The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 30, 1903, Image 4

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Juran November Coart. The following list ot jurors have been drawn to serve at the No vember term of the superior court which meets on the second Mon day in November: GRAND JURORS. N F Mallard SRHurst J W Jeter E H Daniel Chas. Miller W K Brock A Cook, Jr. E M Moore A 6 60S 8 R Brinson W H Williams W R Holder T M Dugger J C Evans G L Earnest H H Hodges B B Thomas J W Williams C T Mathis • J F Griner W A Bullock B E Russell S J Barrineau Wm. Whiddon J E Dickenson W H Oliver J C McCall C L Funderburk Lee Parker J R King FIRST WEEK PETIT JURORS. J M Brock W C Harrell WEDarsey J N Mathews Dare Murkison T C Drake Alfred Bird I M Gridin Walter Lane I D Morgan D W Kelly W R Owens J 0 Harrell Monroe Mills C D Hanna Ham Brunson W O O’Neal Martin il.-rrell Q A Phi lipe 0 W Roberts R H Gainey W L Powell Hunnewell Gridin T J Jackson F W Williams W T Cain W D Hester W A Johnson John Wbigham H R Reynolds W J Allen J I Hubers A B Gridin 0 L Worn R L Hicks W J Holder SECOND WEEK J W Callahan H J Paulk J B Butler B K T Harrison N T Hodges Albert Powell W J Yeates 0 W Lane J 8 Thursby 1 L Thornton H M Butler J E Shelter J P Harrell W C Bell J H Walters S A McNair T H Elkins N C Wbigham W H Jeter T H Williams Columbus Clarke T L Faircloth J M Sasser B D Roberts J H Perritt J T Coombs F 8 Jones H B Hutton H I Claw H «V Eagertou J G Curry D C Gurley James Dauglitry T L Langley W E Lester Jasper Glover KOTIGE OF APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF DHAULITHB. Minnie K. Barbree i Libel for Di- vs, > vorce. Decatur John Tilden Barbree. ) Superior Court, May Term. 1901, Verdict for total divorce 12th flay of November. 1902. Notioe ; s hereby given that on the 31st day of August. 1903, the under- sigded tiled in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Decatur county an application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon him under the ver dict in the above stated case. Said ap plication will be heard at the term of said court which convenes on Tuesday after the second Monday in November, 1002. John Tilden Barbree. Fair Warning! All parties are hereby warned not to hunt or fish on the Twin Lake Place, otherwise known as the Westmoreland plantation near town, I will most positively pros ecute any one found trespassing on this property without regard to who the party may be. All privi leges heretofore granted are hereby revoked Mrs F 1. Oct. 27. 1903. Dissolution Notice. Petition for Charter. State of Georgia—Decatur Couuty: To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of James W att. of the county of Thomas. State of Georgia, and A. J. Macdonald, of the county of Decatur and State of Georgia, respect fully- shows: -* S-5 I* That they desire, for themselves, tbeir associates, successors and assigns, to become incorporated ur der the name and style of the Macdonald Hardware Company. 2. The term for wliicTi -etitioners ask to be iuiorporated is twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 8. The capital stock of the corpora- tion is to be Eight Thousand Dollars, dtvid r d into scares of one hundred dol lars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock from time to time not exceeding in ag gregate Twenty-live Thousand Dollars, by a majority vote of the stockholders. Petitioners show that more than tan per cent of the capital stock has already been actually paid in. 4, They desire to sue and be sued in any court of law or equity; and to make and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; to appoint such offi cers and agents as the business of the corporation shall require, and to allow them suitable compensation, to make by-law* fixing and altering the number of its directors, and providing for tbe management of its property, tne regula tion and government of its affairs, and the transfer of its stock, with penalties for the breach thereof not exceeding twenty dollars. 5. '1'he object of the proposed corpor ation is pecuniary profit aud gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a general mercantile business dealing in hardware, house lurnishing- goods, stoyes, building material, mill supplies, and such other goods as they see fit and deem right and proper to handle for their own profit and benefit, and to this end they desire to hold, pur chase and convey such real and personal estate as the purposes of the corporation shall require, and all other real estate which shall have been bona fide convey ed or mortgaged !o the corporation by way of security, or in satisfaction of debts, or purchased at sales upon judg ment or decree obtained for such debts, and to mortgage any suoh real estate or personal estate with its franchises; the power to hold real and personal e-tate shall include the power to take the same by devise or bequest; to act as general or special agents for other per sons or companies in selling or handling any artioles or class of articles appropri ate to the hardware businees or usually or conveniently connected therewith; to make contracts to act as suoh agent, and to exercise the usual powers and to do all usual, necessary and proper acts which pertain to or may be Connected with the general hardware businees. 0. They desire that the stockholders shall be liable to the extent of their un paid subscription to stock, and no fur ther. 7. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be the city of Bainbridge, said st te and county. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name nnd style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities, and subject to the liabilities fixed by law This October 10th, 1903. M. E. O’Neal. Attorney tor Petitioners. Filed in office October 20th 1903. C. VV. WlMBERLEY, Clerk S. C, Georgia—Decatur County: 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the origual Petition for Incorporation of the Mac donald Hardware Company, now on tile in my office. Witness my signature and seal of office this 20th. day of October 1903. C. W. WlMBERLEY. C. S. C. Tax Notice. I will be at the following precincts on dates named below for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1003 . Friday. “ 80 Saturday “ 31 Monday, November 2 Kendricks, Pine Hill. Bainbridge. Spring Cieek, Donalsonville, Steam Mill, Iron City, Rock Pond. Belchers. Lime Sink, Blowing Cave, Spring Hill, Reagans, Higdon, Tuesday, “ 8 Wednesday, “ 4 Thursday, “ 5 Friday, “ 8 Saturday, “ 7 Monday, “ 28 Tuesday “ 24 Wednesday, * 25 Thursday, -‘ 26 Friday, ’* 27 Saturday, “ 28 Will be at Bainbridge two week of November superior court. . Books will pi sitiyely close December 20 1903. Respectfully. M. W. Bates T. C. €€€€€€ State of Georgia—Decatur County: Mrs. Jennie Knight) vs. } Libel for Divorce. Henry B, Knight. > The defendant, Henry B. Kdight, is hereby required, in person or by attor ney, to be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for the County of Decatur on Tuesday after the second Monday in November, next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s com plaint, as in default thereof, the Court will proceed a. to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence, Judge of said Court, this 12th day of August, 1003. C. W. WlMBERLEY, Clerk. State of Georgia—Decatur County Mrs. John Harper 1 vs. > Complaint. Sam B. Harper. ) The defendant, Sam B. Harper, is hereby required, in person or by attor ney, to be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for County of Decatur on Tuesday after the second Moudsy in November, next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s complaint as in default thereof, the Court will pro ceed us to justice shall appertain. W. Si. Spence Witness the Honorable Judge of said Court, this August, 1003. » n 12th day of C. W. WlMBERLEY. Clerk. State of Georgia—Dec *tur County: Mrs. K. M, Nicholson > In the Superior ys. S Court, May E. A. Stewart. ) Term 1908 It being represented to the Court by the petition of Mrs. K. M. Nicholson that by deed of mortgage dated the 18th day of December 1601 E. A. Stewan conveyed to the said K. M. Nichols,.n the west half of lot of land number two hundred and fifty-nine in the Nineteenth DUtrict of Decatur County, Geoigia, containing one hundred and twenty-: aores, more or less, for the purpose of seouring the payment ot the promisory note made by the said E. A. Stewart to the said K. M. Nioholson due on the 18th dav of December 1002 for the sum of one hundred dollars, which amount be sides interest is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said E. A. Stewart do pay into this Court by the first day of the next term the principal, interest and costs due on said mortgage or show cause if anv he has to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said K. M. Nioholson' of said mortgage and the equity of redemption of the said E. A. Stewart therein be for ever barred, and that service of this rule be perfected on the said E. A, Stewart according to law. W. N. Spenoe, Judge S. C. A. C. A true copy from the minutes cf this Court. C W. WlMBERLEY, Clerk. BROA^) STREET. The most up-to-dato place in lhe*uity. The only place where you can get a mixed drink righ 1 Meals at all hours. OYSTERS Swwedin Private Dining Rooms. Come and make this headqi uartersj DRINK CONGRESS HALL MARTI AND Rfl The Best Whiskey on Earth. #E. Hlumenstein, Proprietor 'i t > * Bainbridge, QJ Motel Timamman J. S. McREE, Proprietors. THOS. O’BRIENi Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between M. B. Baggs an 1 J. M. Hunter, under the film nan.e of Hunter Baggs Fur • are Co, has this 'day been dissolved by mutual consent. The Hunter Furui’ure Co assuming all liabilities, and all accounts due th. m will be payable to Hunti r Furniture t'o This October 27 b, 1903. J. M. Hunter, M. B. Bauds State of Georgia—Decatur County. 8. M. Godwin ) Libel for Divorce, in vs k Superior Court of De- A. J. Godwin. > oatur County. Filed September 15th, 1908. I he d tuiuiant A. J. Godwin, is here- hi required, in person or by attorney, to be and nyj-ear at the next Superior Court to be held in and fot said countv of Decatur. State of Georgia, on Tues day after the first Monday in November next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s libel tor divoroe, as 111 default of tuoh appearance the Court will pro ceed according to the statute in such oases made and provided. Witness the Houorable W. N. Spence Judge of said Court, this 17th dav of September, 1903. • C. W, WlMBERLEY. Clerk CITT SHAVING SALOON, Newly Renovated Throughout Clean Towels 4s Sharp Razors. Good Service.' ALLEN BUROESS, Prop. STAR BARBER SHOP, WILL F. TflORNTON, Proprietor.! Kttabilshed 1885. GEORGIA—Decatur County: John Mnrkerson, 1 Libel for Divorce, . J 8 . > Decatur Sup. Cou... Lettie Murkers'n ) Filed Sept 12, 1903. The defendant. Lettie Murkerson, is hereby required, in person or by attor ney to be and appear at the next supe rior court to be held in and tor said couuty of Decatur, on Tuesday af ter the second Monday in November next, then and there' to answer tin ! '■"ntrarj plaintiff’s libel or Divorce, as in defau ' i of such appearance the ot ceed according to the at cases made and provided. Roofing c. specialty. Ail calls given prompt attention. F. A. Preston, Tinning. Plumbing and Gas Fittii g:C Gunsmlthingand Sheet Metal Wi of all kinds. Old roofs repaired and~repainted. Orders solicited. Road Notices. Got glu—Decatur County: T. Mims et al having applied for the and establishing of a new publlo road, commencing near the main bridge across Attapulgus cieek near Harrell's mill in tbe Ulimax district, and on lot of land number 141) in the lblh laud district, and running thence in u southwesterly direction until it intersects the district line between the nineteenth and twentieth district, und thence south along said Hue through the land of'*. W. Harrell, G. \V. Boyce, W. K. Mims, Mrs. Wlately, (J.T. Mims, O. H. Gow- an and W. T. Nicholson and terminating at it intersection witli the Bainbridge and Tal- road, ne *r the residence formerly • ccupiei by the family of Mrs. Jake Blount-. The total length of sal ! pi* road is about foui miles aud the width 30 feet. No tiee is hereby given that said application will lie finally granted on the first Monday in December IW)3 next, if no sufficient cause is shown tv, iIn* comrar.v. Witness the hon orable luard of county commissioners of roads u*d ivvotuesof Decatur couuty, J. II. GILPIN,Clerk. Georgia—Decatur County: J. M. Moss et al haying applied lor the opening und establishment of a new public road cumn.dicing at the Hawthorne Trail, near the widow Griner’s, thence oust by Pine Utel and Concord churches to the cumiiv line, there intersecting with the Thomasvlllc road *a!d road to run a land line through the lands of J. II. Ilarriaoii. John tinner. J. M. Moss, Berry Moss, Jeff UlUair, Jim Pinson, Mrs. W. J. Taylor, II. Pilinou, Whfht Bros.. Ifid Maloy, Jack U*v- ensuad «». Y. Klktns, lengt! of said road 1m- ing two and one-half mile*. Notice is here by given that suld application will be fin granted on the first Monday in Decern 1903, if no sufficient cause is shown to the Witness the honorable board or _ ititisMoner* of roads and xev< esof Decatur county. { JOh ii. GILPIN. Clerk. of s«id court, this 18th day \ mber 1908, C. W. WlMBERLEY. Clerk. Notice. Wanted ■ To make n contract wRkjOHtoJreliEbl* pet eon for 1,000 oon^pif^tat|ligt)twood at once, H. B. BROCKETT, Bainbridge, Qa. All I'cKons arc hereby warned not to pick up, sell nr otherwise dispose of our Cypress Logs on the Flint river nor to alter, chan".- er deface our brand on sa - 'i'. .*li persons are al>-- warn ed not r o nuy any ot our logs. The Cypress Lumber Co. Apalachicola, Fit. F. A. Preston, Troupe Street. Bainbridge. A FULL LINE OF Harness, Collars, Bridles, i and anything in the Harness Line can be found at C. H. GRIFFIN’S HARNESS STORE, On Noilh'Broad Street, BA1NRIDGE, ' -- E0 R,A Also carry Harness Oil, Soap and Axel Oil, Heavy Team Collars. Repairing Done Neat and Prompt at Very ' ^ Reasonable Prices. HAVE YOUR OLD BUN Repaired as [paid a< new; we do the work. «CC ! 7000CC(f DOES YOUR KEY FIT? IF NOT, we will make it do so. 2000 Bank Keys just received—all B ' zes - Bring Phone 181. *00900000* us your Bicycles for repairs* STANSEL BROS- wwt Bainbridge^ : Georgia.