The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, December 04, 1903, Image 5

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LOCAL AFFAIRS. E STORE | y is bringing their the Shoe Store rrstr - bev all get fitted and Shoe 3S well as lg in this ^statement. find the famous- )Stonian )AND $4.00 hoes, :re in'al Jstyles. W e regret to report the indispo- wtion of Mr. W. C. 8obers at bta; ,T home in this city. Ho has beep in bed for more thin a week. Clever John crapps was over 1 u . from Alaga the first of the week. /“a a “ enUon . to a car<1 from i C. A. Muuroe in whioh he an- Col. Wigg Geer, of Colquitt, was nounees that he will not be a candi- m the oity Wednesday of this week, j date for the legislature at the next See change in the display ad of h r ' mar y- Mr. Munroe has been ini' OOBTK LESS TO WEAR A BOOO of Floyd’s New York Racket Store. Di. Bryan is spending a few days At his old homo m Florida winding up some important business affairs. C. C. Collins, of Atlanta, an old oollege mate of Dr. Wright Jackson, spent several days in this oity this week. Mr. Chisholm K. Ausley, of Slo- oomb, Ala., spent some time in the City this week the guest of Mrs. J. C. McCaskill. ieeour Ladies : : : Shoe at $1.50, world “beater.” : : pthy;dodd,”«* for the rich, “well to id “pure in heart.” 11N.CLAPP& FOR MEN. equal outside of the ' nister: 11 both. Ash to see the Styles. king that one can or is here. nk that because this is an ve Store that noth s °ld except fine goods obliged to keep from the to the Highest. for Tom Williams, next ° m First National Bank. don E see him look for the BOO T. 0Ur Shoes here for Guerr >' Bishop Will treat kt and warrants all work. '• D u;k;e s, ^ Owner. Mr. and Mrs. Jeose L. Dickenson, of Iron City, spent a few days here this week, coming over to attend the FlemingsGraham marriage. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hinson have moved in from the conntry and are located at the Bon Air Hotel until they can have their house finished. Miss Lonise Bruton entertained a few of her friends last Friday even ing at a Chafing Dish Supper. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyable. Miss Miriam Donalson who has been atteudiug school at Washings ton Seminary in Atlanta returned Tuesday to spend the holidays with her parents. Mrs. W. S. Thompson and Miss Linda Gordon, of Brjmen, Germany, are spending some tune in the city the guests of Col. and Mrs. John E. Donalson. It is expected that Mr. D. A. Rub sell, will spend the coming holidays in this city the gutst of his sister Mrs. D. D. Boozer, and with the friends of his youth. The officials of the A. C. L. are gently reminded to pnt a tracer on the trail of that new depot whioh was to adorn 3ainbridge by the com ing of the New Year, Mr. L. Blaum of Dothan, and member of the firm of the Blaum Jewelry Co. has been in the oity this week looking after business affairs, and on a visit to bis brother. C. G. Murray and wife of Louisville Ky., are in the city quartered at the Bon Air Hotel, Mr. Murray is a traveling man and will make Bain- bndge headquarter*, Mrs. Murray remaining in the city. We learn of a painful Occident that befell little Andrew Lynn in the Boyetteville neighborhood a tew days ago. He was thrown from a horse and had an arm broken. His wonnds were dressed by Drs. Chason and Spangler, of Donalsonville. A party calling at this office de sires to secure a small cottage o about four rooms, taking charge as soon bb possible. If be cannot cure this he would like to secure rooms in a private residence where there are no small children. Please apply at this offiee for further tnfor mation. Next Sunday morniDg the sacra ment of the Lord Sapper will he oelebrated at the Presbyterian ohuroh at the 11 o’clock services. Snnday School at 10 a. m. Night service at 7:15, subject “God’s ownership in ns,” text Malachi 3-8. All cordially invited to these services. We have been hearing some very complimentary things said concern mg the excellent news service Mr, E. L. Wayne, the local correspond ent of the Savannah News, is giving Bainbridge through that paper. Mr Wayne has a successful way of reach ing out after the news, and securing it. John B. Crawford, one of Cairo’i prosperous and progressive citizens was in Bainbridge Monday night on business, returning hv the nigh train. Mr, Crawford has recently sold out his property in this county near Steam Mill, disposing of it to Mr. E. E- Babb of this county for something more than four thousand dollars. We note that the city authorities have recently increased the street ohaingang, as we believe to the great benefit of the town. Keeping a con vict guard for a couple of convicts is a little expensive when compared to th* work so small a gang wil1 P er * form. One man can easily guard or 12 convicts; and the streets of the oity stand always in need ef tbs services of s gang of this sirs. portuned by his friends to enter the contest, and there has been much speculation as to whether he would do so. This announcement from him will of course put an end to the matter. The return of Rev. J. T. Ryder as pastor of the Methodist ohuroh in tbis'oity will meet with heartiest ap proval. Rev Ryder sinoe coming to Bainbridge has worked himself in to the splendid graces of the people of the town and has fairly captured the hearts of his congregation. The Annual Conference could not have more exactly pleased our citizens than by the return of this popular and enthusiastic preaoher. At E. M. Moore's. A fresh supply of seedless rais ins, almonds, currants, citron, etc., for fruit cake. A large assortment of plain and fancy candies for the holiday trade, Nuts of every kind, fruits, and evrything that’s nice for Christ mas. WATCH THAN A POOR ONE. Time is accurately measured by a Waltham Watch. We have all the sizes and grades and a fit in the best cases made. Let us show you our line before purchasing. Our Prices Are Right. Yours Truly, 1 laum Jewelry sQo., BON AIR BLOCK. Jurors For Dec. Term City Court 1903. The following Jurors are drawn fo the City court of Bainbridge. I. A. Allen, W. H. Maxwell, J. P. Howard. Z. B. Strickland. J. D. Tru- lock, W. 1. Belcher. W. K. Bell, E. A. Tra-viek, R. H. Whigham, J. M. Laing, E..) Perry. N. C. Whigham. M. E. Nussbaum, J. P. Harrison, T. C. Drake. J. C. McCall, M. C. Stegall, Commons Clark. Report the of Condition of The First National Bank at Bainbridge in the State of Georgia at the close of business, November 17th, 1903. RESOURCES. LoaiiH and discounts • • 91,092.50 Overdrafts, secured and uiiMecurcd 4,010.23 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 12,600.00 Hieiniumson U. 8. Bonds (125.00 Stocks, securities, etc., 1,000.00 Banking house, furniture, fixtures 4,207.40 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 16,548.48 Due from State banks & bankers 12,104.00 Due from approved resei ve agen ts 30,393 00 Internal revenue stamps 20.63 Checks and other cash items. 95.56 Exchanges for clearing house 1.001.70 Notes or other National banks 000.00 Fract. paper our. nioklcs A cents 101.08 Lawful money reserve in bank, Specie, • 0,140.60 Legul tender Notes 7,41b.OO 13,51 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) OS LIABILITIES. 50.000,00 Capital stock paid in - 1 Undivded profits, less expenses and taxes paid 3,005.94 National bank notes outstanding 12,500.00 Duo to State Banks and Bankers, 0,948.57 Individual deposit subject to check 110,375.87 Certified checks - - 16.2» Cashier’s Checks outstanding 7B.B0 Total • » 188,(121.01) State of Georgia, County of Decatur, ss: 1, Frank S. Jones, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Frank S. Jones, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn ty before me this 27th day of November, 1908. R. H. RlOB, Notary Public. Correct— Attest: j. D. Harrell, ) M. E. NUBSBAUII, J-Directors. H. C. Allen, ) Christmas Ms at Hicks’s. Fine Bibles—appropriate gifts for sons daughters, brothers, Bisters. Testaments and Psalms—in large print for fathers, mothers, grand parents. Fine Editions of Byron, Longfellow, Pope, Goldsmith and other poets. Napoleon and his Marshals, Robin son Crusoe, Emerson. Etc., for peo ple of literary taste. Nlse Cheap 10 cents edition of Arabian Nights. Pilgrims’ Progress. Gulli ver’s Novels Aesop’s Fables, Swiss Family Robinson and a hundred other such books that every boy and girl should read. Finest and most Stylish Box Papers from 10c. to *3 per box. Fine Fountain Pens $1.60 to $10.00 each. Fine Hair Brushes and Dressing Combs. Fine Razors. Pocket Knives and Scissors Fine Pocket Books, Purses, Card Cases, Hand Bags. Fine Perfumes and F ine Sosps Fine Whiskies. Brandies. Cooking .Vines and Etc., AT HICKS’S DRUG STORE. p s.—9et this saying to a tana, Sing it, morning, night and noon— Clean up Bainbridge p. tt. soon. R. L.H. NEW JEW STORE! WHIGHAM, GEORGIA. Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Un derwear, Jackets, Etc. Mew Store, Mew Goods, Prices ivhich cannot be Surpassed. We buy all Goods direct from the Largest Manufacturers. NOTE THESE SPLENDID BARGAIN* A SHORT TIME ONLY. Ten Dollar black worsted suits for $5. $12 genuine imported all wool mixed goods suits, all colors for $5. Long pants suits for boys from 10 to 19 years, regular price $6, our price #3 Knee pants suits for boys 5 to 15 years, regular price $2.50, our price $1.25. Best all wool youths’ suits, 5 to 15 years, regular price $3 50, our price $2. Full English broadcloth pants, all colors, regular $4 goods, our price $2. Pants you now pay £3 for, we sell you for £1.50. Best $io over* coat Jor $5. Our $1 shoe will cost you anywhere $1.25 Our 50c. hat will cost you elsewhere %\. Dress goods from 5c. to £1 per yard. Highest price vaid for Hides, Skins, Furs, and Wax, m Cash or Trade. Savannah Bargain House. Christmas and Wedding Gifts ! I have a nice line of Novelties in Gold and Silver, Umbrellas^ Cut Glass, Silverware, Ladies’ |Hand Bags, Solid Silver Forks and Spoons of the <22N^Gorham Manufacturer*^ and numerous other things and the main point is the prices are right N. J. Smith, The Jeweler. Broad Street. Bainbridge, Ga. Your Watches and Jewelry repaired and guaranteed. Now Is The Time To sell your LAND. Prices are good, the demand strong. Don’t wait for the lull. Allen & Co,, Real Estate Agt’s. Bainbridge, Georgia.