Newspaper Page Text
r t Talks About People, Politics, Enter-
rises in the Live City of Bainbridge and
the Grand Old County of Decatur.
Col. Matt. George is the janitor
of the new court house. He keeps
the building in good shape and
takes pride in doing so.
The question of what will be
done with the old court house and
square is yet in the blue ether. It
is a great piece of property, and
the commissioners are alive to the
exigencies of the hour. , It would
be a splendid location fcra big de
partment and farmers’ i, supply
store, and j|he man ijfjJo patches
on” would not onlyteiake'-l barrel
of money, but aid the progress of
the town as well.. Col. Miles,
Williams, the live Atta^61gus
merchant wants it, and ‘is, willing
to set up a considerable amount;
but we shall see what we shall see.
i es Williams, of Atta'
s in towc Monday. The
one of the livest and
prising, merchants and
the county.
tion to the various pecan
0 ]d Decatur, numerous
be planted this year,
id fair to have a nnmber
urishing pecaneries here
distant future.
ive too many “Gloomy
this town. Let us
e of the Hooly Hapigan
jive us good nature, pro'
npathy, and broadmind-
: a man. Of such are
lom of worldly pleasure
jrtainly glad to see Cap»
en y back and at his post
overnment Shipyard of
Captain Sweeny is one
clever, big-hearted Wes
lemen that we love to see
the biggest little city
ihn E Donalson has been
for some weeks with an
:d case of grip, but he
to pull through all right.
is doing as well as could
ted, when we consider the
iccident that disabled him.
Uncle Doctor Dick Cole*
put his merry~gO'round
1 at Whigham this week. ‘
the Contederate battle-
the center pole of his
And “if any man tries
own that flag spoot him
;hot”-Gen. Dix slightly
ised! V* f -
;lad to know that Col. Mil'
I, of Atlanta, is at least a
:izen of Bainbridge. He
round newspaper man,
now he is pushing one ot
ng life insurance compa'
all it’s work The Colo
ns interesting family are
d at the Wainman for the
oices me to lea-n that Mr.
ilbert, one of the oldest
of Bainbridge, and of
Confederate Soldier—one
lainbridge Independents—
well in Savannah, whith-
mt for treatment, having
troke of paralysis some
ace. Ben Colbert is ev-
s friend, and everybody
lizes with him in his miss
r Brown, of The Demo
eems to think that the
isional bumble bee is buz'
be bonnet of some Bain-
nan who wants to succeed
M. Griggs. I have
in vain for such a party
Jd a ’possum supper, but
he political sort. The sup
greatly enjoyed, just as
• Sheppard, that old Con-
soldiet of the i6tb pis
s >n town Saturday. Jim
good humor with himself
e balance of mankind
none of your “Gloomy
' s| oess in that old soldiers
P’ |ve are always glad to
’, him fight our
er And by the way our
“Pleasantness" was about
s s thing in all modern his'
People may attempt to raise to
bacco outside of the only spot ir
the United States where the Su-
matran and the Cuban will grow
and pay, until the crack of doom;
and then they can’t do it. South
Decatur, in Georgia, and the east
ern and northern portion of 'Gads
den county in Florida is the only
spot where this tobacco can be
grown profitably. And this state
ment is ancient history. It was
known and appreciated by tobacco
farmers in the beginning of the
last century. It’s culture failed in
Thomas county in i896'7, in Beri-
an afid Ware also. The stuff just
will not flourish outside of the sec
tion named above, and it’s the
most veritable child’s play to at
tempt to grow it.
Bainbridge i£ a town’right. Ow'
ing to our superb railroad facilities
it is no unusual sight to see num
bers ot people from contiguous
towns and stations in the city,
from day to day, buying goods of
every description from our well
filled mercantile establishments
and a lively business is being done.
Our merchants this season are
priding themselves on their large
and complete stocks, and we are
glad to know that people from a
distance as well as those at home
appreciating this fact that
can’t be rubbed out. v Bainbridge
could do better, infinitely so in the
matter of drawing trade, but she
is all right nevertheless.
The U. S House of Represen
tatiye has been organized by elect
ing Hon. Josephus Cannon Speak
er. “Uncle Joe” is one of the
ablest and best equipped states
men in congress. He is fair and
honest, and although a Republican
the interests of the public will not
suffer in his hands. The Demo'
cratic floor-leader is Hon. John
Sharpe Williams, of Mississippi,
one of the truest and most accom
plished men on that side of the
House. There will be high old
times in Washingtow this winter.
Cuba and Panama will receive due
attention. The President has al
ready recognized the independence
of the latter state which has re
cently seceded from Columbia;
and a large squadron of U. S. war
ships have assembled on both
sides ot the Isthmus. Let loose
the dogs of war !
The most available as well as
the best man the democrats could
nominate for presid ent next year
is Senator A. P. Gorman, of Mary
land. He is certainly one of the
most adroit politicians and ablest
men m the party. He managed
the campaign of 1876 when Tilden
was elected, and the first Cleveland
campaign when that great states'
man was elected over Blaine in
1888. Let Roosevelt lead the re'
publican hosts next year, with ne'
gro equality as the main issue—or
even a side issue—and Gorman
will beat him out of his boots. You
may paste this in your hat.
The county officials have all got
located in their new quarters in
the new court house, which by the
way is the handsomest county
building in|the state. As you enter
the building from the Water street
side, first on your right you have -
the office of the Tax Assessor, Ja
cosy, easily found room. On the
right is that of the Tax Collector
where your Uncle Mark Bates sits
enthroned behind desks of polish'
ed oak,.ready to take in the taxes
of a long'suffering but independ
ent people.
Entering the building the first
office on the right is that of the
County Commissioners, who en
gineered and financed the beauti
ful structure, the Capitol of Deca
tur county. Next is the office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court,
the faithful Wimberley, who has
held the office for many years.
This department is very commodi
ous, room enough to do the annual
increasing business in this office.
Attached thereto is a fire-proof
vault equally as large, well lighted
and ventillated where all of the
records of the county can be safely
The last room on the right of
the hall is the comfortable and
cosy office of the Judge of the
City Court. There' seems to be
some contention as to who shall
U .* ; d J Qve to see a circus of
m e pattern, with its one
Performers that could
, na I would like to see
own lt ° ne of
^ns, orators of the
■ -»uis ui me nng,
Frank*RnK* George Cons '
ies fnr .1 The . mis erable
L«_n ekwns in “Howes
JK 0 ? shonld have
d tu, m t rcy - Anyhow
" es ri show had bigger
that V nd n *fiht than anys
• at has c °me to Bain
m agree:
'''any years.
Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry. Co.
Double Daily Passenger Service.
Gulf Coast
Sun. Only.
P. M. Lv.
7 40
8 27
8 55
9 07
9 34
10 00
10 12 .
10 21
10 3?
10 40
10 58-
11 IQ
11 87
11 55
12 25
A. M.
8 20
3 38
3 49
3 58
4 OK
4 25
4 321
4 45
5 10— 5 15
5 40
5 55
B 18
7 28
7 45
8 20
P. M. Ar. A.
A. M. Lv.
5 40
6 02
0 17
« 30
8 35— 8 52
7 30
7 33
7 50
8 25
9 01
9 15
9 27
9 38
9 50
10 03
10 12—W 20
10 48
I 05
Lake Jackson
lloy kin
Oorea .
ltow on a
On Albert
P, M. Ar,
I 85
1 10
12 53
!2 32
12 28
11 55
II 45
11 25
10 48-10 48
10 18
10 02
9 49
9 88
9 25
9 13
9 04-
8 08
7 40
Gulf Coast
8 40
8 22
8 12
8 00
7 55
7 38
7 81
7 20
6 57-
8 28
8 17
8 98
5 55
5 45
5 34
5 25
4 67
4 40
4 16
A. M. Ar.
9 05
8 517
8 25
8 00
7 50
7 20.
8 47
8 37
8 24
8 Ot
5 49
5 40
6 18
4 55
A». MdTyer, ’
Geu. Agt.
-,li. B. Oleman,
Geu. Pass. Agt.
W. M.
Gen. Mangr
Atlantic Coast Line Railway Co.
Florida and Cuba.
Double Daily Passenger Service
— TO
Through Pulmau Sleepers Port Tampa to New York via Atlantio
Coast Line, also via Atlantio Coast Line and Southern R’y-
To St. Louis, Cinoinati, Louisville,
Chioago, Kansis City, Birmingham,
Nashville, New Orleans, and all
■ points East and North
Leave Bainbridge going East—1:50 a. m., 5:45 a. m., 1:00 p. m.
Leave Bainbridge’going West—2:20a. m., 11:55 a. m.
Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Co
for New York, Boston and Baltimore.
Through Pullman Cars on all through trains and to ^ew York, Baltimore
Philadelphia, Washington, Riobmond and and all points
occupy it after the next elation. L.. *£“ ited 8 *f*T* nd the of
Anynow it is a handsome resting ^ba was raised October 15th.. Iherofore, there will be no restrictions
3 6 hereafter on passengers traveling between Havana and the United States.
For furtherjinformation, call on nearest Ticket Agent, or address
place for the tired candidate who
succeeds in winning the election.
Opposite this office across the
hall the High Sheriff Fordham
and his deputies Robert L. Dean
and William H. Scott are installed
fine room. They all keep
brushed up and their shoes blacked
nowja'.days—and they seem to be
perfectly contented with their
honors and emoluments. Of
course no “out” will think of dis'
turbmg these innocent “ins.”
Next the sheriff is the -office of
the County School Commissioner.
It is just as nice as one would
have, and Mr. Bradwell carries on
his campaign of educating the
masses in his usual quiet, dignified
manner. ;
Next we have the Hall of Jus'
tices of the Peace. This is a large
room, lovely for forensic eloquense.
Judge R. Bruce Kerr is the Senior
Justice, and has already tested
this Hall de Justice. Judge W.
G. D Tonge is the associate
judge of this court. Judge Kerr
says he expects to “Make Rome
Howl” for the criminals who are
so unfortunate as to come before
this tribunal.
Up stairs we have jury rooms,
witness rooms, judges and solici
tors rooms, and the big court hall
which is one of the finest in the
state. Take it altogether there
never was a better arranged, bet
ter constructed and worse located
court house in the state.
Next week we have the superior
court in session. The Judge’s
charges’to the various juries will
sound resonant, while the lawyers
young and old may try their elo*
quence by hour to the delight of
the juries and the joy of listening
••Ring out tho old, ring In the new:
King out the (alee, ring in the true.
W J Craig,
-1 . <}*n. Pass. Agent,
Wilmington, N. C.
W H Leahy,
Divsion Pass. Agent,
, _ Savapnah, Oh
U M'Emerson, Traf. Man.
T J Bottoms, Trav. Pass. Agent. Tho masville, Ga,
I have sold out my Florida interests,
and have returned to Brinson,
where I will again give my per
sonal attention to my mercantile
establishment there.
General : Merchandise.
Pm-al Poute Mail Boxes Approved By
Postoffice Department.
Bainbridge, Ga., ,
books, stationery, periodicals,
If you have a dime or a dollar to spend, I can save you
money. I deliver all goods within the limits of the
town. I shall sell for CAS H, although prompt-pay
ing customers run 30 days on memorandum accounts
Yours Anxious to Please,
M. Rosenberg, Proprietor.
General Merchandise Store, that really sells goods cheap Large
Assortment of Dress Goods in Fall and Winter Designs.
Very Low Prices
Will be given upon our complete stock of relia'
ble and Easy Wearing Shoes. *
Gents’ Underwear, Hats, Shirts and
Furnishing Goods of all Kinds, Nice
Ladles’ Hats, on sale cheap.
^ " OOIMI35 TO s *^
Rosenberg’s Central Store