones. One Bartow Superior court fi. fa in
favor of Sanford L. Vandivere vs. E. E. Jones,
this fi. fa. proceeding for use of Julius A. Peak,
transierree. Two Bartow county court fi. fas.
in favor of J, C. and J. D. Lanier vs. E. E. Jones.
Two Justice court ti. fas. from 851st district,
G. M., in favor of J. K. Rowan vs. E. E. Jones,
and one Justice court fi. fa. from 1075th district,
G. M„ Polk county, in favor of Newton Cochran
vs. E. E. Jones. Property pointed out by plain
tiff’s attorneys. Defendant and tenants notified
of levies in writing.
Also, at the same time and place, all that
tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being
in the city of Cartersville, county of Bartow,
bounded on July 20th, 1886, as follows: On the
east by Wofford street, on the north by an alley,
on the west by Alex King estate, and on the
South by lot of Andy Bohannon, said lot con
taining one acre, more or less. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of J. W. Browder to
satisfy one Bartow Superior court mortgage fi.
fa. in favor of W. J. Reeves, C King and B. G.
Boaz vs. said J. W. Browder. Property pointed
out in said fi. fa.
Also, at the same time and place, one forty
inch Athens water wheel, and nine feet of up
right shafting, more or less. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of H. S. Crawford to
satisfy one Bartow Superior court fi. fa. in favor
Athens Water Wheel Machine Cos. vs. said H. S.
Crawford. Property pointed out by S. T.
McCanless. Said property will be sold before the
court house door and delivered to the purchaser
on the farm known as the H. S. Crawford farm,
near Kingston, in Bartow county, where the
said wheel is situated.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold
a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being
in the 15th district and third section of Bartow
county, Ga,, and being the south half of lot uum
ber forty-four [44], and also lots forty-five [4s]
and forty-six [46], in the 16th district and 3ru
section of said county. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of Joel H. Dyar to satisfy
one mortgage fi. fa. issued from the city court
oi Cartersville in favor of C. Ault man & Cos. vs.
J. H. Dyar. Property pointed out in said (i. fa
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold
; an undivided or.e-half interest iu and to a cer
| tain house and lot in the city of Cartersville.
I Georgia, said lot being bounded as follows: On
j the north by W. R. Mountcastle’s lot. on the
I east by Skinner street, on the west by Win. Mil
[ ner’s lot. on the south by lands _f A M. Foute
and J. W. Harris, said lot containing three acres
more or less. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of the defendam, John J. Skinner, to
satisfy three Justice court fi. fas. from the Jus
tice court of the 822d district Georgia Militia,
said county, two of said'fi. fas. being in favor of
P. and G. T. Dodd A Cos., the other being in favor
of Simpson, Glover & Height—all of said fi. fas.
being against said John J. Skinner. Levy made
and returned to me by F. C. Watkins, L. C.
.'lso, will be sold at the same time and place
the undivided one-half interest in and to a
certain tract or parcel of land situated in the
city of Cartersville. Bartow county. Georgia,
being the three and one-half acres cn the east
side of Stonewall street, and being hall of tin*
same property deeded to Emily R. Baker by-
Caleb Tompkins, being situated thereon one
dwelling house and one concrete house. The
other half of this property was conveyed by
Emily R. Baker to Cornelia M. Gennett, as ap
pears'of record in the Clerk's office I’.artmv Su
perior court, book -‘Z,” page 117. Levied on
and will be sold as the property of Emily R.
Baker to satisfy one Justice court fi. fa. from the
822d district, G. M., of said county, in favored
Manerva Hight against said Emil;. R. Baker.
Said property pointed out by J. A liaker, plain
tiff’s attorney. Levy made and returned to me
by F. C. v* atkins. L. C.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number forty-four [44], in (he 15th district and
third section oi Bartow comity, Georgia. Levied
on and will be sold as the property of J. H.
Dyar under and by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa.
issued from Bartow Superior court in favor of
Walton, Whann & Cos. vs. J. H. Dyar. Pronert.v
pointed out in said mortgage-ft. fa.
Also, at the same time and place, one frame
office and lot in the city of Cartersville, Bartow
county, Georgia, now occupied by Dr. Thomas
H. Baker. Fronting on public square on the
east 20 feet, more or less, aud running back west
200 feet to Erwin street; bounded south by Saint
James Hotel, north by J. M. Neel’s law office
and vacant lot of said Thomas H. Baker.
Levied on as the property of the defendant,
Thomas H. Baker, and pointed out by by said
defendant to satisfy one Bartov. Superior court
fi. fa. in favor of J. C. Glass, administrator of
W. A. Glass, vs. said T. H. Baker, surviving
partner of J. D. Head A Cos.
A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff,
J W. WILLIAMS. Deputy Sheriff
J Bartow County. By virtue of the power
and authority vested in me under and by tin
will of Samuel F. Stephens, late of said county,
deceased, I will sell before the court house door
in Cartersville, said county, within t! - salt*
hours, on the first Tuesday in December, 1888,
the following property, to-wit: All of the lands
belonging to the estate of S. F. Stephens, lying
northot the East A West Railroad of Alabama,
being parts of lots Nos. nine hundred ant) sixty
eight (968), aud nine hundred and sixty-nine
(969), in the 17th district and 3rd section of Bar
tow county, Ga., containing twenty-five 25)
acres, more or less, about half cleared, balance
timbered. No improvements: about one-half
mile from Stilesboro depot, Terms: One-third
cash, balance on credit of one and two years
with interest at 8 per cent, from day of sale.
Sold as the property of estate of S F. Stephens,
deceased, to pay debts and for distribution. This
29th October, 1888,
Executor S. F. Stephens, dec’d.
Georgia— rartow county.—to
whom it may concern: S. R. Phillips, ex
ecutor of John Frost, deceased, late of said
county, hag applied tor leave to se’l the land be
longing to the estate of said deceaseu, and the
same will be heard and passed upon on the first
Monday in. December, 1888. This 29th October.
1888- J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary-