The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 16, 1903, Image 2
Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry. Co. Double Daily Passenger Service. NORTH ROUND. lilllf I'OUHt Limited, Sun. Only. H ftft » <»7 :»34 10 oo in 12 10 20 io :u 10 40 10 68 11 If) 11 :i7 11 5ft 12 2ft A M. 3 88 3 40 a 58 •I OH 4 25 4 83 tt 18 (1 30 ti 43 M ft 40 S 25 1) 01 0 1ft C 27 i) 38 1) 50 10 03 10 12—10 20 10 40 11 Oft 11 40 A. M. Ar Tallahassee Lake Jackson (iibson Havana Hinson I.alngkat Attopulgue Rower Rninbridge .Eldovenuo Hoykln Colquitt Damascus Rowmia Arlington Kdison Grubbs Cutlibcrt SOUTH ROUND. 1 3ft 1 10 12 ft 3 12 32 12 20 11 55 11 4ft 11 2ft 10 48—1^) 43 Gulf Coast Li n u tod iun.Only. 8 40 8 22 8 12 8 00 7 55 7 30 7 31 7 20 0 57— 0 54 6 28 a 17 c oo ft 5ft ft 4ft ft 34 ft 2ft 4 57 4 40 A. M. 9 05 H 37 8 25 8 00 7 60 7 20 <i 47 0 37 (t 24 0 14 0 02 5 48 5 40 It. A. McTyer, Gen. A'gt. It Coleman Gen, Puss. Agt. W. M. I,egg, Gen. Mangr Atlantic Go&st Line Railway Go. Florida and Cuba. Double Daily Passenger Service TROY, OZARK, DOTIIAN, ELSA, BAINBRIDGE, THOU YSVILLE, VALDOSTA, WAYOROSS, SAVANNAH, OHALELTON, BRUNSWICK, JACKSONVILLE AND FLORIDA POINTS.^ Through Pitltnan Sleepers Port Tampa to Ne v York via Atlantic Coast Line, also via Atlantic Coast Line ami Southern K’y To St. Louis, Cineinati, Louisville, Chicago, Kansis City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, an 1 all points East am) North Leave Bainbridge going East—1:50 a. ra., 5:45 a. m., 1:00 p. m. Leave Bainbridge going West—3:JO*. m., 11:55 a m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & \l. T Co for New York, Boston and Baltimore. Through Pullman Cars on all through trains and to ew York, Baltimore Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and and all points Quarantine Regulations between the United States and the Island of Cuba was raised October 15th. therefore, there will be no restrictions hereafter on passengers traveling between Hivana and the United States. For further information, cull on nearest Ticket Agent, or address W J Craig, W H Leahy, Gan. Pass. Agent, I’hvsion Pass. A rent, Wilmington. N. C. Savannah. Ga H to Emeron, Traf. Man. T J Bottoms, Tray. Pass. Agent, 'l’ho masville, Ga. Jurors November Court. The following list ot jurors have been drawn to serve at the No vember term of the superior court which meets on the second Mon day in November: GRAND JURORS. N F Mallard H 11 Hodges S R Hurst B B Thomas J W deter J \V Williams E H Daniel C T Mathis Ghas. Miller J F Griner W K Brock W A Bullock A Cook. Jr. H E Russell E M Moore S .1 Barrineau A G Goff Wo. Whiddon S R Brinson J E Dickenson W H Williams W H Oliver W R Holder J C McCall T Jl Duggar C L Funderburk J C Evans Lee Parker G L Earnest J R King FIRST WEEK PETIT JURORS. W IC Darsey J M Brock J N Mathews W C Harrell Dave Murkison K 11 Gainey i' C Drake W L Powell Alfred Bird Hunnewell Gritlin I M Griffin T J Jackson Walier Lane F W Williams I L) Morgan W T Cain D W Kelly W D blester W R Owens W A John-on .1 O Harrell John Whigham Monroe Mills H R Revuolds O D Hanna W .) Alien Sam Brunson J I Subers W O O’Neal A B Griffin Martin H.rreU O L Worn Q A Phillips R L flicks O VV Roberts W J Holder SECOND WEEK. ,1 W Callahan XV H Jeter II ,1 Paulk T H Williams .1 B Butler Columbus Clarke B K T Harrison T L t’aivcloth 0 N 1' Hodges J M Sa-ser Albert Powell B D Roberts W .1 Yeates J II Rerritt D \V Lane J '1' Coombs .) S i’hursby F S Jones 1 L 1 hornton 11 B Sutton H M Butler II I Clav .1 E Shelter H A Eagerton .1 P Harrell .) G Curry W O Kell D C Gurley J H Walters .lames Daughtry s A McNair T L Langley T H Elkins W E -Lester N C W higham Jasper Glover TaxM Florida Farm for Sale. FIRST 1 Will be at the f ollori dates named beluw collecting State and e the year 1903 . 1 Climax, Bells, Higdon, Reagans, Pearces, Wliigham, Fowlstown, Attapnlgus. Faceville, Recovery, Kendricks, Bainbridge, Bain bridge. Spring Creek, Donaison villa, Steam Mill, Iron City, Rock Pond, Pine Hill. Belcher, Lime Sink, Blowing Cave, Spring Hill, Bainbridge, SECOND d| Climax, Bells, Higdon, Reagans, Pearces, to higham. Fowlstown, -Utapulgus, Faceville, Recovery, Kendricks, Pine Hill, Bainbridge, s pring Cieok, Donalsonville, S’-eam .Mill, Iron City, Rook Pond, Belchers, i iiue Sink. Blowing Cave, Spring H:ll, Will lie at Bainlnidge November superior pi sitiyely close D«« Respectfuill M.W. The Maa and the 4 5 A man will run i _ f can to cross a railnl front ot a train, saw I f City Journal. Thenf , ^ it till it goes out of: ! P he will walk leisurely| \ seems to be all right a Tati 1 hj» Fridxjl SatuM Mono, Tueo We, Thai Eridijl Shtnirf Mondj Tui Thus Fridajl SatuJ Slone Tues toe TiiaJ Friday! Saturd Munda! Tumi to edac 5 bur Frida! St-isil Moada 'i’Ml W Ti I’riio Safin Mo, I’m to'edn Thui Friday, S^urtdil JlOtldlJ T oe-d, Wall 4 burwii Stuckey & Cox, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, WEST -STREET, Bainbridge, Ga. FIRST-CLASS RIGS, GOOD SURRIES, POLITE DRIVERS FOR OCCASIONS. Transfer business ’Bus meets all Boats and Railway trains day and night and our* baggag wagon will tranfev baggage eitberway. ’Phone 104 your wants for best service 'TTTfTHST & nr X. BRACK1N & CO, Livery, Feed, mu Sale Stables, Broad Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Busses meetsall trains and transfer passengers promptly to any portion o the city. First class teams and trusty drivers. Call at our stables PHONE 56. BRACKIN go 600 acres fine farm land, 90 acres tn cultivation, remaining 510 acres well timbered, large quantity of oy press; $2,000 worth of improve-3-is.* T hat is a man, meets, 50 head of cattle, twenty il A woman in a slri head of hogs, 18 pet sheep, cane miil jopcn a sachi-1 and and evaporator, new; two wagons. $ purse, take out a din! two buggies. Farm is five miles '1 the purse, open the sal from L. & N. railroad, five miles of I the purse, close tic Alabama state line, in Holmes coun ty ; convenient to schools and churches—good neighbors, high and heatlhy. Owner is an invalid, un able to look after it, and will sell both ends, L-' tne dime to the will give her a nickel 1 she will open the s-'Ch out the purse, put in | for $4,000—well worth twice that I c ] ose the purse, open and put in the | urs< sachel and lock both i she will feel for the baj back of her belt. omotint. Address IT. L. Williams, 131 South Broad street, Thomas- ville, Ga. STAR BARBER SHOP, WILLF. THORNTON, Proprietor. Established I8S5. Notice. All persons are hereby warned not to pick up, sell or otherwise dispose of our Cypress Logs on the Flint river nor to alter, change or deface our brand on same. All persons are also warn ed not to buy any of our logs. The Cypress Lumber Co. Apalachicola, Fla. Pelham,, our prog city 's soon to estai mill. A number of and enterprising 0 Hon. J. L. Hand have filed a petition i ell superior court fortl ation of the Pelham M tilizer Company, stock of $100,000 an increase it to $5' charter provides for 1 are of cotton seed oil ers, for the operation works, ice factory, gtc„ and also for cih| vinii'l