The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, December 08, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 49 BAINBRIDGE. DECATUR COUNTY. GEORGIA. FRIDAV:. DECEMBER 8. 1911 n.rn.TTl - YE^ IN ADVANCE M. Brown Elected By Overwhelming Majority race for Governor of [esterday to fill out the term of Governor [ith, Governor Joseph M. everything his own ying 85 counties against with 39 and Dick 20 counties. Pope tnd Joe Brown tied in | county, each receiving own and Judge Russell [have carried all the big I. Russell capturing Chat- Richmond. Fulton, and Floyd, Joe Brown carrying Bibb and Muscogee. Joe Brown will go into the con vention with 202 votes, Pope Brown with 108 votes and Judge Russell with 54 votes. The indications are that a very light vote Was cast all over the state, Which indicates that the people did not become aroused over the contest even at the last, only a section here and there showing any signs of. special activity. Robert Parker Dead Conference Appointments I city after an illness last- | more than a week. [child is said to have suf- |with cholera infantum, r attention that medical las capable of giving, as ] these of loved ones, was (od upon the little sufferer, thing availed, and he ( con- ftogrow worse until the ras a bright, sweet child is a favorite with many of the city. Such blows rd»n parents' whose very re wrapped up in the care precious little ones, and nd Mrs. Parker havp the ,thy of the entire' city and unity in their dark hour of rrment will be in the city ery tomorrow morning. :es will be conducted by U. E. Ward. , Following are the appoint- |rt, the 17 month old ment8 f or the Thomasville Dis- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Par- trict ag rea( j out h y Bishop Mor- last night at their home ^g^ on the last night of the South Georgia Conference here. It will be noticed that Rev. C. T. Clark leaves Bainbridge. This move is very much regretted by a large number of the people here, as Mr. Clark and family have made many friends during their stay In Bainbridge. Rev. Walter Anthony comes to Bain bridge from the field that Mr. Clark goes to from Bainbridge. A number of other changes were made in the Thomasville • Dis trict. Here are the appoint ments: THOMASVILLE DISTRICT. Rev) John-M. Outler, presid ing elder. Thomasville, Rev. G. W. Mathews. Albany, Rev. L. J. Ballard. . Blakely, Rev. J. C. Flanders. Bainbridge, Rev. Walter An thony. Cairo, Rev. W. L.‘ Wright. Camilla, Rev. J. P. Chatfield. Arlington, Rev. E. E. Rose. Colquitt and Damascus, Rev. H. P. Stubbs. Boston circuit, Rev. W. T. ty s Bower’s Announcement D. R. Bower’s announcel as a candidate for Superin- of Education appears in 1 Stewart. < 3gue Donalsonville circuit, Rev. H. Bower is a native of this and is known to most of »eople. He graduated at the ersity of Georgia, taught yeers in the public schools lainbridge, served several s on the Board of Education ie county and has been for »st year Chairman of the ■d. \ elected Mr. Bower would e an efficient and capable offi- Federated Club Notes ' Mrs. J. E. Donalson, Pres. Bainbridge F. W. C. My Dear Mrs. Donalson: Thru you as President of the Federation of Woman’s Clubs of this city I wish to express my respect for and appreciation of the efforts of that organization to better the civic welfare. It is probable that there will be times when I would gladly enlist your co-operation in the interest of the children of the public schools. Just at present I am anxious.for a favorable outcome of tne bond issue that the material conditions may be so improved as to add greatly to comfort, spirit, schol arship and health. Should my calling this import ant matter to your attention in duce you to aid the Board of Lady Visitors for the school in its ef forts to secure these values I shall be very glad and apprecia tive. Very sincerely, J. F. Thomason. At a meeting of the Bain bridge Woman’s Club on Wed nesday, October 3rd, a motion was made and carried that the following recommendation be of fered the Bainbridge Federation: In consideration of the vita^ question to be voted upon by our citizens on October 28th, the voting of the city bonds for a new school building, it would be well for every woman to interest herself in this important matter, and bring to bear* her individual influence upon the men, not only of her immediate family, but up on every voter that she knows. If the issue is to be a close one, it is further recommended, that the Federation adopt such measures as may see..i .aost ex pedient to bring about the pass ing of these bonds, thereby se curing a new school building and putting our children in line for better educational advantages. Frances PoIpe Barney, Chairman of Education. he announcement of Mr. ind Bower makes it almost lin that three candidates be in the race for Superin- ent of Education. Hon. J.S. Iwell, the present incumbent mn again, and it is under- i that Mr. J. C, Green will n the race. rs- Kate Richardson O’Hare L Louis, lectured here at the 'a house to a larj^e audience night. Mrs. O’Hare is one he most eloq uent women lec- rs on the platform. ’ A •e-up of the lecture with - comments will be given ne of the pretti est places in state is the show window ot Iwell Motor Car Company. foving pictures Monday night World’s series Base Ball nei. L. Pearson. Brinson circuit, Rev. J. D. Snyder. Pavo circuit, Rev. Jason Shirak. Jakin circuit, Rev. M. M. Leggett. Whigham, C. E. Roberts. Pelham, Rev J. W. Libby. Baconton circuit, Rev. S. C. Oliff. Attapulgus circuit, Rev. R. F. Owens. Dixie circuit. Rev. L. W. Wal ker. Climax circuit, Rev. Leland Moore. Babcock circuit, Rev Walter Williams. Calvary circuit, Rev. C. B. G. Johnson. Ochlocknee circuit, Rev. C. E. Dell. Faceville circuit, Rev. L. E. Brady. Meigs circuit, Rev. B. C. Mat- terson. Metcalf circuit. Rev. J. E. Channelle. Coolidge circuit, Rev. J. W Hines. Hilton circuit. Rev. C. L. Wall Faircloth circuit, Rev. J. M, Clark. Conference missionary, Re v t F. A. Ratcliffe. Foreign missionary secretary board of missions. Rev. Ed F. Cost. Championship Base Ball Series at The Grand Monday night. Giants vs. the Athletics. Base Ball Monday night. The Grand. ! HUPMOBILE : The Removal of Rev. C. T. Gark Dee; y 1 Regretted. (fty a Member). That Rev. C. T. Clark should have been removed is very much regretted, both by his members and numbers of admirers who are not in % his flock. The splen did manner in which the business of. the Conference was conduct! a and the ability displayed by Mr. Clark, reflected great credit on Bainbridge. A favorable -and lasting impression was made on the visiting Pastors, and we appredbjte the energy of Mr. Cifurk, for his chprchand his city He i* a very lovable man, and our daily contact with him is an inspiration to us. When he leave* us and enters upon his new field, we will miss the hearty hand-shake and pleasant greet ing that always awaited us- Mr. Clark is a man of convictions, he alway* takes n firm stana v on the moral side of questions. Hisles sons from the pulpit are deliv ered in an impressive end force- 1 ful manner.. Having had the South* Georgia Conference with us, gives us an opportunity to better realize and determine that we have had a Pastor who would do full credit to the largest charge in the Con ference. Now that we are to lose him, we express our deep regret. We shall miss him as Pastor t Friend, Citizen, and from every standpoint that a God fear ing, Christian gentleman should be missed. Council Proceedings At the regular meeting of the Mayor and Counoil Monday night a recess was taken until Tuesday night, when the body met again and trnsacted some very import ant business. Those present when the meet ing first opened were Counciinien Callahan, Baggs, Jaing, and Nussbaum. Mayor Jno, E. Toole came in later. Duing the Mryor,s absenpe however, Mayor Pro Tern Callahan occupied the chair. Gne of the interesting works of the body was the fixing of licenses for near beer places for 1912. There developed a consid erable difference of opinion in re gard to this, Messrs. Callahan and Baggs favoring a higher license, the others favoring , low Tiie Election In Decatur. Pope Brown carried Decatpr county yesterday, by a small margin, only 35 votes being to credit over the next nearest man, Joseph M. Brown. Only 876 votes were cast in th j coun ty, Pope receiving 356, Joe Brown 821 and Dick Russell 199. Three districts did not hold any election. These were Bells, Fowltown and Kendrick. The yote by districts was as follows: Bainbridge, Pope Brows, 86, Joe Brown, 149, Russell, 53. Attapulgus, Pope Brown. 18, Joe Brown, 5, Russell, 10. Belcher, Pope Brown. 5, Joe Brown, 2, Russell. 22. Brinson, Pope Brown, 46, Joe Brown, 18, Russell, 10. Climax, Pope Brown, 41, Joe license. Finally Mr. Laing moved l 4 * Russell, for compromise M* Gafltfen L Do T nal “ n vi “°- JT nnt vnf Browti, 26; Russell, 14. The wood proposition is getting to be q serious one in Bainbridge. Duing the cold spell quite a num ber of people could' hardly get wood for love or ")noney. A first-class wood yard should be a paying business here, y Hon. Thos. Parker wi 1 among the visitors in the city t esday. T. I. Thomason an' /^e-have just opened uj> a £, -><tory here which is undet (LE J be a branch of the one th i° n > re cently opened in Atlalld h The cigars they are making are Ji'AU ~ - . to be of a splendid flavor and are fir8t meeting in January being in the chair could not vote and the votes of Messrs. Laing. and Nussbaum carried Mr. Laing’s resolution so that the license for selling near beer, wholesale and retail, in Bain bridge, will be two hundred dol lars for 1912. Eight place made application for the privilege td sell near beer, including one wholesale house. These were all granted. Another interesting matter was the fixing of the pay for the Mayor and Aldermen for another year. Besides a smalLsalary the Mayor has heretofotV been re ceiving a fee from fines, arrests, etc., which has amounted to a considerable sum. It is under stood the entire sum last year amounted to more than $1,500, It will probably amount to more than this next year. It is thought that this amount is more than the Mayor of Bainbridge should re ceive, and besides, there is con siderable opposition to the fee system in any form. After some discussion the salary for the Mayor was fixed at $600 for the year and the Aldermen. to re ceive $4.00 per month. Ihe sal aries of the other officials will be arranged by the new Council at Faceville, Pope Brown, 13, Joe Brown, 24, Russell, 1.' Iron City, Pope Brown. 87, Joe Brown, 16, Russell, 20. Parker, Pope Crown, 2, Joe Brown, 3, Russell, 11. Pine Hill, Pope Brown, 12, Joe Brown, 19, Russell, 15. Recovery, Pope Brown, 7, Joe Brown, 18, Russel), 2. Spring Creek, Pope Brown, 8, Joe Brown, 32, Russell, 88. Steam Mill, Pope Brown, 42, Joe Brown, 1, Russell, 4. Stanley for Labor Commissio ner snowed McCarthy under badiyin tho county, the former receiving 647 to the latter’s 208. • . The election was a very quiet affair throughout the county. At The Methodist Church. Rev. C. T. Clark will oceupy the pulpit at the Methodist Church here Sunday mornihg and evening at the regular hours, it being the last service he wiU conduct before going to his qew charge. He invites the members' and public generally to attend these services. made of a Decatur county grown tobacco. It will be seen that, on the num ber of arrest, fines etc this year, the amount put into the city treksuary next year by abolishing fee system will be something iikel&OOO, which is a considers; bie item of retrenchment for a place the size of Bainbridge. WE HAVE THE’lil IN STOCK \ PRICE Cg 8. FACTORY Our Territory: Decalur, Grady, Miller, Mitchell, Early and Baker Counties, Ga., and Leon and Gadsden v Counties, Fla. CALDWELL. MOTOR CAR ba:neriobe, oeoriia Mr. S. Brinson was among the visitors in the city Tuesday. Hon. Thos. Parker was among the visitors in the city Tuesday. The wood nroposition is get ting to be a serious one in Bain bridge. During the cold spell quite a number of the people could hardly get wood for love or money. A first-class word yard should be a paying bus ness here. Miss Sadie Kent of Savann is the guest for a few days of her sist.r, Mr. C. N. Wilson. The Geo. H. Fields Co. has one of ihe prettiest show win dows the writ3r has e\er seen, those in the larger cities not ex cepted. This firm has some mighty pretty things to thow on the in ride as well as in the w n- dow. They have come before the readers this week with a full page ad whieh th juld be real by all. Thousands should see the Bast Ball games Monday night at The Gland. The Telephone Company is now distributing a new issue of direc tory pf telephone subscribers, corrected to Nov. 1st, whieh dis tribution will be completed by Friday evening, 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and children of Donalsonville were among the visitors to the Annual Conference stopping at Mrs Fitz geralds passents Mr. and Mrs T. B. Maxwell- Mr. S, Brinson was among the visitors in the city Tuesday. Mr. C. H. Boughman returned Tuesday from a trip to Jackson ville. On his way home he stop ped over in Lake City, Fla., and was the first man to take a meal in the beautiful new restaurant just opened there, in which Mr. O. N. Canova, one of the largest stockholders of the Search light is interested. Mr. Boughman says the firm seems to' have a splen did future before it. Mr. Canc- va will be in Bainbridge on a visit in a few days. the best thing you can do fcr the city of Bainbridge is to go to che polls on election day and vote for bonds. It is your op portunity to help start the city m an upward growth that will nean a city of 10,000 people here ,n a few yours. , « Miss Sadie Kent of Savannah is the guest fora few days pf her lister, Mr?. C. N. Wilaoo.