The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 28, 1904, Image 1

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The Bainbridge Search light NUMBER 5 if BAINBRIDGE. DECATUR COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER j|, 1904. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF“DECATUR COUNTY AND CITY OF BAINBRIDGE. $1.00 YEAR IN ADVANCE Brinson Briefs. y Griffin has moved into piirob.ecd from Mr. Sweet. . T . Murphy was quite e*ck ^ da yB last- »*«* but 18 a * ),e igaio. B. King, of UenalsonviUe, ,veral day 1 last week visiting B this plaoe- Talbert has recovered recent illness sad has re- Bainbndge. Mjissmen have been makingj ibs for ibe opening of the „ nex i Tuesday. John Martin has been grinds S« has Mr. J. E. Ulark, larm west o£ Spring i(f risers (woo on taw their first fiost of Monday morning, was light however, and soon ,red. ind Mrs. C. S. Hodges and Sunday with Mr. and fie il. Gilpin at their country lU ir Bainbridge. ,td Mrs. A. L. Wbiddon, of county, Fla., who have been I relatives and friends near i, hive left for their home, if, W. HuBsell went down „crow Monday, having been to the bedside of Mr. W. W. (ley, whose condition has not lied. A. H. Brinson is preparing in extensive poultry farm I already begun work on it, up edict that it will be a suo- H, W, Maxwell, of Me if at 1 Ipenl Saturday night in Brin (turning to his home Sunday m Climax where he was me i team. iM.J. Hodges is considering liter ot moving into the new recently completed by Mr. D. lodges, nearer town, and there- aore convenient. gotiations have Been on this with the railroad authorities, re to running a special train to bridge Saturday for the convcn- ofthose who w'ibIi to attend uuus. large number of our people at- tf the dedication of the Cougre- nl Methodist church three 'west of Brinson last Sunday, Minatory sermon waB preaobed b».Mr. Hunt, of Atlanta. It Suited that GOO people were •t. Services were held Thurs day, Saturday and Sunday. • ire glad to learn of the con- lofMr. W. W. McCulley, of Ion, who was some time ago R" with paralysis while on a 10 bis old home in Cleveland, Mr. McCulley is now at Nsi where be is under the care h °ld family physician. His dm Brinson, and at this point, doping for his complete recovery ^Rob Blue, vvho has for several the efficient teller for the National Bank, has accepted a the Flint River Milling Mr Paul lieid who ha3 been bln bookkeeper for the First will succeed Mr. ltice as ' * l ‘ile Mr. John WalterB ^ Mr, Hr. A Destructive Fire. On last Friday morning the handsome residence of Mr. Dave Cohen on College Avenue was totally destroyed by fire. The house caught it seems from a de- tective kitchen flue and before the occupants were aware the entire roof was in flames and burning rapidly. The alarm was at once sentinbutby the tame the fire compasay cnuld respond to tne call the buitding was practically burnt. Seeing this the firemen turned their attention to saving the resi dences surrounding, several ol which were in grave danger of burning from the sparks The Georgia Southern Military Col n g ■, which is adjacent to the Cohou home, was in serious dan ger and the firemen kept two steady streams of water turned on these buildings constantly. Not withstanding their efforts tne buildings caught several times, almost causing a panic among the children. The flames were extinguished however before any material dam age was done to eithe/ of the col- ege buildings. A negro cabin some three hundred yards beyond the school house caught from the flying sparks and was burned to the ground. A high wind was blowing and this together with the unusual dry weather rendered it almost impos sib'e to control the spread of the flames and it is remarkable that more damage was not done. The Cohen residence was one of the neatest and most handsomely furnished in the < ity, and (though it was insured for ahoul $250000, this amount does not nearly equal the loss. The timely assistance of friends and neighbors enabled Mr. Cohen to save much of the furniture on the first fljor, but practically everything, including much of the wearing apparel of the family, kept on the second floor was destroyed. Some handsome jewelry, diamonds, fami!/ heir 1 joms and other valued posses sions, were destroyed; Mrs. Cohen lost a handsome brooch, but this afterwards was found in the stieei and returned to her. We understand that Mr. Cob n nas already received the full amount of his insurance and will probably rebuild some time In the near future Palmer-Dean. Another Sunday marriage was that of Miss Minnie Dean and Mr. Emmette C. Palmer, both of this city, which was solemnized at the bride's home last Sunday morning Miss Dean is the accomplished daughter of Mr. Bob Dean of this city, and has many friends here Mr Palmer is an energetic young business man who has resided here for quite awhile, being in the em ploy of the G. F.&A. The young couple will make their home here They are receiving the hearty con gratulations of their numerous friends. From Climax. Niss Leonide Jeter has returned from Camilla. A. C. Carter haf returned to bis home in Troy, Ala. Paul Trulock and Jaase* Stimxon visitited Bainbridge last week. Mr. Milton 8, Guilford is attend ing the State Fair in Maeon. George Carter is working with the G - F. A A. in Bainbridge. Jeff Glisson, of Fitueville, spent a few Goiiis wild friends here Simla}. Conductor Louklin is enjoying a well earned vacation in Jacksonville. Will Thomas, of Q.incy, passed through here Saturday, en route to Whigliam. Mrs. Duncan Curry is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. P. Thomas, in Atlanta. Aud behold, after long waiting and main pray vis, the rain did fall, on last Tuesday night. Mrs. Cuyler Freeman, of Gretna, Fla., spent last Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. J, 11. Calboun. Miss Don Ella Townsend who has for several weeke been quite ill with typhoid fever is now convalescent. Misses Wight and Lou Ellen Pow ell visited Bainbridge recently and were the guests of Miss Flora Boyce Miss Clyde Curry who baa been on an extended visit to relatives in Quincy and Tallahassee is expected home this week. Misses Olive Morgan, of Bain bridge, and Maggie Hinson, of Hin son, Fla., are the charming guests of Miss Sallie Carry. Mr. A. J. Trulock. owing to the increase in bis business, will In a few weekB put up a ware bouse in the rear otjbis store. Mrs. Walter 8, Allen, of Recov ery, is visitinc her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herring, and we regret to state is quite ill with typhoid fever, Mr. Charlie Sohmidt, road master of the A. C. L line, has lately mov ed his offices out from Bainbridge, and we hope that he and his inter esting family are permanently located. Climax is ‘.he coming city of this section. Among other late improve merits, we count a new livery serv ice owned and managed by Mr. I. A. Allen, which is sufficient guarantee of its reliability. Married at Dothan. Mr. V sfer Lee, formerly of this city, but who has resided in Hain- bridge, Ga. for some time, was married last Wednesday eyening to Miss Mamie Wood, daughter of Mr. J. A. VVooJ, of this city Pastor Campbell of the Baptist church, performing the ceremony. They will reside in Bainbridge where Mr. Lee is employed by the Coast Line Railroad. These young people have our best wishes — Dothan (Ala) Eagle Mr. Lee and his bride arrived in the city last Thursday and will make their home here. We ex tend our hearty congratulations to the newly married pair. ■ Heid’s place as book- Decatur Coaaty'i Tobacco Teat. The best tobacco in the world as grown i" Decatur county, Geor gia. At least that is the verdict of the most excellent judges at the St. Lows Exposition, for tihey have awarded the first price to the tobacco exhibited by Cohn ft Co., grown on their big plantations in this county. There were tobacco; exhbts f.riwi all parts of the world, but the expert* said that th - specimens shown by Gutin & Co were by far superior to all the rest. This c o u n T y is to be praiie I and the growers of this tobacco particularly so, that the tobacco producing qualities of her sail has recuved such high endowment. It has been thought by many that the soil across the Florida line ur is more suitable fur tobtceo culture, but the enterprising firm of Cohn & Co. a id the many other tobacco raisers <4 Decatur have proved to the world that we have the best soil and the besi conditions right here. The brilliant success of the managers of Cohn A Co. will greatly stimulate Decatur county's tobacco industry, and a remunera five future surely awaits those en gaged in it. Benningfield-Knight. A marriage of interest to per sons in this city was that of Mr. I M Benningfield and Mrs Alber ta Knight which was solemnized in this city last Sunday, October 23rd, Judge T. B. Maxwell offici- at 'Mr Benningfield has been en gaged in business in this city or •some time and has many acquaint- Fire at OtriM. Alai On last Friday night the town of Gordon, Ala, was aprept by a fire which almost destroyed the entire place and which entailed rreparable loss to many of the citizens of the town. The fire starred at one o'clock at night, breaking out in the rear of Dan Smith’s store which he also uses as a dwelling bouse. It is not known exactly how the fire origi nated, the supposition being that it was of incendiary origin. Almost the entire business sec tion ot the town was destroyed, every store with the exception ot one being more or less seriousl) damaged. The total loss caused by the fire is estimated at $40,000, while the insurance amounts to only $6,000. Sam Hall whose loss ^mounted to something like $6, 000 was only insured for $2,000, while Dan Smith’s loss of $500 was fullv covered by an insurance of $2,000 C. P. Bowden's loss is estimated at $10,000 without a cent of insurance. Some of the stores will of course be rebuilt, but the fire was of such magnitude that it is feared the town will never recover from the disastrous effects. Maggie Hinson who has been Miss Leila Maxwell the '*° xtekn, left Monday for ®l’fcre she will visit Miss flurry. k t — 1 11 j ' R- Maxwell who has been . m-irria<re vve <a- i 1 nuuion'* 1 —> - past week in Tampa is ! on h,s recent , tj s an d wish ' Harrell, of Bainbridge, while Capt. 10 relumed today accom- i tend our con 0 r , much 1 VV H, Hammond was attorney ’ ■ “ for the defendant. Baggett Acquitted. Mr. Gedie Baggett, who has been on trial this week in Thomas Superior Court on the charge of manslaughter for the killing of Clint Williams in Cairo some months ago. was acquitted Wed nesday. The trial consumed ihrae days and was hotly contested by both sides. The jury was ont about an hour and returned a ver dict ot acquittal. The state was represented by Messrs Theodore him I Thus and Fondrel) Mitchell, of jances who will congratulit^ ex . | xhomasviHe, and Judge William ^ bw ilaugliter^Mrs. Felder j the newly m » rr:ed C0UP 'j : { mi. I happiness and success in me. Court Notice Decatur Superior Cour t Notice is hereby given, that the November term 1904, of Decatur Superior Court will convene at half past one o’clock, on Monday November 14^ 1904, for organi zation, there will be no civil busi ness tried at that time, except divorce cases, and such cases as may be passed upon without de fenses, there will be an adjourned term of the Court held some time later for the trial of civil business, of which due notice will be given The grand jury will be organized and proceed with their duties, and the criminal docket will be taken up promptly on the third Monday in November, when all parties in terested in criminal cases will be expected to be present. By order ot His Honor Judge W. N. Spence. This October 17, 1904 C. W. Wimhurlkv, Clerk. November 8th, the occasion of the presidential election, should bring out a full vote. We hope that all Democrats will remember the im portance of the election, and tf turn out in opposition to lioo-evelt’s dan gerous race policy. Iren City News. We are very glad to note the re covery of Frof. Clegg after several days illness. Dr Hinbsrdson ha* just purchased a ntoe pair of pomee and they step well to (be buggy. Mr. Ed Spooner, wife aud sisters will leave Thursday for the bay where they expect to upend several days. We wish them a pleaaant trip. One of the most successful enter prises of the town is the eating house owned end ooudecled by Mie. R. E. Floyd who haa had several years experience in hotel business. List Friday night a party of voting people wont ont fram here to Mr. Oordell’s sane grinding and re port a very pleasant trip, cans grind ings am plentiful nowadays. Mr. I. Strickland has just begun tiie erection of hie handsome dwell ing which he will soon have com pleted- He has ree-ntly mid hia house and let where lie now live* to Mr. W. W. Lane who will ouuepy same in the future, Laos ft Strickland’s new ootton gin he* been quite an advantage to the firmer* of thie section Ibis sea son as they have heretofore been troubled to get their ootyoo ginned. Thev have already ginned 1,000 bales. How is that for Iron' OU} ? We are glad to weloome Mr. R. H. Williams again in our midst who foe tbo pent yoar been a resident of Uokpittt. He had a painfnl accident i few da>s ago by a boras kick, fracturing some of the smaller hones of hie leg, end is improving, although be is using bia crutches. Prof. IJIegg, the worthy and faith ful principal, and with hia efficient assistants, Misses Kmaaa Broach and Pansy Green, we era well saw red that oar eehool la ana of the heet in South Gs. Our music department is also complete, being oonducted by Miss Ethel Perry, a very faithful and efficient teacher. Our school 1s one ot the largest in the oounty, an average of about 125 pupil*. Accidentally Kills Daughter. On last Saturday afternoon Mr. Joe Cook, a prominent citizen of llat-cock accidentally shot and killed hia little five years old daughter. Mr. Cook was sitting on the piaza of hia home examin ing hia pistol when the accident occurred. The child was standing oil the edge of the porch out of range ot the pistol, when her fath er fired straight in front of him. The pistol failed to work properly, and Mr. Cook turned it over in his lap to see why the hammer failed to work, when the pistol fired, and the shot lodged in the back of hia child's head. Tlx* little one fell off the parch, screaming. She lived two hours but was una ble to speak or cry. Great sympathy is frit for the grief stricken father and the be reaved relatives The child was buried on Sunday at Pilgrims Rest. To Be Improved. Mr. Zachery, of Tallahassee, hi a we learn; leased the hotel at Lan ark, which will immediately tall under the management of Mr. Joe McFarland and Mrs. Kate McFarland who,until recently had charge of the Panacea Springs hotel. Mr. Zachery ia a man of con- aiderable means and intends to expend a large sum in improving the Lanark Inn and in the endeav or to increase the ri p'dly growing popularity of this retort. A Lanark Improvement Com pany has been formed with Mr. }. W. Callahan, of this city, presi dent, and with their assistance, Lanark will be.tifttttformed into a place of beauty and an ideal resort. The hotel is first to be repaired and improved and electric lights will be put in all the buildings. The Company propose to build a handsome Club House, which will be attractive and convenient, and a groat drawing caid. A shell road will be built for twelve miles along the besen which will make one of the grandest automobile and carriage drives in rhe South Already the Company a*e ar ranging tor the sale ot some eight hundred lots. This aale will be extensively advertised, and peop e wish ng to erect enttages at Lan ark for their summer homes, will be glad of this oppor uni J Lanark ia admirably suited for a resort, as R ia not ooly right at the Quit with delightful breezes but it has alto a splendid; pring of strong iron water near the hotel. Under the management, we pre dict that Lanark and the Lanark Inn will rapidly increase in popu larity and success and when the improvements are made and the place transformed into a delightful resort, the peop’e not only of thiy sicti-n, but throughout this and other states will trrquent Lanark even as they do other |>opular and fashionable resorts Important Coart Notice. We call special attention to the court notice which appear* in this issue of the paper. November term of the Decatur county Supe rior Court convenes in this city on I Monday morning November 14th ] and ones interested are expected to be on band promptly. Any in formation concerning the case* to be at this time, can be gained by referring to said notice. The Daughters of the Confeder acy will noid their regular meet ing at the home ot Mrs. John E. Donalson on the first Thursday in November which will be next Thursday. All members arc urged to be present as there is inqiortant business to discuss. New Teachers Fleeted. At a meeting of the Trustees of the G S. M. C. held al the office of Julge H H. Biwer on Monday morning ot this week, Mrs. M. E. Mitchell was elected to teach in the college during this term. The school his been progressing splen didly under the management and the increased attendance rendered it necessary to employ another teacher for the graded department, Mrs. Mitchell who was selected to fill the place is an excellent in structor and a better choice could not have been made. She assumed her duties in the college on Tues day morning. At the same meeting Miss Em ma Slappey, of Butler, Ga., was elected music teacher to succeed Miss Julia Dickenson resigned. Mirs Slappey has not as yet ac cepted but as she is highly recom mended as an accomplished musi cian and as this department is needed and will add greatly to the school it is hoped that she will accept the post. New Manager tor Western Unien. Mr. John William Ware, who tor the past two years has been the efficient manager of the Wes tern Union Telegraph office here has severed his connection with the Telegraph Company and is now in the emp’oy of the G F & A. railroad, acting in the capacity of car accountant. Mr. R. L. Goolsby, of Dawson, Ga , has been appointed to suc ceed Mr. Ware as manager and is now in charge of the office.