The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, November 13, 1903, Image 8

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    Prom Climax.
J. W. Napier has returned from a
business trip to tirnnswick.
Paul Trulock went over to l/ain-
bridge Monday on business,
Oscar and Carev Allen, of Cairo
visited relatives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griffin, of
Fowltown attended preaobing here
Mrs. H. P. Thomas, of Atlanta is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Dunoan Curry.
The friends of N. C. Bell will be
pleased to learn of his reoevery from
his reoont illness.
Will Denham, Stock Claim Agent
for the A. C. L at Thomasvilte waa
oyer Monday on boainea*.
Jeff and Charlie Gliaaon, of Faoe-
▼iUe paaaed through here one day
this week enronte from Thomasville.
Misses Bailie Curry and Ola Pow
ell, who have been visiting relatives
and friends in Bainbridge have re
turned home.
Miss Effie McQeen, who has been
•pending several months with her
sister, Mrs. S. T. Carter left Friday
for her home in Lethohatohie Ala.
Some of the young .people of Cli
max have organized themselves into
a band of Straw-riders and they ex
pect to haye a series of straw rides
during the pleasant fall evenings.
The young men of the party will fur
aish the vehioles.
A merry crowd chaperoned by
Mrs. A. J. Trulook, enjoyed a straw
ride out to the Sugar boiling at Mr.
J. A. Herrings one evening last
week—games of different kinds were
played in the moon-light.
Brinson Briefs
Prof. Capers King of Bainbridge
was out a short while Monday.
Rev. J. I. D. Miller of Arlington
filled the Baptist pulpit here Sunday
and Sunday mghw
Little Irene Brinson has about re
covered from her reoent severe at*
tack of pneumonia.
Mr. Jones, father of our fellow
townsman A. Y. Jones,is spending
some time here bunting.
Several of our citizens epent a few
days in the forks of the oreek and
the river last week on a hunting ex
Mr. Sam W. Freeman of Donal-
sonville spent Monday night here.
He was on his way to attend court
at Bainbridge.
Mrs. Sim Brinson went over to
Cairo Tuesday for a few days visit
to relatives and to attend the wed
ding of her neioe Miss Bell.
A neat sum was realized last Fri,
day night from the oyster supper
for the benefit of the new sohool
bouse. The thanks of the communi
ty are due to the ladies who success
fully engineered the scheme through.
The great Richards, with John B.
Wills, “Sweet Sixteen” Co., which
opens a three nights engagement at
the opera bouse next Monday, Nov.
Mr. 8awyer, Business Manager for
the company was busmen manager
tor Hennesay Leroy le in “Other Peo
ples Money” when last here. He has
been with Mr. Wills since Mr. Le-
Toyl's death. “Swee* Sixteen” is a
fine musical comedy 20 people and
excellent scenery, and ooetumee.
Seats are now on sale at 50, 30 and
20 cents.
The members ot Salem Masonic
Lodge are pieparing to bava a rally
ou the fourth Saturday in this month
and it i- their purpose to have work
m the degrees and some intereeting
addressee from visiting brethren.
This lodge is growing rapidly in in
terest of late.
Now is the accepted tithe
to buy. Summer clothes
have stood by you for a
longterm this time, and
now the time has come for
you to put away summer
clothes* and look for Fall
Clothes, and of course you
want to have the best.
The only way for
know that you are i
the best is to go to tl
that handles the
every line. Our Hi
Clothing is a whole k
ferent from that te
hand-me-down in tl
cepted sense
It has all the care and skill put upon it that a custom madet
can boast. Hand quilted collars, shoulders and breast; hand butM
all the ear marks of a Custom Suit.
Men’s Suits 7.00 to $25.00; Youths’ Suits 5.00 to $i<
Boys’ Suits 2.00 to $6.00.:
. c. tool:
r 1- , T
Successors to Hunter-Baggs Furniture Company.
Horn* Splendid Bargains in Odds and
-Which We Will Close Out Below Cost l-
See Our Remnants in Mattings.
Heavy Stock Double Cane Bottom Chairs, cheap. CM
sets at cost. Window shades, regular price redui
from 75c. to 50c. Jardiniers from 15c. to $2.25.
Dining Tables, Bedroom Suits, 0
We solicit the continued good will and patroiu
of the public. Our aim shall be to please.
Hunter Furniture Company,
Bon Air Block, - - - Baidbridge, Oeori