The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 22, 1888, Image 6

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MY GRAVE. If. when I die. I must he burled. let No eemet'rv engulf me; no lone grot Where the great palpitating world comes not. Save when, with heart bowed down, and eyelids wet. It pavs it* last and melancholy debt To some out Journeying pilgrim May my lot Be rather to lie in some much used spot. Where human life with u!J its noise and fret Throbs ou about.ine Let the roll of wheels. With all earth's sounds of pleasure, commerce, love. And rush or hurrying Teet. surge o’er my head Even in my grave 1 shall Ik* one who feels Close kinship with the pulsing world above And too deep quiet would distress me. dead —Ella Wheeler Wilcox in Pittsburg Bulletin The Alhambra's “Court of Lions.’* The Court of Lions tar exceeded my ex pectationa It is marble paved, a parallelo gram in shape, and has the far famed fountain, with its alabaster basins sup ported by twelve quaintly carved lions standing in the center On certain fete days, or upon the occasion of royal visits, the water leaps over the basins and spurts from the mouths of the statues, as it did in the golden days of Moorish pride and power On all four sides of the court are handsome arcades of open stucco work and elegant Moorish arches supported by slender white marble pillars, sometimes si::;,do. s metimes in clusters At each end. a portico or pavilion pro jects into the court, the light, fragile architecture of which seems almost to be long to fairyland The filigree stucco work is so delicate, the edges so sharply defined, so hard and white, that it seems to be of the purest snowy marble. When you stand before one of these beautiful peristyles, and look up to its open lace like walls, pierced with the fascinating Moorish arches, upheld by many slender pillars, all so full of elegance, grace and beauty, it is hard to realize that it has atood there for live or six hundred years It is so light and airy that we almost fear whlie gazing at it that it may fade away like a beautiful vision.—G. P. Gates in Boston Transcript. Fancy Leathers of Cotninorce. The morocco leather of commerce is either goat or sheep skin. Goat skins are treated differently from the skins which make the thicker leather, being tanned with sumac, and all thicknesses of the leather being used. The skins of wool bearing animals, like the sheep, are commonly soft and spongy, and therefore unsuitable for shoes designed for rough wear, so the sheep skiri3 are generally used for facings and linings. For our sheep skins we are indebted to Australia and South America, and they come to us by the way of England, where the wool is taken from them and the skin shipped to us as raw material The various fancy leathers, such as alligator, seal and the like, are very often sheep and goal leather stamped ahd pressed to imitate the genuine article, and kangaroo leather, so far from gracing the back of the kangaroo, generally has no higher origin than the Spanish donkey. —Globe-Dem oerat The Commodore’s Chief Concern. Commodore Vanderbilt was driving one day in Ilarlem lane, and as usual took the road, turning out for nobody Avery fast team came behind him, and the driver called on him to give room Van derbilt urged his horses forward and went straight on. believing he could not be passed. The other wagon dashed by, taking him ou the wheel and throwing him out on his head. lie was picked up insensible. It was feared at first that his neck might be broken. But ne recovered in a few minutes and inquired of the anxious bystanders: “Did any of you boys notice whether that ’ere hoss was trottin' or runnin’?” liis chief concern was to know if iho horse that had gone by him had kept liis gait. Paul R. Cleve land in Cosmopolitan. How Olt! Stic Was. Old Friend (to old mafd) —Didn’t I understand you to say vou were 28 years old? Old Maid (indignantly)—No, sir; you did not. I never said it Old Friend —Lever! Old Maid —No. sir; never? Old Friend (persistently disagreeable)— Think a moment. Don’t you remember one morning, just fifteen years ago, you told it to me in a moment of confidence?— Washington Critic. Not the Case Now. Mrs. Suburb (reading) —“The really ef ficient laborer,” says Thoreau, “will be found not to unduly crowd his day with work, but will saunter to his task sur rounded by a wide halo of ease and leisure. ” Mr Suburb —Humph! Thoreau never lived where he had to catch trains.— Philadelphia Record. There Was a Little Boy. Tommy is fond of sugar and asks his mother for some to eat with his bread and butter. She refuses. He appears re signed, but adds gravely; “You know, mamma, what happened round the coi ner There was a little boy, and his mother would not give him any sugar on liis bread and butter, and—and—and next day he fell into the well.”—Chicago Jour nal. The Frenchman’s Compliment. A Frenchman of this city having re ceived the photograph of a lady asked a friend what was customary under the cir cumstances. “Compliment it,” replied the friend. ‘-Tell her its beauty is very rare.” “I beg to make zee acknowledg ' madam." he said to her at their next meeting “Zee beauty of madam is vair scarce.” — Zhiguamton Republican. Where He Got It. Magistrate—You say j*our name is Na poleou Bonaparte Pancko? Witness— Yes, sah. Magistrate—Where did you get that name? Witness —I vruz named arter my poo’ ole fadder His name was de same as mine. Napoleon Bonaparte, I ’specs, sah, am a family name.—Utica Ob server. With Their Shoes On. Five Kansas young ladies were recently caught in the middle of a long railroad bridge by a passenger train and forced to jump twenty feet into the water to save themselves it would also be correct to state that it was a jump of ten feet. Nature Is (viral. People who eat garlic and smoke cigar ettes. it is said, will never be attacked by yellow fever Nature doesn’t believe in piling on tho • :;y Nobody has invented a contrivance whereby aim,:: at Hie theatre can drop a cent in the slot Mid get a clove .\vou restless tit- night- liunihscd by a bad cough? Use Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm, it will secure you sound sleep, and effect a prompt and radical cure. Consumption Cured. Aii old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ail throat and Lung Affections, also a posi tive and radical cure for Nervous Debili ty and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it liis duty to make it known to his suffer ing teliows. Actuated by this motive and a dersire to relieve human suffering, l will send free of*charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and 'using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Powder’s Block, Rochester, X. Y. oetl 1-ly e o w n r m Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such cases l)r. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been the eon ttint favorite family remedy. 9 G Bin Terrible Forewarnings. Cougli in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising ph egm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, childless in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker’s English Cough Reme dy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by J. U. Wikle A Cos. eo w Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful etfeets of Dr. •I. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. SI.OO per bottle. 9 G-Bm ADVICE TO MOTHERS, Mus. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of tin* best female nurses and physi cians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teeth ing, it.- value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the chad it rests the mother. Price 2Be. a bottle. tf Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr, King’s New Discovery for ( 'onsumption, Dr. Kings New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedh s that, sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We c. v. * hes’Gt.e to guarantee them every time, and v. • . land ready to refund tne purchase j nc<*. if Satisfactory results do not follow th- ir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits J. R. Wikle & Cos., Druggists. 1 Our Candidate for President He will be nominated by the conven tion and will be elected by the people, be cause he will come tlie nearest to tilling their ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Elec trie Bitters iias been given the bight st place, because no other medicine has so well tilled the ideal of a tonic and alter ative. The people have indorsed Elec tric Bitters and rely upon- this great remedy in all troubles of Liv< r, Stomach and Kidneys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly re commended, Also cures Headache and Constipation, .satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 at It ikle & Cos. s Drug Store. 4 If your kidneys fire inactive, you will feel and look wretched, oven in the most oheertul society, and melancholy, on the jolliest occasions. J)r. J. 11. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. SI.OO per bottle. 9(>"-3m l>eltcr Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson, says: “Mv experience in the English army ;is well as in America, convinces me that nothing so thoroughly purifies the blood or adds to health, vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir. ’ This great Kemedy is sold under a positive guarantee by J. R. Wikle & Cos. When you are constipated, with loss of appetite, headache, take one of Dr. J, H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pellets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a viai. 9 6-3 m Syrup of Figs Is Nature’s own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Billions or Costive; to dispel Head aches, Colds, and Fevers; to cure Habit ual Constipation. Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig ovruj) Company, San Francisco, Cal. Sold by .T. R. Wikle & Cos., druggists. jan2o-iy Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per bottle. 9 6-3 m T I. N. C. Don’t suffer any longer but use Tan ner’s Infallible Neuralgia cure, the only infallible cure on earth for all forms of neuralgia and nervous headache Ran gum Root Medicine Cos., Manufacturers, Nashville, Tenn. st cents per box. Sold qy all druggists. 8-30 tl oct Blinking Gladness To millions, pleasing ’heir palates and cleansing their systems, arousing their Livers, Lvidne# T s, Stomacus, and Bowels to a healthy activity. Such is the mission of tue famous California liquid fruit rem dy California Sytup o f Figs. Invalids, aged people, nursing moth ers, overworked, wearied out fathers, will find the happiest results from a judicious use of Dr. Sherman’s Prickly Ash Bitters. Where the liver or kidneys are affected, prompt action is necessary to change the tide toward health, ere the disease becomes chronic —possibly incur able, and there is nothing better to be found in the whole range of materia medica. Sold everywhere. liovl-lm THE EiYEIES ARK GENERALLY THE BEST JUDGES JESS -A roy / \.>V J OF TOILET ARTICLES. Hence it is nothing strange that their verdict has been rendered in favor of the pleasant and fragrant I>E-LEC TA-LAVE The most efficient preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth. Askyour neighbor abourit. Read what Dr A. W. Calhoun, the celebrated specialist, says about Delectalave: “It affords me pleasure to bear testimony to its virtue, and to state that its curative pr>>per ties are beyond question. “I recommend it to the public.” Delectalave will whiten the teeth, harden and beautify the gums, purify the breath, prevent the formation of tarta , aid in preserving the feet, cure tender and bleeding gums. Ask lor Delectalave and Have Nothing Else. Sold by Druggists at 50 cents. ASA G. CANDLER & CO., Wholesale Druggist, Gen. Agts., Atlanta, Ga. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. C. Edwards, F. X). UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMED. Repository in new store room on West Main Sreet, Cartersvilie, Ga. jan27-ly J. M. I'TESL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special ateention given to litigation in real es tate in the administration of estates of deceased persons, and in eases in equity. Office on Public Square, north of St. James Hotel. 24febly DR. J. 0. GREENE, having located in Cartersville for the purpose of practicing medicine and surgery, offers his pro fessional services to the public. Calls promptly answered. Office up-stairs over Courant-American office; residence on the corner of Market and Stonewall streets. j.nl3-6m DOUGLAS WIKLE ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Office in the Court House. Practices in all the courts of the Cherokee cir cuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims and the abstracting of titles. A. M. FOUT33, Attorney-At-Law, < artersville, Ga. Office up-stairs, corner Main and Erwin sts. Special attention given to Collections and Com mercial Low. John T. Owen, Real Estate & Life & Fire insurance -A-Q-SaiTT 1 , The interest of patrons carefully considere.d rnsreasouable. LOANS NEGOTIATED TO BE SECURED BY * First Mortgags on Plantations and Farms, Apply to JOE M. MOON, Att’y. at Law, Cartersville, Georgia. VALUABLE ATT PROPERTY FOP. SALE. I will sell my house and lot in Cartersville, lo cated on Cassville street. Good dwelling and outhouses, lot containing five and a half acres. Fruits of all kinds on the place. A most conven ient residence. Also one lot containing one acre on which there is a 3 room house. TERMS REASONABLE. feb3-tf J. T. OWEN. New Hack Line! Between Cartersville f Erwin. 21 MILES AND RETURN DAILY. Having provided myself with a comfortable new hack and safe team, with careful driver, I ami prepared to carry passengers between this my and Erwin, Ga., and intermediate points, and solicit the patronage of the’public. Fare: 5 cents a mile. Children half price. SCHEDULE. Leave Cartersville 3 a. m. Arrive at Erwin 12 m. Leave Erwin 1:15 p. in. Arrive at Cartersville 7 p- ni. Respectfully, A. G. B. VAUDIVERE. TO PUBLISHERS. Wanted—position by a competent newspaper editor and manager of long experience and wi® first-class references. Please address “JournjS ist,” Box 98, Atlanta, Ga. SHOWCASES CASES AUTISTIC STORE FIXTURES. CABINET WORK, CEDAR CHEST. State Wants. Askfor Pamnhlet. Address TERRY SHOW CASE CO., Nashville, Tenn. JONES & MONFORT. Coal and Wood. We are Headquarters tor Wood, M and Kindling v A GOOD SUPPLY Always on hand. I \ py qqq|j^j DRYGOODS CjgKgg SSB EEEJ 03 nggv RS ;*a ’ msiL caas£> As ftsi'EEaW G/scaisAw b ■*— ■ • :► Inspect the Hoods, compare the Prices and you must admit that We are offering the opportunity of the Season. R. H. GARW 00 D, West Main Street, Cartersville, Ga. W yf If IfJsJ iiijj yyiw liUiiO si lid IN THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT OF Geo. W. Satterfield & Son All Wool Suits for six Dollars, well worth Ten. A splendid Suit for Eight Dollars that will cost you Twelve anywhere else. For Twelve Dollars we have All Wool Hard Finish Suits, well worth Eighteen. And for Sixteen Dollars we will give you a Suit- that we guarantee you can’t buy in the city for Twenty. COME AND BEE. We will take pleasure in showing: you through our large stock. Our BARGAINS in LADIES’ CLOAKS, Dry Goods, Slues, Hats, 5c.. cannot be equaled anywhere. LADIES’ HATS in all styles. Yours, truly, GEO. W. SATTERFIELDS SON. 1 STILESBOKO TO THE FRONT! W. E Ducket, Dealer in Gen eral Merchandise, Wishes to announce to his many friends and customers that lie will be in the field for ISBS with ncreased facilities for handling a big business. COTTON AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, He handles nothing but the best goods at the cheapest prices and gives nothing but the best prices for .otton and all kinds of country produce. Guanos and Fertilizers. I will handle the best grades of Guanos and will be enabled to give the farmers ol this section the very best terms. Thanking the people for their past patronage and hoping for a continuance of the same, I am, Yours to command, W. E. PUCKETT, \ Merchant and Cotton Buyer of Stilesboro. 2-I.v CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Si Best Gough Syrup. Tastes good. Use gj in time. Sold by druggists. *1 b fci tym I believe Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved • ray life. — A. H. Dowell, Editor Enquirer. Eden- 9 ton, N. C., April 23, ISB7. 9 mm ■■■■■ mm The best Cough Medi- P I cine is Piso’s Cure for 9 | Consumption. Children | take it without objection. 9 By all druggists. 25c. ya CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Bost Cdugh Syrup. Tastes good. Use Si in time. Sold by druggists. In vVxUlit ion To Our COMPLETE LINE OF We Carry a Good Line of DRY GOODS, Boots, ©lioes Hats. WITH ITS OWN VOLITION Our Business Booms! Like the great town of Cartersville, * it is carried on to success ly merit alone. The Kort| Georgia Giieap Furniture House Is as full of wealth as the mountains arouud Cartersville are of the richest minerals. —“BOO M”— io die word, and we propose to lit ad the procession in our line. We feel that our effort to handle FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE at prices that defy oompetition have been appreciated by the people of th sand surr*‘iinding countis, and makes us more than ever determined to till every pos sible want that might arise, We are in the lead and propose to stay theiv, i Prices, Euergv arid Fair Dealing will do it. . Farmers, Mechanics, Professionals and Boomers, call in aud look at the 11:iDd s<driest sfock f FURNITUSE in North Georgia. When we have feasted jour eyes upon the goods, your pocket book will tiy ope i with its own volition. PEACOCK & VEAL, The North Georgia Cheap Furniture House CARTERSVILLE, GA. ___ A </ *. -4& — k-a rv*.Sit rrmm c iiiOTlTiiT? fcoLfc i iiN fliilmlc f ,mw k^sjj VA. Opens Sei>t. 20, ISSN One of for Young Ladies in the Union All Departments Tnoreuib.i . , , , r. - heat:G.islight: Situation beautiful;' iinmteplenri:< ; 1 g;.; s ’;. 1 " ' ... : ' r , W Terms among the lowest in the Union, For the Lldcß . TTAriTA -cV ' sLunton, V> jg -'j OLD VIRGINIA SCHOOL, write for a catalogue to WM. A. HARRIS. . res an