Newspaper Page Text
|b arc ainsl J
SSL The people appreciate low prices, and I
have the goods at prices that competition cannot
match. My trade is growing better every day—
all on account of the bargains I am offering my
customers and the polite attention they receive
I am
I new goods and will always give you the benefit
of the very LOWEST PRICES. I can show
HH pi !fIP rip rflEir I'
you a full line of Dry Goods, notions, shoes and
•j clothing. My shoe trade is immense. I can • L
/ U
f supply your wants from the coarsest shoe to'
lb r - %■ | ' j i
the finest clothing, hats, shirts, etc.,* the leading
styles and lowest prices. ;
is the best one made. Try one and you will
never buy any other. I haven’t space to tell
J | you all I can do for you, but come to see me J||
£ when yon come to Cartersville. ißpfjS
A Few Words
We desire to call youi attention to our stock of
Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc., all of which
■were purchased with a view to placing on the mar
ket the very best goods lo be had for the money. If
Bife. . .
reasonable prices, fair and honest dealing will ac
complish anything, it is upon these principles we
propose to do business. We feel confident that
To sell you your goods as low as any other
house, and all we ask is to give us an opportunity
to convince you of the fact. It is not necessary to
go into details, so, to make a long story short, we
close by saying, come to see us and we will do you
good. With respect we are
Your Friends,
Z v. • W
Successors to ikCayfli db I*ritolx©tt,
Administrator 9 !! Sale.
GEORGIA —Bartow County.
Bf yirtuc of an order from the court of
Ordinary of said county of Bartow, will
he: sold before the Court House door in
Cartersville, Bartow county, Ga., on the
first Tuesday imJanuary, 1887, within the
legal sale hours; the following real, estate
belonging to the estate of Felix D.
Franklin, deceased, to wrt:
One house and lot, in the city of Car
tersville, said county, bounded as fol
lows: West by the Tennessee street,
East by the Asa, A. Dobbs lands, North
by lands of A. M. Franklin, South bv
property ol Mrs. Lucy Bell. Said lot con
taining 2 acres, more or less, and being
the home place of said Felix D. Franklin,
deceased. House has 4 comfortable
rooms and fine well of water on lot.
Sold for division. Terms cash.
A. M. Franklin,
Dec 6th, ’B6. Admr. Felix D. Franklin.
or et!*rt,who wish to MomiVvs
“ * ■ BWCIIO thin paper, or obtain Mtimatel
° n * Jv6 ''<iirig tpace whan in Chicago, will find it on file i.„
GEORGIA —Bartow County.
Whereas, L. P. Gaines has applied for
permanent letters of administration on
the estate of Moses Motes, coloied, late of
said county, deceased, therefore all per
sons concerned are hereby cited and re
quired to appear at my office within the
time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they can, why said letters should
not be granted, else ’etters will be granted
applicant on the first Monday in January,
1887. Witness my hand and official sig
nature. This Nov. 22, 1886.
J. A. Howard, Ordinary.
Whereas, W L Adams, Administrator
of Johnson Adams, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully admin
istered Johnson Adams’ estate. This is
therefore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said Administrator
should not be discharged from his admin
istration, and receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday in February,
1887. This Ist November, 1886.
, sta J. A* HOWARD, Ordinary.
For Treasurer.
We are authorized to announce the
name of A. G. 11. VANDIVERE as a can
didate tor Treasurer of Bartow county,
Election first Wednesday in January.
MR. H. W. COBB hereby announces
himself as a candidate for Treasurer of
Bartow county. Election first Wednes
day in January, 18*37.
For Tax Collector.
We are authorized to announce the
name of J. F. LINN as a candidate for
Tax Colllector of Bartow county, at the
ensuing election—first Wednesday in
January, 1887.
I herebv announce my name as a candi
date for fax Collector of Bartow county
Election first Wednesday in Januar
next. If elected, I will faithfully and
honestly discharge the duties ot the office
and will not ask to be favored with a sue
cessive term. Respectfully,
James L. Miluollin,
We are authorized to announce the
name of Joshua Bradford as a candidate
for Tax Collector of Bartow county.
Election first Wednesday in January.
For Sheriff.
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. W. ROBERTS as a candidate
lor re election as Sheriff of Bartow Coun
ty, with John A. Gladden as Deputy.
Election first Wednesday in January,
We are hereby authorized to announce
the name of A. M. Franklin for Sheriff of
Bartow county, and J. \V. Williams, of
the 17th District, us his Deputy. Elec
tion to be held on the first Wednesday
in January next. If elected, they prom
ise a faithful performance of the duties
of the office. July 2*), 1886.
For Glerk of Court*
We are authorized to announce the
name of MR. F. M. DURHAM as a
candidate for re-election to the office of
clerk of Bartow County Superior Court.
Eiectiou first Weduesdav in January
The many friends of Baily A. Barton
hereby announce his name as a candidate
for Clerk of the Superior Court,of Bartow
county, in the ensuing election.
For Tax Receiver.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Albert Smith as a candidate for
the office of Tax Receiver of Bartow
county. Election first Wednesday in
panuary, 1887.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Mr. Nat Dunahoo for the c-flica
of Tax Receiver of Bartow county.
Election first Wednesday in January,
At the solicitation of many of my
friends in the county, I hereby aunounee
myself a candidate for re-election to the
office of Tax Receiver of Bartow county
at the ensuing election.
W. W T . Ginn.
County Commissioners.
We - are authorized to announce the
following names as candidates for
County Commissioners. Election first
Wednesday in January, 1887:
J. C. Milam,
Jno. N. Dobbs,
Jno. P. Lewis,
B. T. Leake,
W. L. Adams.
We are also authorized to announce the
following names:
J. C. Milam,
Jno. N. Dobbs,
Jno. P. Lewis,
B. T. Leake,
J. L. Irick.
For Constable.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Frank C. Watkins as a candidate
lor Constable for the 822nd District. G. M.
Administrator 9 ** Sale.
GEORGIA —Bartow County.
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Bartow County, will be sold
on the first Tuesday in February, 1887, at
the Court House door in said county, be
tween the legal sale hours, the tract of
land whereon Mrs. Sarah Fortenbnry re
sided at the time of her death, to-wit: 120
acres, more or less, being part of lot num
ber 107, in the 15th District and 3d section
of Bartow county, Ga., being all of said
lot except 40 acres in the northwest cor
ner. About forty acres cleared—ordinary
improvements. Sold as the property of
Mrs. Sarah Fortenbury, deceased, for the
purpose of paying debts. Terms of sale
one half cash, balance on 12 ments, cred
it, with interest from date of sale. This
28th of October, 1886.
Adm’r Sarah Fortenbury, Dec’d.
Administrator 9 * Sale.
GEORGIA—Bartow County.
By virture of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of Bartow dounty, will be
sold on first Tuesday in Febuary 1837,
at the Court House door in said county,
between the legal sale hours the follow
ing real estate belonging to L. F. Jolly
and Mattie C. Cook: One undivided
half interest in lots of land number 91G,
884, and one-half of 883, containing 100
acres more or less, all in the 17th District
and 3 section of Bortow county, Ga., 80
acres cleared, four room dwelling, framed
—good stables. Terrne of cash.
Adm’r L. F. Jolly and Mattie C.
Cook, deceased.
Bartow Hlierilt 9 * Hale*.
House door in Cartersville, Bnitow
county Georgia, on the
First Tuesday in January, 1887,
between the legal sale hours, to the highest
bidder, the following described property, to
Lots of land numbers GBS, 737, 777, 778,779, 80G.
8( 2, 704, 70."), r .OC and part* of lots numbers 733
7ft 4, 835, 831, 852, 853, 804, 781, 78#-the whole of
said lots and parts of lot? comprising the place
lor ncrly known the Dr- It. M. Young place,
and bootuled by the Etowah River and Petits
Creek, and tin lands ol Thomas 11. Baker,
John S. Leake and J. \V. Harris, dr., and now
in posscasion ot P. M. 11. Young as executor of
It. M. Young, deceased; all in the 4dt district
and 3rd section cf Bartow county, (Jcoigia.
Levied on and will besohl as the property of the
estate of It. M. Young, deceased, in the hands
of P. M. B. Young, executor, to be administered
to satisfy one Bartow Superior Court fi fi. iu
favor of James M. Ned, receiver of Lewis
Tumlin’s estate vs. P. M. B. Young as executor
of it. M. Young, deceased.
Also at the same time an 1 place, one
and lot in Mechanicsville, Bartow county,
Georgia, containing one acre, more or less,
bounded eastward h/ an alley between this lot
and the Teague lot, r orthwarU by James
Thomas’ lot, westward by Louisa Moore, south-
ward by W. &A. R. B. Levied on and ai l ue
sold ss the property ol Kol*ert Thomas and Katie
Thomas to satis y one Justice's Court fl fa
from 822nd district G. 21, in favor of It. M..
Pallillo vs. liobert Thomas, Thomas and
G. A. Pattillo. Property in possession of de
leadants Ih >m ts. Levy made and teturned t
me by F. H. Franklin, L. <J.
Also at same and plac*, forty acres ot
land in the south rn p< r ion of lot of In I No.
23, and 122 acres o.i the east side of lo: No 54*
both said lots bt i gin the 5.h dritric. and 3rd
section of s~ii county of liartow, aLo Jut” ot
an 1 Nos. 142 and U 6, ea. hoi ihesj 'hroe lo a
containing f>i ly aon sand situated ia tlie 4th
dis rict and 3id section ol- Bnrtaw coa Ay, ulj
levied on au l will be so, 1 as the pr iporty o
Edwin M Price a id John A Price, Jr., to sut
rifyouc Bartow 3 jpeirr *oa t uio tg;ig.j li. ft.
in favor of McJutch jo a aid S.iumlte vs. E iwi t
M. Price and Jdm A. Price, Jr. Property
pointed out in mortgage 11. fa.
Ali ia: the s uu tiiuj aii place, lot of lan 1
No. leO in t k ie 2>r l di->s ic: ati 2u i i of
Bartow co inty Ga., sai 1 1 -t Ling in tho north
west corner of Slid Uistri-t. Eevie l on and
will be sold as tie property of A. M G.uin, to
one Justice court li. fa. from V)s3th driirict G.
it, Gordon county Georgia, m lavor ol iiilbura
and Gardnor vs. said A. M. Gunn. Levy made
and leturned to me by J. F. Br iwner, L. C.
ALo at the a tine time and place, a house a id
lot known as tne B. S. Philips place, co itaiuiag
four acres, more or leas, ooeupic ias a rest leave
by VV. B. Leake, lronting no thwts ward toward
the public road, the op. n lot on which is loca
ted the store house now ojeupied by said Leake*
lying between the lot levied on aid said pub
lic road the property levied on bounded nor h
ward s.iul westward by the T.iy’orsville load,
and westward a id southward by a ditch at the
bottom of the hill on wliieh i? loc ited the
levied oa, and dividing the lot levied tn from
the cultivated held known as the Tom Tumlin
Ifcnd southward by the dwelling housj and lot
immediately a Ij-lining the property ievielon,
said pro,jerty all located in Euh trice. Bartow
county, Geoigi i. Levied on and will bo sold as
the property ol the dohn lant, it. t>. Phillips,
satisfy one Bartow Superior Court ti sri faoia s
in favor of O’Brian Bros. vs. It. 3. Phil ips,
Thomas Tumlin and J. J. Calhoun. Property
pointed out by plaintiffs and iu posession ot W*
B. Leake.
Also at the same time andplact, lots of land,
numbers 261, 265, 246, 247, all in 16 Ji district and
3rd section of Bartow eju ity, Georgia, Levied
on and will be tol las the prop rty of the de
fendant, Mrs. M. V. M lore, to sitiify ona ffjri
facias from the City Court ot Cartersville, in an
for said county, in favor of B. E. Strickland vs.
J. S. SLoore ands tid Mrs. 31. V. Moore. Prop
erty pointed out by plaintiff undin possession
Mrs. M. V. Moote.
Also at the saaie time and place, 147 acres ol
land, more or iess, being all of lot No. 318, in the
sth district and 3rd section of Bartow county,
Georgia, except 13 acres in the southeast comor
of said lot, the sarnj being all that part ol said
lot lying southeast of public road.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of
Jackson S. Upshaw, defendant, to satisfy one
Bartow Superior Court wiR of possession exe
cution in favor of IC M. Durham, administra
tor of Jams* Vaughn,deceased,vs,Jackson S. Up
shaw, and in his posses ijn. Property pointed
out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Also at the same time and plane, lots of land
numbers 871 aiid 1000, in the 2bt district an l
2nd section of Bartow county, Georgia. Levied
on as the pr >per y of one of the defendants, T.
C. Moore, and ii his posses ian; also lots of laud
numbers 1015 and 173, in the 21st district and
2nd'section of Barlow county, Georgia. Levied
on as the proserty of the defendants 1. O. Mc-
Daniel, Sr., and I. U. McDaniel 4 Jr., and iu
their possession. All said property levied on
and will be sold as the property of the defen
dants as above specified to satisfy one Bartow
Superior Court 11. la. in lavor of H. Lynch vs-
I. O. McDaniel & Cos., defendants, a Arm com
posed ot I. O. McDaniel, Sr., I. O, McDaniel’
Jr., T. C. Moore and T. F. Moore.
W. W. ROBERTS, She tiff'.
J. A. GLADDEN, Dep’y Sh’ff.
Administrator’.** Sale.
GEORGIA—Bartow County.
By virtue of an o>d' r fiom the Court of Orr.i.
nary of Bartow ountv, will be said on
first Tuesday in February, 1887, at the Court
Housedoor in stud county, between the legal
salchouis, the tract of land in said county
whereon James M. fcjtt, i< sided at the time ot
his death to wit: Lot of land number 170, con
taining 160 acres, more or less, a'so 122 acres,
more or less of let number 171, being all o f
said lot which east of public road leading
from Aduirsville to Calhoun. Also the south
half of lot number 161, containing eighty acie-q
more or less, and bounded as follows;bcgimiing
at the southeast corner ol said lot and running
north 9J poles, thence west to ihe western bmn
dryofsaid lot, thence w ith the bed of Oothci
loga creek to the south line or said lot, thence
to the point of beginning. Also one hundred
acres off of the ea t side of lot number 193, the
dividing line ruuning north and south. Also
fifty-four acre-, more or les-, off of the north
side of lot No 168, bounded on the north by pub
lic real which separates said ftf y-lour acres
from lot 170, and on the west by public read
leading from Adairsville to Calhoun,also three
ard one-half acres, more or of same lot
(No. 169) lying south ot, and adjoining, sail 54
acres, hounded on the east bv lands of Tatum
and oihers and on the west by public road. Alj
said lots and purts of lots lying in the 15'h dis
trict and 3rd section ol Bartow county, Georgia,
and containing 5191-2 acres, more or less, about
380 acres cleared and in high state of cultivation
balance timbered. Improvements—large brick
dwelling, teu ro ms, well flnishe I, with il nec_
ess ary outbuilding?, burns, stables, tenant
houses, etc. Goid wells and springs. A fine
stream of water runs through the faim, and
Oolhoidoga cri ek lonns a p rt of the western
and north-.vcTern boundary. Asa grain and
stock farm, this hus no superior, and but few
cqti i’s. Fine pastures, well watered) a beauti
ful lawn of 85 acres, a fl->h pond and oichards'
The whole making this one of the in >st desira
ble planes in North Geoigia.
Also lot of lan l number forty-five, in the 15:li
district and 3d sec i>n of Floyd county, Ga. con
taining 160 nerrs, more or less, unimproved,
well timbered. Thi- property is kaovVn as the
John H. Fitten farm, situ ited-on the W. & A.
railroad, one mile north of Adairsville, Ga., and
s ild as the property of the estate of James M
Scott, late oi said county, deceased for the pay
ment of'deb's and for distrioution. Titles un
questioned. Terms: one-third cash, balance in
one and two years, with interest r.m date a
seven percent, per annum, to be secured by
mortgage on the premia’s. For further partic
ulars apply to the administrators. This Decem
ber 38. h, ÜB6. A M FoctE,
Cartersville, Ga.,
6 V Stewart,
Charleston, S. (’.,
Administrators estate J M Scott, deceased.
GEORGIA —Bartow County.
Whereas, F. M. Durham, administrator
of David Huffman, dec’d, represents to
the Court in his petition, duly filed, that
he has fully administered David Huff
man’s estate. This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, heirs and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said
administrator should not be discharged
from his administration and receive letters
of dismission on the first Monday m Feb
ruary, 1887. This November 1, 1886.
3m J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Bartow County.
Whereas, Martha A. Foster, Adminis
tratrix of John W. Foster, Dec’d, repre
sents to the Court in her petition, duly
filed, that she has fully administered John
VV. Foster’s estate. This is therefore to
cite all persons concerned, heirs and
creditors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said administratrix should not be
discharged from her administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in February, 1887. This Novem-*
her 1,1886. J. A. HOWARD,
3tn Ordinary.
••• __;, y
Aufmm i
Most of the diseases whfe h ifllirt mmkird aro origin
illy cause J by ad cotidit ion of tli* LIVER.
For all complaints of this kind,*6>n li as Torpidity of
the Liver, Biliousness. Nervous Dyspepsia. Indiges
tion. Ir egularity of t tie Bowels, Constipation Kl.ite-
I-ncy, Eructations and Burning of Use Stomai b
(sometimes called Heartburn) Miasma, Malaria,
Bloody FiUi, Chills end Fever, Breakbone Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fever , Citronie Diar
rhoea, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath,
Irregul 'rities inoitlental to Females, Bearing-down
is invaluable. It is not a panacea for all diseases,
but /iims? all diseases of tho LIVER,
It changes tho complexion iitnn n waxy jellow
tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely remove*
low, gloomy spirits. It is one of tho BEST AL
Fur stdo by all Druggists. Price 31.00 per bottle
C. F. STADiGEfI, Proprietor,
140 SO. FRONT C 7. FWladvrirMr* -
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pu
rity, strength and wholesomencss. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude oi
lowest, short weight alum or phosphate pow
der. Sold only in cans.
iToyal Baking Powder Cos..
106 Wall St. N. Y.
Book of all Diseases,
Cloth & Cold Binding
144 Pag**, with Btel Xagrariag,
In use 90 yesrs.—Special Prescriptions of
an eminent Physician. Simple, Safe and Bare.
1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations.. .35
St Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .35
3 Crying Colic, or Teething of Infants ,35
4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 35
5 Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Celia 35
6 Cholera Morbus, Vomiting 35
7 Coughs, Cold. Bronchitis .35
8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 35
0 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. ,35
IO Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach 35
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .35
13 Whites, too Profuse Periods 35
13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.... .33
14 Salt Klieum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .35
15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pams 35
16 Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria .50
17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding 50
30 Whooping Cough, Violent Coughs.. .50
31 Asthma, Oppressed Breathing .50
33 Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing ,50
33 Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swelling .50
34 General Debility, Physical Weakneee .50
35 Dropsy, and Scanty Secretoins ... .50
36 Sea Sickness, Sickness from Riding .50
37 Kidney Disease 50
38 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak
ness, or Involuntary Discharges.... 1.00
29 Sore "Mouth, Canker . 50
30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed... ,50
31 Painful Periods, with Spasm 50
33 Diseases of the Heart, Palpitation 1.00
33 Epilepsy, Spasm, St. Vita*’ Dance... 1,00
34 Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat .50
Sold by Druggists, or sent post paid on receipt of
prioe,—HCHPHRKYS’ MEDICHE CO. 109 Fulton St. K. Y.
'Wv.Yc'Vv OW
[The Oft Told Story]
Of the peculiar medicinal merit* of Hood's
flarsaparilla Is fully confirmed by tba volun
tary testimony of thousands who have tried
It. Peculiar in the combination, proportion,
and preparation of its ingredients, peculiar
In the extreme care with which it is put
up, Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes curerf
where other preparations entirely fail. Pecu
liar in the unequalled good name it has made
at home, which is a “tower of strength
abroad,” peculiar iu the phenomenal sales
it has attained,
ssp Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is the most popular and successful medicine
before the public today for purifying the
blood, giving strength, creating an appetite.
> “I suffered from wakefulness and low
Spirits, and also had eczema on the back of
my head and neck, which was very annoying.
X took one bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and
I have received so much benefit that I am
eery grateful, and I am always glad to speak
a good word for this medicine.” Mrs. J. 8.
Brxpbr, Pottsvllle, Penn. . ..
jtiS' Purifies the Blood
r Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City,
had scrofulous sores all over his body for
fifteen years. Hood’s Sarsaparilla completely
cured him.
► Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfield, N. Y„
suffered eleven years with a terrible varicos*
ulcer on his leg, so bad that he had to giva
up business. He was cured of the ulcer, and
also of catarrh, by v x
| Hood’s Sarsaparilla *
Sold by all druggists, gl; six for £5. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mesa,
| 100 Doses One Dollar J
GEORGIA—Bartow County.
To all whom it may concern: William
J. Hilbuiu, administrator de bonis non
of estaie of John G. Aycock, deceased,
has iu due form applied to the uuder
sigued for leave t > sell the lands be
longing to the estate of said deceased,
and said application will be heard on the
first Monday in January, 1887. This
November 27th, 1886.
J. A, Howard, Ordinary,
Star Bros
imlli mu miTi
We want to reduce our stock, we
must reduce our stock, we
will reduce our stock.
Gieat Slaughter in our Cloak Department! Great Slaughter iu our Dress
Goods Department ! Great Slaughter iu our Clothing De
partment! Great Slaughter in our Carpet De
partment ! Great Slaughter in
our Shoe Department I Great Slaughter iu our Hat Department.
It is out of the question for other Dealers to compete with our Lnv
Prices. Study your own interest and .go to
Fig© Insurance dffie©
Represents Some of tie Leading Fire Insurance Companies of lie World
When you*want Insurance in First-class companies and at adequate rates call on
or address me and your orders shall have immediate attention. I also represent the
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, of Chicago, whose machines for durabily
and excellence cannot be surpassed. I have the exclusive right for the saleofclie
justly popular Glenn Mary Coal, and will always keep on hand a full supply during
he coming fall and winter.
heeling very much encouraged on account of your past patronage ard soliciting
a continuance of the same, with a still greater increase, I am
„ Very Truly Yours,
About twenty years ago I discovered a little sore on my cheek, and the doctors pro
nounced it cancer. I have tried a number of physician.?, out without receiving any perma
nent benefit. Among the number were one or two specialists. The medicine tney applied
was like fire to the sore, causing intense pam. I saw a statement in the papers telling what
S. S. S. had done for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before f had used
the second bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer was healing up. My general
health had been had for two or tnroe years—l haa a backing eougn ar.a spit blood contin
ually. I had a severe pam in my breast. After taking six bottles of S. S. S. ray cough left
me I grew stouter than I had been for several years. My cancer has healed over ail but
a little spot about the size of a half dime, and it is rapidly disappearing. I would advice
every one with cancer to give S. S. S. a fair trial.
Mils. NANCY J. McCONAUGIIKY, Ashe Grove, Tippecanoe Cos., Ind.
Feb. 16, 1886.
Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable* and seems to enre cancers hv forcing out the impa
’ties from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free
THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
We have this day sold our entire stock
of goods and tin shop to A. D. Gilbert.
We hope for him the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon us.
V. L. Williams & Cos.
From the above card you will see that
I have bought out the business and good
will of Y. L. Williams & Cos. I shall be
pleased to serve you. A full stock of
everything in my line will always be
found, and at reasonable prices.
A. D. Gilbert.
Toys, dolls, boys’ wagons, etc., at San-
I Gt au ’ headquarters —Wikle
The Provision Market.
This week our merchants are retailing
groceries at the following cash prices :
Flour, 2 to 3 cents per pound.
Lard, 10 pounds for a dollar.
Meat, 7 cents per pound.
Meal, CO cents per bushel.
Sugar, 12 to 15 pounds to the dollar.
Syrup, 25 to G 5 cents per gallon.
Hams, 13 cents per pound,
llice, 5 to 8 cents per pound.
Grits, 21 to 3 cents per pound.
Cheese, lCf cents per pound.
Coffee, 6 to 7 pounds to the dollar.
Chickens, 12 to 20 cents each.
Eggs, 20 cents per dozen.
Butter, 15 to 25 cents per pound.
Tallow, 6 cents per pound.
Hides— green, 5 cents; dry, 121 emts
per pound.
Bees wax, 20 cents per pound.
, Bran, 90 per hundred.