The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, May 20, 1904, Image 2

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V THE WALTER A. WOOD harvesting machines, MOWERS, REAPERS, BINDERS, ARE THE BEST ON THE MARKET. Simple in Construction, Light Running and Durable, Prepare in time to haavest your oats and hay crop. SELLING AGENTS. HODGES & POWELL, Cyrene, Ga. BRACKIN & SON, ' Bainbridge, Ga. "~77W-—T/*' ’ Q‘*'J srS .a. THE BETTER CLASS of goods are never too good for our trade. We consider your custom worthy of our best endeavors and in selecting Cereals, Canned Good s and GROCERIES IN GENERAL this fact has always been kept in mind. A visit to our store will re veal everything that is staple and good in our line of goods with all the novelties that prove of worth as well. Our stock will bear favora- j ble comparison with any other. Two Sunday Schools. On Sunday evening last at the home of Mr. Thomas'Wilson in Brinson. Mr. J. E. Clarke was married to Miss Ruie Shuff, only friends and relatives being pres ent. Rev. John Swain performed the ceremony which was impres sive. Mr. Clarke is a prosperous and progressive farther and is be ing congratulated upon his mai- riage. The young lady has resid ed in Brinson but a short while and was on a visit to the family of Mr. Wilson, however she had made many fiiends Another wedding occurred i n the west side of the creek in the Rock Pond district, Mr. L. D Hitt to Mrs. Harper, also on Sun day last. Mr. Hitt is well known in that section and is in the em ploy of Mr, S J. Warren, having charge of his logging business. Both of these couples are receiv ing congratulations from friends From Climax, Mr. J. W. Napier spent Tuesday in Bainbrdge. Miss Lou Ellen Powell visi ted Bainbridge Thursday. Miss Connie Thomas has re turned from a visit to Live Oak, Fla. Mr. Jonathan Herring went over to Bainbridge Thursday on Business. Mr. Paul Truloek and sister. Miss Alice, spent Sunday with friends in fowltown. Mrs. Ella Hines and daugh ter, of Jacksonville, passed through Climax Saturday. Mrs. D. B. Curry and lit tle Esther went over to Cairo Friday to visit relatives. Rev. W. A. Windham, of Ozark, Ala., was the guest oi W. M. Carter’s family last week. Mr. Ianthus Bovver, of Fowl- town. and little daughter, Ian- thia, passed through here Sun day enroute to Whigham. The young people had a very Christiphine.Smallwood enjoyable game of pit last _ _ Thursday night after prayer . On Tuesday last at the home of meeting at Miss Lucy Carter’s, the bride in Attapulgus, Miss Miss Eva Bell who has been I Edna ilartha Smallwood and Ur attending school in Thomas- S. A. Chrisfiphine were united m ville, passed through Climax marriage, Only the immediate Friday on her way to her home relatives of the contracting parties in 1 owltow n. J were present to witness the cere- On Friday, May 27th. our m ony, which was performed in a teachers. Misses Flora Boyce | missive manner and Mabel Herring, will close 1 . their school with a delightful | by R- ev - W. Carmichael, picnic in the “park” in front'of I The marriage was of unusual Mr. 1. A. Allen's home. All j interest in that community, uniting the friends of both teachersund as t ) oes t wo 0 f the ni0 st popular pupils are cordially invited to , c , attend ‘ j young people of Attapulgus. | Miss Smallwood is one of the Our entire community was „ , , ,. , , , i , c most charming and accomplished shocked and saddened on Sun-1 ° 1 day last by the death of little, young ladies in that entire section Eugenia, the five year old and has many friends who will be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. i interested to learn of her mar- Schillicit. The remains- were ri Dr Christiphine stands carried to Rainer, -Ala., their I . , . old home, for burial, aceompa- ver y high m h,s profession and is nied by the entire family. The ; universally popular, sorrowing ones have the sym-j The friends of the young couple patliy of many sincere friends are extending congratulations and broad stre Et The most up-to-date placej^.,;. The only place where you can g^TT"' i Meals at all hours. ' xei OYSTERS ; Private Dining Rooms. Come and make ft- j lllil.Mi CONGRESS HILL HVRUj The Best Whiskey on Earth, E. Plumenstein, Proprietor, Bai Wilson’s Whiskey §1 T. I. THOMASON & Have just i eceivc a Large Shipment of ONE AND TWO HQRt FARM WAGONS in Climax. E. M. MOORE, Grocer. Phone IS, PRliXAL'D." Union Battling Works. a _.. - K T. I. THOMASON & SON, Props. —MANUK ACTURE- All Kinds of— Carbonated Beverages —and Areated Waters, Ginger Ale and - Seltzer Water Specialties. bainbridgf:. ga. BRACKIN & CO., Livery, Feed, *>» Sale Stables, Broad Street, Bainbridge,^Ga, Busses meetsall trains and trunsferpassengers promptly, of any portion o> tlie city. First class teams and trusty drivers. Call at our stable- riit'NE 56. BRACKIN CO PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS, Panacea, Fla., on the Gulf of,Mexico. Brinson Briefs. Ilarry Graham has returned from a business trip to Savannah* Two weddings in one day is a pretty good record for Brinson. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Perry, Iron City, were, in Brihson Sunday last. The merry-go-round lias been transferred to Donalsonviie for a .'“asou. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Earp are off op a visit to North Carolina, Mr. Karp’s oi l home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doualson attended the ClarkShuff marriage here last Sunday. There has been considerable talk of a circulating library for Brinson. A capital idea, to be sure. wish them a long life of happiness and prosperity. Oak Grove Items. The crops are looking line for the season in our settlement, Miss Lavada Dekle spent last Sat urday with Mrs. O E. Dugtrar. | A number of Oak Groveites atten ded preaching at Macedonia last I Sunday. , \ Miss Eva Chason spent last Tues- j day niirlit with Miss Betsie Lee VVil- , der, We are sorry tc note the illness of little Pearl Duggar and hope she will soon recover. Mrs. Mary Wilder, and daughter, Lidia, spent last Sunday with Mrs. A. C. Sellers. Mr James Kinney,and wiije of Mt. Excellent mineral water cures all torns of indigestion and stomach -c.-.ons. Situated among the pmes. pure salt breezes, a de- ligh-.t..' place or bodily and men tal rest. Salt and fresh Witter ftshing-crabs, oysters, fish, etc. Pleasant! and splendid accommodations at rea sonable rate. Address,’Mrs. K. McFarland Panacea, Fla. S5.00 a Front Foot! Vve have some desirable building lots on Washington street south of the Methodist church. Lots 300 feet deed, in good neighborhood; well drained. ... A BARGAIN . . . Allen & Co,, Real Estate Agt’s. Bainbridge, Georgia. J. D. Murphy attended the Grand c i t t r i ir ct> * tn ni . ! Gli\e spent last Sunday with I. .J. Lodge K. of P, at Albany Tuesday ...... , and Wednesday of tins week. Wilder and family. J. H. Neel is preparing to paint) Mrs. Dora Nicholson, of Klondike, and otherwise improve Ins residence. | was the guest of her sister »Mrs, Ida The work will bei^iu tit once. |Smith last Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. Jesse 11. Powell, of j Mrs. Jim Mize and Mrs. Court line Grove neighborhood, were the «• re Q - guests of Mr. and Mis. Arch Perry, i Mlze ’ of II,ll > 8 P ent S,lDda >' | Sunday. with Mrs. John Palmer. i Dr. J. L. Adams, of iron City, has! Mrs. T. II. Dekle and daughter j been spending'a couple "f weeks bjtre Lavada, and Mrs. 0. E. Duggar | on professional business. He is a.j spent lust Tuesday afternoon with ; good deutist. ., T , ; Mrs. John Palmer. I J. 'I'. Allen, of Del'wood, Fla.,I has returned to bis home alter a Oak Grove feebool will, close with pleasant visit to Brinson and rela-1 a piouiu cn Thursday May 26, every | hives living near. ■ body invited to come and bring weli j Miss Pansy Given, one of the au-| filled baskets. Lemonade will be j eomplished teachers in iht- Irou City j sold on the grounds and the proceeds public school spent Saturday here , will be uged for the beQe fit of the the guest ot Miss 1< lorenoe Harris, i . , ; school. I Postmaster Ash lias begun the I ! erection of a handsome new store! Among those who attended the I building which will be occupied 1 singing convention at Sutton Chapel j when completed by D Blumeutield. j last Saturday were Prof. J. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Earp are re- and daughter Miss Regina and Miss joicing over the arrival of a fine Betsie Wilder, R. Chason and daugh- and * which they are selling at exceeding .... T^O-W EASY TERMS. MADE TO GOO AND RESPONS'BLE PART1E Call< Write or Phone Us. WE DON’T HESITA\ to say that our line of. t MILLINER! for Ladies mu Misses cannot be eJ celled in QUALITY, STYLE, PRIL Our stock is larger, our assortment ba ter, our prices lower. We -how til best ideas of the best milliners of tin country. We invite inspection. We request comparison. Mrs. M. J. Reynoli EG® S1H Cliett Hardware Coi Bainbridge, Oa. Hardware, Stoves, Mill ■Supplies^ Tu Patton ’s Ready dri.vrrl Sunpionf- and White Lead. )]'"uni and j Material, Cotton Planters | — Timu of Farm MurUinenj, C •> str££»- | baby boy at their lioo>e. Air. and ’ Mrs: P. C.Thigpen also have a new j addition to their family—but ’ties a I fine girl. ter Miss Eva, Prof. J. Coker and sister Miss Lila Mae Coker. They report a very nice tune. We are having a flourishing school B. E The public school will close hi on the night of the 26th, inst., and j at Oak Grove now. exercises will be held by the pupils j on that night and on the night fol- c -„ c , „. lowing. Hon. W. M. Harrell of • hor ^le Cheap Bainbridge, has been invited to make To any one that desires a set SilSfT. TK l be 0n of Collier's Orations, consisting Digbt of the 2bth. The session has . , ’_ , . _. & been a successful one and much in-1 volumes, good binding, terest will be taken in the closing, good condition. For informa* I exercises. ' tion apply Search Light Office. Some Splendid Weddin? I have a nice line of Novelties in Gold and i Glass,jSi.vervvare, Ladies’ Hand 1 and Spoons of (he -Gorham ManufacW 1 , pthelraaio P and numerous'other' is the prices are right : N. J. Smith, The Je*«* pain Broad Street. : , gutf Your Watches and Jewelry repaid aD