The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, February 05, 1904, Image 2

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SEARCH LIGHT. S. RUSSELL, BRINSON, monon »md nor. OFFICIAL ORGAN DEOATUR OOUNTY AND BAIN BRIDGE, Baisbridfe, Ga., Fecruary 5. 1904. A MATTER OF IMPORTANCE. The River and Harbors Com mittee of Congress in sympathy with the policy of the Administra tion, have announced that no ap propriation bill for improvement of rivers and harbors will be allow- ed to pass through the committee this session; which of course has aroused the righteous indignation of those representatives who had hoped for appropriations for this purpose. Locally of course this shuts off any effort our immediate represen tative in congress might have in tended making for appropriations for improving navigation on Flint and Chattahoochee rivers. The South Georgia Progress, Thomasville’s weekly paper, has ceased to exist as an independant paper and has been ceded to the Times Enterprise. It will still be issued by the latter paper as its weekly adjunct. Editor Blanton has transferred his affections along with his paper and will in future occupy an editorial position on the staff of the Times Enterprise. The term of Minnie Cox, the negro postmaster of Indianola Miss., has expired and she refused to accept re-appointment. Roose velt appointed W. B. Martin one of her bondsmen to succeed Min nie Cox. The question is which is the leaser evil, the negro post master or a white official who stood bond for the negro. Mrs. Maybrick the American who has been serving a life sen tence in an English prison for poisoning her husband has been released on special license. Her case has caused much comment for some years and many efforts have been made to secure her free dom. That Chicago coroner's jury which inquired into the Iriquois Theater fire, were rabid radicals in politics, at least. The language of their attack on Mayor Harrison would indicate as much. The funeral of Whittaker Wright the millionaire suicide was quite an event in England. The grave was literally covered with beautiful flowers, the gift of En glish women. Macon at last has Atlanta “in the swing.” A basket ball team from the Central City has sue ceeded in defeating a similar team from the village of Atlanta. Mrs. Maybrick free, Bass Fra zier discovered, the next thing on the program will be the resurrec tion ot Will Myers and Charley Ross. HUNTER FURNITURE Successors to Hunter-Baggs Furniture Company Mid Bargains i ft -Which WefJWill Close Out Below' Cost I- See Our Remnants in Mattings. Heavy Stock Double Cane Bottom Chairs* cheap, sets at cost. Window shades, regular price rt from 75c. to 50c. Jardiniers from 15c. to $2.25, Dining Tables, Bedroom Suits, El We solicit the continued good will and patroi of the public. Ouiraim shall be to please. Hunter Furniture Company, Bon Air Block, - - - Bain bridge, Geor After this date no goods will be charged. Just Like His Father. A school teacher has received the following note from the moth er of one ot her pupils: Dear Miss—You writ me about whipping Sammy. I herby give you permission to beet him eny- time it is necessary to learn him lesens. He is juste like his father: you have to learn him with a club. Found nolege into him. I wante him to get it, and don’t pay no at- enshion to what his father says. I’ll handle him!—Ex. Hon. Durham Watson, McDuf fie county’s brilliant young repre sentative in the Georgia Legisla ture has resigned his position and will take a course in the law de partment of the University of Vir ginia. He is a son of Hon. Thos E. Watson and while already a practioner at the bar, takes this step for the purpose of further equipping himself for the practice of his profession. Great excitement was caused last week by the failure of A. B. Baxter cotton brokers. The firm has 138 branch offices and the as signment will probably involve over ^3,000,000. The suddenrise in cotton is said to be the cause of the failure. PROFESSIONAL. PHYsioiANs. H. H. CHEATHAM, M. D. GENERAL PRACTICE. Permanently located over Hicks' Drugstore Speelal Attention given to diseases Eye, Ear, Nose, and Ttiroat. Bainbndge, Georgia. DENTIBT8. ~DR. R. W. JACK80N, DENTIST. Office on Broad street, over Allen Sc Company. Telephone 94. DR. H. D. WILSON, DENTIST. Offioe over Mart Clothing Com pany’s store. JOHN R. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Bainbndge, Georgia. Collections a Specialty, Two of Randolph county’s best citizens have been bound over to the United States court under charge of peonage. Congress should turn its atten tion to preserving the safety of the country—the national honor is gone. Congress has redeemed itself by the passage of a pure food bill by a vote ot 201 to 68. The interes ting feature of the matter is that 269 members were in the House at one roll call. Last Friday was the anniversa ry of the birth of the late Pres. McKinley, and in honor of the day all the members of the House in Washington wore a red carnation, the favorite flower of Mr. Mc Kinley. Willie Hearst has at least con vinced the democrats of one thing —that if selected as their standard bearer he will lead one ot the mer riest chases for the White house that the country has witnessed in years. <1 Secretary John Hay has been hobnobbing with farmer John Jones of Georgia during the week! H. B. SPOONER, Attorney at Law, Offioe Opposite Democrat Building, Bainbridge, : Georgia. RCTSSELL & FLEMING, Attorneys at Law. Offioe over Bainbridge State Bank, Bainbridge, : Georgia. HARRELL Sc HART8FIELD, Attorneys at Law, Offioe oyer Bainbridge State Bank, Bainbridge, : Georgia. For Sale. Six hundred bushels of early rust proof May (Burt) Oats. Apply to B. B. Bower and Gurley’s De partment Store. Atlantic Coast Line Railway] Florida and Cuba. Double Daily Passenger Ser -TO- , T HO 441 TROT, OZARK, DOTHAN, ELBA, BAINBRIDGE, 1 VALDOSTA, WAYCROSS, SAVANNAH, CHALELT! BRUNSWICK, JACKSONVILLE AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS.<| Through Pulman Sleepers Port Tampa to New Yot^ n f Coast Line, also via Atlantio Coast Line and Southern R’r- To’St. Louis, Cinoinati, Louisville, Chicago, Kansis City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points East and North Leave Bainbridge going East—1: 40 a. m., 6:00 a. m„ 1:15 p. *• Leave Bainbridge going West—2:20a. m., 12:10 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. A1 for New York, Boston and Baltimore. Throngh Pullman Cars on allthrongb trains and to 'Tew York, 1 Philadelphia, Washington, Riobmond and and all pointtj Quarantine Regulations between the United States and the Ir Cuba was raised October 15th. therefore, there will b® nQ , r ® . hereafter on p-i-sengers traveling between Havana and the United I For further,information, call on nearest Ticket Agent, or addrts W J Craig, W H Leahy, , Gen. Pass. Agent, Divsion Pass. Agswij Wilmington, N. C. SarMU • H M Emer-on.Traf. 1 T J Bottoms, Trav. Pass. Agent, Tbomasville, G»< Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry* Double Daily Passenger Service. ;north bound. Gulf Coast Limited, Sun. Only. P.M. Lv. 7 40 8 12 8 27 8 55 9 07 9 34 10 00 10 12 10 28 10 34 10 46 10 58 11 10 11 37 11 56 12 25 A. M. Ar. 8 20 3 38 3 49 3 58 4 03 4 25 4 38 4 45 6 10— 6 15 5 40 5 55 6 06 6 18 6 30 6 43 6 52— 7 09 7 26 7 45 8 20 P. M. Ar. 5 40 6 02 6 17 6 30 6 85— 6 ! 7 20 7 33 7 50 8 25 9 01 9 15 C 27 9 38 9 50 10 03 10 12—10 20 10 46 11 05 11 40 A. M. Ar. K. A. McTyer, Gen. Agt. Tallaliap°ee Lake Jackson Gibson Havana Hinson 'Lalngkat Attapulgus R. *B. Coleman, Gen. Pass. Agt. Job Printing a Specialty 1