The Cartersville American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1882-1886, August 05, 1884, Image 3

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The Cartersville American. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5,1881. TOWS AHI) COUMTY. ■ BITS OF GOSSIP. Use none bnt Smiih’s Worm Oil. The coiubatthickens! On ye brave, Whojfight for office or the grave! ./ Graphs are plentiful. ? / Sweet potatoes are coming in. Saturday was a good day for trade. The “dog days” tiring plenty of rain. The Presbyterian festival was ele gantly managed. Judge Branham, of Romo, was in the city last week. The Presbyterian festival netted nearly forty dollars. The Superior court will adjourn the last! of this week. A communication from “A father” crowded, out this week. Eggs are cheap, and chickens are not an expensive luxury. The grand jury last week said “let the people speak on prohibition.” From all partsof the country comes the report, “my corn is fine.” Everybody says the corn crop is the best Bartow ha3 had since the war. Very few true bills were found by the grand juries of the present court. Read notice in another column of the opening of Miss Lucy Carpenter’s school. M. G Dobbins is erecting a residence at Cass Station and speaks of moving up there. The case of Bates vs. Jones tried last week, will be carried to the Su preme court. The “amiable editor” of this paper has returned and his “hired lieuten ants” are happy. The grand jury is interested in freight rates to Cartersville. Read their presentments. After court adjourns several of our lawyers speak of seeking summer resorts for a few weeks. The lawyers will give a sigh of re lief next Saturday when the sheriff cries the adjournment of court. Mrs. Cox and daughter, Miss Daisy and Mrs. Barker, all of Marietta, are now stopping at the St. James. Mr. Trammell Starr, of Spring Place, and Mr. O. N. Starr, of Cal houn, were at our court last week. The quarterly conference of the Methodist church was in session yes terday, Rev. Dr. Pierce presiding. Miss Lillie Williams will leave in a few days forjuka Springs, Miss., where she goes to spend the summer. The Moberly (Mo.) Headlight, of which Mr. Alex. M. Willingham is editor, is a neat and readable paper. Mr. M. R. Wilkinson, of Atlanta, who has been sick for several weeks at Rev. F. M. Daniels’ in this city is rapidly convalescing. Miss Willie Oates returned to her home in Tilton last Sunday morning after a pleasant visit to the family of Mr. Mitchell on Tumi in street. Miss Allice York and Miss Maggie Byrd, two pleasant young ladies of Marietta are visitiug the Misses Whitehead, on Main street. The man Pink Pettitt, who com mitted the fiendish crime of wife murder in Murray county last week, was once a resident of this county. The lightning struck and demol ished a tree near the residence of Dr. Liudsay Johnson, on last Wednesday night. No other damage was done. Mr. George Noble, of Anniston was in the city last weak on business important business. Congratulations will be in order soon we expect. The value of Cartersville real es tate in 1883 was $489,475. In 1884 it is sslo*llo, an increase of $29,635. This Is a good showing for our city. Robert J. Pritchett, of Marietta, is spending u few’ days iu this city. He is a clever, bright boy and has scores of warm friends in this, his native town. Our Adairsvillecorrespondent sends us a readable batch of news this week. We are fortunate in having such an able correspondent from that thriving town. Mr. James H. Lowe will leave iu a few days for Wilmington, N. C. where he will in the future be lo cated. He will be missed in Car terßviile. Mrs. S. F. Brame and Miss Isa Wil liams left last week on a pleasure ex cursion to Gainesville. They will re turn in time to open school on the 18th of this month. Mr. B. T. Cooper, of Chattanooga, arrived last Friday. He is an ener getic, thriving young man and has many friends in Cartersville. He wil 1 be with us a few days yet. Rev. Dr. Pierce, the presiding el der of the Rome conference preached an able sermon at the Methodist cburch last Sunday morning. His theme was “Reconciling God’s grace with His providence.” The largest onion on record is that reported by our Adairsville corres pondent, which weighs one and one half pounds. So far as heard from Mrs. Swain is the champion onion raiser of Georgia. The neighborhood prayer meeting at the residence of Mr. Nelson Gil reath last Thursday night was largp-' ly attended. The next meeting will I be held at the residence of Mr. J. A. Johnson in the first ward. A picnic party from Cartersville and the surrounding country spent a pleasant day last Thursday exploring the ruins of Cooper’s iron works, and enjoying the magnificent scenery of -that romantic place. The frightful crime of rape seems to be getting too common in Georgia. The wretch who would perpetrate "Such a crime deserves to be burned, and the law should be swift and cer tain in his punishment. Frank Lester, the clever and genial East & West conductor, is laying off duty this week recruiting himself, lie has scores of warm friends in Cartersville, on whom he is smiling and by whom he is being smiled on. There is some complaint among our city tax payers that the assessors have valued their property too high. We expect these complaints would come the other way if they were compelled to sell at these figures. We hear numerous expressions of satisfaction in our county over the nomination of N. J. Hammond, for congress in the fifth. He is a strong man, and the people of that district will do well to return him to Con gress. James B. Cmyers announces him self this morning a candidate tor the Legislature. He is a mao of fine in tellectual qualities, has many warm friends in Bartow county and will make a faithful representative if elected. No man in the South is looming into prominence more rapidly than Rev. Sam P. Jones, of Cartersville. He is a revivalist of great strength and power. Mississippi is fairly trembling under the influence of his preaching. Our citizens rush to the post-office on Sunday morning to get the Con stitution with as much eagerness as a boy looks for a letter from his girl. The Atlanta Constitution is a big in stitution, and has a firm hold at this end of the line. The visiting young ladies, notably Miss Davidson, oi Selma, Miss Pat tillo, of Atlanta, Miss Newton, of Athens, and Miss Caldwell, of Ten nessee, contributed largely to the success of the Presbyterian festival last Thursday evening. We publish in another column the announcement of C>l. R. W. Mur phy as a candidate for ordinary. Col. Murphy has been a resident of Bartow county for about 15 years, and he has not troubled the people fur office. 110 ia well Known as a lawyer, and if elected will make a faithful ordinary. The name of Mr. Bailey A. Barton appears in our columns this week as a candidate for tax collector. We will not take up space in praising him. Everybody knows Bailey Bar ton to be one of the best officers Bar tow county ever had. He is a high toned gentleman and a good officer. “Nuf sed.” Next. Col. Henry D. Capers, of Adairs ville, has been elected to deliver an address at the re-union of the 12th Georgia regiment on October 31, in Macon. Col. Capers is a fine speaker and his address will be fall of inter esting reminiscences and instructive facts. The old 12th could not have made a better selection. We are requested by Mrs. Theo. E. Smith, Vice-President of the la dies society, of the Presyterian church, and under whose admi rable management the recent festi val was given, to return thanks, in behalf of the ladies, to the merchants and others of the city who rendered valuable assistance, and contributed to the success of the festival. Moses Scheuer has just returned from New York City, where he has beeu for three weeks past. His mis sion to that city was to accompany his brother, Albert Scheuer, who is in a precarious state of health. Mose reports New York booming. He re turns to his home the same genial, clever, irrepressible Mose, and we tender him a cordial welcome. Another announcement for Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff appears in this issue. Mr. A. M. Fraualin for high sheriff and Mr. W. W. Rich for deputy sheriff. This makes a strong ticket, that will be hard to beat. Mr. Frank lin and Col. Rich both have filled the office before, and have made most acceptible officers. The contest for Sheriff will be warm and spirited. Bob Wright, a colored train hand on the the Western & Atlantic rail road, got his arm mashed at Rogers station last Saturday night. The wound was very painful and it be came necessary to amputate the arm just below his elbow, which was skill fully and successfully performed by Dr. Lindsay Johnson, of this city, on last Suuday. Misses May and Belle Weed on, two elegant and beautiful youag la dies who have been spending some weeks in our county, left on Monday last. They were quite favorites with all who met them while here and all regret exceedingly their depar ture. The ladies may feel assured that a hearty welcome awaits them whenever they pay our section an other visit. They were the guests of Miss Amelia Renfroe. One of the handsomest young men men of the Georgia press gang is Mr. W. Addison Knowles, of the Geor gia Home Journal. We say this not because we are glad of it, but because it is true. We could almost wish it were otherwise, as he knows our Na coocheo girl, and his good looks makes him a dangerous rival. If W. Addison wishes to preserve Ins good looks, he will do well to move care fully in Nacoochee. In a letter from an old resident of Bartow, now in Atlanta, the follow ing strong and sensible language is used : “I hope you will impress the great question of prohibition so deep ly in the minds and hearts of the voters of oid Bartow that they wiil rally tothe polls like true and gallant men and free the empire county of Georgia from the curves of the liquor traffic.” Y’et there are a tew men in this country who say we shall not be heard on this question at the polls. But we wiil be heard, BARTOW SUPERIOR COURT. The Weelt’g Work Briefly Outllnetl- Tlie Movingg of the Machinery of Justice. The time of the court was very largely taken up last week in the tri al of three important cases, to wit, Tumlin vs. Thompson and Scott and F. P. Gray claimant, Mary J. Alford vs. W. F. Alford, lbel for divorce, and H. J. Bates, executor vs. C. M. Jones. „ The case of Alford vs. Alford attracted much attention and listened to with great interest. It was a suit for total divorce by the plaintiff. Mary J. Alford against Floyd Alford on three grounds, Ist, cruel treatment, 2nd, diunkenness, 3rd, adultery. Col. W. M. Bray, of Atlanta represented the libellant. His speech in the case was able and eloquent, and was very favorably commented on by our local bar. Below’ will be found the record of the work done. Erwin & Ramsaur vs. R. D. Land et. al. Appeal, Older dismissing appeal. N. Tumlin vs, Thompson and Scott and F. P. Gray claimant. At tachment and claim. Verdict find ing property subject. W. V. Smith vs. I). F. Bishop. Complaint. Judgment for $585.65 besides interests and costs. Mary Adcock vs. Wyatt Adcock, order establishing lost deed. W. I. Ben ham and J. J. Howard vs. John C. Branson. Complaint. Order dismissing this case at plain tiffs’ cos!. Mary J. Alford vs. W. F. Alfoid. Libel for divorce. Verdict for tht defendant. J. J. Howard & Son. vs. Eli Bar rett. Complaint and garnishment. Settled at defendant’s cosK J. J. Howard & Son. vs. uglesby & Bro. et al. Complaint. Order to perfect services. G. H. Bates, executor, etc., vs. C. M. Jones. Complaint. Verdict for $4,307.67 principal and $2,297.20 in terest to judgment, and costs. Sdurday was devoted to the hear ing of motions and certioraris. Some fine legal arguments were made during last week, and the prog ress made in the work of the court was reasonably satisfactory. This week will conclude the labors of the term until sometime in Oct. or Nov. when an adjourned term of two weeks will be given to the W’ork of this court. Bartow,s Classical anil Scientific Institute. Col. Henry 1). Capers was in the city yes.erday. He informs us that the Bartow Classical and Scientific Institute, of which he is principal, opens up this week with the most flattering prospects. Quite a num ber of students from other points will go to Adairsville this session to enjoy the advantages of this institu tion. It is gratifying to know that Col. Capers’ efforts to give Adairs ville a first class school are meeting so much encouragement and success. Editors American: Is there a law prohibiting drunkenness on the streets of this city? If so whose fault is it that said law is not enforc ed? Do you not think a nuisance that it should be abated, and if there is no such law ought not our mayor and alderman pass such a law and see to it that the officers execute the same? Citizen. Fmc Crops. Mr. W. S. Bradley, of the Sixtn District, in this county, has six acres of the finest cotton in North Geor gia. It will average Si feet high, and is lapped in the rows. The fruit is very fine there being from 6 to 12 bolls to the stalk. Mr. Bradley is one of the best young farmers in Georgia. Boarding House. Mrs. C. M. Marsh will be glad to accommodate six or eight day board era on and after July Ist. Residence on Main street. Pure French Candy, made since the late rain ust received by Wikle&Co. Books, Slates Ac, lor the Public Schools of Bartow and adjoining counties will be sup plied cheap by Wikle A Cos. It takes the cash to buy School Books; and VVikle A Cos. are selliug them tor cash.' You can get the Sunday Constitution at Wi kle’s Book Store. The latest improved Window Shade fixtures at Wikle & Cos ’s. Price’s Cream, Edd\’s Reliable and Eagle brand baking powders only at Word’s. Old Reliable —Lancreth’s Turnip Seeds in bulk, and in sealed packages at Curry’s. fie MM HI HI IMS mi 111 M! Every lady, gentleman and child should he interested in this sale, For our whole stock, Summer as well as Winter Foods, must he disposed of owac €4irvs p—n ll—ww ■ ■■!!■■■—■■aMMMßMMM—Tnrwt ■ iißwiiwi in I'.aif i—yra mruu ■ wmm\ Come at Ones and be Convinced for we Mean every Word we say. Cartersville, Georgia, July 15th —Im. CnHOdS 3t ( C^OStS CLEARING- OUT SALE TO REDUCE STOCK. For the next sixty days MATS & PRITCHETT offer to the trading public their entire stock of Dry Goods LffiTwis:® i. These goods are fresh and seasonable, having been bought in the last few months iu the best markets in the United States, by au experienced and competent buyer FOR CASH. The stock embraces everything usually kept iu a first class Dry Goods establishment. Wo offer nothing at less than cost as a decoy, and we promise our patrons that we will practice no duplicity, We mean exactly what we say. Come and see us and be convinced. If there be “doubting Thomases” we will with pleasure, produce original invoice in attestation of our good faith. We anticipate no “change in our business,” neither do we desire to “crush out competition,” but we simply wish to sell out our goods before the season closes, and at the same time to redeem our promise made three months since, viz: To sell goods as cheap or cheaper than any house in North Georgia. * ° GOODS AT ACTUAL COST MUST BE PAID FOE IN CASH. We will eontinue to supply you with goods on time at a reasonable profit. Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your patronage for the future. UAUTERSViLLK, July Bth, 1884. MATS C&3 • DEALERS IS Stoves, Tinware, Chinaware, Lamps and Window Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds. ‘ MANUP AOTURERS OF v ™ AND ™ IRON WARBS - WING AID GUTTERING A SPECIALTY. T|||f * THE MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COTTON, BEESWAX, TALLOW, ETC. July Bth, 1884—6 m. BAKER & HALL. We specially call the attention of our friends to the fact that we have on hand a large sup ply of Mowers, Reapers and Self-Binders, Threshers and Engines, and a full supply >f all kinds of Agricultural Implements, til in need ol such goods win save money by calling and getting terms and prices. Mon ey saved is money made. Baker & Hall. W. A. BRADLEY On West Main street, Shaw’s old stand, Is prepared to do all kinds of repairing in CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, Ac. lie can do anything in the wood, iron or paint line, and at prices t suit the times. All work promptly attended to and neatly llnished Call on him if you want your old buggies made new, and, our word for it, you will get ihe worth ot your money, Wneelwrighting a speciality. MONEY TO LOAN, George 11. Aubrey will be found at the law office of Graham & Graham, in the Court House, Cartersville, Ga.. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, for the purpose of loaning mon ey, in large and small sums, on Bartow county lands, at a very low rate of interest. mstf MONEY TO LOAN ON BARTOW COUN TY FARM LANDS. NEW COMPANY! NEW ANI) LOWER RATES! Apply to A. M. FOUTE, May 13,1884-tf Cartersville, Ga. Messrs Halie & Mower, Atlanta, Ga.—Gents: I have used your Elixir Mandrake and Buehu, and found eutire relief from a sick headache which I have suffered from for the past twenty five years, and recommend it to all others smilarly affected. Mrs. E. J. Johnson, Atlanta, Ga. For sale by M. F. Word, druggist, Carters ville, Ga. Notice. East & West R. It., of Ala. ) office of Gen. Pass. Agt. > Cedaktown, June 28th, 1884.) Or. and after the Ist of August, 1864, local tickets will be sold at all stations where there are agents on the line of the East and West ••ailroad of Ala., for three cents per mile. Parties failing to purchase tickets at such stations will be charged on board of train the conductor’s rate of four cents per mile. Geo. T. Kershaw, Gen. Pass. Agt. Jul 1 Ot We Are Selling THE CELEBRATED T. J. MAGRUDER & CO.’S CUSTOM MADE SHOES, And kindly ask the ladies and gentlemen of CARTERSVILLE, And surrounding country to call and see TJESIJEiIS^L When they want to buy lirst class goods. JONES BROS. & GQ. IMPORTANT to CIGARETTE SMOKERS The Duke of Durham has reached the high est j oint of superiority, and the makers ure determined to keep it the best Cigarette upon the market. LQRiLURQ’S MAOCOBOY SNSJFF, CAUTION TO CONSUMERS: As tiia many inferior imitations h ive ap peared upon the market in packages so closely resembling ours as to deceive the unwary, we would request the purchaser to see that the red lithographed tin cans in which it is pack ed always bear Our Name and Trade Mai lc. In buying the imitation you pay as much lor an inferior at tide as the genuine costs. BE SURE YOU OBTAIN THE GENUINE. I-orillard's Glim as RED TsN-TAG PLUG TOBACCO, The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing- Tobacco Ever Made, The Genuine always hears a Tied Tin-Tag with our name thereon. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Parker’s Tenie. A Pure Family Medicine M Never Intoxicates. It you are a mechanic or a farmer worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by fam ily or household duties, try Parker’s Tonic. Ifyou are a lawyer, minister or business man exhausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker’s Tonic. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or it you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stemach, bow els, blood or nerves, you can be cured by Par ker’s Tonic. CAUTION!—Refuse all substitutes. Parker’s Tonic is composed .of the best remedial agents in the world, and is entirely different from preparations of ginger alone. .Send for cir cular. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM The best, cleanest and most economical hair dressing. Never fails to restore the youthful color to gray huir. This elegant dressing is preferred by t.hosc who have used it, to any similar article, on ac count of its superiot* clenl incss and purity. It contains materials only that are to the scalp and hair. Pa-kerb Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is waranted to prevent falling of the hair and remove dandruff. IIISCOX & CO., 163 William Street, New York. 50c and $1 sizes at all dealers in medicines. Great saving in buying dollar size. BURWHA'iWS’S"” IMPROVED Ma STANDARD TURBINE! /f* ' ' Is the best constructed and iin ished, gives better percentage, iiiS'fT'fTdi’" L ,n °re power, and is sold for less fljjgjil r f money, per horse power, than - °f* ,er Turb’no li. the world j6§f“*Newpamphletsentfree by BURNHAM BROS. York, Pa. I have a nice line of summer clothing, which I propose to sell at cos and below cost. Call and see me; I mean business; these goods must be closed out, so if you want a bargain call and see me. DICK .JONES. Three hundred lbs. fresh and reliable Lan dretli’s Turnip Seeds just received at Curry’s The Domestic Sewing Machine outsells ever} thing. Don’t buy until you have seen It NOTICE! BLACK DIAMOND COAL The best for Domestic pur poses. Address Coal Creek Mining Company, Knoxville, Tenn., for prices and freight. T. H. IIEALD, President, June 24-3 m The f. H, Gilbert Place for Sale. 11 acres of land in a good state oi cultivation, one acre of good fruit bearing trees 4 to 5 years oil. apples, peaches, penis, plums, etc., select varieties. A line lot of grapes in good bearing order. The house contains 5 rooms besides kitchen and elii ing room, all under one cover, A lasting, good well, best water in the town, a good barn, with sheds and all necessary con veniences. The above vaiy desirable" home will be sold at a sacrifice for cash. Two good cows, bam filled with roughness, farming tools one horse wagon, good as new, in fact every thing for a pleasat home and living. Lookout, somebody will miss the best chance lor a good home that h is ever been offered in Cartersville. For further particulars apply to Tiiko. E. Smith or A. I). Gilbert. July 29--Gw. THE WYORK TRIBUNE. ONLY 25 CENTS Until After TRG_Noyeiiitior Eleciiou. LEADING PAPER IN THE PARTY. Heartily Republican in politics, devoted to the protection of American interest on land and sea, and giving to theCh.eago nominees a loyal and vigorous support. The Nesv York Tribune proposes now to make its own contri butions to the furtherance of the Republican campaign. The Tribune throws off its profits on its Weekly, and agrees to send the paper for barely enough to cover the cost of printing and wrapping oaper, postage and mailing. The Weekly will be sent, postage free, until alter the Presidential election, (or for four months, on any order received before October t.) lor 25 Cents; an exti a copy with every club of ten. Ttie Semi-Weekly will be sent lor 50 Cents; and extra copy with every club of ten. The election of Blaine and Logan is a public necessity. It is of the utmost importance that ihe voters snould bo well instructed in the issues of the campaign. The New York Tri bune will bean efleotive agency lor that pur pose. The formation of large campaign clubs is invited in every town and county. Speci men copies and circulars will be sent, free, in any quantity to all applicants. Payment lor the paper strictly in advance. liLAINE AND LOGAN. The Tribune has excellent lithographic por traits of Mr. Blaine and Gen. Logan in a style suitable for any library or bailor. The pic ture of Mr. Blaine receives the unqualified ap proval ol his iamily. It is the best likeness of lim published. The port-ait ol Gen. Logan is ot similar excellence. The portraits are print ed on heavy paper: 19 by 2l>£ inches in size. Either one will be sent for 20 cents. Both will be sent for 35 cents. THE WAIERBURY WATCH is offered as a premium with campaign clubs. Semi for circulir descriptive ot teinis. With a club ot 75 at 25 cents each, the watch sent liee. The watch and the Weekly, one year, are sent ior $350, the price of the watch; the Semi- Weekly and the Watch lor $4 50. Tux Tribune, New York. Call on Dick Jones an 1 be convinced that you can get the best bargains in opera slippers and Newport Ties in Cartersville. A fresh lot of horey at Dick Jones’. A car-load of Fruit Jars for sale by D. W Cur-y. Lowest prices. Just received afresh lot of dried beef at Dick Jones’. SEWING MACHINES. Largest stock, lowest prices and best terms at Wikle & Co.’s, Cartersville, Ga. Fruit Jars and Jellv Glasses at Cuiry’s. BAKER & HALL. Our friends will please bear in mind that wo are in (he NVagou and Buggy business, and that we keep constantly on hand a large sup ply of General Hardware. Come and see us. Baker a Hall. I Cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco at W ikle’s. Ail kinds machine needles, oils, and attach ments at Wikle’s. Handsome gold rings with the new “Tiger eye” setting >t Wikle’s. A:2T' Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses at Curry's. German Whooping Cough Remedy, sure cure at D. W. Curry’s. Fruit Jars and Jelly ©lasses at Curry’s, JpUPFruit Jars and Jelly ©lasses at Curry’s, Fruit Jars and Jelly Ol asses at Curry’s, @*Frnlt Jars and Jelly Olasses at Curry’s, Will Kill Flies. Dalmatian Insert Powders. Get it at Cur ry’s at ten cents per box. German Whooping Cough Remedy, sure cure at D. W. Curry’s. ssr Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses at Curry’s. Amateurs in North Georgia will he pleased to know that they can send to Wikle & co agents for Samuel French & Son’s plays mid dramatic works, and have anything ordeied from the publishers within six days. Beautiiul Oil Paintings and elegant Chro mos, a large assortment, just in at Wikle & Co.’s, cheaper than ever sold before. Get the Fireside Companion at Wikle & Co’s. Saturday Night every week at Wikle’s. “It is equal to a tei.-ccnter,” is what ev erybody says about Wikle A Co.’s leading five cent cigar. HALF PRICE. Wikle & Cos. are selling a good lot of cigars two lor a nickel to elo'-e out some of their nu merous brands* “Alterßreakfast.” “Alter Dinner,” “After Supper” and “Always” cigar are selling last at W ikle’s, next door to post office.