The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, May 24, 1912, Image 2

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Careful Attention No matter how slight the operation or how small my fee, every case that comes into this establishment has the most careful attention of a skillful dental surgeon. My reputation has been built upon high quality work and I have too much at stake to risk anything less than best treatment. My improved equipment enables me to render the very highest class service in scientific, PAINLESS Dentistry. The patronage of ladies and children is especially invited. 1 am prepared to give them especial attention. All Work ^ Examination GuaranteedFREE These Are My Prices For Best Quality Dental Work Set of Teeth $6.00 Gold Crowns $4.00 and $5.00 Bridge Work $4.00 DR. H. F. HA MIL Hamil building Opposite Court Hour Bainbridcc, Gn. Tax Receivers Rounds FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL ALBANY CIRCUIT. Aspiring to re-election to the office or Solicitor General of the Albany Circuit, subject to the ensuing ririmi*y, I announce my candidacy forlhat office. w\gh byJhe grace olwie people 1 have heretofore heldM ’ithout opposi tion. I%t rust uiat the white voters of this circuit, to whom my candidacy fir re-election is to be submitted in the primary, will regard my experience as pros ecuting attorney as being of some value to the public interests and my record as such officer as meriting my re-election. My attendance on the courts of this circuit and the proper dis charge of the exacting duties of my office will preclude the possi bility of my making a thorough personal canvass of the circuit, but I am sure that these condi tions will lie understood and appreciated. 1 respectfully solicit, and shall be sincerely grateful fora favor able consideration of my candi dacy for re-election by the qu^f- «**«?*tf**»**-***»*****<* ; S»®*'> 5 PROFESSIONALS 1 * iff * *•*»*#* >**#*$$*#* * v * J. C. HALE ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ..AT-LAW.. i General Practice in State ami Federal Courts. Hiuvil building Bainbridge, Ga CRT H. KCHREI.L — WM. V. Cl RUSSELL & CUSTER .. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW.. Office Up-Stairs Allen Building BAINBRIDGE GEORGIA BYRON BOWER Attorney at Law Practices in all Courts. Office in New Bovver Bldg. Bainbridge, - - Georgia. tied voters of this circuit. Respectfully, William E. Wooten. Albany. Ga.. April 111. ’12. DR. JNO. I. SPOONER PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Medical Building, Don- alsonville, Ga. I Calls promptly answered day or night. Residence ’phone 62. Office ’phone 19. For Solicitor General. I tun a candidate for the office of Solicitor General of the Albany Judicial Circuit, subject to the ensuing state primary. J earnestly solicit from every one a careful consideration of my candidacy. For every vote that may be cast for me, I make the pledge of a fair and faithful discharge of the duties of the office, if elected. Most respectfully yours R. C. Bell. Cairo. Ga., Feb. 26th, 1912. Joe H. Gilpin. — — J. D. Talbert. TALBERT & GILPIN. —: ATTORNEYS AT LAW *.— Will Practice in all the Courts. Bainbridge, Georgia. Dissolution Notice. 1 will be at the following named places on dates given below for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the year 1912. FIRST ROUND Pine Hill Monday Apri Belcher (at court house) Tues day Apri Parker (at Bell’s store) Wed nesday Apri 1 1 Thursday April Friday Apri! Saturday April Monday April Tuesday April Wednesday April Thursday April Friday April Saturday April Monday April c Tuesd »y -April Sleam .Mill (at court house') Wednesday a. m. April Lela Wednesday p. m. April Donalsonville Thursday April Iron City Friday April Brinson Saturday April Kendrick Monday April Climax Bells Bainbridge Fowl town Face vi lie Recovery Bettstown Attapulgiu Bainbridgt Rock Pond Spring ('ret SECOND ROUND Belcher (at Alliance school house) Tuesday April Parker (at Bell’s store) Wednesday April Climax' Thursday April Bells (at Johnson’s store) Friday a. m. April Amsterdam Friday p. m. April Monday April Tuesday Ajiril 26 Fowltown Face vi lie Attapulgus Wednesday May Kendrick Kldorendo Rock Fond Spring Creek Steam Mill Donalsonville ; Iron City j Recovery Brinson Friday May Saturday May Monday May Tuesday May Thursday May Friday May Saturday May Tuesday May Thursday May Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Trains Leave Bainbridge Daily For Tallahassee, Apalachicola, Jacksonville and all Florida points.. 11 a. m., 8:30 p. m. For Cuthbert, Richland, Col umbus, Atlanta, ,7:30a. m. For Cuthbert, Macon and At lanta »4:40p. m. « Connects with Central of Georgia at Cuthbert. Through sleeper to Macon. Atlanta, etc. Careful attention given re quests for reservations. LANARK SPECIAL ) 6:45 aT. C. A. liARJUijj^" R. B. C e ,J. ACOSTA, 'ilf&ffic Mg’r. !>n. Manager. Georgia, Early County. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Clark & Drake hereotfore engaged in the cross tie business at Jakin and Iron City, Ga; has been dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. Drake retiring from the firm. H. G. Clark will continue the business and will assume and pay all indebtedness due by the firm. This May 10, 1912. .1. W. Drake, H. G. Clark. Automob i 1 Road Racesi '*> StocK Cars Bainbridge, Ga. THURSDAY JUNE Under Management of Bainbridge Automobile Club. 38 Mile Circuit Light Car Races Start 10 a. m. Heavy “ “ “ 2 p. m. Motorcycle “ 4 p. m. $250 In Prizes Finest Course in the State Fast Time will be Made. You are Invited and Expected. For Entry Blanks Address. C. H. CALDWELL, Sec y, Bainbridge, Georgia. We make a specialty of mag- neta work or anything electrical. Charges reasonable. T. F Crawley. Notice To the gentleman who borrow-l ed the county map from my office I Notice! Tax Payers This is to notify the public that I will receive no tax returns from any party unless same is . . , . sworn to befcre an authorized offi- during mv absence, I will thanil cer of the law or myself. ' J’ ou to return same, I need it| T. J. Jackson, now. Tax Receivei-, Decatur Co. | T. J. Jackson 15—6t. j T R. of D. C. I will be in Bainbridge during May term of Superior Court, i figures, also continuously from June 1st, until the books close, which will be positively on June 20th. according to law. T. .1. JACKSON, Tax Receiver, We equip faHL. with electric lights, and thM difference as compared to aas than most pZjliple , sons df .siring it we \ c pleasure in giving t)' rp , ft. fitmres: Write or call/WIC AI Bainbridge Auto & Construction Company’s New Garage and Repair Shop Opened On West Street Between Broughton and Water Streets T. F. CRATk >i|| at the BainbridgConsj Bainbridge, : : : e » Jtc-u ill whi: Cliett Hardware Co ung an ;om... 'Cord Headquarters For All Kinds of Summer Goods A Full Line of Screen Doors and Windows Painted and Galvanized Screens Ice Cream Freezers==AL [Sizes Water Coolers Garden Hose Garden Tools, etc. With which is combined the electrical business of T. F. Crawley. ' As heretofore all prices on Electrical Supplies, etc., will be the lowest in town, quality considered. The Automobile Department will also give the people the bene fit of the lowest prevailing prices. Gasoline, Oil and Accessories will be sold for less than you pay elsewhere. The policy of this concern will be to give the most value for the least money, and for this reason we earnestly ask the support and co-operation of every one. We Handle K-R-I-T Cars Best Car under $1500.00 Manufactured. Factory out-put 34 per day and there are no second-hand K-R-I-TS on the market. There is a reason. Ask the K-R-I-T ICAL man. K-R-I-T Model “K” Five Passenger Touring’ Car Delivered, Fully Equipped QQ Call and inspect them. De Catalogue Free. monstration any time Telephone No. 36 Bainbridge Auto and Construction Co. T. F. CRAWLEY, Manager. The I rople s Garage Bainbridge, Ga.