Newspaper Page Text
o n
a (inick and certain cure for Edema, Scald
~*l fetter. Itch, St. Anthony’s Fire, Pimple*,
Suit Hlienm, Erysipelas, Heat, Milk* t’hates, Dandruff, and all affections of
!heV-dp. Cures nil diseases of the Feet caused
j " Heat and Perspiration.
Sole Proprietors, - - - ATHENS, OA.
For sale by M. F. Word and J. R. Wlkle &
Cartersville, Ga.
Manufacturers, - Attention !
UK fT Ortmjnkt), By the Mayor and Aldermen
f ’tiic City of Fartersville, That any party or
° )rt j rt( , w ho shall in future invest in property in
-Mid city for thopnrposeof conducting any man
,, torturing enterprise, and shall actually operate
V. mime, shall he exempt from all city taxes
j, H,j ( h property and all machinery and im
.roveroents thereon of every character, for the
J mi of live vears from the purchase of such
property. Approved Nov. 1, 1888.
i'iminee I A. (Yawford, Chairman, A. M. Will
ingham, Moses Scheuer.
Cemetery—G. W. Waldrup, Chairman, A. L. Bar
ron. W. A. Bradley.
streets— A. Collins, Chairman, A. L. Barron, L.
p,. Matthews.
Relief—L B. Matthews, Chairman, 0. W. Wal
drop, A. Collins.
public buildings—W. A. Bradley, Chairman, A.
Collins. \j. P. Matthews.
Ordinance —A. L. Barron, Chairman, A. M. Will
ingham, Moses Scheuer.
Jok M. Moon, J. C. Wofford,
Clerk. Mayor.
If. J. McCormick, County Surveyor, P.
0. Stilesboro, Ga.
For Coroner—l)r. R. E. Cason. 2t.
Cat tersville should have a large furni
ture factory.
It is settled that Cartersville will make
lior own ice the coining season.
Miss Lucy Newton, of Ma.vsville, Ga.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. .1. B. Conyers.
Remember the poor—if you would be
happy, strive to make somebody else
Mrs. Senator Harper, nee Miss Eugenia
Long, of Athens, Ga., is visiting Mrs. J.
15. Conyers.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Jackson are
guests at present of Mrs. L. Dickerson,
of La Fayette, Ga.
Word’s drug store is one of the most
attractive places in the city. Don’t fail
to see his holiday stock.
Misses Markham and Stegall, of Emer
son, were guests of friends in this city for
several days the past week.
Prof. Lee, principal of East Carters
ville Institute, left Tuesday fora busi
ness and pleasure trip to Wilkinson
It seems that Santa Claus has busted
and made an assignment, turning his
whole stock into Wilde's drug store. Just
see their stock.
The Baptist Sunday school will have a
supper at the court house one night next
week. The little folks (and larger ones
too) will have a good time.
Some changes of schedule on the E. &
W. railroad will take effect next Sunday.
Nos. 1 and 2 will run on Sunday hereaf
ter. See the time table elsewhere.
Anew ticket is announced for county
commissioners this week. Out of the
names now before the people, there will
be no trouble about getting a good
The turkey crop seems to have proven
a success this year. They are plentiful.
Brices range from 75 cents to one dollar
and a halt—the latter figure getting a
huge gobbler.
Mr. R. L. Griffin, not wishing to serve
as county commissioner, Mr. J. L. Jol
ley’s name takes his place on the ticket.
Mr. .1 olley is one of our best and most
progressive citizens, and if elected, will
do the right thing for the county.
When von go to Atlanta don't forget
to visit i)olbridge & Orr, 110 Whitehall
street. They have the largest stock of
Christmas goods in the city, and if you
will mention the Courant-Amkrican to
them, you will get special low prices on
everything you buy.
Col. C. P. Pall, manager of the E. & W.
railroad of Alabama, returned Monday,
after an extended tour in the interest of
his rapidly growing and important, line.
He is an indefatigable worker, and is giv
ing himself entirely to the work in hand.
Any legitimate ee ter prise is bound to
prosper in the hands of such a man as
Col. Pall.
■ A sad suicide oceured in Cedar town
Sunday morning. Mrs. Lila Crabb, the
wife of Charlie Crabb , and a bride of
only two months, committed suicide bv
fhooting herself through the head with
a pistol. The young people married
against their pareut's wishes, but ap
peared to live very happily together,
and no cause whatever can be assigned
for the rash act.
Mrs. S. ,T. Ware gave a very interesting
entertainment at her residence last. Thurs
day evening, consisting of performances
°n the piano by her pupils. Great ad
vancement. was shown by the skillful
touches on the key-board, attesting at.
once the painstaking and proficiency of
Mrs. Ware ns a musical instructress,
file patrons of Mrs. \\ are s class were
present and were much pleased.
Rev. W. H. Cooper, pastor of the Pap-
Cst church, has returned trom V\ ashing
ton City, where he has been looking after
the claim of the church against the gov
ernment. Hesays he was kindly received
and given every attention by the Con
gressmen of both parties. Besides our
Southern members, he succeeded in enlist
ing such men asSenator Hoar, of Massa
chusetts, and is highly encouraged at the
piospeet of the bill's passing both houses.
Mr. 8. L. Yandivere has resigned the
Position of master of transportation of
*; ie E, A W. railroad of Alabama, a posi
tion which he has ably filled for a long
fhiiic. He is succeeded by his brother,
Mr. W. .1. Yandivere, one of the best
posted men on the road. M e arenot ad
as to Mr. Yandivere's luture inten
sions; but lie is bound to make a success
of anything he undertakes. As he is one
of the best railroad men in the country,
’Oid railroaders iorin such a strong at
tachment lor the business, we do not ex-
Poet him to remain out of :hat line long.
Bigger fun than ever at thespelling bee
Friday night.
The Sunday school of the First Baptist
church have determined to have a sup
per on Thursday night, December 27th
1888, at the court house, m which the
members of the church are cordially
invited to join them with well-filled
baskets. Let the purse strings be loosen
ed and provide bountifully and let all
have a good time.
Step in friends, and whisper the news
you may have in the editor’s ear. We
will be thankful for all the points you
give us as to the movements of persons,
etc. • Don’t let you r u ncles or your cousins
or your aunts, visit town, go to Califor
nia. get married, and say nothing to the
editors about it, and then kick like a
Texas pony because the event was not
duly chronicled in the paper. Give us all
t * news you catch on to, and thus help
us make up an interesting paper.
“Handy Feet” is one of our best cor
respondents, gathering up news items
and putting them in short, sharp para
graphs. Don’t thinkyonr letters are not
acceptable if, sometimes it becomes neces
sary to cut them down, or they get in
too late for a place, or are crowded 4imt.
These remarks apply to all our county
correspondents. It is best to send in the
letters not later than Monday. II any
thing happens later than that, drop a
postal card afterward.
At the last teacher’s meeting of the
MethodistSundav-sehool, it was resolved
to give the children a supper and pound
party at the court house on New Year’s
night. At the same time and place there
will be a re-union of all the members of
the church. We are requested to say
that those who feel able are requested to
contribute to the supper; but it is es
pecially desirable that every member at
tend, and none should feel backward
about it because they are not in a condi
tion to contribute.
The fall term of West End Institute
closed last Friday. A number of the
patro sand friends of the school visited
it that day to witness the closing exer
cises. Quite an interesting program had
been prepared, the pupils all did their
parts handsomely, the visitors were de
lighted, and the hard-working, faithful
teachers were encouraged. This school
is like one big happy family, with system
and order enforced in such a way as not
to be oppressive. The children seem to
study for the love they have for their
books. We congratulate the principals
and their assistants upon the evident
success of the term just closed.
Prof. Peter Zellars has retired from the
faculty of East Cartersville Institute.
On last Thursday he bade good bye to
his numerous friends and boarded the
train for Lincolnton, his native home.
The teachers and pupils of the school are
unanimous in their praises of Prof. Zel
la rs, and in all sincerely regret
his departure. He had endeared himself
also to thecitizens at large, and, especial
ly, to the members of the Baptist church,
with which he was identified. Too much
can not be said in commendation of one
possessed of his moral stamina. In busi
ness he was characterized by punctuality,
energy and fidelity to every duty. Social
lv, lie is refined, genial and entertaining.
Cartersville will always welcome him and
give him a cordial grip.
At the St. James: S. A. Stevens, Oak
dale, Tenn; W. M. Foster, Rochester, N.
Y ; S. B. Lowe, Chattanooga, Tenn ; W.
A. Cannon, Rome, Ga; L. Scofield, N. Y.
Gray. E. J. Barms, Chattanooga, Tenn ;
C. J. Boles, .1 efT Fenn, W. E. Pritchett, J.
W. Law, J. J. Eubanks, Geo. P. Allen, J.
H. Law, E. V. Carter, Atlanta, Ga; W.
L. Martin, Louisville, Kv; Albert Scott,
M. Manning, Dunbar, Pa; G.A. H. Harris,
,1 as. Shurlock, Geo. P. Allen, Rome, Ga;
A. C. Alberts. R. P. Morgan, Iliram
Blaisdale, Boston, Mass; IL M. Mixson,
L. & N. R R; E. S. Ivellam, Richmond,
Va; A. C. Dunby, Orienda, N.Y; Jas.
Menteith, Rochester, N. Y; E. W. Peeples,
Cincinnati, Ohio; J. W. England, W. E,
Carman, New York, N. Y ; It. W. Magrant,
Mobile, Ala; Win. Chandler, St. Louis,
Mo:Geo. O Leary, Philadelphia, Pa; G.
F. Smith, Connnersville, Ind.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor— Please inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. Py its timely
use thousands of hopeless cases have
been permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy FREE
to any ol your readers who have con
sumption if they will send me their ex
press and post office address.
T. A. Slocum. M. C.,
111-ly 181 Pearl St., New Nork.
Holiday goods! Holiday goods! Every
descripiion, at rock bottom prices, at
Wikle s Drug Store. Next to railroad.
Thousands of articles suitable for Christ
mas presents just received, at A\ ikle &
Co’s. Book Store.
You can procure holiday presents for
everybody at Wikle & Co’s. Book Store,
where you will find the most vaiied stock
aud low prices.
Christmas Groceries Rooming in Every
Handsome little delicacies and novelties too
numerous to mention here, but if you will come
and see us we will surely give you what you
want, at low prices.
Our facilities for buying from the manufac
turers direct are unsurpassed, and on canned
goods, especially, we will save you a third man's
profit.’ Corn, tomatoes, pie peaches ami Cali
fornia canned fruits we are selling at jobber’s
prices. Our large trade enables us to give the
newest and freshest goods, such as hams, break
fast bacon, dried beef, and many canned meats,
which are almost worthless when they are old
and ship-woru. Our new London layer ruisens.
Leghorn citron, lemon peel and currants are of
finer quality than we had last year, and if you
contemplate a nice truit cake this is the place to
buy your materials. Our stock of pickles is im
mense and varied, both in sweet and in sour
kinds. Try a sack of Strickland’s fancy patent
fiour, the finest high grade Hour on the market,
and for bn kirn? cake it is superb. Below we give
you a list of a few leading articles which are
fresh and of the best brands to be had : Mince
meat, maple syrup. South Georgia ribbon cane
and New Orleans syrup, oat flakes, oat meal and
buckwheat flour, cooking prunes, eating prunes,
dates, figs and nice eating raisens, imported
macaroni, fine cream cheese and pine apple
Java, Momnja and fine Rio coffees, all
kinds pure spices, the finest tea in Georgia, fruit
preserves in 51b. pails, jellies in wood and glass,
California canned peaches, apricots, pears, green
gages and cherries, grated pine apple for
ambrozia. chocolates, gelatine, tapioca, Thur
ber's okra and tomatoes, stewed tomatoes and
succotash. Dunbar’s okra and tomatoes, figs in
heavy syrup, shrimp, deviled crabs, salmon, lob
sters, pigs feet and tripe, French sardines, Lee &
Perrin’s same, oranges, apples, coeoanuts, lem
ons, cranberries, and Blanket Bro’s. fine French
candies, the finest in t he United States.
Come and see us and we will sell you more
goods for less money than any establishment in
North Georgia.
We are headquarters for oranges, coconuts,
apples, raisins, nuts, mixed candies, gum drops
and Japanese coeoanut, chewing gum. New Or
leang sugars and sprups by the barrel in un
broken quantities, and in many things we can
save you the treight.
Very respestfull.v.
W f ROYAL j.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholesomenes. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight alum or nhosphate powders. Sold only
in cans. Royal Baking Powder Cos.,
106 Wall St., N. Y.
Take your baby to Abell and get it
No such opportunity to buy goods at
appalling sacrifices in price has been be
fore offered the people of Cartersville as
now are offered at the Bargain Store.
Go at once and get some of those goods
that are offered so cheap at the Bargain
Abell has had awarded to him six silver
and one gold medal by the State of Or
egon, for the finest photographs and
Old reliable head
quarters for Santa
Claus—Wilde’s Book
Select oysters all the time at Maf
fett’s. tf.-
Parties buying in unbroken packages
will consult their interest by pricing our
goods. We meet all competition.
E. Strickland & Bro.
A fine gold watch given away with the
first 40 sittings for one-half dozen Bou
doir photographs at Abell’s Palace Tent
Gallery. Cos me early on Friday Nov. 30th.
Bargains! bargains!
in every department
for the next 30 days.
The goods must be
sold; come at once and
secure some of the tre
mendous bargains we
will offer. No reason
able offer refused.
For Kent.
One six room dwelling house, conven
ient to business. Good water, large gar
den spot. Apply to J. P. Jones.
Your darling little one is liable to an
attack of Croup at any time Do not
poison it with Dudanum or paregoric, of
which most cough mixtures are compoaed.
Is purely a vegetable compound; contains
neither opiate narcotic nor mineral of any
kiod, and is therefore the safest and at
the same time the surest cure for and pre
ventive of this most dread complaint of
any known remedy.
For whooping cough it is a certain and
positive cure. For Cough< Colds, Qn'nsy,
Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Infuenza . Bron
chitis and Asthma it is a sovereign cure.
Sore Throat and Whooping Cough Cured.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16,1888.
Hunnicutt Medicine Cos.:
Gentlemen—My two-year old child had
whoopint? cough in its severest form, and
I cukl find nothing to relieve it until I
procured a bottle of Hunnicutt's Throat
and Lung Lure. After taking about one
l’ourtn of same, the dear little one was
cured completely, and has not had the
slightest cough since. I have used the
remainder of the bott e in my family since
for colds and coughs, and in every in
stance a cure whs affected, especially in
my own case. I had an aggravated sore
throat and. bucking cough of three weeks’
standing, and was cured with four doses.
Wishing you success, respectfully,
Mrs T. K. Fuller,
No. 20 Martin St.
Ask your druggist for it, and if he does
not keep it, we will send it to you on re
ceipt of price—one dollar per bottle or 6
bottles for $5.00,
Hunnicutt Medicine Cos.
P. O. Drawer 30. Atlanta. Ga.
Send for book of testimonials free.
Holiday Presents.
at, 1 •- u
Our Business Last Week Was Enormous.
Our Store Crowded with Customers. We Want to Do Still More This Week. A\ e are De
termined to Close Out Every Dollar's Worth of
We Have Learned That
Will Certainly Have That Effect.
=IS|C|H IB|U|E|R HI B 1 R|O|S .|=
Leaders of Styles and Low Prices.
Special Announcement!
The Very Goods You Want, at Prices that Can’t be Beat! Bought for
Spot Cash, and Sold for Small Profits!
W. H. T3 ATvE R,
Calls attention to his Complete Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Musical Merchandise, and Novelties Common to his Line.
The Largest and Best Line of SPECTACLES ever seen in the city. Fine Pebbles at prices never before heard of.
Those wanting Christmas Presnts should not fail to inspect my superb Stock.
W. F. BAKER, Jeweler and Optician,
dec!3 2t Rank Block, CARTERSVILLE, GA.
125,000 Acres Timber Land!
Heel *• Estate, Coil, * Insurance,
3,000,000 Acres Florida Land. 5,000 Acres Iron
aug3o-1 m.
Pay Your Tax and Yote.
xY required to furnish the County Commis
sioners a.list of the registered voters, ten days
before the January election, which takes place
on the 2d day January, IKS9. Therefore, I can
not register any names for that election after
the 22d day of December. Young men who have
become of age, and old men who are not due any
tax should have their names registered so they
can vote if they desire. This is a duty the law
requires me to perform, and 1 hope the people
will feel interested enough to attend to the re
quirements of the law. I wish every legal voter
to exercise that privilege if he so desires, and if T
make mistakes I am always sorry when I find I
have done so.
Again, the Legislature last year passed an act
requiring tax collectors to issue two fi. fa’s,
against persons due poll and property tax. and
while 1 can see no good reason for the law, I have
no discretion in the matter, but must comply
with the law. Respectfully,
J. F. LINN, Tax Collector,
3t. Bartow County.
Summers, Davidson & Cos.,
Agents for
Empire Farm Fence,
Respectfully invite the farmers to call and ex
amine this fence. Sample at Crawford & Field’s
Sole Stable. State, county and farm rights tor
sale. Headquarters at St. James Hotel, Car
tersville, Ga, dec!3-4w
Great • December • Bargain • Sale.
Ou r mammoth stock of
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Cloaks and Millinery
Must be sold, hence we make SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in every department.
Big Tumble in Prices of Woolen Dress Goods,
Ladies Cloths, Plain and Brocade Worsted, this class includes Flannels, Jeans,
Boots, Shoe, Hats, Clothing, Cloaks, Millinery, and everything throughout our nu
merous departments, all marked DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, to prices that are carrying
terror into the so-called
“New York Cost” Houses of Rome.
And altogether the cleanest, best assorted, and prettiest stock of Dry Goods, &c 'in
It will pay you to come fifty miles -jo buy a SIO.OO bill of goods of
• 9
Our Prices Tell, and the Pople Tell our Prices. "
To see the large crowds of buyers from city and country, who throng our store
each day speaks volumes to the trading public, and points themfunmisCikably to the
place to buy their articles of dress. With our carefully selected and well bought
stock to present to you and our already low prices—CUT, CUT, CUT, until our best
informed salesmen scarcely recognize them.
We Knew it is Money Imi to Weir Our Heels!
True to our reputation of being always on the lookout for bargains for the peo
ple, we have
Scooped in the Bran New Stock
which we propose to turn loose among our customers regardless of consigners. These
special attractions are for you. We quote no prices here, for they are so low you
must come close to hear them. If you cau’t come, write for samples and prices, but
we say come and bring your friends and we will do you good, and save you money
every visit you make us.
H. B. PARKS & CO.l l
23S Broad Street, Home, Ga.
Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, All Sizes.