The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, December 25, 1903, Image 4

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Interesting Fowltewn Commcnication. Editor Search Light: After perusing yout newsy edition of last issue, the thought occured to me that a few lines from Fowl town might be furnished j-6u ’ere the ve«r 1908 has died. Now how ls .that for a startar? Yon know it is always hard to write an article for public print, and feel satis fied that it is what you want to say. con sequsntly writing is somewhat a lost art with me. Some men can sit down on a goods boa, with a jack knife and a . piece of pine to whittle, and just talk the horns off of a fall grown William goat, bnt put that same individual on the stomp to speak, and he is like . the school boy makinffde first effort. How ever the beginning most come and herv-'s hoping that the generous public will al low me the time I ask and I’ll promise not to worry the good people nnlv once inagvaat while. Fowltown waa named after a celebra ted Indian chief by the name of Fowls, and they any he used to roost on a knoll bfipnad the four mile oreek. Tradition Mge^ghnt the name fell to him because ofikftMtreme fondness for tlje tooth aome birds we call chicken j in book lore the domalls fowl. All I can say about old Fowls b that if his traits of charac ter were as sound as his judgement for meat was good, be was almost as good as a Methodist preacher. Old Fowls hss gone to the|happy hunt ing grounds these many years ago,'but Fowlstown flourishes like green bay tree. She is built upon a hill nearly two hundred feet above Baiuoridge. Good health maiks the countenance of every face your vision meets. Only the chronic grumbler has a pinched appearance, and he has just worn his facial nerves out by incessant growling. Cool free stone springs, and deep sunken "old oaken buckets, eie.” quench the thirst of the prosperous people and the fatted kine. Can you wonder that the people like to live in suoh a favored country ? Corn, cotton, tobacoo, sugar cane, potatoes are all indigenous to the soil, Tiokle old Mother Earth ever so gently, and aid her along with just a little commercial help and she responds like unto a west ern prairie. Yee, Mr. Editor, 1 live in Fowlstown, and oannot help but believe my lot b east in s favored section* 'book upon its native growth. ,U>»t fopy eye on the giant oak, view, the majestic pins, the ever green magnolia, the supple hickory, the msgnifioent beach, the symmetrical ■ poplar, then bring your gase down on the fertile fields, and you cannot help hut exclaim, Fowlstown, great are your natural resources: happy and contented ought your people to be. Here U to you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Country Cousin. A wedding of more than usual in terest in the community, was that of Mr. Harry 8. Simpson to Miss Bel li* E. Cox, both of Climax. The wedding ooomed on the 9th Inst and was mtneaaed by s number of friends who wish them n long and prosper- one life. Dainty Cookery Demands dainty flavoring extracts. We opn supply them. You are en. titled to somethibg better than the ordinary if yon come hwe for them, and yon will not be diautpsdnted. Our extracts have the type, subtile flavor of the n»toraJ,fniH, and ere of almoet twice ■-*we ordinary strength. VANILLA. Unices you have tried our Vanilla we doubt if yon know the ran deli cacy of the true arttolo properly R. L Hicks, :« The Low Price Druggixt and Poor Man’s Friend. ••THE OLD YEAR LIE8 A-DY1NG.” P. 8.—Ring out the old. ring in the new, King out the false, ring in the Ring out the shade trees' deably Ring kffhetun’s life-giving light. R.L. H. Cheap Excursion Rates. Account annual meeting Southern Educational Association, excursion tick- eta will be on sale at all ticket stations on the Central of Georgia Railway to Atlanta, on December 80th, limited to January 8td. 1904, for return passage. Also to New Orleans, account Centen nial Celebration of Transfer of the Louisiana Purchase from Franee to the United States, and meetings of the Amerioan Economic Association and American Historical Association. Tick- eta on sale and return Deo. 16 and 17th. also Dec. 85, 86 and 87th, 1908. The Central offers very attractive schedules and train service. For rates, schedules, etc., apply to nearest agent HUNTER FURNITURE C( , r . Successors to Hunter-Baggs Furniture Company. Md Bargains in -Which We -Will Close” Out Below Cost !- See Our Remnants in Mattings. Heavy Stock Double Cane Bottom Chairs, cheap, sets at cost. Ai Window shades, regular price i from 75c. to 50c. Jardiniers from 15c. to $3.25. Dining Tables, Bedroom Suits, El We solicit the continued good will and patrol of the public. Our aim shall be to please. Hunter Furniture Company, Bainbridge, G< Air Block, - Outfitter. Now is the time to look around and see where to buy your h or sweetheart a nice Xmas present; and when yop buy a man a there is nothing that he will appreciate more than something nice to date to war. Newtet tis suggest a few things that would be for you to buy; we ihave them in all of; the late styles, such as S Jackets, Bath Rohes, Pajamas, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Sweaters, las, Canes, Silk Suspehders, Overcoats, and of course a nice Tie is good. Now remember that we have made a special effort for the shoppers, and we know that we can please you. U L. C. TOOLE, -MEN’S : OUTFITTER,- Bon Air Block, Bainbridge-