Newspaper Page Text
l Mnmford is quite ill at
, n West St.
Smoky made 8 v,B,t to
bi , week on harness.
Kern of Columbus W»1 re-.
I V he Wainman Wednes-
Vilson spent a few days in
ee this week on legal bosi-
Ponee spent the first part
,eek in Quincy visiting
omer Dickinson ot Macon is
y this week visiting his
MoFarland of Panaoea
r ss in the city this week on
W. Ware paid a short visit
sville this week, returning
K. L. Wiley of Savannah
tered at the Don Air sever*
Charles Williams returned
after a month’s stay with
n Fowltown.
f, I Geer, a prominent law*,
olquitt was in the city this
"legal business.
Dorsey a prominent citisen
ry was in town Thursday
4 at this Office,
forget the Sunday School
the Methodist church Sun-
moon at 3.30 o’clock.
Fomans Club was delight-
ertained on yesterday after-
lie home of Mrs. J. I. Sabers.
MoBurney of Atlanta Pres,
luthern Cotton Oil Co., was
ty several days this week.
IMrs. B. C. Dickenson have
from Panacea Springs
syspents pleasant week,
the Fiddlers convention
night there was quite an en«
impromptu dance at the Ar-
ish to call attention to the
of the Maoon State Fair
ipears in full elsewhere in
Cohen who has been tbe
bn brother Mr. Dave Cohen
veeks letumed Wednesday
imein Savannah,
tone* F. Furlong represent-
Cudahy Packing Co., of Al-
spent several days here
ik in the interest of his firm,
e Methodist church Sunday
man excellent programme
rendered by the members of
•day school, Don’t fail to
oung people ot the Metho-
day school will hold a Rally
afternoon, at the church at
lock. Everybody is invited
Frederick Perkins, Col. Jno.
dson, and Mr. L. C. MoCas
the first of tbe week for Al-
»ere they go to attend the
e Neel ot Tbomaeville is in
Way displaying a magnifi-
e of dress goods and tailor
cell and see him at the Bon
,e he is showing his goods,
knald D, Dunham, who has
anected with the Boa Air
)r several months past, has
I his position aud will leave
for St. Augustine Fla.,
® will spend the winter,
I* Muwford wishes to
* 10 lbe public and friends
U P to date cafe has been
“the 1'alace Bar with priv-
roo 'nK. Meal* at all
bysters in any style.
JJd.Mrs. P. C. Wainman and
ailu wl) o have been spending
al different resorts in
, ork ' Ca '‘ada and North Caro*
W"*),, 10 this cit y Tuesday
will remain through the
M«- M. J. Reynolds will have her
RMimMiiery Opening on Wedoes-
ty and Thursday of next weeek.
er display ad appears on the eighth
page of this week’s issue. Mrs.
Reynolds announces that she has a
larger atock and handsomer display
than ever before and that means the
prettiest selection of millinery ever
shown in Bainbridge. Mrs. Rey
nolds has been in the Millinery busi
ness in this city for years and needs
no advertisementjjor recommendation,
She has always had an immense pa
tronage and haa never failed to thor*
ougnly please the public, Doh’t fail
to attend her grand opening next
Matters of extra importance and
interest are before the Presbyterians
for next Sunday at ten o’clock, the
Sabbath Sohool celebrates Sabbath
Sohool Day. Special exercises have
been prepared tor this occasion and
a large congregation including visi
tors is cordially invited. An import
ant congregational meeting is an
nounced to follow the morning serv-
ioe. Preaching services will be as
usual at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
The sermon at night is the last in
the present series, the subject being
‘The Judgment.”
Encouraging reports come to us
from the G. S. M. C. Tbe enroll
mentis larger than it has been in sev
eral years and on" account of the
great increase in the number of pu
pils it has been found necessary to
get an extra teacher. Several at
tempts have been made but owing
to the lateness of the term, there is
much difficulty in securing tbe ser
vices of a snitable instructor. Tbe
faoulty hopes however to be able to
announce, very soon that the position
has been filled.
Mr. R, A. Bishop and family, of
Union Springs, Ala., arrived in the
oity this week and will make this
their home for the future. Mr.
Bishop was a prominent contractor
in Union Springs and will pursue
that occupation. His son, Guerry
Bishop, will open a shoe repair snop
in the Melton and Duke shoe store
on Monday of next week.
Mr. Bob Donalson, of Kendricks
district was m tbe oity a few days
ago with a couple of loads of excel
lent bay, neatly baled, which he
easily disposed of at remunerative
prices. Hay making has become
quite popular in Decatur county in
tbe last two yeaas.
Miss Evelyn MoTyer left Monday
for Cuthbert where she entered An
drew Female College for the ensuing
term. She was accompanied by Mrs.
R. A. MoTyer. Decatur county
may lay claim to a delightful bevy
of students at Andrews this year.
From Whigbam.
^M. Hight who Ua been lhis . . ..
the Wainman since! Misses Annie and Arrae ha Gar-
of management, has re* lai >d, of Sotkee, were in the city
position, on account of 1 ; Wednesday.
‘ th of Mrs. Hight and j Rev. and Mrs, Hollingworth left
( lor Tennessee on the fif- Tuesday for Bessemer, Ala., for a
utobl ‘ r - j three week’s yisit.
3?“" Day of Atone- 1 Mrs. Fate Vickers and daughters,
throughout the i Callie afcd Ellie, were in the city
dav r-V. tbe Jewish people thl8 week * bo PP ln g-
■ h is a fast day andj Mrs. Amanda Moore and little
»„ d8 y* after their New 1 daughter Pearl, from the Harrell
, lbeir business houses settlement, were i* Whigham during
"*** throughout the day. the week.
Will Harrell was in town Friday.
Rev. John Maxwell was in this
week from Calvary.
Mr. Bobe Harrison is quite sick at
his home near here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dace Swieord wer«
in town Saturday.
Miss Alice Wimberley was a guest
of Xhe oity Saturday.
Mm. Dr. Carr, of Calvary, was
shopping injihe oity Friday.
Dan McNair was the first to re
turn from the Savannah excursion.
Hale Kmgbt, our oity marshal, has
been on the sick list a day or two.
One of the section houses near
here was destroyed by fire Thursday
A. E. Maxwell and Joe Higdon,
of Calvary, were in town Thursday.
Mr. Allison Harrison and wife, of
Bell’s district, were in town Monday.
The Methodist congregation raised
$16.00 for the Orphan’s Home Sun
Mrs. E. W. Harrell, from Mars
Hill settlement, was id town this
Mrs. Beulah Owens, from Mars
Hill, was a guest of Mrs. Bill Owens
Miss Kate Brown, of Cairo, has
been tbe guest of Miss Ethel Mills
Gordon McElvy is on the streets
again to the delight of his many
Mrs. Mary Lasseter is having soma
decided improvements made on hsr
yard and garden.
Rev. W. M. Blitch filled his ap
pointment here at tbe Methodist
church last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mobley, from
the country, were among the many
traders here Saturday.
Eli Harrell was tbe guest of
Owens Friday. Mr. Harrell is one
ot our model farmers.
' Tom Lodge and Iverson Chapman
lingered in Savannah longer than
the other Whighamites.
Mit Guilford, tbe postmaster at
Climax, was s visitor to his mother
here during the week.
Mrs. George Bunch and baby
arrived home this week from Albany
where they hove been for some time.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Jones, and
daughter, from Bell’s district, at
tended the funeral of little Harry
Miss Lucy McNair and little niece,
Ernestine Chestnut, left Friday for
Albany where they will remain for
several weeks.
Whigham is coming—all that is
holding it back is not enough resi
dences and stores. Then we need
Dr. Bryant, of Bainbridge, was
called in Wednesday in consultation
with Dr. McCord in case of Miss
Mary Crowder, wh is suffering with
continued fever.
W. M. Quinn has sold in north
Whigham a beautiful residenoe near
tbe Academy to Mr. Hurst of Ook-
lookonee. The consideration is
JJThe many friends of Miss Mary
Crowder, one of the efficient teach
ers will regret to learn she is very
sick at her boarding place with Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Butler.
Miss Dollie Weldon has secured
tbe servioes of Miss Ruby Setter,
field, of Atlanta, an experienced
trimmer, to assist in her opening,
Miss Weldon was fortunate to secure
such an up to date trimmer, and her
hats this season will surpass any
that eyer been seen in Whigbam.
Death’s angel visited for the first
tune on Monday morning the home
of Mr. and Mrs, N. F. Jones, and
took from them little Harry, their
bright baby boy, just two years old.
The little one was siek only a few
days. The funeral tpok place at 11
o’clock at the cemetery by Rev. N.
G. Christopher of ibe Baptist ehurcb.
At noon Wednesday the alarm of
fire was given in North Whigham
by tbe tolling of the school bell and
it proved to be Rev. Mr. Christo
pher’s residence. The fire originated
from the stove. But through the
heroic work of Prof, Caldwell and
Hall who were the first to mount
ladders, the fire was soon controlled.
The baeket brigade had a good run
but was too late to help.
The marriage of Kobt. H. Pow
ell son of Mr. Jno. H. Powell
popular citizen of Pine Hill district
last Sunday evening to Miss
Dollie Valentine at Eldoren
do. A few friends were present.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
Jesse M. Valentine deceased, who
had many friends in the county.
Fall Writing Materials.
It may make no special differ
ence to you what kind of writing
jaaper you use so long as it is good,
but you might as well be in. style
when it costs no more. It is apt
to be quite a satisfaction . to use
some of the attractive papers that
are gotten out from season to sea
son.^! We always have a large
nice line of the newest things
stationery and the price is always
right. .
Everything else you need in
this line—pens, pencils, ink, eras
ers, etc. Tablet papers of all
Bainbridge Grocery Co.
Armour & Co/4 Capitola Flour,
Line of Veribest Oconee River
Canned Meats Mills Meal,
and Provisions.
Genuine Texas Seed Oats.
<4*, Grain and Everything in the FeM line.
Ask Us for Quotations.
Union Bottling Works.
T. I. THOMASON & SON, Props.
MI Kinds of— . . Ginger Ale and—
Carbonated Beverages Spltzer Waters
—and Specialties.
Areated Waters. ***’ '
Nov. 4-i4th, 1903.
Under the auspices of the Savannah Racing Associ
ation. A school of instructions along Indus,
trial and Agricultural Lines.
In Premiuns
In Purses...
Low Price Man
and Poor Man’s friend
Remember tbe Rally day sxercis-
e* at the Methodist churoh Sunday
afternoon to wJiivh everybody is in
“THE SPORT OF KIN9&” upon the best anil fast-
Mife Track in the South, by scores of thor
oughbreds from all parts of the U. S.
Midway, Circus Attractions, all Amusements Unexcelled
County Exhibits Solicited. Savannah the Best
- Produce Market in the South.
for ilvnlnm U»t, Hpwe,, Kntrupi n, ana .11 purtloalu.,
r*tr Ma-i-lqu'irtrrn,HAT.NNA.4i; a..