Newspaper Page Text
H Visit* Toney Inland and Meet* a Man
with a Itandana.
From the New York World.
Coney Island is provided with delight
ful music this year. A handsome hall,
with comfortable seats, and within sound
of the ever low spirited and complaining
sea, is filled by those who come to hear
the Metropolitan opera house orchestra,
under the leadership of the handsome
and fluent Ilerr Seidl. Herr Seidl does
not play any instrument himself, but
makes the gestures and punctuates the
music*. He also shows the piccolo where
to put in the piano and points out to
the tubas where it would be a good idea
to stock in the fortissimo. Music is his
heart’s delight. He would ra*ther stand
them and listen, it seemed to me, and kill
mosquitoes with his pointer, than to
play himself.
In theseat ahead of me sat a plain man
with gray hair and toil-hardened hands.
Ever and anon he wiped the honest
sweat from his brow, and then, plunging
a full-blown nose into his red bandana,
he sounded a tocsin which would natur
ally make an alto horn go and dispose
of itself at a sacrifice.
“You are an Ohio man, doubtless, I
said to him in a bantering tone.
“Why so?”
“Well, you seem to have the true Thur
man snort.”
“No. 1 ain’t from Ohio. I’m from New
Hampshire. I carried a bandana before
the war. Politics don’t have nawthin
to do with it. I’ve always believed that
“Satan trembles when he sees
The old bandana on It* sneeze. ’*
“I suppose that is often in your case
taken for a campaign badge.”
“Yep. -Badge? I should say so. If
I’ve been ast to liekah-up to-day once,
I’ll bet I’ve been ast fawty times. They
say the republican party, but so far, it
strikes me that the democrats are a good
deal freer with their lickah than the re
bublicans ah.”
We got pretty well acquainted during
the evening, and finally rode back to
New York together. Sitting below,
where we could smoke together and feel
the salt spray on our polished domes of
thought, the old gentleman said:
“It’s curis how folks always wants to
go summers else to have fun. Dukes and
one thing another comes to this country
to take a vacation, and when we get
enough means on hand w*e go over
amongst the gaudy trappin’s of the effect
moniekeys, as the feller says, and catch
Roman malaria or break our weeks skim
wiin' the Alps, when we’ve got a blamed
sight better meawntins right here.
“Now right at the present minnit,
while I’m here aboad o’ this bo’t, thous
ands o’ you New Y'awkahs are payin’ two
prices for the privilege of livin’ up in my
neighborhood. When we git our havin’
done in my place we like to break loose
and come down to New York. Here,
land sakes, you can go in fawtv different
directions, and have sea aih and loggah
beeah, and the Lawd knows what else,
and all poot.v reasonable, tew. I come
down heab most every summah after the
hay is in and the cawn and beans don’t
need but a little tendin,’ and I get a
room pooty cheap, for the blame town is
almost empty, anvbow, then I kind of
browse around and skin out every day
on a little one-boss picnic up the river or
out to this island or the bay, or fishin’
or crabhin’, or sunthin’ or other every
day for two or three weeks. Then I go
back and tell about it.
“That’s the way everybody does.
They want a change, I s’pose. Then
their own home seems a blamed sight
better to them when they get back. It’s
poot.v tough on folks, when they’ve got
to stay at home all the time, man or
woman. A fellow actually gets to hate
the wall paper, and he hates the old fur
niture, and gets tired of lookin’ at the
pictures of Washington about to become
the father of his country, and all the
other pictures get to look measly, and
the everlastin’ flowers in the settin’ room
begin to look like delusions.
“Then’s the time to skin out and tend
the country fair down to Coney Island.
Folks want a change and they ort to
Jiev it. We had a woman up in our sec
tion that pizened herself right in the dead
o’ hayin’. Left five little folks, and the
oldest wasn’t but five years old. Her
husband was away from home a good
deal, changing pulpits and one thing or
another, but she wrote a letter and left
it on the burow then went on to state
that whilst there was probly no place
like home, and n doubt she ort to be
contented, she had got wore out with the
wall paper, and the hair-cloth chairs jest
made her gag. and so while she was
doing wrong to pizen herself and she
knew it, and that they’d probly hev to
hire help in the house now, she had
thought for a long time that the smell of
fried pork and warm dishwater was
warpin’ her mind. So before she had
went crazy and killed several of the chil
dren and mutilated the neighbors, and
bit the old man, she had decided to take
advantage of a lucid interval ami light
out in search of a change.
“That ain't her exact language, of
course, but that is the main idea and the
thought germ, as a talented man would
call it. Her husband’s folks read the
letter and claimed she’d already got to
wandering in her mind before she wrote
it, but the neighbors got together and
voted that it was infested more or less
all the way through with thought germs,
as you would rail’em, and they had it
printed in a country paper, and since
that our wimmen folks up that way git
out more.”
Just then the boat bumped against the
iron pier at New \ork, and we shook
hands and separated,* each one striving
to add his share to the general riot
which takes place on a crowded boat
when she lands at the dock.
Bill Nye.
How Doctor* Conquer Death.
Doctor Walter K. Harrmond says
“After a loDg experience I haue come to
the conclusion that two-thirds of a 1
coughs, pneumonia and conscption, might
be avoided if Acker’s English Cough
Remedy were only carefully used in
time.” This wonderful Remedy is sold
under a positive guarantee by J R.
Wikle & Cos. e o w
Truth* Well Spoken.
That we are living at too great an ex
pense to meet our honest obligations, is
a fact patent to any casual observer. At
our present speed of living, to keep up
appearances with our neighbors, it takes
a sizable income to satisfy the wants of
even a small family—spring suits for the
boys and spring bonnets; handsome
dresses and ribbons for tire girls.
Nor can we lay all the blame of extrav
agant living on the boys and girls, for
besides parents are to blame for yielding
to such extravagance on their children,,
many of them dress beyond their means
and allow their creditors to suffer. How
many men strut in fine clothes, when if
they could not have swindled the merchant
out of them with fair promises, would
now be wearing their old suits with a
patch on their shoes and a rent in their
hats. Debt annoys some people to al
most madness, while others appear to
have no conscientious sccHples and con
sider themselves honest. The country
will never get any better, generally, until
our people learn to live more economi
nally, and make an effort to pay their
honest obligations.
Terrible F*r*w*rl**.
Cough in the morning, hurried or diffi
cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness
in the chest, quickened pulse, chiliness in
the evening or sweat* st night, all or any
of these things are the first stages of con
sumption. Acker’s English Cough Reme
dy will cure these fearful symptoms, and
it sold under a positive guarantee by J.
R. Wikle & Cos. eo w
• ♦ • ■ —•—
A Good InTMtmcnt.
Kaukaunu (Wi.) Sun.]
The iron mine that Capt. Meade and T.
M. Kellogg invested in near Allatoona,
Ga., when .South in February last, now
proves to be the richest mine in the
State. The fact was demonstrated dur
ing their recent visit to that place. They
were absent about thirty days, and are
well satisfied with the trip and the atten
dant result. Wheat, when they left there
was about as far advanced as it is here
in July. The temperature is more evenly
divided, the nights cool and agreeable.
They speak very highly of this feature
which we in the North have been
led to believe was one of the most disa
greeable things to contend with in the
PnrenbCriminslly Liable.
More than half of all deaths occur be
fore six of age. An armv of inno
cent, lovely children are swept needlessly
away each year. Parents are criminally
responsible for this. The death rate of
children in England is less than half this.
Acker’s English Baby Soother ha 9 done
more to bring this about than all other
causes combined. You cannot afford to
be without it. Sold by J. R. Wikle &
Cos. cow
The Inter-state Farmers’ Association,
which was organized last year in Atlanta,
will hold its meeting in Raleign, N. C\, on
Tuesdav,the 21st day of August next.
It will be composed of delegates ap
pointed by the vice-presidents of their
respective States —five delegates and
their alternates, from each congressional
district. Of course, all who attend will
be welcomed, but the vote is limited by
ttye constitution of the association to
five for each congressional, district.
Among the vice presidents are: Ala*
bama, R. F. Kolb; Arkansas, L. P.
Featherston; Florida, G. R. Fairbanks;
Georgia, A. T. Mclntyre; Louisiana. Jno.
Dymond; Mississippi, M. N.Burke; South
Carolina, E. R. Mclver; Texas, J. A.
Flaming Fire in the Veins.
We hold positive proof that Acker.s
English Blood Elixir cures a’l blood poi
sons where cheap sarsaparillns and so
called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we.
will sell it to all who call as our store on a
positive guarantee. For sale by J. R.
Wikle & Cos. eo w
It is said that the oldest man living
anywhere is James James, a negro of
Santa Rosa, Mexico, who was born near
Dorchester, S. C., in 1752. He was with
his master in the revolutionary var, was
forty years old when Washington was
elected President, went to Texas when
one hundred and one years old, moved
into Mexico five years later, and now at
the ripe age of one hundred and thirty
six, lives in a little hut, to which he is
confined by rheumatism, aud is sup
ported by contributions from the citi
zens of Santa Rosa.
The First Symptoms of Death.
Tirecf feeling, dull headache, pains in
various parts of the body, sinking at the
pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fever
ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive
evidence of poisoned blood. N ) matter
how it become poisoned it must be puri
fied to avoid death Acker’s English
Blood Elixir has never failed to remove
scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold
under positive guarantee by J. R. Wikle
& Cos. eow
Try Hygeia chewing tobacco. It is not
a humbug, but will cure heart burn and
indigestion. j!5-tf
With Its Own Volition Our Business Booms!
Like the great town of Cartersville, it is carried on to success by merit alone.
The Nort| Georgia Giieap Furniture House
Is as full of wealth as the mountains around Cartersville are of the richest minerals.
is the word, and we propose to head the procession in our line.
We feel that onr effort to handle
at prices that defy COMPETTHON have been appreciated by the people of this and
surrounding and makes u* more than ever determined to fill every possi
sible want that migbt arise. We are in the lead and propose to stay there, if Low
Prices, Euergy and Fair Dealing will do it.
Farmers, Mechanics, Professionals and Boomers, call in and look at the hand
somest stock of FURNITURE in North Georgia. When we have feasted your
eyes upon the goods, jonf f>oeket-book will fly opea with its own voliciion.
The North Georgia Cheap Fnrnitnre House
KLV ’ 8 CatawhH
Cream Balm
OWt&SM th#^Wt,*eus ß Cs|
Inflaraa all o!a,MK &A* &Am
Sells the Sores, Hr /
Sezues of
and Smell.
s a disease of the mucuotis membrane, fcenerallj
originating in the nasal passages and maintain
ing: its strongrhold in the head. From this point
it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach
and through the digestive organs, corrupting the
blood and producing other troublesome and
dangerous symptoms.
A particle is applied into each nostril and Is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists; by mail,
registered, 0 cents. ELY BROTHERS. 235
Greenwich St.. New York.
Picture card3 for the children at Wikle’s
drug store. „ jls-tf
Mid-Summer Sale
i,mm FlrsbCla** Piano* and
Organ* to too Mold In June, Jnly,
Angnst and September at Spot
Coal* Price*, Payable,
and the balance next November
lot, without interest or advance
In Price. All our Plano* and Or
saws Included In this sale* onr
Cheapest and onr Best. No ex
ceptions. Your choice from ten
leading; makers and over joe
style* and Prices.
New Makers, New Instruments, New
Styles, New Priced, Great Improvement*
in our" Lower '■ Priced Instruments.
Large purchases enable us to offer Re
duced Prices. Here are samples.
POOR PIANO. &.‘°v£L : ' A
MM | I Strings, Beautiful Rosewood
Ip Atb II Case, Full Rich Tone. Guar
anteed perfect and durable. Maker*a Priee,
*6s*. _
00 ij ft PIANO, rightGrand,'l^Yge
Jk / /LII Site, 3 Strings, Full Iron
||rtoTv Frame, Ivory Keys, Rich
Rosewood Caae. First-class every way.
Equals Piano* usually sold at 1300 and ssso.
Maker’a Price, S7OO.
With Plana* a Plush 'Ton Steal,
Handsome Cover, Instructor,
Music Bask and all Freight Paid.
a.a flD*|U Five Octaves, 2 set*
Vkli UnuAW. 0f2% Octave Reeds,
xnil 5 Stops, Solid Walnut Case. High
HI ll V Top,Lamp Stands, Music Pocket,
Fut‘ Sweet Tone. Maker’s Price, sls*.
▲* ■ nnnu Four Full Seta Reed*,
N# v W gan. Thousands sold. All pur
chasers delighted. Maker'a Price, S2OO.
With Each Organ a Fine Stool,
an Instructor, Music Book and
All Freight Paid.
Order and te9t in yonr own Home.
No money required until Instrument
is satisfactory. We pay Freight both
ways if no sale. The fairest way to deal.
Old Instruments are good and cheap , and
a trial always gives a satisfied purchaser.
•end for Mld-tonmmor halo Cir
RMMBMBBR. - leneeat *£**• *****
Tcrma- Best Inatrumenta: Fine Stoota and Chv
era/AU Freight Pm*
Yeara' Guarantee; Square Deeding; One Price
Ontg; Muncy Saved; AH!
J. 1C 20BXX*
Special attention given to litigation in real es
tate in the administration of estates of deceased
persons, atrd in cases inequity.
Office on Public Square, north of St. James
Hotel. 24febl.v
having located in Cartersrille for the purpose of
practicing medicine and surgery, offers his pro
fessional services to the public. Calls promptly
answered. Office np-stairsorerCourant-Anierican
office; residence on the corner of Market and
Stonewall streets. janl3-Sm
A. 1C TO7TE,
Cartersville, G.
Office up-stairs, corner Main and Erwin sts.
Special attention given to Collections and Com
mercial Law.
Loan M Real Estate Agent.
Money Loans made on the most reasonable
terms. P. O. BOX, 123.
july2l-ly Cartersville, Ga. T. Owen,
Real Estate & Life & Fire Insurance
The interest of patrons carefully considere.d
I will sell my house and lot in Cartersville, lo
cated on Cassville street. Good dwelling and
outhouses, lot containing five and a half acres.
Fruits of all kinds on the place. A most conven
ient residence. Also one lot containing one acre
on which there is a 3 room house.
feb3-tf J. T. OWEN.
|| Beat Cough Sjrrup. Tastes good. Use R
in time. Hold bjr druggists.
a i m r ny
I believe Piso’s Cure
for Consumption saved
.my life. —A. H. Dowkll, <$
Editor Enquirer. Eden- ,1
ton, N. C., April 23, 1887.
The best Cough Medi- I
cine is Piso’s Cure for
Consumption. Children ft
take it without objection. ||
By all druggists. 25c.
lu Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use Q
LfJ in time. Sold by druggists. P*f
name on a package of COFFEE is a
guarantee of excellence
. COFFEE is kept in all first-class
stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Is never good when exposed to the air.
Always buy this brand in hermetically
That sticky fly paper at Wikle’s drug
store. Catches a million flies a minute
and only cost a nickel. Try it. jls tf
; * *
• * ;
Dr. Calhoun Endorses Delectalave.
Atlanta, Ga., October 17. IRHT>. —Dr. C. T.
Brocket: My Dear Sir—lt affords me pleasure,
after a careful examination of the formula of
rour Delectalave, to bear testimony to its value,
and to state that its curative qualities are be
yond question. I regard it as the name implies,
a delightful wash, and can recommend it to the
public. Yours truly, A. W CALHOUN, M. D.
Get a bottle and try it, and you will be con
vinced to its merits. Its taste is pleasant and
ts aroma delightful. 50 cents a bottle.
Positively the best remedy ever discover
ered for all diseases of man and beast that
can be reached by an external medical
application, is Rangwn Root Liniment.
One trial will convince Manufactured
only by Rnngum Root Medicine Cos ,
Nashyille, Tenn. 50 cents per bottle.
For sale by all druggists. m2O-lm
After Three Years.
• W. F. Walton, of Springfield, Tenn.,
says: “I hare been suffering with Neural
gia in my face and head off and on for
three years. I purchased a box of Dr.
Tanner’s Infallible Neuralgia Cure and
took eight of the pills. 1 hate not felt any
symptoms of Neuralgia since. It gives
me pleasure to recommend it. Sold by
J. R. Wikle* Cos.
Syrup of Figs
Is Nature’s own true laxative. It is the
most easily taken, and the most effective
remedy known to Cleanse the System
when Billious or Costive; to dispel Head
aches, Colds, and Fevers; to cure Habit
ual Constitution, Indigestion, Piles, etc.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal
Sold by J. R. Wikle * Cos., druggists.
Munition's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sa t Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds, ChTblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent*
ter box. For sale by J. R. Wikle & Cos.
My winter goods are nearly all gone
but what is left must go at once to make
room for spring goods, come early and
get some of the bargains we are offering
n that line. J. G. M. Montgomery.
n\ro \0 o Blood Elixir is the only
o jjjood Remedy guaran
teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatie
and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it
Sold by J R Wikle & Cos.
Home testimonials are most reliable, and
if you will send your name and address
we will send statements f numbers of the
best citizens of Nashville regarding the
wonderful cures effected by the Ethiopian
Pile Ointment. It never fails. 50 cents
and $1 per bottle Manufactured by Ran
gum Root Medicine Cos., Nashville Tenn.
For sale by all druggists. m2O-lm
Our Future
Was never brighter and our citizens are
beginning to realize the glorious possibili
ties in store for them by taking stock in
the new furnace and other enterprises,
and while all these improvements are as
suming positive shape and enhance our
city and lend energy and enterprise to the
surrounding country. We are the more
determined to make our business all that
can be desired. We shall surely keep
pace with any city in the South, no mat
ter its size and abilities, in pu r e drugs,
chemicals, toilet articles, paints, oils and
patent medicines. Our stock is complete.
Our prescription department shall be kept
in the best possible order and our triends
who will favor us with their patronage
may rest assured that no pains will be
spared in their interest.
Very truly,
m25-tf J. R. Wikle & Cos.
„ , Acker . s Bab/
Soother at hand. It is the only safe
medicine yet made that will remove all
infantile disorders. It contains no Opium
or Morphine, but gives the child natural
saee from pmin. Price 25 cents. Sold by
Sold by J. It. \\ ikle Sc Cos., Druggists.
When you want to buy shoes thaj
will wear, “solid as a rock” and want
to get them at prices you can afford to
pay come and see. Yours, truly,
•J. G. M. Montgomery.
Hurrah for Gordon!
The gallant General captured the peo
ple of Cartersville and Bartow county
last Saturday night in his talk on devel
oping this section. Everyone is praising
him and all rushing to Word's Drug Store
for Pure Medicines, Fine Cigars and deli
cious ice cold drinks. mayll-tf
We have still on hand twelve or fifteen
of those cheap Overcoats. You can al
most buy them at your own price. Come
soon.v J. G. M. Montgomery.
Sparks Perfect Health, Warner's Sate
Cure and all the leading patent medicines
of the day at Wikle’s drug store. m25-tf
Taritt' Keform.
What are you for, high or low tariff?
Speak out; now is the time for you to be
heard. Write and tell Cleveland how
you like his position. Instruct Clements
how you want him to vote on the Mills
bill, and be sure you all go to Word’s for
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass
and Drugs. mayll-tf
When nature falters and requires help,
recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J.
H, McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier. #I.OO per bottle. 6-8-3ra
Warm Waves
Are rolling in. You can't escape
them; but you can escape the
sleepless nights, loss of appetite
and languid feeling that result
from draining the nervous force
by muscular or mental exertion
in summer’s torrid days. The use
of Paine’s Celery Compound, that
great nerve tonic, will at once
strengthen the nervous system,
and fortify it against the attacks
of summer debility. This pre
paration is a medicine,/" \
not a drink. ( J I
It is a sci- X \\Ur- /
oombi Cnr\jiTIY/Tva/ nation
of the best! L . | jj\ fflj tonics,
giving ]/ring ben
efit to bo | Wjy dy and
brain. It k \ JZA cures all
nervous J diseases,
and has J brought
newlifeand\ l J health to
thousands \ \ whose
weakened nerve*
were the cause of their many ills.
It is especially valuable at this sea
son, when feeble persons are so lia
ble to sunstroke, a disease which
is nearly always fatal. Pains’s
Celery Compound, by restoring
perfect health, almost entirely re
moves the liability to this dread
disease. If you feel the effects of
summer’s heat, you can’t afford! to
delay another day before gaining !
the vitality only obtained by the
use of this great medicine.
Sold by DmgguU. §I.OO . Six for f5.00, 1
Send tor eight-page paper, with many <
•Kill, IIIIAIMM A It, MttlHm ( ?T.
; *:
: * •
Thv Original Wins.
Q C. F. Simmons, St. Louis,, Prop's
if M. A. Simmon* Liver Medicine, Hat'd
( f 1&40. is th* U. S. Court dbvbats J.
1 a. Zsilia, Prop’r A. u, Simmon* Liv-
IjL j *r Regulator, Est'd by Zmito t&S.
llm A L. M. ku for 47 year*
W cured InDioaaTioir. BiuouiHtu,
■ /■¥. Huoacub,Lot
If AmTiTi,Svs“*muct, Etc.
I \ R*v. T. B. Keanu, Pastor M. E.
\ % m Church, Adam*, Toon., writ**: “I
— Athink I should havo b*oa dead but
for your Gcnudr,* M. A. Sim
h nose Liver Mbdiclae. I havo
MfotlggPk sometime* hod to substitute
nl e*r | "Zeilin’s stuff* for y*uir Medi
K/CVlsiyn/ cin*, but it don’t answer tbs
TLao* I Purpose"
/tWUI Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor 7Tte
Mcraphi*. Team. say*;
¥ I I received a package of votarLirer
Ad Medicine, and have used half of it.
f It works like a charm. I want m
1 better Liver Regulator and cel
H \ tainly no more of Zeilin’* raixtaadl
W. C. Zdwards, T. ZX
Repository in new store room on West Main
Sreet, Cartersville, Ga. Jan*7-ly
Notice That - ,
Jobn Taylor is Himself Again!
He has enlarged his shop at the St. James Hotel
He has a full team now, William Johnson and
Westley Allen. He has a retired shop where the
“rugays” will not annoy his customers. He does
not solicit the patronage of roughs and vaga
bonds, he promises to observe k<><><l behavior,
have clean towels and sharp razors, in thetyth
year of his career. He flatters himself that he
knows all in the barber business from curling and
braiding down. He has been considered to be
the best hair cutter from New Orleans to New
York for 35 years. I only want you to mil and
be convinced, and all customers desiring to be
shaved twice a week will be furnished cup and
brush free. My shop will be open from 6a. ru. to
8 p. m.
John Taylor. William Johnson A. Cos.
When you feel depressed don’t dose
yourself with menn bitters. Hodges*
Sarsaparilla renovates and invigorates the
system, and cures all diseases arising from
an impure state of the blood. #1 per bot
tle, six bottles for #5. Manufactured by
Rangum Root Medicine Cos , Nashville,
Tenn. 8o aby all druggists. rn 20 ltn
If you suffer pricking pains on moving
the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and
find your sight weak and failing, you
should promptly use Dr. J. H. McLean’s
Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a
box. _ 6-8-3 m
Hon. H. \V. Grady
is expected to speak at the opera house
Saturday night on the subject nearest our
hearts just now, “How to boom Carters
ville and Bartow county, Go by Word’s
and get a Y'ellow Label Cigar and you
can appreciate the speech more, and as
you go home cool off with any kind of an
ice drink. mayll-tf
Your Old Bujrxy.
You can maxe your old buggy or
carriage look new by the use of one can
of Detroit Carriage Paint. Only ?Sic. at
Wikle’s drug store near the railroad.
. m25-tf
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, for
children teething, is the prescription of
one of the best female nurses and physi
cians in the United States, and has been
used for forty years with never-faiiling
success by millions of mothers for their
children. During the process of teeth
ing, its value is incalculable. It relieves
the child from pain, cures dysentery and
diarrhcea, griping in the bowels, and
wind-colic. By giving health to the
child it rests the mother. Price 25c. a
bottle. tf
Street Tax.
Books will be open for the collection ol
street tax on Monday, 2nd day of April,
and will remain open .until 15th of May.
The street tax for 1888 is two dollars.
Marshal and city tax collector. Office
at Council Chamber. inchl6-tf
Fresh Turnip Seed.
Now is Mie time to begin sowing your
turnip seed, and there is no better place
than Wikle’s drug store to get them.