The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, May 10, 1912, Image 1

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Sty? flfambriftgg €>garrIt ICtgljt L 20 NO. BAINBRIDGE. DECATUR COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912 $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE llMISSIONfRS m VERY BUSY . an 1 Washouts Causing Board to Make Number ot Plans. j'l,,. County Commissioners l|d their regular meeting Mon- Iv of this week. It, was one of most interesting meeting vet | by that body. People from parts of the county were Ming with the Commissioners j hurry with the road work and it to them as quickly as possi- Repairing Work Progressing. The Commissioners were prob- |y never more busy or harder t to it than just now. They doing everything in their nver to repair the roads where eh work is worst needed. They e doing the same thing with e bridge work. Some have made the estimate iatit would take $20,000 to re- air the roads and place them lack in the same condition they >re before the heavy rains setin "ie months ago. To do all this r>rk with the force now at their mmand. is the problem before he Commissioners. The roads have] never been sashed so badly before. This olds good throughout every sec- ion of the county. It is talked by some that now would be a good time for the authorities to employ a civil en gineer and work every piece of road from now on according to his surveys and specifications. They claim that this would be a great help should there ever come such a time as this in the future. They claim that not only the roads should be worked by such ( Ians, but the bridges should be built, with the abutments and all. located by the measurement of a civil engiueer. -fust at this point it is being suggested that the county should The Georgia. Florida and Ala bama railroad people have had a large force of men at their shops here cleaning up from the burn ing which destroyed so much of the road’s property there Wed nesday morning of last week. They have made a considera ble showing during the time. Two of the locamotives have already been fitted up completely and have received a new coat of paint and made to look almost as if they had just emerged from ti e shops to make their first run. These locamotives are al ready on the road again and do ing service. They are Nos. 202 and 104, and are among the best locomotives on the road. The three other locomotives which were in the burning are being overhauled as fast as the work can de done, and they are expected to be on the road in a short while. Various other work of repair ing is going on, the work being done on such machinery and material as can he repaired. Mr. Charlton and all his men are as busy as can be. It is re markable how so much work can he turned out in such short time. BAINBRIDGE NORTHEASTERN Road From Camilla or Pelbam lo Traverse Decatur County to Gulf. be bonded with a sufficient amount to put all the roads in good condition at the very earl iest possible date. This, they claim, would leave the regular force with the work of keeping the roads in good repair. They claim that the county will soon have a sufficient number of miles graded to require the work of the entire present force to keep them in good repair. Ail such suggestions and many others, are before the Commis sioners and they are busy repair ing and working the roads and calculating on what is best to do at this time. Return your taxes now. JUST ARRIVED -Several Car Loads- Automobiles The HAYNES ELECTRIC LIGHTED, 37x41-2 Tires, Cylinders 41-2x51-2, Self Start er, 120 Wheel Base. The COLE ELECTRIC LIGHTED, 37x41-2 Tires, Cylinders 41-2x51-4, Self Start- ■f-r. 122 Wheel Base, Shock Ab sorbers, Seat Covers. The NEW MOBILE MODEL .32, Cylinders 51-2 Stroke, Tires ‘32x31-2. We will have this Model in 2 and 4 passenger. This car has created a sensation and the demand is greater than the supply. All the above are new Models and intending purchasers should see them. Caldwell Motor Car Co. Bainbridge, "ON THE SQUARE" Georgia. Mr. Harvey Harding, presi dent of the Bainbridge North eastern Railroad has been in and around Bainbridge for the past week. It will be remembered that this is the- railroad that was to be built from Bainbridge to Pelham or Camilla through the northern section of the county and in a southerly direction to the Gulf. While we have not the authority to say so yet we are reliably in formed that Mr. Harding has in timated that it is the purpose of himself and his associats to now put the road through as original ly undertaken, and that it will not be a great while before ac tive operation begins. Of course the people along the line will welcome this enterprise as it will be a great developer for this entire section. Flood Condition Grow Worse LETTER TO THE CORN CLUB BOYS Scott to Make the Race. Mr. Cunningham Gives Good Advice to Boys Abo Have Joined the Clubs. It will be remembered that the Search Light made a plea last week for something to be done in Decatur county for the Miss issippi flood suffers. Mr. M. C. Knight, of Cilmax, is the first one to respond with a cash con tribution to this most worthy cause. Others have written that they are ready to send in a con tribution as soon as it is desig nated who the money is to be sent to. The Search Light takes the liberty to name Mrs. John E. Donalson, of Bainbridge, as the proper person to receive the money and forward it to these unfortunate people. Mr. M. C. Knight sent $2.00. This will be turned over by the Search Light to Mrs. Donalson to be sent where it is needed to feed those who are on the point of starvation in the flood district. Others wishing to contribute may send the money direct to Mrs. Donalson or to the Search Light to be turned over to her for this purpose. Any amount will be thanklully received. The flood situation is much worse than it was last week. More than a hundred thousand people have been driven from their homes and have lost every thing they had in the world. The number of drowned will propably reach into the hun dreds. The situation is enough to make the hardest heart bleed with pity. The names and amounts of everybody sending in anything will be published. Special Announcement (At .Methodist Church) Special attention is called to the 3ci via s at the Methodist Church next Sunday morning and evening. At the morning hour, 11 a-m. f the Congregation will observe ‘‘Mothers Day”, the pastor preaching on “Mothers”. In the evening at 7:45, will be continued the series of sermons on “Souls”; the subject of the sermon is to be "Murderers of Following is a letter sent out by Mr. G. V. Cunningham to the members of the Corn Club: Dear Corn Club Member: I ar writing you this letter to assure you of my great interest in you and your corn, and am wishing for you the greatest suc cess possible in this contest. As should be expected, of course I am exceedingly anxious to see some one of you hoys win the first prize in the State, and there is no reason why you should not. You have some of the very- best soil in the State, the climate is ideal, the moisture supply has been plentiful so far and promis es to continue so, -and this is all to your advantage—and I believe you are as good boys as can be found in the State. Then why not win? You can do it. Go after it with all your might. I want to m.ake a few Sugges tions to you. Read carefully every bulletin sent you by both the State College of Agriculture and the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. You will note in these bulletins that one of the essential things to do is to cultivate often and soon after every rain, unless it rains every day. It is a notable fact that the largest yield pro duced by a boy was done with eleven cultivations. The cultivations should be shallow, however, not over one an^"a half inches deep if possi ble.’ This can best be done with some form of spring-tooth culti vator or spike tooth, or with scooter and scrape if you can’t do any better. The first culti vation given might be .dghyeap it will help to keep t’ “ a „‘Mose for a long time, which will be beneficial. There are very handsome prizes offered to you in your county, und.Q^ve are more t^an $5,00(1' descei'i , JA '■ Ihe St J’e. AmonJ an ene^ffering prizesuis the Souuf.cit'orgia Land and in dustrial Exposition to be held at Tifton, Georgia, sometime this fall. I want you to keep this in mind and select 10 ears of your very best corn from your acre and send it in. I shall be glad to take charge of it and see to it that it is entered for the hand some prizes offered. I am hop ing, too, that you can go to this fair, as it will be well worth your while to meet with the other boys of South Georgia and see what each has done. The railroads and express companies will carry your exhibit free of charge. Also, I am hoping that your father will go along with you While considerable talk is be ing done, there is not much cer- taintly as yet as to the number of legislative candidates in Decatur county. Several will probably enter the race, but as to who they will be is a question yet un answered. So far, Mr. C. B. Scott is the only one sure to make the race. Mr. Scott has assured the Search Light that he will make the race, and that his announcement will be made in due time. Mr. Scott has had assurances of strong support from every section of the county. Probably no man in the county has studied the political situation of Georgia more closely than has Mr. Scott. As is known by all, he takes a lively interest in all political questions before the people. When he takes a stand for a PLEA TO IMPROVE CITY CEMETERY Chairman J. M. Laiug Writes Interestug Card on Much Needed Work. measure he is as solid as a rock. Editor Search Light: From time immemorial it has been the custom for people to beautify the last resting place of their dead loved ones. It has been a task, laden with love and affection, to visit the “Silent City of the Dead” and there, with loving hearts and tender care, spread flowers upon their graves and watch the var ious evergreens grow, thus keep ing the memory of loved ones ever fresh in our minds and hearts. About the first place a stran ger to a town or city will go is He has the welfare of tip# coun ty and state as much at heart as any man living. His honesty and integrity is unquestioned. It seems now that Mr, Scott to their cemetery. This spot is regarded as an index to the class and nature of the people who are yet alive. The visitor wants to see what condition the place is in. He wishes to ascertain if it will he one of the men to repre- jis welt kept, filled with flowers, Sent the county in the next leg- shubbery, etc. Nice clean walks islature, and if he does go, no and all those beautifying ele- county will have a stauncher | ments. friend and no people will have a j There is no other place in any more conscientious representa- citv, town or hamlet more dear tive than Decatur will have in ! to its citizens hearts. It is one C. B, Scott. and talk to you about the many wonderful opportunities you have. Write me any time you need any information or help. I shall be only too glad to do anything I can. Sincerely, G. V. Cunningham. District Agent Boys’ Corn Club and School Extension. The Bainbridge Study Club en joyed a pleasant afternoon Tues day at the home of Miss Lotta Belle Mays. plot that all are interested in, and one place that all should strive to.bejuitify. What ia the condition of our own cemetery today? Have you given this a thought? Or) one side you see a well kept lot, flowers, green, well- groomed shubbery and nice clean walks. A place that bespeaks that care that all should take. Right by this beautiful lot you see one with a topling tomb stone, briars and weeds waist high and a sunken grave with its gaping hole filled with brush and briars. (Continued on page 6) and take sonr of exhibit, j There will behnany prizes offer- j ed for the men as well as you! boys. tj,/ 1 Another opportunity which l hope you will keep in mind is t that of spending ten days at the | State College of Agriculture at! Athens, Georgia, at a Short! Course offered the members of the Boys’ Corn Club free of; charge. This will be held the first ten days during next Jan- j LADIES’ SHOES AT COST Every pair of Ladies’ Shoes in our store will be sold at ACTUAL COST FOR CASH Every shoe in our house is brand new and of the Latest styles. j Sou Is “Peculiar interest is attach- uary This fill be a fine oppor- , cd to this series of sermons, arid : tunity for you to have an enjoya- | the public generally is invited to ble trip and at the same time | attend. j learn something that you would , like to know. It is just fine to Dr. F, C. Herring and -Mr. J. igo and see the wonderful things W. Napier of Climax, were that are there, among the business visitors in Before long I hope to get all Bainbridge first of the week, the boys of your county O/getrwr SALE LAST FOR 2 WEEKS Geo. H. Fields Co. “THE SHOP OF FASHION” Bainbridge, Georgia.